commit: 2690f2b68019e6bc258423c8d50a6b9af7c0685c
parent 093d2344d2570527c5d6a57df1f535e740ac58e3
Author: Egor Kislitsyn <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 17:56:27 +0700
Rename to Linkify
12 files changed, 995 insertions(+), 1007 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
-# AutoLinker
+# Linkify
-[]( [![Hex Version][hex-img]][hex] [![License][license-img]][license]
-AutoLinker is a basic package for turning website names, and phone numbers into links.
+Linkify is a basic package for turning website names, and phone numbers into links.
Use this package in your web view to convert web references into click-able links.
@@ -15,11 +8,11 @@ This is a very early version. Some of the described options are not yet function
## Installation
-The package can be installed by adding `auto_linker` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
+The package can be installed by adding `linkify` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
- [{:auto_linker, "~> 0.2"}]
+ [{:linkify, "~> 0.1"}]
@@ -28,26 +21,26 @@ end
The following examples illustrate some examples on how to use the auto linker.
-"<a href='' class='auto-linker' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'></a>"
+"<a href='' class='linkified' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'></a>"
-iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false)
-"<a href='' class='auto-linker'></a>"
+iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false)
+"<a href='' class='linkified'></a>"
-iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
+iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
"<a href=''></a>"
-iex>"call me at x9999", phone: true)
+iex>"call me at x9999", phone: true)
"call me at <a href=\"#\" class=\"phone-number\" data-phone=\"9999\">x9999</a>"
-iex>"or at home on 555.555.5555", phone: true)
+iex>"or at home on 555.555.5555", phone: true)
"or at home on <a href=\"#\" class=\"phone-number\" data-phone=\"5555555555\">555.555.5555</a>"
-iex>", work (555) 555-5555", phone: true)
+iex>", work (555) 555-5555", phone: true)
", work <a href=\"#\" class=\"phone-number\" data-phone=\"5555555555\">(555) 555-5555</a>"
-See the [Docs]( for more examples
+See the [Docs]( for more examples
## Configuration
@@ -55,7 +48,7 @@ By default, link parsing is enabled and phone parsing is disabled.
# enable phone parsing, and disable link parsing
-config :auto_linker, opts: [phone: true, url: false]
+config :linkify, opts: [phone: true, url: false]
diff --git a/lib/auto_linker.ex b/lib/auto_linker.ex
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-defmodule AutoLinker do
- @moduledoc """
- Create url links from text containing urls.
- Turns an input string like `"Check out"` into
- `Check out "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"`
- ## Examples
- iex>"")
- ~s(<a href="" class="auto-linker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>)
- iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false)
- ~s(<a href="" class="auto-linker"></a>)
- iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
- ~s(<a href=""></a>)
- """
- import AutoLinker.Parser
- @doc """
- Auto link a string.
- Options:
- * `class: "auto-linker"` - specify the class to be added to the generated link. false to clear
- * `rel: "noopener noreferrer"` - override the rel attribute. false to clear
- * `new_window: true` - set to false to remove `target='_blank'` attribute
- * `truncate: false` - Set to a number to truncate urls longer then the number. Truncated urls will end in `..`
- * `strip_prefix: true` - Strip the scheme prefix
- * `exclude_class: false` - Set to a class name when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give class
- * `exclude_id: false` - Set to an element id when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give element
- * `email: false` - link email links
- * `mention: false` - link @mentions (when `true`, requires `mention_prefix` or `mention_handler` options to be set)
- * `mention_prefix: nil` - a prefix to build a link for a mention (example: ``)
- * `mention_handler: nil` - a custom handler to validate and formart a mention
- * `hashtag: false` - link #hashtags (when `true`, requires `hashtag_prefix` or `hashtag_handler` options to be set)
- * `hashtag_prefix: nil` - a prefix to build a link for a hashtag (example: ``)
- * `hashtag_handler: nil` - a custom handler to validate and formart a hashtag
- * `extra: false` - link urls with rarely used schemes (magnet, ipfs, irc, etc.)
- * `validate_tld: true` - Set to false to disable TLD validation for urls/emails, also can be set to :no_scheme to validate TLDs only for urls without a scheme (e.g `` will be validated, but `http://example.loki` won't)
- Each of the above options can be specified when calling `link(text, opts)`
- or can be set in the `:auto_linker`'s configuration. For example:
- config :auto_linker,
- class: false,
- new_window: false
- Note that passing opts to `link/2` will override the configuration settings.
- """
- def link(text, opts \\ []) do
- parse(text, opts)
- end
- def link_map(text, acc, opts \\ []) do
- parse({text, acc}, opts)
- end
diff --git a/lib/auto_linker/builder.ex b/lib/auto_linker/builder.ex
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-defmodule AutoLinker.Builder do
- @moduledoc """
- Module for building the auto generated link.
- """
- @doc """
- Create a link.
- """
- def create_link(text, opts) do
- url = add_scheme(text)
- []
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :rel)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :target)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :class)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :href)
- |> format_url(text, opts)
- end
- defp build_attrs(attrs, uri, %{rel: get_rel}, :rel) when is_function(get_rel, 1) do
- case get_rel.(uri) do
- nil -> attrs
- rel -> [{:rel, rel} | attrs]
- end
- end
- defp build_attrs(attrs, _, opts, :rel) do
- case Map.get(opts, :rel, "noopener noreferrer") do
- rel when is_binary(rel) -> [{:rel, rel} | attrs]
- _ -> attrs
- end
- end
- defp build_attrs(attrs, _, opts, :target) do
- if Map.get(opts, :new_window, true), do: [{:target, :_blank} | attrs], else: attrs
- end
- defp build_attrs(attrs, _, opts, :class) do
- case Map.get(opts, :class, "auto-linker") do
- cls when is_binary(cls) -> [{:class, cls} | attrs]
- _ -> attrs
- end
- end
- defp build_attrs(attrs, url, _opts, :href) do
- [{:href, url} | attrs]
- end
- defp add_scheme("http://" <> _ = url), do: url
- defp add_scheme("https://" <> _ = url), do: url
- defp add_scheme(url), do: "http://" <> url
- defp format_url(attrs, url, opts) do
- url =
- url
- |> strip_prefix(Map.get(opts, :strip_prefix, true))
- |> truncate(Map.get(opts, :truncate, false))
- attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
- "<a #{attrs}>#{url}</a>"
- end
- defp format_attrs(attrs) do
- attrs
- |> {key, value} -> ~s(#{key}="#{value}") end)
- |> Enum.join(" ")
- end
- defp truncate(url, false), do: url
- defp truncate(url, len) when len < 3, do: url
- defp truncate(url, len) do
- if String.length(url) > len, do: String.slice(url, 0, len - 2) <> "...", else: url
- end
- defp strip_prefix(url, true) do
- url
- |> String.replace(~r/^https?:\/\//, "")
- |> String.replace(~r/^www\./, "")
- end
- defp strip_prefix(url, _), do: url
- def create_mention_link("@" <> name, _buffer, opts) do
- mention_prefix = opts[:mention_prefix]
- url = mention_prefix <> name
- []
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :rel)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :target)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :class)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :href)
- |> format_mention(name, opts)
- end
- def create_hashtag_link("#" <> tag, _buffer, opts) do
- hashtag_prefix = opts[:hashtag_prefix]
- url = hashtag_prefix <> tag
- []
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :rel)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :target)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :class)
- |> build_attrs(url, opts, :href)
- |> format_hashtag(tag, opts)
- end
- def create_email_link(email, opts) do
- []
- |> build_attrs(email, opts, :class)
- |> build_attrs("mailto:#{email}", opts, :href)
- |> format_email(email, opts)
- end
- def create_extra_link(uri, opts) do
- []
- |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :class)
- |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :rel)
- |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :target)
- |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :href)
- |> format_extra(uri, opts)
- end
- def format_mention(attrs, name, _opts) do
- attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
- "<a #{attrs}>@#{name}</a>"
- end
- def format_hashtag(attrs, tag, _opts) do
- attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
- "<a #{attrs}>##{tag}</a>"
- end
- def format_email(attrs, email, _opts) do
- attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
- ~s(<a #{attrs}>#{email}</a>)
- end
- def format_extra(attrs, uri, _opts) do
- attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
- ~s(<a #{attrs}>#{uri}</a>)
- end
diff --git a/lib/auto_linker/parser.ex b/lib/auto_linker/parser.ex
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-defmodule AutoLinker.Parser do
- @moduledoc """
- Module to handle parsing the the input string.
- """
- alias AutoLinker.Builder
- @invalid_url ~r/(\.\.+)|(^(\d+\.){1,2}\d+$)/
- @match_url ~r{^(?:\W*)?(?<url>(?:https?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~%:\/?#[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=.]+$)}u
- @match_hostname ~r{^\W*(?<scheme>https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\n]+\\w@)?(?<host>[^:#~\/\n?]+)}u
- @match_ip ~r"^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
- # @user
- #
- @match_mention ~r"^@[a-zA-Z\d_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*|@[a-zA-Z\d_-]+"u
- #
- @match_email ~r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$"u
- @match_hashtag ~r/^(?<tag>\#[[:word:]_]*[[:alpha:]_·][[:word:]_·\p{M}]*)/u
- @prefix_extra [
- "magnet:?",
- "dweb://",
- "dat://",
- "gopher://",
- "ipfs://",
- "ipns://",
- "irc://",
- "ircs://",
- "irc6://",
- "mumble://",
- "ssb://"
- ]
- @tlds "./priv/tlds.txt" |>!() |> String.split("\n", trim: true) |>
- @default_opts %{
- url: true,
- validate_tld: true
- }
- @doc """
- Parse the given string, identifying items to link.
- Parses the string, replacing the matching urls with an html link.
- ## Examples
- iex> AutoLinker.Parser.parse("Check out")
- ~s{Check out <a href="" class="auto-linker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>}
- """
- @types [:url, :email, :hashtag, :mention, :extra]
- def parse(input, opts \\ %{})
- def parse(input, opts) when is_binary(input), do: {input, %{}} |> parse(opts) |> elem(0)
- def parse(input, list) when is_list(list), do: parse(input, Enum.into(list, %{}))
- def parse(input, opts) do
- opts = Map.merge(@default_opts, opts)
- Enum.reduce(opts, input, fn
- {type, true}, input when type in @types ->
- do_parse(input, opts, {"", "", :parsing}, type)
- _, input ->
- input
- end)
- end
- defp do_parse({"", user_acc}, _opts, {"", acc, _}, _handler),
- do: {acc, user_acc}
- defp do_parse({"<a" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :parsing}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "<a", :skip}, type)
- defp do_parse({"<pre" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :parsing}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "<pre", :skip}, type)
- defp do_parse({"<code" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :parsing}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "<code", :skip}, type)
- defp do_parse({"</a>" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :skip}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "</a>", :parsing}, type)
- defp do_parse({"</pre>" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :skip}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "</pre>", :parsing}, type)
- defp do_parse({"</code>" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :skip}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "</code>", :parsing}, type)
- defp do_parse({"<" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc, :parsing}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"<", acc, {:open, 1}}, type)
- defp do_parse({"<" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc, {:html, level}}, type) do
- do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"<", acc, {:open, level + 1}}, type)
- end
- defp do_parse({">" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:attrs, level}}, type),
- do:
- do_parse(
- {text, user_acc},
- opts,
- {"", acc <> buffer <> ">", {:html, level}},
- type
- )
- defp do_parse({<<ch::8>> <> text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc, {:attrs, level}}, type) do
- do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> <<ch::8>>, {:attrs, level}}, type)
- end
- defp do_parse({"</" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:html, level}}, type) do
- {buffer, user_acc} = link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc)
- do_parse(
- {text, user_acc},
- opts,
- {"", acc <> buffer <> "</", {:close, level}},
- type
- )
- end
- defp do_parse({">" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:close, 1}}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> ">", :parsing}, type)
- defp do_parse({">" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:close, level}}, type),
- do:
- do_parse(
- {text, user_acc},
- opts,
- {"", acc <> buffer <> ">", {:html, level - 1}},
- type
- )
- defp do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:open, level}}, type) do
- do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer, {:attrs, level}}, type)
- end
- defp do_parse(
- {<<char::bytes-size(1), text::binary>>, user_acc},
- opts,
- {buffer, acc, state},
- type
- )
- when char in [" ", "\r", "\n"] do
- {buffer, user_acc} = link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc)
- do_parse(
- {text, user_acc},
- opts,
- {"", acc <> buffer <> char, state},
- type
- )
- end
- defp do_parse({<<ch::8>>, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, state}, type) do
- {buffer, user_acc} = link(type, buffer <> <<ch::8>>, opts, user_acc)
- do_parse(
- {"", user_acc},
- opts,
- {"", acc <> buffer, state},
- type
- )
- end
- defp do_parse({<<ch::8>> <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, state}, type),
- do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer <> <<ch::8>>, acc, state}, type)
- def check_and_link(:url, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
- str = strip_parens(buffer)
- if url?(str, opts) do
- case @match_url |>, capture: [:url]) |> hd() do
- ^buffer -> link_url(buffer, opts)
- url -> String.replace(buffer, url, link_url(url, opts))
- end
- else
- buffer
- end
- end
- def check_and_link(:email, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
- if email?(buffer, opts), do: link_email(buffer, opts), else: buffer
- end
- def check_and_link(:mention, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
- buffer
- |> match_mention
- |> link_mention(buffer, opts, user_acc)
- end
- def check_and_link(:hashtag, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
- buffer
- |> match_hashtag
- |> link_hashtag(buffer, opts, user_acc)
- end
- def check_and_link(:extra, "xmpp:" <> handle, opts, _user_acc) do
- if email?(handle, opts), do: link_extra("xmpp:" <> handle, opts), else: handle
- end
- def check_and_link(:extra, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
- if String.starts_with?(buffer, @prefix_extra), do: link_extra(buffer, opts), else: buffer
- end
- defp strip_parens("(" <> buffer) do
- ~r/[^\)]*/ |> |> hd()
- end
- defp strip_parens(buffer), do: buffer
- # @doc false
- def url?(buffer, opts) do
- valid_url?(buffer) && Regex.match?(@match_url, buffer) && valid_tld?(buffer, opts)
- end
- def email?(buffer, opts) do
- valid_url?(buffer) && Regex.match?(@match_email, buffer) && valid_tld?(buffer, opts)
- end
- defp valid_url?(url), do: !Regex.match?(@invalid_url, url)
- @doc """
- Validates a URL's TLD. Returns a boolean.
- Will return `true` if `:validate_tld` option set to `false`.
- Will skip validation and return `true` if `:validate_tld` set to `:no_scheme` and the url has a scheme.
- """
- def valid_tld?(url, opts) do
- [scheme, host] =, url, capture: [:scheme, :host])
- cond do
- opts[:validate_tld] == false ->
- true
- ip?(host) ->
- true
- # don't validate if scheme is present
- opts[:validate_tld] == :no_scheme and scheme != "" ->
- true
- true ->
- tld = host |> String.split(".") |> List.last()
- MapSet.member?(@tlds, tld)
- end
- end
- def ip?(buffer), do: Regex.match?(@match_ip, buffer)
- def match_mention(buffer) do
- case, buffer) do
- [mention] -> mention
- _ -> nil
- end
- end
- def match_hashtag(buffer) do
- case, buffer, capture: [:tag]) do
- [hashtag] -> hashtag
- _ -> nil
- end
- end
- def link_hashtag(nil, buffer, _, _user_acc), do: buffer
- def link_hashtag(hashtag, buffer, %{hashtag_handler: hashtag_handler} = opts, user_acc) do
- hashtag
- |> hashtag_handler.(buffer, opts, user_acc)
- |> maybe_update_buffer(hashtag, buffer)
- end
- def link_hashtag(hashtag, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
- hashtag
- |> Builder.create_hashtag_link(buffer, opts)
- |> maybe_update_buffer(hashtag, buffer)
- end
- def link_mention(nil, buffer, _, user_acc), do: {buffer, user_acc}
- def link_mention(mention, buffer, %{mention_handler: mention_handler} = opts, user_acc) do
- mention
- |> mention_handler.(buffer, opts, user_acc)
- |> maybe_update_buffer(mention, buffer)
- end
- def link_mention(mention, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
- mention
- |> Builder.create_mention_link(buffer, opts)
- |> maybe_update_buffer(mention, buffer)
- end
- defp maybe_update_buffer(out, match, buffer) when is_binary(out) do
- maybe_update_buffer({out, nil}, match, buffer)
- end
- defp maybe_update_buffer({out, user_acc}, match, buffer)
- when match != buffer and out != buffer do
- out = String.replace(buffer, match, out)
- {out, user_acc}
- end
- defp maybe_update_buffer(out, _match, _buffer), do: out
- @doc false
- def link_url(buffer, opts) do
- Builder.create_link(buffer, opts)
- end
- @doc false
- def link_email(buffer, opts) do
- Builder.create_email_link(buffer, opts)
- end
- def link_extra(buffer, opts) do
- Builder.create_extra_link(buffer, opts)
- end
- defp link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
- case check_and_link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
- {buffer, user_acc} -> {buffer, user_acc}
- buffer -> {buffer, user_acc}
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/linkify.ex b/lib/linkify.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+defmodule Linkify do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Create url links from text containing urls.
+ Turns an input string like `"Check out"` into
+ `Check out "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"`
+ ## Examples
+ iex>"")
+ ~s(<a href="" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>)
+ iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false)
+ ~s(<a href="" class="linkified"></a>)
+ iex>"", new_window: false, rel: false, class: false)
+ ~s(<a href=""></a>)
+ """
+ import Linkify.Parser
+ @doc """
+ Auto link a string.
+ Options:
+ * `class: "linkified"` - specify the class to be added to the generated link. false to clear
+ * `rel: "noopener noreferrer"` - override the rel attribute. false to clear
+ * `new_window: true` - set to false to remove `target='_blank'` attribute
+ * `truncate: false` - Set to a number to truncate urls longer then the number. Truncated urls will end in `..`
+ * `strip_prefix: true` - Strip the scheme prefix
+ * `exclude_class: false` - Set to a class name when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give class
+ * `exclude_id: false` - Set to an element id when you don't want urls auto linked in the html of the give element
+ * `email: false` - link email links
+ * `mention: false` - link @mentions (when `true`, requires `mention_prefix` or `mention_handler` options to be set)
+ * `mention_prefix: nil` - a prefix to build a link for a mention (example: ``)
+ * `mention_handler: nil` - a custom handler to validate and formart a mention
+ * `hashtag: false` - link #hashtags (when `true`, requires `hashtag_prefix` or `hashtag_handler` options to be set)
+ * `hashtag_prefix: nil` - a prefix to build a link for a hashtag (example: ``)
+ * `hashtag_handler: nil` - a custom handler to validate and formart a hashtag
+ * `extra: false` - link urls with rarely used schemes (magnet, ipfs, irc, etc.)
+ * `validate_tld: true` - Set to false to disable TLD validation for urls/emails, also can be set to :no_scheme to validate TLDs only for urls without a scheme (e.g `` will be validated, but `http://example.loki` won't)
+ Each of the above options can be specified when calling `link(text, opts)`
+ or can be set in the `:linkify`'s configuration. For example:
+ config :linkify,
+ class: false,
+ new_window: false
+ Note that passing opts to `link/2` will override the configuration settings.
+ """
+ def link(text, opts \\ []) do
+ parse(text, opts)
+ end
+ def link_map(text, acc, opts \\ []) do
+ parse({text, acc}, opts)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/linkify/builder.ex b/lib/linkify/builder.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+defmodule Linkify.Builder do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Module for building the auto generated link.
+ """
+ @doc """
+ Create a link.
+ """
+ def create_link(text, opts) do
+ url = add_scheme(text)
+ []
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :rel)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :target)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :class)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :href)
+ |> format_url(text, opts)
+ end
+ defp build_attrs(attrs, uri, %{rel: get_rel}, :rel) when is_function(get_rel, 1) do
+ case get_rel.(uri) do
+ nil -> attrs
+ rel -> [{:rel, rel} | attrs]
+ end
+ end
+ defp build_attrs(attrs, _, opts, :rel) do
+ case Map.get(opts, :rel, "noopener noreferrer") do
+ rel when is_binary(rel) -> [{:rel, rel} | attrs]
+ _ -> attrs
+ end
+ end
+ defp build_attrs(attrs, _, opts, :target) do
+ if Map.get(opts, :new_window, true), do: [{:target, :_blank} | attrs], else: attrs
+ end
+ defp build_attrs(attrs, _, opts, :class) do
+ case Map.get(opts, :class, "linkified") do
+ cls when is_binary(cls) -> [{:class, cls} | attrs]
+ _ -> attrs
+ end
+ end
+ defp build_attrs(attrs, url, _opts, :href) do
+ [{:href, url} | attrs]
+ end
+ defp add_scheme("http://" <> _ = url), do: url
+ defp add_scheme("https://" <> _ = url), do: url
+ defp add_scheme(url), do: "http://" <> url
+ defp format_url(attrs, url, opts) do
+ url =
+ url
+ |> strip_prefix(Map.get(opts, :strip_prefix, true))
+ |> truncate(Map.get(opts, :truncate, false))
+ attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
+ "<a #{attrs}>#{url}</a>"
+ end
+ defp format_attrs(attrs) do
+ attrs
+ |> {key, value} -> ~s(#{key}="#{value}") end)
+ |> Enum.join(" ")
+ end
+ defp truncate(url, false), do: url
+ defp truncate(url, len) when len < 3, do: url
+ defp truncate(url, len) do
+ if String.length(url) > len, do: String.slice(url, 0, len - 2) <> "...", else: url
+ end
+ defp strip_prefix(url, true) do
+ url
+ |> String.replace(~r/^https?:\/\//, "")
+ |> String.replace(~r/^www\./, "")
+ end
+ defp strip_prefix(url, _), do: url
+ def create_mention_link("@" <> name, _buffer, opts) do
+ mention_prefix = opts[:mention_prefix]
+ url = mention_prefix <> name
+ []
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :rel)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :target)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :class)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :href)
+ |> format_mention(name, opts)
+ end
+ def create_hashtag_link("#" <> tag, _buffer, opts) do
+ hashtag_prefix = opts[:hashtag_prefix]
+ url = hashtag_prefix <> tag
+ []
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :rel)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :target)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :class)
+ |> build_attrs(url, opts, :href)
+ |> format_hashtag(tag, opts)
+ end
+ def create_email_link(email, opts) do
+ []
+ |> build_attrs(email, opts, :class)
+ |> build_attrs("mailto:#{email}", opts, :href)
+ |> format_email(email, opts)
+ end
+ def create_extra_link(uri, opts) do
+ []
+ |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :class)
+ |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :rel)
+ |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :target)
+ |> build_attrs(uri, opts, :href)
+ |> format_extra(uri, opts)
+ end
+ def format_mention(attrs, name, _opts) do
+ attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
+ "<a #{attrs}>@#{name}</a>"
+ end
+ def format_hashtag(attrs, tag, _opts) do
+ attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
+ "<a #{attrs}>##{tag}</a>"
+ end
+ def format_email(attrs, email, _opts) do
+ attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
+ ~s(<a #{attrs}>#{email}</a>)
+ end
+ def format_extra(attrs, uri, _opts) do
+ attrs = format_attrs(attrs)
+ ~s(<a #{attrs}>#{uri}</a>)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/linkify/parser.ex b/lib/linkify/parser.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+defmodule Linkify.Parser do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Module to handle parsing the the input string.
+ """
+ alias Linkify.Builder
+ @invalid_url ~r/(\.\.+)|(^(\d+\.){1,2}\d+$)/
+ @match_url ~r{^(?:\W*)?(?<url>(?:https?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~%:\/?#[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=.]+$)}u
+ @match_hostname ~r{^\W*(?<scheme>https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\n]+\\w@)?(?<host>[^:#~\/\n?]+)}u
+ @match_ip ~r"^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
+ # @user
+ #
+ @match_mention ~r"^@[a-zA-Z\d_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*|@[a-zA-Z\d_-]+"u
+ #
+ @match_email ~r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$"u
+ @match_hashtag ~r/^(?<tag>\#[[:word:]_]*[[:alpha:]_·][[:word:]_·\p{M}]*)/u
+ @prefix_extra [
+ "magnet:?",
+ "dweb://",
+ "dat://",
+ "gopher://",
+ "ipfs://",
+ "ipns://",
+ "irc://",
+ "ircs://",
+ "irc6://",
+ "mumble://",
+ "ssb://"
+ ]
+ @tlds "./priv/tlds.txt" |>!() |> String.split("\n", trim: true) |>
+ @default_opts %{
+ url: true,
+ validate_tld: true
+ }
+ @doc """
+ Parse the given string, identifying items to link.
+ Parses the string, replacing the matching urls with an html link.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> Linkify.Parser.parse("Check out")
+ ~s{Check out <a href="" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>}
+ """
+ @types [:url, :email, :hashtag, :mention, :extra]
+ def parse(input, opts \\ %{})
+ def parse(input, opts) when is_binary(input), do: {input, %{}} |> parse(opts) |> elem(0)
+ def parse(input, list) when is_list(list), do: parse(input, Enum.into(list, %{}))
+ def parse(input, opts) do
+ opts = Map.merge(@default_opts, opts)
+ Enum.reduce(opts, input, fn
+ {type, true}, input when type in @types ->
+ do_parse(input, opts, {"", "", :parsing}, type)
+ _, input ->
+ input
+ end)
+ end
+ defp do_parse({"", user_acc}, _opts, {"", acc, _}, _handler),
+ do: {acc, user_acc}
+ defp do_parse({"<a" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :parsing}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "<a", :skip}, type)
+ defp do_parse({"<pre" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :parsing}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "<pre", :skip}, type)
+ defp do_parse({"<code" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :parsing}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "<code", :skip}, type)
+ defp do_parse({"</a>" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :skip}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "</a>", :parsing}, type)
+ defp do_parse({"</pre>" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :skip}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "</pre>", :parsing}, type)
+ defp do_parse({"</code>" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, :skip}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> "</code>", :parsing}, type)
+ defp do_parse({"<" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc, :parsing}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"<", acc, {:open, 1}}, type)
+ defp do_parse({"<" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc, {:html, level}}, type) do
+ do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"<", acc, {:open, level + 1}}, type)
+ end
+ defp do_parse({">" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:attrs, level}}, type),
+ do:
+ do_parse(
+ {text, user_acc},
+ opts,
+ {"", acc <> buffer <> ">", {:html, level}},
+ type
+ )
+ defp do_parse({<<ch::8>> <> text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc, {:attrs, level}}, type) do
+ do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> <<ch::8>>, {:attrs, level}}, type)
+ end
+ defp do_parse({"</" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:html, level}}, type) do
+ {buffer, user_acc} = link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc)
+ do_parse(
+ {text, user_acc},
+ opts,
+ {"", acc <> buffer <> "</", {:close, level}},
+ type
+ )
+ end
+ defp do_parse({">" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:close, 1}}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer <> ">", :parsing}, type)
+ defp do_parse({">" <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:close, level}}, type),
+ do:
+ do_parse(
+ {text, user_acc},
+ opts,
+ {"", acc <> buffer <> ">", {:html, level - 1}},
+ type
+ )
+ defp do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, {:open, level}}, type) do
+ do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {"", acc <> buffer, {:attrs, level}}, type)
+ end
+ defp do_parse(
+ {<<char::bytes-size(1), text::binary>>, user_acc},
+ opts,
+ {buffer, acc, state},
+ type
+ )
+ when char in [" ", "\r", "\n"] do
+ {buffer, user_acc} = link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc)
+ do_parse(
+ {text, user_acc},
+ opts,
+ {"", acc <> buffer <> char, state},
+ type
+ )
+ end
+ defp do_parse({<<ch::8>>, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, state}, type) do
+ {buffer, user_acc} = link(type, buffer <> <<ch::8>>, opts, user_acc)
+ do_parse(
+ {"", user_acc},
+ opts,
+ {"", acc <> buffer, state},
+ type
+ )
+ end
+ defp do_parse({<<ch::8>> <> text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer, acc, state}, type),
+ do: do_parse({text, user_acc}, opts, {buffer <> <<ch::8>>, acc, state}, type)
+ def check_and_link(:url, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
+ str = strip_parens(buffer)
+ if url?(str, opts) do
+ case @match_url |>, capture: [:url]) |> hd() do
+ ^buffer -> link_url(buffer, opts)
+ url -> String.replace(buffer, url, link_url(url, opts))
+ end
+ else
+ buffer
+ end
+ end
+ def check_and_link(:email, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
+ if email?(buffer, opts), do: link_email(buffer, opts), else: buffer
+ end
+ def check_and_link(:mention, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
+ buffer
+ |> match_mention
+ |> link_mention(buffer, opts, user_acc)
+ end
+ def check_and_link(:hashtag, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
+ buffer
+ |> match_hashtag
+ |> link_hashtag(buffer, opts, user_acc)
+ end
+ def check_and_link(:extra, "xmpp:" <> handle, opts, _user_acc) do
+ if email?(handle, opts), do: link_extra("xmpp:" <> handle, opts), else: handle
+ end
+ def check_and_link(:extra, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
+ if String.starts_with?(buffer, @prefix_extra), do: link_extra(buffer, opts), else: buffer
+ end
+ defp strip_parens("(" <> buffer) do
+ ~r/[^\)]*/ |> |> hd()
+ end
+ defp strip_parens(buffer), do: buffer
+ def url?(buffer, opts) do
+ valid_url?(buffer) && Regex.match?(@match_url, buffer) && valid_tld?(buffer, opts)
+ end
+ def email?(buffer, opts) do
+ valid_url?(buffer) && Regex.match?(@match_email, buffer) && valid_tld?(buffer, opts)
+ end
+ defp valid_url?(url), do: !Regex.match?(@invalid_url, url)
+ @doc """
+ Validates a URL's TLD. Returns a boolean.
+ Will return `true` if `:validate_tld` option set to `false`.
+ Will skip validation and return `true` if `:validate_tld` set to `:no_scheme` and the url has a scheme.
+ """
+ def valid_tld?(url, opts) do
+ [scheme, host] =, url, capture: [:scheme, :host])
+ cond do
+ opts[:validate_tld] == false ->
+ true
+ ip?(host) ->
+ true
+ # don't validate if scheme is present
+ opts[:validate_tld] == :no_scheme and scheme != "" ->
+ true
+ true ->
+ tld = host |> String.split(".") |> List.last()
+ MapSet.member?(@tlds, tld)
+ end
+ end
+ def ip?(buffer), do: Regex.match?(@match_ip, buffer)
+ def match_mention(buffer) do
+ case, buffer) do
+ [mention] -> mention
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
+ def match_hashtag(buffer) do
+ case, buffer, capture: [:tag]) do
+ [hashtag] -> hashtag
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
+ def link_hashtag(nil, buffer, _, _user_acc), do: buffer
+ def link_hashtag(hashtag, buffer, %{hashtag_handler: hashtag_handler} = opts, user_acc) do
+ hashtag
+ |> hashtag_handler.(buffer, opts, user_acc)
+ |> maybe_update_buffer(hashtag, buffer)
+ end
+ def link_hashtag(hashtag, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
+ hashtag
+ |> Builder.create_hashtag_link(buffer, opts)
+ |> maybe_update_buffer(hashtag, buffer)
+ end
+ def link_mention(nil, buffer, _, user_acc), do: {buffer, user_acc}
+ def link_mention(mention, buffer, %{mention_handler: mention_handler} = opts, user_acc) do
+ mention
+ |> mention_handler.(buffer, opts, user_acc)
+ |> maybe_update_buffer(mention, buffer)
+ end
+ def link_mention(mention, buffer, opts, _user_acc) do
+ mention
+ |> Builder.create_mention_link(buffer, opts)
+ |> maybe_update_buffer(mention, buffer)
+ end
+ defp maybe_update_buffer(out, match, buffer) when is_binary(out) do
+ maybe_update_buffer({out, nil}, match, buffer)
+ end
+ defp maybe_update_buffer({out, user_acc}, match, buffer)
+ when match != buffer and out != buffer do
+ out = String.replace(buffer, match, out)
+ {out, user_acc}
+ end
+ defp maybe_update_buffer(out, _match, _buffer), do: out
+ @doc false
+ def link_url(buffer, opts) do
+ Builder.create_link(buffer, opts)
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def link_email(buffer, opts) do
+ Builder.create_email_link(buffer, opts)
+ end
+ def link_extra(buffer, opts) do
+ Builder.create_extra_link(buffer, opts)
+ end
+ defp link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
+ case check_and_link(type, buffer, opts, user_acc) do
+ {buffer, user_acc} -> {buffer, user_acc}
+ buffer -> {buffer, user_acc}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-defmodule AutoLinker.Mixfile do
+defmodule Linkify.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
- @version "0.2.2"
+ @version "0.1.0"
def project do
- app: :auto_linker,
+ app: :linkify,
version: @version,
- elixir: "~> 1.4",
+ elixir: "~> 1.7",
build_embedded: Mix.env() == :prod,
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
deps: deps(),
docs: [extras: [""]],
package: package(),
- name: "AutoLinker",
+ name: "Linkify",
description: """
- AutoLinker is a basic package for turning website names into links.
+ Linkify is a basic package for turning website names into links.
@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ defmodule AutoLinker.Mixfile do
defp package do
- maintainers: ["Stephen Pallen"],
licenses: ["MIT"],
- links: %{"Github" => ""},
- files: ~w(lib mix.exs LICENSE)
+ links: %{"GitLab" => ""},
+ files: ~w(lib priv mix.exs LICENSE)
diff --git a/test/auto_linker_test.exs b/test/auto_linker_test.exs
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-defmodule AutoLinkerTest do
- use ExUnit.Case, async: true
- doctest AutoLinker
- test "default link" do
- assert"") ==
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- end
- test "does on link existing links" do
- text = ~s(<a href=""></a>)
- assert == text
- end
- test "all kinds of links" do
- text = "hello irc:///mIRC"
- expected =
- "hello <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"irc:///mIRC\">irc:///mIRC</a>"
- assert,
- email: true,
- extra: true,
- class: false,
- new_window: false,
- rel: false
- ) == expected
- end
- test "rel as function" do
- text = ""
- expected = "<a href=\"\" rel=\"com\"></a>"
- custom_rel = fn url ->
- url |> String.split(".") |> List.last()
- end
- assert,
- class: false,
- new_window: false,
- rel: custom_rel
- ) == expected
- text = ""
- expected = "<a href=\"\"></a>"
- custom_rel = fn _ -> nil end
- assert,
- class: false,
- new_window: false,
- rel: custom_rel
- ) == expected
- end
- test "link_map/2" do
- assert AutoLinker.link_map("", []) ==
- {"<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>",
- []}
- end
- describe "custom handlers" do
- test "mentions handler" do
- text = "hello @user, @valid_user and @invalid_user"
- valid_users = ["user", "valid_user"]
- handler = fn "@" <> user = mention, buffer, _opts, acc ->
- if Enum.member?(valid_users, user) do
- link = ~s(<a href="{user}" data-user="#{user}">#{mention}</a>)
- {link, %{acc | mentions: MapSet.put(acc.mentions, {mention, user})}}
- else
- {buffer, acc}
- end
- end
- {result_text, %{mentions: mentions}} =
- AutoLinker.link_map(text, %{mentions:},
- mention: true,
- mention_handler: handler
- )
- assert result_text ==
- "hello <a href=\"\" data-user=\"user\">@user</a>, <a href=\"\" data-user=\"valid_user\">@valid_user</a> and @invalid_user"
- assert mentions |> MapSet.to_list() |>, 1)) == valid_users
- end
- test "hashtags handler" do
- text = "#hello #world"
- handler = fn hashtag, buffer, opts, acc ->
- link = AutoLinker.Builder.create_hashtag_link(hashtag, buffer, opts)
- {link, %{acc | tags: MapSet.put(acc.tags, hashtag)}}
- end
- {result_text, %{tags: tags}} =
- AutoLinker.link_map(text, %{tags:},
- hashtag: true,
- hashtag_handler: handler,
- hashtag_prefix: "",
- class: false,
- new_window: false,
- rel: false
- )
- assert result_text ==
- "<a href=\"\">#hello</a> <a href=\"\">#world</a>"
- assert MapSet.to_list(tags) == ["#hello", "#world"]
- end
- test "mention handler and hashtag prefix" do
- text =
- "Hello again, @user.<script></script>\nThis is on another :moominmamma: line. #2hu #epic #phantasmagoric"
- handler = fn "@" <> user = mention, _, _, _ ->
- ~s(<span class="h-card"><a href="#/user/#{user}">@<span>#{mention}</span></a></span>)
- end
- expected =
- ~s(Hello again, <span class="h-card"><a href="#/user/user">@<span>@user</span></a></span>.<script></script>\nThis is on another :moominmamma: line. <a href="/tag/2hu" class="auto-linker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">#2hu</a> <a href="/tag/epic" class="auto-linker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">#epic</a> <a href="/tag/phantasmagoric" class="auto-linker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">#phantasmagoric</a>)
- assert,
- mention: true,
- mention_handler: handler,
- hashtag: true,
- hashtag_prefix: "/tag/"
- ) == expected
- end
- end
- describe "mentions" do
- test "simple mentions" do
- expected =
- ~s{hello <a href="" class="auto-linker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@user</a> and <a href="" class="auto-linker" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@anotherUser</a>.}
- assert"hello @user and @anotherUser.",
- mention: true,
- mention_prefix: ""
- ) == expected
- end
- test "mentions inside html tags" do
- text =
- "<p><strong>hello world</strong></p>\n<p><`em>another @user__test and @user__test paragraph</em></p>\n"
- expected =
- "<p><strong>hello world</strong></p>\n<p><`em>another <a href=\"u/user__test\">@user__test</a> and <a href=\"u/user__test\">@user__test</a> <a href=\"\"></a> paragraph</em></p>\n"
- assert,
- mention: true,
- mention_prefix: "u/",
- class: false,
- rel: false,
- new_window: false
- ) == expected
- end
- test "metion" do
- text = "hey"
- expected =
- "hey <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert,
- mention: true,
- mention_prefix: ""
- ) == expected
- end
- end
- describe "hashtag links" do
- test "hashtag" do
- expected =
- " one <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">#2two</a> three <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">#four</a>."
- assert" one #2two three #four.",
- hashtag: true,
- hashtag_prefix: ""
- ) == expected
- end
- test "must have non-numbers" do
- expected = "<a href=\"/t/1ok\">#1ok</a> #42 #7"
- assert"#1ok #42 #7",
- hashtag: true,
- hashtag_prefix: "/t/",
- class: false,
- rel: false,
- new_window: false
- ) == expected
- end
- test "support French" do
- text = "#administrateur·rice·s #ingénieur·e·s"
- expected =
- "<a href=\"/t/administrateur·rice·s\">#administrateur·rice·s</a> <a href=\"/t/ingénieur·e·s\">#ingénieur·e·s</a>"
- assert,
- hashtag: true,
- hashtag_prefix: "/t/",
- class: false,
- rel: false,
- new_window: false
- ) == expected
- end
- test "support Telugu" do
- text = "#చక్రం #కకకకక్ #కకకకాక #కకకక్రకకకక"
- expected =
- "<a href=\"/t/చక్రం\">#చక్రం</a> <a href=\"/t/కకకకక్\">#కకకకక్</a> <a href=\"/t/కకకకాక\">#కకకకాక</a> <a href=\"/t/కకకక్రకకకక\">#కకకక్రకకకక</a>"
- assert,
- hashtag: true,
- hashtag_prefix: "/t/",
- class: false,
- rel: false,
- new_window: false
- ) == expected
- end
- test "do not turn urls with hashes into hashtags" do
- text = " #test #tag"
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\">#test</a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\">#tag</a>"
- assert,
- hashtag: true,
- class: false,
- new_window: false,
- rel: false,
- hashtag_prefix: ""
- ) == expected
- end
- test "works with non-latin characters" do
- text = "#漢字 #は #тест #ทดสอบ"
- expected =
- "<a href=\"漢字\">#漢字</a> <a href=\"は\">#は</a> <a href=\"тест\">#тест</a> <a href=\"ทดสอบ\">#ทดสอบ</a>"
- assert,
- class: false,
- new_window: false,
- rel: false,
- hashtag: true,
- hashtag_prefix: ""
- ) == expected
- end
- end
- describe "links" do
- test "turning urls into links" do
- text = "Hey, check out ."
- expected =
- "Hey, check out <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> ."
- assert == expected
- # no scheme
- text = "Hey, check out ."
- assert == expected
- end
- test "turn urls with schema into urls" do
- text = "📌"
- expected = "📌<a href=\"\"></a>"
- assert, class: false, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
- end
- test "hostname/@user" do
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert == expected
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert == expected
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert == expected
- text = "@username"
- expected = "@username"
- assert == expected
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert == expected
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert == expected
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert == expected
- text = "'s_device"
- expected =
- "<a href=\"'s_device\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">'s_device</a>"
- assert == expected
- end
- end
- describe "non http links" do
- test "xmpp" do
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\"></a>"
- assert, extra: true, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
- end
- test "email" do
- text = ""
- expected = "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\"></a>"
- assert, email: true) == expected
- end
- test "magnet" do
- text =
- "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a4104a9d2f5615601c429fe8bab8177c47c05c84&dn=ubuntu-"
- expected =
- "<a href=\"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a4104a9d2f5615601c429fe8bab8177c47c05c84&dn=ubuntu-\" class=\"auto-linker\">magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a4104a9d2f5615601c429fe8bab8177c47c05c84&dn=ubuntu-</a>"
- assert, extra: true, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
- end
- test "dweb" do
- text =
- "dweb://584faa05d394190ab1a3f0240607f9bf2b7e2bd9968830a11cf77db0cea36a21+v1.0.0/path/to/file.txt"
- expected =
- "<a href=\"dweb://584faa05d394190ab1a3f0240607f9bf2b7e2bd9968830a11cf77db0cea36a21+v1.0.0/path/to/file.txt\" class=\"auto-linker\">dweb://584faa05d394190ab1a3f0240607f9bf2b7e2bd9968830a11cf77db0cea36a21+v1.0.0/path/to/file.txt</a>"
- assert, extra: true, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
- end
- end
- describe "TLDs" do
- test "parse with scheme" do
- text = ""
- expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
- assert == expected
- end
- test "only existing TLDs with scheme" do
- text = "this url https://google.foobar.blah11blah/ has invalid TLD"
- expected = "this url https://google.foobar.blah11blah/ has invalid TLD"
- assert == expected
- text = "this url has valid TLD"
- expected =
- "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
- assert == expected
- end
- test "only existing TLDs without scheme" do
- text = "this url google.foobar.blah11blah/ has invalid TLD"
- assert == text
- text = "this url has valid TLD"
- expected =
- "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
- assert == expected
- end
- test "only existing TLDs with and without scheme" do
- text = "this url has valid TLD"
- expected =
- "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
- assert == expected
- text = "this url has valid TLD"
- expected =
- "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
- assert == expected
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/builder_test.exs b/test/builder_test.exs
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
-defmodule AutoLinker.BuilderTest do
+defmodule Linkify.BuilderTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
- doctest AutoLinker.Builder
+ doctest Linkify.Builder
- import AutoLinker.Builder
+ import Linkify.Builder
test "create_link/2" do
expected =
- "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">text</a>"
+ "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">text</a>"
assert create_link("text", %{}) == expected
- expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\">text</a>"
+ expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\">text</a>"
assert create_link("text", %{rel: nil}) == expected
- expected =
- "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"me\">text</a>"
+ expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"me\">text</a>"
assert create_link("text", %{rel: "me"}) == expected
- expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\">t...</a>"
+ expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\">t...</a>"
assert create_link("text", %{truncate: 3, rel: false}) == expected
- expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\">text</a>"
+ expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\">text</a>"
assert create_link("text", %{truncate: 2, rel: false}) == expected
- expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\">http://text</a>"
+ expected = "<a href=\"http://text\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\">http://text</a>"
assert create_link("http://text", %{rel: false, strip_prefix: false}) == expected
@@ -48,13 +47,13 @@ defmodule AutoLinker.BuilderTest do
test "create_mention_link/3" do
expected =
- "<a href=\"/u/navi\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">@navi</a>"
+ "<a href=\"/u/navi\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">@navi</a>"
assert create_mention_link("@navi", "hello @navi", %{mention_prefix: "/u/"}) == expected
test "create_email_link/3" do
- expected = "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\"></a>"
+ expected = "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\"></a>"
assert create_email_link("", %{}) == expected
assert create_email_link("", %{href: ""}) == expected
diff --git a/test/linkify_test.exs b/test/linkify_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+defmodule LinkifyTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ doctest Linkify
+ test "default link" do
+ assert"") ==
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ end
+ test "does on link existing links" do
+ text = ~s(<a href=""></a>)
+ assert == text
+ end
+ test "all kinds of links" do
+ text = "hello irc:///mIRC"
+ expected =
+ "hello <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"irc:///mIRC\">irc:///mIRC</a>"
+ assert,
+ email: true,
+ extra: true,
+ class: false,
+ new_window: false,
+ rel: false
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "rel as function" do
+ text = ""
+ expected = "<a href=\"\" rel=\"com\"></a>"
+ custom_rel = fn url ->
+ url |> String.split(".") |> List.last()
+ end
+ assert,
+ class: false,
+ new_window: false,
+ rel: custom_rel
+ ) == expected
+ text = ""
+ expected = "<a href=\"\"></a>"
+ custom_rel = fn _ -> nil end
+ assert,
+ class: false,
+ new_window: false,
+ rel: custom_rel
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "link_map/2" do
+ assert Linkify.link_map("", []) ==
+ {"<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>",
+ []}
+ end
+ describe "custom handlers" do
+ test "mentions handler" do
+ text = "hello @user, @valid_user and @invalid_user"
+ valid_users = ["user", "valid_user"]
+ handler = fn "@" <> user = mention, buffer, _opts, acc ->
+ if Enum.member?(valid_users, user) do
+ link = ~s(<a href="{user}" data-user="#{user}">#{mention}</a>)
+ {link, %{acc | mentions: MapSet.put(acc.mentions, {mention, user})}}
+ else
+ {buffer, acc}
+ end
+ end
+ {result_text, %{mentions: mentions}} =
+ Linkify.link_map(text, %{mentions:},
+ mention: true,
+ mention_handler: handler
+ )
+ assert result_text ==
+ "hello <a href=\"\" data-user=\"user\">@user</a>, <a href=\"\" data-user=\"valid_user\">@valid_user</a> and @invalid_user"
+ assert mentions |> MapSet.to_list() |>, 1)) == valid_users
+ end
+ test "hashtags handler" do
+ text = "#hello #world"
+ handler = fn hashtag, buffer, opts, acc ->
+ link = Linkify.Builder.create_hashtag_link(hashtag, buffer, opts)
+ {link, %{acc | tags: MapSet.put(acc.tags, hashtag)}}
+ end
+ {result_text, %{tags: tags}} =
+ Linkify.link_map(text, %{tags:},
+ hashtag: true,
+ hashtag_handler: handler,
+ hashtag_prefix: "",
+ class: false,
+ new_window: false,
+ rel: false
+ )
+ assert result_text ==
+ "<a href=\"\">#hello</a> <a href=\"\">#world</a>"
+ assert MapSet.to_list(tags) == ["#hello", "#world"]
+ end
+ test "mention handler and hashtag prefix" do
+ text =
+ "Hello again, @user.<script></script>\nThis is on another :moominmamma: line. #2hu #epic #phantasmagoric"
+ handler = fn "@" <> user = mention, _, _, _ ->
+ ~s(<span class="h-card"><a href="#/user/#{user}">@<span>#{mention}</span></a></span>)
+ end
+ expected =
+ ~s(Hello again, <span class="h-card"><a href="#/user/user">@<span>@user</span></a></span>.<script></script>\nThis is on another :moominmamma: line. <a href="/tag/2hu" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">#2hu</a> <a href="/tag/epic" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">#epic</a> <a href="/tag/phantasmagoric" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">#phantasmagoric</a>)
+ assert,
+ mention: true,
+ mention_handler: handler,
+ hashtag: true,
+ hashtag_prefix: "/tag/"
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ end
+ describe "mentions" do
+ test "simple mentions" do
+ expected =
+ ~s{hello <a href="" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@user</a> and <a href="" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@anotherUser</a>.}
+ assert"hello @user and @anotherUser.",
+ mention: true,
+ mention_prefix: ""
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "mentions inside html tags" do
+ text =
+ "<p><strong>hello world</strong></p>\n<p><`em>another @user__test and @user__test paragraph</em></p>\n"
+ expected =
+ "<p><strong>hello world</strong></p>\n<p><`em>another <a href=\"u/user__test\">@user__test</a> and <a href=\"u/user__test\">@user__test</a> <a href=\"\"></a> paragraph</em></p>\n"
+ assert,
+ mention: true,
+ mention_prefix: "u/",
+ class: false,
+ rel: false,
+ new_window: false
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "metion" do
+ text = "hey"
+ expected =
+ "hey <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert,
+ mention: true,
+ mention_prefix: ""
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ end
+ describe "hashtag links" do
+ test "hashtag" do
+ expected =
+ " one <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">#2two</a> three <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">#four</a>."
+ assert" one #2two three #four.",
+ hashtag: true,
+ hashtag_prefix: ""
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "must have non-numbers" do
+ expected = "<a href=\"/t/1ok\">#1ok</a> #42 #7"
+ assert"#1ok #42 #7",
+ hashtag: true,
+ hashtag_prefix: "/t/",
+ class: false,
+ rel: false,
+ new_window: false
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "support French" do
+ text = "#administrateur·rice·s #ingénieur·e·s"
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"/t/administrateur·rice·s\">#administrateur·rice·s</a> <a href=\"/t/ingénieur·e·s\">#ingénieur·e·s</a>"
+ assert,
+ hashtag: true,
+ hashtag_prefix: "/t/",
+ class: false,
+ rel: false,
+ new_window: false
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "support Telugu" do
+ text = "#చక్రం #కకకకక్ #కకకకాక #కకకక్రకకకక"
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"/t/చక్రం\">#చక్రం</a> <a href=\"/t/కకకకక్\">#కకకకక్</a> <a href=\"/t/కకకకాక\">#కకకకాక</a> <a href=\"/t/కకకక్రకకకక\">#కకకక్రకకకక</a>"
+ assert,
+ hashtag: true,
+ hashtag_prefix: "/t/",
+ class: false,
+ rel: false,
+ new_window: false
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "do not turn urls with hashes into hashtags" do
+ text = " #test #tag"
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\">#test</a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\">#tag</a>"
+ assert,
+ hashtag: true,
+ class: false,
+ new_window: false,
+ rel: false,
+ hashtag_prefix: ""
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ test "works with non-latin characters" do
+ text = "#漢字 #は #тест #ทดสอบ"
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"漢字\">#漢字</a> <a href=\"は\">#は</a> <a href=\"тест\">#тест</a> <a href=\"ทดสอบ\">#ทดสอบ</a>"
+ assert,
+ class: false,
+ new_window: false,
+ rel: false,
+ hashtag: true,
+ hashtag_prefix: ""
+ ) == expected
+ end
+ end
+ describe "links" do
+ test "turning urls into links" do
+ text = "Hey, check out ."
+ expected =
+ "Hey, check out <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> ."
+ assert == expected
+ # no scheme
+ text = "Hey, check out ."
+ assert == expected
+ end
+ test "turn urls with schema into urls" do
+ text = "📌"
+ expected = "📌<a href=\"\"></a>"
+ assert, class: false, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
+ end
+ test "hostname/@user" do
+ text = ""
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert == expected
+ text = ""
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert == expected
+ text = ""
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert == expected
+ text = "@username"
+ expected = "@username"
+ assert == expected
+ text = ""
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert == expected
+ text = ""
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert == expected
+ text = ""
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert == expected
+ text = "'s_device"
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"'s_device\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">'s_device</a>"
+ assert == expected
+ end
+ end
+ describe "non http links" do
+ test "xmpp" do
+ text = ""
+ expected = "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\"></a>"
+ assert, extra: true, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
+ end
+ test "email" do
+ text = ""
+ expected = "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\"></a>"
+ assert, email: true) == expected
+ end
+ test "magnet" do
+ text =
+ "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a4104a9d2f5615601c429fe8bab8177c47c05c84&dn=ubuntu-"
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a4104a9d2f5615601c429fe8bab8177c47c05c84&dn=ubuntu-\" class=\"linkified\">magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a4104a9d2f5615601c429fe8bab8177c47c05c84&dn=ubuntu-</a>"
+ assert, extra: true, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
+ end
+ test "dweb" do
+ text =
+ "dweb://584faa05d394190ab1a3f0240607f9bf2b7e2bd9968830a11cf77db0cea36a21+v1.0.0/path/to/file.txt"
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"dweb://584faa05d394190ab1a3f0240607f9bf2b7e2bd9968830a11cf77db0cea36a21+v1.0.0/path/to/file.txt\" class=\"linkified\">dweb://584faa05d394190ab1a3f0240607f9bf2b7e2bd9968830a11cf77db0cea36a21+v1.0.0/path/to/file.txt</a>"
+ assert, extra: true, new_window: false, rel: false) == expected
+ end
+ end
+ describe "TLDs" do
+ test "parse with scheme" do
+ text = ""
+ expected =
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>"
+ assert == expected
+ end
+ test "only existing TLDs with scheme" do
+ text = "this url https://google.foobar.blah11blah/ has invalid TLD"
+ expected = "this url https://google.foobar.blah11blah/ has invalid TLD"
+ assert == expected
+ text = "this url has valid TLD"
+ expected =
+ "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
+ assert == expected
+ end
+ test "only existing TLDs without scheme" do
+ text = "this url google.foobar.blah11blah/ has invalid TLD"
+ assert == text
+ text = "this url has valid TLD"
+ expected =
+ "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
+ assert == expected
+ end
+ test "only existing TLDs with and without scheme" do
+ text = "this url has valid TLD"
+ expected =
+ "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
+ assert == expected
+ text = "this url has valid TLD"
+ expected =
+ "this url <a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a> has valid TLD"
+ assert == expected
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/parser_test.exs b/test/parser_test.exs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-defmodule AutoLinker.ParserTest do
+defmodule Linkify.ParserTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
- doctest AutoLinker.Parser
+ doctest Linkify.Parser
- import AutoLinker.Parser
+ import Linkify.Parser
describe "url?/2" do
test "valid scheme true" do
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ defmodule AutoLinker.ParserTest do
text = "\r\nssss"
expected =
- "<a href=\"\" class=\"auto-linker\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>\r\nssss"
+ "<a href=\"\" class=\"linkified\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>\r\nssss"
assert parse(text) == expected