

My custom branche(s) on git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma
commit: 4fe2af3b2d6b0701de2ae88f9932e4b6039ced11
parent: c5e937b156ea1f8f96ade7d9104fc2c5fd1dd9cd
Author: rinpatch <rinpatch@sdf.org>
Date:   Thu,  3 Oct 2019 15:43:03 +0000

Merge branch 'mkdocs-migration-prep' into 'develop'

MkDocs migration preparation

See merge request pleroma/pleroma!1774


Rdocs/api/admin_api.md -> docs/API/admin_api.md0
Rdocs/api/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md -> docs/API/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md0
Rdocs/api/prometheus.md -> docs/API/prometheus.md0
Rdocs/admin/backup.md -> docs/administration/backup.md0
Rdocs/admin/updating.md -> docs/administration/updating.md0
Rdocs/config/hardening.md -> docs/configuration/hardening.md0
Rdocs/config/howto_mediaproxy.md -> docs/configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md0
Rdocs/config/howto_mongooseim.md -> docs/configuration/howto_mongooseim.md0
Rdocs/config/howto_proxy.md -> docs/configuration/howto_proxy.md0
Rdocs/config/howto_set_richmedia_cache_ttl_based_on_image.md -> docs/configuration/howto_set_richmedia_cache_ttl_based_on_image.md0
Rdocs/config/howto_user_recomendation.md -> docs/configuration/howto_user_recomendation.md0
Rdocs/config/i2p.md -> docs/configuration/i2p.md0
Rdocs/config/mrf.md -> docs/configuration/mrf.md0
Rdocs/config/onion_federation.md -> docs/configuration/onion_federation.md0
Rdocs/config/static_dir.md -> docs/configuration/static_dir.md0
48 files changed, 1640 insertions(+), 1647 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -28,23 +28,6 @@ build: - mix deps.get - mix compile --force -docs-build: - stage: build - only: - - master@pleroma/pleroma - - develop@pleroma/pleroma - variables: - MIX_ENV: dev - PLEROMA_BUILD_ENV: prod - script: - - mix deps.get - - mix compile - - mix docs - artifacts: - paths: - - priv/static/doc - - unit-testing: stage: test services: @@ -85,19 +68,14 @@ analysis: docs-deploy: stage: deploy - image: alpine:3.9 + image: alpine:latest only: - master@pleroma/pleroma - develop@pleroma/pleroma before_script: - - apk update && apk add openssh-client rsync + - apk add curl script: - - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - - echo "${SSH_HOST_KEY}" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts - - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - - - rsync -hrvz --delete -e "ssh -p ${SSH_PORT}" priv/static/doc/ "${SSH_USER_HOST_LOCATION}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" - + - curl -X POST -F"token=$DOCS_PIPELINE_TRIGGER" -F'ref=master' -F"variables[BRANCH]=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" https://git.pleroma.social/api/v4/projects/673/trigger/pipeline review_app: image: alpine:3.9 stage: deploy diff --git a/docs/api/admin_api.md b/docs/API/admin_api.md diff --git a/docs/api/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md b/docs/API/differences_in_mastoapi_responses.md diff --git a/docs/API/pleroma_api.md b/docs/API/pleroma_api.md @@ -0,0 +1,473 @@ +# Pleroma API + +Requests that require it can be authenticated with [an OAuth token](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749), the `_pleroma_key` cookie, or [HTTP Basic Authentication](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Authorization). + +Request parameters can be passed via [query strings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string) or as [form data](https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html). Files must be uploaded as `multipart/form-data`. + +## `/api/pleroma/emoji` +### Lists the custom emoji on that server. +* Method: `GET` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: none +* Response: JSON +* Example response: +```json +{ + "girlpower": { + "tags": [ + "Finmoji" + ], + "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/girlpower-128.png" + }, + "education": { + "tags": [ + "Finmoji" + ], + "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/education-128.png" + }, + "finnishlove": { + "tags": [ + "Finmoji" + ], + "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/finnishlove-128.png" + } +} +``` +* Note: Same data as Mastodon API’s `/api/v1/custom_emojis` but in a different format + +## `/api/pleroma/follow_import` +### Imports your follows, for example from a Mastodon CSV file. +* Method: `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `list`: STRING or FILE containing a whitespace-separated list of accounts to follow +* Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error +* Note: Users that can't be followed are silently skipped. + +## `/api/pleroma/captcha` +### Get a new captcha +* Method: `GET` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: none +* Response: Provider specific JSON, the only guaranteed parameter is `type` +* Example response: `{"type": "kocaptcha", "token": "whatever", "url": "https://captcha.kotobank.ch/endpoint"}` + +## `/api/pleroma/delete_account` +### Delete an account +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `password`: user's password +* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the deletion was successful, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise +* Example response: `{"error": "Invalid password."}` + +## `/api/pleroma/disable_account` +### Disable an account +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `password`: user's password +* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the account was successfully disabled, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise +* Example response: `{"error": "Invalid password."}` + +## `/api/account/register` +### Register a new user +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: + * `nickname` + * `fullname` + * `bio` + * `email` + * `password` + * `confirm` + * `captcha_solution`: optional, contains provider-specific captcha solution, + * `captcha_token`: optional, contains provider-specific captcha token + * `token`: invite token required when the registrations aren't public. +* Response: JSON. Returns a user object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` +* Example response: +```json +{ + "background_image": null, + "cover_photo": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/banner.png", + "created_at": "Tue Dec 18 16:55:56 +0000 2018", + "default_scope": "public", + "description": "blushy-crushy fediverse idol + pleroma dev\nlet's be friends \nぷれろまの生徒会長。謎の外人。日本語OK. \n公主病.", + "description_html": "blushy-crushy fediverse idol + pleroma dev.<br />let's be friends <br />ぷれろまの生徒会長。謎の外人。日本語OK. <br />公主病.", + "favourites_count": 0, + "fields": [], + "followers_count": 0, + "following": false, + "follows_you": false, + "friends_count": 0, + "id": 6, + "is_local": true, + "locked": false, + "name": "lain", + "name_html": "lain", + "no_rich_text": false, + "pleroma": { + "tags": [] + }, + "profile_image_url": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", + "profile_image_url_https": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", + "profile_image_url_original": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", + "profile_image_url_profile_size": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", + "rights": { + "delete_others_notice": false + }, + "screen_name": "lain", + "statuses_count": 0, + "statusnet_blocking": false, + "statusnet_profile_url": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/users/lain" +} +``` + +## `/api/pleroma/admin/`… +See [Admin-API](admin_api.md) + +## `/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read` +### Mark notifications as read +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params (mutually exclusive): + * `id`: a single notification id to read + * `max_id`: read all notifications up to this id +* Response: Notification entity/Array of Notification entities that were read. In case of `max_id`, only the first 80 read notifications will be returned. + +## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/subscribe` +### Subscribe to receive notifications for all statuses posted by a user +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `id`: account id to subscribe to +* Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` +* Example response: +```json +{ + "id": "abcdefg", + "following": true, + "followed_by": false, + "blocking": false, + "muting": false, + "muting_notifications": false, + "subscribing": true, + "requested": false, + "domain_blocking": false, + "showing_reblogs": true, + "endorsed": false +} +``` + +## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/unsubscribe` +### Unsubscribe to stop receiving notifications from user statuses +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `id`: account id to unsubscribe from +* Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` +* Example response: +```json +{ + "id": "abcdefg", + "following": true, + "followed_by": false, + "blocking": false, + "muting": false, + "muting_notifications": false, + "subscribing": false, + "requested": false, + "domain_blocking": false, + "showing_reblogs": true, + "endorsed": false +} +``` + +## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/favourites` +### Returns favorites timeline of any user +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: + * `id`: the id of the account for whom to return results + * `limit`: optional, the number of records to retrieve + * `since_id`: optional, returns results that are more recent than the specified id + * `max_id`: optional, returns results that are older than the specified id +* Response: JSON, returns a list of Mastodon Status entities on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` +* Example response: +```json +[ + { + "account": { + "id": "9hptFmUF3ztxYh3Svg", + "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/users/nick2", + "username": "nick2", + ... + }, + "application": {"name": "Web", "website": null}, + "bookmarked": false, + "card": null, + "content": "This is :moominmamma: note 0", + "created_at": "2019-04-15T15:42:15.000Z", + "emojis": [], + "favourited": false, + "favourites_count": 1, + "id": "9hptFmVJ02khbzYJaS", + "in_reply_to_account_id": null, + "in_reply_to_id": null, + "language": null, + "media_attachments": [], + "mentions": [], + "muted": false, + "pinned": false, + "pleroma": { + "content": {"text/plain": "This is :moominmamma: note 0"}, + "conversation_id": 13679, + "local": true, + "spoiler_text": {"text/plain": "2hu"} + }, + "reblog": null, + "reblogged": false, + "reblogs_count": 0, + "replies_count": 0, + "sensitive": false, + "spoiler_text": "2hu", + "tags": [{"name": "2hu", "url": "/tag/2hu"}], + "uri": "https://pleroma.example.org/objects/198ed2a1-7912-4482-b559-244a0369e984", + "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/notice/9hptFmVJ02khbzYJaS", + "visibility": "public" + } +] +``` + +## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_*` +### Set and clear account avatar, banner, and background + +- PATCH `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_avatar`: Set/clear user avatar image +- PATCH `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_banner`: Set/clear user banner image +- PATCH `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_background`: Set/clear user background image + +## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/confirmation_resend` +### Resend confirmation email +* Method `POST` +* Params: + * `email`: email of that needs to be verified +* Authentication: not required +* Response: 204 No Content + +## `/api/v1/pleroma/mascot` +### Gets user mascot image +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: required + +* Response: JSON. Returns a mastodon media attachment entity. +* Example response: +```json +{ + "id": "abcdefg", + "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/media/abcdefg.png", + "type": "image", + "pleroma": { + "mime_type": "image/png" + } +} +``` + +### Updates user mascot image +* Method `PUT` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `image`: Multipart image +* Response: JSON. Returns a mastodon media attachment entity + when successful, otherwise returns HTTP 415 `{"error": "error_msg"}` +* Example response: +```json +{ + "id": "abcdefg", + "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/media/abcdefg.png", + "type": "image", + "pleroma": { + "mime_type": "image/png" + } +} +``` +* Note: Behaves exactly the same as `POST /api/v1/upload`. + Can only accept images - any attempt to upload non-image files will be met with `HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type`. + +## `/api/pleroma/notification_settings` +### Updates user notification settings +* Method `PUT` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `followers`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from followers + * `follows`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people the user follows + * `remote`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people on remote instances + * `local`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people on the local instance +* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the update was successful, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` + +## `/api/pleroma/healthcheck` +### Healthcheck endpoint with additional system data. +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: none +* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy). +* Example response: +```json +{ + "pool_size": 0, # database connection pool + "active": 0, # active processes + "idle": 0, # idle processes + "memory_used": 0.00, # Memory used + "healthy": true # Instance state +} +``` + +## `/api/pleroma/change_email` +### Change account email +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `password`: user's password + * `email`: new email +* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the change was successful, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise +* Note: Currently, Mastodon has no API for changing email. If they add it in future it might be incompatible with Pleroma. + +# Pleroma Conversations + +Pleroma Conversations have the same general structure that Mastodon Conversations have. The behavior differs in the following ways when using these endpoints: + +1. Pleroma Conversations never add or remove recipients, unless explicitly changed by the user. +2. Pleroma Conversations statuses can be requested by Conversation id. +3. Pleroma Conversations can be replied to. + +Conversations have the additional field "recipients" under the "pleroma" key. This holds a list of all the accounts that will receive a message in this conversation. + +The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversation_id`, which, when set, will set the visiblity to direct and address only the people who are the recipients of that Conversation. + + +## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id/statuses` +### Timeline for a given conversation +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: required +* Params: Like other timelines +* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy). + +## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id` +### The conversation with the given ID. +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: required +* Params: None +* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy). + +## `PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id` +### Update a conversation. Used to change the set of recipients. +* Method `PATCH` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `recipients`: A list of ids of users that should receive posts to this conversation. This will replace the current list of recipients, so submit the full list. The owner of owner of the conversation will always be part of the set of recipients, though. +* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy) + +## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs` +### Lists the custom emoji packs on the server +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: None +* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status and the JSON hashmap of "pack name" to "pack contents" + +## `PUT /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name` +### Creates an empty custom emoji pack +* Method `PUT` +* Authentication: required +* Params: None +* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 409 if the pack with that name already exists + +## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name` +### Delete a custom emoji pack +* Method `DELETE` +* Authentication: required +* Params: None +* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 500 if there was an error deleting the pack + +## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_file` +### Update a file in a custom emoji pack +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * if the `action` is `add`, adds an emoji named `shortcode` to the pack `pack_name`, + that means that the emoji file needs to be uploaded with the request + (thus requiring it to be a multipart request) and be named `file`. + There can also be an optional `filename` that will be the new emoji file name + (if it's not there, the name will be taken from the uploaded file). + * if the `action` is `update`, changes emoji shortcode + (from `shortcode` to `new_shortcode` or moves the file (from the current filename to `new_filename`) + * if the `action` is `remove`, removes the emoji named `shortcode` and it's associated file +* Response: JSON, updated "files" section of the pack and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode + that is already taken, 400 if there was an error with the shortcode, filename or file (additional info + in the "error" part of the response JSON) + +## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_metadata` +### Updates (replaces) pack metadata +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `new_data`: new metadata to replace the old one +* Response: JSON, updated "metadata" section of the pack and 200 status or 400 if there was a + problem with the new metadata (the error is specified in the "error" part of the response JSON) + +## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from` +### Requests the instance to download the pack from another instance +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to download from + * `pack_name`: the pack to download from that instance +* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were + errors downloading the pack + +## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from` +### Requests the instance to list the packs from another instance +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to download from +* Response: JSON with the pack list, same as if the request was made to that instance's + list endpoint directly + 200 status + +## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/download_shared` +### Requests a local pack from the instance +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: None +* Response: the archive of the pack with a 200 status code, 403 if the pack is not set as shared, + 404 if the pack does not exist + +## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/scrobbles` +### Requests a list of current and recent Listen activities for an account +* Method `GET` +* Authentication: not required +* Params: None +* Response: An array of media metadata entities. +* Example response: +```json +[ + { + "account": {...}, + "id": "1234", + "title": "Some Title", + "artist": "Some Artist", + "album": "Some Album", + "length": 180000, + "created_at": "2019-09-28T12:40:45.000Z" + } +] +``` + +## `POST /api/v1/pleroma/scrobble` +### Creates a new Listen activity for an account +* Method `POST` +* Authentication: required +* Params: + * `title`: the title of the media playing + * `album`: the album of the media playing [optional] + * `artist`: the artist of the media playing [optional] + * `length`: the length of the media playing [optional] +* Response: the newly created media metadata entity representing the Listen activity diff --git a/docs/api/prometheus.md b/docs/API/prometheus.md diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/config.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/config.md @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Transfering the config to/from the database + +!!! danger + This is a Work In Progress, not usable just yet. + +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl config` and in case of source installs it's +`mix pleroma.config`. + +## Transfer config from file to DB. + +```sh +$PREFIX migrate_to_db +``` + +## Transfer config from DB to `config/env.exported_from_db.secret.exs` + +```sh +$PREFIX migrate_from_db <env> +``` diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/database.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/database.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# Database maintenance tasks + +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl database` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.database`. + +## Replace embedded objects with their references + +Replaces embedded objects with references to them in the `objects` table. Only needs to be ran once if the instance was created before Pleroma 1.0.5. The reason why this is not a migration is because it could significantly increase the database size after being ran, however after this `VACUUM FULL` will be able to reclaim about 20% (really depends on what is in the database, your mileage may vary) of the db size before the migration. + +```sh +$PREFIX remove_embedded_objects [<options>] +``` + +### Options +- `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the embedded objects are replaced with their references + +## Prune old remote posts from the database + +This will prune remote posts older than 90 days (configurable with [`config :pleroma, :instance, remote_post_retention_days`](../../configuration/cheatsheet.md#instance)) from the database, they will be refetched from source when accessed. + +!!! note + The disk space will only be reclaimed after `VACUUM FULL` + +```sh +$PREFIX pleroma.database prune_objects [<options>] +``` + +### Options +- `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the objects are pruned + +## Create a conversation for all existing DMs + +Can be safely re-run + +```sh +$PREFIX bump_all_conversations +``` + +## Remove duplicated items from following and update followers count for all users + +```sh +$PREFIX update_users_following_followers_counts +``` + +## Fix the pre-existing "likes" collections for all objects + +```sh +$PREFIX fix_likes_collections +``` diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/digest.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/digest.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Managing digest emails +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl digest` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.digest`. + +## Send digest email since given date (user registration date by default) ignoring user activity status. + +```sh +$PREFIX test <nickname> [<since_date>] +``` + +Example: +```sh +$PREFIX test donaldtheduck 2019-05-20 +``` diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/emoji.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/emoji.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Managing emoji packs + +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl emoji` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.emoji`. + +## Lists emoji packs and metadata specified in the manifest + +```sh +$PREFIX ls-packs [<options>] +``` + +### Options +- `-m, --manifest PATH/URL` - path to a custom manifest, it can either be an URL starting with `http`, in that case the manifest will be fetched from that address, or a local path + +## Fetch, verify and install the specified packs from the manifest into `STATIC-DIR/emoji/PACK-NAME` +```sh +$PREFIX get-packs [<options>] <packs> +``` + +### Options +- `-m, --manifest PATH/URL` - same as [`ls-packs`](#ls-packs) + +## Create a new manifest entry and a file list from the specified remote pack file +```sh +$PREFIX gen-pack PACK-URL +``` +Currently, only .zip archives are recognized as remote pack files and packs are therefore assumed to be zip archives. This command is intended to run interactively and will first ask you some basic questions about the pack, then download the remote file and generate an SHA256 checksum for it, then generate an emoji file list for you. + + The manifest entry will either be written to a newly created `index.json` file or appended to the existing one, *replacing* the old pack with the same name if it was in the file previously. + + The file list will be written to the file specified previously, *replacing* that file. You _should_ check that the file list doesn't contain anything you don't need in the pack, that is, anything that is not an emoji (the whole pack is downloaded, but only emoji files are extracted). diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/instance.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/instance.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Managing instance configuration + +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl instance` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.instance`. + +## Generate a new configuration file +```sh +$PREFIX gen [<options>] +``` + +If any of the options are left unspecified, you will be prompted interactively. + +### Options +- `-f`, `--force` - overwrite any output files +- `-o <path>`, `--output <path>` - the output file for the generated configuration +- `--output-psql <path>` - the output file for the generated PostgreSQL setup +- `--domain <domain>` - the domain of your instance +- `--instance-name <instance_name>` - the name of your instance +- `--admin-email <email>` - the email address of the instance admin +- `--notify-email <email>` - email address for notifications +- `--dbhost <hostname>` - the hostname of the PostgreSQL database to use +- `--dbname <database_name>` - the name of the database to use +- `--dbuser <username>` - the user (aka role) to use for the database connection +- `--dbpass <password>` - the password to use for the database connection +- `--rum <Y|N>` - Whether to enable RUM indexes +- `--indexable <Y|N>` - Allow/disallow indexing site by search engines +- `--db-configurable <Y|N>` - Allow/disallow configuring instance from admin part +- `--uploads-dir <path>` - the directory uploads go in when using a local uploader +- `--static-dir <path>` - the directory custom public files should be read from (custom emojis, frontend bundle overrides, robots.txt, etc.) +- `--listen-ip <ip>` - the ip the app should listen to, defaults to +- `--listen-port <port>` - the port the app should listen to, defaults to 4000 diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/relay.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/relay.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Managing relays + +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl relay` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.relay`. + +## Follow a relay +```sh +$PREFIX follow <relay_url> +``` + +Example: +```sh +$PREFIX follow https://example.org/relay +``` + +## Unfollow a remote relay + +```sh +$PREFIX unfollow <relay_url> +``` + +Example: +```sh +$PREFIX unfollow https://example.org/relay +``` + +## List relay subscriptions + +```sh +$PREFIX list +``` diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/uploads.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/uploads.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# Managing uploads + +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl uploads` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.uploads`. + +## Migrate uploads from local to remote storage +```sh +$PREFIX migrate_local <target_uploader> [<options>] +``` +### Options +- `--delete` - delete local uploads after migrating them to the target uploader + +A list of available uploaders can be seen in [Configuration Cheat Sheet](../../configuration/cheatsheet.md#pleromaupload) diff --git a/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/user.md b/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/user.md @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# Managing users + +Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl user` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.user`. + +## Create a user +```sh +$PREFIX new <nickname> <email> [<options>] +``` + +### Options +- `--name <name>` - the user's display name +- `--bio <bio>` - the user's bio +- `--password <password>` - the user's password +- `--moderator`/`--no-moderator` - whether the user should be a moderator +- `--admin`/`--no-admin` - whether the user should be an admin +- `-y`, `--assume-yes`/`--no-assume-yes` - whether to assume yes to all questions + +## Generate an invite link +```sh +$PREFIX invite [<options>] +``` + +### Options +- `--expires-at DATE` - last day on which token is active (e.g. "2019-04-05") +- `--max-use NUMBER` - maximum numbers of token uses + +## List generated invites +```sh +$PREFIX invites +``` + +## Revoke invite +```sh +$PREFIX revoke_invite <token_or_id> +``` + +## Delete a user +```sh +$PREFIX rm <nickname> +``` + +## Delete user's posts and interactions +```sh +$PREFIX delete_activities <nickname> +``` + +## Sign user out from all applications (delete user's OAuth tokens and authorizations) +```sh +$PREFIX sign_out <nickname> +``` + +## Deactivate or activate a user +```sh +$PREFIX toggle_activated <nickname> +``` + +## Unsubscribe local users from a user and deactivate the user +```sh +$PREFIX unsubscribe NICKNAME +``` + +## Unsubscribe local users from an instance and deactivate all accounts on it +```sh +$PREFIX unsubscribe_all_from_instance <instance> +``` + +## Create a password reset link for user +```sh +$PREFIX reset_password <nickname> +``` + +## Set the value of the given user's settings +```sh +$PREFIX set <nickname> [<options>] +``` +### Options +- `--locked`/`--no-locked` - whether the user should be locked +- `--moderator`/`--no-moderator` - whether the user should be a moderator +- `--admin`/`--no-admin` - whether the user should be an admin + +## Add tags to a user +```sh +$PREFIX tag <nickname> <tags> +``` + +## Delete tags from a user +```sh +$PREFIX untag <nickname> <tags> +``` + +## Toggle confirmation status of the user +```sh +$PREFIX toggle_confirmed <nickname> +``` diff --git a/docs/admin/backup.md b/docs/administration/backup.md diff --git a/docs/admin/updating.md b/docs/administration/updating.md diff --git a/docs/api/pleroma_api.md b/docs/api/pleroma_api.md @@ -1,473 +0,0 @@ -# Pleroma API - -Requests that require it can be authenticated with [an OAuth token](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749), the `_pleroma_key` cookie, or [HTTP Basic Authentication](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Authorization). - -Request parameters can be passed via [query strings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string) or as [form data](https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html). Files must be uploaded as `multipart/form-data`. - -## `/api/pleroma/emoji` -### Lists the custom emoji on that server. -* Method: `GET` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: none -* Response: JSON -* Example response: -```json -{ - "girlpower": { - "tags": [ - "Finmoji" - ], - "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/girlpower-128.png" - }, - "education": { - "tags": [ - "Finmoji" - ], - "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/education-128.png" - }, - "finnishlove": { - "tags": [ - "Finmoji" - ], - "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/finnishlove-128.png" - } -} -``` -* Note: Same data as Mastodon API’s `/api/v1/custom_emojis` but in a different format - -## `/api/pleroma/follow_import` -### Imports your follows, for example from a Mastodon CSV file. -* Method: `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `list`: STRING or FILE containing a whitespace-separated list of accounts to follow -* Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error -* Note: Users that can't be followed are silently skipped. - -## `/api/pleroma/captcha` -### Get a new captcha -* Method: `GET` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: none -* Response: Provider specific JSON, the only guaranteed parameter is `type` -* Example response: `{"type": "kocaptcha", "token": "whatever", "url": "https://captcha.kotobank.ch/endpoint"}` - -## `/api/pleroma/delete_account` -### Delete an account -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `password`: user's password -* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the deletion was successful, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise -* Example response: `{"error": "Invalid password."}` - -## `/api/pleroma/disable_account` -### Disable an account -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `password`: user's password -* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the account was successfully disabled, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise -* Example response: `{"error": "Invalid password."}` - -## `/api/account/register` -### Register a new user -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: - * `nickname` - * `fullname` - * `bio` - * `email` - * `password` - * `confirm` - * `captcha_solution`: optional, contains provider-specific captcha solution, - * `captcha_token`: optional, contains provider-specific captcha token - * `token`: invite token required when the registrations aren't public. -* Response: JSON. Returns a user object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` -* Example response: -```json -{ - "background_image": null, - "cover_photo": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/banner.png", - "created_at": "Tue Dec 18 16:55:56 +0000 2018", - "default_scope": "public", - "description": "blushy-crushy fediverse idol + pleroma dev\nlet's be friends \nぷれろまの生徒会長。謎の外人。日本語OK. \n公主病.", - "description_html": "blushy-crushy fediverse idol + pleroma dev.<br />let's be friends <br />ぷれろまの生徒会長。謎の外人。日本語OK. <br />公主病.", - "favourites_count": 0, - "fields": [], - "followers_count": 0, - "following": false, - "follows_you": false, - "friends_count": 0, - "id": 6, - "is_local": true, - "locked": false, - "name": "lain", - "name_html": "lain", - "no_rich_text": false, - "pleroma": { - "tags": [] - }, - "profile_image_url": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", - "profile_image_url_https": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", - "profile_image_url_original": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", - "profile_image_url_profile_size": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/images/avi.png", - "rights": { - "delete_others_notice": false - }, - "screen_name": "lain", - "statuses_count": 0, - "statusnet_blocking": false, - "statusnet_profile_url": "https://pleroma.soykaf.com/users/lain" -} -``` - -## `/api/pleroma/admin/`… -See [Admin-API](Admin-API.md) - -## `/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read` -### Mark notifications as read -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params (mutually exclusive): - * `id`: a single notification id to read - * `max_id`: read all notifications up to this id -* Response: Notification entity/Array of Notification entities that were read. In case of `max_id`, only the first 80 read notifications will be returned. - -## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/subscribe` -### Subscribe to receive notifications for all statuses posted by a user -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `id`: account id to subscribe to -* Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` -* Example response: -```json -{ - "id": "abcdefg", - "following": true, - "followed_by": false, - "blocking": false, - "muting": false, - "muting_notifications": false, - "subscribing": true, - "requested": false, - "domain_blocking": false, - "showing_reblogs": true, - "endorsed": false -} -``` - -## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/unsubscribe` -### Unsubscribe to stop receiving notifications from user statuses -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `id`: account id to unsubscribe from -* Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` -* Example response: -```json -{ - "id": "abcdefg", - "following": true, - "followed_by": false, - "blocking": false, - "muting": false, - "muting_notifications": false, - "subscribing": false, - "requested": false, - "domain_blocking": false, - "showing_reblogs": true, - "endorsed": false -} -``` - -## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/favourites` -### Returns favorites timeline of any user -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: - * `id`: the id of the account for whom to return results - * `limit`: optional, the number of records to retrieve - * `since_id`: optional, returns results that are more recent than the specified id - * `max_id`: optional, returns results that are older than the specified id -* Response: JSON, returns a list of Mastodon Status entities on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` -* Example response: -```json -[ - { - "account": { - "id": "9hptFmUF3ztxYh3Svg", - "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/users/nick2", - "username": "nick2", - ... - }, - "application": {"name": "Web", "website": null}, - "bookmarked": false, - "card": null, - "content": "This is :moominmamma: note 0", - "created_at": "2019-04-15T15:42:15.000Z", - "emojis": [], - "favourited": false, - "favourites_count": 1, - "id": "9hptFmVJ02khbzYJaS", - "in_reply_to_account_id": null, - "in_reply_to_id": null, - "language": null, - "media_attachments": [], - "mentions": [], - "muted": false, - "pinned": false, - "pleroma": { - "content": {"text/plain": "This is :moominmamma: note 0"}, - "conversation_id": 13679, - "local": true, - "spoiler_text": {"text/plain": "2hu"} - }, - "reblog": null, - "reblogged": false, - "reblogs_count": 0, - "replies_count": 0, - "sensitive": false, - "spoiler_text": "2hu", - "tags": [{"name": "2hu", "url": "/tag/2hu"}], - "uri": "https://pleroma.example.org/objects/198ed2a1-7912-4482-b559-244a0369e984", - "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/notice/9hptFmVJ02khbzYJaS", - "visibility": "public" - } -] -``` - -## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_*` -### Set and clear account avatar, banner, and background - -- PATCH `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_avatar`: Set/clear user avatar image -- PATCH `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_banner`: Set/clear user banner image -- PATCH `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_background`: Set/clear user background image - -## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/confirmation_resend` -### Resend confirmation email -* Method `POST` -* Params: - * `email`: email of that needs to be verified -* Authentication: not required -* Response: 204 No Content - -## `/api/v1/pleroma/mascot` -### Gets user mascot image -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: required - -* Response: JSON. Returns a mastodon media attachment entity. -* Example response: -```json -{ - "id": "abcdefg", - "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/media/abcdefg.png", - "type": "image", - "pleroma": { - "mime_type": "image/png" - } -} -``` - -### Updates user mascot image -* Method `PUT` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `image`: Multipart image -* Response: JSON. Returns a mastodon media attachment entity - when successful, otherwise returns HTTP 415 `{"error": "error_msg"}` -* Example response: -```json -{ - "id": "abcdefg", - "url": "https://pleroma.example.org/media/abcdefg.png", - "type": "image", - "pleroma": { - "mime_type": "image/png" - } -} -``` -* Note: Behaves exactly the same as `POST /api/v1/upload`. - Can only accept images - any attempt to upload non-image files will be met with `HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type`. - -## `/api/pleroma/notification_settings` -### Updates user notification settings -* Method `PUT` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `followers`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from followers - * `follows`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people the user follows - * `remote`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people on remote instances - * `local`: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people on the local instance -* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the update was successful, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}` - -## `/api/pleroma/healthcheck` -### Healthcheck endpoint with additional system data. -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: none -* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy). -* Example response: -```json -{ - "pool_size": 0, # database connection pool - "active": 0, # active processes - "idle": 0, # idle processes - "memory_used": 0.00, # Memory used - "healthy": true # Instance state -} -``` - -## `/api/pleroma/change_email` -### Change account email -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `password`: user's password - * `email`: new email -* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the change was successful, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise -* Note: Currently, Mastodon has no API for changing email. If they add it in future it might be incompatible with Pleroma. - -# Pleroma Conversations - -Pleroma Conversations have the same general structure that Mastodon Conversations have. The behavior differs in the following ways when using these endpoints: - -1. Pleroma Conversations never add or remove recipients, unless explicitly changed by the user. -2. Pleroma Conversations statuses can be requested by Conversation id. -3. Pleroma Conversations can be replied to. - -Conversations have the additional field "recipients" under the "pleroma" key. This holds a list of all the accounts that will receive a message in this conversation. - -The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversation_id`, which, when set, will set the visiblity to direct and address only the people who are the recipients of that Conversation. - - -## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id/statuses` -### Timeline for a given conversation -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: required -* Params: Like other timelines -* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy). - -## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id` -### The conversation with the given ID. -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: required -* Params: None -* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy). - -## `PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id` -### Update a conversation. Used to change the set of recipients. -* Method `PATCH` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `recipients`: A list of ids of users that should receive posts to this conversation. This will replace the current list of recipients, so submit the full list. The owner of owner of the conversation will always be part of the set of recipients, though. -* Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy) - -## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs` -### Lists the custom emoji packs on the server -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: None -* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status and the JSON hashmap of "pack name" to "pack contents" - -## `PUT /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name` -### Creates an empty custom emoji pack -* Method `PUT` -* Authentication: required -* Params: None -* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 409 if the pack with that name already exists - -## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name` -### Delete a custom emoji pack -* Method `DELETE` -* Authentication: required -* Params: None -* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 500 if there was an error deleting the pack - -## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_file` -### Update a file in a custom emoji pack -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * if the `action` is `add`, adds an emoji named `shortcode` to the pack `pack_name`, - that means that the emoji file needs to be uploaded with the request - (thus requiring it to be a multipart request) and be named `file`. - There can also be an optional `filename` that will be the new emoji file name - (if it's not there, the name will be taken from the uploaded file). - * if the `action` is `update`, changes emoji shortcode - (from `shortcode` to `new_shortcode` or moves the file (from the current filename to `new_filename`) - * if the `action` is `remove`, removes the emoji named `shortcode` and it's associated file -* Response: JSON, updated "files" section of the pack and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode - that is already taken, 400 if there was an error with the shortcode, filename or file (additional info - in the "error" part of the response JSON) - -## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_metadata` -### Updates (replaces) pack metadata -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `new_data`: new metadata to replace the old one -* Response: JSON, updated "metadata" section of the pack and 200 status or 400 if there was a - problem with the new metadata (the error is specified in the "error" part of the response JSON) - -## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from` -### Requests the instance to download the pack from another instance -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to download from - * `pack_name`: the pack to download from that instance -* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were - errors downloading the pack - -## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from` -### Requests the instance to list the packs from another instance -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to download from -* Response: JSON with the pack list, same as if the request was made to that instance's - list endpoint directly + 200 status - -## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/download_shared` -### Requests a local pack from the instance -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: None -* Response: the archive of the pack with a 200 status code, 403 if the pack is not set as shared, - 404 if the pack does not exist - -## `GET /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/scrobbles` -### Requests a list of current and recent Listen activities for an account -* Method `GET` -* Authentication: not required -* Params: None -* Response: An array of media metadata entities. -* Example response: -```json -[ - { - "account": {...}, - "id": "1234", - "title": "Some Title", - "artist": "Some Artist", - "album": "Some Album", - "length": 180000, - "created_at": "2019-09-28T12:40:45.000Z" - } -] -``` - -## `POST /api/v1/pleroma/scrobble` -### Creates a new Listen activity for an account -* Method `POST` -* Authentication: required -* Params: - * `title`: the title of the media playing - * `album`: the album of the media playing [optional] - * `artist`: the artist of the media playing [optional] - * `length`: the length of the media playing [optional] -* Response: the newly created media metadata entity representing the Listen activity diff --git a/docs/config.md b/docs/config.md @@ -1,773 +0,0 @@ -# Configuration - -This file describe the configuration, it is recommended to edit the relevant *.secret.exs file instead of the others founds in the ``config`` directory. -If you run Pleroma with ``MIX_ENV=prod`` the file is ``prod.secret.exs``, otherwise it is ``dev.secret.exs``. - -## Pleroma.Upload -* `uploader`: Select which `Pleroma.Uploaders` to use -* `filters`: List of `Pleroma.Upload.Filter` to use. -* `link_name`: When enabled Pleroma will add a `name` parameter to the url of the upload, for example `https://instance.tld/media/corndog.png?name=corndog.png`. This is needed to provide the correct filename in Content-Disposition headers when using filters like `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe` -* `base_url`: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host. -* `proxy_remote`: If you're using a remote uploader, Pleroma will proxy media requests instead of redirecting to it. -* `proxy_opts`: Proxy options, see `Pleroma.ReverseProxy` documentation. - -Note: `strip_exif` has been replaced by `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify`. - -## Pleroma.Uploaders.Local -* `uploads`: Which directory to store the user-uploads in, relative to pleroma’s working directory - -## Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 -* `bucket`: S3 bucket name -* `bucket_namespace`: S3 bucket namespace -* `public_endpoint`: S3 endpoint that the user finally accesses(ex. "https://s3.dualstack.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com") -* `truncated_namespace`: If you use S3 compatible service such as Digital Ocean Spaces or CDN, set folder name or "" etc. -For example, when using CDN to S3 virtual host format, set "". -At this time, write CNAME to CDN in public_endpoint. -* `streaming_enabled`: Enable streaming uploads, when enabled the file will be sent to the server in chunks as it's being read. This may be unsupported by some providers, try disabling this if you have upload problems. - -## Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify - -* `args`: List of actions for the `mogrify` command like `"strip"` or `["strip", "auto-orient", {"implode", "1"}]`. - -## Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe - -No specific configuration. - -## Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename - -This filter replaces the filename (not the path) of an upload. For complete obfuscation, add -`Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe` before AnonymizeFilename. - -* `text`: Text to replace filenames in links. If empty, `{random}.extension` will be used. You can get the original filename extension by using `{extension}`, for example `custom-file-name.{extension}`. - -## Pleroma.Emails.Mailer -* `adapter`: one of the mail adapters listed in [Swoosh readme](https://github.com/swoosh/swoosh#adapters), or `Swoosh.Adapters.Local` for in-memory mailbox. -* `api_key` / `password` and / or other adapter-specific settings, per the above documentation. -* `enabled`: Allows enable/disable send emails. Default: `false`. - -An example for Sendgrid adapter: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, - adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Sendgrid, - api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" -``` - -An example for SMTP adapter: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, - adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP, - relay: "smtp.gmail.com", - username: "YOUR_USERNAME@gmail.com", - password: "YOUR_SMTP_PASSWORD", - port: 465, - ssl: true, - tls: :always, - auth: :always -``` - -## :uri_schemes -* `valid_schemes`: List of the scheme part that is considered valid to be an URL - -## :instance -* `name`: The instance’s name -* `email`: Email used to reach an Administrator/Moderator of the instance -* `notify_email`: Email used for notifications. -* `description`: The instance’s description, can be seen in nodeinfo and ``/api/v1/instance`` -* `limit`: Posts character limit (CW/Subject included in the counter) -* `remote_limit`: Hard character limit beyond which remote posts will be dropped. -* `upload_limit`: File size limit of uploads (except for avatar, background, banner) -* `avatar_upload_limit`: File size limit of user’s profile avatars -* `background_upload_limit`: File size limit of user’s profile backgrounds -* `banner_upload_limit`: File size limit of user’s profile banners -* `poll_limits`: A map with poll limits for **local** polls - * `max_options`: Maximum number of options - * `max_option_chars`: Maximum number of characters per option - * `min_expiration`: Minimum expiration time (in seconds) - * `max_expiration`: Maximum expiration time (in seconds) -* `registrations_open`: Enable registrations for anyone, invitations can be enabled when false. -* `invites_enabled`: Enable user invitations for admins (depends on `registrations_open: false`). -* `account_activation_required`: Require users to confirm their emails before signing in. -* `federating`: Enable federation with other instances -* `federation_incoming_replies_max_depth`: Max. depth of reply-to activities fetching on incoming federation, to prevent out-of-memory situations while fetching very long threads. If set to `nil`, threads of any depth will be fetched. Lower this value if you experience out-of-memory crashes. -* `federation_reachability_timeout_days`: Timeout (in days) of each external federation target being unreachable prior to pausing federating to it. -* `allow_relay`: Enable Pleroma’s Relay, which makes it possible to follow a whole instance -* `rewrite_policy`: Message Rewrite Policy, either one or a list. Here are the ones available by default: - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NoOpPolicy`: Doesn’t modify activities (default) - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.DropPolicy`: Drops all activities. It generally doesn’t makes sense to use in production - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy`: Restrict the visibility of activities from certains instances (See ``:mrf_simple`` section) - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.TagPolicy`: Applies policies to individual users based on tags, which can be set using pleroma-fe/admin-fe/any other app that supports Pleroma Admin API. For example it allows marking posts from individual users nsfw (sensitive) - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SubchainPolicy`: Selectively runs other MRF policies when messages match (see ``:mrf_subchain`` section) - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublic`: Drops posts with non-public visibility settings (See ``:mrf_rejectnonpublic`` section) - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.EnsureRePrepended`: Rewrites posts to ensure that replies to posts with subjects do not have an identical subject and instead begin with re:. - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.AntiLinkSpamPolicy`: Rejects posts from likely spambots by rejecting posts from new users that contain links. - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy`: Crawls attachments using their MediaProxy URLs so that the MediaProxy cache is primed. - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MentionPolicy`: Drops posts mentioning configurable users. (see `:mrf_mention` section) - * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicy`: Restricts activities to a configured set of vocabulary. (see `:mrf_vocabulary` section) -* `public`: Makes the client API in authentificated mode-only except for user-profiles. Useful for disabling the Local Timeline and The Whole Known Network. -* `quarantined_instances`: List of ActivityPub instances where private(DMs, followers-only) activities will not be send. -* `managed_config`: Whenether the config for pleroma-fe is configured in this config or in ``static/config.json`` -* `allowed_post_formats`: MIME-type list of formats allowed to be posted (transformed into HTML) -* `mrf_transparency`: Make the content of your Message Rewrite Facility settings public (via nodeinfo). -* `mrf_transparency_exclusions`: Exclude specific instance names from MRF transparency. The use of the exclusions feature will be disclosed in nodeinfo as a boolean value. -* `scope_copy`: Copy the scope (private/unlisted/public) in replies to posts by default. -* `subject_line_behavior`: Allows changing the default behaviour of subject lines in replies. Valid values: - * "email": Copy and preprend re:, as in email. - * "masto": Copy verbatim, as in Mastodon. - * "noop": Don't copy the subject. -* `always_show_subject_input`: When set to false, auto-hide the subject field when it's empty. -* `extended_nickname_format`: Set to `true` to use extended local nicknames format (allows underscores/dashes). This will break federation with - older software for theses nicknames. -* `max_pinned_statuses`: The maximum number of pinned statuses. `0` will disable the feature. -* `autofollowed_nicknames`: Set to nicknames of (local) users that every new user should automatically follow. -* `no_attachment_links`: Set to true to disable automatically adding attachment link text to statuses -* `welcome_message`: A message that will be send to a newly registered users as a direct message. -* `welcome_user_nickname`: The nickname of the local user that sends the welcome message. -* `max_report_comment_size`: The maximum size of the report comment (Default: `1000`) -* `safe_dm_mentions`: If set to true, only mentions at the beginning of a post will be used to address people in direct messages. This is to prevent accidental mentioning of people when talking about them (e.g. "@friend hey i really don't like @enemy"). Default: `false`. -* `healthcheck`: If set to true, system data will be shown on ``/api/pleroma/healthcheck``. -* `remote_post_retention_days`: The default amount of days to retain remote posts when pruning the database. -* `user_bio_length`: A user bio maximum length (default: `5000`) -* `user_name_length`: A user name maximum length (default: `100`) -* `skip_thread_containment`: Skip filter out broken threads. The default is `false`. -* `limit_to_local_content`: Limit unauthenticated users to search for local statutes and users only. Possible values: `:unauthenticated`, `:all` and `false`. The default is `:unauthenticated`. -* `dynamic_configuration`: Allow transferring configuration to DB with the subsequent customization from Admin api. -* `max_account_fields`: The maximum number of custom fields in the user profile (default: `10`) -* `max_remote_account_fields`: The maximum number of custom fields in the remote user profile (default: `20`) -* `account_field_name_length`: An account field name maximum length (default: `512`) -* `account_field_value_length`: An account field value maximum length (default: `2048`) -* `external_user_synchronization`: Enabling following/followers counters synchronization for external users. - - - -## :logger -* `backends`: `:console` is used to send logs to stdout, `{ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}` to log to syslog, and `Quack.Logger` to log to Slack - -An example to enable ONLY ExSyslogger (f/ex in ``prod.secret.exs``) with info and debug suppressed: -```elixir -config :logger, - backends: [{ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}] - -config :logger, :ex_syslogger, - level: :warn -``` - -Another example, keeping console output and adding the pid to syslog output: -```elixir -config :logger, - backends: [:console, {ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}] - -config :logger, :ex_syslogger, - level: :warn, - option: [:pid, :ndelay] -``` - -See: [logger’s documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/logger/Logger.html) and [ex_syslogger’s documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_syslogger/) - -An example of logging info to local syslog, but warn to a Slack channel: -```elixir -config :logger, - backends: [ {ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}, Quack.Logger ], - level: :info - -config :logger, :ex_syslogger, - level: :info, - ident: "pleroma", - format: "$metadata[$level] $message" - -config :quack, - level: :warn, - meta: [:all], - webhook_url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOUR-API-KEY-HERE" -``` - -See the [Quack Github](https://github.com/azohra/quack) for more details - -## :frontend_configurations - -This can be used to configure a keyword list that keeps the configuration data for any kind of frontend. By default, settings for `pleroma_fe` and `masto_fe` are configured. - -Frontends can access these settings at `/api/pleroma/frontend_configurations` - -To add your own configuration for PleromaFE, use it like this: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations, - pleroma_fe: %{ - theme: "pleroma-dark", - # ... see /priv/static/static/config.json for the available keys. -}, - masto_fe: %{ - showInstanceSpecificPanel: true - } -``` - -These settings **need to be complete**, they will override the defaults. - -NOTE: for versions < 1.0, you need to set [`:fe`](#fe) to false, as shown a few lines below. - -## :fe -__THIS IS DEPRECATED__ - -If you are using this method, please change it to the [`frontend_configurations`](#frontend_configurations) method. -Please **set this option to false** in your config like this: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, :fe, false -``` - -This section is used to configure Pleroma-FE, unless ``:managed_config`` in ``:instance`` is set to false. - -* `theme`: Which theme to use, they are defined in ``styles.json`` -* `logo`: URL of the logo, defaults to Pleroma’s logo -* `logo_mask`: Whether to use only the logo's shape as a mask (true) or as a regular image (false) -* `logo_margin`: What margin to use around the logo -* `background`: URL of the background, unless viewing a user profile with a background that is set -* `redirect_root_no_login`: relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user isn’t logged in. -* `redirect_root_login`: relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user is logged in. -* `show_instance_panel`: Whenether to show the instance’s specific panel. -* `scope_options_enabled`: Enable setting an notice visibility and subject/CW when posting -* `formatting_options_enabled`: Enable setting a formatting different than plain-text (ie. HTML, Markdown) when posting, relates to ``:instance, allowed_post_formats`` -* `collapse_message_with_subjects`: When a message has a subject(aka Content Warning), collapse it by default -* `hide_post_stats`: Hide notices statistics(repeats, favorites, …) -* `hide_user_stats`: Hide profile statistics(posts, posts per day, followers, followings, …) - -## :assets - -This section configures assets to be used with various frontends. Currently the only option -relates to mascots on the mastodon frontend - -* `mascots`: KeywordList of mascots, each element __MUST__ contain both a `url` and a - `mime_type` key. -* `default_mascot`: An element from `mascots` - This will be used as the default mascot - on MastoFE (default: `:pleroma_fox_tan`) - -## :mrf_simple -* `media_removal`: List of instances to remove medias from -* `media_nsfw`: List of instances to put medias as NSFW(sensitive) from -* `federated_timeline_removal`: List of instances to remove from Federated (aka The Whole Known Network) Timeline -* `reject`: List of instances to reject any activities from -* `accept`: List of instances to accept any activities from -* `report_removal`: List of instances to reject reports from -* `avatar_removal`: List of instances to strip avatars from -* `banner_removal`: List of instances to strip banners from - -## :mrf_subchain -This policy processes messages through an alternate pipeline when a given message matches certain criteria. -All criteria are configured as a map of regular expressions to lists of policy modules. - -* `match_actor`: Matches a series of regular expressions against the actor field. - -Example: - -``` -config :pleroma, :mrf_subchain, - match_actor: %{ - ~r/https:\/\/example.com/s => [Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.DropPolicy] - } -``` - -## :mrf_rejectnonpublic -* `allow_followersonly`: whether to allow followers-only posts -* `allow_direct`: whether to allow direct messages - -## :mrf_hellthread -* `delist_threshold`: Number of mentioned users after which the message gets delisted (the message can still be seen, but it will not show up in public timelines and mentioned users won't get notifications about it). Set to 0 to disable. -* `reject_threshold`: Number of mentioned users after which the messaged gets rejected. Set to 0 to disable. - -## :mrf_keyword -* `reject`: A list of patterns which result in message being rejected, each pattern can be a string or a [regular expression](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) -* `federated_timeline_removal`: A list of patterns which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted), each pattern can be a string or a [regular expression](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) -* `replace`: A list of tuples containing `{pattern, replacement}`, `pattern` can be a string or a [regular expression](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) - -## :mrf_mention -* `actors`: A list of actors, for which to drop any posts mentioning. - -## :mrf_vocabulary -* `accept`: A list of ActivityStreams terms to accept. If empty, all supported messages are accepted. -* `reject`: A list of ActivityStreams terms to reject. If empty, no messages are rejected. - -## :media_proxy -* `enabled`: Enables proxying of remote media to the instance’s proxy -* `base_url`: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts. -* `proxy_opts`: All options defined in `Pleroma.ReverseProxy` documentation, defaults to `[max_body_length: (25*1_048_576)]`. -* `whitelist`: List of domains to bypass the mediaproxy - -## :gopher -* `enabled`: Enables the gopher interface -* `ip`: IP address to bind to -* `port`: Port to bind to -* `dstport`: Port advertised in urls (optional, defaults to `port`) - -## Pleroma.Web.Endpoint -`Phoenix` endpoint configuration, all configuration options can be viewed [here](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/Phoenix.Endpoint.html#module-dynamic-configuration), only common options are listed here -* `http` - a list containing http protocol configuration, all configuration options can be viewed [here](https://hexdocs.pm/plug_cowboy/Plug.Cowboy.html#module-options), only common options are listed here. For deployment using docker, you need to set this to `[ip: {0,0,0,0}, port: 4000]` to make pleroma accessible from other containers (such as your nginx server). - - `ip` - a tuple consisting of 4 integers - - `port` -* `url` - a list containing the configuration for generating urls, accepts - - `host` - the host without the scheme and a post (e.g `example.com`, not `https://example.com:2020`) - - `scheme` - e.g `http`, `https` - - `port` - - `path` -* `extra_cookie_attrs` - a list of `Key=Value` strings to be added as non-standard cookie attributes. Defaults to `["SameSite=Lax"]`. See the [SameSite article](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SameSite) on OWASP for more info. - - - -**Important note**: if you modify anything inside these lists, default `config.exs` values will be overwritten, which may result in breakage, to make sure this does not happen please copy the default value for the list from `config.exs` and modify/add only what you need - -Example: -```elixir -config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, - url: [host: "example.com", port: 2020, scheme: "https"], - http: [ - # start copied from config.exs - dispatch: [ - {:_, - [ - {"/api/v1/streaming", Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.WebsocketHandler, []}, - {"/websocket", Phoenix.Endpoint.CowboyWebSocket, - {Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket, - {Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, Pleroma.Web.UserSocket, websocket_config}}}, - {:_, Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Handler, {Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, []}} - ]} - # end copied from config.exs - ], - port: 8080, - ip: {127, 0, 0, 1} - ] -``` - -This will make Pleroma listen on `` port `8080` and generate urls starting with `https://example.com:2020` - -## :activitypub -* ``unfollow_blocked``: Whether blocks result in people getting unfollowed -* ``outgoing_blocks``: Whether to federate blocks to other instances -* ``deny_follow_blocked``: Whether to disallow following an account that has blocked the user in question -* ``sign_object_fetches``: Sign object fetches with HTTP signatures - -## :http_security -* ``enabled``: Whether the managed content security policy is enabled -* ``sts``: Whether to additionally send a `Strict-Transport-Security` header -* ``sts_max_age``: The maximum age for the `Strict-Transport-Security` header if sent -* ``ct_max_age``: The maximum age for the `Expect-CT` header if sent -* ``referrer_policy``: The referrer policy to use, either `"same-origin"` or `"no-referrer"` -* ``report_uri``: Adds the specified url to `report-uri` and `report-to` group in CSP header. - -## :mrf_user_allowlist - -The keys in this section are the domain names that the policy should apply to. -Each key should be assigned a list of users that should be allowed through by -their ActivityPub ID. - -An example: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, :mrf_user_allowlist, - "example.org": ["https://example.org/users/admin"] -``` - -## :web_push_encryption, :vapid_details - -Web Push Notifications configuration. You can use the mix task `mix web_push.gen.keypair` to generate it. - -* ``subject``: a mailto link for the administrative contact. It’s best if this email is not a personal email address, but rather a group email so that if a person leaves an organization, is unavailable for an extended period, or otherwise can’t respond, someone else on the list can. -* ``public_key``: VAPID public key -* ``private_key``: VAPID private key - -## Pleroma.Captcha -* `enabled`: Whether the captcha should be shown on registration -* `method`: The method/service to use for captcha -* `seconds_valid`: The time in seconds for which the captcha is valid - -### Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha -Kocaptcha is a very simple captcha service with a single API endpoint, -the source code is here: https://github.com/koto-bank/kocaptcha. The default endpoint -`https://captcha.kotobank.ch` is hosted by the developer. - -* `endpoint`: the kocaptcha endpoint to use - -## :admin_token - -Allows to set a token that can be used to authenticate with the admin api without using an actual user by giving it as the 'admin_token' parameter. Example: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, :admin_token, "somerandomtoken" -``` - -You can then do - -```sh -curl "http://localhost:4000/api/pleroma/admin/invite_token?admin_token=somerandomtoken" -``` - -## Oban - -[Oban](https://github.com/sorentwo/oban) asynchronous job processor configuration. - -Configuration options described in [Oban readme](https://github.com/sorentwo/oban#usage): -* `repo` - app's Ecto repo (`Pleroma.Repo`) -* `verbose` - logs verbosity -* `prune` - non-retryable jobs [pruning settings](https://github.com/sorentwo/oban#pruning) (`:disabled` / `{:maxlen, value}` / `{:maxage, value}`) -* `queues` - job queues (see below) - -Pleroma has the following queues: - -* `activity_expiration` - Activity expiration -* `federator_outgoing` - Outgoing federation -* `federator_incoming` - Incoming federation -* `mailer` - Email sender, see [`Pleroma.Emails.Mailer`](#pleromaemailsmailer) -* `transmogrifier` - Transmogrifier -* `web_push` - Web push notifications -* `scheduled_activities` - Scheduled activities, see [`Pleroma.ScheduledActivity`](#pleromascheduledactivity) - -Example: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, Oban, - repo: Pleroma.Repo, - verbose: false, - prune: {:maxlen, 1500}, - queues: [ - federator_incoming: 50, - federator_outgoing: 50 - ] -``` - -This config contains two queues: `federator_incoming` and `federator_outgoing`. Both have the number of max concurrent jobs set to `50`. - -### Migrating `pleroma_job_queue` settings - -`config :pleroma_job_queue, :queues` is replaced by `config :pleroma, Oban, :queues` and uses the same format (keys are queues' names, values are max concurrent jobs numbers). - -### Note on running with PostgreSQL in silent mode - -If you are running PostgreSQL in [`silent_mode`](https://postgresqlco.nf/en/doc/param/silent_mode?version=9.1), it's advised to set [`log_destination`](https://postgresqlco.nf/en/doc/param/log_destination?version=9.1) to `syslog`, -otherwise `postmaster.log` file may grow because of "you don't own a lock of type ShareLock" warnings (see https://github.com/sorentwo/oban/issues/52). - -## :workers - -Includes custom worker options not interpretable directly by `Oban`. - -* `retries` — keyword lists where keys are `Oban` queues (see above) and values are numbers of max attempts for failed jobs. - -Example: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, :workers, - retries: [ - federator_incoming: 5, - federator_outgoing: 5 - ] -``` - -### Migrating `Pleroma.Web.Federator.RetryQueue` settings - -* `max_retries` is replaced with `config :pleroma, :workers, retries: [federator_outgoing: 5]` -* `enabled: false` corresponds to `config :pleroma, :workers, retries: [federator_outgoing: 1]` -* deprecated options: `max_jobs`, `initial_timeout` - -## Pleroma.Web.Metadata -* `providers`: a list of metadata providers to enable. Providers available: - * Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.OpenGraph - * Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.TwitterCard - * Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.RelMe - add links from user bio with rel=me into the `<header>` as `<link rel=me>` -* `unfurl_nsfw`: If set to `true` nsfw attachments will be shown in previews - -## :rich_media -* `enabled`: if enabled the instance will parse metadata from attached links to generate link previews -* `ignore_hosts`: list of hosts which will be ignored by the metadata parser. For example `["accounts.google.com", "xss.website"]`, defaults to `[]`. -* `ignore_tld`: list TLDs (top-level domains) which will ignore for parse metadata. default is ["local", "localdomain", "lan"] -* `parsers`: list of Rich Media parsers - -## :fetch_initial_posts -* `enabled`: if enabled, when a new user is federated with, fetch some of their latest posts -* `pages`: the amount of pages to fetch - -## :hackney_pools - -Advanced. Tweaks Hackney (http client) connections pools. - -There's three pools used: - -* `:federation` for the federation jobs. - You may want this pool max_connections to be at least equal to the number of federator jobs + retry queue jobs. -* `:media` for rich media, media proxy -* `:upload` for uploaded media (if using a remote uploader and `proxy_remote: true`) - -For each pool, the options are: - -* `max_connections` - how much connections a pool can hold -* `timeout` - retention duration for connections - -## :auto_linker - -Configuration for the `auto_linker` library: - -* `class: "auto-linker"` - specify the class to be added to the generated link. false to clear -* `rel: "noopener noreferrer"` - override the rel attribute. false to clear -* `new_window: true` - set to false to remove `target='_blank'` attribute -* `scheme: false` - Set to true to link urls with schema `http://google.com` -* `truncate: false` - Set to a number to truncate urls longer then the number. Truncated urls will end in `..` -* `strip_prefix: true` - Strip the scheme prefix -* `extra: false` - link urls with rarely used schemes (magnet, ipfs, irc, etc.) - -Example: - -```elixir -config :auto_linker, - opts: [ - scheme: true, - extra: true, - class: false, - strip_prefix: false, - new_window: false, - rel: "ugc" - ] -``` - -## Pleroma.Scheduler - -Configuration for [Quantum](https://github.com/quantum-elixir/quantum-core) jobs scheduler. - -See [Quantum readme](https://github.com/quantum-elixir/quantum-core#usage) for the list of supported options. - -Example: - -```elixir -config :pleroma, Pleroma.Scheduler, - global: true, - overlap: true, - timezone: :utc, - jobs: [{"0 */6 * * * *", {Pleroma.Web.Websub, :refresh_subscriptions, []}}] -``` - -The above example defines a single job which invokes `Pleroma.Web.Websub.refresh_subscriptions()` every 6 hours ("0 */6 * * * *", [crontab format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron)). - -## Pleroma.ScheduledActivity - -* `daily_user_limit`: the number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in a single day (Default: `25`) -* `total_user_limit`: the number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in total (Default: `300`) -* `enabled`: whether scheduled activities are sent to the job queue to be executed - -## Pleroma.ActivityExpiration - -# `enabled`: whether expired activities will be sent to the job queue to be deleted - -## Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator - -* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.PleromaAuthenticator`: default database authenticator -* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.LDAPAuthenticator`: LDAP authentication - -## :ldap - -Use LDAP for user authentication. When a user logs in to the Pleroma -instance, the name and password will be verified by trying to authenticate -(bind) to an LDAP server. If a user exists in the LDAP directory but there -is no account with the same name yet on the Pleroma instance then a new -Pleroma account will be created with the same name as the LDAP user name. - -* `enabled`: enables LDAP authentication -* `host`: LDAP server hostname -* `port`: LDAP port, e.g. 389 or 636 -* `ssl`: true to use SSL, usually implies the port 636 -* `sslopts`: additional SSL options -* `tls`: true to start TLS, usually implies the port 389 -* `tlsopts`: additional TLS options -* `base`: LDAP base, e.g. "dc=example,dc=com" -* `uid`: LDAP attribute name to authenticate the user, e.g. when "cn", the filter will be "cn=username,base" - -## BBS / SSH access - -To enable simple command line interface accessible over ssh, add a setting like this to your configuration file: - -```exs -app_dir = File.cwd! -priv_dir = Path.join([app_dir, "priv/ssh_keys"]) - -config :esshd, - enabled: true, - priv_dir: priv_dir, - handler: "Pleroma.BBS.Handler", - port: 10_022, - password_authenticator: "Pleroma.BBS.Authenticator" -``` - -Feel free to adjust the priv_dir and port number. Then you will have to create the key for the keys (in the example `priv/ssh_keys`) and create the host keys with `ssh-keygen -m PEM -N "" -b 2048 -t rsa -f ssh_host_rsa_key`. After restarting, you should be able to connect to your Pleroma instance with `ssh username@server -p $PORT` - -## :auth - -* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.PleromaAuthenticator`: default database authenticator -* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.LDAPAuthenticator`: LDAP authentication - -Authentication / authorization settings. - -* `auth_template`: authentication form template. By default it's `show.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex`. -* `oauth_consumer_template`: OAuth consumer mode authentication form template. By default it's `consumer.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex`. -* `oauth_consumer_strategies`: the list of enabled OAuth consumer strategies; by default it's set by `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES` environment variable. Each entry in this space-delimited string should be of format `<strategy>` or `<strategy>:<dependency>` (e.g. `twitter` or `keycloak:ueberauth_keycloak_strategy` in case dependency is named differently than `ueberauth_<strategy>`). - -## :email_notifications - -Email notifications settings. - - - digest - emails of "what you've missed" for users who have been - inactive for a while. - - active: globally enable or disable digest emails - - schedule: When to send digest email, in [crontab format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron). - "0 0 * * 0" is the default, meaning "once a week at midnight on Sunday morning" - - interval: Minimum interval between digest emails to one user - - inactivity_threshold: Minimum user inactivity threshold - -## Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail - -- `:logo` - a path to a custom logo. Set it to `nil` to use the default Pleroma logo. -- `:styling` - a map with color settings for email templates. - -## OAuth consumer mode - -OAuth consumer mode allows sign in / sign up via external OAuth providers (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.). -Implementation is based on Ueberauth; see the list of [available strategies](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth/wiki/List-of-Strategies). - -Note: each strategy is shipped as a separate dependency; in order to get the strategies, run `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="..." mix deps.get`, -e.g. `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="twitter facebook google microsoft" mix deps.get`. -The server should also be started with `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="..." mix phx.server` in case you enable any strategies. - -Note: each strategy requires separate setup (on external provider side and Pleroma side). Below are the guidelines on setting up most popular strategies. - -Note: make sure that `"SameSite=Lax"` is set in `extra_cookie_attrs` when you have this feature enabled. OAuth consumer mode will not work with `"SameSite=Strict"` - -* For Twitter, [register an app](https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/twitter/callback - -* For Facebook, [register an app](https://developers.facebook.com/apps), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/facebook/callback, enable Facebook Login service at https://developers.facebook.com/apps/<app_id>/fb-login/settings/ - -* For Google, [register an app](https://console.developers.google.com), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/google/callback - -* For Microsoft, [register an app](https://portal.azure.com), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/microsoft/callback - -Once the app is configured on external OAuth provider side, add app's credentials and strategy-specific settings (if any — e.g. see Microsoft below) to `config/prod.secret.exs`, -per strategy's documentation (e.g. [ueberauth_twitter](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth_twitter)). Example config basing on environment variables: - -```elixir -# Twitter -config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Twitter.OAuth, - consumer_key: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY"), - consumer_secret: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET") - -# Facebook -config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Facebook.OAuth, - client_id: System.get_env("FACEBOOK_APP_ID"), - client_secret: System.get_env("FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET"), - redirect_uri: System.get_env("FACEBOOK_REDIRECT_URI") - -# Google -config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Google.OAuth, - client_id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"), - client_secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"), - redirect_uri: System.get_env("GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI") - -# Microsoft -config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Microsoft.OAuth, - client_id: System.get_env("MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID"), - client_secret: System.get_env("MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET") - -config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, - providers: [ - microsoft: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Microsoft, [callback_params: []]} - ] - -# Keycloak -# Note: make sure to add `keycloak:ueberauth_keycloak_strategy` entry to `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES` environment variable -keycloak_url = "https://publicly-reachable-keycloak-instance.org:8080" - -config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Keycloak.OAuth, - client_id: System.get_env("KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID"), - client_secret: System.get_env("KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET"), - site: keycloak_url, - authorize_url: "#{keycloak_url}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth", - token_url: "#{keycloak_url}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token", - userinfo_url: "#{keycloak_url}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo", - token_method: :post - -config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, - providers: [ - keycloak: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Keycloak, [uid_field: :email]} - ] -``` - -## OAuth 2.0 provider - :oauth2 - -Configure OAuth 2 provider capabilities: - -* `token_expires_in` - The lifetime in seconds of the access token. -* `issue_new_refresh_token` - Keeps old refresh token or generate new refresh token when to obtain an access token. -* `clean_expired_tokens` - Enable a background job to clean expired oauth tokens. Defaults to `false`. -* `clean_expired_tokens_interval` - Interval to run the job to clean expired tokens. Defaults to `86_400_000` (24 hours). - -## :emoji -* `shortcode_globs`: Location of custom emoji files. `*` can be used as a wildcard. Example `["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"]` -* `pack_extensions`: A list of file extensions for emojis, when no emoji.txt for a pack is present. Example `[".png", ".gif"]` -* `groups`: Emojis are ordered in groups (tags). This is an array of key-value pairs where the key is the groupname and the value the location or array of locations. `*` can be used as a wildcard. Example `[Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/custom/*.png"]]` -* `default_manifest`: Location of the JSON-manifest. This manifest contains information about the emoji-packs you can download. Currently only one manifest can be added (no arrays). -* `shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file`: When an emoji pack is shared, the archive is created and cached in - memory for this amount of seconds multiplied by the number of files. - -## Database options - -### RUM indexing for full text search -* `rum_enabled`: If RUM indexes should be used. Defaults to `false`. - -RUM indexes are an alternative indexing scheme that is not included in PostgreSQL by default. While they may eventually be mainlined, for now they have to be installed as a PostgreSQL extension from https://github.com/postgrespro/rum. - -Their advantage over the standard GIN indexes is that they allow efficient ordering of search results by timestamp, which makes search queries a lot faster on larger servers, by one or two orders of magnitude. They take up around 3 times as much space as GIN indexes. - -To enable them, both the `rum_enabled` flag has to be set and the following special migration has to be run: - -`mix ecto.migrate --migrations-path priv/repo/optional_migrations/rum_indexing/` - -This will probably take a long time. - -## :rate_limit - -This is an advanced feature and disabled by default. - -If your instance is behind a reverse proxy you must enable and configure [`Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp`](#pleroma-plugs-remoteip). - -A keyword list of rate limiters where a key is a limiter name and value is the limiter configuration. The basic configuration is a tuple where: - -* The first element: `scale` (Integer). The time scale in milliseconds. -* The second element: `limit` (Integer). How many requests to limit in the time scale provided. - -It is also possible to have different limits for unauthenticated and authenticated users: the keyword value must be a list of two tuples where the first one is a config for unauthenticated users and the second one is for authenticated. - -See [`Pleroma.Plugs.RateLimiter`](Pleroma.Plugs.RateLimiter.html) documentation for examples. - -Supported rate limiters: - -* `:search` for the search requests (account & status search etc.) -* `:app_account_creation` for registering user accounts from the same IP address -* `:relations_actions` for actions on relations with all users (follow, unfollow) -* `:relation_id_action` for actions on relation with a specific user (follow, unfollow) -* `:statuses_actions` for create / delete / fav / unfav / reblog / unreblog actions on any statuses -* `:status_id_action` for fav / unfav or reblog / unreblog actions on the same status by the same user - -## :web_cache_ttl - -The expiration time for the web responses cache. Values should be in milliseconds or `nil` to disable expiration. - -Available caches: - -* `:activity_pub` - activity pub routes (except question activities). Defaults to `nil` (no expiration). -* `:activity_pub_question` - activity pub routes (question activities). Defaults to `30_000` (30 seconds). - -## Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp - -**If your instance is not behind at least one reverse proxy, you should not enable this plug.** - -`Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp` is a shim to call [`RemoteIp`](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/remote_ip) but with runtime configuration. - -Available options: - -* `enabled` - Enable/disable the plug. Defaults to `false`. -* `headers` - A list of strings naming the `req_headers` to use when deriving the `remote_ip`. Order does not matter. Defaults to `~w[forwarded x-forwarded-for x-client-ip x-real-ip]`. -* `proxies` - A list of strings in [CIDR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR) notation specifying the IPs of known proxies. Defaults to `[]`. -* `reserved` - Defaults to [localhost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost) and [private network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network). diff --git a/docs/config/General-tips-for-customizing-Pleroma-FE.md b/docs/config/General-tips-for-customizing-Pleroma-FE.md @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -# General tips for customizing Pleroma FE -There are some configuration scripts for Pleroma BE and FE: - -1. `config/prod.secret.exs` -1. `config/config.exs` -1. `priv/static/static/config.json` - -The `prod.secret.exs` affects first. `config.exs` is for fallback or default. `config.json` is for GNU-social-BE-Pleroma-FE instances. - -Usually all you have to do is: - -1. Copy the section in the `config/config.exs` which you want to activate. -1. Paste into `config/prod.secret.exs`. -1. Edit `config/prod.secret.exs`. -1. Restart the Pleroma daemon. - -`prod.secret.exs` is for the `MIX_ENV=prod` environment. `dev.secret.exs` is for the `MIX_ENV=dev` environment respectively. diff --git a/docs/config/custom_emoji.md b/docs/config/custom_emoji.md @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -# Custom Emoji - -Before you add your own custom emoji, check if they are available in an existing pack. -See `Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji` for information about emoji packs. - -To add custom emoji: -* Create the `STATIC-DIR/emoji/` directory if it doesn't exist - (`STATIC-DIR` is configurable, `instance/static/` by default) -* Create a directory with whatever name you want (custom is a good name to show the purpose of it). - This will create a local emoji pack. -* Put your `.png` emoji files in that directory. In case of conflicts, you can create an `emoji.txt` - file in that directory and specify a custom shortcode using the following format: - `shortcode, file-path, tag1, tag2, etc`. One emoji per line. Note that if you do so, - you'll have to list all other emojis in the pack too. -* Either restart pleroma or connect to the iex session pleroma's running and - run `Pleroma.Emoji.reload/0` in it. - -Example: - -image files (in `instance/static/emoji/custom`): `happy.png` and `sad.png` - -content of `emoji.txt`: -``` -happy, /emoji/custom/happy.png, Tag1,Tag2 -sad, /emoji/custom/sad.png, Tag1 -foo, /emoji/custom/foo.png -``` - -The files should be PNG (APNG is okay with `.png` for `image/png` Content-type) and under 50kb for compatibility with mastodon. - -Default file extentions and locations for emojis are set in `config.exs`. To use different locations or file-extentions, add the `shortcode_globs` to your secrets file (`prod.secret.exs` or `dev.secret.exs`) and edit it. Note that not all fediverse-software will show emojis with other file extentions: -```elixir -config :pleroma, :emoji, shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png", "/emoji/custom/**/*.gif"] -``` - -## Emoji tags (groups) - -Default tags are set in `config.exs`. To set your own tags, copy the structure to your secrets file (`prod.secret.exs` or `dev.secret.exs`) and edit it. -```elixir -config :pleroma, :emoji, - shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"], - groups: [ - Finmoji: "/finmoji/128px/*-128.png", - Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/custom/*.png"] - ] -``` - -Order of the `groups` matters, so to override default tags just put your group on top of the list. E.g: -```elixir -config :pleroma, :emoji, - shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"], - groups: [ - "Finmoji special": "/finmoji/128px/a_trusted_friend-128.png", # special file - "Cirno": "/emoji/custom/cirno*.png", # png files in /emoji/custom/ which start with `cirno` - "Special group": "/emoji/custom/special_folder/*.png", # png files in /emoji/custom/special_folder/ - "Another group": "/emoji/custom/special_folder/*/.png", # png files in /emoji/custom/special_folder/ subfolders - Finmoji: "/finmoji/128px/*-128.png", - Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/custom/*.png"] - ] -``` - -Priority of tags assigns in emoji.txt and custom.txt: - -`tag in file > special group setting in config.exs > default setting in config.exs` - -Priority for globs: - -`special group setting in config.exs > default setting in config.exs` diff --git a/docs/config/small_customizations.md b/docs/config/small_customizations.md @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -# Small customizations - -See also static_dir.md for visual settings. - -## Theme - -All users of your instance will be able to change the theme they use by going to the settings (the cog in the top-right hand corner). However, if you wish to change the default theme, you can do so by editing `theme` in `config/dev.secret.exs` accordingly. - -## Message Visibility - -To enable message visibility options when posting like in the Mastodon frontend, set -`scope_options_enabled` to `true` in `config/dev.secret.exs`. diff --git a/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md b/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md @@ -0,0 +1,776 @@ +# Configuration Cheat Sheet + +This is a cheat sheet for Pleroma configuration file, any setting possible to configure should be listed here. + +Pleroma configuration works by first importing the base config (`config/config.exs` on source installs, compiled-in on OTP releases), then overriding it by the environment config (`config/$MIX_ENV.exs` on source installs, N/A to OTP releases) and then overriding it by user config (`config/$MIX_ENV.secret.exs` on source installs, typically `/etc/pleroma/config.exs` on OTP releases). + +You shouldn't edit the base config directly to avoid breakages and merge conflicts, but it can be used as a reference if you don't understand how an option is supposed to be formatted, the latest version of it can be viewed [here](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/blob/develop/config/config.exs). + + +## Pleroma.Upload +* `uploader`: Select which `Pleroma.Uploaders` to use +* `filters`: List of `Pleroma.Upload.Filter` to use. +* `link_name`: When enabled Pleroma will add a `name` parameter to the url of the upload, for example `https://instance.tld/media/corndog.png?name=corndog.png`. This is needed to provide the correct filename in Content-Disposition headers when using filters like `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe` +* `base_url`: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host. +* `proxy_remote`: If you're using a remote uploader, Pleroma will proxy media requests instead of redirecting to it. +* `proxy_opts`: Proxy options, see `Pleroma.ReverseProxy` documentation. + +!!! warning + `strip_exif` has been replaced by `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify`. + +## Pleroma.Uploaders.Local +* `uploads`: Which directory to store the user-uploads in, relative to pleroma’s working directory + +## Pleroma.Uploaders.S3 +* `bucket`: S3 bucket name +* `bucket_namespace`: S3 bucket namespace +* `public_endpoint`: S3 endpoint that the user finally accesses(ex. "https://s3.dualstack.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com") +* `truncated_namespace`: If you use S3 compatible service such as Digital Ocean Spaces or CDN, set folder name or "" etc. +For example, when using CDN to S3 virtual host format, set "". +At this time, write CNAME to CDN in public_endpoint. +* `streaming_enabled`: Enable streaming uploads, when enabled the file will be sent to the server in chunks as it's being read. This may be unsupported by some providers, try disabling this if you have upload problems. + +## Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify + +* `args`: List of actions for the `mogrify` command like `"strip"` or `["strip", "auto-orient", {"implode", "1"}]`. + +## Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe + +No specific configuration. + +## Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnonymizeFilename + +This filter replaces the filename (not the path) of an upload. For complete obfuscation, add +`Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe` before AnonymizeFilename. + +* `text`: Text to replace filenames in links. If empty, `{random}.extension` will be used. You can get the original filename extension by using `{extension}`, for example `custom-file-name.{extension}`. + +## Pleroma.Emails.Mailer +* `adapter`: one of the mail adapters listed in [Swoosh readme](https://github.com/swoosh/swoosh#adapters), or `Swoosh.Adapters.Local` for in-memory mailbox. +* `api_key` / `password` and / or other adapter-specific settings, per the above documentation. +* `enabled`: Allows enable/disable send emails. Default: `false`. + +An example for Sendgrid adapter: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, + adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Sendgrid, + api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" +``` + +An example for SMTP adapter: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, + adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP, + relay: "smtp.gmail.com", + username: "YOUR_USERNAME@gmail.com", + password: "YOUR_SMTP_PASSWORD", + port: 465, + ssl: true, + tls: :always, + auth: :always +``` + +## :uri_schemes +* `valid_schemes`: List of the scheme part that is considered valid to be an URL + +## :instance +* `name`: The instance’s name +* `email`: Email used to reach an Administrator/Moderator of the instance +* `notify_email`: Email used for notifications. +* `description`: The instance’s description, can be seen in nodeinfo and ``/api/v1/instance`` +* `limit`: Posts character limit (CW/Subject included in the counter) +* `remote_limit`: Hard character limit beyond which remote posts will be dropped. +* `upload_limit`: File size limit of uploads (except for avatar, background, banner) +* `avatar_upload_limit`: File size limit of user’s profile avatars +* `background_upload_limit`: File size limit of user’s profile backgrounds +* `banner_upload_limit`: File size limit of user’s profile banners +* `poll_limits`: A map with poll limits for **local** polls + * `max_options`: Maximum number of options + * `max_option_chars`: Maximum number of characters per option + * `min_expiration`: Minimum expiration time (in seconds) + * `max_expiration`: Maximum expiration time (in seconds) +* `registrations_open`: Enable registrations for anyone, invitations can be enabled when false. +* `invites_enabled`: Enable user invitations for admins (depends on `registrations_open: false`). +* `account_activation_required`: Require users to confirm their emails before signing in. +* `federating`: Enable federation with other instances +* `federation_incoming_replies_max_depth`: Max. depth of reply-to activities fetching on incoming federation, to prevent out-of-memory situations while fetching very long threads. If set to `nil`, threads of any depth will be fetched. Lower this value if you experience out-of-memory crashes. +* `federation_reachability_timeout_days`: Timeout (in days) of each external federation target being unreachable prior to pausing federating to it. +* `allow_relay`: Enable Pleroma’s Relay, which makes it possible to follow a whole instance +* `rewrite_policy`: Message Rewrite Policy, either one or a list. Here are the ones available by default: + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NoOpPolicy`: Doesn’t modify activities (default) + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.DropPolicy`: Drops all activities. It generally doesn’t makes sense to use in production + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy`: Restrict the visibility of activities from certains instances (See ``:mrf_simple`` section) + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.TagPolicy`: Applies policies to individual users based on tags, which can be set using pleroma-fe/admin-fe/any other app that supports Pleroma Admin API. For example it allows marking posts from individual users nsfw (sensitive) + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SubchainPolicy`: Selectively runs other MRF policies when messages match (see ``:mrf_subchain`` section) + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublic`: Drops posts with non-public visibility settings (See ``:mrf_rejectnonpublic`` section) + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.EnsureRePrepended`: Rewrites posts to ensure that replies to posts with subjects do not have an identical subject and instead begin with re:. + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.AntiLinkSpamPolicy`: Rejects posts from likely spambots by rejecting posts from new users that contain links. + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy`: Crawls attachments using their MediaProxy URLs so that the MediaProxy cache is primed. + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MentionPolicy`: Drops posts mentioning configurable users. (see `:mrf_mention` section) + * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.VocabularyPolicy`: Restricts activities to a configured set of vocabulary. (see `:mrf_vocabulary` section) +* `public`: Makes the client API in authentificated mode-only except for user-profiles. Useful for disabling the Local Timeline and The Whole Known Network. +* `quarantined_instances`: List of ActivityPub instances where private(DMs, followers-only) activities will not be send. +* `managed_config`: Whenether the config for pleroma-fe is configured in this config or in ``static/config.json`` +* `allowed_post_formats`: MIME-type list of formats allowed to be posted (transformed into HTML) +* `mrf_transparency`: Make the content of your Message Rewrite Facility settings public (via nodeinfo). +* `mrf_transparency_exclusions`: Exclude specific instance names from MRF transparency. The use of the exclusions feature will be disclosed in nodeinfo as a boolean value. +* `extended_nickname_format`: Set to `true` to use extended local nicknames format (allows underscores/dashes). This will break federation with + older software for theses nicknames. +* `max_pinned_statuses`: The maximum number of pinned statuses. `0` will disable the feature. +* `autofollowed_nicknames`: Set to nicknames of (local) users that every new user should automatically follow. +* `no_attachment_links`: Set to true to disable automatically adding attachment link text to statuses +* `welcome_message`: A message that will be send to a newly registered users as a direct message. +* `welcome_user_nickname`: The nickname of the local user that sends the welcome message. +* `max_report_comment_size`: The maximum size of the report comment (Default: `1000`) +* `safe_dm_mentions`: If set to true, only mentions at the beginning of a post will be used to address people in direct messages. This is to prevent accidental mentioning of people when talking about them (e.g. "@friend hey i really don't like @enemy"). Default: `false`. +* `healthcheck`: If set to true, system data will be shown on ``/api/pleroma/healthcheck``. +* `remote_post_retention_days`: The default amount of days to retain remote posts when pruning the database. +* `user_bio_length`: A user bio maximum length (default: `5000`) +* `user_name_length`: A user name maximum length (default: `100`) +* `skip_thread_containment`: Skip filter out broken threads. The default is `false`. +* `limit_to_local_content`: Limit unauthenticated users to search for local statutes and users only. Possible values: `:unauthenticated`, `:all` and `false`. The default is `:unauthenticated`. +* `max_account_fields`: The maximum number of custom fields in the user profile (default: `10`) +* `max_remote_account_fields`: The maximum number of custom fields in the remote user profile (default: `20`) +* `account_field_name_length`: An account field name maximum length (default: `512`) +* `account_field_value_length`: An account field value maximum length (default: `2048`) +* `external_user_synchronization`: Enabling following/followers counters synchronization for external users. + +!!! danger + This is a Work In Progress, not usable just yet + +* `dynamic_configuration`: Allow transferring configuration to DB with the subsequent customization from Admin api. + + + +## :logger +* `backends`: `:console` is used to send logs to stdout, `{ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}` to log to syslog, and `Quack.Logger` to log to Slack + +An example to enable ONLY ExSyslogger (f/ex in ``prod.secret.exs``) with info and debug suppressed: +```elixir +config :logger, + backends: [{ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}] + +config :logger, :ex_syslogger, + level: :warn +``` + +Another example, keeping console output and adding the pid to syslog output: +```elixir +config :logger, + backends: [:console, {ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}] + +config :logger, :ex_syslogger, + level: :warn, + option: [:pid, :ndelay] +``` + +See: [logger’s documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/logger/Logger.html) and [ex_syslogger’s documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_syslogger/) + +An example of logging info to local syslog, but warn to a Slack channel: +```elixir +config :logger, + backends: [ {ExSyslogger, :ex_syslogger}, Quack.Logger ], + level: :info + +config :logger, :ex_syslogger, + level: :info, + ident: "pleroma", + format: "$metadata[$level] $message" + +config :quack, + level: :warn, + meta: [:all], + webhook_url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOUR-API-KEY-HERE" +``` + +See the [Quack Github](https://github.com/azohra/quack) for more details + +## :frontend_configurations + +This can be used to configure a keyword list that keeps the configuration data for any kind of frontend. By default, settings for `pleroma_fe` and `masto_fe` are configured. + +Frontends can access these settings at `/api/pleroma/frontend_configurations` + +To add your own configuration for PleromaFE, use it like this: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations, + pleroma_fe: %{ + theme: "pleroma-dark", + # ... see /priv/static/static/config.json for the available keys. +}, + masto_fe: %{ + showInstanceSpecificPanel: true + } +``` + +These settings **need to be complete**, they will override the defaults. + +NOTE: for versions < 1.0, you need to set [`:fe`](#fe) to false, as shown a few lines below. + +## :fe +!!! warning + __THIS IS DEPRECATED__ + + If you are using this method, please change it to the [`frontend_configurations`](#frontend_configurations) method. + Please **set this option to false** in your config like this: + + ```elixir + config :pleroma, :fe, false + ``` + +This section is used to configure Pleroma-FE, unless ``:managed_config`` in ``:instance`` is set to false. + +* `theme`: Which theme to use, they are defined in ``styles.json`` +* `logo`: URL of the logo, defaults to Pleroma’s logo +* `logo_mask`: Whether to use only the logo's shape as a mask (true) or as a regular image (false) +* `logo_margin`: What margin to use around the logo +* `background`: URL of the background, unless viewing a user profile with a background that is set +* `redirect_root_no_login`: relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user isn’t logged in. +* `redirect_root_login`: relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user is logged in. +* `show_instance_panel`: Whenether to show the instance’s specific panel. +* `scope_options_enabled`: Enable setting an notice visibility and subject/CW when posting +* `formatting_options_enabled`: Enable setting a formatting different than plain-text (ie. HTML, Markdown) when posting, relates to ``:instance, allowed_post_formats`` +* `collapse_message_with_subjects`: When a message has a subject(aka Content Warning), collapse it by default +* `hide_post_stats`: Hide notices statistics(repeats, favorites, …) +* `hide_user_stats`: Hide profile statistics(posts, posts per day, followers, followings, …) + +## :assets + +This section configures assets to be used with various frontends. Currently the only option +relates to mascots on the mastodon frontend + +* `mascots`: KeywordList of mascots, each element __MUST__ contain both a `url` and a + `mime_type` key. +* `default_mascot`: An element from `mascots` - This will be used as the default mascot + on MastoFE (default: `:pleroma_fox_tan`) + +## :mrf_simple +* `media_removal`: List of instances to remove medias from +* `media_nsfw`: List of instances to put medias as NSFW(sensitive) from +* `federated_timeline_removal`: List of instances to remove from Federated (aka The Whole Known Network) Timeline +* `reject`: List of instances to reject any activities from +* `accept`: List of instances to accept any activities from +* `report_removal`: List of instances to reject reports from +* `avatar_removal`: List of instances to strip avatars from +* `banner_removal`: List of instances to strip banners from + +## :mrf_subchain +This policy processes messages through an alternate pipeline when a given message matches certain criteria. +All criteria are configured as a map of regular expressions to lists of policy modules. + +* `match_actor`: Matches a series of regular expressions against the actor field. + +Example: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, :mrf_subchain, + match_actor: %{ + ~r/https:\/\/example.com/s => [Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.DropPolicy] + } +``` + +## :mrf_rejectnonpublic +* `allow_followersonly`: whether to allow followers-only posts +* `allow_direct`: whether to allow direct messages + +## :mrf_hellthread +* `delist_threshold`: Number of mentioned users after which the message gets delisted (the message can still be seen, but it will not show up in public timelines and mentioned users won't get notifications about it). Set to 0 to disable. +* `reject_threshold`: Number of mentioned users after which the messaged gets rejected. Set to 0 to disable. + +## :mrf_keyword +* `reject`: A list of patterns which result in message being rejected, each pattern can be a string or a [regular expression](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) +* `federated_timeline_removal`: A list of patterns which result in message being removed from federated timelines (a.k.a unlisted), each pattern can be a string or a [regular expression](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) +* `replace`: A list of tuples containing `{pattern, replacement}`, `pattern` can be a string or a [regular expression](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Regex.html) + +## :mrf_mention +* `actors`: A list of actors, for which to drop any posts mentioning. + +## :mrf_vocabulary +* `accept`: A list of ActivityStreams terms to accept. If empty, all supported messages are accepted. +* `reject`: A list of ActivityStreams terms to reject. If empty, no messages are rejected. + +## :media_proxy +* `enabled`: Enables proxying of remote media to the instance’s proxy +* `base_url`: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts. +* `proxy_opts`: All options defined in `Pleroma.ReverseProxy` documentation, defaults to `[max_body_length: (25*1_048_576)]`. +* `whitelist`: List of domains to bypass the mediaproxy + +## :gopher +* `enabled`: Enables the gopher interface +* `ip`: IP address to bind to +* `port`: Port to bind to +* `dstport`: Port advertised in urls (optional, defaults to `port`) + +## Pleroma.Web.Endpoint + +!!! note + `Phoenix` endpoint configuration, all configuration options can be viewed [here](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/Phoenix.Endpoint.html#module-dynamic-configuration), only common options are listed here. + +* `http` - a list containing http protocol configuration, all configuration options can be viewed [here](https://hexdocs.pm/plug_cowboy/Plug.Cowboy.html#module-options), only common options are listed here. For deployment using docker, you need to set this to `[ip: {0,0,0,0}, port: 4000]` to make pleroma accessible from other containers (such as your nginx server). + - `ip` - a tuple consisting of 4 integers + - `port` +* `url` - a list containing the configuration for generating urls, accepts + - `host` - the host without the scheme and a post (e.g `example.com`, not `https://example.com:2020`) + - `scheme` - e.g `http`, `https` + - `port` + - `path` +* `extra_cookie_attrs` - a list of `Key=Value` strings to be added as non-standard cookie attributes. Defaults to `["SameSite=Lax"]`. See the [SameSite article](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SameSite) on OWASP for more info. + + + +!!! warning + If you modify anything inside these lists, default `config.exs` values will be overwritten, which may result in breakage, to make sure this does not happen please copy the default value for the list from `config.exs` and modify/add only what you need + +Example: +```elixir +config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, + url: [host: "example.com", port: 2020, scheme: "https"], + http: [ + # start copied from config.exs + dispatch: [ + {:_, + [ + {"/api/v1/streaming", Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.WebsocketHandler, []}, + {"/websocket", Phoenix.Endpoint.CowboyWebSocket, + {Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket, + {Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, Pleroma.Web.UserSocket, websocket_config}}}, + {:_, Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Handler, {Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, []}} + ]} + # end copied from config.exs + ], + port: 8080, + ip: {127, 0, 0, 1} + ] +``` + +This will make Pleroma listen on `` port `8080` and generate urls starting with `https://example.com:2020` + +## :activitypub +* ``unfollow_blocked``: Whether blocks result in people getting unfollowed +* ``outgoing_blocks``: Whether to federate blocks to other instances +* ``deny_follow_blocked``: Whether to disallow following an account that has blocked the user in question +* ``sign_object_fetches``: Sign object fetches with HTTP signatures + +## :http_security +* ``enabled``: Whether the managed content security policy is enabled +* ``sts``: Whether to additionally send a `Strict-Transport-Security` header +* ``sts_max_age``: The maximum age for the `Strict-Transport-Security` header if sent +* ``ct_max_age``: The maximum age for the `Expect-CT` header if sent +* ``referrer_policy``: The referrer policy to use, either `"same-origin"` or `"no-referrer"` +* ``report_uri``: Adds the specified url to `report-uri` and `report-to` group in CSP header. + +## :mrf_user_allowlist + +The keys in this section are the domain names that the policy should apply to. +Each key should be assigned a list of users that should be allowed through by +their ActivityPub ID. + +An example: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, :mrf_user_allowlist, + "example.org": ["https://example.org/users/admin"] +``` + +## :web_push_encryption, :vapid_details + +Web Push Notifications configuration. You can use the mix task `mix web_push.gen.keypair` to generate it. + +* ``subject``: a mailto link for the administrative contact. It’s best if this email is not a personal email address, but rather a group email so that if a person leaves an organization, is unavailable for an extended period, or otherwise can’t respond, someone else on the list can. +* ``public_key``: VAPID public key +* ``private_key``: VAPID private key + +## Pleroma.Captcha +* `enabled`: Whether the captcha should be shown on registration +* `method`: The method/service to use for captcha +* `seconds_valid`: The time in seconds for which the captcha is valid + +### Pleroma.Captcha.Kocaptcha +Kocaptcha is a very simple captcha service with a single API endpoint, +the source code is here: https://github.com/koto-bank/kocaptcha. The default endpoint +`https://captcha.kotobank.ch` is hosted by the developer. + +* `endpoint`: the kocaptcha endpoint to use + +## :admin_token + +Allows to set a token that can be used to authenticate with the admin api without using an actual user by giving it as the 'admin_token' parameter. Example: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, :admin_token, "somerandomtoken" +``` + +You can then do + +```sh +curl "http://localhost:4000/api/pleroma/admin/invite_token?admin_token=somerandomtoken" +``` + +## Oban + +[Oban](https://github.com/sorentwo/oban) asynchronous job processor configuration. + +Configuration options described in [Oban readme](https://github.com/sorentwo/oban#usage): +* `repo` - app's Ecto repo (`Pleroma.Repo`) +* `verbose` - logs verbosity +* `prune` - non-retryable jobs [pruning settings](https://github.com/sorentwo/oban#pruning) (`:disabled` / `{:maxlen, value}` / `{:maxage, value}`) +* `queues` - job queues (see below) + +Pleroma has the following queues: + +* `activity_expiration` - Activity expiration +* `federator_outgoing` - Outgoing federation +* `federator_incoming` - Incoming federation +* `mailer` - Email sender, see [`Pleroma.Emails.Mailer`](#pleromaemailsmailer) +* `transmogrifier` - Transmogrifier +* `web_push` - Web push notifications +* `scheduled_activities` - Scheduled activities, see [`Pleroma.ScheduledActivity`](#pleromascheduledactivity) + +Example: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, Oban, + repo: Pleroma.Repo, + verbose: false, + prune: {:maxlen, 1500}, + queues: [ + federator_incoming: 50, + federator_outgoing: 50 + ] +``` + +This config contains two queues: `federator_incoming` and `federator_outgoing`. Both have the number of max concurrent jobs set to `50`. + +### Migrating `pleroma_job_queue` settings + +`config :pleroma_job_queue, :queues` is replaced by `config :pleroma, Oban, :queues` and uses the same format (keys are queues' names, values are max concurrent jobs numbers). + +## :workers + +Includes custom worker options not interpretable directly by `Oban`. + +* `retries` — keyword lists where keys are `Oban` queues (see above) and values are numbers of max attempts for failed jobs. + +Example: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, :workers, + retries: [ + federator_incoming: 5, + federator_outgoing: 5 + ] +``` + +### Migrating `Pleroma.Web.Federator.RetryQueue` settings + +* `max_retries` is replaced with `config :pleroma, :workers, retries: [federator_outgoing: 5]` +* `enabled: false` corresponds to `config :pleroma, :workers, retries: [federator_outgoing: 1]` +* deprecated options: `max_jobs`, `initial_timeout` + +## Pleroma.Web.Metadata +* `providers`: a list of metadata providers to enable. Providers available: + * Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.OpenGraph + * Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.TwitterCard + * Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.RelMe - add links from user bio with rel=me into the `<header>` as `<link rel=me>` +* `unfurl_nsfw`: If set to `true` nsfw attachments will be shown in previews + +## :rich_media +* `enabled`: if enabled the instance will parse metadata from attached links to generate link previews +* `ignore_hosts`: list of hosts which will be ignored by the metadata parser. For example `["accounts.google.com", "xss.website"]`, defaults to `[]`. +* `ignore_tld`: list TLDs (top-level domains) which will ignore for parse metadata. default is ["local", "localdomain", "lan"] +* `parsers`: list of Rich Media parsers + +## :fetch_initial_posts +* `enabled`: if enabled, when a new user is federated with, fetch some of their latest posts +* `pages`: the amount of pages to fetch + +## :hackney_pools + +Advanced. Tweaks Hackney (http client) connections pools. + +There's three pools used: + +* `:federation` for the federation jobs. + You may want this pool max_connections to be at least equal to the number of federator jobs + retry queue jobs. +* `:media` for rich media, media proxy +* `:upload` for uploaded media (if using a remote uploader and `proxy_remote: true`) + +For each pool, the options are: + +* `max_connections` - how much connections a pool can hold +* `timeout` - retention duration for connections + +## :auto_linker + +Configuration for the `auto_linker` library: + +* `class: "auto-linker"` - specify the class to be added to the generated link. false to clear +* `rel: "noopener noreferrer"` - override the rel attribute. false to clear +* `new_window: true` - set to false to remove `target='_blank'` attribute +* `scheme: false` - Set to true to link urls with schema `http://google.com` +* `truncate: false` - Set to a number to truncate urls longer then the number. Truncated urls will end in `..` +* `strip_prefix: true` - Strip the scheme prefix +* `extra: false` - link urls with rarely used schemes (magnet, ipfs, irc, etc.) + +Example: + +```elixir +config :auto_linker, + opts: [ + scheme: true, + extra: true, + class: false, + strip_prefix: false, + new_window: false, + rel: "ugc" + ] +``` + +## Pleroma.Scheduler + +Configuration for [Quantum](https://github.com/quantum-elixir/quantum-core) jobs scheduler. + +See [Quantum readme](https://github.com/quantum-elixir/quantum-core#usage) for the list of supported options. + +Example: + +```elixir +config :pleroma, Pleroma.Scheduler, + global: true, + overlap: true, + timezone: :utc, + jobs: [{"0 */6 * * * *", {Pleroma.Web.Websub, :refresh_subscriptions, []}}] +``` + +The above example defines a single job which invokes `Pleroma.Web.Websub.refresh_subscriptions()` every 6 hours ("0 */6 * * * *", [crontab format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron)). + +## Pleroma.ScheduledActivity + +* `daily_user_limit`: the number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in a single day (Default: `25`) +* `total_user_limit`: the number of scheduled activities a user is allowed to create in total (Default: `300`) +* `enabled`: whether scheduled activities are sent to the job queue to be executed + +## Pleroma.ActivityExpiration + +* `enabled`: whether expired activities will be sent to the job queue to be deleted + +## Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator + +* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.PleromaAuthenticator`: default database authenticator +* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.LDAPAuthenticator`: LDAP authentication + +## :ldap + +Use LDAP for user authentication. When a user logs in to the Pleroma +instance, the name and password will be verified by trying to authenticate +(bind) to an LDAP server. If a user exists in the LDAP directory but there +is no account with the same name yet on the Pleroma instance then a new +Pleroma account will be created with the same name as the LDAP user name. + +* `enabled`: enables LDAP authentication +* `host`: LDAP server hostname +* `port`: LDAP port, e.g. 389 or 636 +* `ssl`: true to use SSL, usually implies the port 636 +* `sslopts`: additional SSL options +* `tls`: true to start TLS, usually implies the port 389 +* `tlsopts`: additional TLS options +* `base`: LDAP base, e.g. "dc=example,dc=com" +* `uid`: LDAP attribute name to authenticate the user, e.g. when "cn", the filter will be "cn=username,base" + +## BBS / SSH access + +To enable simple command line interface accessible over ssh, add a setting like this to your configuration file: + +```exs +app_dir = File.cwd! +priv_dir = Path.join([app_dir, "priv/ssh_keys"]) + +config :esshd, + enabled: true, + priv_dir: priv_dir, + handler: "Pleroma.BBS.Handler", + port: 10_022, + password_authenticator: "Pleroma.BBS.Authenticator" +``` + +Feel free to adjust the priv_dir and port number. Then you will have to create the key for the keys (in the example `priv/ssh_keys`) and create the host keys with `ssh-keygen -m PEM -N "" -b 2048 -t rsa -f ssh_host_rsa_key`. After restarting, you should be able to connect to your Pleroma instance with `ssh username@server -p $PORT` + +## :auth + +* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.PleromaAuthenticator`: default database authenticator +* `Pleroma.Web.Auth.LDAPAuthenticator`: LDAP authentication + +Authentication / authorization settings. + +* `auth_template`: authentication form template. By default it's `show.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/show.html.eex`. +* `oauth_consumer_template`: OAuth consumer mode authentication form template. By default it's `consumer.html` which corresponds to `lib/pleroma/web/templates/o_auth/o_auth/consumer.html.eex`. +* `oauth_consumer_strategies`: the list of enabled OAuth consumer strategies; by default it's set by `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES` environment variable. Each entry in this space-delimited string should be of format `<strategy>` or `<strategy>:<dependency>` (e.g. `twitter` or `keycloak:ueberauth_keycloak_strategy` in case dependency is named differently than `ueberauth_<strategy>`). + +## :email_notifications + +Email notifications settings. + + - digest - emails of "what you've missed" for users who have been + inactive for a while. + - active: globally enable or disable digest emails + - schedule: When to send digest email, in [crontab format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron). + "0 0 * * 0" is the default, meaning "once a week at midnight on Sunday morning" + - interval: Minimum interval between digest emails to one user + - inactivity_threshold: Minimum user inactivity threshold + +## Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail + +- `:logo` - a path to a custom logo. Set it to `nil` to use the default Pleroma logo. +- `:styling` - a map with color settings for email templates. + +## OAuth consumer mode + +OAuth consumer mode allows sign in / sign up via external OAuth providers (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.). +Implementation is based on Ueberauth; see the list of [available strategies](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth/wiki/List-of-Strategies). + +!!! note + Each strategy is shipped as a separate dependency; in order to get the strategies, run `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="..." mix deps.get`, e.g. `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="twitter facebook google microsoft" mix deps.get`. The server should also be started with `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES="..." mix phx.server` in case you enable any strategies. + +!!! note + Each strategy requires separate setup (on external provider side and Pleroma side). Below are the guidelines on setting up most popular strategies. + +!!! note + Make sure that `"SameSite=Lax"` is set in `extra_cookie_attrs` when you have this feature enabled. OAuth consumer mode will not work with `"SameSite=Strict"` + +* For Twitter, [register an app](https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/twitter/callback + +* For Facebook, [register an app](https://developers.facebook.com/apps), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/facebook/callback, enable Facebook Login service at https://developers.facebook.com/apps/<app_id>/fb-login/settings/ + +* For Google, [register an app](https://console.developers.google.com), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/google/callback + +* For Microsoft, [register an app](https://portal.azure.com), configure callback URL to https://<your_host>/oauth/microsoft/callback + +Once the app is configured on external OAuth provider side, add app's credentials and strategy-specific settings (if any — e.g. see Microsoft below) to `config/prod.secret.exs`, +per strategy's documentation (e.g. [ueberauth_twitter](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth_twitter)). Example config basing on environment variables: + +```elixir +# Twitter +config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Twitter.OAuth, + consumer_key: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY"), + consumer_secret: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET") + +# Facebook +config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Facebook.OAuth, + client_id: System.get_env("FACEBOOK_APP_ID"), + client_secret: System.get_env("FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET"), + redirect_uri: System.get_env("FACEBOOK_REDIRECT_URI") + +# Google +config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Google.OAuth, + client_id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"), + client_secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"), + redirect_uri: System.get_env("GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI") + +# Microsoft +config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Microsoft.OAuth, + client_id: System.get_env("MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID"), + client_secret: System.get_env("MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET") + +config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, + providers: [ + microsoft: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Microsoft, [callback_params: []]} + ] + +# Keycloak +# Note: make sure to add `keycloak:ueberauth_keycloak_strategy` entry to `OAUTH_CONSUMER_STRATEGIES` environment variable +keycloak_url = "https://publicly-reachable-keycloak-instance.org:8080" + +config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Keycloak.OAuth, + client_id: System.get_env("KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID"), + client_secret: System.get_env("KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET"), + site: keycloak_url, + authorize_url: "#{keycloak_url}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth", + token_url: "#{keycloak_url}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token", + userinfo_url: "#{keycloak_url}/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo", + token_method: :post + +config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, + providers: [ + keycloak: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Keycloak, [uid_field: :email]} + ] +``` + +## OAuth 2.0 provider - :oauth2 + +Configure OAuth 2 provider capabilities: + +* `token_expires_in` - The lifetime in seconds of the access token. +* `issue_new_refresh_token` - Keeps old refresh token or generate new refresh token when to obtain an access token. +* `clean_expired_tokens` - Enable a background job to clean expired oauth tokens. Defaults to `false`. +* `clean_expired_tokens_interval` - Interval to run the job to clean expired tokens. Defaults to `86_400_000` (24 hours). + +## :emoji +* `shortcode_globs`: Location of custom emoji files. `*` can be used as a wildcard. Example `["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"]` +* `pack_extensions`: A list of file extensions for emojis, when no emoji.txt for a pack is present. Example `[".png", ".gif"]` +* `groups`: Emojis are ordered in groups (tags). This is an array of key-value pairs where the key is the groupname and the value the location or array of locations. `*` can be used as a wildcard. Example `[Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/custom/*.png"]]` +* `default_manifest`: Location of the JSON-manifest. This manifest contains information about the emoji-packs you can download. Currently only one manifest can be added (no arrays). +* `shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file`: When an emoji pack is shared, the archive is created and cached in + memory for this amount of seconds multiplied by the number of files. + +## Database options + +### RUM indexing for full text search +* `rum_enabled`: If RUM indexes should be used. Defaults to `false`. + +RUM indexes are an alternative indexing scheme that is not included in PostgreSQL by default. While they may eventually be mainlined, for now they have to be installed as a PostgreSQL extension from https://github.com/postgrespro/rum. + +Their advantage over the standard GIN indexes is that they allow efficient ordering of search results by timestamp, which makes search queries a lot faster on larger servers, by one or two orders of magnitude. They take up around 3 times as much space as GIN indexes. + +To enable them, both the `rum_enabled` flag has to be set and the following special migration has to be run: + +`mix ecto.migrate --migrations-path priv/repo/optional_migrations/rum_indexing/` + +This will probably take a long time. + +## :rate_limit + +This is an advanced feature and disabled by default. + +If your instance is behind a reverse proxy you must enable and configure [`Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp`](#pleroma-plugs-remoteip). + +A keyword list of rate limiters where a key is a limiter name and value is the limiter configuration. The basic configuration is a tuple where: + +* The first element: `scale` (Integer). The time scale in milliseconds. +* The second element: `limit` (Integer). How many requests to limit in the time scale provided. + +It is also possible to have different limits for unauthenticated and authenticated users: the keyword value must be a list of two tuples where the first one is a config for unauthenticated users and the second one is for authenticated. + +Supported rate limiters: + +* `:search` for the search requests (account & status search etc.) +* `:app_account_creation` for registering user accounts from the same IP address +* `:relations_actions` for actions on relations with all users (follow, unfollow) +* `:relation_id_action` for actions on relation with a specific user (follow, unfollow) +* `:statuses_actions` for create / delete / fav / unfav / reblog / unreblog actions on any statuses +* `:status_id_action` for fav / unfav or reblog / unreblog actions on the same status by the same user + +## :web_cache_ttl + +The expiration time for the web responses cache. Values should be in milliseconds or `nil` to disable expiration. + +Available caches: + +* `:activity_pub` - activity pub routes (except question activities). Defaults to `nil` (no expiration). +* `:activity_pub_question` - activity pub routes (question activities). Defaults to `30_000` (30 seconds). + +## Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp + +!!! warning + If your instance is not behind at least one reverse proxy, you should not enable this plug. + +`Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp` is a shim to call [`RemoteIp`](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/remote_ip) but with runtime configuration. + +Available options: + +* `enabled` - Enable/disable the plug. Defaults to `false`. +* `headers` - A list of strings naming the `req_headers` to use when deriving the `remote_ip`. Order does not matter. Defaults to `~w[forwarded x-forwarded-for x-client-ip x-real-ip]`. +* `proxies` - A list of strings in [CIDR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR) notation specifying the IPs of known proxies. Defaults to `[]`. +* `reserved` - Defaults to [localhost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost) and [private network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network). diff --git a/docs/configuration/custom_emoji.md b/docs/configuration/custom_emoji.md @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# Custom Emoji + +Before you add your own custom emoji, check if they are available in an existing pack. +See `Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji` for information about emoji packs. + +To add custom emoji: + +* Create the `STATIC-DIR/emoji/` directory if it doesn't exist + (`STATIC-DIR` is configurable, `instance/static/` by default) +* Create a directory with whatever name you want (custom is a good name to show the purpose of it). + This will create a local emoji pack. +* Put your `.png` emoji files in that directory. In case of conflicts, you can create an `emoji.txt` + file in that directory and specify a custom shortcode using the following format: + `shortcode, file-path, tag1, tag2, etc`. One emoji per line. Note that if you do so, + you'll have to list all other emojis in the pack too. +* Either restart pleroma or connect to the iex session pleroma's running and + run `Pleroma.Emoji.reload/0` in it. + +Example: + +image files (in `instance/static/emoji/custom`): `happy.png` and `sad.png` + +content of `emoji.txt`: +``` +happy, /emoji/custom/happy.png, Tag1,Tag2 +sad, /emoji/custom/sad.png, Tag1 +foo, /emoji/custom/foo.png +``` + +The files should be PNG (APNG is okay with `.png` for `image/png` Content-type) and under 50kb for compatibility with mastodon. + +Default file extentions and locations for emojis are set in `config.exs`. To use different locations or file-extentions, add the `shortcode_globs` to your secrets file (`prod.secret.exs` or `dev.secret.exs`) and edit it. Note that not all fediverse-software will show emojis with other file extentions: +```elixir +config :pleroma, :emoji, shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png", "/emoji/custom/**/*.gif"] +``` + +## Emoji tags (groups) + +Default tags are set in `config.exs`. To set your own tags, copy the structure to your secrets file (`prod.secret.exs` or `dev.secret.exs`) and edit it. +```elixir +config :pleroma, :emoji, + shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"], + groups: [ + Finmoji: "/finmoji/128px/*-128.png", + Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/custom/*.png"] + ] +``` + +Order of the `groups` matters, so to override default tags just put your group on top of the list. E.g: +```elixir +config :pleroma, :emoji, + shortcode_globs: ["/emoji/custom/**/*.png"], + groups: [ + "Finmoji special": "/finmoji/128px/a_trusted_friend-128.png", # special file + "Cirno": "/emoji/custom/cirno*.png", # png files in /emoji/custom/ which start with `cirno` + "Special group": "/emoji/custom/special_folder/*.png", # png files in /emoji/custom/special_folder/ + "Another group": "/emoji/custom/special_folder/*/.png", # png files in /emoji/custom/special_folder/ subfolders + Finmoji: "/finmoji/128px/*-128.png", + Custom: ["/emoji/*.png", "/emoji/custom/*.png"] + ] +``` + +Priority of tags assigns in emoji.txt and custom.txt: + +`tag in file > special group setting in config.exs > default setting in config.exs` + +Priority for globs: + +`special group setting in config.exs > default setting in config.exs` diff --git a/docs/config/hardening.md b/docs/configuration/hardening.md diff --git a/docs/config/howto_mediaproxy.md b/docs/configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md diff --git a/docs/config/howto_mongooseim.md b/docs/configuration/howto_mongooseim.md diff --git a/docs/config/howto_proxy.md b/docs/configuration/howto_proxy.md diff --git a/docs/config/howto_set_richmedia_cache_ttl_based_on_image.md b/docs/configuration/howto_set_richmedia_cache_ttl_based_on_image.md diff --git a/docs/config/howto_user_recomendation.md b/docs/configuration/howto_user_recomendation.md diff --git a/docs/config/i2p.md b/docs/configuration/i2p.md diff --git a/docs/config/mrf.md b/docs/configuration/mrf.md diff --git a/docs/config/onion_federation.md b/docs/configuration/onion_federation.md diff --git a/docs/config/static_dir.md b/docs/configuration/static_dir.md diff --git a/docs/installation/alpine_linux_en.md b/docs/installation/alpine_linux_en.md @@ -225,12 +225,10 @@ sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress #### Further reading -* [Backup your instance](backup.html) -* [Configuration tips](general-tips-for-customizing-pleroma-fe.html) -* [Hardening your instance](hardening.html) -* [How to activate mediaproxy](howto_mediaproxy.html) -* [Small Pleroma-FE customizations](small_customizations.html) -* [Updating your instance](updating.html) +* [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) +* [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) +* [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) +* [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) ## Questions diff --git a/docs/installation/arch_linux_en.md b/docs/installation/arch_linux_en.md @@ -200,12 +200,10 @@ sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress #### Further reading -* [Backup your instance](backup.html) -* [Configuration tips](general-tips-for-customizing-pleroma-fe.html) -* [Hardening your instance](hardening.html) -* [How to activate mediaproxy](howto_mediaproxy.html) -* [Small Pleroma-FE customizations](small_customizations.html) -* [Updating your instance](updating.html) +* [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) +* [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) +* [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) +* [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) ## Questions diff --git a/docs/installation/centos7_en.md b/docs/installation/centos7_en.md @@ -264,12 +264,10 @@ sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress #### Further reading -* [Backup your instance](backup.html) -* [Configuration tips](general-tips-for-customizing-pleroma-fe.html) -* [Hardening your instance](hardening.html) -* [How to activate mediaproxy](howto_mediaproxy.html) -* [Small Pleroma-FE customizations](small_customizations.html) -* [Updating your instance](updating.html) +* [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) +* [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) +* [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) +* [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) ## Questions diff --git a/docs/installation/debian_based_en.md b/docs/installation/debian_based_en.md @@ -190,12 +190,10 @@ sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress #### Further reading -* [Backup your instance](backup.html) -* [Configuration tips](general-tips-for-customizing-pleroma-fe.html) -* [Hardening your instance](hardening.html) -* [How to activate mediaproxy](howto_mediaproxy.html) -* [Small Pleroma-FE customizations](small_customizations.html) -* [Updating your instance](updating.html) +* [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) +* [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) +* [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) +* [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) ## Questions diff --git a/docs/installation/debian_based_jp.md b/docs/installation/debian_based_jp.md @@ -179,12 +179,10 @@ sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress #### その他の設定とカスタマイズ -* [Backup your instance](backup.html) -* [Configuration tips](general-tips-for-customizing-pleroma-fe.html) -* [Hardening your instance](hardening.html) -* [How to activate mediaproxy](howto_mediaproxy.html) -* [Small Pleroma-FE customizations](small_customizations.html) -* [Updating your instance](updating.html) +* [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) +* [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) +* [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) +* [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) ## 質問ある? diff --git a/docs/installation/gentoo_en.md b/docs/installation/gentoo_en.md @@ -283,12 +283,10 @@ If you opted to allow sudo for the `pleroma` user but would like to remove the a #### Further reading -* [Backup your instance](backup.html) -* [Configuration tips](general-tips-for-customizing-pleroma-fe.html) -* [Hardening your instance](hardening.html) -* [How to activate mediaproxy](howto_mediaproxy.html) -* [Small Pleroma-FE customizations](small_customizations.html) -* [Updating your instance](updating.html) +* [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) +* [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) +* [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) +* [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) ## Questions diff --git a/docs/installation/migrating_from_source_otp_en.md b/docs/installation/migrating_from_source_otp_en.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Benefits of OTP releases over from-source installs include: * **Faster and less bug-prone mix tasks.** On a from-source install one has to wait untill a new Pleroma node is started for each mix task and they execute outside of the instance context (for example if a user was deleted via a mix task, the instance will have no knowledge of that and continue to display status count and follows before the cache expires). Mix tasks in OTP releases are executed by calling into a running instance via RPC, which solves both of these problems. ### Sounds great, how do I switch? -Currently we support Linux machines with GNU (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu) or musl (e.g. Alpine) libc and `x86_64`, `aarch64` or `armv7l` CPUs. If you are unsure, check the [Detecting flavour](otp_en.html#detecting-flavour) section in OTP install guide. If your platform is supported, proceed with the guide, if not check the [My platform is not supported](#my-platform-is-not-supported) section. +Currently we support Linux machines with GNU (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu) or musl (e.g. Alpine) libc and `x86_64`, `aarch64` or `armv7l` CPUs. If you are unsure, check the [Detecting flavour](otp_en.md#detecting-flavour) section in OTP install guide. If your platform is supported, proceed with the guide, if not check the [My platform is not supported](#my-platform-is-not-supported) section. ### I don't think it is worth the effort, can I stay on a from-source install? Yes, currently there are no plans to deprecate them. @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ and then copy custom emojis to `/var/lib/pleroma/static/emoji/custom`. This is needed because storing custom emojis in the root directory is deprecated, but if you just move them to `/var/lib/pleroma/static/emoji/custom` it will break emoji urls on old posts. -Note that globs have been replaced with `pack_extensions`, so if your emojis are not in png/gif you should [modify the default value](config.html#emoji). +Note that globs have been replaced with `pack_extensions`, so if your emojis are not in png/gif you should [modify the default value](../configuration/cheatsheet.md#emoji). ### Moving the config ```sh @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ mv ~pleroma/config/prod.secret.exs /etc/pleroma/config.exs $EDITOR /etc/pleroma/config.exs ``` ## Installing the release -Before proceeding, get the flavour from [Detecting flavour](otp_en.html#detecting-flavour) section in OTP installation guide. +Before proceeding, get the flavour from [Detecting flavour](otp_en.md#detecting-flavour) section in OTP installation guide. ```sh # Delete all files in pleroma user's directory rm -r ~pleroma/* @@ -148,6 +148,6 @@ cp -f ~pleroma/installation/init.d/pleroma /etc/init.d/pleroma rc-service pleroma start ``` ## Running mix tasks -Refer to [Running mix tasks](otp_en.html#running-mix-tasks) section from OTP release installation guide. +Refer to [Running mix tasks](otp_en.md#running-mix-tasks) section from OTP release installation guide. ## Updating -Refer to [Updating](otp_en.html#updating) section from OTP release installation guide. +Refer to [Updating](otp_en.md#updating) section from OTP release installation guide. diff --git a/docs/installation/otp_en.md b/docs/installation/otp_en.md @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ apk add curl unzip ncurses postgresql postgresql-contrib nginx certbot ## Setup ### Configuring PostgreSQL #### (Optional) Installing RUM indexes -RUM indexes are an alternative indexing scheme that is not included in PostgreSQL by default. You can read more about them on the [Configuration page](config.html#rum-indexing-for-full-text-search). They are completely optional and most of the time are not worth it, especially if you are running a single user instance (unless you absolutely need ordered search results). +RUM indexes are an alternative indexing scheme that is not included in PostgreSQL by default. You can read more about them on the [Configuration page](../configuration/cheatsheet.md#rum-indexing-for-full-text-search). They are completely optional and most of the time are not worth it, especially if you are running a single user instance (unless you absolutely need ordered search results). Debian/Ubuntu (available only on Buster/19.04): ```sh @@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ su pleroma -s $SHELL -lc "./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate" But you should **always check the release notes/changelog** in case there are config deprecations, special update steps, etc. ## Further reading -* [Configuration](config.html) -* [Pleroma's base config.exs](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/blob/master/config/config.exs) -* [Hardening your instance](hardening.html) -* [Pleroma Clients](clients.html) -* [Emoji pack manager](Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji.html) + +* [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) +* [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) +* [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) +* [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/config.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/config.ex @@ -8,18 +8,7 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Config do alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.Config @shortdoc "Manages the location of the config" - @moduledoc """ - Manages the location of the config. - - ## Transfers config from file to DB. - - mix pleroma.config migrate_to_db - - ## Transfers config from DB to file `config/env.exported_from_db.secret.exs` - - mix pleroma.config migrate_from_db ENV - """ - + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/config.md") def run(["migrate_to_db"]) do start_pleroma() diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/database.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/database.ex @@ -13,34 +13,8 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Database do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "A collection of database related tasks" - @moduledoc """ - A collection of database related tasks + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/database.md") - ## Replace embedded objects with their references - - Replaces embedded objects with references to them in the `objects` table. Only needs to be ran once. The reason why this is not a migration is because it could significantly increase the database size after being ran, however after this `VACUUM FULL` will be able to reclaim about 20% (really depends on what is in the database, your mileage may vary) of the db size before the migration. - - mix pleroma.database remove_embedded_objects - - Options: - - `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the embedded objects are replaced with their references - - ## Prune old objects from the database - - mix pleroma.database prune_objects - - ## Create a conversation for all existing DMs. Can be safely re-run. - - mix pleroma.database bump_all_conversations - - ## Remove duplicated items from following and update followers count for all users - - mix pleroma.database update_users_following_followers_counts - - ## Fix the pre-existing "likes" collections for all objects - - mix pleroma.database fix_likes_collections - """ def run(["remove_embedded_objects" | args]) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/digest.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/digest.ex @@ -2,16 +2,8 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Digest do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Manages digest emails" - @moduledoc """ - Manages digest emails + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/digest.md") - ## Send digest email since given date (user registration date by default) - ignoring user activity status. - - ``mix pleroma.digest test <nickname> <since_date>`` - - Example: ``mix pleroma.digest test donaldtheduck 2019-05-20`` - """ def run(["test", nickname | opts]) do Mix.Pleroma.start_pleroma() diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/emoji.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/emoji.ex @@ -6,54 +6,7 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Manages emoji packs" - @moduledoc """ - Manages emoji packs - - ## ls-packs - - mix pleroma.emoji ls-packs [OPTION...] - - Lists the emoji packs and metadata specified in the manifest. - - ### Options - - - `-m, --manifest PATH/URL` - path to a custom manifest, it can - either be an URL starting with `http`, in that case the - manifest will be fetched from that address, or a local path - - ## get-packs - - mix pleroma.emoji get-packs [OPTION...] PACKS - - Fetches, verifies and installs the specified PACKS from the - manifest into the `STATIC-DIR/emoji/PACK-NAME` - - ### Options - - - `-m, --manifest PATH/URL` - same as ls-packs - - ## gen-pack - - mix pleroma.emoji gen-pack PACK-URL - - Creates a new manifest entry and a file list from the specified - remote pack file. Currently, only .zip archives are recognized - as remote pack files and packs are therefore assumed to be zip - archives. This command is intended to run interactively and will - first ask you some basic questions about the pack, then download - the remote file and generate an SHA256 checksum for it, then - generate an emoji file list for you. - - The manifest entry will either be written to a newly created - `index.json` file or appended to the existing one, *replacing* - the old pack with the same name if it was in the file previously. - - The file list will be written to the file specified previously, - *replacing* that file. You _should_ check that the file list doesn't - contain anything you don't need in the pack, that is, anything that is - not an emoji (the whole pack is downloaded, but only emoji files - are extracted). - """ + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/emoji.md") def run(["ls-packs" | args]) do Application.ensure_all_started(:hackney) diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/instance.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/instance.ex @@ -7,36 +7,7 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Instance do import Mix.Pleroma @shortdoc "Manages Pleroma instance" - @moduledoc """ - Manages Pleroma instance. - - ## Generate a new instance config. - - mix pleroma.instance gen [OPTION...] - - If any options are left unspecified, you will be prompted interactively - - ## Options - - - `-f`, `--force` - overwrite any output files - - `-o PATH`, `--output PATH` - the output file for the generated configuration - - `--output-psql PATH` - the output file for the generated PostgreSQL setup - - `--domain DOMAIN` - the domain of your instance - - `--instance-name INSTANCE_NAME` - the name of your instance - - `--admin-email ADMIN_EMAIL` - the email address of the instance admin - - `--notify-email NOTIFY_EMAIL` - email address for notifications - - `--dbhost HOSTNAME` - the hostname of the PostgreSQL database to use - - `--dbname DBNAME` - the name of the database to use - - `--dbuser DBUSER` - the user (aka role) to use for the database connection - - `--dbpass DBPASS` - the password to use for the database connection - - `--rum Y/N` - Whether to enable RUM indexes - - `--indexable Y/N` - Allow/disallow indexing site by search engines - - `--db-configurable Y/N` - Allow/disallow configuring instance from admin part - - `--uploads-dir` - the directory uploads go in when using a local uploader - - `--static-dir` - the directory custom public files should be read from (custom emojis, frontend bundle overrides, robots.txt, etc.) - - `--listen-ip` - the ip the app should listen to, defaults to - - `--listen-port` - the port the app should listen to, defaults to 4000 - """ + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/instance.md") def run(["gen" | rest]) do {options, [], []} = diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/relay.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/relay.ex @@ -9,25 +9,8 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Relay do alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Relay @shortdoc "Manages remote relays" - @moduledoc """ - Manages remote relays + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/relay.md") - ## Follow a remote relay - - ``mix pleroma.relay follow <relay_url>`` - - Example: ``mix pleroma.relay follow https://example.org/relay`` - - ## Unfollow a remote relay - - ``mix pleroma.relay unfollow <relay_url>`` - - Example: ``mix pleroma.relay unfollow https://example.org/relay`` - - ## List relay subscriptions - - ``mix pleroma.relay list`` - """ def run(["follow", target]) do start_pleroma() diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/uploads.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/uploads.ex @@ -12,16 +12,8 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Uploads do @log_every 50 @shortdoc "Migrates uploads from local to remote storage" - @moduledoc """ - Manages uploads + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/uploads.md") - ## Migrate uploads from local to remote storage - mix pleroma.uploads migrate_local TARGET_UPLOADER [OPTIONS...] - Options: - - `--delete` - delete local uploads after migrating them to the target uploader - - A list of available uploaders can be seen in config.exs - """ def run(["migrate_local", target_uploader | args]) do delete? = Enum.member?(args, "--delete") start_pleroma() diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/user.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/user.ex @@ -10,86 +10,8 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.User do alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth @shortdoc "Manages Pleroma users" - @moduledoc """ - Manages Pleroma users. + @moduledoc File.read!("docs/administration/CLI_tasks/user.md") - ## Create a new user. - - mix pleroma.user new NICKNAME EMAIL [OPTION...] - - Options: - - `--name NAME` - the user's name (i.e., "Lain Iwakura") - - `--bio BIO` - the user's bio - - `--password PASSWORD` - the user's password - - `--moderator`/`--no-moderator` - whether the user is a moderator - - `--admin`/`--no-admin` - whether the user is an admin - - `-y`, `--assume-yes`/`--no-assume-yes` - whether to assume yes to all questions - - ## Generate an invite link. - - mix pleroma.user invite [OPTION...] - - Options: - - `--expires-at DATE` - last day on which token is active (e.g. "2019-04-05") - - `--max-use NUMBER` - maximum numbers of token uses - - ## List generated invites - - mix pleroma.user invites - - ## Revoke invite - - mix pleroma.user revoke_invite TOKEN OR TOKEN_ID - - ## Delete the user's account. - - mix pleroma.user rm NICKNAME - - ## Delete the user's activities. - - mix pleroma.user delete_activities NICKNAME - - ## Sign user out from all applications (delete user's OAuth tokens and authorizations). - - mix pleroma.user sign_out NICKNAME - - ## Deactivate or activate the user's account. - - mix pleroma.user toggle_activated NICKNAME - - ## Unsubscribe local users from user's account and deactivate it - - mix pleroma.user unsubscribe NICKNAME - - ## Unsubscribe local users from an entire instance and deactivate all accounts - - mix pleroma.user unsubscribe_all_from_instance INSTANCE - - ## Create a password reset link. - - mix pleroma.user reset_password NICKNAME - - ## Set the value of the given user's settings. - - mix pleroma.user set NICKNAME [OPTION...] - - Options: - - `--locked`/`--no-locked` - whether the user's account is locked - - `--moderator`/`--no-moderator` - whether the user is a moderator - - `--admin`/`--no-admin` - whether the user is an admin - - ## Add tags to a user. - - mix pleroma.user tag NICKNAME TAGS - - ## Delete tags from a user. - - mix pleroma.user untag NICKNAME TAGS - - ## Toggle confirmation of the user's account. - - mix pleroma.user toggle_confirmed NICKNAME - """ def run(["new", nickname, email | rest]) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse(