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database.md (4316B)

  1. # Database maintenance tasks
  2. {! backend/administration/CLI_tasks/general_cli_task_info.include !}
  3. !!! danger
  4. These mix tasks can take a long time to complete. Many of them were written to address specific database issues that happened because of bugs in migrations or other specific scenarios. Do not run these tasks "just in case" if everything is fine your instance.
  5. ## Replace embedded objects with their references
  6. Replaces embedded objects with references to them in the `objects` table. Only needs to be ran once if the instance was created before Pleroma 1.0.5. The reason why this is not a migration is because it could significantly increase the database size after being ran, however after this `VACUUM FULL` will be able to reclaim about 20% (really depends on what is in the database, your mileage may vary) of the db size before the migration.
  7. === "OTP"
  8. ```sh
  9. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database remove_embedded_objects [option ...]
  10. ```
  11. === "From Source"
  12. ```sh
  13. mix pleroma.database remove_embedded_objects [option ...]
  14. ```
  15. ### Options
  16. - `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the embedded objects are replaced with their references
  17. ## Prune old remote posts from the database
  18. This will prune remote posts older than 90 days (configurable with [`config :pleroma, :instance, remote_post_retention_days`](../../configuration/cheatsheet.md#instance)) from the database, they will be refetched from source when accessed.
  19. !!! danger
  20. The disk space will only be reclaimed after `VACUUM FULL`. You may run out of disk space during the execution of the task or vacuuming if you don't have about 1/3rds of the database size free.
  21. === "OTP"
  22. ```sh
  23. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database prune_objects [option ...]
  24. ```
  25. === "From Source"
  26. ```sh
  27. mix pleroma.database prune_objects [option ...]
  28. ```
  29. ### Options
  30. - `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the objects are pruned
  31. ## Create a conversation for all existing DMs
  32. Can be safely re-run
  33. === "OTP"
  34. ```sh
  35. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database bump_all_conversations
  36. ```
  37. === "From Source"
  38. ```sh
  39. mix pleroma.database bump_all_conversations
  40. ```
  41. ## Remove duplicated items from following and update followers count for all users
  42. === "OTP"
  43. ```sh
  44. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database update_users_following_followers_counts
  45. ```
  46. === "From Source"
  47. ```sh
  48. mix pleroma.database update_users_following_followers_counts
  49. ```
  50. ## Fix the pre-existing "likes" collections for all objects
  51. === "OTP"
  52. ```sh
  53. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database fix_likes_collections
  54. ```
  55. === "From Source"
  56. ```sh
  57. mix pleroma.database fix_likes_collections
  58. ```
  59. ## Vacuum the database
  60. ### Analyze
  61. Running an `analyze` vacuum job can improve performance by updating statistics used by the query planner. **It is safe to cancel this.**
  62. === "OTP"
  63. ```sh
  64. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database vacuum analyze
  65. ```
  66. === "From Source"
  67. ```sh
  68. mix pleroma.database vacuum analyze
  69. ```
  70. ### Full
  71. Running a `full` vacuum job rebuilds your entire database by reading all of the data and rewriting it into smaller
  72. and more compact files with an optimized layout. This process will take a long time and use additional disk space as
  73. it builds the files side-by-side the existing database files. It can make your database faster and use less disk space,
  74. but should only be run if necessary. **It is safe to cancel this.**
  75. === "OTP"
  76. ```sh
  77. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database vacuum full
  78. ```
  79. === "From Source"
  80. ```sh
  81. mix pleroma.database vacuum full
  82. ```
  83. ## Add expiration to all local statuses
  84. === "OTP"
  85. ```sh
  86. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database ensure_expiration
  87. ```
  88. === "From Source"
  89. ```sh
  90. mix pleroma.database ensure_expiration
  91. ```
  92. ## Change Text Search Configuration
  93. Change `default_text_search_config` for database and (if necessary) text_search_config used in index, then rebuild index (it may take time).
  94. === "OTP"
  95. ```sh
  96. ./bin/pleroma_ctl database set_text_search_config english
  97. ```
  98. === "From Source"
  99. ```sh
  100. mix pleroma.database set_text_search_config english
  101. ```
  102. See [PostgreSQL documentation](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/textsearch-configuration.html) and `docs/configuration/howto_search_cjk.md` for more detail.