

[mirror] blog and personal website of Drew DeVault git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/drewdevault.com.git

config.toml (698B)

  1. baseURL = "https://drewdevault.com/"
  2. title = "Drew DeVault's blog"
  3. pygmentsUseClasses = true
  4. uglyurls = true
  5. disablePathToLower = true
  6. rssLimit = 10
  7. [permalinks]
  8. blog = "/:year/:month/:day/:filename"
  9. [markup.goldmark.renderer]
  10. unsafe = true
  11. [markup.tableOfContents]
  12. ordered = true
  13. [mediaTypes]
  14. [mediaTypes."text/gemini"]
  15. suffixes = ["gmi"]
  16. [outputFormats]
  17. [outputFormats.Gemini]
  18. name = "GEMTEXT"
  19. isPlainText = true
  20. isHTML = false
  21. mediaType = "text/gemini"
  22. protocol = "gemini://"
  23. permalinkable = true
  24. path = "gemini/"
  25. [outputFormats.GEMRSS]
  26. name = "GEMRSS"
  27. isHTML = false
  28. mediaType = "application/rss+xml"
  29. protocol = "gemini://"
  30. path = "gemini/"
  31. [outputs]
  32. section = ["HTML", "RSS", "GEMRSS"]