commit: e077da27fecd337c8cd42ec2932e5f6112cc8d76
parent 3b2bac7a0f8ace908bbb665c2ea1080ca8e6eacc
Author: Haelwenn <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 22:46:37 +0000
Merge branch 'weblate' into 'develop'
Translations update from Pleroma Weblate
See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3705
9 files changed, 13305 insertions(+), 307 deletions(-)
diff --git a/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/config_descriptions.po b/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/config_descriptions.po
@@ -0,0 +1,6011 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-22 02:09+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
+"Language-Team: none\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 3.7.2\n"
+## This file is a PO Template file.
+## "msgid"s here are often extracted from source code.
+## Add new translations manually only if they're dynamic
+## translations that can't be statically extracted.
+## Run "mix gettext.extract" to bring this file up to
+## date. Leave "msgstr"s empty as changing them here has no
+## effect: edit them in PO (.po) files instead.
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd"
+msgid "Before enabling this you must add :esshd to mix.exs as one of the extra_applications and generate host keys in your priv dir with ssh-keygen -m PEM -N \"\" -b 2048 -t rsa -f ssh_host_rsa_key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger"
+msgid "Logger-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :mime"
+msgid "Mime Types settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma"
+msgid "Allows setting a token that can be used to authenticate requests with admin privileges without a normal user account token. Append the `admin_token` parameter to requests to utilize it. (Please reconsider using HTTP Basic Auth or OAuth-based authentication if possible)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma"
+msgid "Authenticator"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack"
+msgid "Quack-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug"
+msgid "CORS plug config"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd"
+msgid "ESSHD"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger"
+msgid "Logger"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime"
+msgid "Mime Types"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma"
+msgid "Pleroma Admin Token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma"
+msgid "Pleroma Authenticator"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack"
+msgid "Quack Logger"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:console"
+msgid "Console logger settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger"
+msgid "ExSyslogger-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub"
+msgid "ActivityPub-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets"
+msgid "This section configures assets to be used with various frontends. Currently the only option relates to mascots on the mastodon frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth"
+msgid "Authentication / authorization settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool"
+msgid "Advanced settings for `Gun` connections pool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications"
+msgid "Email notifications settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:features"
+msgid "Customizable features"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed"
+msgid "Configure feed rendering"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations"
+msgid "This form can be used to configure a keyword list that keeps the configuration data for any kind of frontend. By default, settings for pleroma_fe are configured. If you want to add your own configuration your settings all fields must be complete."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends"
+msgid "Installed frontends management"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher"
+msgid "Gopher settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools"
+msgid "Advanced settings for `Hackney` connections pools"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http"
+msgid "HTTP settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security"
+msgid "HTTP security settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance"
+msgid "Instance-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instances_favicons"
+msgid "Control favicons for instances"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap"
+msgid "Use LDAP for user authentication. When a user logs in to the Pleroma instance, the name and password will be verified by trying to authenticate (bind) to a LDAP server. If a user exists in the LDAP directory but there is no account with the same name yet on the Pleroma instance then a new Pleroma account will be created with the same name as the LDAP user name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:majic_pool"
+msgid "Majic/libmagic configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest"
+msgid "This section describe PWA manifest instance-specific values. Currently this option relate only for MastoFE."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy"
+msgid "Media preview proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy"
+msgid "Media proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:modules"
+msgid "Custom Runtime Modules"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf"
+msgid "General MRF settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration"
+msgid "Adds automatic expiration to all local activities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot"
+msgid "Automatically follows newly discovered accounts."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag"
+msgid "Reject, TWKN-remove or Set-Sensitive messsages with specific hashtags (without the leading #)\n\nNote: This MRF Policy is always enabled, if you want to disable it you have to set empty lists.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread"
+msgid "Block messages with excessive user mentions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword"
+msgid "Reject or Word-Replace messages matching a keyword or [Regex]("
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_mention"
+msgid "Block messages which mention a specific user"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_normalize_markup"
+msgid "MRF NormalizeMarkup settings. Scrub configured hypertext markup."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age"
+msgid "Rejects or delists posts based on their timestamp deviance from your server's clock."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic"
+msgid "RejectNonPublic drops posts with non-public visibility settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple"
+msgid "Simple ingress policies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji"
+msgid "Steals emojis from selected instances when it sees them."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain"
+msgid "This policy processes messages through an alternate pipeline when a given message matches certain criteria. All criteria are configured as a map of regular expressions to lists of policy modules."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary"
+msgid "Filter messages which belong to certain activity vocabularies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2"
+msgid "Configure OAuth 2 provider capabilities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools"
+msgid "Advanced settings for `Gun` workers pools"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table"
+msgid "`populate_hashtags_table` background migration settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit"
+msgid "Rate limit settings. This is an advanced feature enabled only for :authentication by default."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated"
+msgid "Disallow viewing timelines, user profiles and statuses for unauthenticated users."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media"
+msgid "If enabled the instance will parse metadata from attached links to generate link previews"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:shout"
+msgid "Pleroma shout settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:static_fe"
+msgid "Render profiles and posts using server-generated HTML that is viewable without using JavaScript"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:streamer"
+msgid "Settings for notifications streamer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:uri_schemes"
+msgid "URI schemes related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl"
+msgid "The expiration time for the web responses cache. Values should be in milliseconds or `nil` to disable expiration."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome"
+msgid "Welcome messages settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:workers"
+msgid "Includes custom worker options not interpretable directly by `Oban`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter"
+msgid "Limits configuration for background tasks."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban"
+msgid "[Oban]( asynchronous job processor configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha"
+msgid "Captcha-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha"
+msgid "Kocaptcha is a very simple captcha service with a single API endpoint, the source code is here: The default endpoint ( is hosted by the developer."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgid "Mailer-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail"
+msgid "New users admin email digest"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail"
+msgid "Email template settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter"
+msgid "Configuration for Pleroma's link formatter which parses mentions, hashtags, and URLs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity"
+msgid "Scheduled activities settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload"
+msgid "Upload general settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename"
+msgid "Filter replaces the filename of the upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify"
+msgid "Uploads mogrify filter settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local"
+msgid "Local uploader-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3"
+msgid "S3 uploader-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup"
+msgid "Account Backup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http"
+msgid "HTTP invalidate settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script"
+msgid "Invalidation script settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata"
+msgid "Metadata-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp"
+msgid "`Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp` is a shim to call [`RemoteIp`]( but with runtime configuration.\n**If your instance is not behind at least one reverse proxy, you should not enable this plug.**\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload"
+msgid "Preload-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity"
+msgid "Expired activities settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter"
+msgid "Prometheus app metrics endpoint configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details"
+msgid "Web Push Notifications configuration. You can use the mix task mix web_push.gen.keypair to generate it."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3"
+msgid "S3"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console"
+msgid "Console Logger"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger"
+msgid "ExSyslogger"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub"
+msgid "ActivityPub"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets"
+msgid "Assets"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth"
+msgid "Auth"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool"
+msgid "Connections pool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications"
+msgid "Email notifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji"
+msgid "Emoji"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:features"
+msgid "Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed"
+msgid "Feed"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations"
+msgid "Frontend configurations"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends"
+msgid "Frontends"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher"
+msgid "Gopher"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools"
+msgid "Hackney pools"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http"
+msgid "HTTP"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security"
+msgid "HTTP security"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance"
+msgid "Instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instances_favicons"
+msgid "Instances favicons"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap"
+msgid "LDAP"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:majic_pool"
+msgid "Majic pool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest"
+msgid "Manifest"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup"
+msgid "Markup Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy"
+msgid "Media preview proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy"
+msgid "Media proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:modules"
+msgid "Modules"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf"
+msgid "MRF"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration"
+msgid "MRF Activity Expiration Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot"
+msgid "MRF FollowBot Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag"
+msgid "MRF Hashtag"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread"
+msgid "MRF Hellthread"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword"
+msgid "MRF Keyword"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_mention"
+msgid "MRF Mention"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_normalize_markup"
+msgid "MRF Normalize Markup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age"
+msgid "MRF Object Age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic"
+msgid "MRF Reject Non Public"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple"
+msgid "MRF Simple"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji"
+msgid "MRF Emojis"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain"
+msgid "MRF Subchain"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary"
+msgid "MRF Vocabulary"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2"
+msgid "OAuth2"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools"
+msgid "Pools"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table"
+msgid "Populate hashtags table"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit"
+msgid "Rate limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated"
+msgid "Restrict Unauthenticated"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media"
+msgid "Rich media"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:shout"
+msgid "Shout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:static_fe"
+msgid "Static FE"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:streamer"
+msgid "Streamer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:uri_schemes"
+msgid "URI Schemes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:user"
+msgid "User"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl"
+msgid "Web cache TTL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome"
+msgid "Welcome"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:workers"
+msgid "Workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter"
+msgid "ConcurrentLimiter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban"
+msgid "Oban"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha"
+msgid "Pleroma.Captcha"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha"
+msgid "Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgid "Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail"
+msgid "Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail"
+msgid "Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter"
+msgid "Linkify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity"
+msgid "Pleroma.ScheduledActivity"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload"
+msgid "Pleroma.Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename"
+msgid "Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify"
+msgid "Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local"
+msgid "Pleroma.Uploaders.Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3"
+msgid "Pleroma.Uploaders.S3"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User"
+msgid "Pleroma.User"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup"
+msgid "Pleroma.User.Backup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity"
+msgid "Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details"
+msgid "Vapid Details"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables SSH"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :handler"
+msgid "Handler module"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :password_authenticator"
+msgid "Authenticator module"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :port"
+msgid "Port to connect"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :priv_dir"
+msgid "Dir with SSH keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :access_key_id"
+msgid "S3 access key ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :host"
+msgid "S3 host"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :region"
+msgid "S3 region (for AWS)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :secret_access_key"
+msgid "Secret access key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger > :backends"
+msgid "Where logs will be sent, :console - send logs to stdout, { ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger } - to syslog, Quack.Logger - to Slack."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:console > :format"
+msgid "Default: \"$date $time [$level] $levelpad$node $metadata $message\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:console > :level"
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :format"
+msgid "Default: \"$date $time [$level] $levelpad$node $metadata $message\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :ident"
+msgid "A string that's prepended to every message, and is typically set to the app name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :level"
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma > :admin_token"
+msgid "Admin token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :blockers_visible"
+msgid "Whether a user can see someone who has blocked them"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :follow_handshake_timeout"
+msgid "Following handshake timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :note_replies_output_limit"
+msgid "The number of Note replies' URIs to be included with outgoing federation (`5` to match Mastodon hardcoded value, `0` to disable the output)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :outgoing_blocks"
+msgid "Whether to federate blocks to other instances"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :sign_object_fetches"
+msgid "Sign object fetches with HTTP signatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :unfollow_blocked"
+msgid "Whether blocks result in people getting unfollowed"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets > :default_mascot"
+msgid "This will be used as the default mascot on MastoFE. Default: `:pleroma_fox_tan`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets > :default_user_avatar"
+msgid "URL of the default user avatar"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets > :mascots"
+msgid "Keyword of mascots, each element must contain both an URL and a mime_type key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :auth_template"
+msgid "Authentication form template. By default it's `show.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage"
+msgid "OAuth admin scope requirement toggle. If enabled, admin actions explicitly demand admin OAuth scope(s) presence in OAuth token (client app must support admin scopes). If disabled and token doesn't have admin scope(s), `is_admin` user flag grants access to admin-specific actions."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_strategies"
+msgid "The list of enabled OAuth consumer strategies. By default it's set by OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES environment variable. Each entry in this space-delimited string should be of format \"strategy\" or \"strategy:dependency\" (e.g. twitter or keycloak:ueberauth_keycloak_strategy in case dependency is named differently than ueberauth_<strategy>)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_template"
+msgid "OAuth consumer mode authentication form template. By default it's `consumer.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connect_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `gun` will wait until connection is up. Default: 5000ms."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_retries"
+msgid "Number of attempts to acquire the connection from the pool if it is overloaded. Default: 5"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_wait"
+msgid "Timeout to acquire a connection from pool. The total max time is this value multiplied by the number of retries. Default: 250ms."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :max_connections"
+msgid "Maximum number of connections in the pool. Default: 250 connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :reclaim_multiplier"
+msgid "Multiplier for the number of idle connection to be reclaimed if the pool is full. For example if the pool maxes out at 250 connections and this setting is set to 0.3, the pool will reclaim at most 75 idle connections if it's overloaded. Default: 0.1"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest"
+msgid "emails of \"what you've missed\" for users who have been inactive for a while"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :active"
+msgid "Globally enable or disable digest emails"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :inactivity_threshold"
+msgid "Minimum user inactivity threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :interval"
+msgid "Minimum interval between digest emails to one user"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :schedule"
+msgid "When to send digest email, in crontab format. \"0 0 0\" is the default, meaning \"once a week at midnight on Sunday morning\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :default_manifest"
+msgid "Location of the JSON-manifest. This manifest contains information about the emoji-packs you can download. Currently only one manifest can be added (no arrays)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :groups"
+msgid "Emojis are ordered in groups (tags). This is an array of key-value pairs where the key is the group name and the value is the location or array of locations. * can be used as a wildcard."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :pack_extensions"
+msgid "A list of file extensions for emojis, when no emoji.txt for a pack is present"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :shortcode_globs"
+msgid "Location of custom emoji files. * can be used as a wildcard."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:features > :improved_hashtag_timeline"
+msgid "Setting to force toggle / force disable improved hashtags timeline. `:enabled` forces hashtags to be fetched from `hashtags` table for hashtags timeline. `:disabled` forces object-embedded hashtags to be used (slower). Keep it `:auto` for automatic behaviour (it is auto-set to `:enabled` [unless overridden] when HashtagsTableMigrator completes)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title"
+msgid "Configure title rendering"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :max_length"
+msgid "Maximum number of characters before truncating title"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :omission"
+msgid "Replacement which will be used after truncating string"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe"
+msgid "Settings for Pleroma FE"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :alwaysShowSubjectInput"
+msgid "When disabled, auto-hide the subject field if it's empty"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :background"
+msgid "URL of the background, unless viewing a user profile with a background that is set"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :collapseMessageWithSubject"
+msgid "When a message has a subject (aka Content Warning), collapse it by default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :greentext"
+msgid "Enables green text on lines prefixed with the > character"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideFilteredStatuses"
+msgid "Hides filtered statuses from timelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideMutedPosts"
+msgid "Hides muted statuses from timelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hidePostStats"
+msgid "Hide notices statistics (repeats, favorites, ...)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideSitename"
+msgid "Hides instance name from PleromaFE banner"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideUserStats"
+msgid "Hide profile statistics (posts, posts per day, followers, followings, ...)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logo"
+msgid "URL of the logo, defaults to Pleroma's logo"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMargin"
+msgid "Allows you to adjust vertical margins between logo boundary and navbar borders. The idea is that to have logo's image without any extra margins and instead adjust them to your need in layout."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMask"
+msgid "By default it assumes logo used will be monochrome with alpha channel to be compatible with both light and dark themes. If you want a colorful logo you must disable logoMask."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :minimalScopesMode"
+msgid "Limit scope selection to Direct, User default, and Scope of post replying to. Also prevents replying to a DM with a public post from PleromaFE."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :nsfwCensorImage"
+msgid "URL of the image to use for hiding NSFW media attachments in the timeline"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :postContentType"
+msgid "Default post formatting option"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootLogin"
+msgid "Relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user is logged in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootNoLogin"
+msgid "Relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user isn't logged in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :scopeCopy"
+msgid "Copy the scope (private/unlisted/public) in replies to posts by default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showFeaturesPanel"
+msgid "Enables panel displaying functionality of the instance on the About page"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showInstanceSpecificPanel"
+msgid "Whether to show the instance's custom panel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :sidebarRight"
+msgid "Change alignment of sidebar and panels to the right"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :subjectLineBehavior"
+msgid "Allows changing the default behaviour of subject lines in replies.\n `email`: copy and preprend re:, as in email,\n `masto`: copy verbatim, as in Mastodon,\n `noop`: don't copy the subject."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :theme"
+msgid "Which theme to use. Available themes are defined in styles.json"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin"
+msgid "Admin frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > name"
+msgid "Name of the installed frontend. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > ref"
+msgid "Reference of the installed frontend to be used. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available"
+msgid "A map containing available frontends and parameters for their installation."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_dir"
+msgid "The directory inside the zip file "
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_url"
+msgid "Either an url to a zip file containing the frontend or a template to build it by inserting the `ref`. The string `${ref}` will be replaced by the configured `ref`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > custom-http-headers"
+msgid "The custom HTTP headers for the frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > git"
+msgid "URL of the git repository of the frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > name"
+msgid "Name of the frontend."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > ref"
+msgid "Reference of the frontend to be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary"
+msgid "Primary frontend, the one that is served for all pages by default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > name"
+msgid "Name of the installed frontend. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > ref"
+msgid "Reference of the installed frontend to be used. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :dstport"
+msgid "Port advertised in URLs (optional, defaults to port)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables the gopher interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :ip"
+msgid "IP address to bind to"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :port"
+msgid "Port to bind to"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation"
+msgid "Settings for federation pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :max_connections"
+msgid "Number workers in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `hackney` will wait for response."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media"
+msgid "Settings for media pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :max_connections"
+msgid "Number workers in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `hackney` will wait for response."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload"
+msgid "Settings for upload pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :max_connections"
+msgid "Number workers in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `hackney` will wait for response."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :adapter"
+msgid "Adapter specific options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options"
+msgid "SSL options for HTTP adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options > :versions"
+msgid "List of TLS version to use"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :proxy_url"
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :user_agent"
+msgid "What user agent to use. Must be a string or an atom `:default`. Default value is `:default`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :ct_max_age"
+msgid "The maximum age for the Expect-CT header if sent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :enabled"
+msgid "Whether the managed content security policy is enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :referrer_policy"
+msgid "The referrer policy to use, either \"same-origin\" or \"no-referrer\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :report_uri"
+msgid "Adds the specified URL to report-uri and report-to group in CSP header"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts"
+msgid "Whether to additionally send a Strict-Transport-Security header"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts_max_age"
+msgid "The maximum age for the Strict-Transport-Security header if sent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_activation_required"
+msgid "Require users to confirm their emails before signing in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_approval_required"
+msgid "Require users to be manually approved by an admin before signing in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_name_length"
+msgid "An account field name maximum length. Default: 512."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_value_length"
+msgid "An account field value maximum length. Default: 2048."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :allow_relay"
+msgid "Permits remote instances to subscribe to all public posts of your instance. (Important!) This may increase the visibility of your instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :allowed_post_formats"
+msgid "MIME-type list of formats allowed to be posted (transformed into HTML)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :attachment_links"
+msgid "Enable to automatically add attachment link text to statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowed_nicknames"
+msgid "Set to nicknames of (local) users that every new user should automatically follow"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowing_nicknames"
+msgid "Set to nicknames of (local) users that automatically follows every newly registered user"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :avatar_upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of user's profile avatars"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :background_upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of user's profile backgrounds"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :banner_upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of user's profile banners"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_min_age"
+msgid "Minimum required age for users to create account. Only used if birthday is required."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_required"
+msgid "Require users to enter their birthday."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :cleanup_attachments"
+msgid "Enable to remove associated attachments when status is removed.\nThis will not affect duplicates and attachments without status.\nEnabling this will increase load to database when deleting statuses on larger instances.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :description"
+msgid "The instance's description. It can be seen in nodeinfo and `/api/v1/instance`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :email"
+msgid "Email used to reach an Administrator/Moderator of the instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :extended_nickname_format"
+msgid "Enable to use extended local nicknames format (allows underscores/dashes). This will break federation with older software for theses nicknames."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :external_user_synchronization"
+msgid "Enabling following/followers counters synchronization for external users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :federating"
+msgid "Enable federation with other instances"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_incoming_replies_max_depth"
+msgid "Max. depth of reply-to and reply activities fetching on incoming federation, to prevent out-of-memory situations while fetching very long threads. If set to `nil`, threads of any depth will be fetched. Lower this value if you experience out-of-memory crashes."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_reachability_timeout_days"
+msgid "Timeout (in days) of each external federation target being unreachable prior to pausing federating to it"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :healthcheck"
+msgid "If enabled, system data will be shown on `/api/pleroma/healthcheck`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :instance_thumbnail"
+msgid "The instance thumbnail can be any image that represents your instance and is used by some apps or services when they display information about your instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :invites_enabled"
+msgid "Enable user invitations for admins (depends on `registrations_open` being disabled)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :limit"
+msgid "Posts character limit (CW/Subject included in the counter)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :limit_to_local_content"
+msgid "Limit unauthenticated users to search for local statutes and users only. Default: `:unauthenticated`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_account_fields"
+msgid "The maximum number of custom fields in the user profile. Default: 10."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_endorsed_users"
+msgid "The maximum number of recommended accounts. 0 will disable the feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_media_attachments"
+msgid "Maximum number of post media attachments"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_pinned_statuses"
+msgid "The maximum number of pinned statuses. 0 will disable the feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_remote_account_fields"
+msgid "The maximum number of custom fields in the remote user profile. Default: 20."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_report_comment_size"
+msgid "The maximum size of the report comment. Default: 1000."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication"
+msgid "Multi-factor authentication settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes"
+msgid "MFA backup codes settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :length"
+msgid "Determines the length of backup one-time pass-codes, in characters. Defaults to 16 characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :number"
+msgid "Number of backup codes to generate."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp"
+msgid "TOTP settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :digits"
+msgid "Determines the length of a one-time pass-code, in characters. Defaults to 6 characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :period"
+msgid "A period for which the TOTP code will be valid, in seconds. Defaults to 30 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :name"
+msgid "Name of the instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :notify_email"
+msgid "Envelope FROM address for mail sent via Pleroma"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits"
+msgid "A map with poll limits for local polls"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_expiration"
+msgid "Maximum expiration time (in seconds)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_option_chars"
+msgid "Maximum number of characters per option"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_options"
+msgid "Maximum number of options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :min_expiration"
+msgid "Minimum expiration time (in seconds)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :privileged_staff"
+msgid "Let moderators access sensitive data (e.g. updating user credentials, get password reset token, delete users, index and read private statuses and chats)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :profile_directory"
+msgid "Enable profile directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :public"
+msgid "Makes the client API in authenticated mode-only except for user-profiles. Useful for disabling the Local Timeline and The Whole Known Network. Note: when setting to `false`, please also check `:restrict_unauthenticated` setting."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :quarantined_instances"
+msgid "List of ActivityPub instances where private (DMs, followers-only) activities will not be sent and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :registration_reason_length"
+msgid "Maximum registration reason length. Default: 500."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :registrations_open"
+msgid "Enable registrations for anyone. Invitations require this setting to be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_limit"
+msgid "Hard character limit beyond which remote posts will be dropped"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_post_retention_days"
+msgid "The default amount of days to retain remote posts when pruning the database"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :safe_dm_mentions"
+msgid "If enabled, only mentions at the beginning of a post will be used to address people in direct messages. This is to prevent accidental mentioning of people when talking about them (e.g. \"@admin please keep an eye on @bad_actor\"). Default: disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :show_reactions"
+msgid "Let favourites and emoji reactions be viewed through the API."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :skip_thread_containment"
+msgid "Skip filtering out broken threads. Default: enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :static_dir"
+msgid "Instance static directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of uploads (except for avatar, background, banner)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :user_bio_length"
+msgid "A user bio maximum length. Default: 5000."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :user_name_length"
+msgid "A user name maximum length. Default: 100."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instances_favicons > :enabled"
+msgid "Allow/disallow displaying and getting instances favicons"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :base"
+msgid "LDAP base, e.g. \"dc=example,dc=com\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables LDAP authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :host"
+msgid "LDAP server hostname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :port"
+msgid "LDAP port, e.g. 389 or 636"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :ssl"
+msgid "Enable to use SSL, usually implies the port 636"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts"
+msgid "Additional SSL options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Path to file with PEM encoded cacerts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :verify"
+msgid "Type of cert verification"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tls"
+msgid "Enable to use STARTTLS, usually implies the port 389"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts"
+msgid "Additional TLS options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Path to file with PEM encoded cacerts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :verify"
+msgid "Type of cert verification"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :uid"
+msgid "LDAP attribute name to authenticate the user, e.g. when \"cn\", the filter will be \"cn=username,base\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:majic_pool > :size"
+msgid "Number of majic workers to start."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest > :background_color"
+msgid "Describe the background color of the app"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest > :icons"
+msgid "Describe the icons of the app"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest > :theme_color"
+msgid "Describe the theme color of the app"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:markup > :scrub_policy"
+msgid "Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.HTML.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables proxying of remote media preview to the instance's proxy. Requires enabled media proxy."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :image_quality"
+msgid "Quality of the output. Ranges from 0 (min quality) to 100 (max quality)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :min_content_length"
+msgid "Min content length (in bytes) to perform preview. Media smaller in size will be served without thumbnailing."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_height"
+msgid "Max height of preview thumbnail for images (video preview always has original dimensions)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_width"
+msgid "Max width of preview thumbnail for images (video preview always has original dimensions)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :base_url"
+msgid "The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables proxying of remote media via the instance's proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables media cache object invalidation."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :provider"
+msgid "Module which will be used to purge objects from the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts"
+msgid "Internal Pleroma.ReverseProxy settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_body_length"
+msgid "Maximum file size (in bytes) allowed through the Pleroma MediaProxy cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_read_duration"
+msgid "Timeout (in milliseconds) of GET request to the remote URI."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :redirect_on_failure"
+msgid "Redirects the client to the origin server upon encountering HTTP errors.\n\nNote that files larger than Max Body Length will trigger an error. (e.g., Peertube videos)\n\n\n**WARNING:** This setting will allow larger files to be accessed, but exposes the\n\nIP addresses of your users to the other servers, bypassing the MediaProxy.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :whitelist"
+msgid "List of hosts with scheme to bypass the MediaProxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:modules > :runtime_dir"
+msgid "A path to custom Elixir modules (such as MRF policies)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf > :policies"
+msgid "A list of MRF policies enabled. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency"
+msgid "Make the content of your Message Rewrite Facility settings public (via nodeinfo)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency_exclusions"
+msgid "Exclude specific instance names from MRF transparency. The use of the exclusions feature will be disclosed in nodeinfo as a boolean value. You can also provide a reason for excluding these instance names. The instances and reasons won't be publicly disclosed."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration > :days"
+msgid "Default global expiration time for all local activities (in days)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot > :follower_nickname"
+msgid "The name of the bot account to use for following newly discovered users."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "A list of hashtags which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :reject"
+msgid "A list of hashtags which result in message being rejected."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :sensitive"
+msgid "A list of hashtags which result in message being set as sensitive (a.k.a NSFW/R-18)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :delist_threshold"
+msgid "Number of mentioned users after which the message gets removed from timelines anddisables notifications. Set to 0 to disable."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :reject_threshold"
+msgid "Number of mentioned users after which the messaged gets rejected. Set to 0 to disable."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid " A list of patterns which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted).\n\n Each pattern can be a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :reject"
+msgid " A list of patterns which result in message being rejected.\n\n Each pattern can be a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :replace"
+msgid " **Pattern**: a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n\n **Replacement**: a string. Leaving the field empty is permitted.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_mention > :actors"
+msgid "A list of actors for which any post mentioning them will be dropped"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :actions"
+msgid "A list of actions to apply to the post. `:delist` removes the post from public timelines; `:strip_followers` removes followers from the ActivityPub recipient list ensuring they won't be delivered to home timelines; `:reject` rejects the message entirely"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :threshold"
+msgid "Required age (in seconds) of a post before actions are taken."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_direct"
+msgid "Whether to allow direct messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_followersonly"
+msgid "Whether to allow followers-only posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :accept"
+msgid "List of instances to only accept activities from (except deletes) and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :avatar_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to strip avatars from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :banner_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to strip banners from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to remove from the Federated (aka The Whole Known Network) Timeline and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :followers_only"
+msgid "Force posts from the given instances to be visible by followers only and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_nsfw"
+msgid "List of instances to tag all media as NSFW (sensitive) from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to strip media attachments from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject"
+msgid "List of instances to reject activities from (except deletes) and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject_deletes"
+msgid "List of instances to reject deletions from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :report_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to reject reports from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :hosts"
+msgid "List of hosts to steal emojis from"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :rejected_shortcodes"
+msgid " A list of patterns or matches to reject shortcodes with.\n\n Each pattern can be a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :size_limit"
+msgid "File size limit (in bytes), checked before an emoji is saved to the disk"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain > :match_actor"
+msgid "Matches a series of regular expressions against the actor field"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :accept"
+msgid "A list of ActivityStreams terms to accept. If empty, all supported messages are accepted."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :reject"
+msgid "A list of ActivityStreams terms to reject. If empty, no messages are rejected."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :clean_expired_tokens"
+msgid "Enable a background job to clean expired OAuth tokens. Default: disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :issue_new_refresh_token"
+msgid "Keeps old refresh token or generate new refresh token when to obtain an access token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :token_expires_in"
+msgid "The lifetime in seconds of the access token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default"
+msgid "Settings for default pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation"
+msgid "Settings for federation pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media"
+msgid "Settings for media pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload"
+msgid "Settings for upload pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :fault_rate_allowance"
+msgid "Max accepted rate of objects that failed in the migration. Any value from 0.0 which tolerates no errors to 1.0 which will enable the feature even if hashtags transfer failed for all records."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :sleep_interval_ms"
+msgid "Sleep interval between each chunk of processed records in order to decrease the load on the system (defaults to 0 and should be keep default on most instances)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :app_account_creation"
+msgid "For registering user accounts from the same IP address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :authentication"
+msgid "For authentication create / password check / user existence check requests"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relation_id_action"
+msgid "For actions on relation with a specific user (follow, unfollow)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relations_actions"
+msgid "For actions on relationships with all users (follow, unfollow)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :search"
+msgid "For the search requests (account & status search etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :status_id_action"
+msgid "For fav / unfav or reblog / unreblog actions on the same status by the same user"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :statuses_actions"
+msgid "For create / delete / fav / unfav / reblog / unreblog actions on any statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :timeline"
+msgid "For requests to timelines (each timeline has it's own limiter)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities"
+msgid "Settings for statuses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :local"
+msgid "Disallow view local statuses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :remote"
+msgid "Disallow view remote statuses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles"
+msgid "Settings for user profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :local"
+msgid "Disallow view local user profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :remote"
+msgid "Disallow view remote user profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines"
+msgid "Settings for public and federated timelines."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :federated"
+msgid "Disallow view federated timeline."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :local"
+msgid "Disallow view public timeline."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables RichMedia parsing of URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :failure_backoff"
+msgid "Amount of milliseconds after request failure, during which the request will not be retried."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_hosts"
+msgid "List of hosts which will be ignored by the metadata parser"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_tld"
+msgid "List TLDs (top-level domains) which will ignore for parse metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :parsers"
+msgid "List of Rich Media parsers. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parsers.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ttl_setters"
+msgid "List of rich media TTL setters. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:shout > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables the backend Shoutbox chat feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:shout > :limit"
+msgid "Shout message character limit."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:static_fe > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables the rendering of static HTML. Default: disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:streamer > :overflow_workers"
+msgid "Maximum number of workers created if pool is empty"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:streamer > :workers"
+msgid "Number of workers to send notifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:uri_schemes > :valid_schemes"
+msgid "List of the scheme part that is considered valid to be an URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub"
+msgid "Activity pub routes (except question activities). Default: `nil` (no expiration)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub_question"
+msgid "Activity pub routes (question activities). Default: `30_000` (30 seconds)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables sending a chat message to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :message"
+msgid "A message that will be sent to newly registered users as a chat message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "The nickname of the local user that sends a welcome chat message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables sending a direct message to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :message"
+msgid "A message that will be sent to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "The nickname of the local user that sends a welcome message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables sending an email to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :html"
+msgid "HTML content of the welcome email. EEX template with user and instance_name variables can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :sender"
+msgid "Email address and/or nickname that will be used to send the welcome email."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :subject"
+msgid "Subject of the welcome email. EEX template with user and instance_name variables can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :text"
+msgid "Text content of the welcome email. EEX template with user and instance_name variables can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:workers > :retries"
+msgid "Max retry attempts for failed jobs, per `Oban` queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy"
+msgid "Concurrent limits configuration for MediaProxyWarmingPolicy."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running concurrently jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers"
+msgid "Concurrent limits configuration for getting RichMedia for activities."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running concurrently jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :crontab"
+msgid "Settings for cron background jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :log"
+msgid "Logs verbose mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues"
+msgid "Background jobs queues (keys: queues, values: max numbers of concurrent jobs)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :activity_expiration"
+msgid "Activity expiration queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :attachments_cleanup"
+msgid "Attachment deletion queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :background"
+msgid "Background queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :backup"
+msgid "Backup queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_incoming"
+msgid "Incoming federation queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_outgoing"
+msgid "Outgoing federation queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :mailer"
+msgid "Email sender queue, see Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :scheduled_activities"
+msgid "Scheduled activities queue, see Pleroma.ScheduledActivities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :transmogrifier"
+msgid "Transmogrifier queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :web_push"
+msgid "Web push notifications queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :enabled"
+msgid "Whether the captcha should be shown on registration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :method"
+msgid "The method/service to use for captcha"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :seconds_valid"
+msgid "The time in seconds for which the captcha is valid"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha > :endpoint"
+msgid "The kocaptcha endpoint to use"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > :adapter"
+msgid "One of the mail adapters listed in [Swoosh documentation]("
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:auth"
+msgid "SMTP AUTH enforcement mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:password"
+msgid "SMTP AUTH password"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:port"
+msgid "SMTP port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:relay"
+msgid "Hostname or IP address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:retries"
+msgid "SMTP temporary (4xx) error retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:ssl"
+msgid "Use Implicit SSL/TLS. e.g. port 465"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:tls"
+msgid "Explicit TLS (STARTTLS) enforcement mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:username"
+msgid "SMTP AUTH username"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables new users admin digest email when `true`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :logo"
+msgid "A path to a custom logo. Set it to `nil` to use the default Pleroma logo."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling"
+msgid "A map with color settings for email templates."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :class"
+msgid "Specify the class to be added to the generated link. Disable to clear."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :extra"
+msgid "Link URLs with rarely used schemes (magnet, ipfs, irc, etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :new_window"
+msgid "Link URLs will open in a new window/tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :rel"
+msgid "Override the rel attribute. Disable to clear."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :strip_prefix"
+msgid "Strip the scheme prefix."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :truncate"
+msgid "Set to a number to truncate URLs longer than the number. Truncated URLs will end in `...`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :validate_tld"
+msgid "Set to false to disable TLD validation for URLs/emails. Can be set to :no_scheme to validate TLDs only for URLs without a scheme (e.g `` will be validated, but `http://example.loki` won't)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :daily_user_limit"
+msgid "The number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in a single day. Default: 25."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Whether scheduled activities are sent to the job queue to be executed"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :total_user_limit"
+msgid "The number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in total. Default: 300."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :base_url"
+msgid "Base URL for the uploads. Required if you use a CDN or host attachments under a different domain."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filename_display_max_length"
+msgid "Set max length of a filename to display. 0 = no limit. Default: 30"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filters"
+msgid "List of filter modules for uploads. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :link_name"
+msgid "If enabled, a name parameter will be added to the URL of the upload. For example `https://instance.tld/media/imagehash.png?name=realname.png`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :proxy_remote"
+msgid "Proxy requests to the remote uploader.\n\nUseful if media upload endpoint is not internet accessible.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :uploader"
+msgid "Module which will be used for uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename > :text"
+msgid "Text to replace filenames in links. If no setting, {random}.extension will be used. You can get the original filename extension by using {extension}, for example custom-file-name.{extension}."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify > :args"
+msgid "List of actions for the mogrify command. It's possible to add self-written settings as string. For example `auto-orient, strip, {\"resize\", \"3840x1080>\"}` value will be parsed into valid list of the settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local > :uploads"
+msgid "Path where user's uploads will be saved"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket"
+msgid "S3 bucket"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket_namespace"
+msgid "S3 bucket namespace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :streaming_enabled"
+msgid "Enable streaming uploads, when enabled the file will be sent to the server in chunks as it's being read. This may be unsupported by some providers, try disabling this if you have upload problems."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :truncated_namespace"
+msgid "If you use S3 compatible service such as Digital Ocean Spaces or CDN, set folder name or \"\" etc. For example, when using CDN to S3 virtual host format, set \"\". At this time, write CNAME to CDN in Upload base_url."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :email_blacklist"
+msgid "List of email domains users may not register with."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :restricted_nicknames"
+msgid "List of nicknames users may not register with."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :limit_days"
+msgid "Limit user to export not more often than once per N days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :purge_after_days"
+msgid "Remove backup achives after N days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate > :strict"
+msgid "Enables strict input validation (useful in development, not recommended in production)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :headers"
+msgid "HTTP headers of request"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :method"
+msgid "HTTP method of request. Default: :purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :options"
+msgid "Request options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :script_path"
+msgid "Path to executable script which will purge cached items."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :url_format"
+msgid "Optional URL format preprocessing. Only required for Apache's htcacheclean."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :providers"
+msgid "List of metadata providers to enable"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :unfurl_nsfw"
+msgid "When enabled NSFW attachments will be shown in previews"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :enabled"
+msgid "Enable/disable the plug. Default: disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :headers"
+msgid " A list of strings naming the HTTP headers to use when deriving the true client IP. Default: `[\"x-forwarded-for\"]`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :proxies"
+msgid "A list of upstream proxy IP subnets in CIDR notation from which we will parse the content of `headers`. Defaults to `[]`. IPv4 entries without a bitmask will be assumed to be /32 and IPv6 /128."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :reserved"
+msgid " A list of reserved IP subnets in CIDR notation which should be ignored if found in `headers`. Defaults to `[\"\", \"::1/128\", \"fc00::/7\", \"\", \"\", \"\"]`\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload > :providers"
+msgid "List of preload providers to enable"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables expired activities addition & deletion"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :min_lifetime"
+msgid "Minimum lifetime for ephemeral activity (in seconds)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :auth"
+msgid "Enables HTTP Basic Auth for app metrics endpoint."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :enabled"
+msgid "[Pleroma extension] Enables app metrics endpoint."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :format"
+msgid "App metrics endpoint output format."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :ip_whitelist"
+msgid "Restrict access of app metrics endpoint to the specified IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :path"
+msgid "App metrics endpoint URI path."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack > :level"
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack > :meta"
+msgid "Configure which metadata you want to report on"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack > :webhook_url"
+msgid "Configure the Slack incoming webhook"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :private_key"
+msgid "VAPID private key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :public_key"
+msgid "VAPID public key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :subject"
+msgid "A mailto link for the administrative contact. It's best if this email is not a personal email address, but rather a group email to the instance moderation team."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :credentials"
+msgid "Credentials"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :expose"
+msgid "Expose"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :headers"
+msgid "Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :max_age"
+msgid "Max age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :methods"
+msgid "Methods"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :handler"
+msgid "Handler"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :password_authenticator"
+msgid "Password authenticator"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :priv_dir"
+msgid "Priv dir"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :access_key_id"
+msgid "Access key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :host"
+msgid "Host"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :region"
+msgid "Region"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :secret_access_key"
+msgid "Secret access key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger > :backends"
+msgid "Backends"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console > :format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console > :level"
+msgid "Level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console > :metadata"
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :ident"
+msgid "Ident"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :level"
+msgid "Level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :metadata"
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types"
+msgid "Types"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/activity+json"
+msgid "\"application/activity+json\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/jrd+json"
+msgid "\"application/jrd+json\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/ld+json"
+msgid "\"application/ld+json\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/xml"
+msgid "\"application/xml\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/xrd+xml"
+msgid "\"application/xrd+xml\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma > :admin_token"
+msgid "Admin token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma > Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :blockers_visible"
+msgid "Blockers visible"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :follow_handshake_timeout"
+msgid "Follow handshake timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :note_replies_output_limit"
+msgid "Note replies output limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :outgoing_blocks"
+msgid "Outgoing blocks"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :sign_object_fetches"
+msgid "Sign object fetches"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :unfollow_blocked"
+msgid "Unfollow blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets > :default_mascot"
+msgid "Default mascot"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets > :default_user_avatar"
+msgid "Default user avatar"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets > :mascots"
+msgid "Mascots"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :auth_template"
+msgid "Auth template"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage"
+msgid "Enforce OAuth admin scope usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_strategies"
+msgid "OAuth consumer strategies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_template"
+msgid "OAuth consumer template"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connect_timeout"
+msgid "Connect timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_retries"
+msgid "Connection acquisition retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_wait"
+msgid "Connection acquisition wait"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :reclaim_multiplier"
+msgid "Reclaim multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest"
+msgid "Digest"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :active"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :inactivity_threshold"
+msgid "Inactivity threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :interval"
+msgid "Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :schedule"
+msgid "Schedule"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :default_manifest"
+msgid "Default manifest"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :groups"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :pack_extensions"
+msgid "Pack extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file"
+msgid "Shared pack cache s/file"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :shortcode_globs"
+msgid "Shortcode globs"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:features > :improved_hashtag_timeline"
+msgid "Improved hashtag timeline"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title"
+msgid "Post title"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :max_length"
+msgid "Max length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :omission"
+msgid "Omission"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe"
+msgid "Pleroma FE"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :alwaysShowSubjectInput"
+msgid "Always show subject input"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :background"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :collapseMessageWithSubject"
+msgid "Collapse message with subject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :greentext"
+msgid "Greentext"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideFilteredStatuses"
+msgid "Hide Filtered Statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideMutedPosts"
+msgid "Hide Muted Posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hidePostStats"
+msgid "Hide post stats"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideSitename"
+msgid "Hide Sitename"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideUserStats"
+msgid "Hide user stats"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logo"
+msgid "Logo"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMargin"
+msgid "Logo margin"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMask"
+msgid "Logo mask"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :minimalScopesMode"
+msgid "Minimal scopes mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :nsfwCensorImage"
+msgid "NSFW Censor Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :postContentType"
+msgid "Post Content Type"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootLogin"
+msgid "Redirect root login"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootNoLogin"
+msgid "Redirect root no login"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :scopeCopy"
+msgid "Scope copy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showFeaturesPanel"
+msgid "Show instance features panel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showInstanceSpecificPanel"
+msgid "Show instance specific panel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :sidebarRight"
+msgid "Sidebar on Right"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :subjectLineBehavior"
+msgid "Subject line behavior"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :theme"
+msgid "Theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin"
+msgid "Admin"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > ref"
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available"
+msgid "Available"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_dir"
+msgid "Build directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_url"
+msgid "Build URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > custom-http-headers"
+msgid "Custom HTTP headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > git"
+msgid "Git Repository URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > ref"
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary"
+msgid "Primary"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > ref"
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :dstport"
+msgid "Dstport"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :ip"
+msgid "IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation"
+msgid "Federation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media"
+msgid "Media"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload"
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :adapter"
+msgid "Adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options"
+msgid "SSL Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options > :versions"
+msgid "Versions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :proxy_url"
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :send_user_agent"
+msgid "Send user agent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :user_agent"
+msgid "User agent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :ct_max_age"
+msgid "CT max age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :referrer_policy"
+msgid "Referrer policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :report_uri"
+msgid "Report URI"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts"
+msgid "STS"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts_max_age"
+msgid "STS max age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_activation_required"
+msgid "Account activation required"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_approval_required"
+msgid "Account approval required"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_name_length"
+msgid "Account field name length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_value_length"
+msgid "Account field value length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :allow_relay"
+msgid "Allow relay"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :allowed_post_formats"
+msgid "Allowed post formats"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :attachment_links"
+msgid "Attachment links"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowed_nicknames"
+msgid "Autofollowed nicknames"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowing_nicknames"
+msgid "Autofollowing nicknames"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :avatar_upload_limit"
+msgid "Avatar upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :background_upload_limit"
+msgid "Background upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :banner_upload_limit"
+msgid "Banner upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_min_age"
+msgid "Birthday min age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_required"
+msgid "Birthday required"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :cleanup_attachments"
+msgid "Cleanup attachments"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :description"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :email"
+msgid "Admin Email Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :extended_nickname_format"
+msgid "Extended nickname format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :external_user_synchronization"
+msgid "External user synchronization"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :federating"
+msgid "Federating"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_incoming_replies_max_depth"
+msgid "Fed. incoming replies max depth"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_reachability_timeout_days"
+msgid "Fed. reachability timeout days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :healthcheck"
+msgid "Healthcheck"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :instance_thumbnail"
+msgid "Instance thumbnail"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :invites_enabled"
+msgid "Invites enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :limit"
+msgid "Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :limit_to_local_content"
+msgid "Limit to local content"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_account_fields"
+msgid "Max account fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_endorsed_users"
+msgid "Max endorsed users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_media_attachments"
+msgid "Max media attachments"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_pinned_statuses"
+msgid "Max pinned statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_remote_account_fields"
+msgid "Max remote account fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_report_comment_size"
+msgid "Max report comment size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication"
+msgid "Multi factor authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes"
+msgid "Backup codes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :length"
+msgid "Length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :number"
+msgid "Number"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp"
+msgid "TOTP settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :digits"
+msgid "Digits"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :period"
+msgid "Period"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :notify_email"
+msgid "Sender Email Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits"
+msgid "Poll limits"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_expiration"
+msgid "Max expiration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_option_chars"
+msgid "Max option chars"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_options"
+msgid "Max options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :min_expiration"
+msgid "Min expiration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :privileged_staff"
+msgid "Privileged staff"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :profile_directory"
+msgid "Profile directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :public"
+msgid "Public"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :quarantined_instances"
+msgid "Quarantined instances"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :registration_reason_length"
+msgid "Registration reason length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :registrations_open"
+msgid "Registrations open"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_limit"
+msgid "Remote limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_post_retention_days"
+msgid "Remote post retention days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :safe_dm_mentions"
+msgid "Safe DM mentions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :show_reactions"
+msgid "Show reactions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :skip_thread_containment"
+msgid "Skip thread containment"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :static_dir"
+msgid "Static dir"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :upload_limit"
+msgid "Upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :user_bio_length"
+msgid "User bio length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :user_name_length"
+msgid "User name length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instances_favicons > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :base"
+msgid "Base"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :host"
+msgid "Host"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :ssl"
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts"
+msgid "SSL options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Cacertfile"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :verify"
+msgid "Verify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tls"
+msgid "TLS"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts"
+msgid "TLS options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Cacertfile"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :verify"
+msgid "Verify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :uid"
+msgid "UID"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:majic_pool > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest > :background_color"
+msgid "Background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest > :icons"
+msgid "Icons"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest > :theme_color"
+msgid "Theme color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_fonts"
+msgid "Allow fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_headings"
+msgid "Allow headings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_inline_images"
+msgid "Allow inline images"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_tables"
+msgid "Allow tables"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :scrub_policy"
+msgid "Scrub policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :image_quality"
+msgid "Image quality"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :min_content_length"
+msgid "Min content length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_height"
+msgid "Thumbnail max height"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_width"
+msgid "Thumbnail max width"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :base_url"
+msgid "Base URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation"
+msgid "Invalidation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :provider"
+msgid "Provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts"
+msgid "Advanced MediaProxy Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_body_length"
+msgid "Max body length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_read_duration"
+msgid "Max read duration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :redirect_on_failure"
+msgid "Redirect on failure"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :whitelist"
+msgid "Whitelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:modules > :runtime_dir"
+msgid "Runtime dir"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf > :policies"
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency"
+msgid "MRF transparency"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency_exclusions"
+msgid "MRF transparency exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration > :days"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot > :follower_nickname"
+msgid "Follower nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "Federated timeline removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :sensitive"
+msgid "Sensitive"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :delist_threshold"
+msgid "Delist threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :reject_threshold"
+msgid "Reject threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "Federated timeline removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :replace"
+msgid "Replace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_mention > :actors"
+msgid "Actors"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_normalize_markup > :scrub_policy"
+msgid "Scrub policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :actions"
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :threshold"
+msgid "Threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_direct"
+msgid "Allow direct"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_followersonly"
+msgid "Allow followers-only"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :accept"
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :avatar_removal"
+msgid "Avatar removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :banner_removal"
+msgid "Banner removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "Federated timeline removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :followers_only"
+msgid "Followers only"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_nsfw"
+msgid "Media NSFW"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_removal"
+msgid "Media removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject_deletes"
+msgid "Reject deletes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :report_removal"
+msgid "Report removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :hosts"
+msgid "Hosts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :rejected_shortcodes"
+msgid "Rejected shortcodes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :size_limit"
+msgid "Size limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain > :match_actor"
+msgid "Match actor"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :accept"
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :clean_expired_tokens"
+msgid "Clean expired tokens"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :issue_new_refresh_token"
+msgid "Issue new refresh token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :token_expires_in"
+msgid "Token expires in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation"
+msgid "Federation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media"
+msgid "Media"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload"
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :fault_rate_allowance"
+msgid "Fault rate allowance"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :sleep_interval_ms"
+msgid "Sleep interval ms"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :app_account_creation"
+msgid "App account creation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :authentication"
+msgid "Authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relation_id_action"
+msgid "Relation ID action"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relations_actions"
+msgid "Relations actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :search"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :status_id_action"
+msgid "Status ID action"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :statuses_actions"
+msgid "Statuses actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :timeline"
+msgid "Timeline"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities"
+msgid "Activities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :local"
+msgid "Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :remote"
+msgid "Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles"
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :local"
+msgid "Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :remote"
+msgid "Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines"
+msgid "Timelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :federated"
+msgid "Federated"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :local"
+msgid "Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :failure_backoff"
+msgid "Failure backoff"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_hosts"
+msgid "Ignore hosts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_tld"
+msgid "Ignore TLD"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :parsers"
+msgid "Parsers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ttl_setters"
+msgid "TTL setters"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:shout > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:shout > :limit"
+msgid "Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:static_fe > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:streamer > :overflow_workers"
+msgid "Overflow workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:streamer > :workers"
+msgid "Workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:uri_schemes > :valid_schemes"
+msgid "Valid schemes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:user > :deny_follow_blocked"
+msgid "Deny follow blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub"
+msgid "Activity pub"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub_question"
+msgid "Activity pub question"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message"
+msgid "Chat message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :message"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "Sender nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message"
+msgid "Direct message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :message"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "Sender nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email"
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :html"
+msgid "Html"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :sender"
+msgid "Sender"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :subject"
+msgid "Subject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :text"
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:workers > :retries"
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :crontab"
+msgid "Crontab"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :log"
+msgid "Log"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues"
+msgid "Queues"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :activity_expiration"
+msgid "Activity expiration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :attachments_cleanup"
+msgid "Attachments cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :background"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :backup"
+msgid "Backup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_incoming"
+msgid "Federator incoming"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_outgoing"
+msgid "Federator outgoing"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :mailer"
+msgid "Mailer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :scheduled_activities"
+msgid "Scheduled activities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :transmogrifier"
+msgid "Transmogrifier"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :web_push"
+msgid "Web push"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :method"
+msgid "Method"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :seconds_valid"
+msgid "Seconds valid"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha > :endpoint"
+msgid "Endpoint"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > :adapter"
+msgid "Adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > :enabled"
+msgid "Mailer Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES-:access_key"
+msgid "AWS Access Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES-:region"
+msgid "AWS Region"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES-:secret"
+msgid "AWS Secret Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Dyn-:api_key"
+msgid "Dyn API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Gmail-:access_token"
+msgid "GMail API Access Token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailgun-:api_key"
+msgid "Mailgun API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailgun-:domain"
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailjet-:api_key"
+msgid "MailJet Public API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailjet-:secret"
+msgid "MailJet Private API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mandrill-:api_key"
+msgid "Mandrill API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Postmark-:api_key"
+msgid "Postmark API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:auth"
+msgid "AUTH Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:password"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:relay"
+msgid "Relay"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:retries"
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:ssl"
+msgid "Use SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:tls"
+msgid "STARTTLS Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:username"
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendgrid-:api_key"
+msgid "SendGrid API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail-:cmd_args"
+msgid "Cmd args"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail-:cmd_path"
+msgid "Cmd path"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail-:qmail"
+msgid "Qmail compat mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SocketLabs-:api_key"
+msgid "SocketLabs API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SocketLabs-:server_id"
+msgid "Server ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SparkPost-:api_key"
+msgid "SparkPost API key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SparkPost-:endpoint"
+msgid "Endpoint"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :logo"
+msgid "Logo"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling"
+msgid "Styling"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :background_color"
+msgid "Background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :content_background_color"
+msgid "Content background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :header_color"
+msgid "Header color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :link_color"
+msgid "Link color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :text_color"
+msgid "Text color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :text_muted_color"
+msgid "Text muted color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :class"
+msgid "Class"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :extra"
+msgid "Extra"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :new_window"
+msgid "New window"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :rel"
+msgid "Rel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :strip_prefix"
+msgid "Strip prefix"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :truncate"
+msgid "Truncate"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :validate_tld"
+msgid "Validate tld"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :daily_user_limit"
+msgid "Daily user limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :total_user_limit"
+msgid "Total user limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :base_url"
+msgid "Base URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filename_display_max_length"
+msgid "Filename display max length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filters"
+msgid "Filters"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :link_name"
+msgid "Link name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :proxy_remote"
+msgid "Proxy remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :uploader"
+msgid "Uploader"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename > :text"
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify > :args"
+msgid "Args"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local > :uploads"
+msgid "Uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket"
+msgid "Bucket"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket_namespace"
+msgid "Bucket namespace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :streaming_enabled"
+msgid "Streaming enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :truncated_namespace"
+msgid "Truncated namespace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :email_blacklist"
+msgid "Email blacklist"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :restricted_nicknames"
+msgid "Restricted nicknames"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :limit_days"
+msgid "Limit days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :purge_after_days"
+msgid "Purge after days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate > :strict"
+msgid "Strict"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :headers"
+msgid "Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :method"
+msgid "Method"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :options"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :options > :params"
+msgid "Params"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :script_path"
+msgid "Script path"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :url_format"
+msgid "URL Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :providers"
+msgid "Providers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :unfurl_nsfw"
+msgid "Unfurl NSFW"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :headers"
+msgid "Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :proxies"
+msgid "Proxies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :reserved"
+msgid "Reserved"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload > :providers"
+msgid "Providers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :min_lifetime"
+msgid "Min lifetime"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :auth"
+msgid "Auth"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :ip_whitelist"
+msgid "IP Whitelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :path"
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack > :level"
+msgid "Level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack > :meta"
+msgid "Meta"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack > :webhook_url"
+msgid "Webhook URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :private_key"
+msgid "Private key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :public_key"
+msgid "Public key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :subject"
+msgid "Subject"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po b/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-21 23:42+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-22 19:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Haelwenn <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
+## This file is a PO Template file.
+## "msgid"s here are often extracted from source code.
+## Add new translations manually only if they're dynamic
+## translations that can't be statically extracted.
+## Run "mix gettext.extract" to bring this file up to
+## date. Leave "msgstr"s empty as changing them here as no
+## effect: edit them in PO (.po) files instead.
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:122
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - %{count} is not a multiple of %{multiple}."
+msgstr "%{name} - %{count} n'est pas un multiple de %{multiple}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:131
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - %{value} is larger than exclusive maximum %{max}."
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} est plus large que %{max}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:140
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - %{value} is larger than inclusive maximum %{max}."
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} est plus large que %{max}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:149
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - %{value} is smaller than exclusive minimum %{min}."
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} est plus petit que %{min}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:158
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - %{value} is smaller than inclusive minimum %{min}."
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} est plus petit que %{min}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:102
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - Array items must be unique."
+msgstr "%{name} - Les objects de la liste doivent être uniques."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:114
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - Array length %{length} is larger than maxItems: %{}."
+msgstr ""
+"%{name} - La longueur %{length} de la liste est supérieure à maxItems : %{}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:106
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - Array length %{length} is smaller than minItems: %{min}."
+msgstr ""
+"%{name} - La longueur %{length} de la liste est inférieure à minItems : "
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:166
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - Invalid %{type}. Got: %{value}."
+msgstr "%{name} - %{type} invalide. Reçu : %{value}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:174
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - Invalid format. Expected %{format}."
+msgstr "%{name} - Format invalide. Format voulu : %{format}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:51
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - Invalid schema.type. Got: %{type}."
+msgstr "%{name} - schema.type invalide. Reçu : %{type}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:178
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - Invalid value for enum."
+msgstr "%{name} - valeur invalide pour enum."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:95
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - String length is larger than maxLength: %{length}."
+msgstr ""
+"%{name} - Longueur de chaine de caractères supérieure à maxLength : "
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:88
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - String length is smaller than minLength: %{length}."
+msgstr ""
+"%{name} - Longueur de chaine de caractères inférieure à minLength : "
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:63
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - null value where %{type} expected."
+msgstr "%{name} - valeur nulle quand %{type} est requis."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:60
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "%{name} - null value."
+msgstr "%{name} - valeur nulle."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:182
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Failed to cast to any schema in %{polymorphic_type}"
+msgstr "Échec de transformation du schéma en %{polymorphic_type}"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:71
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Failed to cast value as %{invalid_schema}. Value must be castable using `allOf` schemas listed."
+msgstr ""
+"Échec de transformation de la valeur en %{invalid_schema}. La valeur doit "
+"être transformable dans un des schémas `allOf` listés."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:84
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Failed to cast value to one of: %{failed_schemas}."
+msgstr "Échec de transformation de la valeur en un des : %{failed_schemas}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:78
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Failed to cast value using any of: %{failed_schemas}."
+msgstr "Échec de transformation de la valeur en un des : %{failed_schemas}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:212
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Invalid value for header: %{name}."
+msgstr "Valeur invalide pour l'en-tête : %{name}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:204
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Missing field: %{name}."
+msgstr "Champ manquant : %{name}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:208
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Missing header: %{name}."
+msgstr "En-tête manquant : %{name}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:196
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "No value provided for required discriminator `%{field}`."
+msgstr "Aucune valeur fournie pour le discriminant `%{field}`."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:216
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Object property count %{property_count} is greater than maxProperties: %{max_properties}."
+msgstr ""
+"Le nombre de propriétés, %{property_count} est supérieur à maxProperties : "
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:224
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Object property count %{property_count} is less than minProperties: %{min_properties}"
+msgstr ""
+"Le nombre de propriétés, %{property_count} est inférieur à minProperties : "
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/error.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Oops"
+msgstr "Oups"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:188
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Unexpected field: %{name}."
+msgstr "Champ inconnu : %{name}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:200
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Unknown schema: %{name}."
+msgstr "Schéma inconnu : %{name}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:192
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "Value used as discriminator for `%{field}` matches no schemas."
+msgstr ""
+"Valeur utilisée en discriminant de `%{field}` ne correspond à aucun schémas."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:43
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:37
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "announces"
+msgstr "annonces"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:44
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:38
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "likes"
+msgstr "favoris"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:42
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:36
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "replies"
+msgstr "réponses"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:27
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:22
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgid "sensitive media"
+msgstr "contenu sensible"
diff --git a/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/posix_errors.po b/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/posix_errors.po
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-22 02:09+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-21 23:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Haelwenn <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
+## This file is a PO Template file.
+## `msgid`s here are often extracted from source code.
+## Add new translations manually only if they're dynamic
+## translations that can't be statically extracted.
+## Run `mix gettext.extract` to bring this file up to
+## date. Leave `msgstr`s empty as changing them here as no
+## effect: edit them in PO (`.po`) files instead.
+msgid "eperm"
+msgstr "Opération non permise"
+msgid "eacces"
+msgstr "Permission refusée"
+msgid "eagain"
+msgstr "Ressource temporairement indisponible"
+msgid "ebadf"
+msgstr "Mauvais descripteur de fichier"
+msgid "ebadmsg"
+msgstr "Mauvais message"
+msgid "ebusy"
+msgstr "Périphérique ou ressource occupée"
+msgid "edeadlk"
+msgstr "Interblocage des ressources évité"
+msgid "edeadlock"
+msgstr "Interblocage des ressources évité"
+msgid "edquot"
+msgstr "Quota disque dépassé"
+msgid "eexist"
+msgstr "Fichier existant"
+msgid "efault"
+msgstr "Mauvaise addresse"
+msgid "efbig"
+msgstr "Fichier trop gros"
+msgid "eftype"
+msgstr "Type ou format de fichier inapproprié"
+msgid "eintr"
+msgstr "Appel système interrompu"
+msgid "einval"
+msgstr "Argument invalide"
+msgid "eio"
+msgstr "Erreur entrée/sortie"
+msgid "eisdir"
+msgstr "Opération non-permise sur un répertoire"
+msgid "eloop"
+msgstr "Trop de niveau de liens symboliques"
+msgid "emfile"
+msgstr "Trop de fichiers ouverts"
+msgid "emlink"
+msgstr "Trop de liens"
+msgid "emultihop"
+msgstr "Multi-saut essayé"
+msgid "enametoolong"
+msgstr "Nom de fichier trop long"
+msgid "enfile"
+msgstr "Trop de fichier ouvert dans le système"
+msgid "enobufs"
+msgstr "Pas d'espace tampon disponible"
+msgid "enodev"
+msgstr "Périphérique inexistant"
+msgid "enolck"
+msgstr "Pas de verrous disponibles"
+msgid "enolink"
+msgstr "Lien rompus"
+msgid "enoent"
+msgstr "Fichier ou dossier non trouvé"
+msgid "enomem"
+msgstr "Échec d'allocation mémoire"
+msgid "enospc"
+msgstr "Plus de place disponible sur le périphérique"
+msgid "enosr"
+msgstr "Plus de flux disponibles"
+msgid "enostr"
+msgstr "Périphérique qui n'est pas un flux"
+msgid "enosys"
+msgstr "Fonction non implémentée"
+msgid "enotblk"
+msgstr "Périphérique bloc requis"
+msgid "enotdir"
+msgstr "Pas un répertoire"
+msgid "enotsup"
+msgstr "Opération non supportée"
+msgid "enxio"
+msgstr "Addresse de périphérique inconnue"
+msgid "eopnotsupp"
+msgstr "Opération non supportée"
+msgid "eoverflow"
+msgstr "Valeur trop grande pour le type de donnée definit"
+msgid "epipe"
+msgstr "Tuyaux rompu"
+msgid "erange"
+msgstr "Valeur numérique hors de l'interval"
+msgid "erofs"
+msgstr "Système de fichier en lecture-seule"
+msgid "espipe"
+msgstr "Déplacement interdit"
+msgid "esrch"
+msgstr "Processus inexistant"
+msgid "estale"
+msgstr "Descripteur de fichier bouché"
+msgid "etxtbsy"
+msgstr "Fichier texte occupé"
+msgid "exdev"
+msgstr "Lien inter-périphérique invalide"
diff --git a/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/static_pages.po b/priv/gettext/fr/LC_MESSAGES/static_pages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-21 23:03+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-21 20:44+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Haelwenn <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
+## This file is a PO Template file.
+## "msgid"s here are often extracted from source code.
+## Add new translations manually only if they're dynamic
+## translations that can't be statically extracted.
+## Run "mix gettext.extract" to bring this file up to
+## date. Leave "msgstr"s empty as changing them here as no
+## effect: edit them in PO (.po) files instead.
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow.html.eex:9
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow authorization button"
+msgid "Authorize"
+msgstr "Autoriser"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow error"
+msgid "Error fetching user"
+msgstr "Erreur de requête au compte"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow header"
+msgid "Remote follow"
+msgstr "Suivit distant"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_mfa.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "placeholder text for auth code entry"
+msgid "Authentication code"
+msgstr "Code d'Authentification"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:10
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "placeholder text for password entry"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "placeholder text for username entry"
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur·rice"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:13
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow authorization button for login"
+msgid "Authorize"
+msgstr "Autoriser"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_mfa.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow authorization button for mfa"
+msgid "Authorize"
+msgstr "Autoriser"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/followed.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow error"
+msgid "Error following account"
+msgstr "Erreur de suivi du compte"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow header, need login"
+msgid "Log in to follow"
+msgstr "Authentification pour le suivit"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_mfa.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow mfa header"
+msgid "Two-factor authentication"
+msgstr "Authentification à deux facteurs"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/followed.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow success"
+msgid "Account followed!"
+msgstr "Utilisateur·rice suivi·e !"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:7
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "placeholder text for account id"
+msgid "Your account ID, e.g."
+msgstr "Votre identifiant, ex."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow authorization button for following with a remote account"
+msgid "Follow"
+msgstr "Suivre"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow error"
+msgid "Error: %{error}"
+msgstr "Erreur : %{error}"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "remote follow header"
+msgid "Remotely follow %{nickname}"
+msgstr "Suivre %{nickname} à distance"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset button"
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "Changer"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_failed.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset failed homepage link"
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Page d'accueil"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_failed.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset failed message"
+msgid "Password reset failed"
+msgstr "Échec de changement du mot de passe"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset form confirm password prompt"
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmation"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset form password prompt"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/invalid_token.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset invalid token message"
+msgid "Invalid Token"
+msgstr "Jeton invalide"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_success.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset successful homepage link"
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Page d'accueil"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_success.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset successful message"
+msgid "Password changed!"
+msgstr "Mot de passe changé !"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/feed/feed/tag.atom.eex:15
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/feed/feed/tag.rss.eex:7
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "tag feed description"
+msgid "These are public toots tagged with #%{tag}. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse."
+msgstr ""
+"Ceci sont des messages publics lié à #%{tag}. Vous pouvez intéragir avec si "
+"vous avez un compte sur le Fediverse."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_token_exists.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth authorization exists page title"
+msgid "Authorization exists"
+msgstr "Autorisation existante"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:32
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth authorize approve button"
+msgid "Approve"
+msgstr "Approuver"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:30
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth authorize cancel button"
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Annuler"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:23
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth authorize message"
+msgid "Application <strong>%{client_name}</strong> is requesting access to your account."
+msgstr ""
+"L'application <strong>%{client_name}</strong> demande un accès à votre "
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_authorization_created.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth authorized page title"
+msgid "Successfully authorized"
+msgstr "Autorisé avec succès"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth external provider page title"
+msgid "Sign in with external provider"
+msgstr "Authentication externe"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex:13
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth external provider sign in button"
+msgid "Sign in with %{strategy}"
+msgstr "Authentification avec %{strategy}"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:54
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth login button"
+msgid "Log In"
+msgstr "Authentification"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:51
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth login password prompt"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:47
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth login username prompt"
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur·rice"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:39
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register nickname prompt"
+msgid "Pleroma Handle"
+msgstr "Pseudo Pleroma"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:37
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register nickname unchangeable warning"
+msgid "Choose carefully! You won't be able to change this later. You will be able to change your display name, though."
+msgstr ""
+"Faites attention ! Vous ne pourrez plus le changer plus tard. Mais, vous "
+"pourrez changer votre Nom."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:18
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page email prompt"
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Courriel"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:10
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page fill form prompt"
+msgid "If you'd like to register a new account, please provide the details below."
+msgstr "Si vous voulez créer un compte, veuillez fournir les détails suivants."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:35
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page login button"
+msgid "Proceed as existing user"
+msgstr "Continuer avec un compte existant"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:31
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page login password prompt"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:24
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page login prompt"
+msgid "Alternatively, sign in to connect to existing account."
+msgstr "Alternativement, s'authentifier avec un compte existant."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:27
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page login username prompt"
+msgid "Name or email"
+msgstr "Nom ou courriel"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:14
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page nickname prompt"
+msgid "Nickname"
+msgstr "Pseudonyme"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:22
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page register button"
+msgid "Proceed as new user"
+msgstr "Continuer avec un nouveau compte"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page title"
+msgid "Registration Details"
+msgstr "Détails d'inscriptions"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:36
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth register page title"
+msgid "This is the first time you visit! Please enter your Pleroma handle."
+msgstr "Ceci est votre première visite ! Veuillez entrer votre pseudo."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/_scopes.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth scopes message"
+msgid "The following permissions will be granted"
+msgstr "Les permissions suivantes seront données"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_authorization_created.html.eex:2
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_token_exists.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "oauth token code message"
+msgid "Token code is <br>%{token}"
+msgstr "Le jeton est <br>%{token}"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa auth code prompt"
+msgid "Authentication code"
+msgstr "Code d'authentification"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa auth page title"
+msgid "Two-factor authentication"
+msgstr "Authentification à double-facteurs"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:23
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa auth page use recovery code link"
+msgid "Enter a two-factor recovery code"
+msgstr "Entrer un code de récupération de l'authentification à double-facteur"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:20
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa auth verify code button"
+msgid "Verify"
+msgstr "Vérifier"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa recover page title"
+msgid "Two-factor recovery"
+msgstr "Récupération du double-facteur"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa recover recovery code prompt"
+msgid "Recovery code"
+msgstr "Code de récupération"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:23
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa recover use 2fa code link"
+msgid "Enter a two-factor code"
+msgstr "Entrer un code double-facteur"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:20
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mfa recover verify recovery code button"
+msgid "Verify"
+msgstr "Vérifier"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/profile.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "static fe profile page remote follow button"
+msgid "Remote follow"
+msgstr "Suivit distant"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:163
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "digest email header line"
+msgid "Hey %{nickname}, here is what you've missed!"
+msgstr "Salut %{nickname}, voici ce que tu as manqué·e !"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:544
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "digest email receiver address"
+msgid "The email address you are subscribed as is <a href='mailto:%{}' style='color: %{color};text-decoration: none;'>%{email}</a>. "
+msgstr ""
+"L'adresse que vous avez enregistré est <a href='mailto:%{}' "
+"style='color : %{color} ;text-decoration : none ;'>%{email}</a>. "
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:538
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "digest email sending reason"
+msgid "You have received this email because you have signed up to receive digest emails from <b>%{instance}</b> Pleroma instance."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous recevez ce courriel parce-que vous avez autorisé les messages-résumés "
+"de l'instance pleroma, <b>%{instance}</b>."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:547
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "digest email unsubscribe action"
+msgid "To unsubscribe, please go %{here}."
+msgstr "Pour vous désinscrire, aller %{here}."
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:547
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "digest email unsubscribe action link text"
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "ici"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/mailer/subscription/unsubscribe_failure.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mailer unsubscribe failed message"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/mailer/subscription/unsubscribe_success.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "mailer unsubscribe successful message"
+#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:385
+#, elixir-format
+msgctxt "new followers count header"
+msgid "%{count} New Follower"
+msgid_plural "%{count} New Followers"
+msgstr[0] "%{count} nouveau suivit"
+msgstr[1] "%{count} nouveaux suivits"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:356
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "account archive email body - self-requested"
+msgid "<p>You requested a full backup of your Pleroma account. It's ready for download:</p>\n<p><a href=\"%{download_url}\">%{download_url}</a></p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Vous avez demandé une sauvegarde complète de votre compte Pleroma. Le "
+"téléchargement est prêt :</p>\n"
+"<p><a href=\"%{download_url}\">%{download_url}</a></p>\n"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:384
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "account archive email subject"
+msgid "Your account archive is ready"
+msgstr "La sauvegarde de votre compte est prête"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:188
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "approval pending email body"
+msgid "<h3>Awaiting Approval</h3>\n<p>Your account at %{instance_name} is being reviewed by staff. You will receive another email once your account is approved.</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<h3>En attente d'approbation</h3>\n"
+"<p>Votre compte sur %{instance_name} est en revue par l'équipe. Vous "
+"recevrez un autre courriel quand le compte sera approuvé.</p>\n"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:202
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "approval pending email subject"
+msgid "Your account is awaiting approval"
+msgstr "Votre compte est en attente d'approbation"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:158
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "confirmation email body"
+msgid "<h3>Thank you for registering on %{instance_name}</h3>\n<p>Email confirmation is required to activate the account.</p>\n<p>Please click the following link to <a href=\"%{confirmation_url}\">activate your account</a>.</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<h3>Merci de votre inscription à %{instance_name}</h3>\n"
+"<p>Une confirmation du courriel est requise.</p>\n"
+"<p>Veuillez cliquer sur <a href=\"%{confirmation_url}\">pour activer votre "
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:174
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "confirmation email subject"
+msgid "%{instance_name} account confirmation"
+msgstr "confirmation du compte %{instance_name}"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:310
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "digest email subject"
+msgid "Your digest from %{instance_name}"
+msgstr "Votre résumé de %{instance_name}"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:81
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset email body"
+msgid "<h3>Reset your password at %{instance_name}</h3>\n<p>Someone has requested password change for your account at %{instance_name}.</p>\n<p>If it was you, visit the following link to proceed: <a href=\"%{password_reset_url}\">reset password</a>.</p>\n<p>If it was someone else, nothing to worry about: your data is secure and your password has not been changed.</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<h3>Changement de mot de passe à %{instance_name}</h3>\n"
+"<p>Une requête de changement de mot de passe pour votre compte à "
+"%{instance_name} à été reçue.</p>\n"
+"<p>Si c'était vous, veuillez suivre le lien suivant pour continuer : <a href="
+"\"%{password_reset_url}\">changer de mot de passe</a>.</p>\n"
+"<p>Si ça n'était pas vous, rien à craindre, vos données sont sécurisés et "
+"votre mot de passe n'a pas été changé.</p>\n"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:98
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "password reset email subject"
+msgid "Password reset"
+msgstr "Changement de mot de passe"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:215
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "successful registration email body"
+msgid "<h3>Hello @%{nickname},</h3>\n<p>Your account at %{instance_name} has been registered successfully.</p>\n<p>No further action is required to activate your account.</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<h3>Bonjour @%{nickname},</h3>\n"
+"<p>Votre compte %{instance_name} à été enregistré avec succès.</p>\n"
+"<p>Aucune action suivante est requise.</p>\n"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:231
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "successful registration email subject"
+msgid "Account registered on %{instance_name}"
+msgstr "Compte enregistré sur %{instance_name}"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:119
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "user invitation email body"
+msgid "<h3>You are invited to %{instance_name}</h3>\n<p>%{inviter_name} invites you to join %{instance_name}, an instance of Pleroma federated social networking platform.</p>\n<p>Click the following link to register: <a href=\"%{registration_url}\">accept invitation</a>.</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<h3>Vous avez été invité à %{instance_name}</h3>\n"
+"<p>%{inviter_name} vous invite à rejoindre %{instance_name}, une instance de "
+"Pleroma, réseau social fédéré.</p>\n"
+"<p>Cliquer le lien suivant pour vous enregistrer : <a href=\""
+"%{registration_url}\">accepter l'invitation</a>.</p>\n"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:136
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "user invitation email subject"
+msgid "Invitation to %{instance_name}"
+msgstr "Invitation à %{instance_name}"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:53
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "welcome email html body"
+msgid "Welcome to %{instance_name}!"
+msgstr "Bienvenu·e à %{instance_name} !"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:41
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "welcome email subject"
+msgid "Welcome to %{instance_name}!"
+msgstr "Bienvenu·e à %{instance_name} !"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:65
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "welcome email text body"
+msgid "Welcome to %{instance_name}!"
+msgstr "Bienvenu·e à %{instance_name} !"
+#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:368
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "account archive email body - admin requested"
+msgid "<p>Admin @%{admin_nickname} requested a full backup of your Pleroma account. It's ready for download:</p>\n<p><a href=\"%{download_url}\">%{download_url}</a></p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>L'Admin de @%{admin_nickname} à demandé une sauvegarde complète de votre "
+"compte Pleroma. Le téléchargement est prêt:</p>\n"
+"<p><a href=\"%{download_url}\">%{download_url}</a></p>\n"
diff --git a/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/config_descriptions.po b/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/config_descriptions.po
@@ -0,0 +1,6027 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-21 04:21+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-22 19:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yating Zhan <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <"
+"Language: zh_Hans\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
+## This file is a PO Template file.
+## "msgid"s here are often extracted from source code.
+## Add new translations manually only if they're dynamic
+## translations that can't be statically extracted.
+## Run "mix gettext.extract" to bring this file up to
+## date. Leave "msgstr"s empty as changing them here has no
+## effect: edit them in PO (.po) files instead.
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd"
+msgid "Before enabling this you must add :esshd to mix.exs as one of the extra_applications and generate host keys in your priv dir with ssh-keygen -m PEM -N \"\" -b 2048 -t rsa -f ssh_host_rsa_key"
+msgstr ""
+"在启用这个之前,必须先把 :esshd 作为 extra_application 中之一添加到 mix.exs "
+"里,然后在你的 priv 目录里通过 ssh-keygen -m PEM -N \"\" -b 2048 -t rsa -f "
+"ssh_host_rsa_key 生成主机密钥"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger"
+msgid "Logger-related settings"
+msgstr "日志器相关设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :mime"
+msgid "Mime Types settings"
+msgstr "Mime 类型设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma"
+msgid "Allows setting a token that can be used to authenticate requests with admin privileges without a normal user account token. Append the `admin_token` parameter to requests to utilize it. (Please reconsider using HTTP Basic Auth or OAuth-based authentication if possible)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma"
+msgid "Authenticator"
+msgstr "鉴权器"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack"
+msgid "Quack-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug"
+msgid "CORS plug config"
+msgstr "CORS 插件配置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd"
+msgid "ESSHD"
+msgstr "ESSHD"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger"
+msgid "Logger"
+msgstr "日志器"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime"
+msgid "Mime Types"
+msgstr "Mime 类型"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma"
+msgid "Pleroma Admin Token"
+msgstr "Pleroma 管理员令牌"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma"
+msgid "Pleroma Authenticator"
+msgstr "Pleroma 鉴权器"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack"
+msgid "Quack Logger"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:console"
+msgid "Console logger settings"
+msgstr "终端日志器设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger"
+msgid "ExSyslogger-related settings"
+msgstr "ExSyslogger 相关设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub"
+msgid "ActivityPub-related settings"
+msgstr "ActivityPub 相关设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets"
+msgid "This section configures assets to be used with various frontends. Currently the only option relates to mascots on the mastodon frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth"
+msgid "Authentication / authorization settings"
+msgstr "鉴权/授权设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool"
+msgid "Advanced settings for `Gun` connections pool"
+msgstr "「Gun」连接池的高级设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications"
+msgid "Email notifications settings"
+msgstr "邮件通知设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:features"
+msgid "Customizable features"
+msgstr "可定制的特性"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed"
+msgid "Configure feed rendering"
+msgstr "配置 feed 渲染"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations"
+msgid "This form can be used to configure a keyword list that keeps the configuration data for any kind of frontend. By default, settings for pleroma_fe are configured. If you want to add your own configuration your settings all fields must be complete."
+msgstr ""
+"这个表单可以用来配置一个 keyword "
+"列表,来存放给任意种类的前端的配置数据。默认地,这里配置了 pleroma_fe "
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends"
+msgid "Installed frontends management"
+msgstr "已经安装的前端的管理"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher"
+msgid "Gopher settings"
+msgstr "Gopher 设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools"
+msgid "Advanced settings for `Hackney` connections pools"
+msgstr "「Hackney」连接池的高级设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http"
+msgid "HTTP settings"
+msgstr "HTTP 设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security"
+msgid "HTTP security settings"
+msgstr "HTTP 安全设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance"
+msgid "Instance-related settings"
+msgstr "实例相关设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instances_favicons"
+msgid "Control favicons for instances"
+msgstr "控制实例的 favicon"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap"
+msgid "Use LDAP for user authentication. When a user logs in to the Pleroma instance, the name and password will be verified by trying to authenticate (bind) to a LDAP server. If a user exists in the LDAP directory but there is no account with the same name yet on the Pleroma instance then a new Pleroma account will be created with the same name as the LDAP user name."
+msgstr ""
+"用 LDAP 作用户鉴权。当用户登录进 Pleroma 实例时,会通过向 LDAP "
+"服务器尝试鉴权(绑定)来验证名字和密码。如果用户在 LDAP 目录里,但同名账号在 "
+"Pleroma 实例里还不存在,那么就会创建一个新的 Pleroma 账号,它的名字和 LDAP "
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:majic_pool"
+msgid "Majic/libmagic configuration"
+msgstr "Majic/libmagic 配置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format, fuzzy
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest"
+msgid "This section describe PWA manifest instance-specific values. Currently this option relate only for MastoFE."
+msgstr "此处提供针对特定实例的 PWA manifest 数值。目前相关设定尚只支持 MastoFE。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy"
+msgid "Media preview proxy"
+msgstr "媒体预览代理"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy"
+msgid "Media proxy"
+msgstr "媒体代理"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format, fuzzy
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:modules"
+msgid "Custom Runtime Modules"
+msgstr "自定义 Runtime 模块"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf"
+msgid "General MRF settings"
+msgstr "通用 MRF 设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration"
+msgid "Adds automatic expiration to all local activities"
+msgstr "给所有本地 activity 添加自动过期"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot"
+msgid "Automatically follows newly discovered accounts."
+msgstr "自动关注新发现的账号。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag"
+msgid "Reject, TWKN-remove or Set-Sensitive messsages with specific hashtags (without the leading #)\n\nNote: This MRF Policy is always enabled, if you want to disable it you have to set empty lists.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"注:这个 MRF 策略总是开启的,如果你想禁用它,你得设置成空列表。\n"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread"
+msgid "Block messages with excessive user mentions"
+msgstr "屏蔽提及太多用户的讯息"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword"
+msgid "Reject or Word-Replace messages matching a keyword or [Regex]("
+msgstr "对匹配一个关键词或者[正则]("
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_mention"
+msgid "Block messages which mention a specific user"
+msgstr "拒绝提及特定用户的讯息"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_normalize_markup"
+msgid "MRF NormalizeMarkup settings. Scrub configured hypertext markup."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age"
+msgid "Rejects or delists posts based on their timestamp deviance from your server's clock."
+msgstr "基于时间戳和服务器时钟的差距而拒绝或除列文章。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic"
+msgid "RejectNonPublic drops posts with non-public visibility settings."
+msgstr "RejectNonPublic 丢弃有非公开的可见性设置的文章。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple"
+msgid "Simple ingress policies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji"
+msgid "Steals emojis from selected instances when it sees them."
+msgstr "从选择的实例偷取看到的 emoji。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain"
+msgid "This policy processes messages through an alternate pipeline when a given message matches certain criteria. All criteria are configured as a map of regular expressions to lists of policy modules."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary"
+msgid "Filter messages which belong to certain activity vocabularies"
+msgstr "过滤属于特定 activity 词汇的讯息"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2"
+msgid "Configure OAuth 2 provider capabilities"
+msgstr "配置 OAuth 2 提供者的能力"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools"
+msgid "Advanced settings for `Gun` workers pools"
+msgstr "「Gun」工人池的高级设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table"
+msgid "`populate_hashtags_table` background migration settings"
+msgstr "「populate_hashtags_table」后台迁移设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit"
+msgid "Rate limit settings. This is an advanced feature enabled only for :authentication by default."
+msgstr "频率限制设置。这是高级特性,默认只对 :authentication (鉴权)开启。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated"
+msgid "Disallow viewing timelines, user profiles and statuses for unauthenticated users."
+msgstr "不允许未被鉴权的用户查看时间线、用户主页和状态。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media"
+msgid "If enabled the instance will parse metadata from attached links to generate link previews"
+msgstr "如果开启,实例会从附上的链接里析出元数据来生成链接预览"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:shout"
+msgid "Pleroma shout settings"
+msgstr "Pleroma 留言板设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:static_fe"
+msgid "Render profiles and posts using server-generated HTML that is viewable without using JavaScript"
+msgstr "用服务器生成的,不用 JavaScript 就可以查看的 HTML 来渲染用户页和文章"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:streamer"
+msgid "Settings for notifications streamer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:uri_schemes"
+msgid "URI schemes related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl"
+msgid "The expiration time for the web responses cache. Values should be in milliseconds or `nil` to disable expiration."
+msgstr "web 回应缓存的过期时间。值应该以毫秒为单位,或者用「nil」来禁用过期。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome"
+msgid "Welcome messages settings"
+msgstr "欢迎讯息设置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:workers"
+msgid "Includes custom worker options not interpretable directly by `Oban`"
+msgstr "包含不能直接被「Oban」解读的自定工人选项"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter"
+msgid "Limits configuration for background tasks."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban"
+msgid "[Oban]( asynchronous job processor configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha"
+msgid "Captcha-related settings"
+msgstr "验证码相关设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha"
+msgid "Kocaptcha is a very simple captcha service with a single API endpoint, the source code is here: The default endpoint ( is hosted by the developer."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgid "Mailer-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail"
+msgid "New users admin email digest"
+msgstr "新用户管理邮件摘要"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail"
+msgid "Email template settings"
+msgstr "邮件模板设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter"
+msgid "Configuration for Pleroma's link formatter which parses mentions, hashtags, and URLs."
+msgstr "这是 Pleroma 的链接格式器的具体设定,可在此配置提及,标签与网址等。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity"
+msgid "Scheduled activities settings"
+msgstr "定时活动设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload"
+msgid "Upload general settings"
+msgstr "上传通用设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename"
+msgid "Filter replaces the filename of the upload"
+msgstr "过滤器将会匿名化上传文件的文件名"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify"
+msgid "Uploads mogrify filter settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local"
+msgid "Local uploader-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3"
+msgid "S3 uploader-related settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup"
+msgid "Account Backup"
+msgstr "账户备份"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http"
+msgid "HTTP invalidate settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script"
+msgid "Invalidation script settings"
+msgstr "无效的脚本设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata"
+msgid "Metadata-related settings"
+msgstr "元数据相关设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp"
+msgid "`Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp` is a shim to call [`RemoteIp`]( but with runtime configuration.\n**If your instance is not behind at least one reverse proxy, you should not enable this plug.**\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload"
+msgid "Preload-related settings"
+msgstr "预加载相关设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity"
+msgid "Expired activities settings"
+msgstr "失效活动设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter"
+msgid "Prometheus app metrics endpoint configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details"
+msgid "Web Push Notifications configuration. You can use the mix task mix web_push.gen.keypair to generate it."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3"
+msgid "S3"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console"
+msgid "Console Logger"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger"
+msgid "ExSyslogger"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub"
+msgid "ActivityPub"
+msgstr "ActivityPub"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets"
+msgid "Assets"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth"
+msgid "Auth"
+msgstr "验证"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool"
+msgid "Connections pool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications"
+msgid "Email notifications"
+msgstr "邮件通知"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji"
+msgid "Emoji"
+msgstr "Emoji"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:features"
+msgid "Features"
+msgstr "特性"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed"
+msgid "Feed"
+msgstr "信息流"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations"
+msgid "Frontend configurations"
+msgstr "前端配置"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends"
+msgid "Frontends"
+msgstr "前端"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher"
+msgid "Gopher"
+msgstr "Gopher"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools"
+msgid "Hackney pools"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http"
+msgid "HTTP"
+msgstr "HTTP"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security"
+msgid "HTTP security"
+msgstr "HTTP 安全性"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance"
+msgid "Instance"
+msgstr "实例"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instances_favicons"
+msgid "Instances favicons"
+msgstr "实例图标"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap"
+msgid "LDAP"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:majic_pool"
+msgid "Majic pool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest"
+msgid "Manifest"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup"
+msgid "Markup Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy"
+msgid "Media preview proxy"
+msgstr "媒体文件预览代理"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy"
+msgid "Media proxy"
+msgstr "媒体文件代理"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:modules"
+msgid "Modules"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf"
+msgid "MRF"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration"
+msgid "MRF Activity Expiration Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot"
+msgid "MRF FollowBot Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag"
+msgid "MRF Hashtag"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread"
+msgid "MRF Hellthread"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword"
+msgid "MRF Keyword"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_mention"
+msgid "MRF Mention"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_normalize_markup"
+msgid "MRF Normalize Markup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age"
+msgid "MRF Object Age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic"
+msgid "MRF Reject Non Public"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple"
+msgid "MRF Simple"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji"
+msgid "MRF Emojis"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain"
+msgid "MRF Subchain"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary"
+msgid "MRF Vocabulary"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2"
+msgid "OAuth2"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools"
+msgid "Pools"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table"
+msgid "Populate hashtags table"
+msgstr "本站话题标签列表"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit"
+msgid "Rate limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated"
+msgid "Restrict Unauthenticated"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media"
+msgid "Rich media"
+msgstr "富媒体"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:shout"
+msgid "Shout"
+msgstr "留言板"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:static_fe"
+msgid "Static FE"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:streamer"
+msgid "Streamer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:uri_schemes"
+msgid "URI Schemes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:user"
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "用户"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl"
+msgid "Web cache TTL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome"
+msgid "Welcome"
+msgstr "欢迎"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:workers"
+msgid "Workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter"
+msgid "ConcurrentLimiter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban"
+msgid "Oban"
+msgstr "Oban"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha"
+msgid "Pleroma.Captcha"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha"
+msgid "Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgid "Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail"
+msgid "Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail"
+msgid "Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter"
+msgid "Linkify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity"
+msgid "Pleroma.ScheduledActivity"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload"
+msgid "Pleroma.Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename"
+msgid "Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify"
+msgid "Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local"
+msgid "Pleroma.Uploaders.Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3"
+msgid "Pleroma.Uploaders.S3"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User"
+msgid "Pleroma.User"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup"
+msgid "Pleroma.User.Backup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Preload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity"
+msgid "Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details"
+msgid "Vapid Details"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables SSH"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :handler"
+msgid "Handler module"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :password_authenticator"
+msgid "Authenticator module"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :port"
+msgid "Port to connect"
+msgstr "用于连接的端口"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :esshd > :priv_dir"
+msgid "Dir with SSH keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :access_key_id"
+msgid "S3 access key ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :host"
+msgid "S3 host"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :region"
+msgid "S3 region (for AWS)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :ex_aws-:s3 > :secret_access_key"
+msgid "Secret access key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger > :backends"
+msgid "Where logs will be sent, :console - send logs to stdout, { ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger } - to syslog, Quack.Logger - to Slack."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:console > :format"
+msgid "Default: \"$date $time [$level] $levelpad$node $metadata $message\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:console > :level"
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr "日志等级"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :format"
+msgid "Default: \"$date $time [$level] $levelpad$node $metadata $message\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :ident"
+msgid "A string that's prepended to every message, and is typically set to the app name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :level"
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr "日志等级"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma > :admin_token"
+msgid "Admin token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :blockers_visible"
+msgid "Whether a user can see someone who has blocked them"
+msgstr "用户能否查看屏蔽了他们的用户"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :follow_handshake_timeout"
+msgid "Following handshake timeout"
+msgstr "关注请求超时"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :note_replies_output_limit"
+msgid "The number of Note replies' URIs to be included with outgoing federation (`5` to match Mastodon hardcoded value, `0` to disable the output)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :outgoing_blocks"
+msgid "Whether to federate blocks to other instances"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :sign_object_fetches"
+msgid "Sign object fetches with HTTP signatures"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:activitypub > :unfollow_blocked"
+msgid "Whether blocks result in people getting unfollowed"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets > :default_mascot"
+msgid "This will be used as the default mascot on MastoFE. Default: `:pleroma_fox_tan`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets > :default_user_avatar"
+msgid "URL of the default user avatar"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:assets > :mascots"
+msgid "Keyword of mascots, each element must contain both an URL and a mime_type key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :auth_template"
+msgid "Authentication form template. By default it's `show.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage"
+msgid "OAuth admin scope requirement toggle. If enabled, admin actions explicitly demand admin OAuth scope(s) presence in OAuth token (client app must support admin scopes). If disabled and token doesn't have admin scope(s), `is_admin` user flag grants access to admin-specific actions."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_strategies"
+msgid "The list of enabled OAuth consumer strategies. By default it's set by OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES environment variable. Each entry in this space-delimited string should be of format \"strategy\" or \"strategy:dependency\" (e.g. twitter or keycloak:ueberauth_keycloak_strategy in case dependency is named differently than ueberauth_<strategy>)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_template"
+msgid "OAuth consumer mode authentication form template. By default it's `consumer.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connect_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `gun` will wait until connection is up. Default: 5000ms."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_retries"
+msgid "Number of attempts to acquire the connection from the pool if it is overloaded. Default: 5"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_wait"
+msgid "Timeout to acquire a connection from pool. The total max time is this value multiplied by the number of retries. Default: 250ms."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :max_connections"
+msgid "Maximum number of connections in the pool. Default: 250 connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :reclaim_multiplier"
+msgid "Multiplier for the number of idle connection to be reclaimed if the pool is full. For example if the pool maxes out at 250 connections and this setting is set to 0.3, the pool will reclaim at most 75 idle connections if it's overloaded. Default: 0.1"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest"
+msgid "emails of \"what you've missed\" for users who have been inactive for a while"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :active"
+msgid "Globally enable or disable digest emails"
+msgstr "完全开启或关闭摘要邮件"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :inactivity_threshold"
+msgid "Minimum user inactivity threshold"
+msgstr "非活跃用户数量最低门槛"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :interval"
+msgid "Minimum interval between digest emails to one user"
+msgstr "单个用户能收到摘要邮件的间隔频次"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :schedule"
+msgid "When to send digest email, in crontab format. \"0 0 0\" is the default, meaning \"once a week at midnight on Sunday morning\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :default_manifest"
+msgid "Location of the JSON-manifest. This manifest contains information about the emoji-packs you can download. Currently only one manifest can be added (no arrays)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :groups"
+msgid "Emojis are ordered in groups (tags). This is an array of key-value pairs where the key is the group name and the value is the location or array of locations. * can be used as a wildcard."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :pack_extensions"
+msgid "A list of file extensions for emojis, when no emoji.txt for a pack is present"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:emoji > :shortcode_globs"
+msgid "Location of custom emoji files. * can be used as a wildcard."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:features > :improved_hashtag_timeline"
+msgid "Setting to force toggle / force disable improved hashtags timeline. `:enabled` forces hashtags to be fetched from `hashtags` table for hashtags timeline. `:disabled` forces object-embedded hashtags to be used (slower). Keep it `:auto` for automatic behaviour (it is auto-set to `:enabled` [unless overridden] when HashtagsTableMigrator completes)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title"
+msgid "Configure title rendering"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :max_length"
+msgid "Maximum number of characters before truncating title"
+msgstr "不被折叠的用户名的字符上限"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :omission"
+msgid "Replacement which will be used after truncating string"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe"
+msgid "Settings for Pleroma FE"
+msgstr "Pleroma FE 设定"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :alwaysShowSubjectInput"
+msgid "When disabled, auto-hide the subject field if it's empty"
+msgstr "当被停用时,自动隐藏未被填写的标题栏"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :background"
+msgid "URL of the background, unless viewing a user profile with a background that is set"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :collapseMessageWithSubject"
+msgid "When a message has a subject (aka Content Warning), collapse it by default"
+msgstr "默认状态下,将自动折叠带有标题的信息(内容警告)"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :greentext"
+msgid "Enables green text on lines prefixed with the > character"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideFilteredStatuses"
+msgid "Hides filtered statuses from timelines"
+msgstr "从时间线上隐藏被过滤的状态"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideMutedPosts"
+msgid "Hides muted statuses from timelines"
+msgstr "从时间线上折叠被隐藏的状态"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hidePostStats"
+msgid "Hide notices statistics (repeats, favorites, ...)"
+msgstr "关闭互动提醒(转发,点赞等)"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideSitename"
+msgid "Hides instance name from PleromaFE banner"
+msgstr "在 PleromaFE 横幅上隐藏实例名称"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideUserStats"
+msgid "Hide profile statistics (posts, posts per day, followers, followings, ...)"
+msgstr "隐藏账号页面数据(发文数量、平均每日发文数量、关注者数量、正在关注数量等)"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logo"
+msgid "URL of the logo, defaults to Pleroma's logo"
+msgstr "输入指定 logo 的链接,默认下为 Pleroma 的 logo"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMargin"
+msgid "Allows you to adjust vertical margins between logo boundary and navbar borders. The idea is that to have logo's image without any extra margins and instead adjust them to your need in layout."
+msgstr "您可以自定义 logo 与导航栏边界之间的垂直间隔。此功能是为了去除多余的 logo "
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMask"
+msgid "By default it assumes logo used will be monochrome with alpha channel to be compatible with both light and dark themes. If you want a colorful logo you must disable logoMask."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :minimalScopesMode"
+msgid "Limit scope selection to Direct, User default, and Scope of post replying to. Also prevents replying to a DM with a public post from PleromaFE."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :nsfwCensorImage"
+msgid "URL of the image to use for hiding NSFW media attachments in the timeline"
+msgstr "在此指定用于隐藏出现在时间线上 NSFW 媒体文件的遮罩图片链接"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :postContentType"
+msgid "Default post formatting option"
+msgstr "贴文格式默认选项"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootLogin"
+msgid "Relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user is logged in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootNoLogin"
+msgid "Relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user isn't logged in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :scopeCopy"
+msgid "Copy the scope (private/unlisted/public) in replies to posts by default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showFeaturesPanel"
+msgid "Enables panel displaying functionality of the instance on the About page"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showInstanceSpecificPanel"
+msgid "Whether to show the instance's custom panel"
+msgstr "是否展示该实例的自定义面板"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :sidebarRight"
+msgid "Change alignment of sidebar and panels to the right"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :subjectLineBehavior"
+msgid "Allows changing the default behaviour of subject lines in replies.\n `email`: copy and preprend re:, as in email,\n `masto`: copy verbatim, as in Mastodon,\n `noop`: don't copy the subject."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :theme"
+msgid "Which theme to use. Available themes are defined in styles.json"
+msgstr "使用某个主题。styles.json 中已限定了可用主题"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin"
+msgid "Admin frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > name"
+msgid "Name of the installed frontend. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > ref"
+msgid "Reference of the installed frontend to be used. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available"
+msgid "A map containing available frontends and parameters for their installation."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_dir"
+msgid "The directory inside the zip file "
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_url"
+msgid "Either an url to a zip file containing the frontend or a template to build it by inserting the `ref`. The string `${ref}` will be replaced by the configured `ref`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > custom-http-headers"
+msgid "The custom HTTP headers for the frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > git"
+msgid "URL of the git repository of the frontend"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > name"
+msgid "Name of the frontend."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > ref"
+msgid "Reference of the frontend to be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary"
+msgid "Primary frontend, the one that is served for all pages by default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > name"
+msgid "Name of the installed frontend. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > ref"
+msgid "Reference of the installed frontend to be used. Valid config must include both `Name` and `Reference` values."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :dstport"
+msgid "Port advertised in URLs (optional, defaults to port)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables the gopher interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :ip"
+msgid "IP address to bind to"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:gopher > :port"
+msgid "Port to bind to"
+msgstr "指定绑定端口"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation"
+msgid "Settings for federation pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :max_connections"
+msgid "Number workers in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `hackney` will wait for response."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media"
+msgid "Settings for media pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :max_connections"
+msgid "Number workers in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `hackney` will wait for response."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload"
+msgid "Settings for upload pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :max_connections"
+msgid "Number workers in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout while `hackney` will wait for response."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :adapter"
+msgid "Adapter specific options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options"
+msgid "SSL options for HTTP adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options > :versions"
+msgid "List of TLS version to use"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :proxy_url"
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr "代理地址"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http > :user_agent"
+msgid "What user agent to use. Must be a string or an atom `:default`. Default value is `:default`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :ct_max_age"
+msgid "The maximum age for the Expect-CT header if sent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :enabled"
+msgid "Whether the managed content security policy is enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :referrer_policy"
+msgid "The referrer policy to use, either \"same-origin\" or \"no-referrer\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :report_uri"
+msgid "Adds the specified URL to report-uri and report-to group in CSP header"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts"
+msgid "Whether to additionally send a Strict-Transport-Security header"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts_max_age"
+msgid "The maximum age for the Strict-Transport-Security header if sent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_activation_required"
+msgid "Require users to confirm their emails before signing in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_approval_required"
+msgid "Require users to be manually approved by an admin before signing in"
+msgstr "用户登陆需要管理员同意"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_name_length"
+msgid "An account field name maximum length. Default: 512."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_value_length"
+msgid "An account field value maximum length. Default: 2048."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :allow_relay"
+msgid "Permits remote instances to subscribe to all public posts of your instance. (Important!) This may increase the visibility of your instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :allowed_post_formats"
+msgid "MIME-type list of formats allowed to be posted (transformed into HTML)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :attachment_links"
+msgid "Enable to automatically add attachment link text to statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowed_nicknames"
+msgid "Set to nicknames of (local) users that every new user should automatically follow"
+msgstr "为一个会被新用户自动关注的(本地)用户设定昵称"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowing_nicknames"
+msgid "Set to nicknames of (local) users that automatically follows every newly registered user"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :avatar_upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of user's profile avatars"
+msgstr "用户头像的文件大小上限"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :background_upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of user's profile backgrounds"
+msgstr "用户资料背景的文件大小上限"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :banner_upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of user's profile banners"
+msgstr "用户资料横幅的文件大小上限"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_min_age"
+msgid "Minimum required age for users to create account. Only used if birthday is required."
+msgstr "创建账户的最低年龄限制。只有当需要输入生日时才生效。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_required"
+msgid "Require users to enter their birthday."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :cleanup_attachments"
+msgid "Enable to remove associated attachments when status is removed.\nThis will not affect duplicates and attachments without status.\nEnabling this will increase load to database when deleting statuses on larger instances.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :description"
+msgid "The instance's description. It can be seen in nodeinfo and `/api/v1/instance`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :email"
+msgid "Email used to reach an Administrator/Moderator of the instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :extended_nickname_format"
+msgid "Enable to use extended local nicknames format (allows underscores/dashes). This will break federation with older software for theses nicknames."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :external_user_synchronization"
+msgid "Enabling following/followers counters synchronization for external users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :federating"
+msgid "Enable federation with other instances"
+msgstr "启用与其他实例的联邦互通"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_incoming_replies_max_depth"
+msgid "Max. depth of reply-to and reply activities fetching on incoming federation, to prevent out-of-memory situations while fetching very long threads. If set to `nil`, threads of any depth will be fetched. Lower this value if you experience out-of-memory crashes."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_reachability_timeout_days"
+msgid "Timeout (in days) of each external federation target being unreachable prior to pausing federating to it"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :healthcheck"
+msgid "If enabled, system data will be shown on `/api/pleroma/healthcheck`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :instance_thumbnail"
+msgid "The instance thumbnail can be any image that represents your instance and is used by some apps or services when they display information about your instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :invites_enabled"
+msgid "Enable user invitations for admins (depends on `registrations_open` being disabled)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :limit"
+msgid "Posts character limit (CW/Subject included in the counter)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :limit_to_local_content"
+msgid "Limit unauthenticated users to search for local statutes and users only. Default: `:unauthenticated`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_account_fields"
+msgid "The maximum number of custom fields in the user profile. Default: 10."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_endorsed_users"
+msgid "The maximum number of recommended accounts. 0 will disable the feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_media_attachments"
+msgid "Maximum number of post media attachments"
+msgstr "最多可上传的媒体文件数量"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_pinned_statuses"
+msgid "The maximum number of pinned statuses. 0 will disable the feature."
+msgstr "可被置顶的状态数量上限。设定为0则关闭该功能。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_remote_account_fields"
+msgid "The maximum number of custom fields in the remote user profile. Default: 20."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :max_report_comment_size"
+msgid "The maximum size of the report comment. Default: 1000."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication"
+msgid "Multi-factor authentication settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes"
+msgid "MFA backup codes settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :length"
+msgid "Determines the length of backup one-time pass-codes, in characters. Defaults to 16 characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :number"
+msgid "Number of backup codes to generate."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp"
+msgid "TOTP settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :digits"
+msgid "Determines the length of a one-time pass-code, in characters. Defaults to 6 characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :period"
+msgid "A period for which the TOTP code will be valid, in seconds. Defaults to 30 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :name"
+msgid "Name of the instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :notify_email"
+msgid "Envelope FROM address for mail sent via Pleroma"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits"
+msgid "A map with poll limits for local polls"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_expiration"
+msgid "Maximum expiration time (in seconds)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_option_chars"
+msgid "Maximum number of characters per option"
+msgstr "单个选项的字符上限"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_options"
+msgid "Maximum number of options"
+msgstr "选项数量上限"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :min_expiration"
+msgid "Minimum expiration time (in seconds)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :privileged_staff"
+msgid "Let moderators access sensitive data (e.g. updating user credentials, get password reset token, delete users, index and read private statuses and chats)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :profile_directory"
+msgid "Enable profile directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :public"
+msgid "Makes the client API in authenticated mode-only except for user-profiles. Useful for disabling the Local Timeline and The Whole Known Network. Note: when setting to `false`, please also check `:restrict_unauthenticated` setting."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :quarantined_instances"
+msgid "List of ActivityPub instances where private (DMs, followers-only) activities will not be sent and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :registration_reason_length"
+msgid "Maximum registration reason length. Default: 500."
+msgstr "注册申请理由的字符上限。默认为500。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :registrations_open"
+msgid "Enable registrations for anyone. Invitations require this setting to be disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_limit"
+msgid "Hard character limit beyond which remote posts will be dropped"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_post_retention_days"
+msgid "The default amount of days to retain remote posts when pruning the database"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :safe_dm_mentions"
+msgid "If enabled, only mentions at the beginning of a post will be used to address people in direct messages. This is to prevent accidental mentioning of people when talking about them (e.g. \"@admin please keep an eye on @bad_actor\"). Default: disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :show_reactions"
+msgid "Let favourites and emoji reactions be viewed through the API."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :skip_thread_containment"
+msgid "Skip filtering out broken threads. Default: enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :static_dir"
+msgid "Instance static directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :upload_limit"
+msgid "File size limit of uploads (except for avatar, background, banner)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :user_bio_length"
+msgid "A user bio maximum length. Default: 5000."
+msgstr "用户自传的字符上限。默认为5000。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instance > :user_name_length"
+msgid "A user name maximum length. Default: 100."
+msgstr "用户名的字符上限。默认为100。"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:instances_favicons > :enabled"
+msgid "Allow/disallow displaying and getting instances favicons"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :base"
+msgid "LDAP base, e.g. \"dc=example,dc=com\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables LDAP authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :host"
+msgid "LDAP server hostname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :port"
+msgid "LDAP port, e.g. 389 or 636"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :ssl"
+msgid "Enable to use SSL, usually implies the port 636"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts"
+msgid "Additional SSL options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Path to file with PEM encoded cacerts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :verify"
+msgid "Type of cert verification"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tls"
+msgid "Enable to use STARTTLS, usually implies the port 389"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts"
+msgid "Additional TLS options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Path to file with PEM encoded cacerts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :verify"
+msgid "Type of cert verification"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:ldap > :uid"
+msgid "LDAP attribute name to authenticate the user, e.g. when \"cn\", the filter will be \"cn=username,base\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:majic_pool > :size"
+msgid "Number of majic workers to start."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest > :background_color"
+msgid "Describe the background color of the app"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest > :icons"
+msgid "Describe the icons of the app"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:manifest > :theme_color"
+msgid "Describe the theme color of the app"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:markup > :scrub_policy"
+msgid "Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.HTML.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables proxying of remote media preview to the instance's proxy. Requires enabled media proxy."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :image_quality"
+msgid "Quality of the output. Ranges from 0 (min quality) to 100 (max quality)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :min_content_length"
+msgid "Min content length (in bytes) to perform preview. Media smaller in size will be served without thumbnailing."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_height"
+msgid "Max height of preview thumbnail for images (video preview always has original dimensions)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_width"
+msgid "Max width of preview thumbnail for images (video preview always has original dimensions)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :base_url"
+msgid "The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables proxying of remote media via the instance's proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables media cache object invalidation."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :provider"
+msgid "Module which will be used to purge objects from the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts"
+msgid "Internal Pleroma.ReverseProxy settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_body_length"
+msgid "Maximum file size (in bytes) allowed through the Pleroma MediaProxy cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_read_duration"
+msgid "Timeout (in milliseconds) of GET request to the remote URI."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :redirect_on_failure"
+msgid "Redirects the client to the origin server upon encountering HTTP errors.\n\nNote that files larger than Max Body Length will trigger an error. (e.g., Peertube videos)\n\n\n**WARNING:** This setting will allow larger files to be accessed, but exposes the\n\nIP addresses of your users to the other servers, bypassing the MediaProxy.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :whitelist"
+msgid "List of hosts with scheme to bypass the MediaProxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:modules > :runtime_dir"
+msgid "A path to custom Elixir modules (such as MRF policies)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf > :policies"
+msgid "A list of MRF policies enabled. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency"
+msgid "Make the content of your Message Rewrite Facility settings public (via nodeinfo)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency_exclusions"
+msgid "Exclude specific instance names from MRF transparency. The use of the exclusions feature will be disclosed in nodeinfo as a boolean value. You can also provide a reason for excluding these instance names. The instances and reasons won't be publicly disclosed."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration > :days"
+msgid "Default global expiration time for all local activities (in days)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot > :follower_nickname"
+msgid "The name of the bot account to use for following newly discovered users."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "A list of hashtags which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :reject"
+msgid "A list of hashtags which result in message being rejected."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :sensitive"
+msgid "A list of hashtags which result in message being set as sensitive (a.k.a NSFW/R-18)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :delist_threshold"
+msgid "Number of mentioned users after which the message gets removed from timelines anddisables notifications. Set to 0 to disable."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :reject_threshold"
+msgid "Number of mentioned users after which the messaged gets rejected. Set to 0 to disable."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid " A list of patterns which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted).\n\n Each pattern can be a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :reject"
+msgid " A list of patterns which result in message being rejected.\n\n Each pattern can be a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :replace"
+msgid " **Pattern**: a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n\n **Replacement**: a string. Leaving the field empty is permitted.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_mention > :actors"
+msgid "A list of actors for which any post mentioning them will be dropped"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :actions"
+msgid "A list of actions to apply to the post. `:delist` removes the post from public timelines; `:strip_followers` removes followers from the ActivityPub recipient list ensuring they won't be delivered to home timelines; `:reject` rejects the message entirely"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :threshold"
+msgid "Required age (in seconds) of a post before actions are taken."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_direct"
+msgid "Whether to allow direct messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_followersonly"
+msgid "Whether to allow followers-only posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :accept"
+msgid "List of instances to only accept activities from (except deletes) and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :avatar_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to strip avatars from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :banner_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to strip banners from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to remove from the Federated (aka The Whole Known Network) Timeline and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :followers_only"
+msgid "Force posts from the given instances to be visible by followers only and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_nsfw"
+msgid "List of instances to tag all media as NSFW (sensitive) from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to strip media attachments from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject"
+msgid "List of instances to reject activities from (except deletes) and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject_deletes"
+msgid "List of instances to reject deletions from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :report_removal"
+msgid "List of instances to reject reports from and the reason for doing so"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :hosts"
+msgid "List of hosts to steal emojis from"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :rejected_shortcodes"
+msgid " A list of patterns or matches to reject shortcodes with.\n\n Each pattern can be a string or [Regex]( in the format of `~r/PATTERN/`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :size_limit"
+msgid "File size limit (in bytes), checked before an emoji is saved to the disk"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain > :match_actor"
+msgid "Matches a series of regular expressions against the actor field"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :accept"
+msgid "A list of ActivityStreams terms to accept. If empty, all supported messages are accepted."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :reject"
+msgid "A list of ActivityStreams terms to reject. If empty, no messages are rejected."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :clean_expired_tokens"
+msgid "Enable a background job to clean expired OAuth tokens. Default: disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :issue_new_refresh_token"
+msgid "Keeps old refresh token or generate new refresh token when to obtain an access token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :token_expires_in"
+msgid "The lifetime in seconds of the access token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default"
+msgid "Settings for default pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation"
+msgid "Settings for federation pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media"
+msgid "Settings for media pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload"
+msgid "Settings for upload pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :size"
+msgid "Maximum number of concurrent requests in the pool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :fault_rate_allowance"
+msgid "Max accepted rate of objects that failed in the migration. Any value from 0.0 which tolerates no errors to 1.0 which will enable the feature even if hashtags transfer failed for all records."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :sleep_interval_ms"
+msgid "Sleep interval between each chunk of processed records in order to decrease the load on the system (defaults to 0 and should be keep default on most instances)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :app_account_creation"
+msgid "For registering user accounts from the same IP address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :authentication"
+msgid "For authentication create / password check / user existence check requests"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relation_id_action"
+msgid "For actions on relation with a specific user (follow, unfollow)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relations_actions"
+msgid "For actions on relationships with all users (follow, unfollow)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :search"
+msgid "For the search requests (account & status search etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :status_id_action"
+msgid "For fav / unfav or reblog / unreblog actions on the same status by the same user"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :statuses_actions"
+msgid "For create / delete / fav / unfav / reblog / unreblog actions on any statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :timeline"
+msgid "For requests to timelines (each timeline has it's own limiter)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities"
+msgid "Settings for statuses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :local"
+msgid "Disallow view local statuses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :remote"
+msgid "Disallow view remote statuses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles"
+msgid "Settings for user profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :local"
+msgid "Disallow view local user profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :remote"
+msgid "Disallow view remote user profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines"
+msgid "Settings for public and federated timelines."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :federated"
+msgid "Disallow view federated timeline."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :local"
+msgid "Disallow view public timeline."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables RichMedia parsing of URLs"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :failure_backoff"
+msgid "Amount of milliseconds after request failure, during which the request will not be retried."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_hosts"
+msgid "List of hosts which will be ignored by the metadata parser"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_tld"
+msgid "List TLDs (top-level domains) which will ignore for parse metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :parsers"
+msgid "List of Rich Media parsers. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parsers.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ttl_setters"
+msgid "List of rich media TTL setters. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:shout > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables the backend Shoutbox chat feature."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:shout > :limit"
+msgid "Shout message character limit."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:static_fe > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables the rendering of static HTML. Default: disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:streamer > :overflow_workers"
+msgid "Maximum number of workers created if pool is empty"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:streamer > :workers"
+msgid "Number of workers to send notifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:uri_schemes > :valid_schemes"
+msgid "List of the scheme part that is considered valid to be an URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub"
+msgid "Activity pub routes (except question activities). Default: `nil` (no expiration)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub_question"
+msgid "Activity pub routes (question activities). Default: `30_000` (30 seconds)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables sending a chat message to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :message"
+msgid "A message that will be sent to newly registered users as a chat message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "The nickname of the local user that sends a welcome chat message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables sending a direct message to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :message"
+msgid "A message that will be sent to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "The nickname of the local user that sends a welcome message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables sending an email to newly registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :html"
+msgid "HTML content of the welcome email. EEX template with user and instance_name variables can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :sender"
+msgid "Email address and/or nickname that will be used to send the welcome email."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :subject"
+msgid "Subject of the welcome email. EEX template with user and instance_name variables can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :text"
+msgid "Text content of the welcome email. EEX template with user and instance_name variables can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-:workers > :retries"
+msgid "Max retry attempts for failed jobs, per `Oban` queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy"
+msgid "Concurrent limits configuration for MediaProxyWarmingPolicy."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running concurrently jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers"
+msgid "Concurrent limits configuration for getting RichMedia for activities."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running concurrently jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :crontab"
+msgid "Settings for cron background jobs"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :log"
+msgid "Logs verbose mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues"
+msgid "Background jobs queues (keys: queues, values: max numbers of concurrent jobs)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :activity_expiration"
+msgid "Activity expiration queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :attachments_cleanup"
+msgid "Attachment deletion queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :background"
+msgid "Background queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :backup"
+msgid "Backup queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_incoming"
+msgid "Incoming federation queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_outgoing"
+msgid "Outgoing federation queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :mailer"
+msgid "Email sender queue, see Pleroma.Emails.Mailer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :scheduled_activities"
+msgid "Scheduled activities queue, see Pleroma.ScheduledActivities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :transmogrifier"
+msgid "Transmogrifier queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :web_push"
+msgid "Web push notifications queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :enabled"
+msgid "Whether the captcha should be shown on registration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :method"
+msgid "The method/service to use for captcha"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :seconds_valid"
+msgid "The time in seconds for which the captcha is valid"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha > :endpoint"
+msgid "The kocaptcha endpoint to use"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > :adapter"
+msgid "One of the mail adapters listed in [Swoosh documentation]("
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:auth"
+msgid "SMTP AUTH enforcement mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:password"
+msgid "SMTP AUTH password"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:port"
+msgid "SMTP port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:relay"
+msgid "Hostname or IP address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:retries"
+msgid "SMTP temporary (4xx) error retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:ssl"
+msgid "Use Implicit SSL/TLS. e.g. port 465"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:tls"
+msgid "Explicit TLS (STARTTLS) enforcement mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:username"
+msgid "SMTP AUTH username"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables new users admin digest email when `true`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :logo"
+msgid "A path to a custom logo. Set it to `nil` to use the default Pleroma logo."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling"
+msgid "A map with color settings for email templates."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :class"
+msgid "Specify the class to be added to the generated link. Disable to clear."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :extra"
+msgid "Link URLs with rarely used schemes (magnet, ipfs, irc, etc.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :new_window"
+msgid "Link URLs will open in a new window/tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :rel"
+msgid "Override the rel attribute. Disable to clear."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :strip_prefix"
+msgid "Strip the scheme prefix."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :truncate"
+msgid "Set to a number to truncate URLs longer than the number. Truncated URLs will end in `...`"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :validate_tld"
+msgid "Set to false to disable TLD validation for URLs/emails. Can be set to :no_scheme to validate TLDs only for URLs without a scheme (e.g `` will be validated, but `http://example.loki` won't)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :daily_user_limit"
+msgid "The number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in a single day. Default: 25."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Whether scheduled activities are sent to the job queue to be executed"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :total_user_limit"
+msgid "The number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in total. Default: 300."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :base_url"
+msgid "Base URL for the uploads. Required if you use a CDN or host attachments under a different domain."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filename_display_max_length"
+msgid "Set max length of a filename to display. 0 = no limit. Default: 30"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filters"
+msgid "List of filter modules for uploads. Module names are shortened (removed leading `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.` part), but on adding custom module you need to use full name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :link_name"
+msgid "If enabled, a name parameter will be added to the URL of the upload. For example `https://instance.tld/media/imagehash.png?name=realname.png`."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :proxy_remote"
+msgid "Proxy requests to the remote uploader.\n\nUseful if media upload endpoint is not internet accessible.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :uploader"
+msgid "Module which will be used for uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename > :text"
+msgid "Text to replace filenames in links. If no setting, {random}.extension will be used. You can get the original filename extension by using {extension}, for example custom-file-name.{extension}."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify > :args"
+msgid "List of actions for the mogrify command. It's possible to add self-written settings as string. For example `auto-orient, strip, {\"resize\", \"3840x1080>\"}` value will be parsed into valid list of the settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local > :uploads"
+msgid "Path where user's uploads will be saved"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket"
+msgid "S3 bucket"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket_namespace"
+msgid "S3 bucket namespace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :streaming_enabled"
+msgid "Enable streaming uploads, when enabled the file will be sent to the server in chunks as it's being read. This may be unsupported by some providers, try disabling this if you have upload problems."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :truncated_namespace"
+msgid "If you use S3 compatible service such as Digital Ocean Spaces or CDN, set folder name or \"\" etc. For example, when using CDN to S3 virtual host format, set \"\". At this time, write CNAME to CDN in Upload base_url."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :email_blacklist"
+msgid "List of email domains users may not register with."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :restricted_nicknames"
+msgid "List of nicknames users may not register with."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :limit_days"
+msgid "Limit user to export not more often than once per N days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :purge_after_days"
+msgid "Remove backup achives after N days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate > :strict"
+msgid "Enables strict input validation (useful in development, not recommended in production)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :headers"
+msgid "HTTP headers of request"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :method"
+msgid "HTTP method of request. Default: :purge"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :options"
+msgid "Request options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :script_path"
+msgid "Path to executable script which will purge cached items."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :url_format"
+msgid "Optional URL format preprocessing. Only required for Apache's htcacheclean."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :providers"
+msgid "List of metadata providers to enable"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :unfurl_nsfw"
+msgid "When enabled NSFW attachments will be shown in previews"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :enabled"
+msgid "Enable/disable the plug. Default: disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :headers"
+msgid " A list of strings naming the HTTP headers to use when deriving the true client IP. Default: `[\"x-forwarded-for\"]`.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :proxies"
+msgid "A list of upstream proxy IP subnets in CIDR notation from which we will parse the content of `headers`. Defaults to `[]`. IPv4 entries without a bitmask will be assumed to be /32 and IPv6 /128."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :reserved"
+msgid " A list of reserved IP subnets in CIDR notation which should be ignored if found in `headers`. Defaults to `[\"\", \"::1/128\", \"fc00::/7\", \"\", \"\", \"\"]`\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload > :providers"
+msgid "List of preload providers to enable"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Enables expired activities addition & deletion"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :min_lifetime"
+msgid "Minimum lifetime for ephemeral activity (in seconds)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :auth"
+msgid "Enables HTTP Basic Auth for app metrics endpoint."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :enabled"
+msgid "[Pleroma extension] Enables app metrics endpoint."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :format"
+msgid "App metrics endpoint output format."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :ip_whitelist"
+msgid "Restrict access of app metrics endpoint to the specified IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :path"
+msgid "App metrics endpoint URI path."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack > :level"
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack > :meta"
+msgid "Configure which metadata you want to report on"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :quack > :webhook_url"
+msgid "Configure the Slack incoming webhook"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :private_key"
+msgid "VAPID private key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :public_key"
+msgid "VAPID public key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config description at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :subject"
+msgid "A mailto link for the administrative contact. It's best if this email is not a personal email address, but rather a group email to the instance moderation team."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :credentials"
+msgid "Credentials"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :expose"
+msgid "Expose"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :headers"
+msgid "Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :max_age"
+msgid "Max age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :cors_plug > :methods"
+msgid "Methods"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :handler"
+msgid "Handler"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :password_authenticator"
+msgid "Password authenticator"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :esshd > :priv_dir"
+msgid "Priv dir"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :access_key_id"
+msgid "Access key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :host"
+msgid "Host"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :region"
+msgid "Region"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :ex_aws-:s3 > :secret_access_key"
+msgid "Secret access key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger > :backends"
+msgid "Backends"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console > :format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console > :level"
+msgid "Level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:console > :metadata"
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :ident"
+msgid "Ident"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :level"
+msgid "Level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :logger-:ex_syslogger > :metadata"
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types"
+msgid "Types"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/activity+json"
+msgid "\"application/activity+json\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/jrd+json"
+msgid "\"application/jrd+json\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/ld+json"
+msgid "\"application/ld+json\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/xml"
+msgid "\"application/xml\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :mime > :types > application/xrd+xml"
+msgid "\"application/xrd+xml\""
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma > :admin_token"
+msgid "Admin token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma > Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :blockers_visible"
+msgid "Blockers visible"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :follow_handshake_timeout"
+msgid "Follow handshake timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :note_replies_output_limit"
+msgid "Note replies output limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :outgoing_blocks"
+msgid "Outgoing blocks"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :sign_object_fetches"
+msgid "Sign object fetches"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:activitypub > :unfollow_blocked"
+msgid "Unfollow blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets > :default_mascot"
+msgid "Default mascot"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets > :default_user_avatar"
+msgid "Default user avatar"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:assets > :mascots"
+msgid "Mascots"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :auth_template"
+msgid "Auth template"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage"
+msgid "Enforce OAuth admin scope usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_strategies"
+msgid "OAuth consumer strategies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:auth > :oauth_consumer_template"
+msgid "OAuth consumer template"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connect_timeout"
+msgid "Connect timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_retries"
+msgid "Connection acquisition retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :connection_acquisition_wait"
+msgid "Connection acquisition wait"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:connections_pool > :reclaim_multiplier"
+msgid "Reclaim multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest"
+msgid "Digest"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :active"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :inactivity_threshold"
+msgid "Inactivity threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :interval"
+msgid "Interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:email_notifications > :digest > :schedule"
+msgid "Schedule"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :default_manifest"
+msgid "Default manifest"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :groups"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :pack_extensions"
+msgid "Pack extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file"
+msgid "Shared pack cache s/file"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:emoji > :shortcode_globs"
+msgid "Shortcode globs"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:features > :improved_hashtag_timeline"
+msgid "Improved hashtag timeline"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title"
+msgid "Post title"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :max_length"
+msgid "Max length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:feed > :post_title > :omission"
+msgid "Omission"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe"
+msgid "Pleroma FE"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :alwaysShowSubjectInput"
+msgid "Always show subject input"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :background"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :collapseMessageWithSubject"
+msgid "Collapse message with subject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :greentext"
+msgid "Greentext"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideFilteredStatuses"
+msgid "Hide Filtered Statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideMutedPosts"
+msgid "Hide Muted Posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hidePostStats"
+msgid "Hide post stats"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideSitename"
+msgid "Hide Sitename"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :hideUserStats"
+msgid "Hide user stats"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logo"
+msgid "Logo"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMargin"
+msgid "Logo margin"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :logoMask"
+msgid "Logo mask"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :minimalScopesMode"
+msgid "Minimal scopes mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :nsfwCensorImage"
+msgid "NSFW Censor Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :postContentType"
+msgid "Post Content Type"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootLogin"
+msgid "Redirect root login"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :redirectRootNoLogin"
+msgid "Redirect root no login"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :scopeCopy"
+msgid "Scope copy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showFeaturesPanel"
+msgid "Show instance features panel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :showInstanceSpecificPanel"
+msgid "Show instance specific panel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :sidebarRight"
+msgid "Sidebar on Right"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :subjectLineBehavior"
+msgid "Subject line behavior"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontend_configurations > :pleroma_fe > :theme"
+msgid "Theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin"
+msgid "Admin"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :admin > ref"
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available"
+msgid "Available"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_dir"
+msgid "Build directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > build_url"
+msgid "Build URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > custom-http-headers"
+msgid "Custom HTTP headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > git"
+msgid "Git Repository URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :available > ref"
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary"
+msgid "Primary"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:frontends > :primary > ref"
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :dstport"
+msgid "Dstport"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :ip"
+msgid "IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:gopher > :port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation"
+msgid "Federation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :federation > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media"
+msgid "Media"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :media > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload"
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :max_connections"
+msgid "Max connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:hackney_pools > :upload > :timeout"
+msgid "Timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :adapter"
+msgid "Adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options"
+msgid "SSL Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :adapter > :ssl_options > :versions"
+msgid "Versions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :proxy_url"
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :send_user_agent"
+msgid "Send user agent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http > :user_agent"
+msgid "User agent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :ct_max_age"
+msgid "CT max age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :referrer_policy"
+msgid "Referrer policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :report_uri"
+msgid "Report URI"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts"
+msgid "STS"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:http_security > :sts_max_age"
+msgid "STS max age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_activation_required"
+msgid "Account activation required"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_approval_required"
+msgid "Account approval required"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_name_length"
+msgid "Account field name length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :account_field_value_length"
+msgid "Account field value length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :allow_relay"
+msgid "Allow relay"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :allowed_post_formats"
+msgid "Allowed post formats"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :attachment_links"
+msgid "Attachment links"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowed_nicknames"
+msgid "Autofollowed nicknames"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :autofollowing_nicknames"
+msgid "Autofollowing nicknames"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :avatar_upload_limit"
+msgid "Avatar upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :background_upload_limit"
+msgid "Background upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :banner_upload_limit"
+msgid "Banner upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_min_age"
+msgid "Birthday min age"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :birthday_required"
+msgid "Birthday required"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :cleanup_attachments"
+msgid "Cleanup attachments"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :description"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :email"
+msgid "Admin Email Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :extended_nickname_format"
+msgid "Extended nickname format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :external_user_synchronization"
+msgid "External user synchronization"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :federating"
+msgid "Federating"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_incoming_replies_max_depth"
+msgid "Fed. incoming replies max depth"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :federation_reachability_timeout_days"
+msgid "Fed. reachability timeout days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :healthcheck"
+msgid "Healthcheck"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :instance_thumbnail"
+msgid "Instance thumbnail"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :invites_enabled"
+msgid "Invites enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :limit"
+msgid "Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :limit_to_local_content"
+msgid "Limit to local content"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_account_fields"
+msgid "Max account fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_endorsed_users"
+msgid "Max endorsed users"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_media_attachments"
+msgid "Max media attachments"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_pinned_statuses"
+msgid "Max pinned statuses"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_remote_account_fields"
+msgid "Max remote account fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :max_report_comment_size"
+msgid "Max report comment size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication"
+msgid "Multi factor authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes"
+msgid "Backup codes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :length"
+msgid "Length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :backup_codes > :number"
+msgid "Number"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp"
+msgid "TOTP settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :digits"
+msgid "Digits"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :multi_factor_authentication > :totp > :period"
+msgid "Period"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :name"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :notify_email"
+msgid "Sender Email Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits"
+msgid "Poll limits"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_expiration"
+msgid "Max expiration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_option_chars"
+msgid "Max option chars"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :max_options"
+msgid "Max options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :poll_limits > :min_expiration"
+msgid "Min expiration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :privileged_staff"
+msgid "Privileged staff"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :profile_directory"
+msgid "Profile directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :public"
+msgid "Public"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :quarantined_instances"
+msgid "Quarantined instances"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :registration_reason_length"
+msgid "Registration reason length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :registrations_open"
+msgid "Registrations open"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_limit"
+msgid "Remote limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :remote_post_retention_days"
+msgid "Remote post retention days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :safe_dm_mentions"
+msgid "Safe DM mentions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :show_reactions"
+msgid "Show reactions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :skip_thread_containment"
+msgid "Skip thread containment"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :static_dir"
+msgid "Static dir"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :upload_limit"
+msgid "Upload limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :user_bio_length"
+msgid "User bio length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instance > :user_name_length"
+msgid "User name length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:instances_favicons > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :base"
+msgid "Base"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :host"
+msgid "Host"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :ssl"
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts"
+msgid "SSL options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Cacertfile"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :sslopts > :verify"
+msgid "Verify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tls"
+msgid "TLS"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts"
+msgid "TLS options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :cacertfile"
+msgid "Cacertfile"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :tlsopts > :verify"
+msgid "Verify"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:ldap > :uid"
+msgid "UID"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:majic_pool > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest > :background_color"
+msgid "Background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest > :icons"
+msgid "Icons"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:manifest > :theme_color"
+msgid "Theme color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_fonts"
+msgid "Allow fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_headings"
+msgid "Allow headings"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_inline_images"
+msgid "Allow inline images"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :allow_tables"
+msgid "Allow tables"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:markup > :scrub_policy"
+msgid "Scrub policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :image_quality"
+msgid "Image quality"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :min_content_length"
+msgid "Min content length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_height"
+msgid "Thumbnail max height"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_preview_proxy > :thumbnail_max_width"
+msgid "Thumbnail max width"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :base_url"
+msgid "Base URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation"
+msgid "Invalidation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :invalidation > :provider"
+msgid "Provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts"
+msgid "Advanced MediaProxy Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_body_length"
+msgid "Max body length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :max_read_duration"
+msgid "Max read duration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :proxy_opts > :redirect_on_failure"
+msgid "Redirect on failure"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:media_proxy > :whitelist"
+msgid "Whitelist"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:modules > :runtime_dir"
+msgid "Runtime dir"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf > :policies"
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency"
+msgid "MRF transparency"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf > :transparency_exclusions"
+msgid "MRF transparency exclusions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_activity_expiration > :days"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_follow_bot > :follower_nickname"
+msgid "Follower nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "Federated timeline removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hashtag > :sensitive"
+msgid "Sensitive"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :delist_threshold"
+msgid "Delist threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_hellthread > :reject_threshold"
+msgid "Reject threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "Federated timeline removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_keyword > :replace"
+msgid "Replace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_mention > :actors"
+msgid "Actors"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_normalize_markup > :scrub_policy"
+msgid "Scrub policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :actions"
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_object_age > :threshold"
+msgid "Threshold"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_direct"
+msgid "Allow direct"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_rejectnonpublic > :allow_followersonly"
+msgid "Allow followers-only"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :accept"
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :avatar_removal"
+msgid "Avatar removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :banner_removal"
+msgid "Banner removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :federated_timeline_removal"
+msgid "Federated timeline removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :followers_only"
+msgid "Followers only"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_nsfw"
+msgid "Media NSFW"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :media_removal"
+msgid "Media removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :reject_deletes"
+msgid "Reject deletes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_simple > :report_removal"
+msgid "Report removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :hosts"
+msgid "Hosts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :rejected_shortcodes"
+msgid "Rejected shortcodes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_steal_emoji > :size_limit"
+msgid "Size limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_subchain > :match_actor"
+msgid "Match actor"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :accept"
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:mrf_vocabulary > :reject"
+msgid "Reject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :clean_expired_tokens"
+msgid "Clean expired tokens"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :issue_new_refresh_token"
+msgid "Issue new refresh token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:oauth2 > :token_expires_in"
+msgid "Token expires in"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :default > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation"
+msgid "Federation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :federation > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media"
+msgid "Media"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :media > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload"
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :recv_timeout"
+msgid "Recv timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:pools > :upload > :size"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :fault_rate_allowance"
+msgid "Fault rate allowance"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:populate_hashtags_table > :sleep_interval_ms"
+msgid "Sleep interval ms"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :app_account_creation"
+msgid "App account creation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :authentication"
+msgid "Authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relation_id_action"
+msgid "Relation ID action"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :relations_actions"
+msgid "Relations actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :search"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :status_id_action"
+msgid "Status ID action"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :statuses_actions"
+msgid "Statuses actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rate_limit > :timeline"
+msgid "Timeline"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities"
+msgid "Activities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :local"
+msgid "Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :activities > :remote"
+msgid "Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles"
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :local"
+msgid "Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :profiles > :remote"
+msgid "Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines"
+msgid "Timelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :federated"
+msgid "Federated"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:restrict_unauthenticated > :timelines > :local"
+msgid "Local"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :failure_backoff"
+msgid "Failure backoff"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_hosts"
+msgid "Ignore hosts"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ignore_tld"
+msgid "Ignore TLD"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :parsers"
+msgid "Parsers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:rich_media > :ttl_setters"
+msgid "TTL setters"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:shout > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:shout > :limit"
+msgid "Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:static_fe > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:streamer > :overflow_workers"
+msgid "Overflow workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:streamer > :workers"
+msgid "Workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:uri_schemes > :valid_schemes"
+msgid "Valid schemes"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:user > :deny_follow_blocked"
+msgid "Deny follow blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub"
+msgid "Activity pub"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:web_cache_ttl > :activity_pub_question"
+msgid "Activity pub question"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message"
+msgid "Chat message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :message"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :chat_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "Sender nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message"
+msgid "Direct message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :message"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :direct_message > :sender_nickname"
+msgid "Sender nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email"
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :html"
+msgid "Html"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :sender"
+msgid "Sender"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :subject"
+msgid "Subject"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:welcome > :email > :text"
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-:workers > :retries"
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers"
+msgid "Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_running"
+msgid "Max running"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-ConcurrentLimiter > Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers > :max_waiting"
+msgid "Max waiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :crontab"
+msgid "Crontab"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :log"
+msgid "Log"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues"
+msgid "Queues"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :activity_expiration"
+msgid "Activity expiration"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :attachments_cleanup"
+msgid "Attachments cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :background"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :backup"
+msgid "Backup"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_incoming"
+msgid "Federator incoming"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :federator_outgoing"
+msgid "Federator outgoing"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :mailer"
+msgid "Mailer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :scheduled_activities"
+msgid "Scheduled activities"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :transmogrifier"
+msgid "Transmogrifier"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Oban > :queues > :web_push"
+msgid "Web push"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :method"
+msgid "Method"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha > :seconds_valid"
+msgid "Seconds valid"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha > :endpoint"
+msgid "Endpoint"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > :adapter"
+msgid "Adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > :enabled"
+msgid "Mailer Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES-:access_key"
+msgid "AWS Access Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES-:region"
+msgid "AWS Region"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES-:secret"
+msgid "AWS Secret Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Dyn-:api_key"
+msgid "Dyn API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Gmail-:access_token"
+msgid "GMail API Access Token"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailgun-:api_key"
+msgid "Mailgun API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailgun-:domain"
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailjet-:api_key"
+msgid "MailJet Public API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mailjet-:secret"
+msgid "MailJet Private API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Mandrill-:api_key"
+msgid "Mandrill API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Postmark-:api_key"
+msgid "Postmark API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:auth"
+msgid "AUTH Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:password"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:port"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:relay"
+msgid "Relay"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:retries"
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:ssl"
+msgid "Use SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:tls"
+msgid "STARTTLS Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP-:username"
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr "用户名"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendgrid-:api_key"
+msgid "SendGrid API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail-:cmd_args"
+msgid "Cmd args"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail-:cmd_path"
+msgid "Cmd path"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.Sendmail-:qmail"
+msgid "Qmail compat mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SocketLabs-:api_key"
+msgid "SocketLabs API Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SocketLabs-:server_id"
+msgid "Server ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SparkPost-:api_key"
+msgid "SparkPost API key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.Mailer > Swoosh.Adapters.SparkPost-:endpoint"
+msgid "Endpoint"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.NewUsersDigestEmail > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :logo"
+msgid "Logo"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling"
+msgid "Styling"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :background_color"
+msgid "Background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :content_background_color"
+msgid "Content background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :header_color"
+msgid "Header color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :link_color"
+msgid "Link color"
+msgstr "链接颜色"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :text_color"
+msgid "Text color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail > :styling > :text_muted_color"
+msgid "Text muted color"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :class"
+msgid "Class"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :extra"
+msgid "Extra"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :new_window"
+msgid "New window"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :rel"
+msgid "Rel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :strip_prefix"
+msgid "Strip prefix"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :truncate"
+msgid "Truncate"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Formatter > :validate_tld"
+msgid "Validate tld"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :daily_user_limit"
+msgid "Daily user limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.ScheduledActivity > :total_user_limit"
+msgid "Total user limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :base_url"
+msgid "Base URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filename_display_max_length"
+msgid "Filename display max length"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :filters"
+msgid "Filters"
+msgstr "过滤器"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :link_name"
+msgid "Link name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :proxy_remote"
+msgid "Proxy remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload > :uploader"
+msgid "Uploader"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename > :text"
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify > :args"
+msgid "Args"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.Local > :uploads"
+msgid "Uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket"
+msgid "Bucket"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :bucket_namespace"
+msgid "Bucket namespace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :streaming_enabled"
+msgid "Streaming enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 > :truncated_namespace"
+msgid "Truncated namespace"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :email_blacklist"
+msgid "Email blacklist"
+msgstr "邮件黑名单"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User > :restricted_nicknames"
+msgid "Restricted nicknames"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :limit_days"
+msgid "Limit days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.User.Backup > :purge_after_days"
+msgid "Purge after days"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate > :strict"
+msgid "Strict"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :headers"
+msgid "Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :method"
+msgid "Method"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :options"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http > :options > :params"
+msgid "Params"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :script_path"
+msgid "Script path"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script > :url_format"
+msgid "URL Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :providers"
+msgid "Providers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Metadata > :unfurl_nsfw"
+msgid "Unfurl NSFW"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "已启用"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :headers"
+msgid "Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :proxies"
+msgid "Proxies"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp > :reserved"
+msgid "Reserved"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Web.Preload > :providers"
+msgid "Providers"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :pleroma-Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity > :min_lifetime"
+msgid "Min lifetime"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :auth"
+msgid "Auth"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :enabled"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :ip_whitelist"
+msgid "IP Whitelist"
+msgstr "IP 白名单"
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :prometheus-Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter > :path"
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack > :level"
+msgid "Level"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack > :meta"
+msgid "Meta"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :quack > :webhook_url"
+msgid "Webhook URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :private_key"
+msgid "Private key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :public_key"
+msgid "Public key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/pleroma/docs/translator.ex:5
+#, elixir-autogen, elixir-format
+msgctxt "config label at :web_push_encryption-:vapid_details > :subject"
+msgid "Subject"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/default.po b/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/default.po
@@ -8,179 +8,186 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-22 19:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yating Zhan <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <"
"Language: zh_Hans\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:122
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - %{count} is not a multiple of %{multiple}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - %{count} 不是 %{multiple} 的倍数。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:131
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - %{value} is larger than exclusive maximum %{max}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} 大于排除性最大值 %{max}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:140
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - %{value} is larger than inclusive maximum %{max}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} 大于包括性最大值 %{max}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:149
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - %{value} is smaller than exclusive minimum %{min}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} 小于排除性最小值 %{min}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:158
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - %{value} is smaller than inclusive minimum %{min}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - %{value} 小于包括性最小值 %{min}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:102
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - Array items must be unique."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 数组项目必须唯一。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:114
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - Array length %{length} is larger than maxItems: %{}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 数组长度 %{length} 大于最大项目数: %{}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:106
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - Array length %{length} is smaller than minItems: %{min}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 数组长度 %{length} 小于最小项目数: %{min}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:166
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - Invalid %{type}. Got: %{value}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 不合法的 %{type}。得到的是:%{value}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:174
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - Invalid format. Expected %{format}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 不合法的格式。预期是 %{format}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:51
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - Invalid schema.type. Got: %{type}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 不合法的 schema.type。得到的是:%{type}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:178
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - Invalid value for enum."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 枚举值不合法。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:95
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - String length is larger than maxLength: %{length}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 字串长度大于最大长度:%{length}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:88
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - String length is smaller than minLength: %{length}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - 字串长度小于最小长度:%{length}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:63
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - null value where %{type} expected."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - null 值,但是预期该是 %{type}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:60
+#, elixir-format
msgid "%{name} - null value."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%{name} - null 值。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:182
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Failed to cast to any schema in %{polymorphic_type}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "转换到 %{polymorphic_type} 中的任一 schema 失败"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:71
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Failed to cast value as %{invalid_schema}. Value must be castable using `allOf` schemas listed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "把值转换成 %{invalid_schema} 失败。值必须可以被转换成在列的「所有」schema。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:84
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Failed to cast value to one of: %{failed_schemas}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "转换值为 %{failed_schemas} 中的一个失败。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:78
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Failed to cast value using any of: %{failed_schemas}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "转换值为 %{failed_schemas} 中的任意一个失败。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:212
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid value for header: %{name}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "头 %{name} 的不合法的值。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:204
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Missing field: %{name}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "缺少字段:%{name}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:208
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Missing header: %{name}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "缺少头:%{name}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:196
+#, elixir-format
msgid "No value provided for required discriminator `%{field}`."
msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:216
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Object property count %{property_count} is greater than maxProperties: %{max_properties}."
msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:224
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Object property count %{property_count} is less than minProperties: %{min_properties}"
msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/error.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Oops"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "嗨呀"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:188
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Unexpected field: %{name}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "超出预期的字段:%{name}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:200
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Unknown schema: %{name}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "未知的 schema:%{name}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/render_error.ex:192
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Value used as discriminator for `%{field}` matches no schemas."
msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:43
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:37
+#, elixir-format
msgid "announces"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "传播"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:44
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:38
+#, elixir-format
msgid "likes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "喜欢"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:42
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:36
+#, elixir-format
msgid "replies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "回复"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/embed/show.html.eex:27
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/_notice.html.eex:22
+#, elixir-format
msgid "sensitive media"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "敏感媒体"
diff --git a/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/errors.po b/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/errors.po
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-20 13:18+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-14 06:00+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: shironeko <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-22 19:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yating Zhan <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <"
"Language: zh_Hans\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.0.4\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
## This file is a PO Template file.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ msgstr[0] "应为 %{count} 个字符"
msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
-msgstr[0] "应有 %{item} 项"
+msgstr[0] "应有 %{count} 项"
msgid "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
@@ -99,371 +99,370 @@ msgstr "必须大于等于 %{number}"
msgid "must be equal to %{number}"
msgstr "必须等于 %{number}"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:523
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Account not found"
msgstr "未找到账号"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:316
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Already voted"
msgstr "已经进行了投票"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:402
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Bad request"
msgstr "不正确的请求"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/controller_helper.ex:97
#: lib/pleroma/web/controller_helper.ex:103
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Can't display this activity"
msgstr "不能显示该活动"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller.ex:324
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Can't find user"
msgstr "找不到用户"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/account_controller.ex:80
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Can't get favorites"
msgstr "不能获取收藏"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex:482
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Cannot post an empty status without attachments"
msgstr "无法发送空白且不包含附件的状态"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex:441
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Comment must be up to %{max_size} characters"
msgstr "评论最多可使用 %{max_size} 字符"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/config_db.ex:200
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Config with params %{params} not found"
msgstr "无法找到包含参数 %{params} 的配置"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:167
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:171
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Could not delete"
msgstr "无法删除"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:217
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Could not favorite"
msgstr "无法收藏"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:254
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Could not unfavorite"
msgstr "无法取消收藏"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:202
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Could not unrepeat"
msgstr "无法取消转发"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:530
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:539
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Could not update state"
msgstr "无法更新状态"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/timeline_controller.ex:205
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Error."
msgstr "错误。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/twitter_api.ex:99
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid CAPTCHA"
msgstr "无效的验证码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller.ex:144
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:631
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr "无效的凭据"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ensure_authenticated_plug.ex:42
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid credentials."
msgstr "无效的凭据。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:337
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid indices"
msgstr "无效的索引"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/fallback_controller.ex:29
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid parameters"
msgstr "无效的参数"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex:349
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid password."
msgstr "无效的密码。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller.ex:254
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid request"
msgstr "无效的请求"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/twitter_api.ex:102
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Kocaptcha service unavailable"
msgstr "Kocaptcha 服务不可用"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller.ex:140
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Missing parameters"
msgstr "缺少参数"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex:477
+#, elixir-format
msgid "No such conversation"
msgstr "没有该对话"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/admin_api_controller.ex:171
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/admin_api_controller.ex:197
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/admin_api_controller.ex:239
+#, elixir-format
msgid "No such permission_group"
msgstr "没有该权限组"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller.ex:504
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/fallback_controller.ex:11
#: lib/pleroma/web/feed/tag_controller.ex:16
#: lib/pleroma/web/feed/user_controller.ex:69
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_status/o_status_controller.ex:132
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/uploaded_media.ex:84
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Not found"
msgstr "未找到"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:308
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Poll's author can't vote"
msgstr "投票的发起者不能投票"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/fallback_controller.ex:20
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/poll_controller.ex:39
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/poll_controller.ex:51
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/poll_controller.ex:52
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/status_controller.ex:326
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/subscription_controller.ex:71
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Record not found"
msgstr "未找到该记录"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/fallback_controller.ex:35
#: lib/pleroma/web/feed/user_controller.ex:78
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/fallback_controller.ex:42
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_status/o_status_controller.ex:138
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgstr "发生了一些错误"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api/activity_draft.ex:143
+#, elixir-format
msgid "The message visibility must be direct"
msgstr "该消息必须为私信"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex:492
+#, elixir-format
msgid "The status is over the character limit"
msgstr "状态超过了字符数限制"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ensure_public_or_authenticated_plug.ex:36
+#, elixir-format
msgid "This resource requires authentication."
msgstr "该资源需要认证。"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter.ex:208
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Throttled"
-msgstr "节流了"
+msgstr "限流了"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:338
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Too many choices"
msgstr "太多选项"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/admin_api_controller.ex:268
+#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't revoke your own admin status."
msgstr "您不能撤消自己的管理员权限。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:243
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:333
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Your account is currently disabled"
msgstr "您的账户已被禁用"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:205
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:356
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Your login is missing a confirmed e-mail address"
msgstr "您的账户缺少已认证的 e-mail 地址"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller.ex:392
+#, elixir-format
msgid "can't read inbox of %{nickname} as %{as_nickname}"
msgstr "无法以 %{as_nickname} 读取 %{nickname} 的收件箱"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller.ex:491
+#, elixir-format
msgid "can't update outbox of %{nickname} as %{as_nickname}"
msgstr "无法以 %{as_nickname} 更新 %{nickname} 的出件箱"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:475
+#, elixir-format
msgid "conversation is already muted"
msgstr "对话已经被静音"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller.ex:510
+#, elixir-format
msgid "error"
msgstr "错误"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/mascot_controller.ex:34
+#, elixir-format
msgid "mascots can only be images"
msgstr "吉祥物只能是图片"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller.ex:63
+#, elixir-format
msgid "not found"
msgstr "未找到"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:437
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Bad OAuth request."
msgstr "错误的 OAuth 请求。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/twitter_api.ex:108
+#, elixir-format
msgid "CAPTCHA already used"
msgstr "验证码已被使用"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/twitter_api.ex:105
+#, elixir-format
msgid "CAPTCHA expired"
msgstr "验证码已过期"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/uploaded_media.ex:57
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "失败"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:453
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Failed to authenticate: %{message}."
-msgstr "认证失败:%{message}。"
+msgstr "鉴权失败:%{message}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:484
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Failed to set up user account."
msgstr "建立用户帐号失败。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/o_auth_scopes_plug.ex:37
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions: %{permissions}."
msgstr "权限不足:%{permissions}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/uploaded_media.ex:111
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "内部错误"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/fallback_controller.ex:22
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/fallback_controller.ex:29
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid Username/Password"
msgstr "无效的用户名/密码"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/twitter_api.ex:111
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid answer data"
msgstr "无效的回答数据"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/nodeinfo/nodeinfo_controller.ex:33
+#, elixir-format, fuzzy
msgid "Nodeinfo schema version not handled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nodeinfo schema 版本没被处理"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:194
+#, elixir-format
msgid "This action is outside the authorized scopes"
msgstr "此操作在许可范围以外"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/fallback_controller.ex:14
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Unknown error, please check the details and try again."
msgstr "未知错误,请检查并重试。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:136
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:180
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Unlisted redirect_uri."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "没被列出的重定向 URI(redirect_uri)。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:433
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Unsupported OAuth provider: %{provider}."
msgstr "不支持的 OAuth 提供者:%{provider}。"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/uploaders/uploader.ex:74
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Uploader callback timeout"
-msgstr "上传回复超时"
+msgstr "上传器回调超时"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/uploader_controller.ex:23
+#, elixir-format
msgid "bad request"
msgstr "错误的请求"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/twitter_api.ex:96
+#, elixir-format
msgid "CAPTCHA Error"
msgstr "验证码错误"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:266
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Could not add reaction emoji"
msgstr "无法添加表情反应"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api.ex:277
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Could not remove reaction emoji"
msgstr "无法移除表情反应"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/twitter_api.ex:122
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid CAPTCHA (Missing parameter: %{name})"
msgstr "无效的验证码(缺少参数:%{name})"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/list_controller.ex:96
+#, elixir-format
msgid "List not found"
msgstr "未找到列表"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller.ex:151
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Missing parameter: %{name}"
msgstr "缺少参数:%{name}"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:232
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:346
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Password reset is required"
msgstr "需要重置密码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/tests/auth_test_controller.ex:9
#: lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller.ex:6
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/admin_api_controller.ex:6
@@ -540,78 +539,79 @@ msgstr "需要重置密码"
#: lib/pleroma/web/twitter_api/controllers/util_controller.ex:6
#: lib/pleroma/web/uploader_controller.ex:6
#: lib/pleroma/web/web_finger/web_finger_controller.ex:6
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Security violation: OAuth scopes check was neither handled nor explicitly skipped."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "安全违例:OAuth 域检查既没处理也没显式跳过。"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ensure_authenticated_plug.ex:32
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Two-factor authentication enabled, you must use a access token."
-msgstr "已启用两因素验证,您需要使用访问令牌。"
+msgstr "已启用两因素鉴权,您需要使用访问令牌。"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/subscription_controller.ex:61
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Web push subscription is disabled on this Pleroma instance"
msgstr "此 Pleroma 实例禁用了网页推送订阅"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/admin_api_controller.ex:234
+#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't revoke your own admin/moderator status."
msgstr "您不能撤消自己的管理员权限。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/timeline_controller.ex:129
+#, elixir-format
msgid "authorization required for timeline view"
msgstr "浏览时间线需要认证"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/fallback_controller.ex:24
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Access denied"
msgstr "拒绝访问"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/account_controller.ex:321
+#, elixir-format
msgid "This API requires an authenticated user"
msgstr "此 API 需要已认证的用户"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ensure_staff_privileged_plug.ex:26
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/user_is_admin_plug.ex:21
+#, elixir-format
msgid "User is not an admin."
msgstr "该用户不是管理员。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/user/backup.ex:75
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Last export was less than a day ago"
msgid_plural "Last export was less than %{days} days ago"
-msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[0] "上次导出还不到 %{days} 天前"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/user/backup.ex:93
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Backups require enabled email"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "备份要求开启邮件"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller.ex:423
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Character limit (%{limit} characters) exceeded, contains %{length} characters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "超过字符限制(%{limit} 个字符),包含了 %{length} 个字符"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/user/backup.ex:98
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Email is required"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "需要邮箱"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex:507
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Too many attachments"
-msgstr "太多选项"
+msgstr "太多附件"
-#, elixir-format, fuzzy
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ensure_staff_privileged_plug.ex:33
#: lib/pleroma/web/plugs/user_is_staff_plug.ex:20
+#, elixir-format
msgid "User is not a staff member."
-msgstr "该用户不是管理员。"
+msgstr "该用户不是运营成员。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:366
+#, elixir-format
msgid "Your account is awaiting approval."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "你的账号正等待批准。"
diff --git a/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/posix_errors.po b/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/posix_errors.po
@@ -8,107 +8,114 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-22 19:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yating Zhan <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <"
"Language: zh_Hans\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
msgid "eperm"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "不允许的操作"
msgid "eacces"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "权限不够"
msgid "eagain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "资源暂时不可用"
msgid "ebadf"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "坏的文件描述符"
msgid "ebadmsg"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "坏讯息"
msgid "ebusy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "设备或资源忙"
msgid "edeadlk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "避免了资源死锁"
msgid "edeadlock"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "避免了资源死锁"
msgid "edquot"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "超出了磁盘配额"
msgid "eexist"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "文件存在"
msgid "efault"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "坏地址"
msgid "efbig"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "文件太大"
msgid "eftype"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "不合适的文件类型或格式"
msgid "eintr"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "系统调用被中断"
msgid "einval"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "不合法的参数"
msgid "eio"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "输入/输出错误"
msgid "eisdir"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "在目录上非法操作"
msgid "eloop"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "太多层符号链接"
msgid "emfile"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "太多打开的文件"
msgid "emlink"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "太多链接"
msgid "emultihop"
msgstr ""
msgid "enametoolong"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "文件名太长"
msgid "enfile"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "系统里太多打开的文件"
msgid "enobufs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "没有可用的缓冲空间"
msgid "enodev"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "没这设备"
msgid "enolck"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "没有可用的锁"
msgid "enolink"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "链接被切断了"
msgid "enoent"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "没这文件或目录"
msgid "enomem"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "不能分配内存"
msgid "enospc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "设备上没剩余空间"
msgid "enosr"
msgstr ""
msgid "enostr"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "设备不是流"
msgid "enosys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "功能没实现"
msgid "enotblk"
msgstr ""
@@ -117,16 +124,16 @@ msgid "enotdir"
msgstr ""
msgid "enotsup"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "不受支持的操作"
msgid "enxio"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "该设备或路径不存在"
msgid "eopnotsupp"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "不受支持的操作"
msgid "eoverflow"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "请为给定类型的数据指定较小的数值"
msgid "epipe"
msgstr ""
@@ -135,19 +142,19 @@ msgid "erange"
msgstr ""
msgid "erofs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "只读权限文件系统"
msgid "espipe"
msgstr ""
msgid "esrch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "具体进程不存在"
msgid "estale"
msgstr ""
msgid "etxtbsy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "文本文件忙碌"
msgid "exdev"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "该多设备链接不可用"
diff --git a/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/static_pages.po b/priv/gettext/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/static_pages.po
@@ -2,459 +2,464 @@
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-07 17:40-0400\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-21 23:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: tusooa <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <"
+"Language: zh_Hans\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#~ ## "msgid"s in this file come from POT (.pot) files.
-#~ ##
-#~ ## Do not add, change, or remove "msgid"s manually here as
-#~ ## they're tied to the ones in the corresponding POT file
-#~ ## (with the same domain).
-#~ ##
-#~ ## Use "mix gettext.extract --merge" or "mix gettext.merge"
-#~ ## to merge POT files into PO files.
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n"
+## "msgid"s in this file come from POT (.pot) files.
+## Do not add, change, or remove "msgid"s manually here as
+## they're tied to the ones in the corresponding POT file
+## (with the same domain).
+## Use "mix gettext.extract --merge" or "mix gettext.merge"
+## to merge POT files into PO files.
#~ msgid ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Language: zh_Hans\n"
#~ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow.html.eex:9
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow authorization button"
msgid "Authorize"
msgstr "授权"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow error"
msgid "Error fetching user"
msgstr "获取用户时出错"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow header"
msgid "Remote follow"
msgstr "远程关注"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_mfa.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "placeholder text for auth code entry"
msgid "Authentication code"
msgstr "授权代码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:10
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "placeholder text for password entry"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "placeholder text for username entry"
msgid "Username"
msgstr "用户名"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:13
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow authorization button for login"
msgid "Authorize"
msgstr "授权"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_mfa.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow authorization button for mfa"
msgid "Authorize"
msgstr "授权"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/followed.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow error"
msgid "Error following account"
msgstr "关注用户时出错"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_login.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow header, need login"
msgid "Log in to follow"
msgstr "登录以关注"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/follow_mfa.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow mfa header"
msgid "Two-factor authentication"
msgstr "两步鉴权"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/remote_follow/followed.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow success"
msgid "Account followed!"
msgstr "已经关注了账号!"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:7
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "placeholder text for account id"
msgid "Your account ID, e.g."
msgstr "你的账户 ID,如"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow authorization button for following with a remote account"
msgid "Follow"
msgstr "关注"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow error"
msgid "Error: %{error}"
msgstr "错误:%{error}"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/util/subscribe.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "remote follow header"
msgid "Remotely follow %{nickname}"
msgstr "远程关注 %{nickname}"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset button"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "重置"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_failed.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset failed homepage link"
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "回主页"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_failed.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset failed message"
msgid "Password reset failed"
msgstr "密码重置失败"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset form confirm password prompt"
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "确认密码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset.html.eex:4
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset form password prompt"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/invalid_token.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset invalid token message"
msgid "Invalid Token"
msgstr "无效的令牌"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_success.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset successful homepage link"
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "回主页"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/twitter_api/password/reset_success.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset successful message"
msgid "Password changed!"
msgstr "密码已经修改了!"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/feed/feed/tag.atom.eex:15
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/feed/feed/tag.rss.eex:7
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "tag feed description"
msgid "These are public toots tagged with #%{tag}. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse."
msgstr "这些是标了 #%{tag} 签的公开文章。你要是在联邦宇宙的任何地方有账号,就能和它们互动。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_token_exists.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth authorization exists page title"
msgid "Authorization exists"
msgstr "授权已经存在"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:32
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth authorize approve button"
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "批准"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:30
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth authorize cancel button"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:23
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth authorize message"
msgid "Application <strong>%{client_name}</strong> is requesting access to your account."
msgstr "应用程序 <strong>%{client_name}</strong> 在请求访问你的账号。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_authorization_created.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth authorized page title"
msgid "Successfully authorized"
msgstr "成功授权"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth external provider page title"
msgid "Sign in with external provider"
msgstr "通过外部提供者登录"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex:13
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth external provider sign in button"
msgid "Sign in with %{strategy}"
msgstr "通过 %{strategy} 登录"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:54
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth login button"
msgid "Log In"
msgstr "登录"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:51
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth login password prompt"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:47
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth login username prompt"
msgid "Username"
msgstr "用户名"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:39
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register nickname prompt"
msgid "Pleroma Handle"
msgstr "Pleroma 用户名"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:37
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register nickname unchangeable warning"
msgid "Choose carefully! You won't be able to change this later. You will be able to change your display name, though."
msgstr "选仔细了!你之后就不能改它了。但是你可以改显示名。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:18
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page email prompt"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "邮箱"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:10
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page fill form prompt"
msgid "If you'd like to register a new account, please provide the details below."
msgstr "如果你想注册新账号,请提供如下信息。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:35
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page login button"
msgid "Proceed as existing user"
msgstr "以已有用户继续"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:31
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page login password prompt"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:24
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page login prompt"
msgid "Alternatively, sign in to connect to existing account."
msgstr "或者,登录到已有账号。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:27
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page login username prompt"
msgid "Name or email"
msgstr "名字或邮箱"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:14
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page nickname prompt"
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "昵称"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:22
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page register button"
msgid "Proceed as new user"
msgstr "以新用户继续"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/register.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page title"
msgid "Registration Details"
msgstr "注册详情"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex:36
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth register page title"
msgid "This is the first time you visit! Please enter your Pleroma handle."
msgstr "这是你第一次访问。请输入 Pleroma 用户名。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/_scopes.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth scopes message"
msgid "The following permissions will be granted"
msgstr "将要允许如下权限"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_authorization_created.html.eex:2
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/oob_token_exists.html.eex:2
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "oauth token code message"
msgid "Token code is <br>%{token}"
msgstr "令牌代码是<br>%{token}"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa auth code prompt"
msgid "Authentication code"
msgstr "鉴权代码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa auth page title"
msgid "Two-factor authentication"
msgstr "两步鉴权"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:23
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa auth page use recovery code link"
msgid "Enter a two-factor recovery code"
msgstr "输入两步恢复码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/totp.html.eex:20
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa auth verify code button"
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "验证"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa recover page title"
msgid "Two-factor recovery"
msgstr "两步恢复"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:12
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa recover recovery code prompt"
msgid "Recovery code"
msgstr "恢复码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:23
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa recover use 2fa code link"
msgid "Enter a two-factor code"
msgstr "输入鉴权码"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/mfa/recovery.html.eex:20
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mfa recover verify recovery code button"
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "验证"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/static_fe/static_fe/profile.html.eex:8
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "static fe profile page remote follow button"
msgid "Remote follow"
msgstr "远程关注"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:163
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "digest email header line"
msgid "Hey %{nickname}, here is what you've missed!"
msgstr "早 %{nickname},你刚错过这些!"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:544
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "digest email receiver address"
msgid "The email address you are subscribed as is <a href='mailto:%{}' style='color: %{color};text-decoration: none;'>%{email}</a>. "
-msgstr "你订阅的邮箱地址是 <a href='mailto:%{}' style='color: %{color};text-decoration: none;'>%{email}</a>。"
+msgstr ""
+"你订阅的邮箱地址是 <a href='mailto:%{}' style='color: %{color"
+"};text-decoration: none;'>%{email}</a>。 "
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:538
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "digest email sending reason"
msgid "You have received this email because you have signed up to receive digest emails from <b>%{instance}</b> Pleroma instance."
msgstr "因为你选择了收取来自 <b>%{instance}</b> 的摘要邮件,所以你会收到这封邮件。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:547
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "digest email unsubscribe action"
msgid "To unsubscribe, please go %{here}."
-msgstr "要取消订阅,请去%{here}"
+msgstr "要取消订阅,请去%{here}。"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:547
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "digest email unsubscribe action link text"
msgid "here"
msgstr "此处"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/mailer/subscription/unsubscribe_failure.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mailer unsubscribe failed message"
msgstr "取消订阅失败"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/mailer/subscription/unsubscribe_success.html.eex:1
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "mailer unsubscribe successful message"
msgstr "取消订阅成功"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/web/templates/email/digest.html.eex:385
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "new followers count header"
msgid "%{count} New Follower"
msgid_plural "%{count} New Followers"
msgstr[0] "%{count} 个新关注者"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:356
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "account archive email body - self-requested"
msgid "<p>You requested a full backup of your Pleroma account. It's ready for download:</p>\n<p><a href=\"%{download_url}\">%{download_url}</a></p>\n"
msgstr ""
"<p>你之前要了一份你的 Pleroma 账号的完整备份。现在可以下载了:</p>\n"
"<p><a href=\"%{download_url}\">%{download_url}</a></p>\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:384
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "account archive email subject"
msgid "Your account archive is ready"
msgstr "你的账号存档准备好了"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:188
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "approval pending email body"
msgid "<h3>Awaiting Approval</h3>\n<p>Your account at %{instance_name} is being reviewed by staff. You will receive another email once your account is approved.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
"<p>管理人员正在审核你在 %{instance_name} 的账号。等账号批准之后你会收到另一封邮件。</p>\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:202
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "approval pending email subject"
msgid "Your account is awaiting approval"
msgstr "你的账号在等待批准"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:158
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "confirmation email body"
msgid "<h3>Thank you for registering on %{instance_name}</h3>\n<p>Email confirmation is required to activate the account.</p>\n<p>Please click the following link to <a href=\"%{confirmation_url}\">activate your account</a>.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -462,20 +467,20 @@ msgstr ""
"<p>请点如下链接来<a href=\"%{confirmation_url}\">激活账号</a>。</p>\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:174
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "confirmation email subject"
msgid "%{instance_name} account confirmation"
msgstr "%{instance_name} 账号激活"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:310
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "digest email subject"
msgid "Your digest from %{instance_name}"
msgstr "来自 %{instance_name} 的摘要"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:81
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset email body"
msgid "<h3>Reset your password at %{instance_name}</h3>\n<p>Someone has requested password change for your account at %{instance_name}.</p>\n<p>If it was you, visit the following link to proceed: <a href=\"%{password_reset_url}\">reset password</a>.</p>\n<p>If it was someone else, nothing to worry about: your data is secure and your password has not been changed.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -484,14 +489,14 @@ msgstr ""
"<p>如果那是你,访问如下链接以继续:<a href=\"%{password_reset_url}\">重置密码</a>。</p>\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:98
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "password reset email subject"
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "密码重置"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:215
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "successful registration email body"
msgid "<h3>Hello @%{nickname},</h3>\n<p>Your account at %{instance_name} has been registered successfully.</p>\n<p>No further action is required to activate your account.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -499,14 +504,14 @@ msgstr ""
"<p>你在 %{instance_name} 上的账号已经成功注册了。</p>\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:231
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "successful registration email subject"
msgid "Account registered on %{instance_name}"
msgstr "在 %{instance_name} 上注册了账号"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:119
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "user invitation email body"
msgid "<h3>You are invited to %{instance_name}</h3>\n<p>%{inviter_name} invites you to join %{instance_name}, an instance of Pleroma federated social networking platform.</p>\n<p>Click the following link to register: <a href=\"%{registration_url}\">accept invitation</a>.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -514,32 +519,32 @@ msgstr ""
"<p>%{inviter_name} 邀请你去 %{instance_name}。这是社交网络平台 Pleroma 的一个实例。</p>\n"
"<p>点如下链接以注册:<a href=\"%{registration_url}\">接受邀请</a>。</p>\n"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:136
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "user invitation email subject"
msgid "Invitation to %{instance_name}"
msgstr "去 %{instance_name} 的邀请"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:53
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "welcome email html body"
msgid "Welcome to %{instance_name}!"
msgstr "欢迎来到 %{instance_name}!"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:41
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "welcome email subject"
msgid "Welcome to %{instance_name}!"
msgstr "欢迎来到 %{instance_name}!"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:65
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "welcome email text body"
msgid "Welcome to %{instance_name}!"
msgstr "欢迎来到 %{instance_name}!"
-#, elixir-format
#: lib/pleroma/emails/user_email.ex:368
+#, elixir-format
msgctxt "account archive email body - admin requested"
msgid "<p>Admin @%{admin_nickname} requested a full backup of your Pleroma account. It's ready for download:</p>\n<p><a href=\"%{download_url}\">%{download_url}</a></p>\n"
msgstr ""