commit: fa398b5e7aeb53709618d69de086a08b2248ba8c
parent 1154a6514bf5596aa55aa415e1640560bd3716b3
Author: Henry Jameson <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 03:08:03 +0300
popup offsets should be fixed now
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/components/popover/popover.js b/src/components/popover/popover.js
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ const Popover = {
methods: {
containerBoundingClientRect () {
const container = this.boundToSelector ? this.$el.closest(this.boundToSelector) : this.$el.offsetParent
- console.log(container)
return container.getBoundingClientRect()
updateStyles () {
@@ -58,14 +57,15 @@ const Popover = {
// its children are what are inside the slot. Expect only one v-slot:trigger.
const anchorEl = (this.$refs.trigger && this.$refs.trigger.children[0]) || this.$el
// SVGs don't have offsetWidth/Height, use fallback
- const anchorWidth = anchorEl.offsetWidth || anchorEl.clientWidth
const anchorHeight = anchorEl.offsetHeight || anchorEl.clientHeight
- const screenBox = anchorEl.getBoundingClientRect()
+ const anchorScreenBox = anchorEl.getBoundingClientRect()
// Screen position of the origin point for popover
- const origin = { x: screenBox.left + screenBox.width * 0.5, y: }
+ const origin = { x: anchorScreenBox.left, y: }
const content = this.$refs.content
// Minor optimization, don't call a slow reflow call if we don't have to
- const parentBounds = this.boundTo &&
+ const parentScreenBox = this.boundTo &&
(this.boundTo.x === 'container' || this.boundTo.y === 'container') &&
@@ -74,31 +74,30 @@ const Popover = {
// What are the screen bounds for the popover? Viewport vs container
// when using viewport, using default margin values to dodge the navbar
const xBounds = this.boundTo && this.boundTo.x === 'container' ? {
- min: parentBounds.left + (margin.left || 0),
- max: parentBounds.right - (margin.right || 0)
+ min: parentScreenBox.left + (margin.left || 0),
+ max: parentScreenBox.right - (margin.right || 0)
} : {
min: 0 + (margin.left || 10),
max: window.innerWidth - (margin.right || 10)
const yBounds = this.boundTo && this.boundTo.y === 'container' ? {
- min: + ( || 0),
- max: parentBounds.bottom - (margin.bottom || 0)
+ min: + ( || 0),
+ max: parentScreenBox.bottom - (margin.bottom || 0)
} : {
min: 0 + ( || 50),
max: window.innerHeight - (margin.bottom || 5)
let horizOffset = 0
// If overflowing from left, move it so that it doesn't
- if ((origin.x - content.offsetWidth * 0.5) < xBounds.min) {
- horizOffset += -(origin.x - content.offsetWidth * 0.5) + xBounds.min
+ if ((origin.x) < xBounds.min) {
+ horizOffset += -origin.x + xBounds.min
// If overflowing from right, move it so that it doesn't
- if ((origin.x + horizOffset + content.offsetWidth * 0.5) > xBounds.max) {
- horizOffset -= (origin.x + horizOffset + content.offsetWidth * 0.5) - xBounds.max
+ if ((origin.x + horizOffset + content.offsetWidth) > xBounds.max) {
+ horizOffset -= (origin.x + horizOffset + content.offsetWidth) - xBounds.max
// Default to whatever user wished with placement prop
@@ -118,25 +117,21 @@ const Popover = {
const yOffset = (this.offset && this.offset.y) || 0
const translateY = usingTop
- ? -anchorHeight + vPadding - yOffset - content.offsetHeight
- : yOffset
+ ? yOffset - content.offsetHeight - vPadding
+ : yOffset + anchorHeight + vPadding
const xOffset = (this.offset && this.offset.x) || 0
- const translateX = anchorWidth * 0.5 - content.offsetWidth * 0.5 + horizOffset + xOffset
+ const translateX = horizOffset + xOffset
// Note, separate translateX and translateY avoids blurry text on chromium,
// single translate or translate3d resulted in blurry text.
- console.log(translateX + screenBox.x + screenBox.width)
- console.log(Math.round(parentBounds.width))
this.styles = {
opacity: 1,
- // transform: `translateX(${Math.round(translateX)}px) translateY(${Math.round(translateY)}px)`
- left: `${Math.round(translateX + screenBox.x + screenBox.width / 2)}px`,
- top: `${Math.round(translateY + screenBox.y + screenBox.height / 2)}px`,
- maxWidth: `${Math.round(parentBounds.width)}px`,
+ left: `${Math.round(origin.x + translateX)}px`,
+ top: `${Math.round(origin.y + translateY)}px`,
+ maxWidth: `${parentScreenBox ? Math.round(parentScreenBox.width) : 0}px`,
position: 'fixed'
- console.log(this.styles)
showPopover () {
const wasHidden = this.hidden