

Linux initrd to bootstrap from a small binary seed git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/bootstrap-initrd.git

bootstrap-tiny-curl.sh (462B)

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. set -ex
  3. die() {
  4. echo "die: $@"
  5. exit 1
  6. }
  7. # pdpmake: (Makefile:374): recursive macro am__v_lt_
  8. # pdpmake: (Makefile:1299): failed to build 'all-recursive' exit 1
  9. # Works with gmake and bmake
  10. command -v make || die "Run /bootstrap-make.sh"
  11. tar xof /tiny-curl-*.tar.gz
  12. cd tiny-curl-*/
  13. LD=$CC ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-bearssl --with-ca-bundle=/usr/share/cacert/cert.pem
  14. make RANLIB=true
  15. make install INSTALL=install
  16. cd ..
  17. rm -fr tiny-curl-*/