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commit: 593efdd5c7ac4f917effb3489d9c18fc8b801ab4
parent 872fb90528f12cce1856745b3042f5694380f634
Author: Rekka <rekkabell@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu, 28 Nov 2019 10:48:28 -0500



1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/database/ingredients.ndtl b/scripts/database/ingredients.ndtl @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Nagaimo LONG & When preparing nagaimo for consumption, gloves should be used because it can cause skin irritation. Nagaimo should be peeled and brieftly soaked in a vinegar-water solution to neutralize the {*oxalate crystals*} found in their skin, then, it can be cut into slices or grated. Grated nagaimo develops a {*mucilaginous*} texture, which can be added to dips for soba noodles, or to {{okonomiyaki|okonomiyaki}}. Carrots - BREF : Carrots are a root vegetable, that comes in a variety of colors (orange, purple, black, red white and yellow). It is cultivated for its leaves and taproot. Carrots contain high quantities of vitamin A. + BREF : Carrots contain high quantities of vitamin A. LONG & Carrot cultivars can be grouped into two broad classes, {*eastern carrots*} (purple, yellow, often with branched roots) and {*western carrots*} (with an abundance of carotene). Carrots benefit from companion plants. Onions, leeks and chives for instance help repel the carrot root fly. Carrots can be stored for many months in a refrigerator, or in moist, cool places in winter. For long-term storage, carrots can be stashed in a bucket between layers of sand. A storage temperature of 0 to 5 °C is ideal. Heirloom Carrots