

My website can't be that messy, right? git clone https://anongit.hacktivis.me/git/blog.git/

à propos.shtml (9182B)

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
  3. <head>
  4. <!--#include file="templates/head.shtml" -->
  5. <title>À propos — Cyber-habitat de lanodan</title>
  6. </head>
  7. <body>
  8. <!--#set var="transPageUrl" value="about" --><!--#include file="./templates/fr/nav.shtml" -->
  9. <main id="info">
  10. <h2>Base d’infos’</h2>
  11. <span id="avatar">
  12. <a href="./images/avatar_HD.png"><img loading="lazy" class="u-photo" src="./images/avatar.png" alt="Avatar: Un loup hurlant, avec les couleurs de fiertés pansexuelles “peinte” dessus, un bonnet de noël est mis autour du museau"/></a><br />
  13. <a href="./images/avatar.svg">vectoriel</a>
  14. </span>
  15. <ul>
  16. <li class="p-name"><ruby lang="br"><rb class="p-given-name">Haelwenn</rb><rp>[</rp><rt>ɛlwən</rt><rp>]</rp></ruby> (<span class="p-nickname" lang="en">lanodan</span>) <span class="p-family-name" lang="fr">Monnier</span></li>
  17. <li>Date de naissance : <span class="dt-bday">1998-04-02</span></li>
  18. <li>Localisation : <span class="p-region">Bretagne</span>, <span class="p-country">France</span></li>
  19. <li>Courriel : <a class="u-email" href="mailto:contact+blog@hacktivis.me">contact+blog@hacktivis.me</a></li>
  20. <li>Clé publique <a href="https://flak.tedunangst.com/post/reop">reop</a> (<a href="/reop.pub">/reop.pub</a>):<pre><!--#include file="/reop.pub"--></pre></li>
  21. <li>XMPP : <a href="xmpp://contact@hacktivis.me" class="u-impp">contact@hacktivis.me</a></li>
  22. <li>OMEMO :
  23. <!--#include file="/omemo-fingerprints.html"-->
  24. </li>
  25. <li><a href="http://resourcesforbears.com/nbcs/">BearCode</a>: B0 c--d-- f-~ g- k m-- q+ r-- w--</li>
  26. <li><a href="http://autcode.neurelitism.com/">AutCode</a> : AC? CC= CO? CS^ EC- EDn EF? EM? FR-? GDti GM+ HSap HT+ IDl IN-(^) LG? MTfb MU+ NT= OCs PN- RRn SDi SF^ SI? SOpa SP= SRa? SS- ST+ VS* WT-</li>
  27. </ul>
  28. <pre><code>-----BEGIN <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20150302173832/http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html">GEEK CODE</a> BLOCK-----
  29. Version: 3.12
  30. <abbr title="Geek of Communication">GCC</abbr>/<abbr title="Geek of Other">GO</abbr> <abbr title="My t-shirts go a step further and have a trendy political message on them.">d--</abbr>/<abbr title="CrossDresser">x</abbr> <abbr title="I'm a little taller than most">s+</abbr>:<abbr title="I tend to have to fight against a strong breeze.">--</abbr> <abbr title="20-24 years old">a--</abbr> <abbr title="You mean there is life outside of Internet? You're shittin' me! I haven't dragged myself to class in weeks.">C+++</abbr><abbr title="Developer on payroll">$</abbr> <abbr title="I am the sysadmin. If you try and crack my machine don't be surprised if the municipal works department gets an 'accidental' computer-generated order to put start a new landfill on your front lawn or your quota is reduced to 4K.">U++++</abbr> <abbr title="I know of Perl. I like Perl. I just haven't learned much Perl, but it is on my agenda.">P+</abbr>/<abbr title="Perl is a powerful programming tool. I don't write shell scripts anymore because I write them in Perl.">++</abbr> <abbr title="I am a Linux wizard. I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging. I have so many patches installed that I lost track about ten versions ago. Linux newbies consider me a net.god.">L++++</abbr> <abbr title="Emacs sucks! vi forever!!!">E---</abbr> <abbr title="A pox on the Web! It wastes time and bandwidth and just gives the uneducated morons a reason to clutter the Internet.">W--</abbr>(<abbr title="I have a homepage. I surf daily. My homepage is advertised in my .signature.">++</abbr>) <abbr title="I read news recreationally when I have some time to kill.">N+</abbr> <abbr title="I do not know of the Usenet Oracle">o?</abbr> <abbr title="I don't know who Kibo is">K-</abbr> <abbr title="Windows has set back the computing industry by at least 10 years. Bill Gates should be drawn, quartered, hung, shot, poisoned, disembowelled, and then REALLY hurt.">w---</abbr> <abbr title="I never tried OS/2 (but I know of it)">O?</abbr> <abbr title="Macs suck. All real geeks have a character prompt.">M--</abbr> <abbr title="I never tried VMS (but I know of it)">V?</abbr> <abbr title="Legalize drugs! Abolish the government. 'Fuck the draft!'">PS+++</abbr> <abbr title="Fuck economics, money should be abolished (own geekcode extension)">PE---</abbr> <abbr title="I am on the cypherpunks mailing list and active around Usenet. I never miss an opportunity to talk about the evils of Clipper and ITAR and the NSA. Orwell's 1984 is more than a story, it is a novel of the past.">Y++</abbr> <abbr title="I've used it, but stopped long ago.">PGP</abbr> <abbr title="It's a damn fine TV show and is one of the only things good on television any more.">t+</abbr>(<abbr title="It's the best show around. I have all the episodes and the movies on tape and can quote entire scenes verbatim. I've built a few of the model kits too. But you'll never catch me at one of those conventions. Those people are kooks.">++</abbr>) <abbr title="I know of Babylon 5 but I haven't seen it yet">5?</abbr> <abbr title="Ho hum. Just another Fox show.">X</abbr> <abbr title="I own a televion but only use it as a monitor">tv---</abbr> <abbr title="I enjoy reading, but don't get the time very often.">b+</abbr> <abbr title="I read Dilbert infrequently, often understanding it">DI@+</abbr> <abbr title="I've played the game and really didn't think it was all that impressive.">D-</abbr> <abbr title="I know what each letter means, but sometimes have to look up the specifics.">G++</abbr> <abbr title="Finished High School">e</abbr> <abbr title="Living alone, get out twice a month to buy food. There is a place for friends.">h@+</abbr> <abbr title="I was going out with someone, but the asshole dumped me.">r%</abbr> <abbr title="I've had real, live sex.">z+</abbr>(<abbr title="Not having sex by choice.">-</abbr>)
  31. ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------</code></pre>
  32. <pre><code>-----BEGIN <a href="http://captainpackrat.com/furry/furcode.htm">FURRY CODE</a> BLOCK-----
  33. Version: 1.3
  34. FCWp6 A+ C+(++) D+++ H M++ P++ R T+(+++) W !Z
  35. RLCT a- c++&gt;$l d- e f++(+++) h- i+++ j++(+++) p-
  36. ------END FURRY CODE BLOCK------</code></pre>
  37. </main>
  38. <section class="box-center" id="bio">
  39. <h2>Bio</h2>
  40. <p>Je suis ce genre ce personne qui examine tout ce qui lui appartient plus ou moins et qui créée ses propres outils quand aucun ne correspond ou juste pour le fun. J'ai aussi fini par auto-hébergé tout les services dont j'ai besoin au court d'une longue aventure (commencée en 2012, quelque part complétée en 2018) et que je maintient toujours !</p>
  41. <p>J'agit pour les licences libres sur le matériel/logiciel informatique mais pas que, ainsi que l’équitée (ex. droits gender+queer). Je parle Français (langue native), Anglais et quelques bases de Langue des Signes Française et je peux faire des bouts de beaucoup d'autres langues.</p>
  42. <p>Je suis de temps en temps au Hackerspace <a href="http://breizh-entropy.org">Breizh-Entropy</a>.</p>
  43. </section>
  44. <section class="box-center" id="links">
  45. <h2>Liens</h2>
  46. <ul>
  47. <li>Code : <ul>
  48. <li><a href="/git">/git</a> (auto-hébergé)</li>
  49. <li><a rel="me" href="http://gitlab.com/lanodan">Gitlab</a></li>
  50. <li><a rel="me" href="http://github.com/lanodan">Github</a>(déprécié)</li>
  51. <li>J'ai aussi beaucoup de comptes sur différentes forges, Github est sans doute l'endroit où je contribue directement le moins au cours des dernières années car je préfère les projects auto-hébergés et que je l'évite le plus possible.</li>
  52. </ul></li>
  53. <li>Fediverse :<ul>
  54. <li>Pleroma (principal): <a rel="me" href="https://queer.hacktivis.me/users/lanodan">lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me</a></li>
  55. <li>Pleroma (alt, moins de restrictions de fédération): <a rel="me" href="https://shitposter.club/users/lanodan">lanodan@shitposter.club</a></li>
  56. <li>J'ai aussi d'autres comptes un peu partout mais qui sont gardé principalement pour les tests, ce qui est donc inutile à lister ici</li>
  57. </ul></li>
  58. <li><a href="https://steamcommunity.com/id/lanodan/">Profil Steam</a> (oui, je sais…)</li>
  59. </ul>
  60. </section>
  61. <section class="box-center" id="config">
  62. <h2>Mes machines</h2>
  63. <table>
  64. <thead>
  65. <tr><th>Hôte</th><th>OS</th><th>Carte Principale / SoC</th><th>CPU</th><th>Carte Graphique</th><th>HDD &amp; CD/DVD</th><th>RAM</th><th>Réseau</th><th>USB</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
  66. </thead>
  67. <!--#include file="about_hardware_tbody.html" -->
  68. </table>
  69. <p>Et toujours pas d’<a href="https://internetofshit.net/@internetofshit">Internet des Merdes</a> et de <a href="http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_%28Internet%29">Boîtes</a> Noires sur mon réseau. Cette liste est pas à jour, j'ai trop d'ordinateurs à cause des <a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinateur_%C3%A0_carte_unique">ordinateurs monocartes</a>.</p>
  70. </section>
  71. <!--#include file="./templates/fr/footer.shtml" -->
  72. </body>
  73. </html>
  74. <!-- Un grand merci à l’Internet Archive[http://web.archive.org] pour le fichier du 2014-08-26 21:02:56 récupéré le 2015-01-07 11:01:05. -->