

My custom branche(s) on git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma
commit: 841e4e4d835b8d1cecb33102356ca045571ef1fc
parent: 5b74976c8d8b00b66ba8c5dff9e83fbe357b0ee7
Author: lain <lain@soykaf.club>
Date:   Mon,  9 Mar 2020 13:36:21 +0000

Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'develop'

Better advice for vacuuming after restoring.

See merge request pleroma/pleroma!2233


1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/administration/backup.md b/docs/administration/backup.md @@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ 6. Run `sudo -Hu postgres pg_restore -d <pleroma_db> -v -1 </path/to/backup_location/pleroma.pgdump>` 7. If you installed a newer Pleroma version, you should run `mix ecto.migrate`[^1]. This task performs database migrations, if there were any. 8. Restart the Pleroma service. -9. After you've restarted Pleroma, you will notice that postgres will take up more cpu resources than usual. A lot in fact. To fix this you must do a VACUUM ANLAYZE. This can also be done while the instance is still running like so: - $ sudo -u postgres psql pleroma_database_name - pleroma=# VACUUM ANALYZE; +9. Run `sudo -Hu postgres vacuumdb --all --analyze-in-stages`. This will quickly generate the statistics so that postgres can properly plan queries. + [^1]: Prefix with `MIX_ENV=prod` to run it using the production config file. ## Remove