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commit: 2b8db259de5f150899a83dcd0b525e900d4104f9
parent c1b92ff9f6351f2091d5ce72ec40cd25b8f67a9e
Author: rekkabell <rekkabell@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue, 31 Dec 2019 15:59:44 -0500

last new ingredients


1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ingredients.c b/src/ingredients.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Ingredient beans = create_ingredient("beans", "Missing description."); +Ingredient beans = create_ingredient("beans", "Beans are the seeds of many plants, applied generally to many other seeds of similar form like <a href='soybeans.html'>soybeans</a>, peas, <a href='chickpeas.html'>chickpeas</a> etc. Beans are an important source of <b>Protein</b>."); Ingredient coffee = create_child_ingredient(&beans, "coffee", "Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffea' target='_blank'>Coffea plant</a>."); @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Ingredient peanut_butter = create_child_ingredient(&peanuts, "peanut butter", "A Ingredient soy_beans = create_child_ingredient(&beans, "soy beans", "Soy beans are a species of legumes, widely grown for its edible bean. 1/2 cup of dried soybeans equals one serving of the 3-4 servings of protein required for good health. It is also a good source of <a href='nutrition.html'>Omega 3's (ALA)</a>.<br /><br />Unfermented food uses of soybeans include <a href='soy_milk.html'>soy milk</a> and <a href='tofu.html'>tofu</a>, while fermented soy foods include <a href='soy_sauce.html'>soy sauce</a>, <a href='miso.html'>miso</a>, natto and <a href='tempeh.html'>tempeh</a>. A staple in Eastern Asia, soy beans are used as a base for many vegan faux-meat dishes.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient green_beans = create_child_ingredient(&beans, "green beans", "Missing description."); +Ingredient green_beans = create_child_ingredient(&beans, "green beans", "Green beans, also known as snap beans, string beans and snaps, are the unripe young fruit and pods of various cultivars of the common bean. Green beans are harvested and consumed with their pods, before the beans inside have matured. There are two kinds: bush beans (short plants) and pole beans (climbing plants).<br /><br />Some varieties of beans contain 'strings', a fibrous lining running the length of one side of the pod. This lining can be removed before cooking, although many commercially sold varieties are stringless."); Ingredient edamame = create_child_ingredient(&soy_beans, "edamame", "Edamame are immature <a href='soy_beans.html'>soy beans</a>, still in their pods. <b>Eda 枝</b> means 'stem' and <b>mame 豆</b> means 'beans', literally 'steam beans.' Edamame, like all soyfoods, are rich in <b>protein</b>. <br /><br />Edamame can be boiled or steamed, and served with salts of other condiments. Fresh edamame last for 3 days in the refrigerator, wrapped in a material that traps moisture to prevent discoloration and wilting. Fresh edamame can be frozen, but should be blanched first. Frozen edamame lasts for many months.<br /><br />"); @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ Ingredient chickpeas = create_ingredient("chickpeas", "Chickpeas are the earlies Ingredient chickpea_flour = create_child_ingredient(&chickpeas, "chickpea flour", "Chickpea flour — also known as <b>besan</b> or <b>gram</b> flour — is made from ground chickpeas. Chickpea flour has a long shelf life due to the low-moisture and low-fat content. Chickpea flour has a texture and taste that is ideal for savoury pancakes or faux-omelettes.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient green_peas = create_ingredient("green peas", "Missing description."); +Ingredient green_peas = create_ingredient("green peas", "Green peas, or <b>Pisum sativum</b> are small round seeds contained within pods, each pod has several peas which can be green, yellow, and sometimes purple. They are sold dried, frozen, canned and fresh. Green peas are a source of <b>vitamin A</b>, <b>vitamin C</b>, <b>iron</b> and <b>zinc</b>.<br /><br />"); Ingredient green_cabbage = create_ingredient("green cabbage", "Green cabbage is a vegetable with dense-leaved heads, closely related to <a href='broccoli.html'>broccoli</a>, <a href='brussel_sprouts.html'>brussel sprouts</a> and <a href='cauliflower.html'>cauliflower</a>. Cabbage can be pickled, fermented, steamed, stewed, sauteed, braised or consumed raw. Cabbage is a source of vitamin C.<br /><br />There are winter and summer cabbages, winter cabbages are more dense while summer cabbages are lighter and sweet.<br /><br />"); Ingredient red_cabbage = create_child_ingredient(&green_cabbage, "red cabbage", "Red cabbage is a good source of Vitamin C. ItIt can be used as a natural colorant - it needs to be boiled and mixed with vinegar to keep its colour. The plant changes its color according to the pH value of the soil, due to a pigment belonging to anthocyanins. Red cabbage keeps better than other varieties, and does not need to be converted to sauerkraut to last the winter.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient kale = create_ingredient("kale", "Missing description."); +Ingredient kale = create_ingredient("kale", "Kale, or leaf cabbage (Brassica oleracea), are grown for their leaves, which can be green or purple. They are classified by leaf type, ranging from curly to bumpy and flat or speared. Kale is a source of <b>vitamin A</b>, <b>vitamin C</b>, <b>iron</b> and <b>calcium</b>.<br /><br />"); Ingredient arugula = create_ingredient("arugula", "Arugula, or \"rocket\" is a plant grown for its leaves, which are fresh, taste and bitter. Arugula is rich in vitamin C and potassium. Its flowers, young seed pods and mature seeds are also edible."); @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Ingredient mushroom = create_ingredient("mushroom", "Mushrooms are the fleshy fr Ingredient wakame = create_child_ingredient(&seaweed, "wakame", "Wakame, or <b>Undaria pinnatifida</b> is an edible seaweed, subtly sweet with a strong flavour and texture. It has a salty, savoury taste. Wakame is often served in soups, or in salads. Wakame is often sold dried (can be re-constituted in water) or salted.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient dried_hijiki = create_child_ingredient(&seaweed, "dried hijiki", "Missing description."); +Ingredient dried_hijiki = create_child_ingredient(&seaweed, "dried hijiki", "Hijiki, or <b>羊栖菜</b>, is a brown edible seaweed, often sold in dry form. Hijiki is rich in <b>calcium</b> and <b>iron</b>.<br /><br /> Recent studies have shown that hijiki contains potentially toxic quantities of inorganic arsenic, and the food safety agencies of several countries (excluding Japan), including Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have advised against its consumption (<a href='https://web.archive.org/web/20140328011453/http://fsrio.nal.usda.gov/nal_web/fsrio/printresults.php?ID=4968'>ref</a>).<br /><br />"); Ingredient bull_kelp_powder = create_child_ingredient(&seaweed, "bull kelp powder", "Nereocystis a genus of brown kelp containing the species <b>Nereocystis luetkeana</b>. Some common names include edible kelp, bull kelp, bullwhip kelp, ribbon kelp, bladder wrack. Bull kelp powder is made from dried bull kelp, and is one of the tastiest seaweeds. It is used as a seasoning to create a briny taste."); @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Ingredient nagaimo = create_child_ingredient(&potatoes, "nagaimo", "Nagaimo is a Ingredient carrots = create_ingredient("carrots", "Carrots contain high quantities of vitamin A. Carrot cultivars can be grouped into two broad classes, <b>eastern carrots</b> (purple, yellow, often with branched roots) and <b>western carrots</b> (with an abundance of carotene). Carrots benefit from companion plants. Onions, leeks and chives for instance help repel the carrot root fly. Carrots can be stored for many months in a refrigerator, or in moist, cool places in winter. For long-term storage, carrots can be stashed in a bucket between layers of sand. A storage temperature of 0 to 5 °C is ideal.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient small_heirloom_tomatoes = create_ingredient("small heirloom tomatoes", "Missing description."); +Ingredient small_heirloom_tomatoes = create_ingredient("small heirloom tomatoes", "Heirloom tomatoes are non-hybrid tomatoes that are open-pollinated. They're found in a variety of colors, shapes and flavors. They are sweeter, and have a shorter shelf life than regular tomatoes.<br /><br />Heirloom tomatoes have traits that are less desirable from a commercial standpoint and so it's harder to find them, but in the spirit of genetic diversity there are many farmers who still grow them (<a href='https://archive.is/20130222102846/http://spiritfoods.net/heirloom-tomatoes/'>ref</a>).<br /><br />"); Ingredient heirloom_carrots = create_child_ingredient(&carrots, "heirloom carrots", "Heirloom carrots are a root vegetable, that comes in a variety of colors (orange, purple, black, red white and yellow). It is cultivated for its leaves and taproot. Carrots contain high quantities of vitamin A.<br /><br />Heirloom carrots are an old cultivar grown and maintained by a minority of gardeners and farmers. They were commonly grown during earlier periods in human history, but are not used in modern large-scale agriculture. Many heirloom carrots kept their traits through <b>open pollination</b>, plants pollinated naturally by birds, insects, wind, or human hands.<br /><br />"); @@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ Ingredient garlic = create_ingredient("garlic", "Garlic bulbs range from medium Ingredient garlic_powder = create_child_ingredient(&garlic, "garlic powder", "Garlic powder is dehydrated garlic. It is used in recipes where moisture content is key. 1/8 of a teaspoon of garlic powder equals one fresh <a href='garlic.html'>garlic</a> clove. To make garlic powder, the cloves are peeled and sliced, and then heated to a temperature of between 150-160C to remove all moisture. The dehydrated garlic is then sliced, chopped and ground into a powder.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient onion = create_ingredient("onion", "Missing description."); +Ingredient onion = create_ingredient("onion", "Onions, or <b>Alium cepa L</b>, are vegetables of the genus <b>Allium</b> There are many varieties, ranging in pungency, shape and color (red, yellow and white). Mature onion bulbs are the most commonly eaten, although onions can be consumed at any stage. Onions are available fresh, frozen, pickled, dried and powdered. Onions contain low amounts of essential nutrients.<br /><br />Onions are toxic to many animals, like dogs and cats (<a href='http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1678-91992011000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en'>ref</a>).<br /><br />"); Ingredient red_onion = create_child_ingredient(&onion, "red onion", "Red onions have a purplish-red skin, and flesh that is white and tinged with red. They are crunchy, pungent, sweet and a bit spicy when raw. When cooked, they become milder. They contain <b>vitamin C</b>, <b>iron</b> and <b>calcium</b>.<br /><br />Red onions can be grilled, roasted, braised, caramelized and pickled. The bulbs will keep for 1-2 months when stored in a cool, dark and dry place with good air circulation.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient onion_powder = create_child_ingredient(&onion, "onion powder", "Missing description."); +Ingredient onion_powder = create_child_ingredient(&onion, "onion powder", "Onion powder is made from finely ground, dehydrated onions. The taste and odour is very strong. Onion powder has a shelf life of 1 year if kept in a cool, dry place. In recipes, 1 tsp of onion powder can replace an entire medium-sized onion.<br /><br />"); Ingredient yellow_onion = create_child_ingredient(&onion, "yellow onion", "Yellow onions are encased in a light-yellow to copper papery skin, while the inner flesh is white. They are crunchy, with a pungent flavor when raw. If cooked, yellow onions develop a milder flavor, that is both nutty and sweet. Yellow onions are a good source of <b>vitamin C</b>. <br /><br />Yellow onions can be sauteed, braised, caramelized, grilled or dry-roasted. They are used to add flavor to broths, soups and stews. The bulbs will keep for 1-2 months if stored in a cool, dry and dark place with good air circulation.<br /><br />"); @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Ingredient cucumber = create_ingredient("cucumber", "There are many varieties of Ingredient persian_cucumbers = create_child_ingredient(&cucumber, "persian cucumbers", "Persian cucumbers are of the Burpless variety, meaning they are easy to digest and have a pleasant taste. They are crisp, sweet and void of developed seeds. It is harvested when 4-6\" in length, when they are at peak sweetness. They absorb flavors quickly, unlike garden cucumbers. They are sometimes marketed as seedless or burpless, because the seeds and skin of other varieties of cucumbers are said to give some people <a href='https://www.livestrong.com/article/471722-why-do-cucumbers-upset-my-digestion/' target='_blank'>gas</a>.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient eggplant = create_ingredient("eggplant", "Missing description."); +Ingredient eggplant = create_ingredient("eggplant", "Eggplants, or aubergine, is a species of the nightshade family <b>Solanaceae</b>. Eggplants have a spongy, absorbent inner flesh. Both its skin and seeds are edible. There are many vultivars, with colors ranging in color (white, bi-colored, yellow, purple, black etc), shape and size. Eggplants are low in nutrients.<br /><br />Eggplants become tender when cooked and develop a deep and complex flavor. To avoid discoloration, cut just before cooking. Because of its spongy interior, eggplants readily absorb oils and sauces which enhances the flavor of eggplant dishes.<br /><br />"); Ingredient zucchini = create_ingredient("zucchini", "Zucchini squash, or <b>courgette</b>, are summer squashes. They can be dark or light green. Botanically they are treated as vegetables, but they are fruits. Zucchini squah can be harvested when young, or later once it has grown to 6-8\" long. Immature squashes have better flavor, with a spongy yet firm texture. Zucchini are a low energy food, being 94 percent water, and are a source of <b>vitamin A</b>, <b>vitamin C</b> and <b>iron</b>.<br /><br />Zucchinis have a mild flavor which makes them ideal in both sweet and savory recipes. They can be grated, steamed, sauteed, battered, fried, baked, julienned for pasta, eaten raw etc. Zucchini will keep for 1-2 weeks if kept dry and refrigerated.<br /><br />"); @@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ Ingredient red_bell_peppers = create_child_ingredient(&peppers, "red bell pepper Ingredient yellow_bell_peppers = create_child_ingredient(&peppers, "yellow bell peppers", "Yellow bell peppers, or <b>capsicum</b>, are medium to large in size. The smooth skin is firm, glossy, and pale green when young, transforming to bright yellow with age. They have a mild, sweet flavor, and are a good source of <b>vitamin C</b>, <b>iron</b>, <b>calcium</b> and <b>vitamin A</b>.<br /><br />They can be served raw, or baked, sauteed, roasted and grilled. Red bell peppers keep 1-2 weeks when stored unwashed in the refrigerator.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient tomato = create_ingredient("tomato", "Missing description."); +Ingredient tomato = create_ingredient("tomato", "Tomatoes is the berry of the plant <b>Solanum lycopersicum</b>, also know as the tomato plant. Tomatoes have an umami flavor, and are consumed raw or cooked in a variety of dishes. There are around 7,500 tomato varieties (varying in color, size and shape), grown for various purposes. Tomatoes are a moderate source of <b>vitamin C</b>.<br /><br />Tomatoes keep well if they're unwashed and kept at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Storing a tomato stem-end down also prevents air from entering and moisture from exiting its scar, prolonging shelf life. Refrigerating tomatoes causes them to lose their flavor."); -Ingredient tomato_paste = create_child_ingredient(&tomato, "tomato paste", "Missing description."); +Ingredient tomato_paste = create_child_ingredient(&tomato, "tomato paste", "Tomato paste is made by cooking tomatoes for hours to reduce the water content. The seeds and skins are then strained, and the resulting liquid is cooked again to further reduce it into a thick concentrate. The paste is made with 'paste-type tomatoes', like Roma tomatoes, which are bred with a low water/higher solids content.<br /><br />"); Ingredient avocado = create_ingredient("avocado", "Avocados are botanically 'berries', they may be pear-shaped, round or egg-shaped. They are a good source of <b>vitamin C</b>, 75 percent of its energy comes from fat. Its flesh is thick, yellow/green and oily. It has a rich, creamy flavor with a nutty, yet clean, grassy finish.<br /><br />Avocado can be pureed, spooned out its shell and eaten as is (when ripe), or added to salads. The flesh is prone to enzymatic browning, quickly turning brown after exposure to air. To prevent browning, add lime or lemon juice to avocados after peeling.<br /><br />"); @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Ingredient banana = create_ingredient("banana", "They can be used in a variety o Ingredient kiwi = create_ingredient("kiwi", "Kiwi is the edible berry of species of <b>woody vines</b> in the genus <b>Actinidia</b>. Kiwifruit have a thin, hair-like skin with a light green or golden flesh. It has a soft texture with a sweet tart flavor. Kiwi fruit is a rich source of <b>vitamin C</b>, and a source of <b>calcium</b> and <b>iron</b>.<br /><br />Kiwifruit is eaten raw, used as a garnish, it is also processed into juices and baked into cakes. The whole fruit is edible, even the skin. To store, refrigerate ripe fruit up to ten days. Refrigerated unripe fruit lasts up to one month.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient apple = create_ingredient("apple", "Missing description."); +Ingredient apple = create_ingredient("apple", "Apples is the fruit of the apple tree (Malus domestica). Different cultivars are bred for various uses, like cooking and cider production. Apples are low in essential nutrients.<br /><br />Apples can be canned, frozen and dried, it can also be processed into jam, vinegar, juice or alcohol. Some varieties of apple can be stored up to a year, other varieties (like granny smith and fuji) have 3x the storage life of other kinds.<br /><br />"); Ingredient lemon = create_ingredient("lemon", "Lemons are a citrus fruit with a distinctive sour taste. They are a rich source of <b>vitamin C</b>. Lemon is sometimes used as a short-term preservative on foods (apples, avocados, bananas) that brown or oxidize after being sliced.<br /><br />"); @@ -347,8 +347,6 @@ Ingredient basmati_rice = create_child_ingredient(&rice, "basmati rice", "Basmat Ingredient short_grain_white_rice = create_child_ingredient(&rice, "short grain white rice", "Short grain white rice is also known as <b>uruchimai</b> rice or <b>sushi rice</b> in the west. It consists of short translucent grains that develop a sticky texture when cooked. The most common cultivars include <b>Koshihiraki</b>, <b>Akitakomachi</b>, <b>Sasanishiki</b> and <b>Calrose</b>. Calrose is technically a medium-grain rice, but is commonly used in in North American in Japanese cuisine. White short grain rice is milled so that it has its husk, bran and germ removed. Doing this alters the flavor and look of the rice and helps extend its storage life. After the rice is milled, the rice is often polished so that it becomes even more white.<br /><br /><b>How to cook glutinous rice:</b> Wash the rice to release excess starch, until water runs clear. Soak for 30 min (in summer) and 2h (in winter). Use a rice to water ratio of 1:1.25. Bring water to a boil, turn heat to low and cover pot with lid. Cook for 10 minutes. Let rest for 10 min.<br /><br />"); -Ingredient black_rice = create_child_ingredient(&rice, "black rice", "Missing description."); - Ingredient puffed_rice = create_child_ingredient(&rice, "puffed rice", "Puffed rice refers to various foods made by introducing air into rice, typically in such a way that the grains of rice become larger and lighter, while also reducing moisture to achieve a crisp texture consistency. A variety of methods exist to make puffed rice, with varying effects on the final product (<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puffed_rice' target='_blank'>ref</a>)."); Ingredient medium_grain_brown_rice = create_child_ingredient(&rice, "medium grain brown rice", "Brown rice is medium or long-grain rice that has not been polished (still has its bran and germ). The rice is a beige, or light brown color and has not been refined. Brown rice is higher in vitamins, such as B1 (thiamine), but has a longer cooking time. Brown rice has a shelf life of approximately 6 months.<b>How to cook brown rice:</b> Use a rice to water ratio of 1:2. Rinse the rice thoroughly. Combine rice and water, stir in some salt. Bring to a boil and reduce heat and cover. Cook for 45 min. Take rice off heat, let rest for 10-15 min.<br /><br /><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germinated_brown_rice' target='_blank'>Germinated brown rice</a> has a good nutritional profile, cooks faster than brown rice and has a better overall texture when cooked.<br /><br />"); @@ -477,4 +475,4 @@ Ingredient chocolate_chips = create_child_ingredient(&cocoa_beans, "chocolate ch // removed: &coconut, &tomato, &radish -Ingredient *ingredients[] = {&coffee, &lentils, &beluga_lentils, &brown_lentils, &shelled_hemp_seeds, &tempeh, &peanut_butter, &peanuts, &soy_beans, &beans, &green_beans, &edamame, &chickpeas, &chickpea_flour, &green_peas, &green_cabbage, &red_cabbage, &kale, &arugula, &cauliflower, &white_cauliflower, &purple_cauliflower, &brussel_sprouts, &daikon, &arame, &seaweed, &mushroom, &wakame, &dried_hijiki, &bull_kelp_powder, &nori, &nori_sheets, &shiitake, &crimini, &portobello, &shimeji, &button_mushrooms, &flax_seeds, &sunflower_seeds, &pumpkin_seeds, &sesame_seeds, &white_sesame_seeds, &black_sesame_seeds, &tahini, &pomegranate_seeds, &chia_seeds, &nagaimo, &carrots, &small_heirloom_tomatoes, &heirloom_carrots, &ginger_root, &potatoes, &russet_potatoes, &sweet_potatoes, &bok_choy, &beets, &golden_beets, &red_beets, &cassava, &garlic, &garlic_powder, &onion, &red_onion, &onion_powder, &yellow_onion, &cucumber, &persian_cucumbers, &eggplant, &zucchini, &chives, &peppers, &red_bell_peppers, &tomato_paste, &avocado, &pumpkin, &olives, &green_olives, &black_olives, &pimento_olives, &acorn_squash, &breadfruit, &scallions, &spinach, &alfalfa_sprouts, &dried_raisins, &blackberries, &dried_cranberries, &dried_white_mulberries, &dry_corn_kernels, &pandanus_fruit, &banana, &apple, &lemon, &lemon_zest, &lemon_juice, &orange, &pears, &bartlett_pear, &papaya, &pomegranate, &pomegranate_juice, &mango, &hachiya_persimmon, &persimmon, &dates, &deglet_noor_dates, &date_caramel, &apricot_jam, &ao_nori, &kanten_powder, &turmeric_root, &ground_turmeric, &cinnamon, &rosemary, &basil, &dried_basil, &wasabi_root, &wasabi_powder, &sichuan_peppercorns, &coriander, &mint, &peppermint, &cocoa_beans, &cocoa_powder, &granulated_sugar, &cayenne_pepper, &cayenne_pepper_powder, &anise_seeds, &nutritional_yeast, &vanilla, &vanilla_extract, &nutmeg, &thyme, &poppy_seeds, &paprika, &smoked_paprika, &curry_powder, &cumin_seeds, &mustard_seeds, &dijon_mustard, &black_pepper, &shichimi_togarashi, &garam_masala, &panko, &carob, &carob_chips, &bay_leaf, &chili_pepper_flakes, &chili_peppers, &hops, &dried_orange_peel, &oregano, &whole_wheat_flour, &buckwheat_groats, &buckwheat_noodles, &buckwheat_flour, &einkorn_wheat_flour, &spelt_flour, &gluten_flour, &cornmeal, &corn_semolina, &rolled_oats, &rice, &basmati_rice, &short_grain_white_rice, &black_rice, &puffed_rice, &medium_grain_brown_rice, &black_glutinous_rice, &rice_flour, &flour, &all_purpose_flour, &breadfruit_flour, &wheat_semolina, &beni_shouga, &vegemite, &miso, &red_miso, &white_miso, &tofu, &soft_tofu, &burmese_tofu, &veganaise, &soy_sauce, &sriracha, &mirin, &baking_powder, &bamboo_charcoal_powder, &cornstarch, &active_dry_yeast, &baking_soda, &agar_agar_powder, &arrowroot_starch, &maple_syrup, &brown_rice_syrup, &japanese_rice_vinegar, &balsamic_vinegar, &apple_cider_vinegar, &matcha_powder, &houjicha, &beer, &sake, &coconut_oil, &canola_oil, &olive_oil, &sesame_oil, &peppermint_oil, &fresh_dill, &coconut_milk, &soy_milk, &baguette, &bread_crusts, &vegan_butter, &cavatappi, &fusilli, &soy_yogurt, &kinako, &corn_tortillas, &fleur_de_sel, &vegetable_bouillon, &water, &powdered_sugar, &whole_cane_sugar, &coconut_sugar, &brown_sugar, &salt, &sea_salt, &chocolate_chips, &green_bell_peppers, &yellow_bell_peppers, &kiwi, &tamarind_paste, &gochujang, &oats, &red_wine }; +Ingredient *ingredients[] = {&coffee, &lentils, &beluga_lentils, &brown_lentils, &shelled_hemp_seeds, &tempeh, &peanut_butter, &peanuts, &soy_beans, &beans, &green_beans, &edamame, &chickpeas, &chickpea_flour, &green_peas, &green_cabbage, &red_cabbage, &kale, &arugula, &cauliflower, &white_cauliflower, &purple_cauliflower, &brussel_sprouts, &daikon, &arame, &seaweed, &mushroom, &wakame, &dried_hijiki, &bull_kelp_powder, &nori, &nori_sheets, &shiitake, &crimini, &portobello, &shimeji, &button_mushrooms, &flax_seeds, &sunflower_seeds, &pumpkin_seeds, &sesame_seeds, &white_sesame_seeds, &black_sesame_seeds, &tahini, &pomegranate_seeds, &chia_seeds, &nagaimo, &carrots, &small_heirloom_tomatoes, &heirloom_carrots, &ginger_root, &potatoes, &russet_potatoes, &sweet_potatoes, &bok_choy, &beets, &golden_beets, &red_beets, &cassava, &garlic, &garlic_powder, &onion, &red_onion, &onion_powder, &yellow_onion, &cucumber, &persian_cucumbers, &eggplant, &zucchini, &chives, &peppers, &red_bell_peppers, &tomato_paste, &avocado, &pumpkin, &olives, &green_olives, &black_olives, &pimento_olives, &acorn_squash, &breadfruit, &scallions, &spinach, &alfalfa_sprouts, &dried_raisins, &blackberries, &dried_cranberries, &dried_white_mulberries, &dry_corn_kernels, &pandanus_fruit, &banana, &apple, &lemon, &lemon_zest, &lemon_juice, &orange, &pears, &bartlett_pear, &papaya, &pomegranate, &pomegranate_juice, &mango, &hachiya_persimmon, &persimmon, &dates, &deglet_noor_dates, &date_caramel, &apricot_jam, &ao_nori, &kanten_powder, &turmeric_root, &ground_turmeric, &cinnamon, &rosemary, &basil, &dried_basil, &wasabi_root, &wasabi_powder, &sichuan_peppercorns, &coriander, &mint, &peppermint, &cocoa_beans, &cocoa_powder, &granulated_sugar, &cayenne_pepper, &cayenne_pepper_powder, &anise_seeds, &nutritional_yeast, &vanilla, &vanilla_extract, &nutmeg, &thyme, &poppy_seeds, &paprika, &smoked_paprika, &curry_powder, &cumin_seeds, &mustard_seeds, &dijon_mustard, &black_pepper, &shichimi_togarashi, &garam_masala, &panko, &carob, &carob_chips, &bay_leaf, &chili_pepper_flakes, &chili_peppers, &hops, &dried_orange_peel, &oregano, &whole_wheat_flour, &buckwheat_groats, &buckwheat_noodles, &buckwheat_flour, &einkorn_wheat_flour, &spelt_flour, &gluten_flour, &cornmeal, &corn_semolina, &rolled_oats, &rice, &basmati_rice, &short_grain_white_rice, &puffed_rice, &medium_grain_brown_rice, &black_glutinous_rice, &rice_flour, &flour, &all_purpose_flour, &breadfruit_flour, &wheat_semolina, &beni_shouga, &vegemite, &miso, &red_miso, &white_miso, &tofu, &soft_tofu, &burmese_tofu, &veganaise, &soy_sauce, &sriracha, &mirin, &baking_powder, &bamboo_charcoal_powder, &cornstarch, &active_dry_yeast, &baking_soda, &agar_agar_powder, &arrowroot_starch, &maple_syrup, &brown_rice_syrup, &japanese_rice_vinegar, &balsamic_vinegar, &apple_cider_vinegar, &matcha_powder, &houjicha, &beer, &sake, &coconut_oil, &canola_oil, &olive_oil, &sesame_oil, &peppermint_oil, &fresh_dill, &coconut_milk, &soy_milk, &baguette, &bread_crusts, &vegan_butter, &cavatappi, &fusilli, &soy_yogurt, &kinako, &corn_tortillas, &fleur_de_sel, &vegetable_bouillon, &water, &powdered_sugar, &whole_cane_sugar, &coconut_sugar, &brown_sugar, &salt, &sea_salt, &chocolate_chips, &green_bell_peppers, &yellow_bell_peppers, &kiwi, &tamarind_paste, &gochujang, &oats, &red_wine };