commit: bfdb4547156520452968d9a9ea70f82a5717d521
parent: a698222f2491acb93a74560c9701ba8fd540c94c
Author: lanodan <>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 22:35:56 +0100
Duh !
1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/IRCBot/ b/IRCBot/
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ import os
def load_config_value(section, option):
- out = Config.get(section)[option]
+ out = Config.get(section)[:option]
return out
print('exception on '+option)
def load_config():
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- configLocation = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'config.ini')
+ configLocation = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './config.ini')
botnick = load_config_value('Config', 'Nick')
server = load_config_value('Config', 'Server')
@@ -42,21 +42,25 @@ def check_url(url):
return False
+def printIrc(ircout):
+ irc.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :'+ircout+'\n')
botnick = 'feyris-nyanyan'
server = ''
port = '6667'
channel = '#kisune'
quitMsg = 'Sayonara-nyan !'
+source = 'My sourcecode is under CC-BY-SA and available at the following address:'
irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #defines the socket
irc.connect((server, int(port))) #connects to the server
-irc.send("USER "+ botnick +" Lanodan Bot :Bot made by lanodan using python!\n") #user authentication
+irc.send("USER "+ botnick +" Feyris NyanNyan :Bot made by lanodan using python!\n") #user authentication
irc.send("NICK "+ botnick +"\n")
irc.send("JOIN "+ channel +"\n") #join the chan
-irc.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :Ohayo-nyan !\n')
+printIrc('Ohayo-nyan ! []')
while 1: #puts it in a loop
text=irc.recv(2040) #receive the text
@@ -67,24 +71,39 @@ while 1: #puts it in a loop
if text.find(':!hi') !=-1: #you can change !hi to whatever you want
t = text.split(':!hi') #you can change t and to :)
to = t[1].strip() #this code is for getting the first word after !hi
- irc.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :Ohayo '+str(to)+' nyan ! \n')
- if text.find(':!say') !=-1: #you can change !hi to whatever you want
+ printIrc('Ohayo-nyan '+str(to)+' ! []')
+ if text.find(':!say') != -1: #you can change !hi to whatever you want
t = text.split(':!say') #you can change t and to :)
- to = t[1].strip() #this code is for getting the first word after !hi
- irc.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :'+str(to)+'\n')
+ out = t[1].strip() #this code is for getting the first word after !hi
+ printIrc(str(out))
+ if text.find(':!action') != -1: #you can change !hi to whatever you want
+ t = text.split(':!action') #you can change t and to :)
+ out = t[1].strip() #this code is for getting the first word after !hi
+ printIrc('\x01ACTION '+out+'\x01')
+ if text.find(':!define') != -1:
+ t = text.split(':!define')
+ define = t[1].strip()
+ if (define):
+ printIrc(''+define)
+ else:
+ printIrc('Are you drunk ?')
if text.find('http') != -1:
parse = re.findall('https?://[^\"\'\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\ ]+', text)
- url = str(parse[0]).rstrip() #took the first link and remove newline and whitespaces
- if check_url(url):
- get = urllib.urlopen(url)
- wget =
- get.close()
- if wget.find('<title>') != -1:
- title = get_title(wget)
- irc.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :('+url+')Title: '+title+' \n')
- print '('+url+')Title: '+title
+ try:
+ url = str(parse[0]).rstrip() #took the first link and remove newline and whitespaces
+ if check_url(url):
+ get = urllib.urlopen(url)
+ wget =
+ get.close()
+ if wget.find('<title>') != -1:
+ title = get_title(wget)
+ printIrc('('+url+')Title: '+title)
+ print '('+url+')Title: '+title
+ except:
+ print 'Invalid url'
if text.find(':!source') != -1:
- irc.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :My sourcecode is under CC-BY-SA and available at the following address: \n')
+ printIrc(source)
if text.find(':!stop in the name of sey') != -1:
irc.send('QUIT : '+quitMsg+'\n')
+ time.sleep(1)