centos7_en.md (7725B)
1 # Installing on CentOS 7 2 ## Installation 3 4 This guide is a step-by-step installation guide for CentOS 7. It also assumes that you have administrative rights, either as root or a user with [sudo permissions](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-sudo-user-on-centos-quickstart). If you want to run this guide with root, ignore the `sudo` at the beginning of the lines, unless it calls a user like `sudo -Hu pleroma`; in this case, use `su <username> -s $SHELL -c 'command'` instead. 5 6 ### Required packages 7 8 * `postgresql` (9,6+, CentOS 7 comes with 9.2, we will install version 11 in this guide) 9 * `elixir` (1.5+) 10 * `erlang` 11 * `erlang-parsetools` 12 * `erlang-xmerl` 13 * `git` 14 * Development Tools 15 16 #### Optional packages used in this guide 17 18 * `nginx` (preferred, example configs for other reverse proxies can be found in the repo) 19 * `certbot` (or any other ACME client for Let’s Encrypt certificates) 20 21 ### Prepare the system 22 23 * First update the system, if not already done: 24 25 ```shell 26 sudo yum update 27 ``` 28 29 * Install some of the above mentioned programs: 30 31 ```shell 32 sudo yum install wget git unzip 33 ``` 34 35 * Install development tools: 36 37 ```shell 38 sudo yum group install "Development Tools" 39 ``` 40 41 ### Install Elixir and Erlang 42 43 * Add the EPEL repo: 44 45 ```shell 46 sudo yum install epel-release 47 sudo yum -y update 48 ``` 49 50 * Install Erlang repository: 51 52 ```shell 53 wget -P /tmp/ https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm 54 sudo rpm -Uvh erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm 55 ``` 56 57 * Install Erlang: 58 59 ```shell 60 sudo yum install erlang erlang-parsetools erlang-xmerl 61 ``` 62 63 * Download [latest Elixir release from Github](https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/releases/tag/v1.8.1) (Example for the newest version at the time when this manual was written) 64 65 ```shell 66 wget -P /tmp/ https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/releases/download/v1.8.1/Precompiled.zip 67 ``` 68 69 * Create folder where you want to install Elixir, we’ll use: 70 71 ```shell 72 sudo mkdir -p /opt/elixir 73 ``` 74 75 * Unzip downloaded file there: 76 77 ```shell 78 sudo unzip /tmp/Precompiled.zip -d /opt/elixir 79 ``` 80 81 * Create symlinks for the pre-compiled binaries: 82 83 ```shell 84 for e in elixir elixirc iex mix; do sudo ln -s /opt/elixir/bin/${e} /usr/local/bin/${e}; done 85 ``` 86 87 ### Install PostgreSQL 88 89 * Add the Postgresql repository: 90 91 ```shell 92 sudo yum install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/11/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-centos11-11-2.noarch.rpm 93 ``` 94 95 * Install the Postgresql server: 96 97 ```shell 98 sudo yum install postgresql11-server postgresql11-contrib 99 ``` 100 101 * Initialize database: 102 103 ```shell 104 sudo /usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb 105 ``` 106 107 * Open configuration file `/var/lib/pgsql/11/data/pg_hba.conf` and change the following lines from: 108 109 ```plain 110 # IPv4 local connections: 111 host all all ident 112 # IPv6 local connections: 113 host all all ::1/128 ident 114 ``` 115 116 to 117 118 ```plain 119 # IPv4 local connections: 120 host all all md5 121 # IPv6 local connections: 122 host all all ::1/128 md5 123 ``` 124 125 * Enable and start postgresql server: 126 127 ```shell 128 sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql-11.service 129 ``` 130 131 ### Install PleromaBE 132 133 * Add a new system user for the Pleroma service: 134 135 ```shell 136 sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false -m -d /var/lib/pleroma -U pleroma 137 ``` 138 139 **Note**: To execute a single command as the Pleroma system user, use `sudo -Hu pleroma command`. You can also switch to a shell by using `sudo -Hu pleroma $SHELL`. If you don’t have and want `sudo` on your system, you can use `su` as root user (UID 0) for a single command by using `su -l pleroma -s $SHELL -c 'command'` and `su -l pleroma -s $SHELL` for starting a shell. 140 141 * Git clone the PleromaBE repository and make the Pleroma user the owner of the directory: 142 143 ```shell 144 sudo mkdir -p /opt/pleroma 145 sudo chown -R pleroma:pleroma /opt/pleroma 146 sudo -Hu pleroma git clone -b stable https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma /opt/pleroma 147 ``` 148 149 * Change to the new directory: 150 151 ```shell 152 cd /opt/pleroma 153 ``` 154 155 * Install the dependencies for Pleroma and answer with `yes` if it asks you to install `Hex`: 156 157 ```shell 158 sudo -Hu pleroma mix deps.get 159 ``` 160 161 * Generate the configuration: `sudo -Hu pleroma mix pleroma.instance gen` 162 * Answer with `yes` if it asks you to install `rebar3`. 163 * This may take some time, because parts of pleroma get compiled first. 164 * After that it will ask you a few questions about your instance and generates a configuration file in `config/generated_config.exs`. 165 166 * Check the configuration and if all looks right, rename it, so Pleroma will load it (`prod.secret.exs` for productive instance, `dev.secret.exs` for development instances): 167 168 ```shell 169 mv config/{generated_config.exs,prod.secret.exs} 170 ``` 171 172 * The previous command creates also the file `config/setup_db.psql`, with which you can create the database: 173 174 ```shell 175 sudo -Hu postgres psql -f config/setup_db.psql 176 ``` 177 178 * Now run the database migration: 179 180 ```shell 181 sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate 182 ``` 183 184 * Now you can start Pleroma already 185 186 ```shell 187 sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server 188 ``` 189 190 ### Finalize installation 191 192 If you want to open your newly installed instance to the world, you should run nginx or some other webserver/proxy in front of Pleroma and you should consider to create a systemd service file for Pleroma. 193 194 #### Nginx 195 196 * Install nginx, if not already done: 197 198 ```shell 199 sudo yum install nginx 200 ``` 201 202 * Setup your SSL cert, using your method of choice or certbot. If using certbot, first install it: 203 204 ```shell 205 sudo yum install certbot-nginx 206 ``` 207 208 and then set it up: 209 210 ```shell 211 sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/letsencrypt/ 212 sudo certbot certonly --email <your@emailaddress> -d <yourdomain> --standalone 213 ``` 214 215 If that doesn’t work, make sure, that nginx is not already running. If it still doesn’t work, try setting up nginx first (change ssl “on” to “off” and try again). 216 217 --- 218 219 * Copy the example nginx configuration to the nginx folder 220 221 ```shell 222 sudo cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/pleroma.conf 223 ``` 224 225 * Before starting nginx edit the configuration and change it to your needs (e.g. change servername, change cert paths) 226 * Enable and start nginx: 227 228 ```shell 229 sudo systemctl enable --now nginx 230 ``` 231 232 If you need to renew the certificate in the future, uncomment the relevant location block in the nginx config and run: 233 234 ```shell 235 sudo certbot certonly --email <your@emailaddress> -d <yourdomain> --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/ 236 ``` 237 238 #### Other webserver/proxies 239 240 You can find example configurations for them in `/opt/pleroma/installation/`. 241 242 #### Systemd service 243 244 * Copy example service file 245 246 ```shell 247 sudo cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.service /etc/systemd/system/pleroma.service 248 ``` 249 250 * Edit the service file and make sure that all paths fit your installation 251 * Enable and start `pleroma.service`: 252 253 ```shell 254 sudo systemctl enable --now pleroma.service 255 ``` 256 257 #### Create your first user 258 259 If your instance is up and running, you can create your first user with administrative rights with the following task: 260 261 ```shell 262 sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress> --admin 263 ``` 264 265 #### Further reading 266 267 * [Backup your instance](../administration/backup.md) 268 * [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) 269 * [How to activate mediaproxy](../configuration/howto_mediaproxy.md) 270 * [Updating your instance](../administration/updating.md) 271 272 ## Questions 273 274 Questions about the installation or didn’t it work as it should be, ask in [#pleroma:matrix.org](https://matrix.heldscal.la/#/room/#freenode_#pleroma:matrix.org) or IRC Channel **#pleroma** on **Freenode**.