commit: 2023432c5e610b4740eb4d39956c4bf150282697
parent 5d5eb5d73b27ba0188aa999d0bfe82c4a358d7ab
Author: Gábor Stefanik <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 19:18:21 +0100
Use builder-hex0 stages from submodule
This ends the reliance on the precompiled stage1 image in ootstrap-seeds,
and the locally committed copy of the stage2 hex0 code. Instead, both
stages are taken from the new builder-hex0 submodule, with stage1 compiled
by on the fly. The local copy of stage2 is dropped.
This way, updating to a newer builder-hex0 becomes much easier: just update
the submodule.
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2447 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kernel-bootstrap/builder-hex0-x86-stage2.hex0 b/kernel-bootstrap/builder-hex0-x86-stage2.hex0
@@ -1,2442 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Richard Masters <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-# Builder-Hex0 is a small bootable machine image which has
-# the ability to compile hex0 code. It is also written in hex0
-# and so it can build itself if provided with its own source code.
-# hex0 is a "language" for binary encoding in hexadecimal
-# with support for comments.
-# 16 bit Functions
-# ----------------
-# stage2_entry
-# console_putc_16
-# console_put_hex_16
-# get_drive_geometry
-# next_sector
-# read_sectors_16
-# write_sectors_16
-# [GDT data]
-# stage2_main
-# 32 bit Functions
-# ----------------
-# setup_interrupt_handlers
-# stub_interrupt_handler
-# enter_16bit_real
-# resume_32bit_mode
-# console_putc
-# console_put_hex
-# console_puts
-# read_sectors
-# write_sectors
-# syscall_interrupt_handler
-# handle_syscall_open
-# handle_syscall_close
-# absolute_path
-# find_file
-# fd_to_file_index
-# handle_syscall_read
-# handle_syscall_brk
-# handle_syscall_write
-# handle_syscall_fork
-# handle_syscall_execve
-# handle_syscall_chdir
-# handle_syscall_exit
-# handle_syscall_waitpid
-# handle_syscall_lseek
-# handle_syscall_access
-# handle_syscall_mkdir
-# handle_syscall_getcwd
-# strcmp
-# read
-# write
-# src
-# hex0
-# internalshell
-# Memory:
-# 54000000 - BFFFFFFF files (~1812MB)
-# 30000000 - 53FFFFFF saved processes (~604MB)
-# 08048000 - 2FFFFFFF current running process (~670MB)
-# 01080000 - 08000000 32 bit stack (117MB)
-# 01000010 - 0107FFFF file descriptors (16 bytes each * 32K)
-# { unused, address, length, unused }
-# 01000000 - 0100000F stdin disk locator
-# { cylinder/sector (2 bytes), head (1 byte), unused byte,
-# offset (2 bytes), unused }
-# 201800 - FFFFFF file names 6..14335
-# 201400 - 2017FF file name 5
-# 201000 - 2013FF file name 4
-# 100000 - 200FF0 unused
-# 40200 - 9FBFF scratch buffer
-# 40000 - 401FF stdin device buffer
-# 20000 - 3FFFF process descriptors ( 16 * 4096 bytes each)
-# offset len description
-# 0x000 0x004 process address
-# 0x004 0x004 brk pointer
-# 0x008 0x004 saved stack pointer (first process only)
-# 0x00C 0x004 saved stack pointer
-# 0x010 0x004 forked?
-# 0x014 0x004 saved brk pointer
-# 0x018 0x004 child exit code
-# 0x01C 0x004 address of saved process memory
-# 0x020 0x004 length of process memory
-# 0x024 0x004 address of saved process stack
-# 0x028 0x004 length of saved process stack
-# 0x02C 0x01C unused
-# 0x100 0x100 current directory
-# 0x200 x0E00 file descriptors 448 * 8 bytes each
-# { global_file_index, current_offset }
-# 10800 - 1FFFF unused
-# 10000 - 107FF interrupt table
-# A000 - A1FF sector read buffer - 16bit
-# 7C00 - 8600 code
-# 7B00 - 7BFF Saved 32 bit registers while in 16 bit mode
-# < 7B00 real mode stack
-# inputs:
-# dl: boot drive
-# We cannot be sure the registers are initialized to zero so we
-# do that first. We far jump to stage2_main in order to set CS.
-31 C0 # xor ax, ax
-8E D8 # mov ds, ax
-8E C0 # mov es, ax
-8E D0 # mov ss, ax
-BC 00 7B # mov sp, 0x7B00
-FC # cld ; clear direction flag
-EA 26 7F 00 00 # jmp stage2_main
-# input:
-# al: char to print
-# Note: with QEMU+Seabios this does not flush the last character or
-# CRLF of a line until the first character is output on the next line
-# and that character cannot be another CRLF.
-53 # push bx
-50 # push ax
-# Prepare to use BIOS tty output interrupt.
-# Specify text page 00, 0 black background, 7 light grey text
-BB 00 07 # mov bx, 0x0007
-# Specify the `write character` BIOS routine
-B4 0E # mov ah, 0x0E
-3C 0A # cmp al, 0x0A
-75 06 # jne regular
-# convert LF to CR LF for BIOS output
-B0 0D # mov al, 0x0D
-CD 10 # int 0x10
-B0 0A # mov al, 0x0A
-CD 10 # int 0x10
-58 # pop ax
-5B # pop bx
-CB # retf
-# input:
-# al: byte to print as hex
-50 # push ax
-24 F0 # and al, 0xF0
-C0 E8 04 # shr al, 4
-3C 09 # cmp al, 9
-7F 04 # jg alpha1
-# numeral
-04 30 # add al, 0x30
-EB 02 # jmp print1
-04 37 # add al, 0x37
-9A 11 7E 00 00 # call console_putc_16
-58 # pop ax ; restore original al
-50 # push ax ;
-24 0F # and al, 0x0F
-3C 09 # cmp al, 9
-7F 04 # jg alpha2
-# numeral
-04 30 # add al, 0x30
-EB 02 # jmp print2
-04 37 # add al, 0x37
-9A 11 7E 00 00 # call console_putc_16
-58 # pop ax
-CB # retf
-# input:
-# dl: drive
-06 # push es
-57 # push di
-31 FF # xor di, di
-8E C7 # mov es, di
-B4 08 # mov ah, 8 ; get drive parameters
-CD 13 # int 0x13
-88 36 52 7E # mov [max_head], dh ; max_head
-80 E1 3F # and cl, 0x3f
-88 0E 53 7E # mov [max_sector], cl ; num_sectors
-5F # pop di
-07 # pop es
-CB # retf
-# inputs:
-# cx: cylinder/sector
-# dh: head
-50 # PUSH_AX
-88 C8 # mov al, cl ; get sector number
-24 3F # and al, 0x3f
-3A 06 53 7E # cmp al, [max_sector]; if sector_num == max_sector
-74 04 # je next_head ; goto next_head
-FE C1 # inc cl ; else sector_num++;
-EB 28 # jmp next_sector_finish
-3A 36 52 7E # cmp dh, [max_head] ; if head_num == max_head
-74 09 # je next_cylinder ; goto next_cyclinder
-FE C6 # inc dh ; else head_num++
-80 E1 C0 # and cl, 0xc0 ; sector_num = 1
-FE C1 # inc cl ;
-EB 19 # jmp next_sector_finish
-80 FD FF # cmp ch, 0xff ; if cylinder_low == 255
-74 0B # je next_cyl_high
-30 F6 # xor dh, dh ; head_num = 0
-80 E1 C0 # and cl, 0xc0 ; sector_num = 0
-81 C1 01 01 # add cx, 0x0101 ; cylinder_low++, sector_num++
-EB 09 # jmp next_sector_finish
-30 F6 # xor dh, dh ; head_num = 0
-81 E1 C0 00 # and cx, 0x00C0 ; cylinder_low = 0, sector_num = 0
-80 C1 41 # add cl, 0x41 ; cylinder_high++, sector_num++
-58 # pop ax
-CB # retf
-# inputs:
-# di: dest_addr
-# cx: cylinder/sector
-# dh: head
-# ax: num_sectors
-# outputs:
-# di: next byte to write to
-# cx,dh: next disk sector to read from
-50 # push ax
-53 # push bx
-56 # push si
-89 C6 # mov si, ax ; si=num_sectors
-89 FB # mov bx, di ; int 13 writes to bx
-8A 16 51 7E # mov dl, [boot_drive]
-B4 02 # mov ah, 2 ; rw mode = 02 (read)
-B0 01 # mov al, 1 ; num_sectors
-CD 13 # int 0x13
-72 F4 # jnc read_one_loop
-3C 01 # cmp al, 1
-75 F0 # jnz read_one_loop
-# advance and maybe continue
-9A 6C 7E 00 00 # call next_sector
-# we read one sector, advance
-81 C3 00 02 # add bx, 0x200
-4E # dec si ; num_sectors--
-75 E4 # jnz read_one_loop
-89 DF # mov di, bx
-5E # pop si
-5B # pop bx
-58 # pop ax
-CB # retf
-# inputs:
-# si: source_addr
-# cx: cylinder/sector
-# dh: head
-# ax: num_sectors
-# outputs:
-# si: next byte to read from
-# cx,dh: next disk sector to read from
-50 # push ax
-53 # push bx
-57 # push di
-89 C7 # mov di, ax ; di=num_sectors
-89 F3 # mov bx, si ; int 13 reads from [bx]
-8A 16 51 7E # mov dl, [boot_drive]
-B4 03 # mov ah, 3 ; rw mode = 03 (write)
-B0 01 # mov al, 1 ; num_sectors
-CD 13 # int 0x13
-72 F4 # jnc write_one_loop
-3C 01 # cmp al, 1
-75 F0 # jnz write_one_loop
-# advance and maybe continue
-9A 6C 7E 00 00 # call next_sector
-# we write one sector, advance
-81 C3 00 02 # add bx, 0x200
-4F # dec di ; num_sectors--
-75 E4 # jnz write_one_loop
-89 DE # mov si, bx
-5F # pop di
-5B # pop bx
-58 # pop ax
-CB # retf
-#alignment only
-# The Global Descriptor Table for 32 bit mode.
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-FF FF # limit 0:15
-00 00 # base 0:15
-00 # base 16:23
-9A # access byte 10011010b
- # present=1 privilege=00 type=1
- # code=1 conforming=0 readable=1 accessed=0
-CF # 11001111b
- # granularity=1 32-bit-default=1 64-bit seg=0 AVL=0
-00 #
-FF FF # limit 0:15
-00 00 # base 0:15
-00 # base 16:23
-92 # access byte 10010010b
- # present=1 privilege=00 type=1
- # code=0 conforming=0 readable=1 accessed=0
-CF # flags, limit 16:19 11001111b
- # granularity=1 32-bit-default=1 64-bit seg=0 AVL=0
-00 # base 24:31
-FF FF # limit 0:15
-00 00 # base 0:15
-00 # base 16:23
-9A # access byte 10011010b
- # present=1 privilege=00 type=1
- # code=1 conforming=0 readable=1 accessed=0
-8F # 10001111b
- # granularity=1 32-bit-default=0 64-bit seg=0 AVL=0
-00 #
-FF FF # limit 0:15
-00 00 # base 0:15
-00 # base 16:23
-92 # access byte 10010010b
- # present=1 privilege=00 type=1
- # code=0 conforming=0 readable=1 accessed=0
-8F # flags, limit 16:19 10001111b
- # granularity=1 32-bit-default=0 64-bit seg=0 AVL=0
-00 # base 24:31
-27 00 # length
-F8 7E 00 00 # GDT_start
-# inputs:
-# dl: boot_drive
-# Load the kernel and jump to it
-88 16 51 7E # mov [boot_drive], dl
-9A 54 7E 00 00 # call get_drive_geometry()
-BF 00 80 # mov di, 0x8000 ; place remaining code after MBR in memory
-B8 07 00 # mov ax, 0x0007 ; num_sectors = 7
-B9 02 00 # mov cx, 0x0002 ; cylinder = 0, sector_num = 0x02
-B6 00 # mov dh, 0 ; head = 0
-# XXX disabled - stage1 compiles code
-90 90 90 90 90
-#9A A5 7E 00 00 # call read_sectors_16
-# start 32bit mode
-B8 01 24 # mov ax,2401h # enable A20 line
-CD 15 # int 15h
-FA # cli
-0F 01 16 20 7F # lgdt GDT_locator
-0F 20 C0 # mov eax, cr0
-66 83 C8 01 # or eax, 0x01
-0F 22 C0 # mov cr0, eax
-EA 59 7F 08 00 # jmp setup_32bit ; sets CS
-66 B8 10 00 # mov ax, 0x0010 ; data descriptor
-8E D8 # mov ds, ax
-8E D0 # mov ss, ax
-8E C0 # mov es, ax
-8E E0 # mov fs, ax
-8E E8 # mov gs, ax
-BD 00 00 00 08 # mov ebp, 0x08000000
-89 EC # mov esp, ebp
-9A 7C 7F 00 00 08 00 # call setup_interrupt_handlers
-EA A1 8A 00 00 08 00 # jmp internalshell
-53 # push ebx
-# handle the timer interrupt 08
-BB 40 00 01 00 # mov ebx, &interrupt_table[08]
-66 C7 03 BC 7F # mov word [ebx + 0], low_address stub_interrupt_handler
-66 C7 43 06 00 00 # mov word [ebx + 6], high_address
-66 C7 43 02 08 00 # mov word [ebx + 2], code_segment = 0x0800
-C6 43 05 8E # mov byte [ebx + 5], flags = 8E
-# handle int 80
-BB 00 04 01 00 # mov ebx, &interrupt_table[80]
-66 C7 03 D8 80 # mov word [ebx + 0], low_address syscall_interrupt_handler
-66 C7 43 06 00 00 # mov word [ebx + 6], high_address
-66 C7 43 02 08 00 # mov word [ebx + 2], code_segment = 0x0800
-C6 43 05 8E # mov byte [ebx + 5], flags = 8E
-# load the interrupt table
-FA # cli
-0F 01 1D BD 7F 00 00 # lidt IDT_locator_32
-FB # sti
-5B # pop ebx
-CB # retf
-CF # iret
-FF 07 # length
-00 00 01 00 # IDT_start
-# unused
-00 00
-# 32 -> 16 -> 32 bit switching functions
-# When switching between real mode and
-# protected, registers are stored here:
-# 7B14 edx
-# 7B10
-# 7B0C
-# 7B08 eax
-# 7B04 esp
-# 7B00 <- top of real mode stack
-FA # cli
-A3 08 7B 00 00 # mov [0x7B08], eax ; preserve so we can use these locally
-89 15 14 7B 00 00 # mov [0x7B14], edx ;
-5A # pop edx ; capture return address
-89 25 04 7B 00 00 # mov [0x7B04], esp ; capture stack
-# The following far jump sets CS to a 16-bit protected mode selector
-# and the segment registers are also set to 16-bit protected mode selectors.
-# This is done prior to entering real mode.
-EA DF 7F 00 00 18 00 # jmp 0x18:setup_16bit
-B8 20 00 # mov eax, 0x0020
-8E D0 # mov ss, eax
-8E D8 # mov ds, eax
-8E C0 # mov es, eax
-8E E8 # mov gs, eax
-8E E0 # mov fs, eax
-BC 00 7B # mov sp, 0x7B00
-0F 20 C0 # mov eax, cr0
-66 83 E0 FE # and eax, 0xfffffffe ; clear protected mode
-0F 22 C0 # mov cr0, eax
-# The following far jump sets CS to a 16-bit real mode segment
-# and the segment registers are also set to real mode segments.
-EA 00 80 00 00 # jmp 0000:XXXX real_mode
-# [7DFE]
-# Unused
-00 00
-B8 00 00 # mov ax, 0x0
-8E D8 # mov ds, ax
-8E E0 # mov fs, ax
-8E E8 # mov gs, ax
-8E D0 # mov ss, ax
-8E C0 # mov es, ax
-BC 00 7B # mov sp, 0x7B00
-FA # cli
-0F 01 1E 22 80 # lidt IDT_locator_16
-FB # sti
-# Using retf to set CS comes from here:
-# This page recommends a far jump followed by sti:
-6A 00 # push 0x0000 (2 bytes!) CS to return to
-52 # push dx IP to return to
-A1 08 7B # mov ax, [0x7B08] ; restore from above
-8B 16 14 7b # mov dx, [0x7B14]
-CB # retf
-FF 03
-00 00 00 00
-FA # cli
-A3 08 7B # mov [0x7B08], ax ; preserve, they might be return values from 16 bit
-89 16 14 7b # mov [0x7B14], dx
-5A # pop dx ; carry the return IP in dx
-58 # pop ax ; CS
-0F 01 16 20 7F # lgdt GDT_locator
-0F 20 C0 # mov eax, cr0
-66 83 C8 01 # or eax, 0x01 ; enable protected mode
-0F 22 C0 # mov cr0, eax
-EA 46 80 08 00 # jmp restore_32bit
-B8 10 00 00 00 # mov eax, 0x0010 ; data descriptor
-8E D8 # mov ds, eax
-8E D0 # mov ss, eax
-8E C0 # mov es, eax
-8E E0 # mov fs, eax
-8E E8 # mov gs, eax
-8B 25 04 7B 00 00 # mov esp, [0x7B04] ; restore, (saved in enter_16bit_mode)
-9A 7C 7F 00 00 08 00 # call setup_interrupt_handlers
-52 # push edx ; setup our return location
-# These restore the 16 bit portion of these registers, which may be a
-# return value from a 16 bit function, and they also restore any previous high
-# bits that were stored by enter_16bit_mode so these registers need not be
-# saved when going to 16 bit mode and back if you want them left alone.
-A1 08 7B 00 00 # mov eax, [0x7B08] ; restore, (saved at top of this function)
-8B 15 14 7B 00 00 # mov edx, [0x7B14]
-C3 # ret
-E8 51 FF FF FF # CALL enter_16bit_real, next=[8074]
-9A 11 7E 00 00 # CALL console_putc_16(al)
-9A 28 80 00 00 # CALL resume_32bit_mode
-E8 41 FF FF FF # CALL enter_16bit_real, next=[8084]
-9A 27 7E 00 00 # CALL console_put_hex_16(al)
-9A 28 80 00 00 # CALL resume_32bit_mode
-# inputs
-# ds:si: string to print
-50 # push eax
-56 # push esi
-8A 06 # mov al, [esi]
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-74 0A # jz end_puts_loop
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-46 # inc esi
-EB F0 # jmp puts_loop
-B0 0A # mov al, 0A
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-5E # pop esi
-58 # pop eax
-# inputs:
-# di: dest_addr
-# cx: cylinder/sector
-# dh: head
-# ax: num_sectors
-E8 13 FF FF FF # CALL enter_16bit_real, next=[80B2]
-9A A5 7E 00 00 # CALL read_sectors_16
-9A 28 80 00 00 # CALL resume_32bit_mode
-# inputs:
-# si: source_addr
-# cx: cylinder/sector
-# dh: head
-# ax: num_sectors
-E8 03 FF FF FF # CALL enter_16bit_real, next=[80C2]
-9A CE 7E 00 00 # CALL write_sectors_16
-9A 28 80 00 00 # CALL resume_32bit_mode
-E8 F3 FE FF FF # call enter_16bit_real, next=[80D2]
-FA # cli
-EA F0 FF 00 F0 # ljmp $F000:FFF0 ; reboot
-3C 01 # cmp al, 1
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A B7 86 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_exit
-CF # iret
-3C 02 # cmp al, 2
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A B0 84 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_fork
-CF # iret
-3C 03 # cmp al, 3
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 5B 83 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_read
-CF # iret
-3C 04 # cmp al, 4
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 3D 84 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_write
-CF # iret
-3C 05 # cmp al, 5
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 94 81 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_open
-CF # iret
-3C 06 # cmp al, 6
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 5E 82 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_close
-CF # iret
-3C 07 # cmp eax, 7
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 0B 87 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_waitpid
-CF # iret
-3C 0B # cmp eax, B
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 1E 85 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_execve
-CF # iret
-3C 0C # cmp al, C
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 60 86 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_chdir
-CF # iret
-3C 13 # cmp al, 0x13
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 25 87 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_lseek
-CF # iret
-3C 2D # cmp al, 2D
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 0E 84 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_brk
-CF # iret
-3C 21 # cmp al, 0x21
-75 08 # jne try next
-9A 6D 87 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_access
-CF # iret
-3C 27 # cmp al, 0x27
-75 08 # jne syscall_ok
-9A 83 87 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_mkdir
-CF # iret
-# wait4
-3C 72 # cmp eax, 0x72
-75 05 # jne try next
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-89 01 # mov [ecx], eax
-CF # iret
-3C B7 # cmp al, 0xB7
-75 08 # jne syscall_ok
-9A 99 87 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_getcwd
-CF # iret
-# return success for all unimplemented syscalls
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-CF # iret
-04 00 00 00
-00 00 00 54
-# inputs:
-# ebx: filename
-# ecx: flags
-53 # push ebx
-51 # push ecx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-9A 76 82 00 00 08 00 # call absolute_path
-F7 C1 40 00 00 00 # test ecx, 0x40 ; 0x40 is O_CREAT
-74 72 # jz open_read
-# Create new file
-# Exit with error if directory does not exist
-# Go the end of filename
-89 DE # mov esi, ebx
-AC # lodsb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 FB # jne end_loop
-# Look in reverse for last slash
-4E # dec esi
-FD # std ; go backwards
-AC # lodsb
-3C 2F # cmp al, '/'
-75 FB # jne find_slash_loop
-# If first slash at start, its root, so it exists
-FC # cld
-46 # inc esi
-39 DE # cmp esi, ebx
-74 1C # je after_dir_lookup
-# Zero out slash
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-89 F7 # mov edi, esi
-AA # stosb
-# Lookup directory
-9A 13 83 00 00 08 00 # call find_file ; eax=find_file(ebx)
-# Restore first char
-C6 47 FF 2F # mov byte [edi - 1], 0x2f
-83 F8 FF # cmp eax, -1
-75 07 # jne after_dir_lookup
-EA 59 82 00 00 08 00 # jmp syscall_open_finish_fail
-# copy filename to new slot
-89 DE # mov esi, ebx
-BF 00 00 20 00 # mov edi, 0x0200000
-A1 8C 81 00 00 # mov eax, [&next_filenum]
-C1 E0 0A # shl eax, 0a
-01 C7 # add edi, eax
-B9 00 04 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x0000400
-F3 A4 # rep movsb
-# set address of file
-BF 00 00 00 01 # mov edi, 0x01000000 ; pfile_descriptor = &file_descriptor[0]
-A1 8C 81 00 00 # mov eax, [&next_filenum]
-C1 E0 04 # shl eax, 04
-01 C7 # add edi, eax ; pfile_descriptor += sizeof(file_descriptor) * next_filenum
-8B 0D 90 81 00 00 # mov ecx, [next_file_address]
-89 4F 04 # mov [edi+4], ecx ; pfile_descriptor->file_addr = ecx
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-89 47 08 # mov [edi+8], eax ; pfile_descriptor->length = 0
-A1 8C 81 00 00 # mov eax, [next_filenum] ; return next_filenum
-FF 05 8C 81 00 00 # inc [next_filenum]
-EB 18 # jmp syscall_open_finish
-9A 13 83 00 00 08 00 # call find_file
-83 F8 FF # cmp eax, -1
-74 34 # je syscall_open_finish_fail
-89 C1 # mov ecx, eax
-# set read offset to start of file
-BE 00 00 00 01 # mov esi, 0x01000000 ; pfile_descriptor = &file_descriptor[0]
-C1 E1 04 # shl ecx, 04
-01 CE # add esi, ecx ; pfile_descriptor += sizeof(file_descriptor) * filenum
-8B 35 1A 85 00 00 # mov esi, [&next_process_num]
-4E # dec esi = current process
-C1 E6 0C # shl esi, 0x0C
-81 C6 20 02 02 00 # add esi, 0x0020220 ; pproc_descriptor = &pproc_descriptor[current_process_num].open_files[4]
-6A 04 # push 0x04 ; start at fd=4
-59 # pop ecx
-8B 1E # mov ebx, [esi] ; get file number of fd slot
-85 DB # test ebx, ebx ; is this fd slot available?
-74 06 # jz got_slot
-41 # inc ecx ; no, go to next slot
-83 C6 08 # add esi, 0x08
-EB F4 # jmp find_slot_loop
-89 06 # mov [esi], eax ; store file number in slot
-89 C8 # mov eax, ecx ; return fd
-31 C9 # xor ecx, ecx ; set current file offset to zero
-89 4E 04 # mov [esi+0x4], ecx
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-CB # ret
-# inputs:
-# ebx: fd
-57 # push edi
-8B 3D 1A 85 00 00 # mov edi, [&next_process_num]
-4F # dec edi = current process
-C1 E7 0C # shl edi, 0x0C
-81 C7 00 02 02 00 # add edi, 0x00020200 ; edi = all_procs[current_process_num].open_files
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-89 04 DF # mov [edi+ebx*8], eax ; open_files[fd].global_index = 0
-5F # pop edi
-CB # ret
-# inputs:
-# ebx: path
-# outputs:
-# ebx: absolute path
-50 # push eax
-52 # push edx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-BF 00 02 04 00 # mov edi, 0x00040200 ; scratch buffer
-57 # push edi
-# if absolute path, skip prefixing current directory
-80 3B 2F # cmp [ebx], '/'
-74 18 # je strcpy_path_arg
-# get cwd
-8B 35 1A 85 00 00 # mov esi, [&next_process_num]
-4E # dec esi = current process
-C1 E6 0C # shl esi, 0x0C
-81 C6 00 01 02 00 # add esi, 0x0020100 ; pproc_descriptor = &pproc_descriptor[current_process_num].current_dir
-AC # lodsb
-84 C0 # test al, al
-74 03 # jz strcpy_path_arg
-AA # stosb
-EB F8 # jmp strcpy_cwd_loop
-89 DE # mov esi, ebx
-# skip leading ./
-66 81 3E 2E 2F # cmp word [esi], 0x2F2E
-75 02 # jne strcpy_path
-46 # inc esi
-46 # inc esi
-31 DB # xor ebx, ebx ; init last_char
-AC # lodsb
-3C 2F # cmp al, '/'
-75 05 # jne ok_path_char
-80 FB 2F # cmp bl, '/'
-74 01 # je skip_extra_slash
-AA # stosb
-84 C0 # test al, al
-74 04 # jz maybe_strip_ending_slash
-88 C3 # mov bl, al ; save last_char
-EB ED # jmp strcpy_path_loop
-80 FB 2F # cmp bl, '/'
-75 05 # jne handle_dots
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-4F # dec edi
-4F # dec edi
-AA # stosb
-# handle /. and /..
-5A # pop edx ; record first parent
-52 # push edx
-5E # pop esi ; get start location
-56 # push esi ; save start location
-## find_slash
-AC # lodsb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-74 33 # je absolute_path_finish
-3C 2F # cmp al, '/'
-75 F7 # jne find_slash
-AC # lodsb
-# check for /. or /..
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-74 2A # je absolute_path_finish
-3C 2E # cmp al, '.'
-74 06 # je dot_or_dotdot
-89 F2 # mov edx, esi ; record start of parent
-4A # dec edx ; go back to slash
-4A # dec edx
-EB E8 # jmp find_slash
-AC # lodsb
-3C 2E # cmp al, '.'
-75 0A # jne remove_slashdot
-89 D7 # mov edi, edx
-AC # lodsb
-AA # stosb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 FA # jne copy
-EB D7 # jmp handle_dots_loop
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 01 # jne not_ending_slashdot
-4E # dec esi ; go back to null
-89 F7 # mov edi, esi
-4F # dec edi
-4F # dec edi
-AC # lodsb
-AA # stosb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 FA # jne copy_over_slashdot
-EB C6 # jmp handle_dots_loop
-5B # pop ebx
-# restore / if necessary
-80 3B 00 # cmp byte [ebx], 0
-75 05 # jne abs_path_done
-66 C7 03 2F 00 # mov word [ebx], 0x002F
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-58 # pop eax
-# inputs:
-# ebx: file_name
-# outputs:
-# eax: filenum
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-A1 8C 81 00 00 # mov eax, [next_filenum]
-48 # dec eax
-89 DE # mov esi, ebx
-83 F8 03 # cmp eax, 3
-74 17 # je not_found
-89 C7 # mov edi, eax
-C1 E7 0A # shl edi, 0x0a
-81 C7 00 00 20 00 # add edi, 0x0200000
-9A C6 87 00 00 08 00 # call strcmp
-74 08 # je find_file_finish
-48 # dec eax
-EB E4 # jmp checkfile
-B8 FF FF FF FF # mov eax, 0xffffffff
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-CB # ret
-# inputs:
-# ebx: file descriptor number
-# outputs:
-# ebx: global file index
-57 # push edi
-8B 3D 1A 85 00 00 # mov edi, [&next_process_num]
-4F # dec edi = current process
-C1 E7 0C # shl edi, 0x0C
-81 C7 00 02 02 00 # add edi, 0x00020200 ; edi = all_procs[current_process_num].open_files
-8B 1C DF # mov ebx, [edi+ebx*8]
-5F # pop edi
-CB # ret
-# inputs:
-# ecx: *return_char
-# ebx: file
-# edx: length
-53 # push ebx
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-51 # push ecx ; we need this later to return char
-83 FB 00 # cmp ebx, 0
-75 5F # jne read_memfile
-# stdin disk position is stored in fd 0
-# get current position
-BB 00 00 00 01 # mov ebx, 0x01000000
-66 8B 0B # mov cx, [ebx]
-8A 73 02 # mov dh, [ebx+2]
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-66 8B 43 04 # mov ax, [ebx+4]
-#end of sector?
-66 3D FF 01 # cmp ax, 0x01ff
-74 04 # je read_next_sector
-66 40 # inc ax
-EB 2A # jmp getchar
-BF 00 A0 00 00 # mov edi, 0x000A000
-B8 01 00 00 00 # mov eax, 0x0001 ; num_sectors = 1
-9A AD 80 00 00 08 00 # call read_sectors
-# save new location and offset
-66 89 0b # mov [ebx], cx
-88 73 02 # mov [ebx+2], dh
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-# move block to device buffer
-BE 00 A0 00 00 # mov esi, 0x000A000
-BF 00 00 04 00 # mov edi, 0x0040000
-B9 00 02 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x0000200
-F3 A4 # rep movsb
-66 A3 04 00 00 01 # mov [0x01000004], ax
-59 # pop ecx
-BB 00 00 04 00 # mov ebx, 0x40000 ; device buffer
-89 C6 # mov esi, eax ; offset
-8A 04 33 # mov al, [ebx+esi+0]
-88 01 # mov [ecx], al
-B8 01 00 00 00 # mov eax, 1
-EB 43 # jmp syscall_read_finish
-89 D8 # mov eax, ebx ; eax = fd
-9A 45 83 00 00 08 00 # call fd_to_file_index ; ebx = global file index
-# get pointer to global file
-BE 00 00 00 01 # mov esi, 0x01000000 ; pfile_descriptor = &file_descriptor[0]
-C1 E3 04 # shl ebx, 04
-01 DE # add esi, ebx ; pfile_descriptor += sizeof(file_descriptor) * filenum
-# prepare to read
-5F # pop edi ; edi = p_dst
-8B 5E 04 # mov ebx, [esi+4] ; ebx = pfile_descriptor->file_address
-89 D9 # mov ecx, ebx ;
-03 4E 08 # add ecx, [esi+0x08] ; ecx = file_address + length
-49 # dec ecx ; ecx = last address to read
-8B 35 1A 85 00 00 # mov esi, [&next_process_num]
-4E # dec esi = current process
-C1 E6 0C # shl esi, 0x0C
-81 C6 04 02 02 00 # add esi, 0x0020204
-C1 E0 03 # shl eax, 3
-01 C6 # add esi, eax ; esi = &all_procs[current_proc_num].files[eax].current_offset
-03 1E # add ebx, [esi] ; ebx = file_addr + current_offset
-87 F3 # xchg esi, ebx ; esi = p_src, ebx = &pproc_descriptor->offset
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax ; bytes_read = 0
-39 CE # cmp esi, ecx ; past the end?
-77 07 # ja syscall_read_finish
-A4 # movsb
-40 # inc eax ; bytes_read++
-FF 03 # inc long [ebx] ; (*pcurrent_offset)++
-4A # dec edx ; length_to_read--
-75 F5 # jnz syscall_read_loop
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-CB # ret
-56 # push esi
-A1 1A 85 00 00 # mov eax, [&next_process_num]
-48 # dec eax = current process
-BE 00 00 02 00 # mov esi, 0x0020000 ; pproc_descriptor = &proc_descriptor[0]
-C1 E0 0C # shl eax, 0x0C
-01 C6 # add esi, eax ; pproc_descriptor += sizeof(proc_descriptor) * procnum
-85 DB # test ebx, ebx ; if ebx == 0, just return the current brk
-74 15 # jz get_brk
-# set
-# initialize memory to zero
-57 # push edi
-8B 7E 04 # mov edi, [esi+4]
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-39 DF # cmp edi, ebx
-74 03 # je init_done
-AA # stosb
-EB F9 # jmp init_loop
-5F # pop edi
-89 5E 04 # mov [esi+4], ebx
-89 D8 # mov eax, ebx
-5E # pop esi
-CB # ret
-8B 46 04 # mov eax, [esi+4] ; pproc_descriptor->brk
-5E # pop esi
-CB # ret
-# inputs:
-# ebx: file
-# ecx: address of char to write
-# edx: num bytes to write
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax ; bytes_written = 0
-83 FB 02 # cmp ebx, 02 ; std file?
-7F 14 # jg write_memfile
-# stdout,stderr -> console_out
-85 D2 # test edx, edx
-74 5B # jz syscall_write_finish
-50 # push eax ; save num_written
-8A 01 # mov al, [ecx]
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-58 # pop eax ; restore num_written
-40 # inc eax ; num_written++
-41 # inc ecx ; p_dst++
-4A # dec edx ; count--
-EB EC # jmp std_loop
-89 CE # mov esi, ecx
-# use ecx as pointer to fd current offset
-8B 0D 1A 85 00 00 # mov ecx, [&next_process_num]
-49 # dec ecx = current process
-C1 E1 0C # shl ecx, 0x0C
-81 C1 04 02 02 00 # add ecx, 0x0020204
-53 # push ebx
-C1 E3 03 # shl ebx, 3
-01 D9 # add ecx, ebx ; ecx = &all_procs[current_proc_num].files[ebx].current_offset
-5B # pop ebx
-# lookup global file index from file descriptor
-9A 45 83 00 00 08 00 # call fd_to_file_index
-C1 E3 04 # shl ebx, 04
-81 C3 00 00 00 01 # add ebx, 0x01000000 ; pfile_descriptor += sizeof(file_descriptor) * filenum
-8B 7B 04 # mov edi, [ebx+4] ; edi = pfile_descriptor->file_address
-03 39 # add edi, [ecx] ; edi = file_addr + current_offset
-85 D2 # test edx, edx
-74 19 # jz syscall_write_finish
-A4 # movsb
-FF 01 # inc long [ecx] ; current_offset++
-# If current offset is past previous file length, then increase length
-50 # push eax
-8B 01 # mov eax, [ecx]
-3B 43 08 # cmp eax, [ebx+0x8]
-7E 09 # jle skip_lengthen
-FF 43 08 # inc long [ebx+0x8] ; file_length++
-FF 05 90 81 00 00 # inc long [next_file_address]
-58 # pop eax
-40 # inc eax ; num_written++
-4A # dec edx
-EB E3 # jmp write_loop
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-CB # ret
-00 00 00 30
-53 # push ebx
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-55 # push ebp
-A1 1A 85 00 00 # mov eax, [&next_process_num]
-48 # dec eax = current process
-89 C2 # mov edx, eax
-BF 00 00 02 00 # mov edi, 0x0020000 ; pproc_descriptor = &proc_descriptor[0]
-C1 E0 0C # shl eax, 0x0C
-01 C7 # add edi, eax ; pproc_descriptor += sizeof(proc_descriptor) * procnum
-8b 77 04 # mov esi, [edi+0x4] ; save brk pointer
-89 77 14 # mov [edi+0x14], esi
-89 E6 # mov esi, esp
-89 77 0C # mov [edi+0xC], esi ; save stack pointer so we can return again later
-FF 47 10 # inc [edi+0x10] ; fork = true
-A1 AC 84 00 00 # mov eax, [next_save_process_address] ; set save stack location
-89 47 24 # mov [edi+0x24], eax
-B9 00 00 00 08 # mov ecx, 0x08000000
-29 F1 # sub ecx, esi ; compute save stack length
-01 0D AC 84 00 00 # add [next_save_process_address], ecx
-89 4F 28 # mov [edi+0x28], ecx
-89 C7 # mov edi, eax
-F3 A4 # rep movsb ; save stack
-# copy current process image to storage
-89 D0 # mov eax, edx ; restore current process num
-C1 E0 0C # shl eax, 0x0C
-05 00 00 02 00 # add eax, 0x0020000
-8B 30 # mov esi, [eax] ; esi = pproc_descriptor->process_address
-8B 48 14 # mov ecx, [eax+0x14] ; process_length = brk - process_address
-29 F1 # sub ecx, esi
-89 78 1C # mov [eax+0x1C], edi ; save address of saved process memory
-89 48 20 # mov [eax+0x20], ecx ; save length of process memory
-01 0D AC 84 00 00 # add [next_save_process_address], ecx
-F3 A4 # rep movsb ; copy current process image to storage
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax ; return as child, we'll return again as parent when child exits
-5D # pop ebp
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-CB # ret
-01 00 00 00
-# inputs:
-# ebx: program_name
-# ecx: char **args
-# edx: env
-A1 1A 85 00 00 # mov eax, [next_process_num]
-3C 01 # cmp al, 1
-75 0A # jne not_first_process
-# first process
-BD 00 10 02 00 # mov ebp, 0x00021000 ; ebp = &proc_descriptor[1]
-89 65 08 # mov [ebp+0x8], esp ; save original stack pointer before pushing args
-EB 23 # jmp prepare_stack
-# not_first_process
-# check if current process forked or not.
-# if so, create new process, if not overlay current
-48 # dec eax ; eax = current_process
-C1 E0 0C # shl eax, 0x0C
-05 00 00 02 00 # add eax, 0x0020000 ; pproc_descriptor = &proc_descriptor[0]
-8B 68 10 # mov ebp, [eax+0x10] ; create_new_process = pproc->forked
-85 ED # test ebp, ebp ; did current process fork?
-75 0B # jnz forked
-8B 60 0C # mov esp, [eax+0xC] ; no fork so reset initial stack to same as current process
-A1 1A 85 00 00 # mov eax, [next_process_num]
-48 # dec eax
-EB 08 # jump prepare_stack
-FF 48 10 # dec [eax+0x10] ; fork handled so reset: fork = false
-A1 1A 85 00 00 # mov eax, [next_process_num]
-# eax=process number to use
-# --- env ---
-8B 3D AC 84 00 00 # mov edi, [next_save_process_address]
-6A 00 # push 0 ; push end of env
-# copy env arg to memory for this process
-8B 32 # mov esi, [edx]
-85 F6 # test esi, esi
-74 0F # jz end_env_loop
-57 # push edi ; push p_arg
-51 # push ecx
-B9 00 01 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000100 ; memory per arg
-F3 A4 # rep movsb ; copy to new memory
-59 # pop ecx
-83 C2 04 # add edx, 4
-EB EB # jmp push_env_loop
-# --- args ---
-6A 00 # push 0 ; push end of args
-# count args
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax ; passed_args = 0
-83 39 00 # cmp long [ecx], 0
-74 06 # jz push_args
-40 # inc eax
-83 C1 04 # add ecx, 4
-EB F5 # jmp countloop
-# push_args
-89 C2 # mov edx, eax ; save eax (can't push)
-83 E9 04 # sub ecx, 4
-# copy arg to memory for this process
-8B 31 # mov esi, [ecx]
-57 # push edi ; push p_arg
-51 # push ecx
-B9 00 01 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000100 ; memory per arg
-F3 A4 # rep movsb
-59 # pop ecx
-48 # dec eax
-75 EE # jnz push_args_loop
-# finish with argc
-89 D0 # mov eax, edx ; restore eax
-50 # push eax = argc
-# get current process descriptor
-A1 1A 85 00 00 # mov eax, [next_process_num]
-48 # dec eax
-50 # push eax ; save current process num
-C1 E0 0C # shl eax, 0x0C
-05 00 00 02 00 # add eax, 0x0020000 ; pproc_descriptor = &proc_descriptor[current_process_num]
-89 3D AC 84 00 00 # mov [next_save_process_address], edi
-# copy cwd from current process
-05 00 01 00 00 # add eax, 0x100
-89 C6 # mov esi, eax
-05 00 10 00 00 # add eax, 0x1000
-89 C7 # mov edi, eax
-AC # lodsb
-AA # stosb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 FA # jne loop
-58 # pop eax ; restore current process num
-40 # inc eax ; eax = new process id
-# prepare process image in memory
-50 # push eax ; save new process id
-# get file address and length
-9A 76 82 00 00 08 00 # call absolute_path
-9A 13 83 00 00 08 00 # call find_file ; eax=find_file(ebx)
-# zero process memory.
-# Do this after looking up file name because that may come from process memory.
-50 # push eax
-57 # push edi
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-BF 00 80 04 08 # mov edi, 0x08048000
-B9 00 80 FB 26 # mov ecx, 0x26FB8000
-F3 AA # rep stosb
-5F # pop edi
-58 # pop eax
-C1 E0 04 # shl eax, 04 ; pfile_descriptor = sizeof(file_descriptor) * filenum
-05 00 00 00 01 # add eax, 0x01000000 ; pfile_descriptor += &file_descriptors[0]
-8B 40 04 # mov eax, [eax + 0x4] ; eax = pfile_descriptor->file_address
-89 C3 # mov ebx, eax ; save file address
-31 C9 # xor ecx, ecx
-66 8B 48 2C # mov cx, [eax + 0x2C] ; get number of program headers
-8B 50 18 # mov edx, [eax + 0x18] ; get process entry address
-03 40 1C # add eax, [eax + 0x1C] ; calc first program header address
-51 # push ecx ; save program header count
-8B 70 04 # mov esi, [eax + 4] ; get segment file source offset
-01 DE # add esi, ebx ; calc segment file address
-8B 78 08 # mov edi, [eax + 8] ; get segment memory destination address
-8B 48 10 # mov ecx, [eax + 0x10] ; get segment length
-F3 A4 # rep movsb
-83 C0 20 # add eax, 0x20 ; go to next program header
-59 # pop ecx ; restore program header count
-49 # dec ecx
-75 EB # jnz program_header_loop
-58 # pop eax ; restore new process num
-85 ED # test ebp, ebp ; new process (vs overlay)?
-75 01 # jnz record_process_address
-48 # dec eax ; overlay
-C1 E0 0C # shl eax, 0x0C
-05 00 00 02 00 # add eax, 0x0020000 ; pproc_descriptor = &pproc_descriptor[current_process_num]
-03 5B 1C # add ebx, [ebx + 0x1C] ; calc first program header address
-8B 5B 08 # mov ebx, [ebx + 0x8] ; get first segment memory address
-89 18 # mov [eax], ebx ; pproc_descriptor->process_address = first segment address
-# setup brk
-81 C7 00 00 02 00 # add edi, 0x00020000 ; brk after last segment plus 0x20000
-89 78 04 # mov [eax + 4], edi ; pproc_descriptor->brk
-31 FF # xor edi, edi
-89 78 10 # mov [eax + 0x10], edi ; pproc->forked = false
-# clear open file descriptors
-89 C7 # mov edi, eax
-81 C7 00 02 00 00 # add edi, 0x0000200
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-B9 00 0E 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000E00
-F3 AA # rep stosb
-85 ED # test ebp, ebp ; new process (vs overlay)?
-74 06 # jz after_new_process
-# prepare for next process
-FF 05 1A 85 00 00 # inc [next_process_num]
-# get entry point and jump
-52 # push edx
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-31 DB # xor ebx, ebx
-31 C9 # xor ecx, ecx
-31 D2 # xor edx, edx
-31 F6 # xor esi, esi
-31 FF # xor edi, edi
-31 ED # xor ebp, ebp
-C3 # ret
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-9A 76 82 00 00 08 00 # call absolute_path
-9A 13 83 00 00 08 00 # call find_file
-83 F8 FF # cmp eax, -1
-74 3F # je chdir_finish
-C1 E0 04 # shl eax, 04
-05 08 00 00 01 # add eax, 0x01000008 ; eax = &file_descriptor[filenum].file_length
-83 38 00 # cmp long [eax], 0
-74 07 # je chdir_ok
-# can't chdir to a file
-B8 FF FF FF FF # mov eax, -1
-EB 2B # jmp chdir_finish
-89 DE # mov esi, ebx
-8B 3D 1A 85 00 00 # mov edi, [&next_process_num]
-4F # dec edi = current process
-C1 E7 0C # shl edi, 0x0C
-81 C7 00 01 02 00 # add edi, 0x0020100 ; pproc_descriptor = &pproc_descriptor[current_process_num].current_dir
-AC # lodsb ; first slash
-AA # stosb
-AC # lodsb
-AA # stosb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 04 # jne chdir_loop
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-74 0D # je chdir_finish ; if "/" don't add slash
-AC # lodsb
-AA # stosb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 FA # jne chdir_loop
-4F # dec edi
-B0 2F # mov al, '/'
-AA # stosb
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-AA # stosb
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-CB # retf
-A1 1A 85 00 00 # mov eax, [&next_process_num]
-48 # dec eax = current process
-A3 1A 85 00 00 # mov [&next_process_num], eax
-48 # dec eax = parent process
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 07 # jne not_first
-#first process
-8B 25 08 10 02 00 # mov esp, [0x021008]
-CB # ret
-C1 E0 0C # shl eax, 0x0C
-05 00 00 02 00 # add eax, 0x0020000 ; pproc_descriptor = &proc_descriptor[0]
-89 58 18 # mov [eax+0x18], ebx ; save child exit code
-8B 38 # mov edi, [eax] ; edi = pproc_descriptor->process_address
-8B 70 1C # mov esi, [eax+0x1C] ; esi = pproc_descriptor->address_of_saved_process_memory
-8B 48 20 # mov ecx, [eax+0x20] ; ecx = pproc_descriptor->length_of_process_memory
-F3 A4 # rep movsb
-8B 70 24 # mov esi, [eax+0x24] ; deallocate memory for saved process
-89 35 AC 84 00 00 # mov [next_save_process_address], esi
-8B 60 0C # mov esp, [eax+0xc] ; restore stack pointer
-8B 70 14 # mov esi, [eax+0x14] ; restore brk pointer
-89 70 04 # mov [eax+0x4], esi
-8B 70 24 # mov esi, [eax+0x24] ; restore stack
-89 E7 # mov edi, esp
-8B 48 28 # mov ecx, [eax+0x28]
-F3 A4 # rep movsb
-# mimic syscall_fork's finish
-B8 01 00 00 00 # mov eax, 0x1 ; process number for fork
-5D # pop ebp
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-CB # ret ; go back to parent
-8B 35 1A 85 00 00 # mov esi, [&next_process_num]
-4E # dec esi = current process
-C1 E6 0C # shl esi, 0x0C
-81 C6 18 00 02 00 # add esi, 0x00020018 ; pchild_code = &pproc_descriptor[current_process_num].child_exit_code
-8B 06 # mov eax, [esi] ; get exit code
-C1 E0 08 # shl eax, 0x08 ;
-89 01 # mov [ecx], eax ; waitval = ret << 8
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-CB # ret
-# inputs:
-# ebx: fd
-# ecx: value
-# edx: method (0=SEEK_SET, 1=SEEK_CUR, 2=SEEK_END)
-# outputs:
-# eax: offset
-56 # push esi
-8B 35 1A 85 00 00 # mov esi, [&next_process_num]
-4E # dec esi = current process
-C1 E6 0C # shl esi, 0x0C
-81 C6 04 02 02 00 # add esi, 0x0020204 ; pproc_descriptor = &pproc_descriptor[current_process_num].files[0].offset
-83 FA 01 # cmp edx, 1
-7F 13 # jg seek_end
-7C 0A # jl seek_set
-8B 04 DE # mov eax, [esi+ebx*8] ; get current_offset
-01 C8 # add eax, ecx ; current_pos += offset
-89 04 DE # mov [esi+ebx*8], eax ; set current_pos
-5E # pop esi
-CB # ret
-89 0C DE # mov [esi+ebx*8], ecx ; set current_pos
-89 C8 # mov eax, ecx
-5E # pop esi
-CB # ret
-56 # push esi
-53 # push ebx
-9A 45 83 00 00 08 00 # call fd_to_file_index
-BE 00 00 00 01 # mov esi, 0x01000000 ; pfile_descriptor = &file_descriptor[0]
-C1 E3 04 # shl ebx, 04
-01 DE # add esi, ebx
-8B 46 08 # mov eax, [esi+0x8] ; get current_length
-01 C8 # add eax, ecx ; current_length += offset
-5B # pop ebx
-5E # pop esi
-89 04 DE # mov [esi+ebx*8], eax ; set current_offset
-5E # pop esi
-CB # ret
-# ebx: path
-# ecx: mode
-9A 76 82 00 00 08 00 # call absolute_path
-9A 13 83 00 00 08 00 # call find_file
-83 F8 FF # cmp eax, -1
-74 02 # je access_error_exit
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-CB # ret
-# ebx: path
-# ecx: mode
-51 # push ecx
-B9 41 00 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x41 (O_CREAT | O_WRONLY)
-9A 94 81 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_open
-83 F8 FF # cmp eax, -1
-74 02 # je open_error_exit
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-59 # pop ecx
-CB # ret
-# ebx: buf
-# ecx: buf size
-# eax: buf
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-89 DF # mov edi, ebx
-8B 35 1A 85 00 00 # mov esi, [&next_process_num]
-4E # dec esi = current process
-C1 E6 0C # shl esi, 0x0C
-81 C6 00 01 02 00 # add esi, 0x0020100 ; pproc_descriptor = &pproc_descriptor[current_process_num].current_dir
-# Handle root differently because we don't strip trailing slash
-66 83 3E 2F # cmp word [esi], $002f ; is cwd == "/" ?
-75 04 # jne copy_cwd
-66 A5 # movsw ; copy "/" to buffer
-EB 0A # jmp cleanup
-# copy_cwd
-AC # lodsb
-AA # stosb
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-75 FA # jne copy_cwd
-83 EF 02 # sub edi, 2 ; strip trailing slash
-AA # stosb
-# cleanup
-89 D8 # mov eax, ebx
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-CB # ret
-# inputs:
-# esi: string1
-# edi: string2
-# outputs:
-# zero flag
-50 # push eax
-53 # push ebx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-8A 06 # mov al, [esi]
-8A 1F # mov bl, [edi]
-38 D8 # cmp al, bl
-75 0A # jne strcmp_finish
-46 # inc esi
-47 # inc edi
-84 C0 # test al, al
-75 F2 # jnz check_byte
-84 DB # test bl, bl
-75 EE # jnz check_byte
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5B # pop ebx
-58 # pop eax
-CB # ret
-00 # free
-53 # push ebx
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-B8 03 00 00 00 # mov eax, 3 ; syscall=read
-B9 E1 87 00 00 # mov ecx, &io_char
-BA 01 00 00 00 # mov edx, 1
-CD 80 # int 80 syscall
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-74 07 # je read_finish
-B4 01 # mov ah, 1
-A0 E1 87 00 00 # mov al, &io_char
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-CB # ret
-50 # push eax
-53 # push ebx
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-A2 E1 87 00 00 # mov &io_char, al
-B8 04 00 00 00 # mov eax, 4 ; syscall=write
-B9 E1 87 00 00 # mov ecx, &io_char
-BA 01 00 00 00 # mov edx, 1 1 byte characters
-CD 80 # int 80 syscall
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-58 # pop eax
-CB # ret
-#s r c \0
-73 72 63 00
-# src: create file from stdin
-# Read an integer, N, in decimal from stdin.
-# Read a space.
-# Then, read a file name to create.
-# Read a newline.
-# Then, read N bytes from stdin and write to the new file.
-50 # push eax
-53 # push ebx
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-BE 25 88 00 00 # mov esi, string_src
-9A 8F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_puts
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read 'r'
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read 'c'
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read ' '
-31 C9 # xor ecx, ecx ; line count=0
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-3C 20 # cmp al, ' '
-74 0C # je got_count
-6B C9 0A # imul ecx, ecx, 10 ; count = count * 10
-2C 30 # sub al, 30
-0F B6 C0 # movzx eax, al
-01 C1 # add ecx, eax ; count += digit
-EB E9 # jmp parse_line_count_loop
-# clear arguments
-51 # push ecx
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-BA 00 00 D0 04 # mov edx, 0x04D00000
-B9 00 08 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000800
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-49 # dec ecx
-75 FA # jnz src_args_zeroloop
-59 # pop ecx
-51 # push ecx
-B9 00 00 D0 04 # mov ecx, 0x04D00000
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-3C 0A # cmp al, '\n'
-74 05 # je got_filename
-88 01 # mov [ecx], al
-41 # inc ecx
-EB F0 # jmp get_file_name_loop
-59 # pop ecx
-BE 00 00 D0 04 # mov esi, 0x04D00000
-9A 8F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_puts
-# open filename for write
-51 # push ecx
-BB 00 00 D0 04 # mov ebx, 0x04D00000
-B8 05 00 00 00 # mov eax, 5 ; syscall_open
-B9 41 02 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000241 O_TRUNC (0x200) | O_CREAT (0x40) | O_WRONLY (0x1)
-BA 80 01 00 00 # mov edx, 0x00000180 S_IRUSR (0x100) | S_IWUSR (0x80)
-CD 80 # int 80
-59 # pop ecx
-89 C2 # mov edx, eax
-# edx has the open file number
-85 C9 # test ecx, ecx
-74 1C # jz src_finish
-BF 00 02 04 00 # mov edi, 0x00040200 ; scratch buffer
-57 # push edi ; save buffer address
-31 DB # xor ebx, ebx ; ebx=0=stdin
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-89 D3 # mov ebx, edx ; prepare to write
-5E # pop esi ; restore buffer address to esi
-9A 06 88 00 00 08 00 # call write
-49 # dec ecx ; count--
-EB E0 # jmp read_write_loop
-5F # pop edi
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-58 # pop eax
-CB # ret
-#h e x 0 \0
-68 65 78 30 00
-53 # push ebx
-56 # push esi
-57 # push edi
-BE E1 88 00 00 # mov esi, hex0_str
-9A 8F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_puts
-# read "ex0 '
-B1 04 # mov cl, 4
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-FE C9 # dec cl
-75 F5 # jnz ex0_loop
-# clear arguments
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-BA 00 00 D0 04 # mov edx, 0x04D00000
-B9 00 08 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000800
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-49 # dec ecx
-75 FA # jnz hex0_args_zeroloop
-BA 00 00 D0 04 # mov edx, 0x04D00000
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-3C 20 # cmp al, ' '
-74 05 # je got_filename1
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-EB E9 # jmp get_file_name1_loop
-BA 00 04 D0 04 # mov edx, 0x04D00400
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-3C 0A # cmp al, '\n'
-74 05 # je got_filename2
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-EB E9 # jmp get_file_name2_loop
-# open filename1 for read
-BB 00 00 D0 04 # mov ebx, 0x04D00000
-B8 05 00 00 00 # mov eax, 5 ; syscall_open
-B9 00 00 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000000
-CD 80 # int 80
-50 # push eax ; save read filenum
-# open filename2 for write
-BB 00 04 D0 04 # mov ebx, 0x04D00400
-B8 05 00 00 00 # mov eax, 5 ; syscall_open
-B9 41 02 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000241 O_TRUNC (0x200) | O_CREAT (0x40) | O_WRONLY (0x1)
-BA 80 01 00 00 # mov edx, 0x00000180 S_IRUSR (0x100) | S_IWUSR (0x80)
-CD 80 # int 80
-89 C2 # mov edx, eax
-59 # pop ecx ; restore read filenum
-# this flag is set after the first digit is seen
-31 DB # xor ebx, ebx
-53 # push ebx
-89 CB # mov ebx, ecx
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-5B # pop ebx
-84 E4 # test ah, ah
-75 04 # jnz check_command
-5F # POP_DI
-5E # POP_SI
-5B # POP_BX
-3C 23 # cmp al, '#'
-74 28 # jz skip_comment
-3C 3B # cmp ';'
-74 24 # jz skip_comment
-3C 66 # cmp al, 'f'
-7F D1 # jg hex0_read_loop
-3C 61 # cmp al, 'a'
-7C 04 # jl maybe_upper
-# Handle a to f
-2C 57 # sub al, 'a'-10 == 87 = 0x57
-EB 29 # jmp maybe_store
-3C 46 # cmp al, 'F'
-7F D5 # jg hex0_read_loop
-3C 41 # cmp al, 'A'
-7C 04 # jl maybe_digit
-# Handle A to F
-2C 37 # sub al, 'A'-10 == 55 = x37
-EB 1D # jmp maybe_store
-3C 39 # cmp al, '9'
-7F C9 # jg hex0_read_loop
-3C 30 # cmp al, '0'
-7C C5 # jl hex0_read_loop
-# Handle 0 to 9
-2C 30 # sub al, '0' == x30
-EB 11 # jmp maybe_store
-53 # push ebx
-89 CB # mov ebx, ecx
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-5B # pop ebx
-3C 0A # cmp al, '\n'
-75 F1 # jnz skip_comment
-EB B0 # jmp hex0_read_loop
-# only store on second digit
-84 DB # test bl, bl
-75 09 # jnz second_digit
-# If on first digit, record and keep going
-C0 E0 04 # shl al, 4
-88 C7 # mov bh, al
-FE C3 # inc bl
-EB A3 # jmp hex0_read_loop
-# If on second digit, store and clear state
-08 C7 # or bh, al
-88 F8 # mov al, bh
-53 # push ebx
-89 D3 # mov ebx, edx
-9A 06 88 00 00 08 00 # call write
-5B # pop ebx
-31 DB # xor bx, bx
-EA 79 89 00 00 08 00 # jmp hex0_read_loop
-00 00 D0 04
-00 04 D0 04
-00 00 00 00
-50 # push eax
-53 # push ebx
-51 # push ecx
-52 # push edx
-56 # push esi
-# clear arguments
-BA 00 00 D0 04 # mov edx, 0x04D00000
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-B9 FF 07 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x000007FF
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-49 # dec ecx
-75 FA # jnz other_args_zeroloop
-BA 01 00 D0 04 # mov edx, 0x04D00001
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-3C 20 # cmp al, ' '
-74 05 # je got_program_name
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-EB F0 # jmp get_program_name
-BA 00 04 D0 04 # mov edx, 0x04D00400
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-3C 0A # cmp al, '\n'
-74 05 # je got_argument1
-88 02 # mov [edx], al
-42 # inc edx
-EB F0 # jmp get_argument1_loop
-BE 00 00 D0 04 # mov esi, program
-9A 8F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_puts
-BE 00 04 D0 04 # mov esi, arg1
-9A 8F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_puts
-BB 00 00 D0 04 # mov ebx, program_name
-B9 EE 89 00 00 # mov ecx, cmd_args
-BA F6 89 00 00 # mov edx, cmd_env
-9A 1E 85 00 00 08 00 # call handle_syscall_execve
-5E # pop esi
-5A # pop edx
-59 # pop ecx
-5B # pop ebx
-58 # pop eax
-#B u i l d f i n i s h e d . \0
-42 75 69 6C 64 20 66 69 6E 69 73 68 65 64 2E 00
-#E R R O R : n o h d a w r i t e s ! \0
-45 52 52 4F 52 3A 20 6E 6F 20 68 64 61 20 77 72 69 74 65 73 21 00
-#/ d e v / h d a \0
-2F 64 65 76 2F 68 64 61 00
-# Start reading stdin from sector 22, cyl 0, head 2 (i.e. sector 148)
-C7 05 00 00 00 01 16 00 02 00 # mov word [0x01000000], 0x00000008
-# start at "end of sector" to trigger an initial sector read
-66 C7 05 04 00 00 01 FF 01 # mov word [0x01000004], 0x01FF
-66 C7 05 00 01 02 00 2F 00 # mov [0x00020100], 0x002F ; proc[0].cwd = "/"
-66 C7 05 00 11 02 00 2F 00 # mov [0x00021100], 0x002F ; proc[1].cwd = "/"
-# clear file descriptors for process 0
-BF 00 02 02 00 # mov edi, 0x00020200
-B9 00 0E 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x00000E00
-31 C0 # xor eax, eax
-F3 AA # rep stosb
-# read from stdin
-31 DB # xor ebx, ebx
-9A E3 87 00 00 08 00 # call read
-3C 00 # cmp al, 0
-74 23 # je build_finished
-3C 73 # cmp al, 's'
-75 09 # jne check_hex0_command
-9A 29 88 00 00 08 00 # call src
-EB E8 # jmp process_command
-3C 68 # cmp al, 'h'
-75 09 # jne call_handle_other_command
-9A E6 88 00 00 08 00 # call hex0
-EB DB # jmp process_command
-9A FA 89 00 00 08 00 # call handle_other_command
-EB D2 # jmp process_command
-BE 72 8A 00 00 # mov esi, str_build_finished
-9A 8F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_puts
-# copy memory file /dev/hda to the boot disk
-BB 98 8A 00 00 # mov ebx, str_dev_hda
-9A 13 83 00 00 08 00 # call find_file
-83 F8 FF # cmp eax, -1
-75 17 # jne ok_exit
-BE 82 8A 00 00 # mov esi, str_error_no_write
-9A 8F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_puts
-# one space to flush last line
-B0 20 # mov al, 20
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-EB 62 # jmp shell_reboot
-# get file address to read
-C1 E0 04 # shl eax, 04
-05 00 00 00 01 # add eax, 0x01000000
-8B 70 04 # mov esi, [eax+4] ; file_address
-8B 58 08 # mov ebx, [eax+8] ; bytes_to_write = file_length
-# print length
-89 D8 # mov eax, ebx
-B9 04 00 00 00 # mov ecx, 4
-C1 C8 18 # ror eax, 24
-9A 7F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_put_hex
-49 # dec ecx
-75 F3 # jnz shift_loop
-B0 0A # mov al, 0A
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-# set starting disk location to write
-31 C9 # xor ecx, ecx
-41 # inc ecx
-B6 00 # mov dh, 0
-# copy 512 bytes from file to 16 bit buffer
-51 # push ecx ; save disk location
-BF 00 A0 00 00 # mov edi, 0x000A000
-B9 00 02 00 00 # mov ecx, 0x200
-F3 A4 # rep movsb
-59 # pop ecx
-# now write from 16 bit buffer
-56 # push esi ; save our location in the file
-BE 00 A0 00 00 # mov esi, 0x000A000
-B8 01 00 00 00 # mov eax, 0x0001 ; num_sectors = 1
-9A BD 80 00 00 08 00 # call write_sectors
-5E # pop esi
-81 EB 00 02 00 00 # sub ebx, 0x200 ; bytes_to_write -= 512
-7F D7 # jg sector_loop
-B0 20 # mov al, 20
-9A 6F 80 00 00 08 00 # call console_putc
-EA CD 80 00 00 08 00 # jmp reboot
-# sector padding
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -236,13 +236,14 @@ class Generator():
def create_builder_hex0_disk_image(self, image_file_name, size):
"""Create builder-hex0 disk image"""
- shutil.copyfile(os.path.join('seed', 'stage0-posix', 'bootstrap-seeds',
- 'NATIVE', 'x86', 'builder-hex0-x86-stage1.img'),
- image_file_name)
with open(image_file_name, 'ab') as image_file:
+ # Compile and write stage1 binary seed
+ with open(os.path.join('builder-hex0', 'builder-hex0-x86-stage1.hex0'),
+ encoding="utf-8") as infile:
+ for line in infile:
+ image_file.write(bytes.fromhex(line.split('#')[0].split(';')[0].strip()))
# Append stage2 hex0 source
- with open(os.path.join('kernel-bootstrap', 'builder-hex0-x86-stage2.hex0'),
+ with open(os.path.join('builder-hex0', 'builder-hex0-x86-stage2.hex0'),
encoding="utf-8") as infile:
# Pad to next sector