- # kanaconv: Command to convert Japanese from/to Kana/Kanji/Romaji with furigana option
- I created this tool as I wanted to have a way to easily generate [furigana]( from Japanese text, a feature missing from [kakasi](, which I'd recommend also checking out.
- ## Dependencies
- - A CommonJS engine, such as NodeJS
- - [kuroshiro]( `^1.2.0`
- - [kuroshiro-analyzer-mecab]( `^1.0.0`
- - [minimist]( `^1.2.8`
- Mecab Analyzer was picked as Mecab is widly packaged in distros while the rest are NPM-only and rather obscure by comparison.
- Should also be noted that the only indirect hard-dependencies are mecab-async and shell-quote, this makes this software packageable in distributions the traditional way.
- ## Copyright
- ```
- Copyright © 2023 Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier <>
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
- ```