

[mirror] blog and personal website of Drew DeVault git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/drewdevault.com.git
commit: de820e6f6128902630939586b0044306da9fa955
parent 903d9203da42a4af041136f654ed500767ff158e
Author: Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>
Date:   Thu, 23 Sep 2021 16:31:52 +0200

Update IRC bot post


1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/blog/How-to-write-an-IRC-bot.md b/content/blog/How-to-write-an-IRC-bot.md @@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ means I can just read it locally, offline, in the text editor of my choice, rather than on some annoying website that calls authentication a "triumphant success" and complains about JavaScript being disabled. +**Note**: This blog post pre-dates the commercial take-over of and subsequent +obsolescence of Freenode. The network this connects to, and channel it mentions, +no longer exist. Running these commands will not work, though the principles +remain correct. + You don't have to read it right now, though. I can give you a summary here, like I gave for Slack. Let's start by not writing a bot at all - let's just manually throw some bits in the general direction of Freenode. Install netcat and run