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commit: f3e691cdfa295bac738f4594515a2356c27160d5
parent 7746e4a6354019a583510ef166e9a5c850a6f5b0
Author: Devine Lu Linvega <aliceffekt@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon,  5 Mar 2018 11:36:02 +1300

First draft


27 files changed, 4275 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/404.html b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +permalink: /404.html +--- +<!DOCTYPE html> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + <meta charset="utf-8"> + <title>Loading..</title> +</head> +<body style='background:black'> + <script> + var parts = window.location.pathname.split("/") + var target = parts.slice(-1); + parts.splice(-1) + document.location.href = parts.join("/")+"/#"+target + </script> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/CNAME b/CNAME @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +wiki.xxiivv.com+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at aliceffekt@gmail.com. The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version] + +[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org +[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/ diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2018 Nataniev + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/index.html b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + <meta charset="utf-8"> + <script src="scripts/lib/riven.js"></script> + <script src="scripts/graph.js"></script> + <script src="scripts/nodes/query.js"></script> + <script src="scripts/nodes/router.js"></script> + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="links/reset.css"/> + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="links/main.css"/> + <title>Riven</title> +</head> +<body> + <script> + var RIVEN = new Riven(); + graph() + </script> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/links/fonts.css b/links/fonts.css diff --git a/links/main.css b/links/main.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +body { background:blue; }+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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+20170910 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + LENTILS quinoa onion garlic fenugreek_seeds ajwain sesame_oil mustard + WATERMELON + WHEAT_CRACKERS papaya chili_flakes garlic + WHEAT_NOODLES tomato_paste garlic masala + WATERMELON + COFFEE + +20170907 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES basil tomato olives cabbage garlic chili_flakes + PINEAPPLE + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + LENTILS taro_leaves carrots cabbage garlic ginger cornmeal + COFFEE + WINE + +20170906 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHITE_RICE carrots onion garlic nori tahini + PINEAPPLE + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + CORNMEAL cardamom fenugreek_seeds taro_leaves curry_powder potatoes onion garlic + COFFEE + BEER + +20170905 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + PAPAYA garlic chili_flakes olive_oil balsamic_vinegar salt wheat_crackers basil + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHITE_RICE tofu garlic ginger + COFFEE + BEER + +20170904 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES basil olive_oil chili_flakes garlic + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + PAPAYA garlic chili_flakes olive_oil balsamic_vinegar salt wheat_crackers basil + COFFEE + WINE olives + +20170902 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + POTATOES miso soy_sauce garlic ginger green_beans + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + WINE + +20170901 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES cabbage tomato_paste + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + CORNMEAL soy_sauce garlic chili_flakes + BEER + +20170930 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + ZUCCHINI chili_flakes garlic sesame_oil + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + WHITE_RICE cabbage tomato curry_powder cardamom fenugreek zucchini garlic onion sesame_oil + +20170929 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHITE_RICE cabbage tomato curry_powder cardamom fenugreek potatoes garlic onion sesame_oil + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + CHICKPEAS wheat_noodles tomato_paste onion soy_sauce masala + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + POP_CORN smoked_paprika + +20170928 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHITE_RICE cabbage tomato curry_powder cardamom fenugreek potatoes garlic onion sesame_oil + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE olives + WHEAT_NOODLES garlic onion chili_flakes cayenne + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170927 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHITE_RICE cabbage tomato curry_powder cardamom fenugreek potatoes garlic onion sesame_oil + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + CORNMEAL garlic chili_flakes + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170926 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHITE_RICE cucumber tomato + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE olives + WHOLE_WHEAT_BREAD chickpea_hummus garlic + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170925 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHEAT_NOODLES tomato_paste olive_oil smoked_paprika onion cabbage + COFFEE + WHITE_RICE curry_powder masala cardamom onion garlic potatoes corn mustard ajwain cabbage + PINEAPPLE cocoa chia_seeds + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170924 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHITE_RICE cabbage papaya chili_flakes peanut_butter + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + B12_SUPPLEMENT olives + BREADFRUIT green_peppers soy_sauce cabbage olive_oil tomato + PINEAPPLE cocoa chia_seeds + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170923 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHEAT_NOODLES cabbage sesame_seeds sesame_oil carrots onion + COFFEE + PAPAYA garlic chili_flakes peanut_butter + CIDER olives + +20170922 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + CHICKPEAS tomato_paste cabbage + BEER olives + +20170921 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHEAT_NOODLES tomato_paste chili_flakes onion cabbage soy_sauce nori + COFFEE + RICE_NOODLES onion carrots + MINT_TEA + +20170920 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + CORNMEAL garlic chili_flakes + GINGER_COOKIES + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS chickpea_hummus garlic cucumber olive_oil balsamic_vinegar + +20170919 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + BUCKWHEAT_PANCAKES cabbage carrots potatoes fenugreek_seeds turmeric cardamom chili_flakes ginger garlic onion + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHEAT_NOODLES straw_mushrooms soy_beans_flour soy_sauce mustard garlic onion + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa chia_seeds + +20170918 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + CHICKPEAS cabbage sesame_seeds + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa chia_seeds + WHITE_RICE eggplant tahini + RAISINS + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170917 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + PAPAYA garlic peanut_butter chili_flakes + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170916 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHITE_RICE tahini cucumber potatoes cabbage + PINEAPPLE chia_seeds cocoa + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES garlic sesame_seeds soy_sauce mirin cabbage + GINGER_COOKIES + +20170915 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + PAPAYA garlic balsamic_vinegar chili_flakes black_pepper + +20170914 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES olive_oil garlic chili_flakes onion tomato_paste soy_sauce green_peppers sesame_seeds nori + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHITE_RICE chickpeas soy_beans_flour cumin ajwain fenugreek_seeds fresh_turmeric ginger garlic onion chili_flakes masala green_peppers + PINEAPPLE chia_seeds cocoa + +20170913 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHITE_RICE miso wakame sesame_seeds potatoes soy_sauce mirin nori + MIXED_FRUITS chia_seeds cocoa + B12_SUPPLEMENT + KIDNEY_BEANS tomato_paste nutolene onion garlic + EGGPLANT miso cabbage sesame_seeds soy_sauce + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WINE beer rhum + +20170912 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + BUCKWHEAT_PANCAKES nutolene spinach onion garlic + MIXED_FRUITS chia_seeds cocoa + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + KIDNEY_BEANS tomato_paste nutolene onion garlic + +20170911 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHITE_RICE onion sesame_seeds sesame_oil potatoes zucchini miso soy_sauce + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES olive_oil garlic chili_flakes onion tomato_paste soy_sauce + RAISINS ginger_cookies + POP_CORN + +20170910 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES dried_tomato garlic sesame_seeds olive_oil onion cabbage + PINEAPPLE cocoa chia_seeds + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + POTATOES onion dried_tomato button_mushrooms + RAISINS ginger_cookies + +20170910 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES dried_tomato garlic sesame_seeds olive_oil onion cabbage nori + PINEAPPLE cocoa chia_seeds + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + POTATOES onion dried_tomato button_mushrooms + RAISINS ginger_cookies + COCONUT beer + +20170909 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS buckwheat + RICE_NOODLES sesame_seeds + RAISINS + WINE + +20170908 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES tomato garlic onion black_mushrooms miso + BANANA + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + EGGPLANT onion garlic whole_wheat_pitas + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa chia_seeds + RAISINS + RHUM + +20170907 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + BREADFRUIT onion + BREADFRUIT chili_flakes sesame_seeds soy_sauce + RHUM ginger_beer + +20170906 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + POTATOES onion tomato + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + PAPAYA carrots rice peanut_butter garlic lime_juice + MIXED_FRUITS chia_seeds + RHUM ginger_beer + +20170905 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BREADFRUIT + CORNMEAL garlic chili_flakes + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + WINE + +20170904 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + MIXED_FRUITS chia_seeds + BREADFRUIT green_peppers tomato soy_sauce chili_flakes black_pepper + BEER + +20170903 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BASMATI_RICE chickpeas cumin fenugreek soy_beans_flour turmeric masala cinnamon ginger garlic green_onion + PINEAPPLE cocoa chia_seeds + PAPAYA garlic balsamic_vinegar green_onion wheat_crackers olive_oil + PEANUTS + +20170902 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric flax_seeds + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHOLE_WHEAT_BREAD mungbeans garlic ginger soy_sauce + GINGER_COOKIES + PAPAYA nori sesame_oil peanuts cabbage miso rice_vinegar soy_sauce + RHUM porto beer + +20170901 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric flax_seeds + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHEAT_NOODLES green_peppers cucumber mustard garlic apple_cider_vinegar dried_tomato sesame_seeds + PINEAPPLE cocoa chia_seeds + CIDER + MUNGBEANS_NOODLES carrots garlic green_peppers lime tamarind soy_sauce chili_flakes peanut_butter + +20170831 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric flax_seeds + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHEAT tahini lemon_juice basil masala soy_sauce potatoes nori + NORI salt smoked_paprika + MISO black_mushrooms cucumber soy_sauce sesame_seeds sesame_oil + POP_CORN smoked_paprika + BEER + +20170830 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric flax_seeds + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES tomato sesame_seeds + WHEAT_BREAD olives chickpea_hummus wine + +20170829 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES garlic chili_flakes sesame_seeds tomato_paste + POTATOES_POWDER corn mungbeans smoked_paprika + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170828 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + WHEAT_NOODLES garlic chili_flakes sesame_seeds + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + CORNMEAL garlic chili_flakes + BEER + PINEAPPLE cocoa + +20170827 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES garlic chili_flakes sesame_seeds + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + BASMATI_RICE green_curry corn green_peas + WINE olives + +20170826 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + WHEAT_NOODLES nutolene onion chili_flakes daikon sesame_seeds + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS eggplant wakame + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + BEER WINE olives + BANANA + +20170825 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + WHEAT_NOODLES dried_tomato curry_powder paprika daikon olive_oil onion + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + BASMATI_RICE mungbeans nutolene onion mustard + BEER + DATES ginger_cookies + +20170824 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + HOUJICHA wheat_crackers peanut_butter vegemite + MUNGBEANS_NOODLES mustard smoked_paprika garlic + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + BEER + MISO carrots cabbage potatoes green_curry black_mushrooms cardamom garlic wheat_noodles + DATES + +20170823 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BUCKWHEAT tomato lentils garlic onion eggplant carrots cardamom masala smoked_paprika + PINEAPPLE cocoa + BEER pickled_cucumber + WHOLE_WHEAT_BREAD chickpea_hummus garlic tahini + WINE + DATES + +20170822 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + POTATOES radish onion dried_tomato masala + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + LENTILS tomato garlic onion eggplant carrots cardamom masala smoked_paprika + BEER + +20170821 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BASMATI_RICE tahini onion breadfruit carrots chili_flakes lentils + Dates ginger_cookies + WHEAT_CRACKERS tomato garlic balsamic_vinegar + WINE + +20170820 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BREADFRUIT soy_sauce mungbeans_sprouts chili_flakes + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + BEER + WHEAT_NOODLES onion tomato_paste soy_sauce chili_flakes black_mushrooms cabbage + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + +20170819 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BREADFRUIT carrots mungbeans cabbage soy_sauce sesame_oil black_pepper + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + COFFEE + CORNMEAL tomato_paste garlic onion carrots oregano cumin + BEER + +20170818 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES dried_tomato black_mushrooms daikon mustard nutritional_yeast curry_powder + PINEAPPLE cocoa + WINE + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + CIDER + BASMATI_RICE tahini carrots lemon_juice oregano cumin cabbage nori + +20170817 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + WHEAT_NOODLES papaya green_curry coconut_milk chili_flakes garlic ginger + BUCKWHEAT_COOKIES apricot_jam + POTATOES miso daikon garlic ginger chili_flakes + MANGO papaya cocoa + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170816 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + RICE_NOODLES spinach nutolene mirin soy_sauce garlic olives + BUCKWHEAT_COOKIES apricot_jam + WHEAT_NOODLES green_curry sesame_oil daikon carrots nutolene coconut_milk spinach + BEER olives + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170815 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + POTATOES onion chili_flakes cabbage_sauerkraut shiitake olives + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + DATES ginger_cookies + BEER + BUCKWHEAT spinach tahini nutolene lemon garlic cumin oregano + +20170814 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS peanut_butter vegemite + CORNMEAL chili_flakes garlic ginger cabbage_sauerkraut sesame_seeds apricot_jam + DATES ginger_cookies + CHICKPEAS tomato garlic ginger daikon basmati_rice masala cayenne cumin chili_flakes cabbage_sauerkraut + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + +20170813 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins peanuts + B12_SUPPLEMENT + DATES ginger_cookies + BREADFRUIT olive_oil chili_flakes button_mushrooms soy_sauce sesame_seeds + WINE beer + WHEAT_NOODLES cabbage_sauerkraut olives soy_sauce daikon miso + +20170812 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins peanuts + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES onion garlic ginger nori chili_peppers carrots cabbage tofu miso rice_vinegar soy_sauce + DATES ginger_cookies + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS potatoes onion carrots cabbage ginger curry_powder masala chili_flakes sesame_seeds + WINE olives + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170811 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar banana cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES tahini mustard cabbage chili_peppers turmeric sesame_seeds wakame black_mushrooms + DATES ginger_cookies + PEANUTS + BASMATI_RICE green_curry carrots radish tofu + RHUM lemon + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + POP_CORN + +20170810 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE raisins + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BUCKWHEAT cabbage carrots tahini oregano cumin lemon cayenne + MISO wakame chili_flakes + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + CIDER + WINE whole_wheat_crackers plums apples curry_powder + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS papaya garlic olive_oil balsamic_vinegar black_pepper + +20170809 + OATMEAL brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS pumpkin_seeds + B12_SUPPLEMENT + RICE_NOODLES red_peppers cabbage soy_sauce mirin sesame_oil + DATES ginger_cookies + BEER potatoes + WINE + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + CIDER + +20170808 + OATMEAL brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + MISO cabbage tofu chili_flakes soy_sauce sesame_seeds potatoes black_pepper black_mushrooms + HOUJICHA sunflower_seeds + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + WHEAT_NOODLES nutritional_yeast onion cabbage chili_flakes carrots red_peppers + BEER dates + POP_CORN smoked_paprika + +20170807 + OATMEAL brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS vegemite peanut_butter sunflower_seeds + MUNGBEANS garlic ginger cabbage chili_flakes nutolene soy_sauce rice_vinegar sugar peanut_butter + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + CORNMEAL olive_oil zucchini tomato olive_oil nutolene + BEER peanut + MINT_TEA dates dark_chocolate + +20170805 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE dates + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter vegemite + RICE_NOODLES cabbage_sauerkraut onion soy_sauce nutolene chili_flakes black_mushrooms + WINE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS chickpea_hummus garlic smoked_paprika + GINGER_COOKIES mint_tea + +20170804 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + RICE_NOODLES curry_powder onion radish cabbage black_pepper + COCONUT coconut_oil smoked_paprika salt + WHEAT_NOODLES button_mushrooms cabbage_sauerkraut olives + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + GINGER_COOKIES + +20170803 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS pumpkin broccoli onion garlic kidney_beans chili_flakes cayenne smoked_paprika oregano tomato + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS vegemite + WHEAT_NOODLES pumpkin broccoli onion garlic kidney_beans chili_flakes cayenne smoked_paprika oregano tomato + GINGER_COOKIES peanut_butter + WINE olives + COCONUT coconut_oil smoked_paprika salt + +20170802 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS vegemite peanut_butter + WHEAT_PITA potatoes carrots curry_powder paprika garlic + BEER olives + WHEAT_NOODLES pumpkin broccoli chili_flakes mustard olive_oil black_mushrooms + PAPAYA cocoa + +20170801 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon apple turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS peanut date pumpkin_seeds sunflower_seeds + COCONUT + WHEAT_NOODLES chili_flakes zucchini tomato + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS papaya garlic chili_flakes balsamic_vinegar + GINGER_COOKIES mint_tea + +20170731 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon apple turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS sunflower_seeds date pumpkin_seeds + WHEAT_PITA potatoes carrots curry paprika garlic + PAPAYA breadfruit + COCONUT + BEER + POTATOES soy_protein soy_sauce hominy_corn smoked_paprika cabbage + CORN + +20170730 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + MUNGBEANS_NOODLES nutritional_yeast tahini mustard smoked_paprika onion ginger + WINE olives peanut + POTATOES soy_protein soy_sauce hominy_corn smoked_paprika cabbage + BEER + +20170729 + BUCKWHEAT_PANCAKES orange_jam peanut_butter + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + GREEN_LENTILS ginger garlic whole_wheat_crackers peanut_butter + WINE olives + WHEAT_NOODLES chickpeas onion garlic potatoes masala curry_powder cumin chili_flakes cayenne tomato_paste + CHOCOLATE date + +20170728 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES onion cabbage soy_sauce smoked_paprika sesame_oil tahini nori + WINE olives + CORNMEAL tomato garlic oregano balsamic_vinegar olive_oil + +20170727 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + TOMATO garlic balsamic_vinegar oregano olive_oil chili_flakes radish smoked_paprika + WINE olives + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter + BASMATI_RICE shiitake cabbage nori sesame_seeds sweet_potatoes + +20170726 + OATMEAL orange_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + STARFRUIT + GREEN_LENTILS onion cabbage radish nutolene tomato masala nori + PEANUT + WINE + RICE_NOODLES nutolene smoked_paprika sesame_seeds onion shiitake cabbage radish chili_flakes + GINGER_COOKIES mint_tea + +20170725 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES tomato nutolene balsamic_vinegar olive_oil garlic smoked_paprika radish wakame + STARFRUIT + WINE olives peanut + BASMATI_RICE garlic sweet_potatoes onion masala tomato sesame_seeds radish cabbage + GINGER_COOKIES mint_tea + +20170724 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + GINGER_COOKIES peanut_butter + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS tomato garlic kale broccoli chili_flakes cumin kidney_beans + APPLE + STARFRUIT + SOY_PROTEIN cabbage radish garlic sesame_seeds smoked_paprika tahini + CIDER olives + GINGER_COOKIES + +20170723 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BANANA peanut_butter + WHEAT_NOODLES kale broccoli chili_flakes oregano daikon nutritional_yeast garlic + STARFRUIT + BASMATI_RICE kale broccoli garlic onion cumin chili_flakes kidney_beans + GINGER_COOKIES + +20170722 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHEAT_NOODLES kale garlic chili_flakes mustard sesame_seeds + STARFRUIT + B12_SUPPLEMENT + APPLE + PEANUT + WHEAT broccoli chili_flakes zucchini oregano + CHOCOLATE + +20170721 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + BASMATI_RICE nori cabbage tomato daikon sesame_oil + B12_SUPPLEMENT + APPLE + WHOLE_WHEAT_BREAD chickpea_hummus garlic smoked_paprika + WINE olives + +20170720 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + LAPSANG_SOUCHONG + DARK_CHOCOLATE + B12_SUPPLEMENT + CORN_SEMOLINA tomato garlic green_peppers basil olive_oil + BANANA peanut_butter + BASMATI_RICE cabbage chili_flakes corn + +20170719 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + BREADFRUIT peanut_butter + RAISINS + LAPSANG_SOUCHONG + WHEAT_NOODLES nutritional_yeast onion daikon shiitake + DARK_CHOCOLATE + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + BEER + B12_SUPPLEMENT + GREEN_LENTILS broccoli garlic mustard + WINE olives + +20170718 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon banana turmeric + COFFEE + MIXED_BERRIES sunflower_seeds pumpkin_seeds nutolene + RICE_NOODLES nutolene tomato cabbage wakame daikon tomato + DARK_CHOCOLATE + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + BREADFRUIT shiitake chili_flakes soy_sauce olive_oil + +20170717 + OATMEAL apricot_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + BREADFRUIT button_mushrooms soy_sauce paprika + DARK_CHOCOLATE + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS papaya garlic basil + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WINE peanut + +20170716 + OATMEAL rhubarb_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + BASMATI_RICE broccoli garlic olive_oil tahini mustard green_lentils garlic + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter + CABBAGE soy_protein green_peppers soy_sauce sesame_seeds + MINT_TEA ginger_cookies + +20170715 + OATMEAL rhubarb_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE WHOLE_WHEAT_BREAD peanut_butter + BASMATI_RICE squash cabbage onion mungbeans soy_sauce mirin wasabi nori green_lentils + B12_SUPPLEMENT + LENTILS garlic peanut_butter + BEER + WINE + POP_CORN paprika + +20170714 + WHOLE_WHEAT_BREAD peanut_butter + COFFEE + PEANUT + BASMATI_RICE squash tahini mungbeans cabbage + BEER olives + B12_SUPPLEMENT + WHEAT_NOODLES nutritional_yeast wakame onion garlic cabbage + MINT_TEA + BUCKWHEAT_COOKIES rhubarb_jam + +20170713 + OATMEAL rhubarb_jam brown_sugar cinnamon + COFFEE + RAISINS + CORN_SEMOLINA zucchini tomato garlic cumin + BEER + WHOLE_WHEAT_BREAD chickpea_hummus olives tahini + +20170712 + OATMEAL rhubarb_jam brown_sugar cinnamon flax_seeds + COFFEE + RAISINS + CHICKPEA squash spinach garlic yellow_curry masala onion cumin chili_flakes button_mushrooms + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + WHEAT_NOODLES tomato soy_protein squash onion + WINE + +20170711 + BUCKWHEAT_PANCAKES rhubarb_jam peanut_butter + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHEAT_NOODLES button_mushrooms green_peppers onion sesame_seeds paprika olives + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + B12_SUPPLEMENT + PEANUT + BASMATI_RICE soy_protein onion garlic button_mushrooms nori sesame_seeds + OLIVES + +20170710 + OATMEAL rhubarb_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric flax_seeds + COFFEE + POTATOES soy_protein onion corn soy_sauce sesame_seeds olives + MIXED_FRUITS + HIBISCUS_TEA + MUNGBEANS_NOODLES yellow_curry green_peas + PEANUT + +20170709 + OATMEAL rhubarb_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric flax_seeds + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES button_mushrooms tomato sesame_seeds sesame_oil soy_sauce cucumber onion chili_flakes + HIBISCUS_TEA + RAISINS + B12_SUPPLEMENT + POTATOES soy_protein onion corn soy_sauce + CHOCOLATE + WINE + +20170708 + OATMEAL ginger_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric flax_seeds + COFFEE + RAISINS + BASMATI_RICE green_lentils ginger garlic wasabi bull_kelp_powder tomato cucumber nori rice_vinegar + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + PEANUT + CORN_SEMOLINA kidney_beans zucchini tomato black_pepper + OLIVES + +20170707 + OATMEAL banana ginger_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + CHOCOLATE + CHICKPEA cumin ginger shiitake yellow_curry masala spinach rice_vinegar + HIBISCUS_TEA + WINE + +20170706 + OATMEAL banana ginger_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + WHEAT_NOODLES green_peppers mungbeans eggplant spinach + HIBISCUS_TEA + RICE_NOODLES ginger shiitake mustard turmeric yellow_curry onion + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS peanut_butter flax_seeds + +20170705 + OATMEAL banana ginger_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES green_peppers tomato zucchini + RAISINS + BASMATI_RICE masala yellow_curry green_peppers mungbeans rice_vinegar + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS peanut_butter flax_seeds + +20170704 + OATMEAL banana ginger_jam brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + WHEAT_NOODLES cucumber green_peppers tomato olive_oil garlic mustard rice_vinegar + APPLE tajin + COFFEE + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS peanut_butter flax_seeds + B12_SUPPLEMENT + RAISINS + GREEN_LENTILS rice garlic ginger peanut_butter soy_sauce eggplant + POP_CORN olive_oil salt + WHISKY + WHOLE_WHEAT_PITAS peanut_butter flax_seeds + +20170703 + OATMEAL banana ginger brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + BREADFRUIT button_mushrooms olive_oil black_pepper nori sesame_seeds + APPLE tajin + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter rosemary + RICE_NOODLES green_curry green_peppers eggplant bamboo_shoots rice_vinegar + WINE + +20170702 + OATMEAL ginger brown_sugar cinnamon turmeric + COFFEE + RAISINS + APPLE tajin + BANANA + BREADFRUIT button_mushrooms olive_oil black_pepper + WINE olives + MIXED_FRUITS cocoa + B12_SUPPLEMENT + +20170701 + OATMEAL ginger brown_sugar cinnamon + WHEAT_NOODLES zucchini tomato + WHOLE_WHEAT_CRACKERS peanut_butter rosemary + PAMPLEMOUSSE_JUICE + WINE + RAISINS + CORN_SEMOLINA cucumber sesame_oil + APPLE tajin + +20170630 + OATMEAL ginger brown_sugar cinnamon + MUNGBEANS_NOODLES green_peppers eggplant rice_vinegar + BUCKWHEAT_COOKIES ginger_jam + WHEAT_BREAD peanut_butter + APPLE tajin + WINE olives + LENTILS green_peppers onion + INSTANT_NOODLES sesame_oil wakame sesame_seeds + B12_SUPPLEMENT + +20170629 + OATMEAL ginger brown_sugar cinnamon + WHEAT_NOODLES eggplant green_peppers garlic + APPLE tajin + RAISINS + BASMATI_RICE eggplant onion corn turmeric garlic + BEER diff --git a/scripts/database/grim.custom.mh b/scripts/database/grim.custom.mh @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +~ NAME : Grigrains Pages +~ NOTE : Hundred Rabbits +~ AUTH : Devine Lu Linvega + +ABOUT + BREF : I started {*Grim Grains*} once I realized that food could be artistically fulfilling. Cooking became an creative output, while the blog allowed me to document my progress and keep track of the things I made. The blog is about being artistically creative with food and colour. Colours for added nutrition, for contrast and for visual harmony. Most of my recipes are also nut-free and plant-based. + LONG + & This website showcases some of my favourite creations, along with hand draw illustrations for {{each of their ingredients|ingredients-list}}. + % about + & I am {{Rekka Bellum|http://kokorobot.ca/}}, an illustrator, living on a small sailboat somewhere on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. + & You can contact me on my twitter {{@grimgrains|http://twitter.com/grimgrains}}. + +INGREDIENTS + BREF : Here is an unsorted list of all the ingredients used in GrimGrains recipes! + LONG + & Select any item below to view recipes in which they were used and to find more information on them! + +DISCLAIMER + BREF : The content of grimgrains.com, unless stated otherwise, is © Rekka Bell. All rights reserved. Photographs, drawings or text should not be used, published, reprinted or modified without my permission. + LONG + * Copyright policy + & You may adapt one of my grim creations, but be sure to link back to the original recipe and to give proper credit. + & Opinions expressed by any third parties are theirs and do not reflect my own. + * Disclaimer + & All recipes featured on grimgrains.com are my own, unless stated otherwise. The information is for food enthusiasts like myself, i do not claim to be an all-knowing food guru. Nor am I a health professional. My views are my own, i encourage curiosity whenever possible. + * Privacy statement + & Ads on the website are from third parties such as google, who may store information about your online coming and goings to provide personalized advertisements. All concerns about browsing privacy should be addressed to google. + & Any visitor personal information will be kept private and will not be shared/sold to another party. I am not responsible for the privacy practices or actions of any of my blog commenters. + & I reserve the right to alter the blog at my own discretion, as well as to filter comments without notice. + & Words addressed to me in private will not be shared, nor will i use any of it in future publications.+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/database/ingredients.mh b/scripts/database/ingredients.mh @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +LEGUMES + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Lentils : [red#FF6600 beluga#000000 green] Lentils are considered to be one of the best foods because their chemical structures are not altered by cooking. Lens is the latin name for lentil. + Tempeh : [#875A2C] Missing. + Peanut : [butter] Missing. + Peanuts : Missing. + Soy beans : [#EFEFEF milk flour] If you produce your own soy milk, know that there wont be any waste. The pulp can be used to make okara, which you can use to make baked goods. + Beans : [black green kidney] There are over 130 varieties of green beans. + Edamame : Missing. + Chickpeas : [#FFD800] Missing. + Chickpea : [#FFD800 flour hummus] Missing. + Peas : [#006633 split green] Missing. + Mungbeans : [noodles sprouts] Missing. + +CRUCIFEROUS + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Broccoli : No description. + Cabbage : [red#6620B3 sauerkraut#C820B3] Red cabbage can be used as a natural colorant, it needs to be boiled and mixed with vinegar to keep its colour + Kale : [#006633] Some people grow kale for their ornamental leaves, in colours varying in red, pink and even lavender. They are beautiful and eatable! + Arugula : [#006633] + Cauliflower : [#EFEFEF purple#6620B3 white] The oldest record of cauliflower dates back to the 6th century bc. + Brussel sprouts : Missing. + Daikon : [#EFEFEF] + Bok choy : Missing. + Radish : Missing. + +ALGEA FUNGI + INFO : protein, iron, zinc, fibre, folate, potassium + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Wakame : [#006633] Wakame is a very invasive plant, its even banned in australia. + Hijiki : [#000000 dried] Missing. + Bull kelp : [powder] No description. + Nori : [#000000 sheets] Seaweed takes about 45 days to grow. + Shiitake : [#875A2C] + Crimini : [#875A2C] Mature crimini mushrooms are actually portobello mushrooms + Portobello : [#875A2C] Portobello are mature 'common mushroom'. They can be used in plantbased recipes as hamburger steaks, you can even use them as buns. + Shimeji : Missing. + Button Mushrooms : Missing. + Dehydrated mushrooms : Missing. + Black mushrooms : Missing. + Straw mushrooms : Missing. + +SEEDS + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Flax seeds : [#875A2C] Flax is the national flower of Belarus. + Sunflower seeds : [#875A2C] Missing. + Pumpkin seeds : [#006633] Missing. + Sesame seeds : [white#EFEFEF black#000000 butter] Tahini is made by grinding toasted hulled sesame seeds. It is used in baba ghanoush, halva, hummus and in many other recipes. Because of its high oil content, it needs to be refrigerated to prevent spoilage. Tahini has high levels of calcium and protein, making it a must ingredient in any plantbased pantry. + Tahini : Missing. + pomegranate seeds : [#94191C] Missing. + Chia seeds : Missing. + +ROOT VEGETABLES + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Carrots : [#FF6600 heirloom] Overconsumming carrots can cause what is reffered to as "Carotenosis", a condition in which the skin turns orange. + Ginger : [#FFD800 root powder jam cookies beer] + Potatoes : [#EFEFEF russet sweet#FF6600 powder] Since vitamin A deficiency is a common problem in africa, people are encouraged to eat sweet potatoes. + Beets : [#94191C red golden#FFD800 juice#C820B3] Golden beets are rich in b-xanthin pigment, making it not a replacement to red beets (which contain betalain pigment). Both pigments offer different health benefits! Don't be alarmed, beet root juice will make your urine red for a day. + Yuka : [#EFEFEF] Tapioca is actually a starch extracted from Yuca roots. + Garlic : [#EFEFEF powder] Garlic has been used in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. Dating all the way back to the time the pyramids were built! + Onion : [yellow#FFD800 red#C820B3 green powder] There is a variety of red onions in italy that has a stronger and sweeter taste, it is sometimes made into marmalades. + +OTHER VEGETABLES + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Cucumber : [#006633 pickled] Cucumbers are usually more than 90% water. + Eggplant : [#6620B3] + Zucchini : [#006633] + Chile : [#006633 green] + Peppers : [red#94191C yellow#FFD800 green#006633] The misleading name 'pepper' was given by Christopher Columbus when he brought back a plant to europe. The word pepper was given to all spices in europe that had a hot and pungent taste. + Tomato : [paste#94191C dried heirloom#94191C] The tomatoes can also be dried with an oven. + Avocado : [#006633] Avocado trees dont self-pollinate, they need another avocado tree nearby to bear fruit. + Pumpkin : [#FF6600] The darker the skin of the pumpkin, the higher the beta carotene content. + Olives : [green black] + Palm : [#EFEFEF heart] Heart of palm is a vegetable that is harvested from the inner core of certain palm trees. They can be eaten as is, but they're especially delicious when tossed into a salad. + Squash : [#FF6600 acorn] The seeds of the acorn squash can be eaten, they're delicious when roasted! + Artichokes : Missing. + Asparagus : Missing. + Bamboo shoots : Missing. + Breadfruit : Missing + Scallions : [#006633] In some countries scallions are mistakenly referred to as 'shallots'. + Spinach : [#006633] During the cold war, wine with added spinach juice was given to weakened soldiers. + Alfaalfa sprouts : Missing + +BERRIES + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Raisins : [#875A2C, dried] Missing. + Blackberries : No description. + Cherries : No description. + Mulberries : No description. + Raspberries : No description. + Strawberries : No description. + Cranberries : [#94191C dried] Dried cranberries are often coated with a bit of vegetable oil to keep them from sticking to each other, look in natural food stores to find brands that don't do this + Goji : [#94191C] + Mixed Berries : Missing. + +OTHER FRUITS + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Banana : [#FFD800] Missing. + Kiwi : [#006633] Missing. + Apple : [sauce juice] Missing. + Apples : Missing. + Lemon : [#FFD800 juice zest] Lemon juice can be used as an invisible ink, revealed with heat. + Orange : [#FF6600 juice jam] In the early 16th century, the orange was considered a luxury item and rich people would grow it in private conservatories called "orangeries". + Pear : [#875A2C Bartlett Bosc] + Papaya : [#FF6600] + Pomegranate : [#94191C juice] + Mango : [#FFD800] + Lime : [#006633 juice] + Persimmon : [#FF6600 hachiya] Unripe persimmon can be frozen outside during winter to help speed up the ripening process. + Dates : [#875A2C deglet_noor caramel] Date palms have been around for at least 50 million years + Pamplemousse : [juice] Missing. + Rhubarb : [jam] Missing. + Apricot : [jam]Missing. + Starfruit : Missing. + Mixed fruits : Missing. + Coconut : Missing. + Date : Missing. + Plums : Missing. + Pineapple : Missing. + +SPICES + LIST + Turmeric : [#FFD800 ground fresh] Its sometimes used as a fabric dye, namely for Buddhist Monk's robes. + Cinnamon : [#875A2C] Cinnamon and garlic and be used to preserve fried foods + Rosemary : [#006633] Missing. + Basil : [#006633 dried] When soaked in water, the seeds of some basil varieties become gelatinous. They are in turn used in drinks and desserts. + Wasabi : [#006633 powder] Missing. + Sichuan peppercorns : [#875A2C] Missing. + Coriander : [#006633] Missing + Mint : [#006633 fresh] Oil derived from fresh mint can be used as a friendly insecticide. + Cocoa : [#6620B3 powder] Missing. + Cayenne : [#94191C pepper] Missing. + Anise : [seeds] Missing + Nutritional yeast : [#FFD800] In the US it's sometimes referred to as "nooch". + Vanilla : [extract] Missing. + Nutmeg : [#875A2C] If consumed in high doses, raw nutmeg has psychoactive effects. + Thyme : [#006633] Thyme keeps its flavour better when dried than other herbs. + Poppy seeds : [#000000] Poppy seeds are less allergenic than a lot of other seeds or nuts. + Paprika : [#94191C smoked] Paprika is used with henna to give a red tint. + Curry : [#FFD800 powder green yellow] The word curry is derived from the word 'kari' meaning 'sauce' or 'relish for rice' + Tamarind : [#875A2C paste] + Cumin : [#875A2C seeds] In Sanskrit Cumin is known as {_Jira_} which also means {_that which helps digestion_} + Mustard : [#FFD800 seeds dijon] Canada is the top producer of mustard seeds, it produces over 200,700 tonnes of it per year. + Pepper : [#000000 black] Historically, black pepper is the world's most traded spice. + Shichimi togarashi : [#94191C] 'shichi' is the japanese word for 7 and 'togarashi' for 'chiles'. + Gojuchang : [#94191C] Traditionally, gojuchang was fermented outdoors in large earthen pots. + Masala : [#875A2C garam] + Panko : No description. + Carob : [#875A2C chips] + Peppercorn : [#000000 black] + Bay leaf : [#006633] + Chili : [#94191C flakes pepper peppers pepper_flakes] Chili pepper flakes have become a table top must over the years, it will often be present on a restaurant table alongside salt and pepper. + Hops : [#006633] There are many different varieties of hops around, from all corners of the globe. + Dried orange peel : Missing. + Oregano : Missing. + Cardamom : Missing. + Ajwain : Missing. + Fenugreek : [seeds] Missing. + +WHOLEGRAINS + GOAL : 1 + LIST + Buckwheat : [#875A2C noodles flour cookies pancakes] Missing. + Quinoa : No description. + Whole wheat : [pitas flour#875A2C crackers bread] Missing. + Einkorn : [flour] Missing. + Spelt : [flour] Missing. + Corn : [#FFD800 pop semolina cornmeal hominy] Missing. + +GRAINS + LIST + Oats : [#EFEFEF] If oat flour is used alone in baking, the flour wont rise. Best to mix it with other types of flour! + Rice : [white#EFEFEF black#000000 puffed brown#875A2C basmati black_glutinous wholegrain_brown noodles] Preparing puffed rice this way makes it less perishable. Brown rice is a wholegrain rice that has a nutty flavour, it's also more nutritious and chewier than white rice. Brown rice is producted by only removing the outermost husk, while white rice has several other layers removed. It is best to soak the rice for a day before cooking it to obtain a more nutritionally complete food, soaking it beforehand activates various enzymes in the rice. + Flour : [all_purpose#EFEFEF rice] Plain flour has an average protein content, making it versatile to use in almost any recipe that requires flour. Spelt flour was a staple food during the Bronze age all the way up to medieval times. Brown rice flour is sometimes used as a base to grow mushrooms. Einkorn wheat was one of the first plants to be domesticated and cultivated. It has a high percentage of protein, more than regular wheat. It also has high levels of fat, phosphorus, potassium, pyridoxine (a form of vitamin b6) and beta-carotene, making it more nutritious than other kinds of grains. Another great thing about einkorn is that it isn't as toxic to people on gluten-free diets, it as yet to be proven but it should definitely be looked into! + Wheat : [semolina noodles bread crackers pita] Missing. + Oatmeal : Missing. + Cornmeal : Missing. + +SPECIAL + LIST + Vegemite : [#875A2C] It's one of the richest sources of B vitamins, specifically thiamine, riboglavin, niacin and folic acid. It doesn't have any fat, added sugar or animal content. + Miso : [white red#875A2C] Miso can be used to pickle vegetables. + Tofu : [#EFEFEF silken burmese#FFD800 mayo] The word {_bean curds_} for tofu has been used in the US since 1840. + Nutolene : Missing. + Soy protein : Missing. + +SAUCES + LIST + Soy sauce : The solids left behind after the fermentation process is used as animal feed + Sriracha : [#94191C] Sauce is named after the town of Si Racha in thailand where it was first made and served in restaurants. + Mirin : Mirin is added to grilled fish to help reduce the fishy smell. + +POWDERS + LIST + Baking powder : [#EFEFEF] Missing. + Bamboo charcoal powder : [#000000] Bamboo charcoal comes from pieces of bamboo plants, harvested after at least five years, and burned in ovens at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1200 °C. It benefits environmental protection by reducing pollutant residue. It is an environmentally functional material featuring excellent absorption properties. It can be added to foods to give it a black tint, it's very popular in Japan. You can get some through Taketora, a japanese company. (wikipedia description). + Cornstarch : [#EFEFEF] Missing. + Active dry yeast : [#FFD800] Missing. + Baking soda : Since sodium bicarbonate can cause alkalosis, it's sometimes used to treat aspirin overdoses. + Agar agar : Agar is used to make impression material in dentistry. + Arrowroot starch : Missing + +SYRUPS + LIST + Maple syrup : [#875A2C] Quebec is the largest producer of maple syrup in the world + Brown rice syrup : [#875A2C] Brown rice syrup is used to sweeten rice milk. + +VINEGARS + LIST + Rice vinegar : Substituting rice vinegar for western style vinegar isnt really appropriate, its too acidic. + Balsamic vinegar : [#6620B3] + Apple cider vinegar : It is thought that consuming vinegar between meals will help to make you feel full longer. + +SUPPLEMENTS + LIST + B12 supplement : Missing. + +TEA + LIST + Matcha : [#006633 powder] Only Tencha can be used to make matcha. + Houjicha : [#875A2C] KitKat in japan has a houjicha flavour. + Hibiscus : [tea] Missing. + Mint tea : Missing. + Lapsang souchong : Missing. + +COFFEE + LIST + Coffee : Missing. + +ALCOHOL + LIST + Wine : [#6620B3] Wine has long been used as an antiseptic to treat wounds, it was even used to treat pain from child birth. + Beer : No description. + Sake : No description. + Whisky : No description. + Cider : Missing. + Rhum : Missing. + Porto : Missing. + +OILS + LIST + Coconut oil : [#EFEFEF] Coconut oil was used in oil lamps in India before they had electrical lighting. + Canola oil : Canola oil has many non food uses, it is used in candles, lipsticks, inks etc + Olive oil : Extra virgin olive oil has strict requirements, it's checked for all kinds of defects to be made perfect + Sesame oil : [#875A2C] Sesame oil is sometimes mixed into very hot and spicy food to help neutralize the heat. + Peppermint oil : Missing + +MISC + LIST + Coconut milk : [#EFEFEF] Missing. + Soy milk : [#EFEFEF] Missing. + Purple potato powder : [#6620B3] + Baguette : [#875A2C] A law in the 1920's was put in place to keep bakers from working before 4 am, this didn't give them time to make proper rounded loaves. Making slender baguettes was a simple solution to this problem since they bake more rapidly. + Bread crusts : [#875A2C] Missing. + Vegan butter : No description. + Royal blue colouring : [#145BAC] Missing. + Violet colouring : [#6620B3] Missing. + Wholegrain macaroni : [#875A2C] Missing. + Scoobi do : No description. + Fusilli : No description. + Soy yogurt : [#EFEFEF] Missing. + Kinako : No description. + Blue corn tortillas : Missing. + Tofurky sausages : Missing. + Corn tortillas : Missing. + Sugar apple : Sugar apples are covered with scale-like protuberances that you can pry off easily when the fruit is ripe. The skin is soft and sweet and can be eaten with a spoon, once the seeds have been removed. Sugar apples are high energy, and str very rich in minerals. They are a good source of calcium, manganese, phosphorus and vitamins B and C. + Fleur de sel : [#efefef] + Vegetable bouillon : [#875A2C] Dehydrated vegetable bouillon has many names depending on where you live. In Canada and the US it is known as 'bouillon cube', it's known as 'stock cube' in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and in the UK. And as 'dehydrated bouillon' in France. + macaroni : [wholegrain] Missing. + Tajin : Missing. + Instant noodles : Missing. + Water : 70% of the fresh water used by people goes to agriculture. + Sugar : [#EFEFEF brown#875A2C powdered whole_cane#875A2C coconut#875A2C] The average person consumes about 24kg of sugar per year, which is about 260 calories per day. Natural brown sugars that have been highly centrifuged go by the names of turbinado, demeara or raw sugar. Others that have been midly centrifuged and that have a higher molasses content go by Panela, rapadura, jaggery, muscovado etc. Powdered sugar is available in different degrees of fineness, the more X's the finer the grain. + Salt : [#EFEFEF sea] Some boutiques in hawaii sell black salt with powdered black lava added in. Fleur de sel is considered more of a garnish or a condiment, it creates contrast in sweet deserts. + Chocolate : [dark]Missing diff --git a/scripts/database/recipes.mh b/scripts/database/recipes.mh @@ -0,0 +1,2155 @@ +SPINACH PAJEON + DATE : 2014-08-19 + TAGS : korean dinner sidedish + TIME : 15 + SERV : 1 pancake + DESC + & A dish of korean inspiration! A delicious scallion pancake coloured green with spinach. This is a great way to add an extra portion of vegetables to your meal. + & Happy cooking! + ? Rekka + INST + * Pancake + - Blend 1/2 cup of spinach with 1/2 cup of water until smooth. Set aside. + - In a bowl, whisk together 1/2 cup of spelt flour, 1 tsp sesame oil and the blended spinach. + - Heat a large pan with 1 tsp of sesame oil over medium heat. + - Put the chopped scallions in the pan and pour the batter onto it. With a spatula, press down on the pancake to flatten it out. + - Cook for 3-4 minutes until the sides come off the pan and the bottom is cooked. Flip, cook for a a few extra minutes and transfer to a plate. + - Cut it into pieces to make it easier to dip into the sauce! + * Sauce + - Put the sauce ingredients together in a bowl and mix! + INGR + Main + Spinach : 1/2 cup + Water : 1/2 cup + Spelt flour : 1/2 cup + Sesame oil : 2 tsp + Scallions : 1 bunch + Sauce + Soy sauce : 2 tbsp + Rice vinegar : 1 tbsp + Chili pepper flakes : 1 tsp + Black sesame seeds : 1 tsp + Maple syrup : 1 tsp + Garlic : 1 clove + +HOUJICHA OVERNIGHT OATMEAL + DATE : 2014-09-04 + TAGS : morning japanese + TIME : 10 + SERV : 1 serving + DESC + & Start your morning off right, with the nutty and earthy flavour of houjicha oatmeal. If you're not familiar with houjicha, visit a tea shop and ask for it. It's a japanese roasted tea that is often served with sweet and savoury dishes. It's a good low-caffeine alternative to most teas, and adds just the right amount of flavour to oatmeal without overpowering it. Try it! + & Happy cooking! + ? Rekka + INST + - Boil 1 cup of water, then infuse 1 1/2 tsp of houjicha leaves in a tea strainer. <small>You can leave it anywhere from 1-3 min, it depends how strong you like your tea to be. The longer you brew houjicha the nuttier it'll taste.</small> + - Remove the tea leaves and let it cool. + - Add a chopped banana, as well as the tbsp of ground flax seeds, blend until smooth. + - Mix in 1/3 cup of oats, stir well, and then put it in the fridge overnight. Enjoy for breakfast the next day! + INGR + Main + Water : 1 cup + Houjicha : 1 1/2 tsp + Banana : 1 + Flax seeds : 1 tbsp, ground + Oats : 1/3 cup + +SEAWEED BITES + DATE : 2014-09-13 + TAGS : snack crackers + TIME : 50 + SERV : 30 small cookies + DESC + & In the mood for something a bit different? These seaweed bites will do the trick, while dosing you with your {*daily portion of iodine*}! Highly addictive and sweet enough to have as a dessert. + & The cookies were adapted from a recipe by {{Kiuchi Yuki-san|http://www.food-sommelier.jp/recipe/R0123/173155.html}} + INST + - Mix {_1 tbsp_} of ground {{flax seeds}} with {_3 tbsp_} of {{water}}. Let it sit until it thickens. + - In a bowl, mix {_3/4 cup_} of {{flour}} with {_4 tsp_} of {{cornstarch}}. + - In a separate bowl, cream {_4 1/2 tbsp_} of {{coconut sugar}} with {_6 tbsp_} of {{coconut oil}} and {_2 tbsp_} of {{soy milk}}. Stir in the flax seeds and water mix. + - Put the wet ingredients with the dry ones, add {_2 tsp_} of shredded {{wakame}} and mix well. + * Baking + - Form into a ball, put it in a bowl with a cover and stick it in the fridge for approximately {#20 minutes#}. + - Preheat your oven to {#350F#}. After the 20 minutes is up, take the dough out of the fridge and flatten it into a rectangle with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 1/2 cm. Cut into whatever shape you want! I had small flower-shaped cookie cutters so i used that, you can cut the dough into squares with a knife. + - Prepare a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, bake for about {#15 minutes#} until they brown on top. + - Place on a cooling rack and enjoy! + INGR + Main + Flax seeds : 1 tbsp, ground + All purpose flour : 3/4 cup + Cornstarch : 4 tsp + Coconut sugar : 4 1/2 tbsp + Coconut oil : 6 tbsp + Soy milk : 2 tbsp + Wakame : 2 tsp + +NO KNEAD BLACK BREAD + DATE : 2014-09-28 + TAGS : bread sidedish sandwich black + TIME : 60 + SERV : 2 loaves + DESC + & This black loaf of bread is what inspired this website. It took me a while to get my hands on bamboo charcoal powder, now that i have it, i will be baking a ton of these! Some months ago, I stumbled upon an image of an all-black loaf. I didn't know you could get bread to be that dark. + & Getting your hands on bamboo charcoal isn't easy. I saw stores on amazon.com that stocked it, but nothing in my area. I bought a small amount at a health food store where I live, but it was a very small jar (also crazy expensive). After much searching, I concluded that the best place to get it was in Japan. I assumed it would be relatively easy to get over there, wrong again. It's almost impossible to purchase in store, or maybe i wasn't taking to the right people, or going to the right places. + % no.knead.black.bread.1 + & I finally found some available for purchase on amazon japan. Since i lived in temporary housing, shipping there wasn't ideal. Luckily, a good friend agreed to have it shipped to her place and it arrived before i left the country! That's how i got my hands on bamboo charcoal powder! Wasn't easy, but i got it from the best possible source! I got it through {{Taketora|http://www.taketora.co.jp}}, they've been growing and making things out of bamboo for years and years. They're true artisans. + & Cooking with bamboo charcoal is a breeze, you don't need to add much to make your food black. It doesn't add taste to a recipe either, it's purely aesthetic. + & Happy cooking! + ? Rekka + INST + - In a bowl, mix in 3 cups of all purpose flour, 2 tbsp of bamboo charcoal powder, 1 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of active dry yeast. Mix well, your dough should turn a light grey colour. When you add water it will darken. + - Add the 1 1/2 cups of water gradually, stirring it with a spoon into a relatively cohesive dough. The dough will be very wet, no need to add extra flour. + - Put a bag over the bowl, and let the dough rest anywhere from 9 to 24 hours. Ideally, prepare the dough late evening and let it rest overnight, you don't need to do anything to it. + - The next morning, remove the plastic bag and place the dough on a lightly floured surface. Shape the dough into a ball. If too wet to handle, put some flour on your hands. You can make either one large loaf or two small ones with this recipe, i like to make two. Cover with plastic wrap. + - Pre-heat your oven to 450F, and place your bread pan or dutch oven in it. Once it's done pre-heating, take out the pan and put your dough inside, sprinkle some poppy seeds and press lightly to get them to stick. + - Cover the bread pan with aluminum foil (or lid) and put it back in the oven for 30 minutes + - After 30 minutes, take the foil (or lid) off and let it cook for another 7 minutes or so. + INGR + Main + All purpose flour : 3 cups + Bamboo charcoal powder : 2 tbsp + Sea salt : 1 tsp + Water : 1 1/2 cups + Active dry yeast : 1/2 tsp + Poppy seeds : 1-2 tsp + +OVERNIGHT BANANA SPINACH OATMEAL + DATE : 2014-10-04 + TAGS : morning + TIME : 10 + SERV : 1 serving + DESC + & I bet you all remember the scene in the movie Hook, when the lost boys are sitting in front of an invisible buffet. The boys are trying to make Peter understand that he needs to imagine there is food on the table. The moment when that little switch turns in his head, and he sees the feast, is one of my very favourites. A table covered with strange playdoh-like food, varying in colour, texture and shape. I've been wanting to re-create that buffet, to make something bizzare, yet eatable, and delicious. + & This oatmeal is an attempt at doing just that, something that is very colourful, bizzare and beautiful. I like that can't identify what everything is right away - what is that green goo? Is it cake batter? Pesto (ew)? I like to challenge people's ideas about food, pasta doesn't need to be beige and neither does your oatmeal. + & For those who worry about having spinach in oatmeal, know that you can't taste it in this. Also, why shouldn't you have greens in the morning? We all have these pre-conceived ideas of what morning meals should look like, or what they should include. Of course, I'm not re-inventing breakfasts with this recipe, it's still oatmeal. I like to think that i'm taking it a step further, in terms of what a morning meal can look like. + & I'm one step closer to having my peter pan buffet! Now imagine a table full of dishes with this level of colour and texture! I'm in eatable play-doh food heaven. + ? Rekka + INST + - Combine 1/3 cup of rolled oats with 1/2 tsp of ground turmeric and a 2/3 cup of water (or your plant milk of choice) in a mason jar. Cover, and store in the refrigerator overnight. + - In the morning, blend together 1 banana, 1 tsp of maple syrup and a handful of spinach. Pour over your overnight turmeric oats, and top with a 1/4 cup of fresh blackberries. + INGR + Main + Oats : 1/3 cup, rolled + Ground turmeric : 1/2 tsp + Water : 2/3 cup + Banana : 1 + Maple syrup : 1 tsp + Spinach : Handful + Blackberries : Handful + +AVOCADO CARROT SANDWICH + DATE : 2014-10-07 + TAGS : sandwich bread black + TIME : 10 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & I made a fresh loaf of black bread the other day, it only made sense to make another recipe with it! I made a spicy, lime-infused carrot and avocado sandwich! + & I wanted something spicy, I love lime with avocado so that's how it started. Planning recipes according to colour is important, it creates more variety in your meal. The colours don't always have to contrast each other + & It really depends how i feel, i wouldnt mind having an all-green sandwich (future recipe maybe?) + ? Rekka + INST + - Grate 1 carrot and put in a small bowl, mix in 1 tsp of sriracha, 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika with 1 tsp of coconut sugar together. Set aside. + - Mash your avocado with a fork, until pureed. Stir in 1 tbsp of lemon juice, as well as the sea salt and black pepper. + - Use the carrot mix as a spread for your sandwich, lay some raw spinach leaves on top and then add a generous serving of the avocado puree on top. + - This sandwich is especially beautiful with slices of black bread, please refer to my no knead black bread recipe to make one of your own! + INGR + Spicy carrot filling + Carrots : 1, grated + Sriracha : 1 tsp + Smoked paprika : 1/2 tsp + Coconut sugar : 1 tsp + Avocado filling + Avocado : 1 + Lemon juice : 1 tbsp + Sea salt : pinch + Black pepper : pinch + Spinach : A few leaves, raw + +BLACK PASTA + DATE : 2014-10-13 + TAGS : pasta black dinner + TIME : 60 + SERV : 6 servings + DESC + & Black pasta is visually striking. I remember the first time I saw it on a shelf, in a grocery store. Ever since then, I've been dying to make my own. Happy to say that i can finally cross that off my list! + & Making fresh pasta at home is easy, it doesn't require a lot of preparation. It's something you can do on a weekend. Kneading dough is relaxing, just put some music on, pour yourself a glass of wine and start cooking! It's something you can do by yourself, but it's actually cool to do with a friend. Me and Devine made these while our friend Max was around. + & The secret ingredient to making black pasta, is Bamboo Charcoal powder. It's seldomly used to make pasta, most of the time people will use squid ink. While it's harder to find, it works better in pasta as it will not alter the taste or smell of your dough. You can also make black pasta with black rice, although the consistency and ingredients are very different. + % black.pasta.1 + & To make pasta, I use a pasta machine but you can easily do it by hand, using just a rolling pin and a knife. I've made pasta using both methods, it's good to try by hand first. Your first batch may not be perfect, but that's ok! You'll only get better with practice! It doesn't really matter anyway if they're uneven, your noodles will still be delicious. The more batches you make, the better they'll get! + ? Rekka + INST + * Preparing the dough + - Mix 2 cups of wheat semolina, 3/4 cup whole wheat flour and 1 tbsp of bamboo charcoal powder in a bowl. + - Prepare a bowl of water, keep it close by. Add water to the flour mix gradually, a tablespoon at a time. + - Keep adding water until your dough comes together. Your dough should be moist, but not too sticky, add more if needed. + - Knead until your dough is smooth, then form into a ball. Cut your dough into quarters. Cover, and let it rest for 30 minutes. + * With pasta machine + - Roll out the dough to your desired thickness using your pasta machine. Run the dough about 5-6 times, running it over the largest setting first, and then working your way down to a thinner setting. I went a knotch before the thinnest setting. + - Once your dough is nice and flat, dust it with some extra flour and run it through the linguini or spaghetti setting. If you don't use enough flour, your dough may stick inside the mechanism of your pasta machine and will make the process difficult. You can catch the noodles that are coming out with a chopstick, this will keep them from trying to stick together. + - If your dough still feels moist, add more flour. If they're too moist they will stick together, we don't want this. Once they've been dusted with enough flour, separate into 6 portions and fold each one over itself once, and then again to make a small bundle. + - Let dry for 30 minutes. + * Using a rolling pin + - Roll out each quarter of dough to your desired thickness. Sprinkle extra flour if dough sticks to your rolling pin. + - Fold each pasta sheet over itself a few times, again dusting it with enough flour so it doesn't stick. Folding makes it easier to cut, and your noodles will be more even as a result. + - Make wider cuts for linguini, thinner for spaghetti etc. If it's your first time making pasta by hand, make linguini. Making consistenly thin noodles is tough, i don't recommend it on your first try. + - If your dough still feels moist, add more flour. If they're too moist they will stick together, we don't want this. Once they've been dusted with enough flour, separate into 6 portions and fold each one over itself once, and then again to make a small bundle. + - Let dry for 30 minutes. + * Boiling + - If you want to have your fresh pasta right away, bring a pot of water to a boil. Cook for approximately 3 minutes, fresh pasta cooks a lot faster than the dry kind. + * Freezing + - Transfer to a freezer bag. I like to use little pieces of parchment paper to keep the fresh pasta bundles separated. + INGR + Main + Wheat semolina : 2 cups + Whole wheat flour : 3/4 cup + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1 tbsp + +ROASTED CARROTS WITH BELUGA LENTILS + DATE : 2014-10-25 + TAGS : dinner black + TIME : 30 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & My oven has been working overtime these days, i've been baking and roasting food almost everyday. Picked up a pack of heirloom carrots at atwater market last weekend, threw them in the oven with a bit of oil, and served them over a bed of beluga lentils. All this, topped with a delicious spicy peanut butter sauce! + & Roasted carrots becoming quite sweet, a nice change from eating them raw. I could have easily eaten all 8 carrots myself, but alas i also need to feed Devine. + & I like buying grains or flours in bulk. I don't always get to buy huge quantities, it's too heavy. I don't own a car, and walking long distances with it is bad is difficult. Since my bike accident, i haven't been able to carry heavy loads for too long. Luckily, i went to my parent's house on sunday. They have a car, and access to a terrific buy in bulk place. I bought a ton of black rice and some black beluga lentils! + & Beluga lentils aren't the cheapest kind you can get, but certainly a wonderful addition to my black food pantry. + & Worth mentioning, that the idea to make a recipe with beluga lentils was inspired by Meike Peter's {{beluga lentil salad recipe|http://eatinmykitchen.meikepeters.com/beluga-lentil-salad-with-pear-blue-cheese-and-thyme/}}. + INST + * Carrots + - Preheat oven to 400F + - Wash 8 organic heirloom carrots, do not peel them. Dry the carrots, and then toss them with 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tsp of thyme. + - Lay on a baking sheet and sprinkle with a dash of salt and some black pepper. Bake for 25 minutes, make sure to flip the carrots halfway through. + * Lentils + - Wash 1/2 cup of beluga lentils. Put 375 ml of vegetable bouillon in a pot and add the lentils, bring to a boil. + - Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 25 minutes. <small>Don't let them cook for too long, otherwise they'll get too mushy. If the lentils seem cooked, but havent absorbed all of the water, just strain them out. </small> + * Sauce + - Mix 2 tbsp of sriracha, 2 tbsp of peanut butter, 1/4 cup soy sauce and 2 tbsp of rice vinegar in a small bowl. + * Combine + - Set the beluga lentils on a plate with a bit of sauce and top with 4 roasted carrots! Makes two servings. + INGR + Carrots + Heirloom carrots : 8 + Olive oil : 1 tbsp + Thyme : 1 tsp + Sea salt : 1 tsp + Black pepper : pinch + Lentils + Beluga lentils : 1/2 cup + Vegetable bouillon : 375 ml + Sauce + Sriracha : 2 tbsp + Peanut butter : 2 tbsp + Soy sauce : 1/4 cup + Rice vinegar : 2 tbsp + +MATCHA PANCAKES + DATE : 2014-10-28 + TAGS : morning japanese + TIME : 30 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & Have some green pancakes for breakfast or dessert. Who said pancakes needs to be a morning thing? This recipe isn't too sweet, we have the sugar-free topping to thank for that! + INST + *Pancake + - Whisk together 1 cup of rice flour, 1/4 tsp sea salt, 1 tsp of baking powder, 1 tbsp of matcha powder and 1 tbsp of whole cane sugar. + - Stir 1 cup of soy milk and 1 tsp of vanilla extract together. Pour into dry ingredients, and mix until smooth. + - Add a bit of oil to a pan on medium heat. Pour a few tablespoons in, let cook. Flip once the bottoms have browned and little bubbles appear at the top. + - Repeat for the rest of the pancake mix. + * Topping + - Dice 2 apples up into thin slices. Put in a saucepan, with 1/4 tsp of cinnamon and a 1/4 cup of water. + - Bring to a boil, cover and lower the heat. Let simmer for 15-20 minutes or until apples have broken down. Remove from heat, add 1 tsp of lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt. + - Put apple sauce and 1 cup of spinach in a blender, blend until smooth and serve over pancakes with some fresh blueberries! + INGR + Pancakes + Rice flour : 1 cup + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Baking powder : 1 tsp + Matcha powder : 1 tbsp + Whole cane sugar : 1 tbsp + Soy milk : 1 cup + Vanilla extract : 1 tsp + Sauce + Apple : 2 + Cinnamon : 1/4 tsp + Water : 1/4 cup + Lemon juice : 1 tsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Spinach : 1 cup + +KURO PRETZELS + DATE : 2014-11-03 + TAGS : bread snack black sidedish + TIME : 130 + SERV : 4 pretzels + DESC + & I don't buy bread anymore, since i've discovered the joys of home-baking! I still like to go to my neighbourhood bakery though, to get ideas and inspiration. My latest bread experiment, is pretzels. + & You can find black breads in some japanese bakeries, though it isn't common here in Montreal. If available, I wonder if people would buy them. Unfortunately, black is synonymous with 'burnt' and 'rotten'. + & Those who think this way are missing out! Black bread is as good as any other bread, and will please the dark abyss, that is your stomach. + & This recipe was adapted from {{Alton Brown's|http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/homemade-soft-pretzels-recipe.html}}. I'm still new at baking, I'm learning a lot about it. It's great to have so many resources online to learn from! These pretzels are best eaten on the same day! + INST + - In a bowl, mix the 3/4 cup of warm water, 1/2 tbsp of maple syrup and 1 tsp of salt. Sprinkle the tsp of yeast on top, and let it sit for 5 minutes. + - In a separate bowl, stir 1 tsp of black bamboo charcoal powder into 2 1/4 cups of all purpose flour. Once your dough becomes an even 'grey', mix in 2 tbsp of coconut oil. + - Combine the wet ingredients into your dry ingredients, mix well. + - Take the dough out of the bowl, and place onto a lightly floured surface. Continue to knead the dough using your hands, until it becomes smooth. + - Put ball of dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let it sit in a warm place for 50 minutes or until it has doubled in size. + - Pre-heat your oven to 450F + - Prepare a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, add a bit of vegetable oil over it. + - Put 5 cups of water into a pot, along with 1/3 cup of baking soda. Bring to a boil. + - Take your dough and cut it into 4 equal pieces. Roll out each piece into a long thin rope, the longer it is the bigger your pretzels will be. + - You can shape it however you want. If you want a pretzel shape, first shape it into a U. Take the two ends and cross them over each other, then take the 'crossed ends' and bring it to the bottom of your U. Press it down. + - Using a flat spatula, gently place one pretzel into the pot of boiling water for 30 seconds. Only put one piece in at a time. After, place them onto the baking sheet you prepared earlier. + - Brush or spray the pretzels with some soy milk, and sprinkle with some fleur de sel. + - Bake for 12 minutes and place on a cooling rack! + INGR + Pretzels + Water : 3/4 cup + Maple syrup : 1/2 tbsp + Sea salt : 1 tsp + Active dry yeast : 1 tsp + All purpose flour : 2 1/4 cup + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1 tsp + Coconut oil : 2 tbsp + Boiling water + Water : 5 cups + Baking soda : 1/3 cup + 'egg' wash + Soy milk : 1 tbsp + Topping + Fleur de sel : 1 tsp + +BLACK SESAME BRITTLE + DATE : 2014-11-06 + TAGS : dessert black + TIME : 20 + SERV : 10 pieces + DESC + & Sesame brittle looks impressive when served over desserts, it looks like pieces of black coral. If you like the nutty taste of sesame seeds with a bit of sweet, you will love this recipe. + & It's simple to make, but requires all of your attention. The sugar syrup becomes solid when cool ,which means every step needs to be done quickly. These are no-bake, and are ready to eat almost instantly. + & These should be served over desserts that aren't too sweet, the sweet of the sesame brittle can be a bit much. I suggest serving it with fruit, or kanten (agar agar based desserts). + INST + - Prepare baking sheet lined with parchment paper, keep a flat spatula close by. + - Put the 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract in a pot at medium heat. + - Stir constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. + - Add the 1/4 cup of black sesame seeds. Mix thoroughly. + - This part is tricky, the mixture solidifies very quickly. You need to do this fast! Take the pot, and pour its contents out onto the baking sheet. With the spatula spread and flatten it out as much as you can. + - Cut the brittle while it's still warm. + INGR + Main + Brown sugar : 1/4 cup + Black sesame seeds : 1/4 cup + Vanilla extract : 1/4 tsp + +SPINACH OATMEAL COOKIES + DATE : 2014-11-13 + TAGS : cookies dessert + TIME : 20 + SERV : 5 pieces + DESC + & Wanted to make green cookies, didn't know what i wanted in them, but i knew i wanted THAT colour. Spinach was an obvious choice, plus i had some left-over from yesterday. + & I've been having a lot of baking failures, I needed something simple to make that didnt involve flour. + & Flour is fussy, flour is mean. + & Using oats for bulk is a great, and healthier alternative to flour (plus it's hard to fuck up.) Failing at food is the worse, i can never bring myself to throw it away. It feels like a waste to trash it, so I end up storing it in the back of the fridge. In refrigerators, unlike on school buses, the cool kids don't hang out in the back. After 3 days my anger subsides, and I toss it in the garbage and deny ever making it. + & On a brighter note, THESE cookies were crazy successful! Super moist, tasty and GREEN. + & Plus, these don't take a very long time to make. It makes 5 small cookies, it's easy and doesn't make a mess. I never bake huge batches of desserts, but if you want more you can double or triple the recipe easily. + ? Rekka + INST + - Preheat oven to 350F + - Puree 1 handful of spinach leaves with 1 whole banana. + - Stir in 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract and 1/2 cup of steel cut oats. + - Put 5 balls of dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten the balls down into desired thickness. + - Bake for 12-15 minutes, let cool for 10 minutes before transfering to a cooling rack. + + INGR + Main + Spinach : 1 handful + Banana : 1 + Vanilla extract : 1/4 tsp + Oats : 1/2 cup + +BORSCHT WITH TOFU SOUR CREAM + DATE : 2014-11-16 + TAGS : soup sidedish + TIME : 60 + SERV : 4 quarts + DESC + & Funny to think that when i was a kid, i didn't want to go anywhere near beets. For the longest time, it was this thing that my family served around xmas time and that i didn't like. How things change! I buy beets regularly now, I use it to make pasta sauce, to serve over salads, to mix into smoothies and now to make Borscht! + & Devine has been taking russian classes every week, and he comes back from his lessons with new words to teach me. Last week, he not only returned with new words, he also brought back a Borscht recipe. Borscht fits perfectly in the Grim Grains universe - It's bright, red, beautiful and delicious! This recipe was inspired by hers. + % borscht.with.tofu.sour.cream.1 + & Borscht is traditionally served with sour cream, so evidently i needed to have that be part of this recipe as well! A lot of vegan sour cream recipes have cashews, because of my tree nut allergy, i had to opt for something different. Silken tofu does the job well, the mix of that plus lemon and apple cider vinegar gives a perfect sour taste! Sour cream recipe adapted from {{The blender girl|http://healthyblenderrecipes.com/recipes/tonys_vegan_tofu_sour_cream}}. + INST + * Tofu sour cream + - Drain the pack of silken tofu, press it lightly with a cloth or paper towels to remove some of the water. + - Put the tofu, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of cider vinegar and 5 tsp of lemon juice in a bowl. Blend until smooth. + - Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour to give it time to thicken. + * Borscht + - Bring 4 cups of vegetable bouillon to a boil, add 2 peeled medium-sized red beets. Boil until softened. + - Peel and slice 1 medium-sized sweet potato. Add to pot and let boil for 15 minutes. + - While the potatoes are cooking, peel and julienne 2 carrots, cut 1/2 a red onion and mince 3 garlic cloves. Add it all to a pan and fry until fragrant. Near the end add 2 tbsp of tomato paste, then toss in the pot. + - Cut 1/2 head of a small red cabbage into thin strips, add to pot. + - Put 1 bay leaf, season with salt and pepper and let it simmer for 10 minutes or until all the veggies are nice and soft. + - At the end, take pot off heat and stir in 2 tsp of lemon juice. You can serve as is if you like a chunkier soup, otherwise puree it with a handblender. Serve hot with tofu sour cream! <small>For thicker and tastier Borscht, cook the soup the day before you plan to eat it. Let it cool and refrigerate it. It tastes better the next day :), just re-heat it. Trust me, it'll be delicious.</small> + INGR + Sour cream + Silken tofu : 1 pack + Sugar : 1 tsp + Apple cider vinegar : 1 tbsp + Lemon juice : 5 tsp + Soup + Vegetable bouillon : 4 cups + Red beets : 2 + Sweet potatoes : 1 + Carrots : 2 + Red onion : 1/2 + Garlic : 3 + Tomato paste : 2 tbsp + Red cabbage : 2 1/2 cups + Bay leaf : 1 + Sea salt : pinch + Black pepper : pinch + Lemon juice : 2 tsp + + +DARK YAKI GYOZA + DATE : 2014-12-17 + TAGS : japanese black dinner sidedish + TIME : 60 + SERV : 40 wrappers + DESC + & Late-night gyoza at izakaya, is one of the things i miss the most about living in Tokyo. Maybe not one of the healthiest late-night eats, but a DELICIOUS one. These are very unconventional gyoza, black on the outside, and red and orange on the inside. + % dark.yaki.gyoza.1 + & We made homemade gyoza dough with some friends a few weeks back, it took FOREVER. Devine had the amazing idea of using our pasta maker to do it. We still needed to do a bit of kneading, to get it through the machine the first time. After that, it's easy and sweat-free! + % dark.yaki.gyoza.2 + & We didn't have any round cookie cutters, the last time we tried i was using upside down glasses. Didn't work well because the rims aren't sharp. Again, Devine had a stroke of genius. Cans! I had an empty chickpea pan lying around, it was about the size of a gyoza wrapper so we used that to poke holes through the dough. + ? Genius right? + & I know not everyone has a pasta maker, you don't need one to make wrappers. You can just use a rolling pin. + % dark.yaki.gyoza.3 + & The fillings was another experiment, since i like to cook with colours in mind, i wanted something that would contrast the black. Beet and carrots seemed like an obvious choice. Unconventional, as far as traditional japanese gyozas go, but very delicious and very beautiful. + % dark.yaki.gyoza.4 + & We had a lot of fun making these gyoza, it's best made and eaten with friends! + % dark.yaki.gyoza.5 + & Gyoza wrapper techniques and ratios were based on the recipe from {{Just one cookbook|http://www.justonecookbook.com/recipes/gyoza-wrappers/}}. She explains it really well too on her blog it's worth taking a look. I learned a lot from her even if our techniques differ slightly. While I preferred not to knead by hand, or with a rolling pin, i did do it her way the first time. + INST + * Dough + - Mix 2 cups of all purpose flour with 1 tsp of bamboo charcoal powder in a bowl. + - Dissolve 1/2 tsp of salt in 1/2 cup of just-boiled water, and pour into the flour little by little while mixing. + - Knead the dough on a clean flat surface for a few minutes until it becomes smooth. <small>If your dough is too dry, add 1 tbsp of hot water and repeat as needed.</small> + - Separate the dough in 3. Roll into balls and wrap them up with plastic wrap, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. <small>Leaving it to rest in the refrigerator makes the dough easier to manipulate afterwards</small> + - Flatten each piece out with a rolling pin into a rough rectangle, thin enough so that you can run it through the pasta maker. Pass it through your pasta maker a few times, incrementing down to the thinnest setting gradually. <small>You can use a rolling pin instead, it works but it takes a lot more effort. Both techniques work, this one just happens to be quicker and easier on your body. Note that depending on your pasta maker, the dough will come out a bit thicker than a traditional gyoza. If you want it thinner you can flatten it a bit more with a rolling pin</small> + - Put the thin sheet of dough onto a clean flat surface. Take a can (with about a 3\" diameter) and start to poke holes into it, these are your gyoza wrappers! <small>You can use cookie cutters if you have some. I used an old chickpea can I had.</small> + - Pile the wrappers, sprinkle some cornstarch (or potato starch) inbetween each piece so they don't stick together. Put a damp towel over your wrappers so they don't dry out. + - Repeat this process for the other 2 portions of dough, and you can re-use the scraps and make new dough to run through the pasta maker (no waste~). + * Carrot filling + - Mix the 1/4 block of tofu, the 1/3 cup of coriander, the 2 grated carrots and the 1 tsp of ginger root together in a bowl. Add a tbsp of soy sauce as well as black pepper and salt to taste. Mix once more. + * Beet filling + - Mix the 1/4 block of tofu, the 1/3 cup of coriander, 1 grated red beet, the 2 garlic cloves and the tsp of ginger root. Add a tbsp of soy sauce and some ground sichuan peppercorns. + * Cooking + - Take 1 wrapper, wet all around the edge with water using your fingers. <small>Keep a bowl of water close to dip your fingers in</small> + - Put a spoonful of filling in the middle (carrot or beet). + - Close it. Make little folds with the flap that is facing you using both hands, leaving the back part smooth. Make sure it's sealed tight. Repeat for the rest of the gyoza skins, alternate between fillings <small>Cover with a damp towel while you work so they don't dry up.</small> + - Put some vegetable oil in a pan on medium heat. Add gyoza in 2 rows of 3 in the pan. Cook until bottom becomes golden. + - Add 1/3 cup of water and put a lid on. Let steam until all the water evaporates. + - Add a bit of sesame oil and cook until crispy. Serve with a dipping sauce! + INGR + Dough + All purpose flour : 2 cups + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1 tsp + Sea salt : 1 tsp + Water : 1/2 cup + Cornstarch : 1 tbsp + Carrot filling + Carrots : 2 + Tofu : 1/3 cup + Coriander : 1/3 cup + Garlic : 2 cloves + Ginger root : 1 tsp + Soy sauce : 1 tbsp + Black pepper : pinch + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Beet filling + Red beets : 1 + Tofu : 1/3 cup + Coriander : 1/3 cup + Garlic : 2 cloves + Ginger root : 1 tsp + Soy sauce : 1 tbsp + Sichuan peppercorns : 1/2 tsp + Dipping sauce + Rice vinegar : 3 tbsp + Soy sauce : 3 tbsp + Sesame oil : 1 tsp + +RAISIN BEET BREAD + DATE : 2014-12-20 + TAGS : bread dessert morning + TIME : 60 + SERV : 1 loaf + DESC + & I present to you a sweet bread that you can have in the morning for breakfast, or as a dessert. + & I baked a similar bread for my dad a few weeks ago. He's truly the best dad, whenever me or my sisters ask for help, he always says yes. No hesitation, ever. He wouldn't ever think of refusing, the thought probably never even crosses his mind. Can't say how thankful I am to have someone like that in my life. Because of everything he does for me, once in a while I bring him some raisin bread. + % raisin.beet.bread.1 + & If like my dad you like raisin bread, you will love this sweet raisin beet bread. It's halfway between a cake and bread. Adapted from one of my mom's old cookbook by Margo Oliver \"les menus de margo oliver\" + & It's simple to make, and you can replace the raisins for cranberries or even chocolate chips for a different taste! If you make my recipe, just be sure to add plenty of raisins on top! I emptied a bag on it, without regret. They'll get super crispy, and will develop a sweet crispy caramelized taste. Was hard to keep myself from picking them off, Devine hates it when I do that. + INST + - Preheat oven to 350F . Grease a baking pan and set aside. + - Put 1 cup of dried raisins in a bowl, cover with 1 cup of warm water. Let cool, then add 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract. + - Peel and cut 2 small beets into cubes, puree in food processor, set aside. + - Mix 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds with 6 tbsp of water, let thicken. In a separate bowl, measure out 1/4 cup of coconut oil. Add 1/3 cup of whole cane sugar gradually, mixing at the same time. In that same bowl, add the flax seeds and the pureed beets. This is the sweet part of our bread, the sweet sweet cream! <small>Never add all of it at once, add a bit then mix and repeat until you run out</small> + - Mix your dry ingredients together, the 2 1/4 cups of all purpose flour, the 1/2 tsp of salt and the tbsp of baking soda. + - Take your wet raisins and the bowl of flour, and add both in small gradual batches to the bowl of cream. + - Add spoonfuls of the wet dough to your greased pan, add the remaining 1/4 cup of dried raisins on the top of the dough. Push down gently to make sure they don't fall off later. + - Bake in the oven for 45 minutes or until you can put a toothpick through and that it comes out clean. + - Let cool before trying to take it out of the pan. + + INGR + Main + All purpose flour : 2 1/4 cup + Baking soda : 1 tbsp + Sea salt : 1/2 tsp + Flax seeds : 2 tbsp + Coconut oil : 1/4 cup + Whole cane sugar : 1/3 cup + Dried raisins : 1 1/4 cup + Water : 1 cup + Vanilla extract : 1/2 tsp + Red beets : 1 cup, pureed + + +MISO VEGGIE PATE + DATE : 2014-12-28 + TAGS : sidedish dinner japanese + TIME : 60 + SERV : 4 blocks + DESC + & Végé pâté is a quebec staple food, it's one of those things that you never think to make yourself. Every picnic i had this summer included this, it's great with veggies, on crackers and in sandwiches too! Purchasing it pre-made can get expensive, and not all kinds are good. This summer i decided to make it myself. + & I like japanese food a lot, I cook it every week. It's not surprising that my Végé pâté would contain japanese ingredients. + & A lot of végé pâté recipes call for whole wheat flour, I've made it using it before with great results. If you don't have oats, you can use whole wheat flour instead. AUsing oats as a substitute works great, I always have a bucket-load of steel-cut oats lying around. To grind it down into flour i use my blender stick, it takes more time but it works well! + INST + - Soak deshelled and unsalted sunflower seeds in water for at least 8 hours. <small>They will be easier to grind this way</small> + - Preheat oven to 350F. + - Put a few inches of water in a pot, add steamer basket and bring to a boil. Add 1/3 cup of peeled pumpkin cubes (or sweet potato), cover and let steam until softened. + - Strain and rinse off sunflower seeds. Combine with 1/2 cup of ground oats, 1 large diced carrot (or two medium), the pumpkin (or sweet potato), 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 tbsp minced ginger root, 2 chopped scallions, 1/4 cup fresh coriander, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp white miso and 1/3 cup of water. Puree with a food processor until smooth. + - Stir in 1/4 cup of nutritional yeast, and season with black pepper to taste. + - Put in a greased 8x8 pyrex baking dish, pour mixture in and flatten it with a spatula. + - Bake for 50 minutes, let cool. Cut into 4 squares and store in the refrigerator. Best eaten the next day! Keeps for a week in the fridge, up to a month frozen. + INGR + Main + Sunflower seeds : 1 cup + Carrots : 1 large + Pumpkin : 1/3 cup, cubed + Garlic : 2 cloves + Ginger root : 1 tbsp + Scallions : 2 branches + Coriander : 1/4 cup + Nutritional yeast : 1/4 cup + Soy sauce : 2 tbsp + Lemon juice : 1 tsp + White miso : 2 tbsp + Water : 1/3 cup + Black pepper : pinch + +PERSIMMON CURRY + DATE : 2015-01-03 + TAGS : rice indian + TIME : 30 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & I've been looking for ways to incorporate persimmon into savoury recipes. I always thought it could make a great sauce for pasta or rice meals. If pureed, it will taste very sweet, but if you mix in curry powder and other spices and ingredients it becomes less of a dessert. + & Be careful when selecting your persimmon, there are two varieties. Hachiya persimmon are more elongated and you need to wait for it to soften down before attempting to eat it. Fuyu persimmon, have a tomato-like shape and you can eat it like an apple. + & There are many different varieties of curry powders it's just a pre-mixed combination of different ground spices. If you're in a hurry, buying a mix is best. But if you have a full stocked spice rack, it may be better and more fun to do it yourself. Typically curry mixes have turmeric, coriander, cumin, black and red pepper, cinnamon cloves, fennel seeds, cardamom, ginger and fenugreek. There can be as much as 20 different spices, but you can probably omit a few and it'll still taste pretty great. + & Enjoy over some basmasti rice, or grated cauliflower rice for a lighter and grain-free meal. + INST + * Rice + - Rince 1 cup of basmati rice under cold water, transfer to pot. + - Boil some water, pour 1 1/2 cups of it over the rice. Bring pot to a boil. Add bay leaf, lower heat and cover. Simmer for 15 minutes, remove from heat and let steam for an additional 5 minutes with the lid on. + - Remove bay leaf and serve. + * Sauce + - Scoop the flesh out of 2 rippened hachiya persimmons, puree with a hand blender. + - Sauté 1 chopped onion, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 tsp ginger root with a bit of olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Cook until onions become translucent. + - Add the 2 diced carrots and the handful of spinach. Stir for 2 minutes, then add the tbsp of curry powder. Cook for an additional minute. + - Add pureed persimmon, cook for 5 minutes and then season with salt. Serve over rice. + INGR + Rice + Basmati rice : 1 cup + Water : 1 1/2 cup + Bay leaf : 1 + Sauce + Hachiya persimmon : 2 + Curry powder : 1 tbsp + Ginger root : 1 tsp, minced + Garlic : 2 cloves + Carrots : 2 + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Yellow onion : 1 + Spinach : 1/3 cup + +SIMPLE DOCTOR WHO CAKE + DATE : 2015-01-06 + TAGS : dessert geek vegan lemon cake + TIME : 60 + SERV : 12 servings + DESC + & I hardly ever bake cakes, this was my first proper cake. My sister's birthday was coming up, and my parents wanted to get her a themed cake. Of what you ask? + & Something old. Something new. Something borrowed... + & Something blue! + & You guessed correctly, you wonderful nerd you! A tardis! + % simple.doctor.who.cake.1 + & They asked for a quote from their favourite bakery, they do great work but were charging a too much for it. So my parents turned to me, and my cake-baking adventure began! + & My sister loves lemon cake, that part is simple. Getting the cake to be tardis blue though, is another matter entirely. That colour is unnatural, those royal blue 'raw blueberry pinterest cakes' are complete bull (they really, really are). I had to use food colouring, it's not ideal but it was necessary to get that tardis blue. I went ahead and bought Wilton's royal blue and violet colouring to mix, to get it be that specific shade. Using royal blue alone would have made it go turquoise. + & The cake noob that i am, I searched around and found a very awesome <a href=\"http://thegreenforks.com/vegan-birthday-cake/\">lemon cake recipe</a> by Laura, author of The Green forks. I adapted her recipe, and it turned out perfect. I referenced her cake batter recipe, while the tofu lemon curd filling was inspired by <a href=\"http://www.culinate.com/recipes/collections/Contributors/Zena+Chew/vegan_lemon_layer_cake\">Zena Chews</a>. Couldn't have done it without their recipes, thanks girls. + % simple.doctor.who.cake.2 + & I didn't want to make an overly sweet cake, so i decided to not add frosting. Opted for a 'powdered sugar-dusted' cake. Most Tardis cakes on the internet are made with fondant, and thusly taste like liquid unicorn. I don't have the tastebuds of a 5 years old, can't deal with that level of sweet. I have no interest in tasting the rainbow. + & I wanted to make a minimalistic and simple lemon cake. Then came the image of the tardis drifting through space. That image was simple, evocative. So i cut out a tardis stencil and added powdered sugar! Voila! My sister had a vegan lemon birthday cake! This cake is a safe bet, even for non-vegans. Even my parents, who dislike tofu, really enjoyed it! + + INST + * Lemon curd + - Puree 2 cups of silken tofu and mix with: 2 tbsp of canola oil, 1 tbsp of lemon zest, 3 tbsp of maple syrup, 1/4 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract <small>Refrigerate for a few hours to give it time to thicken.</small> + * Tardis stencil + - Print out the image in the corret dimensions for the cake, i used an image of the tardis that i found online. + - With a fine cutting tool cut out the shape, I didn't take a photo that had lettering, the detail is just too fine. Besides, there is enough information that will make it obvious that it's a tardis. Be sure to cut out the windows, that detail is key. + * Cake + - Pre-heat oven at 350F. + - Grease two 8" cake pans, set aside. + - In a bowl mix 2 1/4 cups of all purpose flour, 1 1/2 cups of sugar, 3/4 tsp of baking soda and 3/4 tsp of salt. + - In a separate bowl, stir 1 1/2 cups of cold water with 3/4 cup of canola oil, 1 tbsp of vanilla extract, 3 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of lemon zest. + - Combine wet ingredients into the dry ones, mix well. Stir in 1 tsp of royal blue food colouring with 1 drop of violet food colouring. + - Pour cake batter into pans, at the 30 minute mark, insert a toothpick in the center of the cake. If it comes out clean, it's ready! Otherwise bake for an additional 5 minutes. + - Let cool. Slice part of the curved top off of one of the cakes to even it out (and eat it, because you wont need it). Brush top of trimmed cake with a generous serving of the tofu lemon curd, place second cake layer over it and press down gently. + - Place tardis stencil over the cake + - Make sure the top is completely dry, put some powdered sugar in a sifter or fine mesh strainer. Hold over the cake and gently shake it onto the cake until it's covered to your liking. Make sure to put enough around the stencil so the shapes comes out nicely. + - If you want, you can sprinkle a bit of turmeric to make a glowey area atop of the tardis. Or use something else that is yellow! + + INGR + Cake + All purpose flour : 2 1/4 cups + Sugar : 1 1/2 cups + Baking soda : 3/4 tsp + Sea salt : 3/4 tsp + Royal blue colouring : 1 tsp + Violet colouring : 1 drop + Water : 1 1/2 cups, cold + Canola oil : 3/4 cup + Vanilla extract : 1 tbsp + Lemon juice : 3 tbsp + Lemon zest : 1 tbsp + Filling + Silken tofu : 1 cup, pureed + Canola oil : 2 tbsp + Lemon zest : 1 tbsp + Maple syrup : 3 tbsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Vanilla extract : 1/2 tsp + Topping + Powdered sugar : 1/3 cup + +MASON JAR BREAD PUDDING + DATE : 2015-01-08 + TAGS : bread dessert + TIME : 30 + SERV : 1 serving + DESC + & Bread pudding was one of my favourite desserts when I was a kid. We would usually have some after the holidays, thanks to my aunt's crust-less sandwiches! She would usually just give the bag of crusts to my mom, which she in turn, used to make bread pudding. + % mason.jar.bread.pudding.1 + & I asked my mom for her personal bread pudding recipe, but she told me that it was best to just watch her do it. There aren't really any specific measurements, she just makes it from memory. That's the case with most of her recipes, most of them have never been written down. That's about to change though, I asked her to make a little booklet for me. + & I like the idea of having a book of 'mom food', mom food is the best. + & When she makes bread pudding, she makes a basin-full of it. My dad never has trouble going through all of it, he sure loves his desserts! + & As much as i'd like to make a bucketload of bread pudding at home, me and Devine would NEVER get through the whole thing. I don't like eating the same thing for a week, so I adapted my mom's bread pudding into a single-serving one. The mason jar is a wide-mouthed 1/2 pint jar. + % mason.jar.bread.pudding.2 + & If ever you have some leftover crusts (even just a few) you can totally make this. + & It's a quick and simple dessert, with a taste of home. + INST + - Preheat oven at 350F + - Combine 1/4 cup of tofu (or silken tofu), 1/3 cup of soy milk and 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract. Blend until smooth. + - Take a 1/2 pint wide-mouthed mason jar. Fill it up halfway with bread crusts. Add a bit of dried raisins, pour liquid to cover Until it's at a level with bread crusts + - Cover with more bread crusts and dried raisins. Pour more liquid onto it, until the jar is about 3/4 full. + - Sprinkle a tsp of whole cane sugar on top, decorate with 5 slices of apple and add cinnamon to taste. + - Cook for 20-25 minutes, or until top is browned. Let cool, drizzle with some maple syrup and enjoy! + INGR + Main + Bread crusts : 1/2 cup, packed + Dried raisins : 1 tbsp + Silken tofu : 1/4 cup + Soy milk : 1/3 cup + Vanilla extract : 1/4 tsp + Whole cane sugar : 1 tsp + Cinnamon : 1/2 tsp + Maple syrup : 1 tbsp + +BASIC BLACK BREAD + DATE : 2015-01-11 + TAGS : bread black sidedish sandwich + TIME : 140 + SERV : 1 loaf + DESC + & Introducing, my basic black bread recipe. This bread is super light and fluffy, it's great great for morning toast or sandwiches. + & I've been reading up a lot about bread, there's so many kinds out there. I wanted to understand how the ingredients we add, can change the texture of the bread. Also read about the differences in temperature, to knead or not to knead etc. + & Truth is, it depends on the type of bread you want. + % basic.black.bread.1 + & I wanted to make a sandwich bread with a light crumb, the kind that bounces back when touched. + & The one I made this time has more fat, which in turn makes it softer and fluffier. The fat that you use will also change the texture/taste of the bread. A lot of people wont like the idea of adding 'fat' to a recipe, know that fat isn't synonymous with unhealthy. Too much of it can be bad, but in moderation there really isn't anything to worry about. It also depends on what fat you choose, there are good and bad kinds of fat. + & There are many things you can do to help soften your bread, like brushing the outside with a little oil or fat. Do this as soon as you take it out of the oven, it will make the outside less crunchy. You can also substitute nut milk for the water, if you want a richer taste. There are so many different things to think about when baking! + & I made this loaf for a brunch I had with friends, we wanted to have fondue with a set I got as a gift during the holidays. We cut the loaf into cubes, and dunked them in! Soft bread is perfect for fondue! + % basic.black.bread.2 + & So there you have it! A basic black bread! + INST + * Loaf + - In a large bowl, stir 1 1/2 tsp of salt and 3/4 tbsp of maple syrup in 1 cup of warm water until dissolved. Sprinkle tsp of active dry yeast, let sit for 10 minutes. + - Sift 1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour, 1 1/2 cups of whole grain flour and 1 tsp of bamboo charcoal powder together in a separate bowl. Once flours are mixed evenly enough. + - Add 1 tbsp of vegan butter (earth balance) to the water mix, then stir in 1/2 cup of the flour mix with a wooden spoon. Keep adding flour a 1/2 cup at a time, until the dough stops sticking to the sides. + - Put ball of dough on lightly floured counter-top and start kneading, add a bit of flour everytime it starts to stick to your hands. Knead for 15 minutes. <small>You may not use up all of your flour, if there's still a lot left and your dough is nice smooth don't add any more. Don't want to risk drying it out </small> + - Heat up oven at the very lowest setting. This will be our warm place for bread rising. + - Grease up a bowl and put the dough, rolling it once to cover all sides. Cover with a cloth and place in oven. Let rise for 45 minutes. + - Your bread should have doubled in size. Take bread out of oven, knead a few times and shape into a 10-11 inch cigar. Sprinkle some corn semolina on a baking sheet and place bread on top, this will keep it from sticking. Slash the top of the bread in the middle, doing this will keep the ends of the bread from splitting. Mist top of bread lightly with water, then add white sesame seeds. Press lightly to make them stick. Cover loaf with a cloth, put back in oven to rise for an additional 45 minutes. <small>If you don't want a traditional bread shape, put bread in a greased loaf pan to rise.</small> + - Turn oven up to 350F . Bake for 30 minutes, or until it sounds hollow when tapped at the bottom. + - Brush sides lightly with coconut oil, then let cool on a pile of towels or a cooling rack if you have one. + * Burger buns + - Repeat steps 1 to 6. + - Instead of forming into a 'cigar' shape at step 7, divide into 8 pieces and shape into a tight ball. Sprinkle baking sheet with some corn semolina and put buns on top. Cover and let rise for another 45 minutes in the warmed oven. + - Take buns out of oven, brush lightly with vegan butter and put white sesame seeds on top. Bake uncovered for 20 minutes at 350F . + - Let cool on a pile of towels or cooling rack. + * Hot dog buns + - Repeat steps 1 to 6. Divide through into 15 pieces and shape into small cylinders (or general elongated hot dog shape). Sprinkle baking sheet with some corn semolina and put buns on top. Cover and let rise for another 45 minutes in the warmed oven. + - Take buns out of oven, brush lightly with vegan butter. Bake uncovered for 20 minutes at 350F . + - Let cool on a pile of towels or cooling rack. + INGR + Main + All purpose flour : 1 1/2 cups + Whole wheat flour : 1 1/2 cups + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1 tsp + Water : 1 cup, warm + Active dry yeast : 1 tsp + Sea salt : 1 1/2 tsp + Maple syrup : 3/4 tbsp + Vegan butter : 1 tbsp (earth balance) + White sesame seeds : 1 tsp + Corn semolina : 1 tbsp + Coconut oil : 1 tsp + +SHICHIMI TOGARASHI CRACKERS + DATE : 2015-01-14 + TAGS : snack japanese + TIME : 40 + SERV : 30 crackers + DESC + & Japanese konbini always have a ton of fun flavours for crackers and chips. Anything shiso, or ume flavoured are insta-buys for me. I remember chips with a wasabi and ume flavour <3. Stuff like that isn't as available in Montreal, but at least you can find other things like shichimi togarashi! If you like spicy savoury snacks, this is for you! + & Ume and shiso aren't anything like shichimi togarashi. Originally, i wanted to make senbei but since i recently purchased a bag of chickpea flour, i wanted to have a recipe using that. Senbei is typically made with rice flour and/or rice left-overs. I don't have rice left-overs on hand, we usually just eat it all on the same day. I never make extras. + & When i decided i was going to make this, i didn't have any shichimi togarashi left, so I made my own! if you have a well-stocked spice rack, you can easily make it yourself. 'Shichimi togarashi' means '7-flavour chili pepper'. If you have some already at home just use that, but if you don't all you need is to grind these spices together - + & 2 tbsp chili flakes but if you don't all you need is to grind these together - 2 tbsp chili flakes 1 tbsp sanshou (sichuan peppercorns) 1 tbsp roasted orange peel 1 tbsp black sesame seeds 1 tbsp white sesame seeds 2 tsp ground ginger and 2 tbsp nori (or aonori). + % shichimi.togarashi.crackers.2 + & Some people substitute sichuan peppercorns for black peppercorns, i don't reccommend doing that. They're not interchangeable, sichuan peppercorns is what makes it taste awesome. It's a numbing pepper, with a really distinctive taste and aroma. If you eat one peppercorn, you'll notice right away that it numbs your tongue and alters your sense of taste. + INST + - Preheat oven to 350F + - In a bowl, combine 1 cup chickpea flour, 1 tbsp ground flax seeds, a pinch of baking soda, 1/2 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp of sea salt and 3 tsp shichimi togarashi. Stir in 1/4 cup of water, mix until well combined and form into a ball. <small>Add extra chickpea flour if the dough is too sticky, 1 tbsp at a time</small> + - Flatten ball of dough in-between two sheets of parchment paper with a rolling pin, get it into a 1/4\" thick rectangle. + - Cut about 10 half-inch wide strips of nori and line on top of flattened dough, leaving some space between each piece. If the nori doesn't stick you can brush the top with a bit of soy sauce (or water). + - Slice the dough into squares and poke holes in with a toothpick so the crackers so they don't puff up. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. + - Let cool, snap pieces apart and enjoy! + INGR + Main + Chickpea flour : 1 cup + Flax seeds : 1 tbsp + Baking soda : 1/4 tsp + Sesame oil : 1/2 tsp + Shichimi togarashi : 3 tsp + Sea salt : 1/2 tsp + Water : 1/4 cup + Nori sheets : 1 sheet + +ROASTED PUMPKIN SEEDS + DATE : 2015-01-18 + TAGS : snack + TIME : 30 + SERV : 6 servings + DESC + & Pumpkin seeds can be prepared in many ways, one of the best ones is oven-roasted! It doesn't take a lot of time, and it makes a nice snack or add-on to soups or other meals. + & I don't buy raw shelled pumpkin seeds often, because they're expensive. It helps to buy them in bulk, you pay less in the end. I had a gift certificate for a buy-in-bulk store left-over form my birthday (that helped too). + & Roasted pumpkin seeds are delicious with almost anything, the sweet of the maple syrup with the spicy taste of the paprika is perfect. Subtle, but very good. + INST + - Preheat oven to 300F . + - Mix 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika, 1/2 tsp of ground cumin, 1/4 tps of sea salt and 1 tsp of maple syrup together. Add 1/2 cup of raw pumpkin seeds. + - Line baking sheet with parchment paper, spread seeds out as flat and as apart from each other as you can on the sheet. + - Bake for 20 minutes, at the 10 minute mark stir seeds around and then bake for another 10 minutes. + - Eat as a snack or add as a topping in soups! + INGR + Main + Pumpkin seeds : 1/2 cup + Smoked paprika : 1/2 tsp + Cumin seeds : 1/2 tsp + Maple syrup : 1 tsp + Sea salt : pinch + +BLACK GNOCCHI + DATE : 2015-01-21 + TAGS : pasta black dinner + TIME : 60 + SERV : 6 servings + DESC + & A few weeks ago, I asked people what they wanted to see me cook. Some of you asked for black gnocchi, so here they are! Made from scratch, beautiful and black. Topped with a light and sweet sauce, fresh scallions and daikon! + & As it turns out, making gnocchi is long. It's well worth the effort, but if you're planning on making some, clear your afternoon or get a friend to help. + % black.gnocchi.1 + & I started cooking these early in the day, around 9 in the morning. Every step takes time. You have to wait for the potatoes to bake, wait for them to cool down, you need to remove the skins etc. Skipping any of those steps will result in a gnocchi disaster, nothing worse than an uneatable meal. + & These turned out perfect! This is a large recipe, so if you're only two you'll have plenty left-over that you can let dry, freeze and eat later. + % black.gnocchi.2 + & For the topping, I wanted a ton of scallions with mushrooms and seaweed. I miss the pasta in italian restaurants in japan, they always had some with japanese-style toppings. Since i'm currently on a shichimi togarashi binge, (left-over from my cracker recipe) I included some in this recipe as well. + % black.gnocchi.3 + & Because the sauce and toppings are light and simple, you can focus on the texture of the gnocchi. + INST + * Gnocchi + - Preheat oven to 400F . Bake potatoes until fork tender. Peel skins off and mash them up with a fork or food processor. Let cool completely <small>You can also boil them until fork tender</small> + - Sift 1 1/4 cup of whole wheat flour, 1 tbsp bamboo charcoal powder and 1 pinch of sea salt together in a bowl. + - Mix in the potatoes gradually, knead until you get a consistent dough. <small>You may not need to use all of the potatoes, rarely are potatoes the exact same size. If the dough feels ok stop mixing in extra potatoes</small> + - Put a bit of flour on your working surface and divide your ball of dough into 4, roll each section into a long rope with an approximate 2cm diameter. + - Proceed to cutting up the ropes into 2cm sections. To make the little lines over the gnocchis, take each piece and make a ball with it. Press it up against the backside of a fork and slide it down all the way to the ends with your finger. Your ball will be left with sets of lines on top and will take its signature elongated shape. + - Cook gnocchi in a pot of boiling water with a bit of sea salt, the bits that are ready will float back to the surface. + * Sauce + - Rehydrate 1/2 a cup's worth of shiitake mushrooms in a cup of boiling water. When shiitake are soft, remove the tails and cut into slices. + - Rehydrate wakame as well in a separate cup. Let stand for 5 minutes, drain, rinse and cut into smaller pieces. + - Chop up 5 scallions and grate 1/3 cup's worth of daikon. Squeeze water out of daikon and set aside. + - Mix 6 tbsp of soy sauce, 3 tbsp of mirin and 4 tsp of sugar in a bowl. + - When Gnocchi are ready, sauté in a pan with the sauce and shiitake. Serve them into bowls and top first with wakame, scallions and then a dollop of grated daikon. Sprinkle some shichimi togarashi on top! + INGR + Gnocchi + Russet potatoes : 2 1/2 + Whole wheat flour : 1 1/4 cup + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1 tbsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Topping + Shiitake : 1/2 cup + Scallions : 5 branches + Daikon : 1/3 cup + Wakame : 3 tbsp + Soy sauce : 6 tbsp + Mirin : 3 tbsp + Sugar : 4 tsp + Shichimi togarashi : 1 tbsp + +ROASTED BEET LENTILS + DATE : 2015-02-02 + TAGS : dinner black + TIME : 60 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & I wasn't always a fan of beets, that is, until i started to oven-roast them. Since then, i've been making recipes with beets almost every week. Including this simple, and amazingly delicious beet sauce! + & Yes, you could say i'm beet crazy. Trust me, if you're not a fan of this root vegetable, this sauce will make you change your mind. + & I've had this sauce many times with pasta, or just as a simple vinaigrette for lazy weekday green bowls. + & To prepare this recipe, wash the beets and cut them into wedges. Toss them with a bit of oil and herbs bake them in the oven for 40 minutes. It's that simple! If they're organic, you can keep the skins on, otherwise peeling them is better. + % roasted.beet.lentils.1 + & Beets make any dish beautiful, but it can do a number on your hands and fingers. Not to worry though it doesn't stay ;). You'll just look like you killed something. + & Fresh mint is key in this recipe! Don't omit it! I wish i had a mint plant growing in my appartment, i had one last summer but it died. My plants always die, growing plants indoors has always been a challenge for me. + & If you have a fresh healthy plant LUCKY YOU! Otherwise, store-bought herbs will do. Know that if you do buy a bouquet of mint, you can keep them fresh longer if you do these simple steps - Tear off any wilted leaves wash the mint gently put the stalks in a glass with a bit of water put a plastic bag over it and stick it in the fridge. + & Simple right? + + INST + * Lentils + - Wash 1/2 cup of beluga lentils. Put 1 1/3 cup of vegetable bouillon in a pot and add the lentils, bring to a boil. + - Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 25 minutes. <small>Don't let them cook for too long, otherwise they'll get too mushy. If the lentils seem cooked but havent absorbed all of the water, just strain it out. </small> + * Sauce + - Preheat oven to 400F + - Peel and cut 3 medium sizes beets into pieces. Toss with 1 tsp of olive oil, 1 tsp of thyme, a pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Put beets on baking sheet and roast for 30 minutes. + - Cook 3 minced garlic cloves in a pan with a bit of olive oil, transfer to food processor along with 1/4 cup of vegetable bouillon, 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp lemon juice and a 1/4 cup nutritional yeast. Once beets are ready, add them in and then puree until smooth. + - Transfer the sauce to a pan with the rest of the vegetable bouillon, bring to medium heat and cook for 10 minutes. Stir in 1/4 cup of soy milk, cook for an additional 5 minutes and then serve over the lentils with minced fresh mint. + INGR + Lentils + Beluga lentils : 1/2 cup + Vegetable bouillon : 1 1/3 cup + Sauce + Red beets : 3 + Olive oil : 2 tsp + Thyme : 1 tsp + Garlic : 3 cloves + Balsamic vinegar : 1 tbsp + Lemon juice : 1 tbsp + Nutritional yeast : 1/4 cup + Vegetable bouillon : 1/2 cup + Soy milk : 1/4 cup + Fresh mint : 1/4 cup + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Black pepper : 1/4 tsp + +HEART BEET BAGELS + DATE : 2015-02-12 + TAGS : bread holiday morning + TIME : 120 + SERV : 10 servings + DESC + & These beautiful heart beet bagels can be made for valentine's day, but imagine how great a thing it would be, to make these for someone you care about on a random day... for no specific reason. We shouldn't wait for special occasions, to cook amazing food for the people we love. Make some pink bagels today, just because! + & Bagels are definitely a montreal thing. Walking by Fairmount bagel or St-Viateur, and not purchasing freshly baked goods is next to impossible. + % heart.beet.bagels.2 + & The smell is just amazing. + & When i was a teen, i didn't get to go into town often but when i did we would always stop by Fairmount bagel. The place was, and is still open 24 hours a day. + % heart.beet.bagels.3 + & I live close to it now, and yet i never go. I enjoy making my own, they may not be fairmount quality but they are pretty damn good! + & ...and pink! + & Make this for yourself or for someone you care about. Whether it be for v-day... or just because! + INST + - Preheat oven to 400F. + - Cut 1 large-sized beet into cubes, bake on a baking sheet for 30 minutes. Puree with a handblender or food processor, as finely as you can. Set aside. + - Put 1 tbsp of coconut sugar into a bowl with 1 cup of warm water, sprinkle 2 tsp of active dry yeast. Let foam for 5 minutes. + - Mix in 1/2 tsp of salt, the beet puree as well as 2 cups of all purpose flour. Stir until the dough doesn't stick to the sides of the bowl. Transfer dough to a lightly floured working surface and continue to knead, adding more flour until you get a nice even dough that doesn't stick to your hands. + - Form into a ball, put in a bowl greased with some vegan butter or olive oil. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size. + - Punch down the dough and separate into 10 balls. Roll out the balls into 8" long ropes and prepare a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Shape the ropes into hearts directly onto your baking sheet, we want to move them as little as possible to avoid distorting the shapes. Pinch the ends of each heart together carefully. Cover with a clean dishcloth and let rise for an additional 20 minutes. + - While dough is resting, preheat oven to 400F . Fill a large pot with water, bring to a boil. + - Pick up each heart carefully and drop into the boiling water for 30 seconds. Pull out out the bagel with a slotted spoon and let drawin over a set of paper towels. + - Transfer the boiled bagels back onto the parchment-lined baking sheet. Brush the tops with a mixture of 1 tbsp of soy milk and 1 tbsp of maple syrup and sprinkle some poppy seeds over each one. + - Bake for 15-20 minutes. Let cool on a cooling rack or over a set of dish towels. Serve with your choice of jam! + INGR + Main + Water : 1 cup + Active dry yeast : 2 tsp + Red beets : 1 large + Coconut sugar : 1/3 cup + All purpose flour : 3 1/2 cups + Sea salt : 1/2 tsp + Poppy seeds : 2 tbsp + Soy milk : 1 tbsp + Maple syrup : 1 tbsp + +TERIYAKI CARROT PATTIES + DATE : 2015-02-17 + TAGS : entree sidedish + TIME : 40 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & If you're searching for entree ideas look no further! These curried carrot patties drizzled with teriyaki sauce, with a side of freshly baked kale chips will hit the spot. + & Taking the time to cook good food, is important. + & Someone said this to me ages ago, never forgot it. + % teriyaki.carrot.patties.1 + & Cooking isn't just about getting your hunger pangs to go away, it's also a time to be creative. + & Eating is a truly complete sensory experience. + % teriyaki.carrot.patties.2 + & With this recipe, I wanted to make something beautiful. I didn't have to go out to get special ingredients, I just looked in my fridge and used whatever I had on hand. If you're planning a meal but are missing an item, try and see what else you can use instead. + & Doing this, will make you a more creative cook. + & Cooking is important kids. Find the time to do it! ! + + INST + * Patties + - Peel and chop 2 carrots into pieces, mince 2 garlic cloves, chop 1/2 a yellow onion finely, grind 4 tbsp of steel-cut oats into powder and peel and prepare 1 cup's worth of cubed pumpkin bits. Mix in 1 tsp of curry powder and pulse in a food processor. + - Separate into 6 patties, cook 3 at a time in a pan with a bit of olive oil. Flatten the balls with a spatula and cook until lightly browned. + * Sauce + - Mix 2 tbsp of soy sauce, 2 tbsp of sake, 2 tbsp of mirin and 1 tsp of sugar. Pour in a pan, bring to medium-heat and cook for 5 minutes or until thickened. + * Kale chips + - Pre-heat oven to 300F. + - Trim and wash 2 cup's worth of kale leaves, make sure to cut the stems off. Dry in a salad-spinner or pat dry with a clean dishcloth. Toss kale with 2 tsp of olive oil, massage the oil into the leaves with your fingers. Make sure to get inbetween all the little folds. Lay over a baking sheet and sprinkle with sea salt. + - Bake for 25 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through. + * Combine + - Put patties in a plate, drizzle with the teriyaki sauce and place a few shimeji mushrooms on the side. Place some kale chips on the edge of the bowl and garnish the patties with some fresh chopped mint. + INGR + Patties + Carrots : 2 + Curry powder : 1 tsp + Yellow onion : 1/2 + Garlic : 2 cloves + Oats : 4 tbsp + Pumpkin : 1 cup + Sauce + Soy sauce : 2 tbsp + Sake : 2 tbsp + Mirin : 2 tbsp + Sugar : 1 tsp + Kale + Kale : 2 cups, packed + Olive oil : 2 tsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + +SAVOURY TURMERIC COOKIES + DATE : 2015-02-19 + TAGS : cookies dessert + TIME : 30 + SERV : 16 servings + DESC + & Sweet and savoury turmeric spiced cookies, are as delicious as they sound. These yellow treats will help brighten up cold, and grey winter days. + & I did say I liked cooking by colour, this is what motivated this recipe. + % savoury.turmeric.cookies.1 + & Turmeric powder is often used as a dye for clothes, and thusly will make your cookies very yellow! + & These cookies have the right amount of sweet. + & I had some leftover spelt flour in my cupboard, a lonely portion that had been forgotten, hidden away under bags of rice flour. Of course, this recipe can be made without it, or by replacing it with whole wheat flour. + % savoury.turmeric.cookies.2 + & I suggest pairing these with tea, i always drink a ton of it come February. It's the toughest month to go through, temperature is still in the -15C average here in Montreal. Can't go grocery shopping without my hands and feet freezing over. + & Hopefully these tea-side treats will help brighten your day! + INST + - Preheat oven to 350F. + - Mix 1/2 cup of all purpose flour, 1/2 cup of spelt flour, 1/2 tsp of baking powder, 2 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tsp of dried and ground orange peels in a bowl. Stir well to mix. + ? You can make your own dried orange peels by keeping the peels of organic navel oranges, slicing then thinly, then drying them in an oven at 200F for 25-30 minutes. They keep 3 months in the refrigerator. You can grind them with a mortar and pestle for this recipe + - Cream 6 tbsp of vegan butter (or coconut oil) with 1/2 cup of whole cane sugar in a separate bowl. Then mix with the dry ingredients gradually adding the soy milk 1 tbsp at a time until you get a soft and consistent dough. + - Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, make 16 little balls of dough and flatten each one gently. Add a carob chips at the center of each cookie. Bake for 15-20 minutes. + INGR + Main + All purpose flour : 1/2 cup + Spelt flour : 1/2 cup + Baking powder : 1/2 tsp + Whole cane sugar : 1/2 cup + Vegan butter : 6 tbsp (earth balance) + Ground turmeric : 2 tsp + Dried orange peel : 1 tsp + Soy milk : 6 tbsp + Carob chips : 20 + +SWEET MOCK EEL NIGIRI + DATE : 2015-02-24 + TAGS : dinner japanese black + TIME : 50 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & I've had the image of a black nigiri on my mind for some time. It's been sitting there, in my list of ideas for months. Couldn't think of what to top it off with, then a little while ago, i found out about Burmese tofu. + & Yellow on black, needed to make it happen. + & Burmese tofu is not really tofu, i know, that's confusing. At first, i thought it was tofu blended with turmeric. It has a yellow tint, and it's because Burmese tofu is chickpea based! The cool thing about it, is that it takes 10 minutes to make and sets 1 hour. It's a great soy-free alternative, and the texture is comparable to that of silken tofu. + % sweet.mock.eel.nigiri.1 + & I bought Chickpea flour for the first time around xmas, wasn't sure how to use it. I often purchase ingredients i don't know, and learn how to use them. I found a re-write of a chickpea tofu recipe online. The original recipe, I believe, was sourced from a book called <a href=\"http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0871317680/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0871317680&linkCode=as2&tag=girl07-20\">The Burmese kitchen - recipes from the golden land</a> by Aung Thein. + % sweet.mock.eel.nigiri.2 + & This recipe will use up about half of the burmese tofu, which means you'll have a whole other half to use in other meals. + & I decided to make a mock eel nigiri, like the one i made a few months ago. The sauce that is served over eel kabayaki is sweet, with hints of caramel. I thought it would taste great atop of the burmese tofu. + & Most japanese sauces are easy to make, and usually require around 3-4 ingredients. These almost always include soy sauce, sake, mirin, or rice vinegar. If you want to cook japanese food, having these around is a must. Hope you enjoy this mock-eel recipe! + INST + * Rice + - Prepare the black glutinous rice, it needs to be prepared at a 2:1 water to rice ratio. If you prepare 1 cup of dry rice, you need 2 cups of water. + - Put 1 1/2 tbsp of rice vinegar, 1 tbsp of whole cane sugar and 1/2 tsp of sea salt in a sauce pan. Stir over low heat, until sugar dissolves. + - Once rice is cooked, transfer to a flat tray, and pour sushi dressing over it. Mix into rice, using a sideways cutting motion. Cover with a damp towel, and let cool. + * Unagi sauce + - Mix 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp mirin, 1 tbsp whole cane sugar and 1 tbsp sake. Bring to a boil in a pan, lower heat and let thicken for a few minutes. + * Chickpea tofu + - Bring 1 1/2 cups of vegetable bouillon to a rolling boil in a pot. + - Mix 1 cup of chickpea flour with 1/4 tsp sea salt and 1/2 tsp of ground turmeric. Add an additional 1 1/2 cups of vegetable bouillon, and stir until the mixture is lump-free. + - Lower to medium heat, and pour in chickpea batter. Whisk continuously for 5-10 minutes, until thickened. Pour into a 8x8 baking dish lined with parchment paper. Smooth out top with the back of a spoon. + - Let cool and set for 1 hour, then refrigerate for a little while longer before cutting. This will give the 'tofu' time to set. Cut into 12 pieces, and then cut in 2 again lenghtwise to make them fit over nigiri. + - Preheat oven to 350F. + - Line backing sheet with aluminium foil, line up pieces of chickpea tofu. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, brush chickpea tofu with unagi sauce and bake for an additional 15 minutes. + * Combine + - Shape tablespoons of black rice into oblongs, smear tops with a bit of wasabi, lay a nori strip texture-side up, place strip of chickpea tofu as well as the rice ball (wasabi side facing downwards) and finally fold nori over bottom of rice (cut off excess, you can wet the edges with a bit of water if ever it isn't sticking). Makes about 12 nigiri. <small>If you have nigiri molds, shaping the rice into ovals will be very easy. Otherwise use your hands, keep them moist so the rice doesn't stick. </small> + INGR + Nigiri + Black glutinous rice : 3/4 cup + Water : 2 cups + Rice vinegar : 1 1/2 tbsp + Whole cane sugar : 1 tbsp + Sea salt : 1/2 tsp + Nori sheets : 1 sheet + Sauce + Soy sauce : 2 tbsp + Mirin : 2 tbsp + Whole cane sugar : 1 tbsp + Sake : 1 tbsp + Chickpea tofu + Vegetable bouillon : 3 cups + Chickpea flour : 1 cup + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Ground turmeric : 1/2 tsp + +MANGO SESAME RICE PANCAKES + DATE : 2015-02-26 + TAGS : breakfast black dessert morning + TIME : 20 + SERV : 12 servings + DESC + & Black sesame rice pancakes, with a generous dollop of mango. Because sometimes, we all need a break from maple syrup. + & Made matcha rice pancakes for Devine a few days ago, since I made a double recipe we ended up having left-over batter. It doesn't keep well, so we ate it that same night. I paired the remaining 2 pancakes with a bit of fresh mango and MAN! It tastes so damn GOOD together! + & I made it into a recipe, but used ground black sesame instead of matcha. The nutty taste of sesame paired with mango is perfect. Dressing pancakes with maple syrup is fine, but the sugar high i get after is not. I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest, 'alien-style'. + & No one likes that, i'd like my innards to stay where they are thank you! + % mango.sesame.rice.pancakes.1 + & Using fruit, instead of syrup is a good way to cut down on sugar. Mangos are sweet enough as is. + INST + * Pancake + - Heat 1/4 cup of black sesame seeds, in a non-stick pan at medium heat. Remove once they start to pop. Let cool, then crush into a powder with a mortar and pestle. + - Mix 1 1/4 cup of soy milk, 1 tsp of vanilla extract and 1/4 cup of ground black sesame seeds. Blend, until you get a smooth grey liquid. + - Mix 1 cup of rice flour, 1/4 tsp sea salt, 1 tsp of baking powder and 1 tbsp of whole cane sugar together. Pour wet ingredients into the dry ones, and mix until smooth, make it as lump-free as you can. + - Heat up non-stick pan at medium heat, spoon a portion of batter into it. Flip once the bottoms have browned, and little bubbles appear at the top. + - Repeat for the rest of the pancake mix. + * Topping + - Scoop flesh out of the mango, puree. Serve over pancakes! + INGR + Sauce + Mango : 1 + Pancakes + Rice flour : 1 cup + Baking powder : 1 tsp + Black sesame seeds : 1/4 cup + Whole cane sugar : 1 tbsp + Soy milk : 1 1/4 cup + Vanilla extract : 1 tsp + +MUSHROOM ZUCCHINI PASTA + DATE : 2015-03-03 + TAGS : pasta dinner japanese + TIME : 20 + SERV : 4 servings + DESC + & As much as i love pasta, i like to vary my food a lot day to day. Once in a while, I like to make zucchini noodles! They're ready in an instant, and are delicious when topped with a two-mushroom velouté sauce. This meal is also green on green, most of the ingredients are different shades of the same colour. + & Yes, those are the sort of details that I care about. + & What green things can i add to this? Wakame! I don't always have fresh greens in my fridge, when i don't, I use wakame. It's handy to have around, it keeps for a long time and doesn't require a lot of prep. Wakame is also a good source of Iodine, essential for health. + % mushroom.zucchini.pasta.1 + & Edamame is another green food that I like. I have the frozen, de-shelled kind in my fridge. It saves a lot of time. + & Mushrooms aren't green but they do add a TON of flavour to sauces. Shiitake mushrooms have a lot of flavour, shimeji mushrooms have a subtle taste but look nice in a dish. + % mushroom.zucchini.pasta.2 + & You can make this recipe using regular pasta, but it wont be green... unless you use spinach pasta (which could look good too.) Or matcha pasta? A really awesome girl on twitter made some using my black pasta recipe as a base, they look gorgeous! + & Hope you like the recipe, happy cooking! + INST + - Rehydrate 2 tbsp of wakame in water, drain and set aside. + - Cut stems off of 1/4 cup of shiitake mushrooms, rehydrate by pouring boiling water over them. Keep them submerged for 30 min, or up to 1 hour. <small>It's better to rehydrate them overnight, for a minimum of 8 hours. The flavour will be stronger, if you're in a rush, boiling water is fine. If you have fresh shiitake, you can also skip this step</small> + - Cut 4 medium-sized zucchinis thinly using a julienne peeler (or spiralizer), place in bowls. <small>I don't always cook my zucchini, but if you prefer a warm version sauté them in a pan.</small> + - Put 2 tbsp of olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat, whisk in 2 tbsp of all purpose flour. Stir until it's completely absorbed by the oil. Let roux cook for a minute or so. + - Stir in 2 cups of vegetable bouillon, bring heat up to a boil and then lower to a simmer. Add a 1/4 cup of shiitake mushrooms, a 1/4 cup of shimeji mushrooms and a 1/3 cup of edamame to the sauce. Let cook for 10 minutes, season sauce with sea salt and black pepper. Add the wakame re-hydrated wakame. Serve over zucchini pasta, and season with shijimi togarashi! + INGR + Main + Zucchini : 4 + All purpose flour : 2 tbsp + Olive oil : 2 tbsp + Vegetable bouillon : 2 cups + Shiitake : 1/4 cup + Shimeji : 1/4 cup + Edamame : 1/3 cup + Wakame : 2 tbsp + Shichimi togarashi : 1 tsp + +PATE CHINOIS + DATE : 2015-03-10 + TAGS : dinner + TIME : 40 + SERV : 4 servings + DESC + & Whenever i ask Devine what he wants to eat, he'll always say pasta. I don't always say yes to this, not unless i want to eat pasta everyday. Secondly, he'll ask for Pâté Chinois. It's always hard for me to say no to, so i succumb, peek into the fridge and see what variation of it i can make. It's a super versatile dish, my recipe has layers consisting of tofu and burmese tofu, green peas, sweet potato and cauliflower. + % pate.chinois.1 + & Pâté Chinois is very much like Shepherd's pie, which is why i will use these 2 terms interchangeably in this recipe. My mom made this all the time when i was a kid, she would make the traditional meat version, with corn and all. My meals are always meatless, but it has the same general idea. This dish inspires the same kind of comfort. + % pate.chinois.2 + & I've made versions of this dish with just cauliflower, or just using tofu, or just potatoes too. I've made it so often, i've gone through every possibility. This Pâté Chinois happened because me and Devine both wanted different things. + & I wanted cauliflower... + & ...he wanted sweet potato. + & I wanted burmese tofu... + & ...he wanted tofu. + % pate.chinois.3 + & So what did we do? We combined it all so both of us will get what we want! Ever since i discovered <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/sweet+mock+eel+nigiri\">burmese tofu</a> i've been making it regularly, so it's simple for me to add it to recipes. If you don't have time to make it (it only takes 15 minute of active prep time), just using tofu alone will be delicious. + &Hope you like this recipe! + INST + - Preheat oven to 375F. + - Bring a pot of water (or vegetable bouillon for added flavour) to a boil, cook 1, cubed, large sweet potato as well as 1 cup of chopped white cauliflower florets until tender. Drain, mix with 1 tsp of smoked paprika and puree with an immersion blender. Season with sea salt and black pepper. Set aside. + - Take 1/2 a block of firm tofu, and mash it down using a fork or just using your hands. I just squish it with my fingers to get a crumbly texture. Do the same for 1 cup of burmese tofu, mash it down and mix it with the tofu. <small>You can see my other recipe to find out how to make burmese tofu, alternatively you can just use 1 whole block of tofu instead.</small> + - In a large pan, brown the yellow onion with a bit of oil. Add the tofu/burmese tofu, add 2 tbsp of soy sauce and 1 drop of liquid smoke. Cook for a few minutes. Season with black pepper and sea salt. Press into bottom of a 8x8 baking dish. + - Cover with the contents of 1 can of unsalted green peas (reserve a few for the top) and with the pureed cauliflower/sweet potato. Smooth with a spatula, decorate with some green peas and sprinkle with smoked paprika. + - Bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Let cool, serve with some sambal oelek or some other spicy condiment! + INGR + Main + White cauliflower : 1 cup + Sweet potatoes : 1 + Green peas : 1 small can + Tofu : 1/2 pack , firm + Burmese tofu : 1/2 cup + Soy sauce : 2 tbsp + Yellow onion : 1/2 + Smoked paprika : 1 tsp + +GREEN CHILE MAC N CHEESE + DATE : 2015-03-13 + TAGS : pasta dinner + TIME : 40 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & It's Macaroni and Cheese week in Montreal, as good a reason as any to make some at home. My mac n 'cheese' has whole grain macaroni noodles, served with a faux-cheese consisting of golden beets, roasted red peppers, nutritional yeast and other delicious ingredients. Also, topped with some roasted green chiles for a bit of a kick! + & I've been experimenting a lot with faux-cheeses recently, my choices are somewhat limited because of my nut allergy. But it's all good, having limitations just means i need to get more creative! Everyday, i try and think of alternatives to things i used to eat, like cheese. I also like to find alternatives to things i like, like swapping out rice for cauliflower. + % green.chile.mac.n.cheese.1 + & I've seen many great 'faux-cheese' recipes online, even some nut-free ones (so thankful for those). One of the inspirations for this recipe, was the awesome lady from <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7-RgLABm_U&index=5&list=FLB9JN60Dbk3ob18wRs-upwA\">Cooking with plants</a>. Would have never thought of adding red peppers to a faux-cheese. She uses a marinated kind, but using a fresh oven-roasted pepper is fine. + & For the faux-cheese sauce, i was going to use potatoes to make it more 'creamy'. I went to get the ingredients i needed for the recipe at the grocery, and i saw some golden beets on sale. Golden beets, being yellow, i thought wouldn't alter the colour of the sauce and it would be a nice alternative to potatoes. + % green.chile.mac.n.cheese.2 + & The taste is perfect, not too sweet. A bit cheesy, but not too much. This paired with the roasted vegetables, heaven in my mouth. I was so excited, i allowed myself a minute of maniacal laughter. Behold! My creation! IT LIVES. + INST + - Cook {_1 cup_} of {{whole grain macaroni}} according to package instructions. + - Preheat oven to {#400F#}. + - In an oiled pan, sautee {_1 clove_} of minced {{garlic}} with {_1/4_} {{yellow onion}}. Set aside. + - Peel and slice {_1_} large {{golden beet}}, wash {_1_} whole {{green chile}} as well as {_1_} whole {{red pepper}}. Place on a baking sheet, bake the beet for {#25 minutes#}, and {#25-30 minutes#} for the chile and the pepper. The chile and pepper are ready when the skin is lightly charred and softened. + - Remove skins, and deseed the {{red pepper}} and {{green chile}}. Cut the {{green chile}} in small pieces and set aside, add roasted {{red pepper}} to a bowl. + - In that same bowl, add {_1 clove_} of minced {{garlic}}, {_1/4_} {{yellow onion}} (or {_1/4 tsp_} of {{onion powder}}), {_1 tsp_} of {{lemon juice}}, the roasted {{golden beet}}, {_1 tsp_} of {{red miso}}, {_1/4 cup_} of {{nutritional yeast}} and {_1/3 cup_} of {{water}}. Puree with an immersion blender until smooth. Transfer to a pan and cook over medium heat for a few minutes. + - Serve over macaroni noodles and top with {{black olives}} and some roasted {{green chiles}}! + INGR + Main + Wholegrain macaroni : 1 cup + Red peppers : 1 + Golden beets : 1 + Garlic : 1 clove + Yellow onion : 1/4 + Red miso : 1 tsp + Nutritional yeast : 1/4 cup + Lemon juice : 1 tsp + Green chile : 1 + Black olives : 1/4 cup + +CHILI POMEGRANATE BROWNIES + DATE : 2015-03-24 + TAGS : dessert + TIME : 60 + SERV : 24 servings + DESC + & Making brownies has been on my mind for some time, i finally settled for spicy brownies, with sweet and spicy pomegranate syrup! + & It took me a LONG time to decide on a mix of ingredients/flavours; I've had recipe notes lying around on my desktop for ages now, with ingredients added, or scratched off. + & I would still be in brownie rut, if it hadn't been for Devine ; his birthday was coming up, when I asked him what he wanted as a dessert he said, 'BROWNIES!' + & The recipe was adapted from Joanne Gallagher's fantastic blog, <a href=\"http://www.inspiredtaste.net/24412/cocoa-brownies-recipe/\">Inspired taste</a>. I'm not good enough to freestyle brownies, using her recipe as a base - for quantities especially - helped me out a lot. At least, i can get a good idea of how many wet, fat and sweet elements I need. + % chili.pomegranate.brownies.1 + & Spent time thinking about what i wanted it to look like, and how i wanted to present it. I didn't a chocolate topping - i've never been a fan of double-chocolate anything. I, at least, knew i wanted a fruit topping. + & I wanted to make the brownies in a round cake pan, and decorate it with powdered sugar patterns, using stencils. Then, I stumbled upon a recipe online for a fish-based dish (they used a pomegranate syrup as garnish.) I'd never made syrup before, but i knew that's what i wanted as a coulis over my brownies. + & I scrapped the round cake pan idea, as well as the powdered sugar. Devine's birthday brownies were going to be topped with fresh pomegranate seeds, and a pomegranate syrup coulis! + & Again, something was missing... + & I had some really good, spicy chocolate fleur de sel cookies at my old studio. The idea of putting chili peppers in cookies (or cake) had never ocurred to me before. I thought it was brilliant - and the chocolate and chili mix is just insane (in a good way.) Lindt makes dark chocolate with chili peppers, I guess it was inspired by those 2 things. + % chili.pomegranate.brownies.2 + & I put a LOT of chili pepper flakes in these, i have a higher tolerance to it but if you don't feel free to use less. The syrup has a fair amount in it too, if you're worried about the level of spicy, you can actually not put it in the brownie batter. But, be sure to infuse it in the pomegranate syrup, won't be the same without it. + & These were a big success, Devine loved them! I cut them into 24 small squares, but feel free to make larger blocks. Smaller portions means you can have some longer, i like that idea. + & In this recipe I substituted half of the fat for pureed pumpkin. In brownies you can only substitute half the amount, before it effects the texture. Hope you like it! + INST + - Preheat oven to 325F. + - Cut 1/3 cup's worth of pumpkin, steam until softened and process into a puree with an immersion blender. + - Put 3 tbsp of ground flax seeds in a bowl with 9 tbsp water, let thicken for 5 minutes. Set aside. + - Put 5 tbsp of vegan butter, 5 tbsp of pumpkin puree, 3/4 cup whole cane sugar, 3/4 cup cocoa powder and a 1/4 tsp sea salt in a pan over medium to low heat. Stir until the butter is melted, and all is well mixed. + - Stir in the flax 'eggs', as well as the 2 tbsp of red pepper flakes and 1 tsp of cayenne powder. Add 1/2 cup of all purpose flour, mixing vigorously. Mixture should be very thick, but if it doesn't pour easily, mix in water 1 tbsp at a time until it's at the right consistency. + - Pour into a 8X8 baking dish lined with parchment papper, flatten with the back of a spoon to even it out. Bake for 25 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean. Let cool. Cut in 24 small squares. + * Syrup + - Put 2 cups of unsweetened pomegranate juice into a pot with 1 tsp red pepper flakes and 1 tsp cayenne. Bring to a boil, lower to medium-high heat and leave for up to 1h or until liquid has been reduced to 1 cup. + - Let cool, the syrup will thicken when cooled. Top brownies with fresh pomegranate seeds, and drizzle with the chili-infused syrup! + INGR + Brownie + Pumpkin : 1/3 cup + Flax seeds : 3 tbsp + Water : 9 tbsp + Vegan butter : 5 tbsp, earth balance + Whole cane sugar : 3/4 cup + Cocoa powder : 3/4 cup + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + All purpose flour : 1/2 cup + Chili pepper flakes : 2 tbsp + Cayenne pepper : 1 tsp + Syrup + Pomegranate juice : 2 cups + Sugar : 3/4 cup + Chili pepper flakes : 1 tsp + Cayenne pepper : 1 tsp + Topping + Pomegranate seeds : 1 cup + +BLACK FRENCH TOAST + DATE : 2015-03-23 + TAGS : morning bread black + TIME : 20 + SERV : 4 servings + DESC + & I baked a beautiful loaf of black sandwich bread, just to use in this recipe. Doesn't the idea of black french toast sound amazing? With a banana-base, and topped with freshly cut kiwi slices no less! + & It was my first time baking black bread in a bread pan; usually I just opt for free-form loaves. But for sandwich and french toast purposes, it would work better if it was in that shape. You can make your own black bread, using my <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/basic+black+bread\">basic black bread</a> recipe - it's very easy to make. + % black.french.toast.1 + & Usually when I make french toast, i'll use a soy milk as a base. I made some recently, using The simple veganista's <a href=\"http://thesimpleveganista.blogspot.ca/2013/02/banana-french-toastyes-please.html\">Banana french toast</a> recipe. I thought the idea was brilliant - i do love bananas in my breakfasts. By the way, she has a great 'orange french toast' recipe on her blog - you should make that too. + & Using bananas, makes for a more consistent morning meal. Most french toast recipes add nutmeg and cinnamon, but I prefer to just taste the fruit - Devine isn't a huge nutmeg fan anyway. + % black.french.toast.2 + & Made these on a weekday, tuesday morning french toast is great - fun breakfasts shouldn't only be reserved for weekends. + INST + - Puree 1 banana, 3/4 cup of soy milk and 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract using an immersion blender. + - Melt 1 tsp of vegan butter in a pan at medium heat, dip slice into the banana puree batter. Pan-fry bread until golden and crispy on both sides. + - Serve with slices of kiwi and a generous serving of maple syrup! + * Black bread + - If you want to make black bread please refer to my <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/basic+black+bread\">basic black bread recipe.</a>. Just follow the recipe, be sure to place it in a loaf pan for the second rise to make it have more of a 'bread' shape. + INGR + Main + Banana : 1 + Soy milk : 3/4 cup + Vanilla extract : 1/2 tsp + Vegan butter : 1 tsp, earth balance + Maple syrup : to taste + Kiwi : 1 + +PANKO CHICKPEA FINGERS + DATE : 2015-03-30 + TAGS : sidedish entree dinner + TIME : 90 + SERV : 24 servings + DESC + & Was in the mood for some panko, didn't have tofu; but what I did have, was a jar full of chickpea flour. I prepared a batch of spicy, green scallion, 'chickpea tofu' and coated it with breadcrumbs. With this, I made baked panko chickpea fingers! + & This dish was inspired off of Vegan Richa's <a href=\"http://www.veganricha.com/2015/03/parmesan-crusted-avocado-kale-florentine-with-smoked-paprika-hollandaise.html\">parmesan crusted avocado</a> recipe, I made it just last week! It reminded me how easy it is too make panko at home; never thought of using lemon juice, to make the panko stick. + % panko.chickpea.fingers.1 + & The lemon juice adds flavour to the crumbs, no need for eggs or flour - simplicity at its best. + % panko.chickpea.fingers.2 + & I had these with sambal oelek, it's spicy but I think it works well with the dish. I've been pairing this condiment with a lot of my foods lately, i bet these would be good with a sweet mustard dip! + & If you don't have any panko, just make some yourself! All you need is some left-over bread; i had some i needed to use up. I tore the slices into smaller bits, and put them in my food processor to break them down. Once it was 'crumby' enough, I lined a baking sheet with some parchment paper, and put the crumbs down in a thin layer (for even browning). Preheat your oven at 300F, and bake the bread bits for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes is up, shake them around, and bake them for an additional 5. + % panko.chickpea.fingers.3 + & Keep an eye on me them, to make sure they don't burn! Let cool, and store in an airtight container - keeps for weeks at room temperature! + INST + - Bring 1 1/2 cups of vegetable bouillon to a rolling boil in a pot. + - Mix 1 cup of chickpea flour with 1/4 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp ground turmeric and 1 tbsp chili pepper flakes. Add 1 1/2 cups of water and stir until the mixture is lump-free. + - Lower to medium heat and pour in chickpea batter. Whisk continuously for 5-10 minutes until thickened. Remove from heat, add 2 chopped green onions and mix well. Pour into a 8x8 baking dish lined with parchment paper. Smooth out top with the back of a wooden spoon. + - Let cool and set for 1 hour, then refrigerate for a little while longer before cutting. Cut into 24 strips. + - Preheat oven to 425F. + - Mix 1 cup of panko bread crumbs and 1/4 cup nutritional yeast, spread out thinly onto a plate. + - Pour 4 tbsp of lemon juice in a separate plate. + - Take a slice of chickpea tofu and dip into the lemon juice, making sure all sides are covered. Dip into panko, again making sure all sides are well coated. Place on baking sheet lined with aluminum foil or parchment paper, season with black pepper and sea salt and spray lightly with olive oil. + - Bake for 15 minutes, flip, bake for another 15 minutes. Serve with dipping of choice! + INGR + Main + Vegetable bouillon : 1 1/2 cups + Chickpea flour : 1 cup + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Ground turmeric : 1/2 tsp + Chili pepper flakes : 1 tbsp + Water : 1 1/2 cups + Scallions : 2 branches + Panko : 1/2 cup + Nutritional yeast : 1/4 cup + Lemon juice : 4 tbsp + +FLAUTAS DE COLIFLOR + DATE : 2015-04-03 + TAGS : dinner mexican + TIME : 30 + SERV : 5 servings + DESC + & Flautas de coliflor or 'Cauliflower flutes'; a delicious treat, consisting of curried cauliflower wrapped in corn tortillas, and draped with an avocado-coriander sauce. The flutes are also topped with some roasted, thyme-pumpkin bits. + & Typically, this type of dish is fried in oil; i thought they would be just as delicious as cold wraps. For a hot version, place in pan with a bit of vegetable oil (canola or corn oil) and fry until browned on both sides. Then, add the sauce and toppings. + & It's best to steam the tortillas, before spooning in the filling to help soften them. That way they can be folded easily, with no risk of tearing - No one wants torn tortillas. + % Flautas.de.coliflor.1 + & Most people steam the tortillas beforehand with a microwave; to do this, put your tortillas in a bag, and heat for 30 seconds. Note that I don't have a microwave at home, it's an appliance I don't care to own. - i've always done well without it. If like me, you don't have one, you can use a big pot with a basket steamer, or a colander - it works just fine. Just make sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of your steamer, or colander; because what you will get are wet tortillas - much unpleasantness. + & Made these on a lazy sunday afternoon, it's quick and very delicious! + INST + * Topping + - Preheat oven to 400F. + - Peel and cut pumpkin into cubes (~1/2 cup), toss with 1 tsp of olive oil and 1 tsp of dried thyme. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. + * Sauce + - Puree 1 avocado with 3 tbsp lemon juice and 1/4 cup of fresh coriander. I added a 1/4 cup of water to thin it out. Season with black pepper and sea salt. + * Tortillas + - Fill a large pot halfway with water, bring to a boil. Fit your steam basket in the pot, make sure the bottom doesn't the water. <small>alternatively you can use a metal colander, if yours is small enough to fit over your pot</small> + - Put a few tortillas inside and cover, let steam for a minute. If you're not going to be adding the filling right away, cover the tortillas with a damp cloth to keep them moist. + * Filling + - Put 2 cups of chopped cauliflower florets in a food processor, grind finely. + - Heat 1 heaping tbsp of earth balance vegan butter in a pan at medium heat, add 1 chopped yellow onion as well as 1 tsp of cumin seeds. Cook until onions are translucent. Add the cauliflower onion mix as well as the 1/4 cup of soy milk, the tsp of curry powder and the tsp of turmeric. Mix well and season with black pepper and sea salt. + - Add the 2 minced garlic cloves near the end, let sit for 5 minutes and divide mixture into 5 tortillas. + - Pour sauce overtop as well as the pumpkin cubes! + INGR + Main + Corn tortillas : 5 + Topping + Pumpkin : 1/2 cup, cubed + Olive oil : 1 tsp + Thyme : 1 tsp + Sauce + Avocado : 1 + Lemon juice : 3 tbsp + Coriander : 1/4 cup + Water : 1/4 cup + Filling + White cauliflower : 2 cups + Vegan butter : 1 tbsp, earth balance + Yellow onion : 1/2 + Cumin seeds : 1/4 tsp + Soy milk : 1/3 cup + Curry powder : 1 tsp + Ground turmeric : 1 tsp + Garlic : 2 cloves + +UZUMAKI HUMMUS BITES + DATE : 2015-04-29 + TAGS : dinner sidedish entree + TIME : 50 + SERV : 11 tortillas + DESC + & Beet hummus bites, or 'uzumaki' bites, as i like to call them! Roasted beet hummus, black olives and aragula salad tucked into homemade bamboo charcoal tortillas. + & Making tortillas at home is damn easy, it doesn't require a lot of waiting time or preparation. The only thing i had trouble with, was making them into nice circular shapes. Not sure how people manage to do it, guess it takes practice. It's also because i'm short of a rolling pin, Devine broke the handles off the other day. I've been using the 'body' of the rolling pin, without the handles. It still works! Dans ta face, rolling pin! + % uzumaki.hummus.bites.2 + & Made the tortillas based on the recipe by Zerrin from <a href=\"http://www.giverecipe.com/basic-homemade-flour-tortillas.html\">Give recipe</a>. You should check out her page first, if you want to try and make your own tortillas. She describes it a lot better than I, not to mention her tortillas are circular. In my defense, she uses a tortilla press. + % uzumaki.hummus.bites.3 + & Had a lot of fun making these, plus the end result is pretty! I feel like these would be really good, topped with a sauce of somekind. Any ideas? + INST + * Beet hummus + - Preheat oven to 375F. + - Wash and cut 2 small beets into 4, rub quarters lightly with olive oil. Roast for 30-40 minutes or until fork tender. + - Puree the roasted beets, 1 1/4 cup of chickpeas, the 2 minced garlic cloves, 1/4 cup tahini, 1/2 tsp of sea salt and 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar in a food processor or using an immersion blender. Mix in 2 tbsp of olive oil at the end. <small>If the hummus feels too thick, add a few tbsp of water until desired consistency</small> + * Tortillas + - Put 3 cups of all purpose flour, 1 tsp bamboo powder and 1 tsp of sea salt in a bowl. Mix well. + - Add 1/4 cup of olive oil and 3/4 cup of cold water, knead into a smooth dough. Separate into 11 balls, dust lightly with flour and let rest for 5 minutes. Roll out into circles. <small>Put the tortillas under a cloth until you're ready to cook them so they don't dry up</small> + - Heat a non-stick pan at medium heat, cook tortillas for 30 seconds on each side. Again, put the warmed tortillas under a cloth so they stay nice and moist. + * Combine + - Brush some beet hummus into a tortilla, add a bit of chopped black olives and some arugula overtop. Be sure to put the fillings near the edge to make it easier to roll. + - Roll the tortillas tightly and then slice into bite-sized bits. + INGR + Beet hummus + Red beets : 2 + Chickpeas : 1 1/4 cups + Garlic : 2 cloves, minced + Tahini : 1/4 cup + Sea salt : 1/2 tsp + Balsamic vinegar : 1 tbsp + Olive oil : 2 tbsp + Tortillas + All purpose flour : 3 cups + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1 tsp + Sea salt : 1 tsp + Olive oil : 1/4 cup + Water : 3/4 cup, cold + Filling + Black olives : 1 cup + Arugula : few bunches + +BLACK SESAME ICE CREAM BARS + DATE : 2015-05-04 + TAGS : dessert + TIME : 120 + SERV : 4 large bars + DESC + & Black sesame ice cream bars, because it's starting to get warmer in Montreal! I want something sweet, nutty, refreshing and BLACK to eat! Need to goth-up my insides. + & Ok, so it's not black. Grey is fine though, grey is gorgeous. There should be more, naturally grey, foods. + & Making crusts is always an ordeal for me, most of the time i don't have the ingredients to make it. A lot of recipes call for graham crackers, or dates. While I often do have dates, i don't have an endless supply of it. Was wondering if there was something i could do with oats, i always have a TON of steel cut oats on hand. + & I looked up recipes for oat-based crusts, and found this awesome one by <a href=\"http://www.oatmealwithafork.com/2014/11/14/5-ingredient-no-roll-pie-crust-gluten-free-nut-free/\">Lauren Goslin</a> from 'oatmeal with a fork'. Her recipe called for olive oil, but I swapped it for coconut oil. Coconut oil suits desserts perfectly, assuming you like the taste of coconut . The flavour can be pretty strong. + % black.sesame.ice.cream.bars.1 + & As for the black sesame ice cream, this is actually my 3rd attempt. First one was good, made it with silken tofu and coconut milk. Didn't have any silken tofu left for this batch, so gave bananas a go, and it worked out great too! + & Being able to make black sesame ice cream at home makes me happy. Now that Japan is so far away, and that kombinis aren't 5 minutes away anymore. AH I miss the convenience of Kombinis. + INST + * Crust + - Preheat oven to 375F. + - Put 1 1/2 cups of oat flour and 2 tbsp of sugar in a bowl. Mix well. Pour 1/4 cup of coconut oil and stir until the batter has a crumb-like texture. Stir in 4 tbsp of cold water to moisten it further. <small>you can make your own oat flour using steel cut oats by grinding them in a food processor or using an immersion blender.</small> + - Spoon mixture into 4 mini loaf pans, flatten well with a fork. Bake for 10 minutes. Let cool. <small>I used mini kitchenaid silicone bread pans</small> + * Ice cream + - Heat 2/3 cups of black sesame seeds in a pan at medium heat, once they start to pop remove from heat and let cool. Transfer to a food processor and grind into a fine powder. + - Put in a blender with 1 can of coconut milk, 4 tbsp of sugar and 1 banana. Pulse until smooth. + - Put pans into a tray, separate batter evenly overtop of the oat crust into the 4 mini pans. <small>The reason i placed them on a tray is so i dont have to handle the silicone bread pans individually, since the mold is soft it means it can 'twist' and cause the batter to spill on the sides of the oat crust. Isn't a big deal but the presentation isn't as pretty if you can't see the two layers</small> + - Put in the freezer for 3 hours or so. Pop out of the molds and store in another container or eat and enjoy! <small>After spending a long time in the fridge the ice cream part will get pretty hard, you should take it out of the freezer 10 minutes before eating it. It'll be softer and easier to eat that way</small> + - One bar can serve 2 people! Just slice in two! Serve with fresh fruit. + INGR + Crust + Oats : 1 1/2 cups, ground + Sugar : 2 tbsp + Coconut oil : 1/4 cup + Water : 4 tbsp, cold + Ice cream + Black sesame seeds : 2/3 cup + Coconut milk : 1 can + Sugar : 4 tbsp + Banana : 1 + +ANISE BREAD WITH SWEET PEAR SAUCE + DATE : 2015-05-14 + TAGS : dessert + TIME : 40 + SERV : 2 mini loaves + DESC + & It's mini loaf craze, love baking with the mini pans I bought. Been making mini everything. This time, i made some anise bread topped with a sweet sauce, loaded with caramelized pear chunks. + & My bag of anise seeds has been sitting in my pantry, for way too long, begging to be given a purpose. + % anise.bread.with.sweet.pear.sauce.1 + & I'm sorry I neglected you for so long anise seeds, you're delicious, and you smell so so nice. No hard feelings? We're good you and I right? + & Right. + & This recipe was inspired by a Pineapple and anise seed 'pudding chomeur' recipe on <a href=\"http://willtravelforfood.com/2011/11/01/apollo-giovanni-recipe-pudding-chomeur/\">Will travel for food</a>! I ended up making little cake breads, instead of pudding. Making them egg-free worked out nicely too! My cake breads have a less sugar than the pinapple pudding chomeur too. + % anise.bread.with.sweet.pear.sauce.2 + & You guys should pay 'Will travel for food' a visit! It's a Montreal blog too, how cool is that? More montreal cooking friends! + INST + - Preheat oven to 325F. + - Put 1 tbsp ground flax seeds with 3 tbsp of water, let thicken for 5 minutes. Mix in 1/4 cup of sugar and stir until dissolved. Add 1 tsp of ground anise seeds, mix it all up again! + - Put the 3/4 cup of all purpose flour in a bowl with 1/2 tsp of baking powder. Mix. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ones, while gradually adding a bit over a 1/2 cup of soy milk. + - Transfer evenly to 2 mini loaf pans. + * Sauce + - Cut your bartlett pear into cubes. + - Heat a pan at medium to high heat, add 1/4 cup of vegan butter. Once melted, add 1 tbsp of brown sugar and 1 tbsp of maple syrup. Once it starts to boil, add the cubed pear and lower the heat. Let it bathe in the sweet mixture for 3-5 minutes. + - Pour the sauce over the 2 mini loaves, bake for 30 minutes. + - Let cool and serve! + INGR + Bread + Flax seeds : 1 tbsp + Water : 3 tbsp + Sugar : 1/4 cup + Anise seeds : 1 tsp, ground + All purpose flour : 3/4 cup + Baking powder : 1/2 tsp + Soy milk : 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp + Sauce + Bartlett pear : 1 + Vegan butter : 1 tbsp, earth balance + Brown sugar : 1 tbsp + Maple syrup : 1 tbsp + +WASABI SWIRL CHOCOLATE COOKIES + DATE : 2015-05-18 + TAGS : cookies dessert + TIME : 30 + SERV : 13 cookies + DESC + & Black sesame chocolate cookies with a wasabi glaze? Yep, you heard right! + & A few days ago was 'international chocolate chip cookie day'. Apparently there's a day for everything? How annoying. It was hard to ignore, had images of cookies on my twitter feed all day. So despite today not being a day devoted to cookies, I decided to go ahead and make some anyway, because yolo. + % wasabi.swirl.chocolate.cookies.1 + & I don't know if you guys ever had this, the 'wasabi flavoured chocolate' that Lindt makes. I had some for the first time a few years back. I was intrigued by it, it's a strange idea. If you're used to having wasabi with sushi, wasabi mixed into anything else just feels weird. Why would anyone want that in a dessert? Goes to show, that sometimes it's a good idea to play around with flavours. Mixing tastes you like together will not always yield good results, but in this case, it did. + & I wanted to mix the wasabi directly in the cookies at first, but after reading a lot about baking with it, I decided to just apply it after in the form of a glaze. People were saying that the taste fades significantly when heated, didn't want that! Wanted a wasabi 'punch-in-the-face' taste. + % wasabi.swirl.chocolate.cookies.2 + & It doesn't taste too strong, and like 'Lindt wasabi chocolate bars', it adds just the right amount of kick! It isn't a 'punch-in-the-face', level of strong though, don't worry. I know not everyone likes that. + & The cookie base was adapted from 'oh she glows' 's <a href=\"http://ohsheglows.com/2014/02/27/one-bowl-double-chocolate-chunk-cookies/\">Double chocolate chunk cookies recipe</a>. Visit her fantastic blog for more recipes! + INST + - Preheat oven to 350F. + - Mix 1 tbsp ground flax seeds with 3 tbsp water. Let thicken. + - Put 1/4 cup of black sesame seeds in a non-stick pan at medium heat, roast until they begin to pop. Let cool, mix with 2 tbsp soy yogurt and pulse in an immersion blender or mortar and pestle until smooth. <small>You can make your own quick soy yogurt or sour milk, add apple cider vinegar to soy milk 1 1/4 tbsp for every 1 1/4 cup of milk</small> + - Add to the bowl with the flax seeds along with a 1/4 cup of coconut oil, 1/3 cup cane sugar, 1/3 cup brown sugar and 1 tsp of vanilla extract. Stir well. + - Take 1 1/2 cups of steel cut oats, break it down into 'coarse' flour with a food processor or with an immersion blender. Don't grind it too finely, having bigger bits gives an interesting texture to the cookie! + - Add the dry ingredients one by one, mixing thoroughly in-between. Add 1/2 tsp of baking soda, 1/2 tsp of baking powder, 1/2 tsp of sea salt, 2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder, the coarsely ground 'oat' flour as well as 2 tsp of soy milk + - Take 1 generous tbsp of cookie dough and form into a ball, put onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten a bit with the palm of your hand. Bake for 13 minutes, let cool on the baking sheet for 10 min and then transfer to a cooling rack. + * Glaze + - Mix a 1/2 cup of powdered sugar and 1 tbsp of wasabi powder together. Add 1 1/2 tbsp of soy milk in gradually while mixing, add more if need be. Apply glaze to cookies!<small>I don't have any fancy glazing tools so i just used a ziploc bag! Just put the glaze in the bag and cut the end off one of the corners, squeeze the glaze through the hole and voila!</small> + INGR + Cookies + Flax seeds : 1 tbsp + Water : 3 tbsp + Black sesame seeds : 1/4 cup + Coconut oil : 1/4 cup + Soy yogurt : 2 tbsp + Brown sugar : 1/3 cup + Sugar : 1/3 cup + Vanilla extract : 1 tsp + Baking soda : 1/2 tsp + Baking powder : 1/2 tsp + Sea salt : 1/2 tsp + Cocoa powder : 2 tbsp + Oats : 1 1/2 cups, coarsely ground + Soy milk : 2 tsp + Glaze + Powdered sugar : 1/2 cup + Wasabi powder : 1 tbsp + Soy milk : 1 1/2 tbsp + +BLACK BURGER BUNS + DATE : 2015-05-26 + TAGS : bread black + TIME : 60 + SERV : 5 buns + DESC + & Simple black burger buns with white sesame seeds, ready in under 1 hour! Made with bamboo charcoal powder. + & There are days when I don't want to wait 3h for my bread to be ready, which was the case yesterday when I decided to make burger buns. Devine's sister was coming over for supper, and I had a lot of work to do that morning. Didn't want to spend the entire day running between my computer, and the kitchen. Making bread doesn't require a lot of active time, but i'd still need to check often. Sometimes, that's just enough to take all of my focus away. + & To minimize that, I made a quick savoury bread! The same one I made on Valentine's day that had a smoked paprika heart in the center (yes i know so cute. Paprika love.) That recipe was based off culinaire amoula's <a href=\"http://www.culinaireamoula.com/article-pain-au-cumin-et-paprika-118254678.html\">Cumin and paprika savoury bread</a>. I simplified the recipe, removing the spices, and divided it into 5 buns instead of two large loaves. I recommend trying out her recipe as well, it's so good. You can have the bread alone with green tea :). + % black.burger.buns.1 + & I don't have a lot of experience with quick breads, i'm experimenting a lot though, to see what i can make in less time. Culinaire amoula's recipe helped me a lot, didn't think i could get bread that tasted this good, so quickly. It makes great burger buns! The bottom stays flat, so in the end you're not stuck with this weird 'ball bread.' My last burger was like that, and it made it hard to have it sit upright on a plate. No one wants to eat spherical burgers. + & If you're in the mood for black burger buns, and need it done quickly, then try out this recipe! + & <h1>Try my other black bread recipes:</h1><a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/basic+black+bread\">Basic black bread</a><br><a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/no+knead+black+bread\">No-knead black bread</a> + INST + - Put 1 tsp of sugar in 1/2 cup of warm water, let it dissolve. Sprinkle 1 tsp of active dry yeast over the water and let it stand for 10 min. + - Mix 1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour, 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour, 1 tsp of bamboo charcoal powder, 3 tbsp of sesame oil and a pinch of salt. + - Pour wet into dry ingredients, knead into a smooth dough. Add more water as needed add 1 tbsp of water at a time + - Separate dough into 5 equal balls and let rest for 10 minutes, flatten down each ball into discs. Cover with a clean cloth and let rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. + - Preheat oven to 350F . Brush the top of the burger breads with a bit of water, sprinkle some white sesame seeds on top pressing down gently to make sure they stick. + - Bake for 20 minutes, optionally while they're still hot you can brush the top and sides of the buns with a bit of coconut oil to make the bread softer. Once the buns are cool, cut in two and serve with your choice of patty! + INGR + Main + Sugar : 1 tsp + Water : 1/2 cup, warm + Active dry yeast : 1 tsp + All purpose flour : 1 1/2 cups + Whole wheat flour : 1/2 cup + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1 tsp + Sesame oil : 3 tbsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + White sesame seeds : 1 tbsp + +MANGO ICE CREAM WITH BLACK SESAME SYRUP + DATE : 2015-06-01 + TAGS : dessert + TIME : 120 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & Fancy it up with some easy-to-prepare mango ice cream with black sesame syrup! Made using only 4 ingredients, for colour enthusiasts! + & Internet is full of recipes using just fruit for ice cream, yep this recipe is one of 'those'. I've made ice cream with other bases, like banana or coconut milk. Both are good dairy-free alternatives. Full fat coconut milk is expensive, so i don't use it too often. You need it to be full fat, otherwise it wont freeze well. I learned it the hard way. Using just 1 fruit is nice, because of how little preparation is required. Whether you're using bananas, watermelon, strawberries... all you need to do is cut the fruit up into chunks, and freeze it for a few hours. Depending on the fruit, it may take longer. Also, if like me, you don't have a food processor, you can cut it up into smaller chunks to make it easier to break down with an immersion blender. + % mango.ice.cream.with.black.sesame.syrup.1 + & I like making syrups, or juice reductions a lot. It's simple, and you can use it in many other recipes afterwards! Reductions that aren't sweetened with sugar, you can use as add-on to sauces, or alone as a 'glaze'. My fridge has 3 different syrups in it right now. + & 'What are those?' Devine would ask. + & 'EXPERIMENTS' I would reply, wiggling my digits about, in a creepy fashion. 'You shall seeeee, oh yes, oh yes. YES. You shall seeee.' + & I used a technique that Mike Case came up with on his blog <a href=\"https://discoginferno.wordpress.com/tag/sesame-seed-syrup/\">Disco Ginferno</a>, he made a white sesame syrup to use in cocktails! I liked not requiring a blender to make it, blending sesame seeds into a smooth liquid is hard. My immersion blender can't grind seeds finely. Boiling the seeds, and then straining them out is simple. And since you can re-use the seeds afterwards, there's no waste! The fact the seeds are toasted beforehand helps to bring out the nutty flavour, so whatever you do, don't skip that step! + INST + - Peel and cut 1 ripe mango into chunks, lay pieces over a plate lined with parchment paper. Put in the freezer for at least 2h. <small>I put parchment paper because sometimes the fruit will stick too much to the plate and is hard to remove</small> + - Put 1 cup of black sesame seeds in a pan, bring to medium heat and toast them until they start to pop. + - In a pot combine 1 cup of water with the black sesame seeds. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 10-15 minutes. + - Strain liquid from sesame seeds using a cheese cloth or with a mesh strainer, squeezing out as much liquid as you can. Reserve sesame seeds for later use. Return liquid to pot, add 1/2 cup of sugar and bring to medium heat. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Remove from heat and let cool. + - Puree frozen mango using an immersion blender, separate in 2 bowls and serve with 2 tbsp of black sesame syrup and some black sesame seeds reserved from before. <small>Keep the sesame seeds! They're still good, you can use them in other dishes</small> + INGR + Main + Mango : 1 + Black sesame seeds : 1 cup + Water : 1 cup + Sugar : 1/2 cup + +HOP ICE CREAM + DATE : 2015-06-28 + TAGS : dessert beer + TIME : 600 + SERV : 1 quart + DESC + & Summers in Montreal, go hand in hand with beer. There is such a wide variety of brews here. My corner store has a TON, most are made locally too. Me and Devine like craft beer a lot, hard to not drink everyday. To help satisfy our evergrowing craving, I decided to try and make hop flavoured ice cream! + & Sweet and bitter! SUPER TASTY! Felt like I used just the right amount. This ice cream is definitely for people who love the smell and taste of hops (as well as cold summer dairy-free treats)! + % hop.ice.cream.2 + & I wasn't sure how to 'infuse' the hops into the ice cream base, we tried making hop tea by infusing it overnight in the fridge, but the taste wasn't strong enough. Felt we would get better results and better flavour, if the hops were heated. The pouch method worked pretty well, the ice cream base was perfect! Full of delicious bitterness! Devine suggested to make a concentrate with the hops first, and then mix it into the base next time. Another experiment! We tried another batch of hop tea a few days after, adding twice as many hops and it ended up tasting too strong. We'll stick to warm infusions for now. + & The hops used in this recipe are an American variety called "Colombus". We got them from <a href=\"http://www.choppeabarrock.com\">La choppe a Barrock</a> on Villeneuve et Coloniale every time we make homebrews we pick up the ingredients there! You can buy a wide variety of hop buds there, you can even get the pellet kind. + % hop.ice.cream.3 + & It was my second time using the ice cream maker, I got it from the 'Free stuff Montreal' group on facebook. It looks like a little red pail, super cute. The woman I got it from even had the manual! You can make ice cream without a machine, although having one helps with the 'churning' process. It saves a lot of time and effort. If i hadn't gotten that ice cream maker for free, i dont think id have one but since it's here might as well use it! + & This recipe wouldn't have happened without the instructions from <a href=\"http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-vegan-ice-cream-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-204755\">The Kitchn</a>. Their vegan ice cream tutorial was super helpful. They have a ton of images on their site too, so if you're more of a 'visual' cook you should check it out! + & If you too, are having too many beers these days, try and cook with hops instead. Same taste, different format! + INST + - Roughly chop 7 hop buds (may want to use less if you want it less hoppy). Place leaves into the center of a cheese cloth and make a little loose pouch with it, tying the end. Reserve for later. + - Shake your 2 cans of coconut milk before opening them, full-fat coconut milk separates over time and shaking will help to mix it up again. Reserve 1/2 a cup of coconut milk for later, put the rest in a pan with 1/2 cup of maple syrup and 1/4 tsp of sea salt. Bring up to medium-low heat, stir until the maple syrup has dissolved completely. + - Stir 1 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch into the 1/2 cup of coconut milk that was set aside, when dissolved pour into the pan with the rest of the coconut milk while whisking slowly. Increase the heat to medium and add your hop pouch! Let the mixture cook for about 8 minutes, don't let it come to a boil. Reduce the heat if necessary. Move the pouch around once in a while, pinching it down lightly with a wooden spoon to get some of that nice hop flavour out into your ice cream base. + - Remove from heat, stir in 1 tsp of vanilla extract. Leave it to cool, don't remove the hop pouch! + - When cool, take the pouch out and squeeze out all of the 'hop juice' into the pan using your hands. Mix one last time and pour into a container. Place a sheet of parchment paper over the top so you don't get a 'skin' forming on the surface. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours (or overnight!). + - Pull your ice cream out of the fridge, it should have a thick pudding-like texture. Pour into your ice cream maker and churn it to desired consistency (i let it run for ~23 minutes). If you don't have an ice cream maker, please refer to any these 6 methods from the Kitchn - <a href=\"http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-ice-cream-without-an-ice-cream-machine-171060\">'6 ways to make ice cream without an ice cream machine'</a>. + - Transfer to a container and press a sheet of parchment paper over the top to keep ice crystals from forming. Your ice cream should be ready to eat in 5 hours or so! If you want harder ice cream wait until the next day to eat it. Enjoy! + INGR + Main + Hops : 7 buds + Coconut milk : 2 X 378ml cans + Maple syrup : 1/2 cup + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Cornstarch : 1 1/2 tbsp + Vanilla extract : 1 tsp + +SUNFLOWER HEIRLOOM CARROT PASTA + DATE : 2015-07-16 + TAGS : pasta dinner lunch + TIME : 20 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & Using veggies as noodles in a dish, is something I really enjoy doing. It tastes fresh, and is ready in a second! Thank you julienne peeler, your precense in my kitchen has made the process of cutting vegetables in thin strips, enjoyable. Spending an evening cutting daikon or cucumbers thinly by hand, are now nothing but a distant memory. Brought home a bag full of beautiful heirloom carrots, from Jean-Talon market last weekend. I've been using them in meals all week. Heirloom carrots come in a wide variety of colours. The yellow ones, I thought, resembled pasta. Thus came the idea for heirloom carrot pasta! + & I used yellow and red carrots for this recipe, love how these veggies are coloured all the way down to the core. Zucchinis make great pasta noodles, but the white interior makes for a dull-looking meal. It looks especially beautiful with a sunflower "cheese" sauce. As you know, I'm allergic to tree nuts so my vegan cheese alternatives are somewhat limited. Luckily, I can have seeds which can be used interchangeably with nuts in most pasta sauce recipes. It produces a similar result, just as creamy and just as nutritious! + & Until recently, I didn't know why you had to soak seeds and nuts before eating them. As it turns out, they have their own personal defense mechanisms. Nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances. Ingesting seeds, or nuts, without soaking, makes it harder to digest. You're also missing out on a ton of nutritional benefits. The last time I made this recipe, I tried the quick boiling method. It is easier to grind down into a sauce, but it will still be hard on your digestive system. My stomach groaned for hours after that meal, I personally prefer to soak the seeds overnight. + & The idea for a sunflower seed sauce came from <a href=\"http://www.vegansandra.com/2014/10/sunflower-seeds-are-new-cashews.html\">Vegan Sandra</a> in her post she talks about how sunflower seeds are the new cashews. She provides a recipe that I used as a base for my carrot pasta. Enjoy! + INST + - Dissolve 1/2 tsp of sea salt in 1/2 cup of water. Add sunflower seeds, cover with a breathable material and leave to soak overnight or for at least 8 hours. <small>Alternatively, you can pour boiling water over the seeds and let them soak for 10 minutes. This method is quicker but it will be less nutritious</small> + - Sautee 1 chopped yellow onion and 2 garlic cloves in a pan with a tsp of olive oil. Cook until onion is translucent. + - Rinse the sunflower seeds, and puree in a blender with the cooked garlic and onion, 1 tbsp soy sauce (or tamari), 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika, 1 heaping tsp of white miso, 1 tbsp nutritional yeast and 1/2 cup of water. Blend until smooth. + - Peel and cut 4 large heirloom carrots into thin strips, using a julienne peeler or spiralizer will make your life a lot easier. The goal is to make pasta-like strips. + - Add a bit of water to a pot, bring to a boil. Place steamer basket in the pot, cover and steam the carrots for a minute. <small>You don't have to steam your carrots, but personally I like to do it so they're not as stiff. Depending on the thickness of your carrots you may need more or less.</small> + - Divide carrot pasta in 2 bowls, pour sauce overtop and serve with some fresh alfalfa sprouts or with a handful of <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/roasted+pumpkin+seeds\">roasted pumpkin seeds</a>! + INGR + Sunflower sauce + + Sea salt : 1/2 tsp + Sunflower seeds : 1/4 cup + Water : 1/2 cup + Soy sauce : 1 tbsp + Smoked paprika : 1/2 tsp + Yellow onion : 1 + Garlic : 2 cloves + White miso : 1 tsp + Nutritional yeast : 1 tbsp + Pasta + Heirloom carrots : 4 large + +CARROT KINPIRA ONIGIRAZU + DATE : 2015-07-31 + TAGS : japanese lunch + TIME : 20 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & Even if I don't live in Tokyo anymore, I try and keep up with what's happening over there. I still follow the news, and try to translate some simple texts to see how many kanji i've forgotten. My favourite kanji, is the one for bone '骨' (pronounced 'ho-ne'). I also love the kanji combination for jellyfish or '水母' (pronounced 'ku-ra-ge'), which beautifully translates to 'water mother'. These two words come together to create this expression '水母の' or 'jellyfish bones'. It is used when talking about something that you would not expect to exist, like bones in a jellyfish. I could go on, but seeing as how this has nothing to with food, here goes. The recipe i'm sharing with you today is japanese inspired, and is also currently part of a craze over there. I made some onigirazu, a sort of hybrid, japanese rice ball sandwich. + % carrot.kinpira.onigirazu.1 + & The word onigiri (or nigiru) means to press into shape using your hands, while "razu" means the opposite. Free form onigiri! This is perfect for people who have a hard time making rice balls, as is the case for me. Onigirazu has the same great taste, without the fear of imperfection. All the shame is hidden away under a blanket of nori, and fillings. + & The concept of this rice sandwich, is perfect when you don't have the right type of rice available for onigiri. You can use just about any type, i tested it out with some Minute Rice and it worked perfectly. I was given some coupons to try out their products, i'm all for experimentation so i picked up a box of whole grain brown Minute Rice. It was my fist time trying it, I generally purchase rice in bulk. Bulk is cheaper, and has a lot less packaging. After cooking with it though, i do see the appeal. The rice is 'parboiled', which means that you wont have to wait very long for your meal to be ready. Your rice will be cooked in 1/4 of the time it takes for traditional brown rice. As you all know sticky rice takes a long time to cook, I don't mind having to wait after my rice, but I know that not everyone has that luxury. It's a good thing that this option exists, it means it's even easier to cook great meals, rapidly at home. + % carrot.kinpira.onigirazu.2 + & The rice was seasoned with miso for added flavour, and was filled with carrot kinpira. Kinpira means "sauteed" (sually with a mixture of mirin soy sauce and chili peppers.) It's a sweet, and spicy dish that is often served in bentos. I knew I wanted this as a filling for my onigirazu, to satisfy my sudden craving for japanese food. This would have been amazing with gobo, but finding the root here in Montreal is no easy task. + % carrot.kinpira.onigirazu.3 + & You should try and make your own version of onigirazu at home! As i said, it's no-fail and with some parboiled rice it can ready in under 20 minutes (you can also parboil your own rice). I may not live near a 24h kombini, with readily available onigiri anymore, but i know i can make some at home easily, and quickly. + + INST + * Kinpira carrot + - Peel and cut 1 large carrot into thin strips. + - Stir these ingredients together to make the sauce for the kinpira - 1 teaspoon of maple syrup, 1 teaspoon of mirin and 2 teaspons of soy sauce. + - Heat 1 teaspoon of sesame oil in a pan at medium heat, add the carrot strips and cook for 2-3 minutes. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon of chili pepper flakes as well as the sauce prepared in the previous step. Cook until no liquid remains. Let cool. + * Rice + - Dissolve 1 tbsp of white miso in 1 cup of water and pour into pot with 1 cup of parboiled whole grain brown rice (I used Minute rice). Bring to a boil; once it starts to bubble up lower to a simmer, cover and cook for 5-10 minutes or until all of the liquid has been absorbed. + * Combine + - Lay out 2 pieces of nori sheets, rough side up. Divide half of the rice in the middle of the 2 sheets, then divide the carrot kinpira into 2 portions and lay over the rice. Cover the carrots with the remaining rice. + - Now take one corner of the nori sheet and fold over into the middle, do the same for the opposing corner. Then repeat for the other 2 corners; press down gently. Wait until the nori has softened and then cut into the middle! + INGR + Main + Carrots : 1, large + Maple syrup : 1 tsp + Mirin : 1 tsp + Soy sauce : 2 tsp + Sesame oil : 1 tsp + Chili pepper flakes : 1/2 tsp + Wholegrain brown rice : 1 cup, parboiled + White miso : 1 tbsp + Water : 1 cup + Nori sheets : 2 + +BALSAMIC BANANA ICE CREAM + DATE : 2015-08-05 + TAGS : dessert + TIME : 120 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & When it comes to plant-based cold desserts, Montreal has a lot of options. The places I tried are all within walking distance, because generally when I want ice cream i don't want to have to go far to get it. Luckily, the 2 places that are near my home offer dairy-free options, though often this means sorbet. While I like sorbet, the flavors are rarely as creative as milk-based ice creams. When I don't want sorbet, I just make my own ice cream at home. I have many other ice cream recipes on this blog, but some of them require a bit more waiting time and effort, which admittedly I don't always care for. Banana ice cream to the rescue! A delicious and simple alternative to dairy or coconut based desserts. + % balsamic.banana.ice.cream.1 + & I was introduced to vanilla ice cream with a balsamic vinegar coulis, at my friend Lisa's small, Shimokitazawa appartment. It was summer, we wanted to cool our insides. Tokyo summers are unbearably warm. I can't say I remember where I got the idea to put balsamic vinegar on ice cream, it might have been in a magazine or a restaurant. That evening, it came to mind, and we tested it out. It was fantastic! Not things i thought could go well together. + % balsamic.banana.ice.cream.2 + & I remembered that night today, and desperarely wanted to re-create a dairy-free version of it. Lots of blogs I love have also been making banana-based recipes, I first saw a recipe on the whole foods website for it. Making it is incredibly easy, you just put bananas in the freezer. While you wait for them to harden up, you can prepare your balsamic coulis and make your appartment reek of vinegar - yay! If you've ever boiled balsamic vinegar, you know what I'm talking about. I didn't want to pour the vinegar straight from the bottle over the ice cream, making a reduction makes it thick and syrupy, and it just works better as a topping. + & I don't have a powerful blender or food processor at home, so reducing the 2 frozen banana chunks to a smooth puree was difficult. It took longer than i thought it would, and because of that my ice cream was melting when the time came to take photos. So pro-tip, don't use an immersion blender. If you're desperate and/or reckless and want to try it anyways, do it in batches. + INST + * Balsamic reduction + - Put 1 cup of balsamic vinegar in a non-stick pan. Bring up to medium high heat, once it starts to boil bring down to medium low and let simmer until the vinegar has been reduced by a little more than half. Stir it on occasion <small>Make sure you have an open window or the overhead fan running because boiling vinegar has a really strong smell</small> + - Transfer to a bowl and let cool completely, then store in the refrigerator. It will thicken when it gets cold. <small>This recipe makes a lot of balsamic reduction, it's hard to make very little. It keeps in the refrigerator for a while so you can easily use it in other recipes. It's great when served over fruit</small> + * Banana + - Peel and cut 2 bananas into slices, lay slices flat onto a plate and put in the freezer for at least 2h. Put banana slices in a blender or food processor with 1/4 cup of soy milk and 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract, process until smooth. + - Serve in individual bowls with a tsp or more of balsamic reduction. + INGR + Reduction + Balsamic vinegar : 1 cup + Main + Banana : 2 + Soy milk : 1/4 cup + Vanilla extract : 1/4 tsp + +CURRIED PUMPKIN SEED PATE + DATE : 2015-08-29 + TAGS : lunch dinner + TIME : 60 + SERV : 4 blocks + DESC + & This time last year, Grim Grains was born. If you were there at the start of it all, you'll remember that the first recipe I posted was black scones (my lovely eatable meteorites). Cooking had become a passion, this blog needed to happen. I was freelancing back then, and had a lot of time to dedicate to the project. Nowadays, I work in studio all day and finding time to cook up new foods is tough. Because of this, my meals have become simpler. I feel my meals will continue to be simple, due to the fact that me and Devine will be embarking on an exciting new adventure next year: we want to live on a sailboat. If you've ever been on one, you know that space is an issue. I'm not only talking about storage, but also about refrigeration. Grim Grains will still happen, but will be very different. Hopefully, I'll still be able to make my own pâté. + & I wanted to try and re-create a curry pâté I had some time ago. While I didn't have sunflower seeds to use as a base, I had a jar full of pumpkin seeds! As you know, pumpkin seeds can be expensive, I recommend buying it in bulk (I ordered mine from Yupik.com). As with my veggie pate recipe, the seeds need to be soaked prior to blending. To learn more about the why's and how's of seed soaking check out the article <a href=\"http://healthyblenderrecipes.com/info/soaking_grains_nuts_seeds\">Soaking Nuts Seeds & Grains</a> by the Blender Girl. + & This pâté can be used on toast, sliced cucumbers or other veggies. Sometimes I cube it up and use it as a topping for salads and other meals. + INST + - Dissolve {_1 tsp_} of {{salt}} in {_2 cups_} of {{water}}, add {{pumpkin seeds}} and cover with a breathable material. Soak for a minimum of {#8 hours#}. + - Preheat oven to {#350F#}. + - Cube and steam {_1/3 cup_} of {{sweet potato}}. + - Strain and rinse off the {{pumpkin seeds}}. In a large bowl, puree {_1/2 cup_} of ground rolled {{oats}}, {_2_} grated {{carrots}}, {_2_} minced cloves of {{garlic}}, a {_1/3 cup_} of steamed {{sweet potatoes}}, the chopped {{scallions}}, {_1 tsp_} of {{lemon juice}}, {_2 tsp_} of {{curry powder}}, {_1 tsp_} of {{garam masala}}, {_1/2 tsp_} of {{turmeric powder}} and {_1/3 cup_} of {{water}}. + - Fold in {_1/4 cup_} of {{nutritional yeast}}. Season with {{black pepper}} and {{salt}} to taste. + - Line an 8x8 glass baking dish with parchment paper, pour mixture in and flatten evenly with a spatula. + - Bake for {#50 minutes#}, let cool. Cut into 4 squares and store in the refrigerator. Use as a spread on toast, sliced {{cucumbers}} or your sliced vegetable of choice! + INGR + Main + Pumpkin seeds : 1 cup + Sea salt : 1 tsp + Sweet potatoes : 1/3 cup, steamed + Oats : 1/2 cup, ground + Carrots : 2 medium + Garlic : 2 cloves, minced + Scallions : 1 branch + Nutritional yeast : 1/4 cup + Lemon juice : 1 tsp + Curry powder : 2 tsp + Garam masala : 1 tsp + Ground turmeric : 1 tsp + Water : 1/3 cup + +FRESH PESTO PASTA + DATE : 2015-09-22 + TAGS : pasta dinner lunch + TIME : 20 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & Summer is over, temperature in Montreal started to dip into the lower 20's. Colder times means collecting the remaining fresh herbs from my balcony garden. This year, I'm happy to say that my plants have thrived - thank you <a target="_blank" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017WY3PWQ/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B017WY3PWQ&linkCode=as2&tag=hundredrabbit-20&linkId=343025663c1bc31d6cb19ca55ad039fd">Smart Pots</a><img src="//ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=hundredrabbit-20&l=am2&o=1&a=B017WY3PWQ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />. + & My basil plant was a real beauty, I harvested all I could from it and made pesto. With it, I made this recipe — the perfect way to end the summer. + % fresh.pesto.pasta.1 + & The combination of carrots and zucchinis, look beautiful on a plate. To complete the dish, I added some roasted pumpkin seeds, and topped it off with cherry tomatoes. For bulk, I added scoobi do pasta to this dish. Scoobi do pasta happens to be my favorite pasta cut, it also has the best name ever. With tones of orange, green and brown this meal embodies autumn. + & You can find the recipe for my roasted pepitas {{here|roasted pumpkin seeds}}! It's easy, and ready in 20 minutes. I usually make a double recipe, and add it to salads and other meals during the week. Enjoy! + INST + * Pesto + - Blend the following ingredients in a food processor or blender: {_2 cups_} of {{fresh basil}}, {_3 cloves_} of {{garlic}}, {_1/4 cup_} of {{nutritional yeast}}, {_1/4 tsp_} of {{salt}} and a dash of {{black pepper}}. Add {_1/4 cup_} of {{olive oil}} and blend again until smooth. Set aside. + * Cook + - Bring a pot of {{water}} to a boil, add {_1 1/2 cups_} of {{scoobi do}} pasta and cook until tender. While the pasta is cooking julienne {_2_} {{carrots}} and {_1_} {{zucchini}}. + - Drizzle some {{olive oil}} in a pan and bring up to medium heat. Add the vegetable strips and cook for {#2-3 minutes#}. + - Remove from heat, add the cooked pasta as well as a few tablespoons of pesto! The recipe makes about a cup of pesto, which you can keep and use for future meals. + - Season pasta with {{salt}} and {{black pepper}}. Finally, top it all off with {{roasted pumpkin seeds}} and {{cherry tomatoes}}! + INGR + Main + Carrots : 2 + Scoobi do : 1 1/2 cups + Zucchini : 1 large + Pesto + Basil : 2 cups + Garlic : 3 cloves + Olive oil : 1/4 cup + Nutritional yeast : 1/4 cup + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Black pepper : 1/4 tsp + +VEGEMITE CARAMEL + DATE : 2015-09-27 + TAGS : dessert + TIME : 20 + SERV : 1/2 pint + DESC + & Cadbury released a vegemite chocolate bar earlier this year, as usual, I only found out about it this week (after everyone else o'course). I liked the idea so much, I decided to make something inspired from it. Ended up making some vegemite caramel. + & I currently have two vegemite jars, a gift from a friend in Australia. It's delicious, but I don't always know what to make with it. It's great on toast, but aside from that - mind goes blank. + % vegemite.caramel.1 + & The vegemite caramel mix of the Cadbury bar intrigued me. Vegemite is very salty, but I happen to be a big fan of salted sweets – I'm looking at you sea salt chocolate. If I added some to date caramel (instead of salt) I knew it would taste good. I have Alissa from <a href=\"http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2010/09/raw-caramel-dip-for-apples.html\">Nourishing meals</a> to thank for the idea of date caramel. I used deglet noor dates for this recipe (because it's what I had). Feel free to use medjool dates instead. Medjool dates are great, but you don't have to use them. They're expensive, and their cheaper counterpart works just fine. + & I was right, it tastes amazing. Cut a few apples up, and dip them right into the vegemite caramel! You can also spread it over some toast! This is a weird mix, but believe me, it tastes awesome. + % vegemite.caramel.2 + & There are a few places in Montreal where you can get vegemite like, Ta pies on Park av. near Mont-royal street has some. Otherwise, you can get one of your nice Australian buddies to send you some! + INST + - Soak 1 cup of deglet noor dates in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Drain. + - Mix dates with the following ingredients - 1 1/2 tsp of vegemite, 1 tsp of lemon juice, 4 tbsp of soy milk and 1 tsp of vanilla extract. + - Blend to a smooth puree using a hand mixer or food processor. Serve as a dip for apple slices! + INGR + Main + Deglet noor dates : 1 cup + Vegemite : 1 1/2 tsp + Lemon juice : 1 tsp + Soy milk : 4 tbsp + Vanilla extract : 1 tsp + +HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN COOKIES + DATE : 2015-10-10 + TAGS : cookies halloween dessert + TIME : 30 + SERV : 15 cookies + DESC + & Halloween is coming up, this blog has a lot of recipes that are perfect for it. Here is a short list of my favorite ones: <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/dark+yaki+gyoza\">Black yaki gyoza</a> <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/basic+black+bread\">Basic black bread</a> and <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/black+pasta\">Black pasta</a>. Those recipes aren't holiday-specific, but these cute pumpkin cookies sure are! They're super soft, and easy to prepare. + & Been a while since I've baked cookies. It being pumpkin season, the choice was obvious - pumpkin cookies it is. + % halloween.pumpkin.cookies.2 + & These are perfect if you don't like sweet deserts, coconut sugar has a subtle and more complex taste. Coconut sugar will make your cookies a darker shade of orange, almost brown. I think it fits nicely with the toned-down color of the pumpkin seeds. If you want a bold orange color, use white cane sugar instead. + + INST + * Cookie dough + - Preheat oven to 350F . + - Steam 1/2 cup's worth of pumpkin cubes. Set aside to cool. + - Stir 1/2 cup of all purpose flour, 1/2 cup of spelt flour and 1/2 tsp of baking powder together in a bowl. + - Put the steamed pumpkin, the 4 tbsp of melted vegan butter as well as the 1/2 cup of coconut sugar in another bowl. Mash the pumpkin with a fork (or use a hand blender) and stir everything together until smooth and well mixed. + - Add the wet to the dry ingredients, mix with a wooden spoon until you get a soft and consistent dough. It will be sticky but that's fine, if it's too sticky feel free to add a bit of extra flour. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes. + - Line a baking sheet with a silpat (or parchment paper). Make little balls of dough, as round as you can make them, and flatten each one gently. Bake for 15 minutes. + - Decorate each cookie with 3 pumpkin seeds, sticking them at the top (pointy end in). + * Chocolate + - Mix 1/4 cup of coconut oil, 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 tsp vanilla, 2 tbsp maple syrup and a pinch of salt together in a glass bowl. + - Put a bit of water to boil in a pot (large enough to fit your bowl, or to have it hanging overtop). + - Lower the heat to a simmer, add the glass bowl with the chocolate into the pot, stir with a spoon until the chocolate is smooth and runny. + - Remove from heat. + - Take a toothpick and dip into the chocolate, draw pumpkin faces on your cookies and serve as is!\ + * Extra chocolate treat + - As for the rest of your chocolate mixture, pour it in a chocolate mold or shallow container and put it in the freezer. It will become solid and you'll have delicious homemade chocolate on the side for later times! Once it's solid, pop it out of the mold and put it in a closed container. Keep it in the freezer until you're ready to eat it! + INGR + Main + All purpose flour : 1/2 cup + Spelt flour : 1/2 cup + Baking powder : 1/2 tsp + Coconut sugar : 1/2 cup + Vegan butter : 4 tbsp, melted + Pumpkin : 1/2 cup + Pumpkin seeds : 45 + Cocoa powder : 1/4 cup + Coconut oil : 1/4 cup + Maple syrup : 2 tbsp + Vanilla extract : 1/4 tsp + Sea salt : pinch + +ROASTED YELLOW PEPPER PASTA + DATE : 2015-10-25 + TAGS : pasta black + TIME : 30 + SERV : 2 servings + DESC + & This weekend, I made a batch of black pasta and served it with some roasted yellow pepper sauce. The contrast between the yellow and black is so gorgeous, bamboo charcoal makes all food look cool. + & The sauce is simple to prepare and will look just as good over regular pasta. It would also look great over some spinach pasta, be creative with it! + % roasted.yellow.pepper.pasta.1 + & Please refer to my <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/black+pasta\">black pasta recipe</a> to learn how to make your own! + % roasted.yellow.pepper.pasta.2 + INST + - Preheat your oven to 450F. + - Roast 2 whole yellow peppers on a baking sheet for 25 minutes. Flipping them halfway through. + - While the peppers are roasting, cut 1 yellow onion into thin slices. Place your pan over medium heat and melt 1 tbsp of vegan butter, when melted, add the onion and stir gently to coat with butter. Cook for 5 minutes, add 1 minced garlic clove and 1/2 tsp of ground dried rosemary. Cook for an additional 10-15 minutes, or until the onions are caramelized. + - Deglaze the pan with 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Using a wooden spatula, scrape up the brown bits from the bottom of your pan. Transfer to a bowl. Once the yellow peppers are done roasting, put in a bowl and cover with a plate. Let steam for 5-10 minutes. <small>This will soften the pepper, making it easier to peel the skin off with your hands</small> + - Remove the yellow peppers from the bowl and peel the skins off, remove the stems and the seeds as well. Transfer the peppers to the bowl of cooked ingredients. Puree together using a hand blender or food processor. Season with some iodized salt and some freshly-cracked black pepper, serve over <a href=\"http://grimgrains.com/black+pasta\">black pasta</a> or your pasta of choice! + INGR + Main + Yellow peppers : 2 + Yellow onion : 1 + Garlic : 1 clove + Vegan butter : 1 tbsp, earth balance + Rosemary : 1/2 tsp, dry + Apple cider vinegar : 1 tbsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Black pepper : 1/4 tsp + +SALTED CARAMEL CAROB CHIP COOKIES + DATE : 2015-11-15 + TAGS : cookies sweet + TIME : 20 + SERV : 20 cookies + DESC + & Got up early sunday morning with cookies on my mind. When I peeked into my fridge, I spotted a lonely jar of leftover date caramel. I decided to make some salted caramel cookies with unsweetened carob chips! + & The kind people at <a href=\"http://www.daybreakmill.com\">Daybreak Mill</a> sent me a bag of einkorn flour last week, I'd never heard of it before. Einkorn was one of the first domesticated and cultivated plants. It has a higher percentage of protein than regular wheat, with high levels of fat, phosphorus, potassium, pyridoxine (a form of vitamin b6) and beta-carotene. Another great thing about it, is that it isn't as toxic to people on gluten-free diets. This wasn't proven, but it's worth looking into! + % salted.caramel.carob.chip.cookies.1 + & I tried baking bread with it this week, it did not rise all that well. While it is a dense loaf, the texture is quite nice! It has a strong nutty taste, making it more flavorful than regular wheat. Einkorn bread is filling, I don't think I would use it to make a sandwich but it makes nice breakfast toast. + & After my bread experiment, I decided to try and make something sweet. The dates, coconut sugar and carob chips create a strong caramel taste. The fleur de sel sprinkled overtop brings out the flavor nicely. + & I can't thank Daybreak mill enough for sending me this gift, and for introducing me to einkorn flour! Their products are grown with the utmost care. You can get your own einkorn flour from their website, they also have a ton of other great products. Encouraging companies that share your outlook on food and life is important. + INST + - To make date caramel, soak 1/2 cup of deglet noor dates in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Drain, puree using a hand blender or food processor with 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp soy milk and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. Set aside. + - Pre-heat oven to 350F. + - Make your flax egg - put 1 tbsp of ground-up flax seeds with 3 tbsp of water, let thicken for 5 minutes. + - In a large bowl, mix 1 cup + 3 tbsp of einkorn flour with 3/4 tsp baking soda and 1/4 tsp of salt. + - Melt 1/4 cup of vegan butter and in a separate bowl, cream with 3/4 of coconut sugar, a 1/4 cup of date caramel and the flax egg. Then add to the dry ingredients and mix well. Add 1/2 cup of unsweetened carob chips and stir until evenly distributed. + - Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or with a silpat if you have one) and scoop out tablespoon-sized portions of cookie dough. Roll them out with your hands and place them on the baking sheet, making sure there's enough space between each one. Sprinkle some fleur de sel on top and bake for 10 minutes, repeat until you run out of cookie dough. Let cool on baking sheet before transfering to a cooling rack. Makes about 20 cookies. + INGR + Date caramel + Deglet noor dates : 1/2 cup + Lemon juice : 1/2 tsp + Soy milk : 2 tbsp + Vanilla extract : 1/2 tsp + Cooking batter + Vegan butter : 1/4 cup, earth balance + Coconut sugar : 3/4 cup + Dates caramel : 1/4 cup, see above + Flax seeds : 1 tbsp + Einkorn flour : 1 cup + 3 tbsp + Baking soda : 3/4 tsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Carob chips : 1/2 cup + Fleur de sel : to taste + +HIJIKI SOBA + DATE : 2015-12-12 + TAGS : japanese pasta dinner lunch + TIME : 40 + SERV : 2 portions + DESC + & After Japan opened itself to the world, Japanese cooks began to adapt western dishes in their own style. For instance in the west, people use ketchup as a condiment, but the Japanese use it as a base for tomato sauces. Spaghetti naporitan was created just after World War II, after Shigetada (the head chef at the Hotel New Grand in Yokohama) saw occupying soldiers eating it. Nowadays, you can find spaghetti seasoned with soy sauce, and served with seaweed. + % hijiki.soba.2 + & While living in Tokyo, we spent many evenings at Saizeriya, a cheap Japanese food chain of family-style italian restaurants. I had my very first yoshoku-style (western style) pasta there. + & This is a relatively simple recipe, and uses all of my favorite japanese condiments! If you've never had yoshoku pasta, i envy you. A world of creativity awaits! + INST + - Put {_2 tbsp_} of dried {{hijiki}} in a bowl and cover with a cup of {{water}}. Let re-hydrate for at least {#30 minutes#}, drain. + - Bring a pot of {{water}} to a boil, add {_2 portions_} of soba({{buckwheat noodles}}) and give them a quick stir so they go underwater. Reduce heat to medium and cook for {#5 minutes#}. Drain, rinse and transfer to a pot of cold water. Wash the noodles using your hands to remove the excess starch, drain and set aside. + - Julienne 1 {{carrot}}, chop 2 {{garlic cloves}} and cut 60g of {{tempeh}} into small cubes. I use noble bean original tempeh. + * Sauce + - Stir {_2 tbsp_} of {{soy sauce}}, or {{tamari sauce}}, with {_2 tsp_} of {{maple syrup}} and {_1 tbsp_} of {{mirin}} together. + * Cook + - Heat a pan with a drizzle of {{oil}} at medium heat and sautee the {{garlic}} for a minute until fragrant. Add the {{tempeh}} as well as the julienned {{carrot}} and cook for {#2-3 minutes#}. + - Pour the sauce and cook for an additional {#5 minutes#} until the {{tempeh}} and {{carrots}} are cooked. + - Remove from heat and add the noodles, as well as the {{hijiki}}. Stir well and divide into 2 plates, season with some {{sichuan pepper}}. + INGR + Main + Buckwheat noodles : 2 portions + Dried hijiki : 2 tbsp + Carrots : 1 + Garlic : 2 cloves + Soy sauce : 2 tbsp + Maple syrup : 2 tsp + Mirin : 1 tbsp + Tempeh : 60g or 1/4 of 240g + Sichuan peppercorns : To taste + +CHICKPEA KELP SANDWICH + DATE : 2016-01-18 + TAGS : sandwich lunch seaweed + TIME : 20 + SERV : 4 portions + DESC + & I recently ordered ingredients from BC Kelp, a company in northern Canada that grows their own seaweed. A lot of the food I make these days has either nori, wakame, bull kelp or bladderwack whole tips in it. + & I'd like to see more people cooking with sea vegetables. You can snack on dried seaweed, or add it to soups and salads. The powdered version I'm using in this recipe, adds a lot of umami and color to meals. + & You can order your own bull kelp powder from the {{BC Kelp website|http://www.bckelp.com/index.html}}, they have a wide range of quality seaweed to choose from. + INST + * Tofu mayo + - You can use Veganaise, or make your own mayo. I used the recipe by {{Cooking NYT|http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016638-tofu-mayonnaise}} + * Chickpea salad + - Soak dry chickpeas overnight (or for 8h). Drain, rinse and cook according to pressure cooker instructions. I cook mine at the longer time, so they soften up. <small>Alternatively, you can use a can of chickpeas </small> + - Pressure cooker chickpeas come out a lot softer, if cooked at the longer time. Because of this, they don't need to be mashed as much. If you decide to use canned chickpeas (1 can will do), you may have to put a bit more effort to soften them up. + - Mix the mashed chickpeas with 3-4 tbsp (or more, to taste) of tofu mayo, 1 tbsp dijon mustard, 1/2 tsp kelp powder, 2 branches of chopped scallions and 1/4 tsp of cayenne powder. + - Season with black pepper and some shichimi togarashi, serve over toasted sliced bread. + + INGR + Main + Chickpeas : 3/4 cup, dry + Tofu mayo : 3-4 tbsp + Dijon mustard : 1 tbsp + Bull kelp powder : 1/2 tsp + Scallions : 2 branches + Cayenne pepper : 1/4 tsp + Sea salt : 1/4 tsp + Black pepper : 1/4 tsp + Shichimi togarashi : To taste + +BEER BREAD + DATE : 2016-09-20 + TAGS : bread beer sailboat + TIME : 60 + SERV : 1 loaf + DESC + & The idea of making beer bread came from a book written by Lin Pardey called "The Care and Feeding of the Offshore Crew". In this book, Lin talks about cooking at sea and has an entire chapter dedicated to baking onboard. In this chapter, the authot talks about the many ways to make fresh bread while sailing, including a quickbread recipe that uses 3 basic ingredients: flour, sugar and beer. + & Beer bread you say? Right up my alley! The next day I gave it a try, the result is fantastic - surprising given the little effort it takes to make it. + & The best thing about this bread, is that it can taste different everytime. Using different beer, will change the taste and color of the bread. I tried baking with an IPA (21st amendment), a Hefeweizen (Sunriver brewing co) and a brown ale (Hobgoblin). + & If you have self-rising flour, you can omit the baking powder and salt. You can use even less ingredients if you have a craft beer that has live yeast sediment at the bottom of the bottle. If you have a beer like that only flour, sugar and beer will do. Have fun experimenting with beers in your bread! + % https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppASJRVcXmM + INST + - Preheat your oven at 350F. + - Mix all the ingredients together well and add extra flour if too sticky. + - Sprinkle corn meal in your bread pan or tray and dump the sticky loaf into it. Optionally, you can add some oats on the top. + - Bake for 1 hour + - Let cool on a dish towel or rack + INGR + Main + All purpose flour : 2 cups + Salt : 1/2 tsp + Baking powder : 3 tsp + Sugar : 3 tbsp + Beer : 1 can + Cornmeal : 2 tbsp + Oats : 3 tbsp + +CHARCOAL TOOTHPASTE + DATE : 2016-11-05 + TAGS : lifestyle toothpaste black + TIME : 5 + SERV : 1 jar + DESC + & I've always liked making things from scratch, especially when cooking. I enjoy the process, making it myself means that i control the quality and quantity of each ingredient. In the last couple of years, I've removed most pre-made cleaning and hygiene products from my life. I make my own shampoo, deodorant, toilet cleaner, kitchen cleaner and I also make my own toothpaste. + % charcoal.toothpaste.1 + & Making it yourself is cheaper, and you're not burdened by wasteful packaging. Chances are you already have all of the ingredients at home to make it, there's nothing to it. The recipe consists of baking soda, foodgrade bamboo charcoal powder, coconut oil and peppermint oil (also food grade). You can omit the bamboo charcoal to make your own toothpaste, it will work just as well. If you want black toothpaste to match your black-everything though, this is a must. If you want some, make sure to get it from a reliable source. If you're a hardcore minimalist, you can also brush your teeth with a simple baking soda and water paste (though the saltiness can be overwhelming). Adding coconut and peppermint oil, makes for a better taste and texture. In colder climates, your toothpaste will solidify. Scraping some onto your toothbrush can be a challenge. Put the jar near a heater for 5 minutes or so to help soften it down. + % charcoal.toothpaste.2 + & Baking soda you can purchase in bulk; you can use to make a ton of products. I use it almost everyday on the boat to polish metals, unclog drains etc. One day i will make a post about cleaning products, for now, enjoy the bamboo charcoal toothpaste recipe! Awaken the Ohaguro in you (be assured that the bamboo charcoal won't really stain your teeth). + & You can order your own bamboo charcoal powder from {{Taketora|http://www.taketora.co.jp/fs/taketora/su00248}}, it's where i got mine. + INST + - Mix {_1 1/2 tbsp_} of {{baking soda}} with {_1/2 tsp_} of {{bamboo charcoal powder}}. + - Add 3 tbsp of coconut oil. If the coconut oil is hard, melt it down and mix it with the dry ingredients + - Add 1/2 tsp of food grade peppermint oil + - Mix everything up and brush your teeth! + INGR + Main + Baking soda : 1 1/2 tbsp + Bamboo charcoal powder : 1/2 tsp + Coconut oil : 3 tbsp + Peppermint oil : 1/2 tsp, to taste + +PAPAYA BRUSCHETTA TOPPING + DATE : 2017-19-20 + TAGS : sidedish fruit payapa + TIME : 5 + SERV : 2-3 people + DESC + & Before we arrived in the Marquesas, people made a point of telling us how difficult it was to find vegetables there. We heard that if we wanted tomatoes, we would need to get up at 4am to get them at the market. Devine & I are early risers, but we lack the will to take the dinghy to shore in the dark. It's just as well, because others we met who had tried, came back empty-handed. In the Marquesas, most vegetables are brought in by supply ships; you can never be certain of what you're going to get. Potatoes, cucumbers, cabbages and eggplants we had plenty of, but vegetables like tomatoes, pumpkins, bok choy and salad greens were like rare pokemon. + & We'd only ever made bruschetta topping with tomatoes, never thought of changing it for anything else. But then I thought, what looks like tomatoes? Papaya! They have a similar reddish tint, comparable texture too. Papaya is something Nuku Hiva has plenty of, and as it turns out, we prefer it over tomatoes now. Papaya is more firm and sweet, and pairs well with balsamic vinegar. I imagine it would taste great with mangoes too, it's something I may try when I get a craving again. + & If something isn't available, or is too expensive where you are (hunting for raspberries in japan comes to mind), swap it out for something else. Not every ingredient will work, but it's fun to try isn't it? + INST + - Peep skin from papaya, scoop out the seeds insides and cut the flesh into small cubes. + - Mix the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, dried basil and salt together. + - Pour over cubed papaya and serve with crackers. + INGR + Main + Papaya : 1 + Olive oil : 2 tbsp + Balsamic vinegar : 2 tbsp + Dried basil : 1 tbsp + Salt : to taste + +PAN FRIED BREADFRUIT + DATE : 2017-07-03 + TAGS : breadfruit mushroom + TIME : 1h30 + SERV : 4 people + DESC + & Breadfruit trees are everywhere in French Polynesia, but sometimes the fruit aren’t mature enough to pick. To make things more difficult, grocery stores don’t sell them (they don’t sell fruit either). The Polynesians don't buy fruit, they don't have to! They have plenty growing on their property. If they don’t have something, they can trade with neighbours for theirs. Getting our hands on a breadfruit was no simple task, but we are patient. At every island, we would ask the locals, but again, the fruit weren’t ready to pick off yet. + & Devine & I had breadfruit when we first arrived in Nuku Hiva, the owner of snack Vaeki prepared some for us. The chef cooked it outside, over hot coals. The taste is hard to describe, it's very potato-ey. We had the cooked breadfruit with some fresh coconut milk - extracted from a fresh coconut before our very eyes. Since then, we’ve been looking to cook it ourselves. + % pan.fried.breadfruit.1 + & Then finally we got our chance! We bought a breadfruit at the Fare street market in Huahine. The seller at the fruit stand gave it a few knocks, and told us it was ready to eat! It was delicious with coconut milk, but we wanted to try something different; we cut the breadfruit into wedges and pan-fried it. We then served it with some button mushrooms, coated with sweetened soy sauce. + & If you ever come by breadfruit fruit, please try it. It’s the perfect island food, and will keep you filled up for a long time! + INST + - Preheat oven to {#425F#}. + - Brush outside of {{breadfruit}} with {{olive oil}}, or {{coconut oil}}. + - Wrap in aluminum foil. + - Put in oven, and bake for {#1 hour#}. + - To check if ready, poke a knife through. If soft, it is ready. + - Remove foil, and peel skin away. Then, cut in half and scoop out the seed in the middle. + - Cut into wedges, and sautée in a pan with a bit of oil. Season with some salt and pepper. + - Cook both sides until crispy and golden. + - Mix {_4 tbsp_} {{soy sauce}} and {_2 tsp_} of {{sugar}} in a pan, stir, and cook on medium-heat for a few minutes. Add {{button mushrooms}}, and stir to coat them with the sauce. Server over breadfruit wedges. + INGR + Main + Breadfruit : 1 + Olive oil : 2 tbsp + Salt : to taste + Black pepper : to taste + Button mushrooms : 230g + Soy sauce : 4 tbsp + Sugar : 2 tsp + +CORN DUMPLINGS + DATE : 2017-14-08 + TAGS : cornmeal, asian + TIME : 40 + SERV : 2 people + DESC + & While Devine & I were still in British Columbia, I remember one morning waking up to the sound knocking at our boat. It was our neighbours, coming to offer some homemade pan-fried corn pone. I'd never had corn pone before, nor did i ever think of making any sort of flat cake using corn as a base. After that, I started to make it myself and would serve it with chili - lazy cornbread, as I like to call it. While sitting in the Niue yatch club, i found an old vegetarian cookbook; I must have spent an hour reading through it, the recipes were fantastic. The title read "The Farm vegetarian cookbook". It was sitting there, amongst a panoply of writting, including a Polish Murakami book (how I wish it had been written in english). The cookbook had an entire section dedicated to cooking with corn. It's in here, that I found a recipe for masa dumplings. + & Masa is corn that is simmered and ground into a paste. It's the base for many recipes, you can make Mexican-style tortillas with it! Or, you can use it to make dumplings! I don't have access to fresh corn, nor do i have the space or the time to make my own masa, but I used polenta (corn semolina) instead and it worked! The only difference is that you need to add boiling water so you you can roll the mixture into balls. If you were to use masa, you wouldn't need the added moisture. The texture of the dumplings is fun and chewy. The outside is soft, but the inside is like that of dense cornbread. Corn dumplings, I imagine, could be used to make fake meatballs. Devine & I enjoy eating it with tomato sauce or with a spicy apricot sauce. + & Instead of apricot jam, you can add apricot juice to the mix (orange will taste wonderful too). I added jam because I don't have any juice on the boat currently, and besides, it works well in this recipe. Enjoy! + + INST + - Mix 1 cup corn semolina, 1/4 cup flour, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp of salt. Stir until well mixed. + - Bring 1 cup of water to a boil, pour into dry ingredients and mix well. When the dough is wet and sticky, form 1/2" balls with your hands. You can make larger or smaller balls, note that cooking time will change if the diameter is bigger (15 minutes will do it.) + - Bring a big pot of water to a boil, add corn balls and boil for 10-15 minutes (i don't have a big pot, so i did it in batches.) + - Drain, let cool. + - Mix all sauce ingredients together (all, except the cornstarch). + - Put 1 tsp of cornstarch in a bowl, and dissolve in 1/4 cup of water. Set aside. + - Pour sauce into a pan, and bring to medium heat. Once the sauce starts to boil, add a few spoonfuls of the cornstarch mix to thicken the sauce. Once thickened, divide corn dumplings into bowls and pour sauce overtop. + + INGR + Main + Corn semolina : 1 cup + All purpose flour : 1/4 cup + Baking soda : 1/2 tsp + Baking powder : 1 tsp + Salt : 1/2 tsp + Water : 1 cup, boiled + Sauce + Apricot jam : 3 tsp + Soy sauce : 2 tbsp + Rice vinegar : 2 tbsp + Lemon juice : 1 tbsp + Sesame oil : 1 tsp + Water : 1/4 cup + Chili pepper flakes : 1 tbsp + Ginger root : 1 tsp + Garlic : 2, minced + Cornstarch : 1 tsp + +BREADFRUIT GNOCCHI + DATE : 2017-16-10 + TAGS : breadfruit pasta + TIME : 90 + SERV : 4 people + DESC + & We are about to leave Tonga, the tropics and the land of bountiful breadfruit. This versatile fruit can be cooked into fries, eaten with coconut milk, made into chips, or like this recipe suggests, it can be made into gnocchi. + & Breadfruit has a taste and texture that resembles that of potato. And so, it only makes sense that it too, can be made into gnocchi. The flesh of the fruit can be kneaded easily, especially if the fruit is very ripe. I have tried to knead it when half-ripe, it works too, but requires added moisture and more kneading - not to mention that it doesn't have as much flavor. Ripe breadfruit develops a sweet taste, it can be difficult to catch it at the right moment, like avocados, sometimes it'll overripen overnight and be rendered uneatable. Because we like it so much, we've bought many and have had time to better tell when it can be eaten. The outside becomes very soft to the touch, but only just. + & We serve these with a light sauce, to better taste the gnocchi. A sauce that we enjoy, is minced garlic and chili peppers cooked in olive oil. The sauce is poured overtop and sprinkled with bits of shredded nori. + & If you happen by the south pacific and see a {{breadfruit|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrZ5h0j8jTo}}, make some gnocchi. It's worth the effort. + + INST + - Wait until your breadfruit is very ripe, soft to the touch. A softer breadfruit will be easier to knead, and will taste sweeter. + - Preheat oven to 425F. Rub outside of breadfruit with olive oil, and wrap with aluminium foil. Cook for 1 hour. + - Remove foil, peel skin away, cut in half, and remove the seed. + - Let cool, and mash with your hands into a cohesive dough. Add flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until the breadfruit flesh stops sticking to your fingers. You may need more, or less, depending on the size of your fruit. + - Sprinkle your work surface with flour, take a golf-sized ball of dough, and roll it into a thin, finger-sized log. Cut the log into bite-sized pieces (around 2cm long) and repeat for the rest of the dough. + - At this point, you can choose to freeze the gnocchi, or to prepare them straight away. To cook them, bring a pot of water to a boil, add the gnocchi, and cook for 5 minutes or so, or until they start to rise to the surface. + - Serve with a light sauce, to better taste the subtle, but sweet flavor of the breadfruit gnocchi. + + INGR + Main + Breadfruit : 1 small + Olive oil : 1 tsp + All purpose flour : 1 1/4 cup, roughly + +SPINACH FAUX CHEESE RAVIOLI + DATE : 2017-16-10 + TAGS : cheese, pasta + TIME : 40 + SERV : 2 people + DESC + & We have arrived in New Zealand, the land of plenty. All of the foods that we like and miss are here. Foods like nutritional yeast, miso and soba (to name a few). With a fully re-stocked pantry, I started to make faux-cheese again, a recipe from Vegan Richa that is simple to make and that I love. The recipe is for a cheese that can be cut into wedges, or that can be grated over pizza. I had an idea to use this recipe to make filling for ravioli, the difference being that I won't add any agar agar (a seaweed based powder that makes liquids jellify). Making your own dough is simple, the whole process will take you less than 40 minutes. + % spinach.faux.cheese.ravioli.1 + & I got the idea to make ravioli from an old 70's book about the cooking of Italy. This book is one of many that we found in a thrift shop here in Whangarei; we bought all the ones that we could find. Devine & I like picking through them, drawing inspiration from the images and ingredients. + % spinach.faux.cheese.ravioli.2 + & A lot of the recipes in these books use meat and dairy, but it's easy to swap these ingredients out for something else. In New Zealand, the groceries are plentiful and finding everything we need is a breeze. We hope you enjoy this recipe, and that you try and make {{Richa's original pepper jack cheese recipe|http://www.veganricha.com/2014/08/almond-milk-pepper-jack-cheese-vegan-glutenfree-recipe.html}} too. + + INST + - For the filling, mix all of the dry ingredients into a bowl, then add all the wet ones (including the spinach) and stir well until evenly mixed. + - Heat a pan at medium heat, pour the filling into it. The mixture will thicken, when it does, transfer it back to a bowl and keep it aside for later. + - To make the dough, mix 1/2 tsp of salt with 1 cup of flour. Add 2/3 cup of water, knead the dough on a floured surface, working in some extra flour if the dough is too sticky. Once you have a smooth ball of dough, wrap it up and let it rest for at least 10 minutes. + - Divide the dough into two pieces, and roll out the first half of the dough to make it as thin as possible (and as rectangular as possible). Roll out the second piece of dough into a similar size and thickess. + - On the first sheet of pasta, place a mound of filling of the faux-cheese and spinach mixture every 2 inches across and down the pasta (spaced out to look like a checker board). + - Dip your finger into a bowl of water and make a line inbetween each row of filling (the water acts as a bond to hold the ravioli together). + - Place the second sheet of rolled-out pasta on top of the first one, pressing down firmly around the filling and along the wetted lines. + - With a knife (or ravioli cutter, if you feel fancy), cut the pasta into squares along the wetted lines. Keep separated pieces of ravioli aside. + - Bring a pot of water to a boil, and add the ravioli. Stir them gently to keep them from sticking to another another or on the bottom of the pot. Cook for 7-8 minutes or until tender. + - Serve with a light sauce, we made one with chilis, fresh basil and olive oil. A light tomato sauce would also be delicious. Enjoy. + + INGR + Cheese + Chickpea flour : 1 tbsp + Nutritional yeast : 1 tbsp + Arrowroot starch : 1.5 tbsp + Garlic powder : 1/4 tsp + Onion powder : 1/4 tsp + Chili pepper flakes : 1.5 tsp + Salt : dash + Spinach : 1/2 cup, chopped + Lemon juice : 1 tsp + Apple cider vinegar : 1/2 tsp + Soy milk : 3/4 cup + + Dough + All purpose flour : 1 cup + Water : 2/3 cup + Salt : 1/2 tsp + + diff --git a/scripts/graph.js b/scripts/graph.js @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +function BangNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.bang +} + +function ValueNode(id,rect,param) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.value + this.label = param + this.param = param + + this.answer = function() + { + return this.param + } +} + +function PrintNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.render + + this.receive = function(q) + { + this.label = q; + } +} + +function AddNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.equal + this.label = "add" + + this.add = function() + { + var sum = 0; + var values = this.request(); + for(id in values){ + sum += values[id]; + } + return sum + } + + this.receive = function(q) + { + this.send(this.add()) + } + + this.answer = function() + { + return this.add() + } +} + +function graph() +{ + Ø("query").cast({x:2,y:4},QueryNode) + Ø("print").cast({x:26,y:4},PrintNode) + + Ø("model").mesh({x:6,y:0},[ + Ø("router").cast({x:2,y:2},RouterNode), + Ø("database").cast({x:2,y:8},DatabaseNode), + Ø("recipes").cast({x:2,y:14},DictionaryNode), + ]) + + Ø("view").mesh({x:14,y:0},[ + Ø("template").cast({x:2,y:2},TemplateNode), + Ø("body").cast({x:2,y:8},ElementNode), + ]) + + Ø("router").syphon("database") + Ø("database").syphon("recipes") + + Ø("template").syphon("body") + + Ø("query").connect("router") + Ø("router").connect("template") + Ø("template").connect("print") + + Ø("query").bang() +} diff --git a/scripts/lib/riven.graph.js b/scripts/lib/riven.graph.js @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +function Riven_Graph() +{ + Riven.call(this); + + var GRID_SIZE = 20 + + this.el = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); + document.body.appendChild(this.el) + + this.graph = function() + { + var html = ""; + for(id in this.network){ + var node = this.network[id]; + html += draw_routes(node); + } + for(id in this.network){ + var node = this.network[id]; + html += draw_node(node); + } + this.el.innerHTML = html; + } + + function draw_routes(node) + { + var html = ""; + for(id in node.ports){ + var port = node.ports[id] + var pos = port ? get_port_position(port) : {x:0,y:0} + for(route_id in port.routes){ + var route = port.routes[route_id]; + if(!route){ continue; } + html += route ? draw_connection(port,route) : "" + } + } + return `<g id='routes'>${html}</g>` + } + + function draw_node(node) + { + var rect = get_rect(node); + + return ` + <g class='node ${node.is_mesh ? 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"fill" : ""}'/> + <text x="${rect.x+(rect.w/2)}" y="${rect.y+rect.h+(GRID_SIZE/2)}">${node.label}</text> + ${draw_ports(node)} + ${draw_glyph(node)} + </g>` + } + + function draw_ports(node) + { + var html = ""; + for(id in node.ports){ + html += draw_port(node.ports[id]); + } + return html + } + + function draw_glyph(node) + { + var rect = get_rect(node); + return !node.is_mesh ? `<path class='glyph' transform="translate(${rect.x+(GRID_SIZE/4)},${rect.y-(GRID_SIZE/4)}) scale(0.1)" d='${node.glyph}'/>` : "" + } + + function draw_port(port) + { + var pos = port ? get_port_position(port) : {x:0,y:0} + return `<g id='${port.host.id}_port_${port.id}'>${(port.type == PORT_TYPES.request || port.type == PORT_TYPES.answer)? `<path d='${draw_diamond(pos)}' class='port ${port.type} ${port.host.ports[id] && port.host.ports[id].route ? "route" : ""}' />` : `<circle cx='${pos.x}' cy="${pos.y}" r="${parseInt(GRID_SIZE/6)}" class='port ${port.type} ${port.host.ports[id] && port.host.ports[id].route ? "route" : ""}'/>`}</g>` + } + + function draw_connection(a,b,type) + { + return a.type == PORT_TYPES.output ? draw_connection_output(a,b) : draw_connection_request(a,b) + } + + function draw_connection_output(a,b) + { + var pos_a = get_port_position(a) + var pos_b = get_port_position(b) + var pos_m = middle(pos_a,pos_b) + var pos_c1 = {x:(pos_m.x+(pos_a.x+GRID_SIZE))/2,y:pos_a.y} + var pos_c2 = {x:(pos_m.x+(pos_b.x-GRID_SIZE))/2,y:pos_b.y} + + var path = "" + + path += `M${pos_a.x},${pos_a.y} L${pos_a.x+GRID_SIZE},${pos_a.y} ` + path += `Q${pos_c1.x},${pos_c1.y} ${pos_m.x},${pos_m.y} ` + path += `Q ${pos_c2.x},${pos_c2.y} ${pos_b.x-GRID_SIZE},${pos_b.y}` + path += `L${pos_b.x},${pos_b.y}` + + return `<path d="${path}" class='route output'/> + <circle cx='${pos_m.x}' cy='${pos_m.y}' r='2' fill='white'></circle>` + } + + function draw_connection_request(a,b) + { + var pos_a = get_port_position(a) + var pos_b = get_port_position(b) + var pos_m = middle(pos_a,pos_b) + var pos_c1 = {x:pos_a.x,y:(pos_m.y+(pos_a.y+GRID_SIZE))/2} + var pos_c2 = {x:pos_b.x,y:(pos_m.y+(pos_b.y-GRID_SIZE))/2} + + var path = "" + + path += `M${pos_a.x},${pos_a.y} L${pos_a.x},${pos_a.y+GRID_SIZE} ` + path += `Q${pos_c1.x},${pos_c1.y} ${pos_m.x},${pos_m.y} ` + path += `Q ${pos_c2.x},${pos_c2.y} ${pos_b.x},${pos_b.y-GRID_SIZE}` + path += `L${pos_b.x},${pos_b.y}` + + return `<path d="${path}" class='route request'/> + <circle cx='${pos_m.x}' cy='${pos_m.y}' r='2' fill='white'></circle>` + } + + function draw_diamond(pos) + { + var r = GRID_SIZE/6 + return `M${pos.x-(r)},${pos.y} L${pos.x},${pos.y-(r)} L${pos.x+(r)},${pos.y} L${pos.x},${pos.y+(r)} Z` + } + + function get_port_position(port) + { + var rect = get_rect(port.host) + var offset = {x:0,y:0} + if(port.type == PORT_TYPES.output){ + offset = {x:GRID_SIZE*2,y:GRID_SIZE/2} + } + else if(port.type == PORT_TYPES.input){ + offset = {x:0,y:GRID_SIZE/2} + } + else if(port.type == PORT_TYPES.answer){ + offset = {x:GRID_SIZE,y:-GRID_SIZE*0.5} + } + else if(port.type == PORT_TYPES.request){ + offset = {x:GRID_SIZE,y:GRID_SIZE*1.5} + } + return {x:rect.x+offset.x,y:rect.y+offset.y} + } + + function get_rect(node) + { + var rect = node.rect + var x = node.rect.x * GRID_SIZE; + var y = node.rect.y * GRID_SIZE; + var w = node.rect.w * GRID_SIZE; + var h = node.rect.h * GRID_SIZE; + + if(node.parent){ + var offset = get_rect(node.parent); + x += offset.x; + y += offset.y; + } + return {x:x,y:y,w:w,h:h} + } + + function distance(a,b) + { + return Math.sqrt( (a.x - b.x)*(a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y)*(a.y - b.y) ); + } + + function diagonal(a,b) + { + return a.x == b.x || a.y == b.y || a.y - a.x == b.y - b.x || b.y - a.x == a.y - b.x + } + + function middle(a,b) + { + return {x:(a.x+b.x)/2,y:(a.y+b.y)/2} + } + + // Cursor + + this.cursor = { + host:null, + el:document.createElement("cursor"), + pos:{x:0,y:0}, + offset:{x:0,y:0}, + origin:null, + install: function(host){ + this.host = host; + document.body.appendChild(this.el) + document.addEventListener('mousedown',(e)=>{ this.touch({x:e.clientX,y:e.clientY},true); e.preventDefault(); }); + document.addEventListener('mousemove',(e)=>{ this.touch({x:e.clientX,y:e.clientY},false); e.preventDefault(); }); + document.addEventListener('mouseup', (e)=>{ this.touch({x:e.clientX,y:e.clientY}); e.preventDefault(); }); + }, + update: function(){ + this.host.el.style.left = `${parseInt(this.offset.x)}px`; + this.host.el.style.top = `${parseInt(this.offset.y)}px`; + document.body.style.backgroundPosition = `${this.offset.x/2}px ${this.offset.y/2}px`; + }, + touch: function(pos,click = null){ + if(click == true){ + this.origin = pos; + return; + } + if(this.origin){ + this.offset.x += (pos.x - this.origin.x)/2; + this.offset.y += (pos.y - this.origin.y)/2; + this.update(); + this.origin = pos; + } + if(click == null){ + this.origin = null; + return; + } + this.pos = pos; + }, + magnet: function(val){ + return (parseInt(val/GRID_SIZE)*GRID_SIZE)+(GRID_SIZE/2); + } + } + + this.cursor.install(this); +}+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/lib/riven.js b/scripts/lib/riven.js @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ + +// "Don't forget, the portal combination's in my journal."" — Catherine + +function Riven() +{ + this.network = {} + + this.add = function(node) + { + node.setup(); + this.network[node.id] = node + } +} + +// QUERY + +function Ø(s,network = RIVEN.network) +{ + if(s.indexOf(" ") > -1){ + var node_id = s.split(" ")[0]; + var port_id = s.split(" ")[1]; + return network[node_id] && network[node_id].ports[port_id] ? network[node_id].ports[port_id] : null; + } + else if(network[s]){ + return network[s]; + } + else{ + return new Node(s); + } +} + +// NODE + +function Node(id,rect={x:0,y:0,w:2,h:2}) +{ + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.default + this.id = id; + this.ports = {} + this.rect = rect; + this.parent = null; + this.children = []; + this.label = id; + + this.setup = function() + { + this.ports.input = new Port(this,"in",PORT_TYPES.input) + this.ports.output = new Port(this,"out",PORT_TYPES.output) + this.ports.answer = new Port(this,"answer",PORT_TYPES.answer) + this.ports.request = new Port(this,"request",PORT_TYPES.request) + } + + this.create = function(pos = {x:0,y:0}) + { + this.rect.x = pos.x + this.rect.y = pos.y + RIVEN.add(this); + return this + } + + this.cast = function(pos = {x:0,y:0},type,param) + { + var node = new type(this.id,rect,param) + this.rect.x = pos.x + this.rect.y = pos.y + RIVEN.add(node); + return node + } + + this.mesh = function(pos,n) + { + var node = new Mesh(this.id,pos) + node.rect.x = pos.x + node.rect.y = pos.y + RIVEN.add(node); + + if(n instanceof Array){ + for(id in n){ + n[id].parent = node; + node.children.push(n[id]); + node.update(); + } + } + else{ + n.parent = node; + node.children.push(n); + node.update(); + } + return node; + } + + this.connect = function(q,type) + { + if(q instanceof Array){ + for(id in q){ + this.connect(q[id],type) + } + } + else{ + this.ports[type == ROUTE_TYPES.request ? "request" : "output"].connect(`${q} ${type == ROUTE_TYPES.request ? "answer" : "input"}`,type); + } + } + + this.syphon = function(q,type) + { + this.connect(q,ROUTE_TYPES.request) + } + + this.signal = function(target) + { + for(port_id in this.ports){ + var port = this.ports[port_id] + for(route_id in port.routes){ + var route = port.routes[route_id]; + if(!route || !route.host || route.host.id != target){ continue; } + return route.host + } + } + return null; + } + + // SEND/RECEIVE + + this.bang = function() + { + this.send(true) + } + + this.send = function(payload) + { + for(route_id in this.ports.output.routes){ + var route = this.ports.output.routes[route_id]; + if(!route){ continue; } + route.host.receive(payload) + } + } + + this.receive = function(q) + { + var port = this.ports.output + for(route_id in port.routes){ + var route = port.routes[route_id]; + if(route){ + route.host.receive(q) + } + } + } + + // REQUEST/ANSWER + + this.answer = function(q) + { + return this.request(q) + } + + this.request = function(q) + { + var payload = {}; + for(route_id in this.ports.request.routes){ + var route = this.ports.request.routes[route_id]; + if(!route){ continue; } + var answer = route.host.answer(q) + if(!answer){ continue; } + payload[route.host.id] = answer + + } + return payload + } + + // PORT + + function Port(host,id,type = PORT_TYPES.default) + { + this.host = host; + this.id = id; + this.type = type; + this.routes = []; + + this.connect = function(b,type = "transit") + { + this.routes.push(Ø(b)) + } + } + + // MESH + + function Mesh(id,rect) + { + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.is_mesh = true; + + this.setup = function(){} + + this.update = function() + { + var bounds = {x:0,y:0}; + for(id in this.children){ + var node = this.children[id]; + bounds.x = node.rect.x > bounds.x ? node.rect.x : bounds.x + bounds.y = node.rect.y > bounds.y ? node.rect.y : bounds.y + } + this.rect.w = bounds.x+4; + this.rect.h = bounds.y+5; + } + } +} + +var PORT_TYPES = {default:"default",input:"input",output:"output",request:"request",answer:"answer"} +var ROUTE_TYPES = {default:"default",request:"request"} +var NODE_GLYPHS = { + default: "M150,60 L150,60 L60,150 L150,240 L240,150 Z", + router:"M60,60 L60,60 L240,60 M120,120 A30,30 0 0,1 150,150 M150,150 A30,30 0 0,0 180,180 M180,180 L180,180 L240,180 M120,120 L120,120 L60,120 M60,240 L60,240 L240,240 M240,120 L240,120 L180,120 M60,180 L60,180 L120,180", + entry:"M60,150 L60,150 L240,150 L240,150 L150,240 M150,60 L150,60 L240,150", + bang:"M150,60 L150,60 L150,180 M150,240 L150,240 L150,240", + value:"M60,60 L60,60 L240,60 L240,240 L60,240 Z M60,150 L60,150 L240,150", + equal:"M60,60 L60,60 L240,60 M60,120 L60,120 L240,120 M60,180 L60,180 L240,180 M60,240 L60,240 L240,240", + render:"M60,60 L60,60 L240,60 L240,240 L60,240 Z M240,150 L240,150 L150,150 L150,240", +} diff --git a/scripts/nodes/database.js b/scripts/nodes/database.js @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +function DatabaseNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.entry + + this.cache = null; + + this.answer = function(q) + { + if(this.cache){ return cache; } + + console.log("!",q) + } +}+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/nodes/dictionary.js b/scripts/nodes/dictionary.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +function DictionaryNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.router +}+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/nodes/element.js b/scripts/nodes/element.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +function ElementNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.entry +}+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/nodes/query.js b/scripts/nodes/query.js @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +function QueryNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.entry + this.label = "query" + + this.bang = function() + { + var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1).replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi," ").trim().toLowerCase() + if(hash == ""){ + hash = "home"; + } + this.label = hash + this.send(hash) + } +}+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/nodes/router.js b/scripts/nodes/router.js @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +function RouterNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.router + this.label = "router" + + this.receive = function(q) + { + console.log(q) + + console.log(this.request("database")) + var page = {type:"custom"} + this.send(page) + } +}+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/nodes/template.js b/scripts/nodes/template.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +function TemplateNode(id,rect) +{ + Node.call(this,id,rect); + + this.glyph = NODE_GLYPHS.entry +}+ \ No newline at end of file