commit: 51b9b1b7b0362410d93bfcdb449de77fa156bc04
parent: 7fbe4bf9a1b137959a6643d4d6330d5e00ba5a98
Author: lanodan <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:22:14 +0100
Okay I’ve done a large refactor
M | twitter/ | 160 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ |
1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
diff --git a/twitter/ b/twitter/
@@ -10,65 +10,105 @@ api = TwitterAPI(
-def _help():
- print('Usage:')
- print('Favorite: /<f|fav|favorite> <tweet_id>')
- print('Retweet: /<rt|retweet> <tweet_id>')
- print('Favorite & Retweet: /<frt|favrt> <tweet_id>')
- print('Reply: /<re|reply> <tweet_id> <status>')
- print('Delete: /<del|delete|destroy> <tweet_id>')
- print('NSFW: /nsfw <status>')
- print('Image Upload: /upload <tweet_id>')
-# print('Search: /<search|?> <search_string>') I’ll be implemented with curses interface
- print('To tweet just put it without any command. Image uploading not supported yet')
- print('Protip: To send a direct message prepend MS @<name> or M$ @<name>')
+def favorite(id):
+ """ required argument, id """
+ api.request('favorites/create', {'id': id})
- if sys.argv[1] is not None:
- print(api.request('statuses/update', {'status': sys.argv[1:]}))
- sys.exit(0)
- while 1:
- status = input('>> ')
- try:
- if status[0] == '/':
- command = status[1:].split(' ')
- if command[1] is not None:
- if command[0] in ('f', 'fav', 'favorite'):
- api.request('favorites/create', {'id':command[1]})
- elif command[0] in ('rt', 'retweet'):
- api.request('statuses/retweet/:{}'.format(command[1]))
- elif command[0] in ('frt', 'favrt'):
- api.request('favorites/create', {'id':command[1]})
- api.request('statuses/retweet/:{}'.format(command[1]))
- elif command[0] in ('re', 'reply'):
- api.request('statuses/update', {'in_reply_to_status_id': command[1], 'status': status.split(' ', 1)[1]})
- elif command[0] in ('del', 'delete', 'destroy'):
- api.request('statuses/destroy/:{}'.format(command[1]))
- elif command[0] == 'nsfw':
- api.request('statuses/update', {'status': command[1], 'possibly_sensitive': True})
- elif command[0] == 'upload':
- file = open(command[1], 'rb')
- data =
- r = api.request('media/upload', None, {'media': data})
- media_id = r.json()['media_id']
- api.request('statuses/update', {'status': status.split(' ', 1)[1], 'media_ids': media_id})
- file.close()
- data = None
- elif command[0] == 'tweet':
- print('No command is used to tweet, just put it without /tweet')
- else:
- print(status, 'doesn’t exist.')
- _help()
- else:
- print(status, 'you’ve forget arguments.')
- _help()
+def retweet(id):
+ """ required argument: id """
+ api.request('statuses/retweet/:{}'.format(id))
+def reply(in_reply_to_status_id, status):
+ """ required arguments: in_reply_to_status_id, status """
+ api.request('statuses/update', {'in_reply_to_status_id': in_reply_to_status_id, 'status': status})
+def delete(id):
+ """ required argument: id """
+ api.request('statuses/destroy/:{}'.format(id))
+def nsfw(status):
+ """ required argument: status """
+ api.request('statuses/update', {'status': status, 'possibly_sensitive': True})
+def upload(file_path, status):
+ """ required argument: file_path, status """
+ file = open(file_path, 'rb')
+ r = api.request('media/upload', None, {'media':})
+ api.request('statuses/update', {'status': status, 'media_ids': r.json()['media_id']})
+ file.close()
+def upload_nsfw(file_path, status):
+ """ required argument: file_path, status """
+ file = open(file_path, 'rb')
+ r = api.request('media/upload', None, {'media':})
+ api.request('statuses/update', {'status': status, 'media_ids': r.json()['media_id'], 'possibly_sensitive': True})
+ file.close()
+def follow(target):
+ if target.isalpha():
+ api.request('friendships/create', {'screen_name': target})
+ else:
+ api.request('friendships/create', {'screen_name': target})
+def unfollow(target):
+ if target.isalpha():
+ api.request('friendships/destroy', {'screen_name': target})
+ else:
+ api.request('friendships/destroy', {'user_id': target})
+def parse_command(status):
+ """ Delete: /<del|delete|destroy> <tweet_id> """
+ """ Favorite & Retweet: /<frt|favrt> <tweet_id> """
+ """ Favorite: /<f|fav|favorite> <tweet_id> """
+ """ NSFW: /nsfw <status> """
+ """ Reply: /<re|reply> <tweet_id> <status> """
+ """ Retweet: /<rt|retweet> <tweet_id> """
+ """ Upload: /upload <tweet_id> """
+ """ Follow: /follow <screen_name|user_id> """
+ """ Unfollow: /unfollow <screen_name|user_id> """
+ """ To tweet just put it without any command. Image uploading not supported yet """
+ """ Protip: To send a direct message prepend MS @<name> or M$ @<name> """
+ if status[0] == '/':
+ command = status[1:].split(' ')
+ if command[1] is not None:
+ if command[0] in ('f', 'fav', 'favorite'):
+ favorite(id = command[1])
+ elif command[0] in ('rt', 'retweet'):
+ retweet(id = command[1])
+ elif command[0] in ('frt', 'favrt'):
+ favorite(id = command[1])
+ retweet(id = command[1])
+ elif command[0] in ('re', 'reply'):
+ reply(in_reply_to_status_id = command[1], status = status.split(' ', 2)[2])
+ elif command[0] in ('del', 'delete', 'destroy'):
+ delete(command[1])
+ elif command[0] == 'nsfw':
+ nsfw(status = command[1])
+ elif command[0] == 'upload':
+ upload(status = status.split(' ', 2)[2], file_path = command[1])
+ elif command[0] == 'upload_nsfw':
+ upload(status = status.split(' ', 2)[2], file_path = command[1])
+ elif command[0] == 'follow':
+ follow(command[1])
+ elif command[0] == 'unfollow':
+ unfollow(command[1])
+ elif command[0] == 'tweet':
+ print('No command is used to tweet, just put it without /tweet')
- if len(status) > 140:
- print('Tweets have a max of 140 charaters')
- elif len(status) == 0:
- print('Tweets cannot be empty')
- else:
- print(api.request('statuses/update', {'status': status}))
- except:
- print(sys.exc_info())
+ print(status, 'doesn’t exist.')
+ _help()
+ else:
+ print(status, 'you’ve forget arguments.')
+ _help()
+ else:
+ if len(status) > 140:
+ print('Tweets have a max of 140 charaters')
+ elif len(status) == 0:
+ print('Tweets cannot be empty')
+ else:
+ print(api.request('statuses/update', {'status': status}))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ while 1:
+ status = input('>> ')
+ parse_command(status)