

End of niu.moe - the credit animation

README.md (789B)

  1. # Wtf is that
  2. NIU.MOE has been a cozy place on the fediverse from April 2017 up to the last day of 2020.
  3. I wanted to put something instead of a blank page, in memory of the community, so there it is !
  4. It have been made with https://animejs.com/ and a bunch of dirty hardcoded hacks. Could be better but 😴.
  5. # Some credits :
  6. - Bunnies emojis are from [Volpeon (ex Feuerfuchs)](https://www.feuerfuchs.dev/projects/bunhd-emojis)
  7. - Font used is "Enter Command" from [Font End Dev](https://fontenddev.com/fonts/enter-command)
  8. - Little Witch Academia Stickers are from [Trigger's Line store](https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/1081469)
  9. - Ending music and background artworks are from Pokemon Diamond credit scene ([YouTube video of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKOsbdMaw18))