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commit: 872fb90528f12cce1856745b3042f5694380f634
parent 9bac4e7c6f7fea471b41be1cc42e8e461a881137
Author: Rekka <rekkabell@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu, 28 Nov 2019 10:44:51 -0500



Rmedia/ingredients/mushrooms.png -> media/ingredients/mushroom.png0
Rmedia/ingredients/red.pepper.png -> media/ingredients/red.bell.pepper.png0
Rmedia/ingredients/red.peppers.png -> media/ingredients/red.bell.peppers.png0
6 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/media/ingredients/brussel.sprouts.png b/media/ingredients/brussel.sprouts.png Binary files differ. diff --git a/media/ingredients/mushrooms.png b/media/ingredients/mushroom.png Binary files differ. diff --git a/media/ingredients/red.pepper.png b/media/ingredients/red.bell.pepper.png Binary files differ. diff --git a/media/ingredients/red.peppers.png b/media/ingredients/red.bell.peppers.png Binary files differ. diff --git a/scripts/database/ingredients.ndtl b/scripts/database/ingredients.ndtl @@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ Coffee ~ LEGUMES Lentils - BREF : Lentils are a rich source of numerous essential nutrients like {{protein|nutrition}}, iron and zinc. Lentils have the second-highest ratio of protein per calorie of any legume, after {{soy beans}}. - LONG - & Lentils are considered to be one of the best foods because their chemical structures are not altered by cooking. Lens is the latin name for lentil. Lentils can be soaked, germinated, boiled, fried and baked, the most common being boiled. They require a cooking time of 10-40 minutes, depending on variety. The cooking time is shorter for varieties with the husk removed, like red lentils. Lentils without husks tend to soften into purees, while the husked variety remain whole. + BREF : Lentils are considered to be one of the best foods because their chemical structures are not altered by cooking. Lens is the latin name for lentil. Lentils can be soaked, germinated, boiled, fried and baked, the most common being boiled. They require a cooking time of 10-40 minutes, depending on variety. The cooking time is shorter for varieties with the husk removed, like red lentils. Lentils without husks tend to soften into purees, while the husked variety remain whole. TAGS Legume Lentil @@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ Beluga Lentils PARENT : Lentils BREF : Beluga lentils are black, bead-like, lens-shaped, almost spherical. They have a delicate flavor and a firm texture that doesn't disintegrate when cooked. LONG - & Beluga lentils are a rich source of numerous essential nutrients like {{protein|nutrition}}, iron and zinc. Lentils have the second-highest ratio of protein per calorie of any legume, after {{soybeans}}. + & Beluga lentils are a rich source of numerous essential nutrients like {{protein|#nutrition}}, iron and zinc. Lentils have the second-highest ratio of protein per calorie of any legume, after {{soy beans}}. COLOR : #000000 TAGS Legume @@ -43,7 +41,7 @@ Brown Lentils PARENT : Lentils BREF : The most common variety of lentils, found in most grocery stores. They have a mild, earthy-flavor, with a firm texture that doesn't disintegrate when cooked. LONG - & Lentils are a rich source of numerous essential nutrients like {{protein|nutrition}}, iron and zinc. Lentils have the second-highest ratio of protein per calorie of any legume, after {{soybeans}}. + & Lentils are a rich source of numerous essential nutrients like {{protein|#nutrition}}, iron and zinc. Lentils have the second-highest ratio of protein per calorie of any legume, after {{soy beans}}. TAGS Legume Lentil @@ -66,7 +64,7 @@ Soy beans COLOR : #EFEFEF BREF : Soy beans are a species of legumes, widely grown for its edible bean. 1/2 cup of dried soybeans equals one serving of the 3-4 servings of protein required for good health. It is also a good source of {{Omega 3's (ALA)|nutrition}}. LONG - & Unfermented food uses of soybeans include {{soy milk}} and {{tofu}}, while fermented soy foods include {{soy sauce}}, {{miso}}, natto and {{tempheh}}. A staple in Eastern Asia, soy beans are used as a base for many vegan faux-meat dishes. + & Unfermented food uses of soybeans include {{soy milk}} and {{tofu}}, while fermented soy foods include {{soy sauce}}, {{miso}}, natto and {{tempeh}}. A staple in Eastern Asia, soy beans are used as a base for many vegan faux-meat dishes. Beans LONG & Fun fact: there are over 130 varieties of {{green beans}}. @@ -78,6 +76,7 @@ Green beans Kidney beans PARENT : Beans Edamame + PARENT : soy beans BREF : Edamame are immature {{soy beans}}, still in their pods. {*Eda 枝*} means 'stem' and {*mame 豆*} means 'beans', literally 'steam beans.' Edamame, like all soyfoods, are rich in {*protein*}. LONG & Edamame can be boiled or steamed, and served with salts of other condiments. Fresh edamame last for 3 days in the refrigerator, wrapped in a material that traps moisture to prevent discoloration and wilting. Fresh edamame can be frozen, but should be blanched first. Frozen edamame lasts for many months. @@ -139,20 +138,22 @@ Brussel sprouts PARENT : green cabbage BREF : Brussel sprouts are leafy vegetables that are high in vitamin C. To prepare them, cut the buds from the stalk and cut the surplus of stems away, as well as any loose surface leaves. Once they are cut and clean, they can be boiled, steamed, stir-fried, grilled or roasted! Making a cross at the center of the stem can help it cook better. Daikon - BREF : Daikon is a mild-flavored winter radish, originating from southeast asia. There are many varieties of daikon, with differences in color, taste and shape. Daikon is low in food energy, but is a good source of vitamin C. + BREF : Daikon is a mild-flavored winter radish, originating from southeast asia. Daikon is low in food energy, but is a good source of {*vitamin C*}. + LONG + & There are many varieties of daikon, with differences in color, taste and shape. Bok choy - BREF :Bok Choy is a winter-hardy vegetable, a type of Chinese cabbage. Bok Choy is a rich source of vitamin A and C, and provides some folate, vitamin B6 and calcium. + BREF : Bok Choy is a winter-hardy vegetable, a type of Chinese cabbage. Bok Choy is a rich source of vitamin A and C, and provides some folate, vitamin B6 and calcium. Radish - BREF : The radish is an edible root vegetable, domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. There are many varieties, varying in color, size and flavor. Radish are often grown as companion plants for pest control, they are easy to grow and quick to harvest. Radishes have a moderate amount of vitamin C. + BREF : The radish is an edible root vegetable, domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. There are many varieties, varying in color, size and flavor. Radishes have a moderate amount of {*vitamin C*}. + LONG + & Radish are often grown as companion plants for pest control, they are easy to grow and quick to harvest. ~ ALGEA FUNGI Arame BREF : Arame is a species of kelp, of the Brown Algae, and is very popular in Japanese cuisine. It is indigenous to the temperate Pacific Ocean waters around Japan. Seaweed Mushroom - BREF : Mushrooms are the fleshy fruiting body of a fungus. They grow above ground, soil or from a food source. UV ray-treated (due to both sunlight and articial UV light tech) mushrooms are a source of {*vitamin D2*}. - LONG - & Many mushrooms are poisonous, resembling certain edible species. Gathering mushrooms in the wild is risky for the inexperienced and should only be undertaken by persons knowledgeable in mushroom identification. + BREF : Mushrooms are the fleshy fruiting body of a fungus. They grow above ground, soil or from a food source. UV ray-treated (due to both sunlight and articial UV light tech) mushrooms are a source of {*vitamin d2*}. Many mushrooms are poisonous, resembling certain edible species. Gathering mushrooms in the wild is risky for the inexperienced and should only be undertaken by persons knowledgeable in mushroom identification. Wakame PARENT : Seaweed COLOR : #006633 @@ -179,29 +180,25 @@ Nori Sheets Shiitake PARENT : Mushroom COLOR : #875A2C - BREF : Shiitake is an edible mushroom, and can provide vitamin D2 if exposed to UVB rays from sunligt of broadband UVB fluorescent tubes. - LONG - & Shiitake mushrooms are used as a base in vegan dashi, to flavor simmered and steamed dishes. + BREF : Shiitake is an edible mushroom, used as a base in vegan dashi, to flavor simmered and steamed dishes. Crimini PARENT : Mushroom COLOR : #875A2C - BREF : Crimini mushrooms, or {*agaricus bisporus*}, are immature {{portobello mushrooms}}. They are brown and known under a variety of other names, like swiss brown, roman brown, italian brown and chestnut. Like most mushrooms, they can provide {*vitamin D2*} if exposed to UVB rays from sunligt of broadband UVB fluorescent tubes. + BREF : Crimini mushrooms, or {*agaricus bisporus*}, are immature {{portobello mushrooms}}. They are brown and known under a variety of other names, like swiss brown, roman brown, italian brown and chestnut. Portobello PARENT : Mushroom COLOR : #875A2C - BREF : Portobello are mature brown or white {*agaricus bisporus*} mushrooms. Like most mushrooms, they can provide {*vitamin D2*} if exposed to UVB rays from sunligt of broadband UVB fluorescent tubes. - LONG - & They can be used in plant-based recipes as hamburger patties, you can even use them as buns. + BREF : Portobello are mature brown or white {*agaricus bisporus*} mushrooms. They can be used in plant-based recipes as hamburger patties, you can even use them as buns. Shimeji PARENT : Mushroom - BREF : Shimeji {*占地*} are a group of edible mushrooms native to East Asia. Like most mushrooms, they can provide {*vitamin D2*} if exposed to UVB rays from sunligt of broadband UVB fluorescent tubes. Shimejis are rich in 'umami', they have a distint nutty flavor. + BREF : Shimeji {*占地*} are a group of edible mushrooms native to East Asia. Shimejis are rich in 'umami', they have a distint nutty flavor. LONG - & Shimeji mushrooms should always be cooked, because of its bitter taste which disappears upon cooking. It has a firm texture with a bit of a crunch. They are used in soups, stews and sauces, or stir-fried with vegetables. Gathering mushrooms in the wild is risky for the inexperienced and should only be undertaken by persons knowledgeable in mushroom identification. + & Shimeji mushrooms should always be cooked, because of its bitter taste which disappears upon cooking. It has a firm texture with a bit of a crunch. They are used in soups, stews and sauces, or stir-fried with vegetables. Button Mushrooms PARENT : Mushroom - BREF : Button mushrooms, or {*agaricus bisporus*}, are small immature {{portobello mushrooms}}. They are white in color and like most mushrooms, they can provide {*vitamin D2*} if exposed to UVB rays from sunligt of broadband UVB fluorescent tubes. + BREF : Button mushrooms, or {*agaricus bisporus*}, are small immature {{portobello mushrooms}}. They are white in color. LONG - & Most button mushrooms are picked and sold when they are young, with their caps closed. The whole mushrooms is often used is recipes, stem included. To prepare button mushrooms, wipe them gently to remove dirt. They can be found in the wild, butcan easily be confused with A. Californicus, a look-alike that is mildly toxic. Gathering mushrooms in the wild is risky for the inexperienced and should only be undertaken by persons knowledgeable in mushroom identification. + & Most button mushrooms are picked and sold when they are young, with their caps closed. The whole mushrooms is often used is recipes, stem included. To prepare button mushrooms, wipe them gently to remove dirt. They can be found in the wild, butcan easily be confused with A. Californicus, a look-alike that is mildly toxic. ~ SEEDS @@ -324,13 +321,17 @@ Chives LONG & Chives are used as a garnish, and as an aromatic herb. In cooking, it is best to add them at the end of the cooking process because they lose their flavor when heated. They have insect-repelling properties that can be ued in gardens to control pests. Chives can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator, if kept dry they will last up to a week. Peppers - BREF : Peppers, or {*capsicum*}. + BREF : Peppers, or the fruit (botanically berries) of the {*capsicum plants*}, have a variety of names depending on place and type. The more spicy varieties are commonly called {*chili peppers*}. The large, mild form is called bell pepper, or by color {{green pepper}}, green bell pepper, {{red bell pepper}}. LONG & The misleading name 'pepper' was given by Christopher Columbus when he brought back a plant to Europe. The word pepper was given to all spices in Europe that had a hot and pungent taste. -Green Peppers +Green Bell Peppers PARENT : Peppers -Red Peppers + BREF : Green bell peppers are medium to large in size, with a firm skin that is crisp and juicy. They are an aromatic 'green', almost biter flavor. They are a good source of {*vitamin C*} and {*vitamin A*}. + LONG + & They can be served raw, or baked, sauteed, roasted and grilled. Green bell peppers keep 1-2 weeks when stored in the refrigerator. +Red Bell Peppers PARENT : Peppers + BREF : Yellow Peppers PARENT : Peppers Tomato @@ -338,7 +339,9 @@ Tomato Paste PARENT : Tomato BREF : The tomatoes can also be dried with an oven. Avocado - BREF : Avocados are botanically 'berries', they may be pear-shaped, round or egg-shaped. They are a good source of fat. Fun fact: Avocado trees don't self-pollinate, they need another avocado tree nearby to bear fruit. + BREF : Avocados are botanically 'berries', they may be pear-shaped, round or egg-shaped. They are a good source of {*vitamin C*}, 75% of its energy comes from fat. Its flesh is thick, yellow/green and oily. It has a rich, creamy flavor with a nutty, yet clean, grassy finish. + LONG + & Avocado can be pureed, spooned out its shell and eaten as is (when ripe), or added to salads. The flesh is prone to enzymatic browning, quickly turning brown after exposure to air. To prevent browning, add lime or lemon juice to avocados after peeling. Pumpkin BREF : The darker the skin of the pumpkin, the higher the beta-carotene content. Olives @@ -767,6 +770,7 @@ Coconut milk LONG & There are many varieties, differentiated on fat content: coconut cream (up to 50% fat), coconut milk (20% fat) and coconut skim milk (least fat). The terminology is not always described like this in products sold in western countries. Traditionally, coconut milk is made from grating the white inner flesh of mature coconuts and mixing the shredded pulp with a bit of hot water to suspend the fat in the pulp. The grating process was often done by hand. Soy milk + PARENT : Soy beans, edamame, tofu, tempeh BREF : {{Soy milk}} is a by-product of the manufacture of {{tofu}}, and an important source of protein, calcium, vitamin D and B12 for vegans. When buying soy milk, prioritize unsweetened enriched varieties. LONG & {{Soy milk}} is made from soaking and griding {{soy beans}}, boiling the mixture and filtering out the pulp. Soy milk is a stable emulsion of oil, water and protein. diff --git a/scripts/database/recipes.ndtl b/scripts/database/recipes.ndtl @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ PERSIMMON CURRY DESC & I've been looking for ways to incorporate persimmon into savoury recipes. I always thought it could make a great sauce for pasta or rice meals. If puréed, it will taste very sweet, but if you mix in curry powder and other spices and ingredients it becomes less of a dessert. & Be careful when selecting your persimmon, there are two varieties. Hachiya persimmon are more elongated and you need to wait for it to soften down before attempting to eat it. Fuyu persimmon, have a tomato-like shape and you can eat it like an apple. - & There are many different varieties of curry powders it's just a pre-mixed combination of different ground spices. If you're in a hurry, buying a mix is best. But if you have a full stocked spice rack, it may be better and more fun to do it yourself. Typically curry mixes have turmeric, coriander, cumin, black and red pepper, cinnamon cloves, fennel seeds, cardamom, ginger and fenugreek. There can be as much as 20 different spices, but you can probably omit a few and it'll still taste pretty great. + & There are many different varieties of curry powders it's just a pre-mixed combination of different ground spices. If you're in a hurry, buying a mix is best. But if you have a full stocked spice rack, it may be better and more fun to do it yourself. Typically curry mixes have turmeric, coriander, cumin, black and red bell pepper, cinnamon cloves, fennel seeds, cardamom, ginger and fenugreek. There can be as much as 20 different spices, but you can probably omit a few and it'll still taste pretty great. & Enjoy over some basmasti rice, or grated cauliflower rice for a lighter and grain-free meal. INST Rice @@ -1209,10 +1209,10 @@ CHILI POMEGRANATE BROWNIES - Cut {_1/3 cup_} of {{pumpkin}}, steam until softened and process into a purée. - Put {_3 tbsp_} of {{ground flax seeds}} in a bowl with {_9 tbsp_} of {{water}}, let thicken for {#5 minutes#}. Set aside. - Put {_5 tbsp_} of {{coconut oil}}, {_5 tbsp_} of {{pumpkin purée}}, {_3/4 cup_} {{whole cane sugar}}, {_3/4 cup_} {{cocoa powder}} and a {_1/4 tsp_} {{salt}} in a pan over medium to low heat. Stir until the {{coconut oil}} is melted, and all is well mixed. - - Stir in the flax 'egg', as well as the {_2 tbsp_} of {{red pepper flakes}} and {_1 tsp_} of {{cayenne powder}}. Add {_1/2 cup_} of {{all purpose flour}} and mix well. Mixture should be very thick. + - Stir in the flax 'egg', as well as the {_2 tbsp_} of {{dried chili flakes}} and {_1 tsp_} of {{cayenne powder}}. Add {_1/2 cup_} of {{all purpose flour}} and mix well. Mixture should be very thick. - Pour into a 8X8 baking dish lined with parchment papper. Flatten with the back of a spoon to even it out and bake for {#25 minutes#}, or until knife comes out clean. Let cool. {_Cut in 24 small squares_}. Syrup - - Pour {_2 cups_} of {{unsweetened pomegranate juice}} into a pot with {_1 tsp_} {{red pepper flakes}} and {_1 tsp_} {{cayenne powder}}. Bring to a boil, lower to medium-high heat and leave for up to {#1h#} or until liquid has been reduced to {_1 cup_}. + - Pour {_2 cups_} of {{unsweetened pomegranate juice}} into a pot with {_1 tsp_} {{dried chili flakes}} and {_1 tsp_} {{cayenne powder}}. Bring to a boil, lower to medium-high heat and leave for up to {#1h#} or until liquid has been reduced to {_1 cup_}. - Let cool, the syrup will thicken when cooled. - Top brownies with fresh {{pomegranate seeds}}, and drizzle with the chili-infused syrup! INGR