.gitignore (1109B)
- # App artifacts
- /_build
- /db
- /deps
- /*.ez
- /test/instance
- /test/uploads
- /.elixir_ls
- /test/fixtures/DSCN0010_tmp*
- /test/fixtures/test_tmp.txt
- /test/fixtures/image_tmp.jpg
- /test/tmp/
- /doc
- /instance
- /priv/ssh_keys
- # Prevent committing custom emojis
- /priv/static/emoji/custom/*
- /config/emoji*
- # Generated on crash by the VM
- erl_crash.dump
- # Files matching config/*.secret.exs pattern contain sensitive
- # data and you should not commit them into version control.
- #
- # Alternatively, you may comment the line below and commit the
- # secrets files as long as you replace their contents by environment
- # variables.
- /config/*.secret.exs
- /config/generated_config.exs
- /config/runtime.exs
- /config/*.env
- # Database setup file, some may forget to delete it
- /config/setup_db*.psql
- .DS_Store
- .env
- # Editor config
- /.vscode/
- # Prevent committing docs files
- /priv/static/doc/*
- docs/generated_config.md
- # Code test coverage
- /cover
- /Elixir.*.coverdata
- /coverage.xml
- .idea
- pleroma.iml
- # asdf
- .tool-versions
- # Editor temp files
- *~
- *#
- *.swp
- archive-*
- .gitlab-ci-local
- # Test files should be named *.exs
- test/pleroma/**/*.ex