commit: 16944eb9dae2b8c41793b5f015ee54818bd939f7
parent a8e863e0d627b6ed9563d953ee2cc8c9f4c9ee7a
Author: lain <>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 17:47:12 +0000
Merge branch 'stable' into 'develop'
2.9.0 mergeback
See merge request pleroma/pleroma!4332
23 files changed, 1396 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -4,6 +4,33 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
+## 2.9.0
+### Security
+- Require HTTP signatures (if enabled) for routes used by both C2S and S2S AP API
+- Fix several spoofing vectors
+### Changed
+- Performance: Use 301 (permanent) redirect instead of 302 (temporary) when redirecting small images in media proxy. This allows browsers to cache the redirect response.
+### Added
+- Include "published" in actor view
+- Link to exported outbox/followers/following collections in backup actor.json
+- Hashtag following
+- Allow to specify post language
+### Fixed
+- Verify a local Update sent through AP C2S so users can only update their own objects
+- Fix Mastodon incoming edits with inlined "likes"
+- Allow incoming "Listen" activities
+- Fix missing check for domain presence in rich media ignore_host configuration
+- Fix Rich Media parsing of TwitterCards/OpenGraph to adhere to the spec and always choose the first image if multiple are provided.
+- Fix OpenGraph/TwitterCard meta tag ordering for posts with multiple attachments
+- Fix blurhash generation crashes
+### Removed
+- Retire MRFs DNSRBL, FODirectReply, and QuietReply
## 2.8.0
### Changed
diff --git a/changelog.d/c2s-update-verify.fix b/changelog.d/c2s-update-verify.fix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Verify a local Update sent through AP C2S so users can only update their own objects
diff --git a/changelog.d/ci-builder-skip-arm32.skip b/changelog.d/ci-builder-skip-arm32.skip
diff --git a/changelog.d/ b/changelog.d/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Require HTTP signatures (if enabled) for routes used by both C2S and S2S AP API
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/changelog.d/hexpm-build-images.skip b/changelog.d/hexpm-build-images.skip
diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
@@ -150,7 +150,10 @@ config :mime, :types, %{
"application/xrd+xml" => ["xrd+xml"],
"application/jrd+json" => ["jrd+json"],
"application/activity+json" => ["activity+json"],
- "application/ld+json" => ["activity+json"]
+ "application/ld+json" => ["activity+json"],
+ # Can be removed when bumping MIME past 2.0.5
+ # see
+ "image/apng" => ["apng"]
config :tesla, adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Hackney
@@ -359,7 +362,8 @@ config :pleroma, :activitypub,
follow_handshake_timeout: 500,
note_replies_output_limit: 5,
sign_object_fetches: true,
- authorized_fetch_mode: false
+ authorized_fetch_mode: false,
+ client_api_enabled: false
config :pleroma, :streamer,
workers: 3,
diff --git a/config/description.exs b/config/description.exs
@@ -1772,6 +1772,11 @@ config :pleroma, :config_description, [
type: :integer,
description: "Following handshake timeout",
suggestions: [500]
+ },
+ %{
+ key: :client_api_enabled,
+ type: :boolean,
+ description: "Allow client to server ActivityPub interactions"
diff --git a/config/test.exs b/config/test.exs
@@ -38,7 +38,10 @@ config :pleroma, :instance,
external_user_synchronization: false,
static_dir: "test/instance_static/"
-config :pleroma, :activitypub, sign_object_fetches: false, follow_handshake_timeout: 0
+config :pleroma, :activitypub,
+ sign_object_fetches: false,
+ follow_handshake_timeout: 0,
+ client_api_enabled: true
# Configure your database
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo,
diff --git a/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/emoji.ex b/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/emoji.ex
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji do
files = fetch_and_decode!(files_loc)
+ files_to_unzip = for({_, f} <- files, do: f)
IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format(["Unpacking ", :bright, pack_name]))
@@ -103,17 +104,7 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji do
- files_to_unzip =
- files,
- fn {_, f} -> to_charlist(f) end
- )
- {:ok, _} =
- :zip.unzip(binary_archive,
- cwd: String.to_charlist(pack_path),
- file_list: files_to_unzip
- )
+ {:ok, _} = Pleroma.SafeZip.unzip_data(binary_archive, pack_path, files_to_unzip)
IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format(["Writing pack.json for ", :bright, pack_name]))
@@ -201,7 +192,7 @@ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji do
tmp_pack_dir = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "emoji-pack-#{name}")
- {:ok, _} = :zip.unzip(binary_archive, cwd: String.to_charlist(tmp_pack_dir))
+ {:ok, _} = Pleroma.SafeZip.unzip_data(binary_archive, tmp_pack_dir)
emoji_map = Pleroma.Emoji.Loader.make_shortcode_to_file_map(tmp_pack_dir, exts)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex b/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
alias Pleroma.Emoji
alias Pleroma.Emoji.Pack
+ alias Pleroma.SafeZip
alias Pleroma.Utils
@spec create(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values}
def create(name) do
with :ok <- validate_not_empty([name]),
- dir <- Path.join(emoji_path(), name),
+ dir <- path_join_name_safe(emoji_path(), name),
:ok <- File.mkdir(dir) do
save_pack(%__MODULE__{pack_file: Path.join(dir, "pack.json")})
@@ -65,43 +66,21 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
{:ok, [binary()]} | {:error, File.posix(), binary()} | {:error, :empty_values}
def delete(name) do
with :ok <- validate_not_empty([name]),
- pack_path <- Path.join(emoji_path(), name) do
+ pack_path <- path_join_name_safe(emoji_path(), name) do
- @spec unpack_zip_emojies(list(tuple())) :: list(map())
- defp unpack_zip_emojies(zip_files) do
- Enum.reduce(zip_files, [], fn
- {_, path, s, _, _, _}, acc when elem(s, 2) == :regular ->
- with(
- filename <- Path.basename(path),
- shortcode <- Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename)),
- false <- Emoji.exist?(shortcode)
- ) do
- [%{path: path, filename: path, shortcode: shortcode} | acc]
- else
- _ -> acc
- end
- _, acc ->
- acc
- end)
- end
@spec add_file(t(), String.t(), Path.t(), Plug.Upload.t()) ::
{:ok, t()}
| {:error, File.posix() | atom()}
def add_file(%Pack{} = pack, _, _, %Plug.Upload{content_type: "application/zip"} = file) do
- with {:ok, zip_files} <- :zip.table(to_charlist(file.path)),
- [_ | _] = emojies <- unpack_zip_emojies(zip_files),
+ with {:ok, zip_files} <- SafeZip.list_dir_file(file.path),
+ [_ | _] = emojies <- map_zip_emojies(zip_files),
{:ok, tmp_dir} <- Utils.tmp_dir("emoji") do
try do
{:ok, _emoji_files} =
- :zip.unzip(
- to_charlist(file.path),
- [{:file_list,, & &1[:path])}, {:cwd, String.to_charlist(tmp_dir)}]
- )
+ SafeZip.unzip_file(file.path, tmp_dir,, & &1[:path]))
{_, updated_pack} =
Enum.map_reduce(emojies, pack, fn item, emoji_pack ->
@@ -292,7 +271,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
@spec load_pack(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :file.posix()}
def load_pack(name) do
name = Path.basename(name)
- pack_file = Path.join([emoji_path(), name, "pack.json"])
+ pack_file = path_join_name_safe(emoji_path(), name) |> Path.join("pack.json")
with {:ok, _} <- File.stat(pack_file),
{:ok, pack_data} <- do
@@ -416,10 +395,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
defp create_archive_and_cache(pack, hash) do
- files = [~c"pack.json" |, fn {_, file} -> to_charlist(file) end)]
- {:ok, {_, result}} =
-"#{}.zip", files, [:memory, cwd: to_charlist(pack.path)])
+ pack_file_list = Enum.into(pack.files, [], fn {_, f} -> f end)
+ files = ["pack.json" | pack_file_list]
+ {:ok, {_, result}} ="#{}.zip", files, pack.path, true)
ttl_per_file = Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file])
overall_ttl = :timer.seconds(ttl_per_file * Enum.count(files))
@@ -478,7 +456,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
defp save_file(%Plug.Upload{path: upload_path}, pack, filename) do
- file_path = Path.join(pack.path, filename)
+ file_path = path_join_safe(pack.path, filename)
with {:ok, _} <- File.copy(upload_path, file_path) do
@@ -497,8 +475,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
defp rename_file(pack, filename, new_filename) do
- old_path = Path.join(pack.path, filename)
- new_path = Path.join(pack.path, new_filename)
+ old_path = path_join_safe(pack.path, filename)
+ new_path = path_join_safe(pack.path, new_filename)
with :ok <- File.rename(old_path, new_path) do
@@ -516,7 +494,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
defp remove_file(pack, shortcode) do
with {:ok, filename} <- get_filename(pack, shortcode),
- emoji <- Path.join(pack.path, filename),
+ emoji <- path_join_safe(pack.path, filename),
:ok <- File.rm(emoji) do
remove_dir_if_empty(emoji, filename)
@@ -534,7 +512,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
defp get_filename(pack, shortcode) do
with %{^shortcode => filename} when is_binary(filename) <- pack.files,
- file_path <- Path.join(pack.path, filename),
+ file_path <- path_join_safe(pack.path, filename),
{:ok, _} <- File.stat(file_path) do
{:ok, filename}
@@ -584,11 +562,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
defp unzip(archive, pack_info, remote_pack, local_pack) do
with :ok <- File.mkdir_p!(local_pack.path) do
- files =["files"], fn {_, path} -> to_charlist(path) end)
+ files =["files"], fn {_, path} -> path end)
# Fallback cannot contain a pack.json file
- files = if pack_info[:fallback], do: files, else: [~c"pack.json" | files]
- :zip.unzip(archive, cwd: to_charlist(local_pack.path), file_list: files)
+ files = if pack_info[:fallback], do: files, else: ["pack.json" | files]
+ SafeZip.unzip_data(archive, local_pack.path, files)
@@ -649,13 +626,43 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
defp validate_has_all_files(pack, zip) do
- with {:ok, f_list} <- :zip.unzip(zip, [:memory]) do
- # Check if all files from the pack.json are in the archive
- pack.files
- |> Enum.all?(fn {_, from_manifest} ->
- List.keyfind(f_list, to_charlist(from_manifest), 0)
+ # Check if all files from the pack.json are in the archive
+ eset =
+ Enum.reduce(pack.files,, fn
+ {_, file}, s -> MapSet.put(s, to_charlist(file))
- |> if(do: :ok, else: {:error, :incomplete})
+ if SafeZip.contains_all_data?(zip, eset),
+ do: :ok,
+ else: {:error, :incomplete}
+ end
+ defp path_join_name_safe(dir, name) do
+ if to_string(name) != Path.basename(name) or name in ["..", ".", ""] do
+ raise "Invalid or malicious pack name: #{name}"
+ else
+ Path.join(dir, name)
+ defp path_join_safe(dir, path) do
+ {:ok, safe_path} = Path.safe_relative(path)
+ Path.join(dir, safe_path)
+ end
+ defp map_zip_emojies(zip_files) do
+ Enum.reduce(zip_files, [], fn path, acc ->
+ with(
+ filename <- Path.basename(path),
+ shortcode <- Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename)),
+ # note: this only checks the shortcode, if an emoji already exists on the same path, but
+ # with a different shortcode, the existing one will be degraded to an alias of the new
+ false <- Emoji.exist?(shortcode)
+ ) do
+ [%{path: path, filename: path, shortcode: shortcode} | acc]
+ else
+ _ -> acc
+ end
+ end)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/frontend.ex b/lib/pleroma/frontend.ex
@@ -65,24 +65,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Frontend do
def unzip(zip, dest) do
- with {:ok, unzipped} <- :zip.unzip(zip, [:memory]) do
- File.rm_rf!(dest)
- File.mkdir_p!(dest)
- Enum.each(unzipped, fn {filename, data} ->
- path = filename
- new_file_path = Path.join(dest, path)
- path
- |> Path.dirname()
- |> then(&Path.join(dest, &1))
- |> File.mkdir_p!()
+ File.rm_rf!(dest)
+ File.mkdir_p!(dest)
- if not File.dir?(new_file_path) do
- File.write!(new_file_path, data)
- end
- end)
+ case Pleroma.SafeZip.unzip_data(zip, dest) do
+ {:ok, _} -> :ok
+ error -> error
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/safe_zip.ex b/lib/pleroma/safe_zip.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# Akkoma: Magically expressive social media
+# Copyright © 2024 Akkoma Authors <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.SafeZip do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Wraps the subset of Erlang's zip module we’d like to use
+ but enforces path-traversal safety everywhere and other checks.
+ For convenience almost all functions accept both elixir strings and charlists,
+ but output elixir strings themselves. However, this means the input parameter type
+ can no longer be used to distinguish archive file paths from archive binary data in memory,
+ thus where needed both a _data and _file variant are provided.
+ """
+ @type text() :: String.t() | [char()]
+ defp safe_path?(path) do
+ # Path accepts elixir’s chardata()
+ case Path.safe_relative(path) do
+ {:ok, _} -> true
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end
+ defp safe_type?(file_type) do
+ if file_type in [:regular, :directory] do
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ defp maybe_add_file(_type, _path_charlist, nil), do: nil
+ defp maybe_add_file(:regular, path_charlist, file_list),
+ do: [to_string(path_charlist) | file_list]
+ defp maybe_add_file(_type, _path_charlist, file_list), do: file_list
+ @spec check_safe_archive_and_maybe_list_files(binary() | [char()], [term()], boolean()) ::
+ {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ defp check_safe_archive_and_maybe_list_files(archive, opts, list) do
+ acc = if list, do: [], else: nil
+ with {:ok, table} <- :zip.table(archive, opts) do
+ Enum.reduce_while(table, {:ok, acc}, fn
+ # ZIP comment
+ {:zip_comment, _}, acc ->
+ {:cont, acc}
+ # File entry
+ {:zip_file, path, info, _comment, _offset, _comp_size}, {:ok, fl} ->
+ with {_, type} <- {:get_type, elem(info, 2)},
+ {_, true} <- {:type, safe_type?(type)},
+ {_, true} <- {:safe_path, safe_path?(path)} do
+ {:cont, {:ok, maybe_add_file(type, path, fl)}}
+ else
+ {:get_type, e} ->
+ {:halt,
+ {:error, "Couldn't determine file type of ZIP entry at #{path} (#{inspect(e)})"}}
+ {:type, _} ->
+ {:halt, {:error, "Potentially unsafe file type in ZIP at: #{path}"}}
+ {:safe_path, _} ->
+ {:halt, {:error, "Unsafe path in ZIP: #{path}"}}
+ end
+ # new OTP version?
+ _, _acc ->
+ {:halt, {:error, "Unknown ZIP record type"}}
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ @spec check_safe_archive_and_list_files(binary() | [char()], [term()]) ::
+ {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ defp check_safe_archive_and_list_files(archive, opts \\ []) do
+ check_safe_archive_and_maybe_list_files(archive, opts, true)
+ end
+ @spec check_safe_archive(binary() | [char()], [term()]) :: :ok | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ defp check_safe_archive(archive, opts \\ []) do
+ case check_safe_archive_and_maybe_list_files(archive, opts, false) do
+ {:ok, _} -> :ok
+ error -> error
+ end
+ end
+ @spec check_safe_file_list([text()], text()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}
+ defp check_safe_file_list([], _), do: :ok
+ defp check_safe_file_list([path | tail], cwd) do
+ with {_, true} <- {:path, safe_path?(path)},
+ {_, {:ok, fstat}} <- {:stat, File.stat(Path.expand(path, cwd))},
+ {_, true} <- {:type, safe_type?(fstat.type)} do
+ check_safe_file_list(tail, cwd)
+ else
+ {:path, _} ->
+ {:error, "Unsafe path escaping cwd: #{path}"}
+ {:stat, e} ->
+ {:error, "Unable to check file type of #{path}: #{inspect(e)}"}
+ {:type, _} ->
+ {:error, "Unsafe type at #{path}"}
+ end
+ end
+ defp check_safe_file_list(_, _), do: {:error, "Malformed file_list"}
+ @doc """
+ Checks whether the archive data contais file entries for all paths from fset
+ Note this really only accepts entries corresponding to regular _files_,
+ if a path is contained as for example an directory, this does not count as a match.
+ """
+ @spec contains_all_data?(binary(), MapSet.t()) :: true | false
+ def contains_all_data?(archive_data, fset) do
+ with {:ok, table} <- :zip.table(archive_data) do
+ remaining =
+ Enum.reduce(table, fset, fn
+ {:zip_file, path, info, _comment, _offset, _comp_size}, fset ->
+ if elem(info, 2) == :regular do
+ MapSet.delete(fset, path)
+ else
+ fset
+ end
+ _, _ ->
+ fset
+ end)
+ |> MapSet.size()
+ if remaining == 0, do: true, else: false
+ else
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ List all file entries in ZIP, or error if invalid or unsafe.
+ Note this really only lists regular files, no directories, ZIP comments or other types!
+ """
+ @spec list_dir_file(text()) :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ def list_dir_file(archive) do
+ path = to_charlist(archive)
+ check_safe_archive_and_list_files(path)
+ end
+ defp stringify_zip({:ok, {fname, data}}), do: {:ok, {to_string(fname), data}}
+ defp stringify_zip({:ok, fname}), do: {:ok, to_string(fname)}
+ defp stringify_zip(ret), do: ret
+ @spec zip(text(), text(), [text()], boolean()) ::
+ {:ok, file_name :: String.t()}
+ | {:ok, {file_name :: String.t(), file_data :: binary()}}
+ | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ def zip(name, file_list, cwd, memory \\ false) do
+ opts = [{:cwd, to_charlist(cwd)}]
+ opts = if memory, do: [:memory | opts], else: opts
+ with :ok <- check_safe_file_list(file_list, cwd) do
+ file_list = for f <- file_list, do: to_charlist(f)
+ name = to_charlist(name)
+ stringify_zip(, file_list, opts))
+ end
+ end
+ @spec unzip_file(text(), text(), [text()] | nil) ::
+ {:ok, [String.t()]}
+ | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ | {:error, {name :: text(), reason :: term()}}
+ def unzip_file(archive, target_dir, file_list \\ nil) do
+ do_unzip(to_charlist(archive), to_charlist(target_dir), file_list)
+ end
+ @spec unzip_data(binary(), text(), [text()] | nil) ::
+ {:ok, [String.t()]}
+ | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ | {:error, {name :: text(), reason :: term()}}
+ def unzip_data(archive, target_dir, file_list \\ nil) do
+ do_unzip(archive, to_charlist(target_dir), file_list)
+ end
+ defp stringify_unzip({:ok, [{_fname, _data} | _] = filebinlist}),
+ do: {:ok,, fn {fname, data} -> {to_string(fname), data} end)}
+ defp stringify_unzip({:ok, [_fname | _] = filelist}),
+ do: {:ok,, fn fname -> to_string(fname) end)}
+ defp stringify_unzip({:error, {fname, term}}), do: {:error, {to_string(fname), term}}
+ defp stringify_unzip(ret), do: ret
+ @spec do_unzip(binary() | [char()], text(), [text()] | nil) ::
+ {:ok, [String.t()]}
+ | {:error, reason :: term()}
+ | {:error, {name :: text(), reason :: term()}}
+ defp do_unzip(archive, target_dir, file_list) do
+ opts =
+ if file_list != nil do
+ [
+ file_list: for(f <- file_list, do: to_charlist(f)),
+ cwd: target_dir
+ ]
+ else
+ [cwd: target_dir]
+ end
+ with :ok <- check_safe_archive(archive) do
+ stringify_unzip(:zip.unzip(archive, opts))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/user/backup.ex b/lib/pleroma/user/backup.ex
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User.Backup do
alias Pleroma.Bookmark
alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.Repo
+ alias Pleroma.SafeZip
alias Pleroma.Uploaders.Uploader
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
@@ -179,12 +180,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User.Backup do
@files [
- ~c"actor.json",
- ~c"outbox.json",
- ~c"likes.json",
- ~c"bookmarks.json",
- ~c"followers.json",
- ~c"following.json"
+ "actor.json",
+ "outbox.json",
+ "likes.json",
+ "bookmarks.json",
+ "followers.json",
+ "following.json"
@spec run(t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :failed}
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.User.Backup do
{_, :ok} <- {:followers, followers(backup.tempdir, backup.user)},
{_, :ok} <- {:following, following(backup.tempdir, backup.user)},
{_, {:ok, _zip_path}} <-
- {:zip, :zip.create(to_charlist(tempfile), @files, cwd: to_charlist(backup.tempdir))},
+ {:zip,, @files, backup.tempdir)},
{_, {:ok, %File.Stat{size: zip_size}}} <- {:filestat, File.stat(tempfile)},
{:ok, updated_backup} <- update_record(backup, %{file_size: zip_size}) do
{:ok, updated_backup}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier.ex
@@ -43,6 +43,38 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
|> fix_content_map()
|> fix_addressing()
|> fix_summary()
+ |> fix_history(&fix_object/1)
+ end
+ defp maybe_fix_object(%{"attributedTo" => _} = object), do: fix_object(object)
+ defp maybe_fix_object(object), do: object
+ defp fix_history(%{"formerRepresentations" => %{"orderedItems" => list}} = obj, fix_fun)
+ when is_list(list) do
+ update_in(obj["formerRepresentations"]["orderedItems"], fn h ->, fix_fun) end)
+ end
+ defp fix_history(obj, _), do: obj
+ defp fix_recursive(obj, fun) do
+ # unlike Erlang, Elixir does not support recursive inline functions
+ # which would allow us to avoid reconstructing this on every recursion
+ rec_fun = fn
+ obj when is_map(obj) -> fix_recursive(obj, fun)
+ # there may be simple AP IDs in history (or object field)
+ obj -> obj
+ end
+ obj
+ |> fun.()
+ |> fix_history(rec_fun)
+ |> then(fn
+ %{"object" => object} = doc when is_map(object) ->
+ update_in(doc["object"], rec_fun)
+ apdoc ->
+ apdoc
+ end)
def fix_summary(%{"summary" => nil} = object) do
@@ -375,11 +407,18 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
- def handle_incoming(data, options \\ [])
+ def handle_incoming(data, options \\ []) do
+ data
+ |> fix_recursive(&strip_internal_fields/1)
+ |> handle_incoming_normalized(options)
+ end
# Flag objects are placed ahead of the ID check because Mastodon 2.8 and earlier send them
# with nil ID.
- def handle_incoming(%{"type" => "Flag", "object" => objects, "actor" => actor} = data, _options) do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{"type" => "Flag", "object" => objects, "actor" => actor} = data,
+ _options
+ ) do
with context <- data["context"] || Utils.generate_context_id(),
content <- data["content"] || "",
%User{} = actor <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(actor),
@@ -400,16 +439,17 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
# disallow objects with bogus IDs
- def handle_incoming(%{"id" => nil}, _options), do: :error
- def handle_incoming(%{"id" => ""}, _options), do: :error
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(%{"id" => nil}, _options), do: :error
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(%{"id" => ""}, _options), do: :error
# length of https:// = 8, should validate better, but good enough for now.
- def handle_incoming(%{"id" => id}, _options) when is_binary(id) and byte_size(id) < 8,
- do: :error
- def handle_incoming(
- %{"type" => "Listen", "object" => %{"type" => "Audio"} = object} = data,
- options
- ) do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(%{"id" => id}, _options)
+ when is_binary(id) and byte_size(id) < 8,
+ do: :error
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{"type" => "Listen", "object" => %{"type" => "Audio"} = object} = data,
+ options
+ ) do
actor = Containment.get_actor(data)
data =
@@ -451,25 +491,25 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
"star" => "⭐"
- @doc "Rewrite misskey likes into EmojiReacts"
- def handle_incoming(
- %{
- "type" => "Like",
- "_misskey_reaction" => reaction
- } = data,
- options
- ) do
+ # Rewrite misskey likes into EmojiReacts
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{
+ "type" => "Like",
+ "_misskey_reaction" => reaction
+ } = data,
+ options
+ ) do
|> Map.put("type", "EmojiReact")
|> Map.put("content", @misskey_reactions[reaction] || reaction)
- |> handle_incoming(options)
+ |> handle_incoming_normalized(options)
- def handle_incoming(
- %{"type" => "Create", "object" => %{"type" => objtype, "id" => obj_id}} = data,
- options
- )
- when objtype in ~w{Question Answer ChatMessage Audio Video Event Article Note Page Image} do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{"type" => "Create", "object" => %{"type" => objtype, "id" => obj_id}} = data,
+ options
+ )
+ when objtype in ~w{Question Answer ChatMessage Audio Video Event Article Note Page Image} do
fetch_options = Keyword.put(options, :depth, (options[:depth] || 0) + 1)
object =
@@ -492,8 +532,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
- def handle_incoming(%{"type" => type} = data, _options)
- when type in ~w{Like EmojiReact Announce Add Remove} do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(%{"type" => type} = data, _options)
+ when type in ~w{Like EmojiReact Announce Add Remove} do
with :ok <- ObjectValidator.fetch_actor_and_object(data),
{:ok, activity, _meta} <-
Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do
@@ -503,11 +543,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
- def handle_incoming(
- %{"type" => type} = data,
- _options
- )
- when type in ~w{Update Block Follow Accept Reject} do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{"type" => type} = data,
+ _options
+ )
+ when type in ~w{Update Block Follow Accept Reject} do
+ fixed_obj = maybe_fix_object(data["object"])
+ data = if fixed_obj != nil, do: %{data | "object" => fixed_obj}, else: data
with {:ok, %User{}} <- ObjectValidator.fetch_actor(data),
{:ok, activity, _} <-
Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do
@@ -515,10 +558,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
- def handle_incoming(
- %{"type" => "Delete"} = data,
- _options
- ) do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{"type" => "Delete"} = data,
+ _options
+ ) do
with {:ok, activity, _} <-
Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do
{:ok, activity}
@@ -541,15 +584,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
- def handle_incoming(
- %{
- "type" => "Undo",
- "object" => %{"type" => "Follow", "object" => followed},
- "actor" => follower,
- "id" => id
- } = _data,
- _options
- ) do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{
+ "type" => "Undo",
+ "object" => %{"type" => "Follow", "object" => followed},
+ "actor" => follower,
+ "id" => id
+ } = _data,
+ _options
+ ) do
with %User{local: true} = followed <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(followed),
{:ok, %User{} = follower} <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(follower),
{:ok, activity} <- ActivityPub.unfollow(follower, followed, id, false) do
@@ -560,46 +603,46 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
- def handle_incoming(
- %{
- "type" => "Undo",
- "object" => %{"type" => type}
- } = data,
- _options
- )
- when type in ["Like", "EmojiReact", "Announce", "Block"] do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{
+ "type" => "Undo",
+ "object" => %{"type" => type}
+ } = data,
+ _options
+ )
+ when type in ["Like", "EmojiReact", "Announce", "Block"] do
with {:ok, activity, _} <- Pipeline.common_pipeline(data, local: false) do
{:ok, activity}
# For Undos that don't have the complete object attached, try to find it in our database.
- def handle_incoming(
- %{
- "type" => "Undo",
- "object" => object
- } = activity,
- options
- )
- when is_binary(object) do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{
+ "type" => "Undo",
+ "object" => object
+ } = activity,
+ options
+ )
+ when is_binary(object) do
with %Activity{data: data} <- Activity.get_by_ap_id(object) do
|> Map.put("object", data)
- |> handle_incoming(options)
+ |> handle_incoming_normalized(options)
_e -> :error
- def handle_incoming(
- %{
- "type" => "Move",
- "actor" => origin_actor,
- "object" => origin_actor,
- "target" => target_actor
- },
- _options
- ) do
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(
+ %{
+ "type" => "Move",
+ "actor" => origin_actor,
+ "object" => origin_actor,
+ "target" => target_actor
+ },
+ _options
+ ) do
with %User{} = origin_user <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(origin_actor),
{:ok, %User{} = target_user} <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(target_actor),
true <- origin_actor in target_user.also_known_as do
@@ -609,7 +652,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do
- def handle_incoming(_, _), do: :error
+ defp handle_incoming_normalized(_, _), do: :error
@spec get_obj_helper(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Object.t()} | nil
def get_obj_helper(id, options \\ []) do
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ap_client_api_enabled_plug.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ap_client_api_enabled_plug.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2024 Pleroma Authors <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.Plugs.APClientApiEnabledPlug do
+ import Plug.Conn
+ import Phoenix.Controller, only: [text: 2]
+ @config_impl Application.compile_env(:pleroma, [__MODULE__, :config_impl], Pleroma.Config)
+ @enabled_path [:activitypub, :client_api_enabled]
+ def init(options \\ []), do:
+ def call(conn, %{allow_server: true}) do
+ if @config_impl.get(@enabled_path, false) do
+ conn
+ else
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, nil)
+ |> assign(:token, nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def call(conn, _) do
+ if @config_impl.get(@enabled_path, false) do
+ conn
+ else
+ conn
+ |> put_status(:forbidden)
+ |> text("C2S not enabled")
+ |> halt()
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/plugs/http_signature_plug.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/plugs/http_signature_plug.ex
@@ -19,8 +19,16 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Plugs.HTTPSignaturePlug do
- def call(%{assigns: %{valid_signature: true}} = conn, _opts) do
- conn
+ def call(%{assigns: %{valid_signature: true}} = conn, _opts), do: conn
+ # skip for C2S requests from authenticated users
+ def call(%{assigns: %{user: %Pleroma.User{}}} = conn, _opts) do
+ if get_format(conn) in ["json", "activity+json"] do
+ # ensure access token is provided for 2FA
+, %{})
+ else
+ conn
+ end
def call(conn, _opts) do
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
@@ -907,22 +907,37 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
# Client to Server (C2S) AP interactions
pipeline :activitypub_client do
+ plug(Pleroma.Web.Plugs.APClientApiEnabledPlug)
+ # AP interactions used by both S2S and C2S
+ pipeline :activitypub_server_or_client do
+ plug(:ap_service_actor)
+ plug(:fetch_session)
+ plug(:authenticate)
+ plug(Pleroma.Web.Plugs.APClientApiEnabledPlug, allow_server: true)
+ plug(:after_auth)
+ plug(:http_signature)
+ end
scope "/", Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub do
get("/api/ap/whoami", ActivityPubController, :whoami)
get("/users/:nickname/inbox", ActivityPubController, :read_inbox)
- get("/users/:nickname/outbox", ActivityPubController, :outbox)
post("/users/:nickname/outbox", ActivityPubController, :update_outbox)
post("/api/ap/upload_media", ActivityPubController, :upload_media)
+ end
+ scope "/", Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub do
+ pipe_through([:activitypub_server_or_client])
+ get("/users/:nickname/outbox", ActivityPubController, :outbox)
- # The following two are S2S as well, see `ActivityPub.fetch_follow_information_for_user/1`:
get("/users/:nickname/followers", ActivityPubController, :followers)
get("/users/:nickname/following", ActivityPubController, :following)
get("/users/:nickname/collections/featured", ActivityPubController, :pinned)
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Mixfile do
def project do
app: :pleroma,
- version: version("2.8.0"),
+ version: version("2.9.0"),
elixir: "~> 1.14",
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
compilers: Mix.compilers(),
diff --git a/test/pleroma/emoji/pack_test.exs b/test/pleroma/emoji/pack_test.exs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.PackTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
+ alias Pleroma.Emoji
alias Pleroma.Emoji.Pack
@emoji_path Path.join(
@@ -53,6 +54,63 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.PackTest do
assert updated_pack.files_count == 5
+ test "skips existing emojis when adding from zip file", %{pack: pack} do
+ # First, let's create a test pack with a "bear" emoji
+ test_pack_path = Path.join(@emoji_path, "test_bear_pack")
+ File.mkdir_p(test_pack_path)
+ # Create a pack.json file
+ File.write!(Path.join(test_pack_path, "pack.json"), """
+ {
+ "files": { "bear": "bear.png" },
+ "pack": {
+ "description": "Bear Pack", "homepage": "",
+ "license": "Test license", "share-files": true
+ }}
+ """)
+ # Copy a test image to use as the bear emoji
+ File.cp!(
+ Path.absname("test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack/blank.png"),
+ Path.join(test_pack_path, "bear.png")
+ )
+ # Load the pack to register the "bear" emoji in the global registry
+ {:ok, _bear_pack} = Pleroma.Emoji.Pack.load_pack("test_bear_pack")
+ # Reload emoji to make sure the bear emoji is in the global registry
+ Emoji.reload()
+ # Verify that the bear emoji exists in the global registry
+ assert Emoji.exist?("bear")
+ # Now try to add a zip file that contains an emoji with the same shortcode
+ file = %Plug.Upload{
+ content_type: "application/zip",
+ filename: "",
+ path: Path.absname("test/fixtures/")
+ }
+ {:ok, updated_pack} = Pack.add_file(pack, nil, nil, file)
+ # Verify that the "bear" emoji was skipped
+ refute Map.has_key?(updated_pack.files, "bear")
+ # Other emojis should be added
+ assert Map.has_key?(updated_pack.files, "a_trusted_friend-128")
+ assert Map.has_key?(updated_pack.files, "auroraborealis")
+ assert Map.has_key?(updated_pack.files, "baby_in_a_box")
+ assert Map.has_key?(updated_pack.files, "bear-128")
+ # Total count should be 4 (all emojis except "bear")
+ assert updated_pack.files_count == 4
+ # Clean up the test pack
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ File.rm_rf!(test_pack_path)
+ end)
+ end
test "returns error when zip file is bad", %{pack: pack} do
diff --git a/test/pleroma/safe_zip_test.exs b/test/pleroma/safe_zip_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+defmodule Pleroma.SafeZipTest do
+ # Not making this async because it creates and deletes files
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ alias Pleroma.SafeZip
+ @fixtures_dir "test/fixtures"
+ @tmp_dir "test/zip_tmp"
+ setup do
+ # Ensure tmp directory exists
+ File.mkdir_p!(@tmp_dir)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ # Clean up any files created during tests
+ File.rm_rf!(@tmp_dir)
+ File.mkdir_p!(@tmp_dir)
+ end)
+ :ok
+ end
+ describe "list_dir_file/1" do
+ test "lists files in a valid zip" do
+ {:ok, files} = SafeZip.list_dir_file(Path.join(@fixtures_dir, ""))
+ assert is_list(files)
+ assert length(files) > 0
+ end
+ test "returns an empty list for empty zip" do
+ {:ok, files} = SafeZip.list_dir_file(Path.join(@fixtures_dir, ""))
+ assert files == []
+ end
+ test "returns error for non-existent file" do
+ assert {:error, _} = SafeZip.list_dir_file(Path.join(@fixtures_dir, ""))
+ end
+ test "only lists regular files, not directories" do
+ # Create a zip with both files and directories
+ zip_path = create_zip_with_directory()
+ # List files with SafeZip
+ {:ok, files} = SafeZip.list_dir_file(zip_path)
+ # Verify only regular files are listed, not directories
+ assert "file_in_dir/test_file.txt" in files
+ assert "root_file.txt" in files
+ # Directory entries should not be included in the list
+ refute "file_in_dir/" in files
+ end
+ end
+ describe "contains_all_data?/2" do
+ test "returns true when all files are in the archive" do
+ # For this test, we'll create our own zip file with known content
+ # to ensure we can test the contains_all_data? function properly
+ zip_path = create_zip_with_directory()
+ archive_data =!(zip_path)
+ # Check if the archive contains the root file
+ # Note: The function expects charlists (Erlang strings) in the MapSet
+ assert SafeZip.contains_all_data?(archive_data,[~c"root_file.txt"]))
+ end
+ test "returns false when files are missing" do
+ archive_path = Path.join(@fixtures_dir, "")
+ archive_data =!(archive_path)
+ # Create a MapSet with non-existent files
+ fset =[~c"nonexistent.txt"])
+ refute SafeZip.contains_all_data?(archive_data, fset)
+ end
+ test "returns false for invalid archive data" do
+ refute SafeZip.contains_all_data?("invalid data",[~c"file.txt"]))
+ end
+ test "only checks for regular files, not directories" do
+ # Create a zip with both files and directories
+ zip_path = create_zip_with_directory()
+ archive_data =!(zip_path)
+ # Check if the archive contains a directory (should return false)
+ refute SafeZip.contains_all_data?(archive_data,[~c"file_in_dir/"]))
+ # For this test, we'll manually check if the file exists in the archive
+ # by extracting it and verifying it exists
+ extract_dir = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "extract_check")
+ File.mkdir_p!(extract_dir)
+ {:ok, files} = SafeZip.unzip_file(zip_path, extract_dir)
+ # Verify the root file was extracted
+ assert Enum.any?(files, fn file ->
+ Path.basename(file) == "root_file.txt"
+ end)
+ # Verify the file exists on disk
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join(extract_dir, "root_file.txt"))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "zip/4" do
+ test "creates a zip file on disk" do
+ # Create a test file
+ test_file_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "test_file.txt")
+ File.write!(test_file_path, "test content")
+ # Create a zip file
+ zip_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ assert {:ok, ^zip_path} =, ["test_file.txt"], @tmp_dir, false)
+ # Verify the zip file exists
+ assert File.exists?(zip_path)
+ end
+ test "creates a zip file in memory" do
+ # Create a test file
+ test_file_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "test_file.txt")
+ File.write!(test_file_path, "test content")
+ # Create a zip file in memory
+ zip_name = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ assert {:ok, {^zip_name, zip_data}} =
+, ["test_file.txt"], @tmp_dir, true)
+ # Verify the zip data is binary
+ assert is_binary(zip_data)
+ end
+ test "returns error for unsafe paths" do
+ # Try to zip a file with path traversal
+ assert {:error, _} =
+ Path.join(@tmp_dir, ""),
+ ["../fixtures/test.txt"],
+ @tmp_dir,
+ false
+ )
+ end
+ test "can create zip with directories" do
+ # Create a directory structure
+ dir_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "test_dir")
+ File.mkdir_p!(dir_path)
+ file_in_dir_path = Path.join(dir_path, "file_in_dir.txt")
+ File.write!(file_in_dir_path, "file in directory")
+ # Create a zip file
+ zip_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ assert {:ok, ^zip_path} =
+ zip_path,
+ ["test_dir/file_in_dir.txt"],
+ @tmp_dir,
+ false
+ )
+ # Verify the zip file exists
+ assert File.exists?(zip_path)
+ # Extract and verify the directory structure is preserved
+ extract_dir = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "extract")
+ {:ok, files} = SafeZip.unzip_file(zip_path, extract_dir)
+ # Check if the file path is in the list, accounting for possible full paths
+ assert Enum.any?(files, fn file ->
+ String.ends_with?(file, "file_in_dir.txt")
+ end)
+ # Verify the file exists in the expected location
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join([extract_dir, "test_dir", "file_in_dir.txt"]))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "unzip_file/3" do
+ @tag :skip
+ test "extracts files from a zip archive" do
+ archive_path = Path.join(@fixtures_dir, "")
+ # Extract the archive
+ assert {:ok, files} = SafeZip.unzip_file(archive_path, @tmp_dir)
+ # Verify files were extracted
+ assert is_list(files)
+ assert length(files) > 0
+ # Verify at least one file exists
+ first_file = List.first(files)
+ # Simply check that the file exists in the tmp directory
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join(@tmp_dir, Path.basename(first_file)))
+ end
+ test "extracts specific files from a zip archive" do
+ archive_path = Path.join(@fixtures_dir, "")
+ # Get list of files in the archive
+ {:ok, all_files} = SafeZip.list_dir_file(archive_path)
+ file_to_extract = List.first(all_files)
+ # Extract only one file
+ assert {:ok, [extracted_file]} =
+ SafeZip.unzip_file(archive_path, @tmp_dir, [file_to_extract])
+ # Verify only the specified file was extracted
+ assert Path.basename(extracted_file) == Path.basename(file_to_extract)
+ # Check that the file exists in the tmp directory
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join(@tmp_dir, Path.basename(file_to_extract)))
+ end
+ test "returns error for invalid zip file" do
+ invalid_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ File.write!(invalid_path, "not a zip file")
+ assert {:error, _} = SafeZip.unzip_file(invalid_path, @tmp_dir)
+ end
+ test "creates directories when extracting files in subdirectories" do
+ # Create a zip with files in subdirectories
+ zip_path = create_zip_with_directory()
+ # Extract the archive
+ assert {:ok, files} = SafeZip.unzip_file(zip_path, @tmp_dir)
+ # Verify files were extracted - handle both relative and absolute paths
+ assert Enum.any?(files, fn file ->
+ Path.basename(file) == "test_file.txt" &&
+ String.contains?(file, "file_in_dir")
+ end)
+ assert Enum.any?(files, fn file ->
+ Path.basename(file) == "root_file.txt"
+ end)
+ # Verify directory was created
+ dir_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "file_in_dir")
+ assert File.exists?(dir_path)
+ assert File.dir?(dir_path)
+ # Verify file in directory was extracted
+ file_path = Path.join(dir_path, "test_file.txt")
+ assert File.exists?(file_path)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "unzip_data/3" do
+ @tag :skip
+ test "extracts files from zip data" do
+ archive_path = Path.join(@fixtures_dir, "")
+ archive_data =!(archive_path)
+ # Extract the archive from data
+ assert {:ok, files} = SafeZip.unzip_data(archive_data, @tmp_dir)
+ # Verify files were extracted
+ assert is_list(files)
+ assert length(files) > 0
+ # Verify at least one file exists
+ first_file = List.first(files)
+ # Simply check that the file exists in the tmp directory
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join(@tmp_dir, Path.basename(first_file)))
+ end
+ @tag :skip
+ test "extracts specific files from zip data" do
+ archive_path = Path.join(@fixtures_dir, "")
+ archive_data =!(archive_path)
+ # Get list of files in the archive
+ {:ok, all_files} = SafeZip.list_dir_file(archive_path)
+ file_to_extract = List.first(all_files)
+ # Extract only one file
+ assert {:ok, extracted_files} =
+ SafeZip.unzip_data(archive_data, @tmp_dir, [file_to_extract])
+ # Verify only the specified file was extracted
+ assert Enum.any?(extracted_files, fn path ->
+ Path.basename(path) == Path.basename(file_to_extract)
+ end)
+ # Simply check that the file exists in the tmp directory
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join(@tmp_dir, Path.basename(file_to_extract)))
+ end
+ test "returns error for invalid zip data" do
+ assert {:error, _} = SafeZip.unzip_data("not a zip file", @tmp_dir)
+ end
+ test "creates directories when extracting files in subdirectories from data" do
+ # Create a zip with files in subdirectories
+ zip_path = create_zip_with_directory()
+ archive_data =!(zip_path)
+ # Extract the archive from data
+ assert {:ok, files} = SafeZip.unzip_data(archive_data, @tmp_dir)
+ # Verify files were extracted - handle both relative and absolute paths
+ assert Enum.any?(files, fn file ->
+ Path.basename(file) == "test_file.txt" &&
+ String.contains?(file, "file_in_dir")
+ end)
+ assert Enum.any?(files, fn file ->
+ Path.basename(file) == "root_file.txt"
+ end)
+ # Verify directory was created
+ dir_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "file_in_dir")
+ assert File.exists?(dir_path)
+ assert File.dir?(dir_path)
+ # Verify file in directory was extracted
+ file_path = Path.join(dir_path, "test_file.txt")
+ assert File.exists?(file_path)
+ end
+ end
+ # Security tests
+ describe "security checks" do
+ test "prevents path traversal in zip extraction" do
+ # Create a malicious zip file with path traversal
+ malicious_zip_path = create_malicious_zip_with_path_traversal()
+ # Try to extract it with SafeZip
+ assert {:error, _} = SafeZip.unzip_file(malicious_zip_path, @tmp_dir)
+ # Verify the file was not extracted outside the target directory
+ refute File.exists?(Path.join(Path.dirname(@tmp_dir), "traversal_attempt.txt"))
+ end
+ test "prevents directory traversal in zip listing" do
+ # Create a malicious zip file with path traversal
+ malicious_zip_path = create_malicious_zip_with_path_traversal()
+ # Try to list files with SafeZip
+ assert {:error, _} = SafeZip.list_dir_file(malicious_zip_path)
+ end
+ test "prevents path traversal in zip data extraction" do
+ # Create a malicious zip file with path traversal
+ malicious_zip_path = create_malicious_zip_with_path_traversal()
+ malicious_data =!(malicious_zip_path)
+ # Try to extract it with SafeZip
+ assert {:error, _} = SafeZip.unzip_data(malicious_data, @tmp_dir)
+ # Verify the file was not extracted outside the target directory
+ refute File.exists?(Path.join(Path.dirname(@tmp_dir), "traversal_attempt.txt"))
+ end
+ test "handles zip bomb attempts" do
+ # Create a zip bomb (a zip with many files or large files)
+ zip_bomb_path = create_zip_bomb()
+ # The SafeZip module should handle this gracefully
+ # Either by successfully extracting it (if it's not too large)
+ # or by returning an error (if it detects a potential zip bomb)
+ result = SafeZip.unzip_file(zip_bomb_path, @tmp_dir)
+ case result do
+ {:ok, _} ->
+ # If it successfully extracts, make sure it didn't fill up the disk
+ # This is a simple check to ensure the extraction was controlled
+ assert File.exists?(@tmp_dir)
+ {:error, _} ->
+ # If it returns an error, that's also acceptable
+ # The important thing is that it doesn't crash or hang
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ test "handles deeply nested directory structures" do
+ # Create a zip with deeply nested directories
+ deep_nest_path = create_deeply_nested_zip()
+ # The SafeZip module should handle this gracefully
+ result = SafeZip.unzip_file(deep_nest_path, @tmp_dir)
+ case result do
+ {:ok, files} ->
+ # If it successfully extracts, verify the files were extracted
+ assert is_list(files)
+ assert length(files) > 0
+ {:error, _} ->
+ # If it returns an error, that's also acceptable
+ # The important thing is that it doesn't crash or hang
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Helper functions to create test fixtures
+ # Creates a zip file with a path traversal attempt
+ defp create_malicious_zip_with_path_traversal do
+ malicious_zip_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ # Create a file to include in the zip
+ test_file_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "test_file.txt")
+ File.write!(test_file_path, "malicious content")
+ # Use Erlang's zip module directly to create a zip with path traversal
+ {:ok, charlist_path} =
+ :zip.create(
+ String.to_charlist(malicious_zip_path),
+ [{String.to_charlist("../traversal_attempt.txt"),!(test_file_path)}]
+ )
+ to_string(charlist_path)
+ end
+ # Creates a zip file with directory entries
+ defp create_zip_with_directory do
+ zip_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ # Create files to include in the zip
+ root_file_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "root_file.txt")
+ File.write!(root_file_path, "root file content")
+ # Create a directory and a file in it
+ dir_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "file_in_dir")
+ File.mkdir_p!(dir_path)
+ file_in_dir_path = Path.join(dir_path, "test_file.txt")
+ File.write!(file_in_dir_path, "file in directory content")
+ # Use Erlang's zip module to create a zip with directory structure
+ {:ok, charlist_path} =
+ :zip.create(
+ String.to_charlist(zip_path),
+ [
+ {String.to_charlist("root_file.txt"),!(root_file_path)},
+ {String.to_charlist("file_in_dir/test_file.txt"),!(file_in_dir_path)}
+ ]
+ )
+ to_string(charlist_path)
+ end
+ # Creates a zip bomb (a zip with many small files)
+ defp create_zip_bomb do
+ zip_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ # Create a small file to duplicate many times
+ small_file_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "small_file.txt")
+ File.write!(small_file_path, String.duplicate("A", 100))
+ # Create a list of many files to include in the zip
+ file_entries =
+ for i <- 1..100 do
+ {String.to_charlist("file_#{i}.txt"),!(small_file_path)}
+ end
+ # Use Erlang's zip module to create a zip with many files
+ {:ok, charlist_path} =
+ :zip.create(
+ String.to_charlist(zip_path),
+ file_entries
+ )
+ to_string(charlist_path)
+ end
+ # Creates a zip with deeply nested directories
+ defp create_deeply_nested_zip do
+ zip_path = Path.join(@tmp_dir, "")
+ # Create a file to include in the zip
+ file_content = "test content"
+ # Create a list of deeply nested files
+ file_entries =
+ for i <- 1..10 do
+ nested_path = Enum.reduce(1..i, "nested", fn j, acc -> "#{acc}/level_#{j}" end)
+ {String.to_charlist("#{nested_path}/file.txt"), file_content}
+ end
+ # Use Erlang's zip module to create a zip with deeply nested directories
+ {:ok, charlist_path} =
+ :zip.create(
+ String.to_charlist(zip_path),
+ file_entries
+ )
+ to_string(charlist_path)
+ end
diff --git a/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs b/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/activity_pub_controller_test.exs
@@ -1344,6 +1344,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPubControllerTest do
describe "GET /users/:nickname/outbox" do
+ setup do
+ Mox.stub_with(Pleroma.StaticStubbedConfigMock, Pleroma.Config)
+ :ok
+ end
test "it paginates correctly", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)
conn = assign(conn, :user, user)
@@ -1432,6 +1437,22 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPubControllerTest do
assert %{"orderedItems" => []} = resp
+ test "it does not return a local note activity when C2S API is disabled", %{conn: conn} do
+ clear_config([:activitypub, :client_api_enabled], false)
+ user = insert(:user)
+ reader = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _note_activity} =, %{status: "mew mew", visibility: "local"})
+ resp =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, reader)
+ |> put_req_header("accept", "application/activity+json")
+ |> get("/users/#{user.nickname}/outbox?page=true")
+ |> json_response(200)
+ assert %{"orderedItems" => []} = resp
+ end
test "it returns a note activity in a collection", %{conn: conn} do
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
note_object = Object.normalize(note_activity, fetch: false)
@@ -1483,6 +1504,35 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPubControllerTest do
assert [answer_outbox] = outbox_get["orderedItems"]
assert answer_outbox["id"] ==["id"]
+ test "it works with authorized fetch forced when authenticated" do
+ clear_config([:activitypub, :authorized_fetch_mode], true)
+ user = insert(:user)
+ outbox_endpoint = user.ap_id <> "/outbox"
+ conn =
+ build_conn()
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> put_req_header("accept", "application/activity+json")
+ |> get(outbox_endpoint)
+ assert json_response(conn, 200)
+ end
+ test "it fails with authorized fetch forced when unauthenticated", %{conn: conn} do
+ clear_config([:activitypub, :authorized_fetch_mode], true)
+ user = insert(:user)
+ outbox_endpoint = user.ap_id <> "/outbox"
+ conn =
+ conn
+ |> put_req_header("accept", "application/activity+json")
+ |> get(outbox_endpoint)
+ assert response(conn, 401)
+ end
describe "POST /users/:nickname/outbox (C2S)" do
@@ -2153,6 +2203,30 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPubControllerTest do
|> post("/api/ap/upload_media", %{"file" => image, "description" => desc})
|> json_response(403)
+ test "they don't work when C2S API is disabled", %{conn: conn} do
+ clear_config([:activitypub, :client_api_enabled], false)
+ user = insert(:user)
+ assert conn
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> get("/api/ap/whoami")
+ |> response(403)
+ desc = "Description of the image"
+ image = %Plug.Upload{
+ content_type: "image/jpeg",
+ path: Path.absname("test/fixtures/image.jpg"),
+ filename: "an_image.jpg"
+ }
+ assert conn
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> post("/api/ap/upload_media", %{"file" => image, "description" => desc})
+ |> response(403)
+ end
test "pinned collection", %{conn: conn} do
diff --git a/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/attachment_validator_test.exs b/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/attachment_validator_test.exs
@@ -13,6 +13,23 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.AttachmentValidatorTest do
import Pleroma.Factory
describe "attachments" do
+ test "works with apng" do
+ attachment =
+ %{
+ "mediaType" => "image/apng",
+ "name" => "",
+ "type" => "Document",
+ "url" =>
+ ""
+ }
+ assert {:ok, attachment} =
+ AttachmentValidator.cast_and_validate(attachment)
+ |> Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(:insert)
+ assert attachment.mediaType == "image/apng"
+ end
test "fails without url" do
attachment = %{
"mediaType" => "",
diff --git a/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier_test.exs b/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier_test.exs
@@ -156,6 +156,246 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.TransmogrifierTest do
# It fetched the quoted post
assert Object.normalize("")
+ test "doesn't allow remote edits to fake local likes" do
+ # as a spot check for no internal fields getting injected
+ now = DateTime.utc_now()
+ pub_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(Timex.subtract(now, Timex.Duration.from_minutes(3)))
+ edit_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(now)
+ local_user = insert(:user)
+ create_data = %{
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "id" => "",
+ "actor" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "id" => "",
+ "attributedTo" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "published" => pub_date,
+ "content" => "miaow",
+ "likes" => [local_user.ap_id]
+ }
+ }
+ update_data =
+ create_data
+ |> Map.put("type", "Update")
+ |> Map.put("id", create_data["object"]["id"] <> "/update/1")
+ |> put_in(["object", "content"], "miaow :3")
+ |> put_in(["object", "updated"], edit_date)
+ |> put_in(["object", "formerRepresentations"], %{
+ "type" => "OrderedCollection",
+ "totalItems" => 1,
+ "orderedItems" => [create_data["object"]]
+ })
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(create_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"])
+ assert["content"] == "miaow"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(update_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"]["id"])
+ assert["content"] == "miaow :3"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ end
+ test "strips internal fields from history items in edited notes" do
+ now = DateTime.utc_now()
+ pub_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(Timex.subtract(now, Timex.Duration.from_minutes(3)))
+ edit_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(now)
+ local_user = insert(:user)
+ create_data = %{
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "id" => "",
+ "actor" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "id" => "",
+ "attributedTo" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "published" => pub_date,
+ "content" => "miaow",
+ "likes" => [],
+ "like_count" => 0
+ }
+ }
+ update_data =
+ create_data
+ |> Map.put("type", "Update")
+ |> Map.put("id", create_data["object"]["id"] <> "/update/1")
+ |> put_in(["object", "content"], "miaow :3")
+ |> put_in(["object", "updated"], edit_date)
+ |> put_in(["object", "formerRepresentations"], %{
+ "type" => "OrderedCollection",
+ "totalItems" => 1,
+ "orderedItems" => [
+ Map.merge(create_data["object"], %{
+ "likes" => [local_user.ap_id],
+ "like_count" => 1,
+ "pleroma" => %{"internal_field" => "should_be_stripped"}
+ })
+ ]
+ })
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(create_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"])
+ assert["content"] == "miaow"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(update_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"]["id"])
+ assert["content"] == "miaow :3"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ # Check that internal fields are stripped from history items
+ history_item = List.first(["formerRepresentations"]["orderedItems"])
+ assert history_item["likes"] == []
+ assert history_item["like_count"] == 0
+ refute Map.has_key?(history_item, "pleroma")
+ end
+ test "doesn't trip over remote likes in notes" do
+ now = DateTime.utc_now()
+ pub_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(Timex.subtract(now, Timex.Duration.from_minutes(3)))
+ edit_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(now)
+ create_data = %{
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "id" => "",
+ "actor" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "id" => "",
+ "attributedTo" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "published" => pub_date,
+ "content" => "miaow",
+ "likes" => %{
+ "id" => "",
+ "totalItems" => 0,
+ "type" => "Collection"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ update_data =
+ create_data
+ |> Map.put("type", "Update")
+ |> Map.put("id", create_data["object"]["id"] <> "/update/1")
+ |> put_in(["object", "content"], "miaow :3")
+ |> put_in(["object", "updated"], edit_date)
+ |> put_in(["object", "likes", "totalItems"], 666)
+ |> put_in(["object", "formerRepresentations"], %{
+ "type" => "OrderedCollection",
+ "totalItems" => 1,
+ "orderedItems" => [create_data["object"]]
+ })
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(create_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"])
+ assert["content"] == "miaow"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(update_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"]["id"])
+ assert["content"] == "miaow :3"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ # in the future this should retain remote likes, but for now:
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ end
+ test "doesn't trip over remote likes in polls" do
+ now = DateTime.utc_now()
+ pub_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(Timex.subtract(now, Timex.Duration.from_minutes(3)))
+ edit_date = DateTime.to_iso8601(now)
+ create_data = %{
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "id" => "",
+ "actor" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Question",
+ "id" => "",
+ "attributedTo" => "",
+ "to" => [""],
+ "cc" => [],
+ "published" => pub_date,
+ "content" => "vote!",
+ "anyOf" => [
+ %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "name" => "a",
+ "replies" => %{
+ "type" => "Collection",
+ "totalItems" => 3
+ }
+ },
+ %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "name" => "b",
+ "replies" => %{
+ "type" => "Collection",
+ "totalItems" => 1
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "likes" => %{
+ "id" => "",
+ "totalItems" => 0,
+ "type" => "Collection"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ update_data =
+ create_data
+ |> Map.put("type", "Update")
+ |> Map.put("id", create_data["object"]["id"] <> "/update/1")
+ |> put_in(["object", "content"], "vote now!")
+ |> put_in(["object", "updated"], edit_date)
+ |> put_in(["object", "likes", "totalItems"], 666)
+ |> put_in(["object", "formerRepresentations"], %{
+ "type" => "OrderedCollection",
+ "totalItems" => 1,
+ "orderedItems" => [create_data["object"]]
+ })
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(create_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"])
+ assert["content"] == "vote!"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ {:ok, %Pleroma.Activity{} = activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(update_data)
+ %Pleroma.Object{} = object = Object.get_by_ap_id(["object"]["id"])
+ assert["content"] == "vote now!"
+ assert["likes"] == []
+ # in the future this should retain remote likes, but for now:
+ assert["like_count"] == 0
+ end
describe "prepare outgoing" do