

My website can't be that messy, right? git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/blog.git
commit: 75e89bf90af89f9480d52569cbac193031cb2b32
parent 93df8ab4102adcb3d5adf77162c04fca50241924
Author: Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier <contact@hacktivis.me>
Date:   Fri,  8 May 2020 07:28:40 +0200

{about, à propos}.shtml: bump geek code, add abbr elems


Mà propos.shtml2+-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/about.shtml b/about.shtml @@ -18,15 +18,12 @@ <li>Location: <span class="p-region">Bretagne</span>, <span class="p-country">France</span></li> <li>E-Mail: <a class="u-email" href="mailto:contact+blog@hacktivis.me">contact+blog@hacktivis.me</a></li> <li>XMPP: <a href="xmpp://contact@hacktivis.me" class="u-impp">contact@hacktivis.me</a></li> - <li>OMEMO (<a href="/omemo-fingerprints.html.asc">clearsigned</a>): -<!--#include file="/omemo-fingerprints.html"--> - </li> <li><a href="http://resourcesforbears.com/nbcs/">BearCode</a>: B0 c--d-- f-~ g- k m-- q+ r-- w--</li> <li><a href="http://autcode.neurelitism.com/">AutCode</a> : AC? CC= CO? CS^ EC- EDn EF? EM? FR-? GDti GM+ HSap HT+ IDl IN-(^) LG? MTfb MU+ NT= OCs PN- RRn SDi SF^ SI? SOpa SP= SRa? SS- ST+ VS* WT-</li> </ul> <pre><code>-----BEGIN <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20150302173832/http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html">GEEK CODE</a> BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 -GCC/GO d--/x s+:-(-) a-- C+++&gt;$ U+++(++++) P+&gt;++ L+++(++++) E--- W--(++) N+ o? K? w--- O? M-- V? PS+++ PE-- Y++ PGP+++&gt; t+(++) 5? X R+(++) tv-- b+@ DI(+) D- G++ e h(+)! r% z+(-) +<abbr title="Geek of Communication">GCC</abbr>/<abbr title="Geek of Other">GO</abbr> <abbr title="My t-shirts go a step further and have a trendy political message on them.">d--</abbr>/<abbr title="CrossDresser">x</abbr> <abbr title="I'm a little taller than most">s+</abbr>:<abbr title="I tend to have to fight against a strong breeze.">--</abbr> <abbr title="20-24 years old">a--</abbr> <abbr title="You mean there is life outside of Internet? You're shittin' me! I haven't dragged myself to class in weeks.">C+++</abbr><abbr title="Developer on payroll">$</abbr> <abbr title="I am the sysadmin. If you try and crack my machine don't be surprised if the municipal works department gets an 'accidental' computer-generated order to put start a new landfill on your front lawn or your quota is reduced to 4K.">U++++</abbr> <abbr title="I know of Perl. I like Perl. I just haven't learned much Perl, but it is on my agenda.">P+</abbr>/<abbr title="Perl is a powerful programming tool. I don't write shell scripts anymore because I write them in Perl.">++</abbr> <abbr title="I am a Linux wizard. I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging. I have so many patches installed that I lost track about ten versions ago. Linux newbies consider me a net.god.">L++++</abbr> <abbr title="Emacs sucks! vi forever!!!">E---</abbr> <abbr title="A pox on the Web! It wastes time and bandwidth and just gives the uneducated morons a reason to clutter the Internet.">W--</abbr>(<abbr title="I have a homepage. I surf daily. My homepage is advertised in my .signature.">++</abbr>) <abbr title="I read news recreationally when I have some time to kill.">N+</abbr> <abbr title="I do not know of the Usenet Oracle">o?</abbr> <abbr title="I don't know who Kibo is">K-</abbr> <abbr title="Windows has set back the computing industry by at least 10 years. Bill Gates should be drawn, quartered, hung, shot, poisoned, disembowelled, and then REALLY hurt.">w---</abbr> <abbr title="I never tried OS/2 (but I know of it)">O?</abbr> <abbr title="Macs suck. All real geeks have a character prompt.">M--</abbr> <abbr title="I never tried VMS (but I know of it)">V?</abbr> <abbr title="Legalize drugs! Abolish the government. 'Fuck the draft!'">PS+++</abbr> <abbr title="Fuck economics, money should be abolished (own geekcode extension)">PE---</abbr> <abbr title="I am on the cypherpunks mailing list and active around Usenet. I never miss an opportunity to talk about the evils of Clipper and ITAR and the NSA. Orwell's 1984 is more than a story, it is a novel of the past.">Y++</abbr> <abbr title="I've used it, but stopped long ago.">PGP</abbr> <abbr title="It's a damn fine TV show and is one of the only things good on television any more.">t+</abbr>(<abbr title="It's the best show around. I have all the episodes and the movies on tape and can quote entire scenes verbatim. I've built a few of the model kits too. But you'll never catch me at one of those conventions. Those people are kooks.">++</abbr>) <abbr title="I know of Babylon 5 but I haven't seen it yet">5?</abbr> <abbr title="Ho hum. Just another Fox show.">X</abbr> <abbr title="I own a televion but only use it as a monitor">tv---</abbr> <abbr title="I enjoy reading, but don't get the time very often.">b+</abbr> <abbr title="I read Dilbert infrequently, often understanding it">DI@+</abbr> <abbr title="I've played the game and really didn't think it was all that impressive.">D-</abbr> <abbr title="I know what each letter means, but sometimes have to look up the specifics.">G++</abbr> <abbr title="Finished High School">e</abbr> <abbr title="Living alone, get out twice a month to buy food. There is a place for friends.">h@+</abbr> <abbr title="I was going out with someone, but the asshole dumped me.">r%</abbr> <abbr title="I've had real, live sex.">z+</abbr>(<abbr title="Not having sex by choice.">-</abbr>) ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------</code></pre> <pre><code>-----BEGIN <a href="http://captainpackrat.com/furry/furcode.htm">FURRY CODE</a> BLOCK----- Version: 1.3 diff --git a/à propos.shtml b/à propos.shtml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ </ul> <pre><code>-----BEGIN <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20150302173832/http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html">GEEK CODE</a> BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 -GCC/GO d--/x s+:-(-) a-- C+++&gt;$ U+++(++++) P+&gt;++ L+++(++++) E--- W--(++) N+ o? K? w--- O? M-- V? PS+++ PE-- Y++ PGP+++&gt; t+(++) 5? X R+(++) tv-- b+@ DI(+) D- G++ e h(+)! r% z+(-) +<abbr title="Geek of Communication">GCC</abbr>/<abbr title="Geek of Other">GO</abbr> <abbr title="My t-shirts go a step further and have a trendy political message on them.">d--</abbr>/<abbr title="CrossDresser">x</abbr> <abbr title="I'm a little taller than most">s+</abbr>:<abbr title="I tend to have to fight against a strong breeze.">--</abbr> <abbr title="20-24 years old">a--</abbr> <abbr title="You mean there is life outside of Internet? You're shittin' me! I haven't dragged myself to class in weeks.">C+++</abbr><abbr title="Developer on payroll">$</abbr> <abbr title="I am the sysadmin. If you try and crack my machine don't be surprised if the municipal works department gets an 'accidental' computer-generated order to put start a new landfill on your front lawn or your quota is reduced to 4K.">U++++</abbr> <abbr title="I know of Perl. I like Perl. I just haven't learned much Perl, but it is on my agenda.">P+</abbr>/<abbr title="Perl is a powerful programming tool. I don't write shell scripts anymore because I write them in Perl.">++</abbr> <abbr title="I am a Linux wizard. I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging. I have so many patches installed that I lost track about ten versions ago. Linux newbies consider me a net.god.">L++++</abbr> <abbr title="Emacs sucks! vi forever!!!">E---</abbr> <abbr title="A pox on the Web! It wastes time and bandwidth and just gives the uneducated morons a reason to clutter the Internet.">W--</abbr>(<abbr title="I have a homepage. I surf daily. My homepage is advertised in my .signature.">++</abbr>) <abbr title="I read news recreationally when I have some time to kill.">N+</abbr> <abbr title="I do not know of the Usenet Oracle">o?</abbr> <abbr title="I don't know who Kibo is">K-</abbr> <abbr title="Windows has set back the computing industry by at least 10 years. Bill Gates should be drawn, quartered, hung, shot, poisoned, disembowelled, and then REALLY hurt.">w---</abbr> <abbr title="I never tried OS/2 (but I know of it)">O?</abbr> <abbr title="Macs suck. All real geeks have a character prompt.">M--</abbr> <abbr title="I never tried VMS (but I know of it)">V?</abbr> <abbr title="Legalize drugs! Abolish the government. 'Fuck the draft!'">PS+++</abbr> <abbr title="Fuck economics, money should be abolished (own geekcode extension)">PE---</abbr> <abbr title="I am on the cypherpunks mailing list and active around Usenet. I never miss an opportunity to talk about the evils of Clipper and ITAR and the NSA. Orwell's 1984 is more than a story, it is a novel of the past.">Y++</abbr> <abbr title="I've used it, but stopped long ago.">PGP</abbr> <abbr title="It's a damn fine TV show and is one of the only things good on television any more.">t+</abbr>(<abbr title="It's the best show around. I have all the episodes and the movies on tape and can quote entire scenes verbatim. I've built a few of the model kits too. But you'll never catch me at one of those conventions. Those people are kooks.">++</abbr>) <abbr title="I know of Babylon 5 but I haven't seen it yet">5?</abbr> <abbr title="Ho hum. Just another Fox show.">X</abbr> <abbr title="I own a televion but only use it as a monitor">tv---</abbr> <abbr title="I enjoy reading, but don't get the time very often.">b+</abbr> <abbr title="I read Dilbert infrequently, often understanding it">DI@+</abbr> <abbr title="I've played the game and really didn't think it was all that impressive.">D-</abbr> <abbr title="I know what each letter means, but sometimes have to look up the specifics.">G++</abbr> <abbr title="Finished High School">e</abbr> <abbr title="Living alone, get out twice a month to buy food. There is a place for friends.">h@+</abbr> <abbr title="I was going out with someone, but the asshole dumped me.">r%</abbr> <abbr title="I've had real, live sex.">z+</abbr>(<abbr title="Not having sex by choice.">-</abbr>) ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------</code></pre> <pre><code>-----BEGIN <a href="http://captainpackrat.com/furry/furcode.htm">FURRY CODE</a> BLOCK----- Version: 1.3