

Linux initrd to bootstrap from a small binary seed git clone https://anongit.hacktivis.me/git/bootstrap-initrd.git/

README.md (7512B)

  1. # bootstrap-initrd
  2. ```
  3. Copyright 2017 Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier <contact@hacktivis.me>
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
  5. ```
  6. A initrd generator for Linux to bootstrap a POSIX-ish system from a reasonably small binary seed.
  7. ## Status
  8. - [x] Small binary seed of only TCC and musl (~1.2MB of binaries, depending on the architecture), enforced by [deblob](https://hacktivis.me/projects/deblob)
  9. - [x] Capable of bootstrapping <https://git.sr.ht/~mcf/oasis>
  10. - [ ] Self-replicating: Able to reassemble the initrd with Alpine apks
  11. - [ ] Self-hosting: Able to recompile all the software used from source (including tcc and musl)
  12. - [x] Code compiled by `init.sh` is reviewable, mostly thanks to a lack of autotools
  13. ## Explorations
  14. - Reduce the binary seed even further, without compromising on keeping the bootstrapping simple and reasonably fast
  15. ## Non-Goals
  16. - GNU Environment, there is already <https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap> for this and it's a massive effort
  17. - Become a distro, at worst it should end up deferring to an existing ports system like <https://www.pkgsrc.org/>
  18. ## Architectures
  19. You can set `ALPINE_ARCH` to change the architecture, by default it's set to `x86_64`.
  20. - `aarch64`: Untested
  21. - `armhf`: Untested
  22. - `armv7`: Untested
  23. - `riscv64`: Works except for extras (tested on VisionFive2 with linux-lts from Alpine)
  24. - `x86`: Works
  25. - `x86_64` (aka amd64): Works
  26. ## Rationales
  27. Each of those roughly by their build order.
  28. ### TCC (binary)
  29. Need to start somewhere and TCC allows to interpret C, allowing to avoid seeding another interpreter.
  30. The reason to not pick Guile+MesCC instead is because I find Guile Scheme to be less well-known than amd64 itself.
  31. ### musl (binary)
  32. Need a libc to start somewhere, tryhards could maybe compile it from source with TCC to reduce the seed further but this hasn't been tried.
  33. It's `libc.a` is removed, to shave off 9.1MB from the binary seed, going from 11MB total to 1.2MB total, you're likely going to rebuild musl anyway since this is a sort of stage0.
  34. ### TCC as ar(1) implementation
  35. Meanwhile:
  36. - Binutils: 300+ MiB repository of sources, generated artifacts frequently over 1MB, and test fixtures also often over 1MB. Nope.
  37. ### OpenBSD ksh
  38. Portable version done by Dr. Brian Robert Callahan aka ibara@, of OpenBSD.
  39. Buildable with only a C compiler while being nicely complete (maybe even too much).
  40. Builtin commands (as of 7.6):
  41. - defined in c_sh.c: ., :, [, break, builtin, continue, eval, exec, exit, false, return, set, shift, times, trap, wait, read, test, true, ulimit, umask, unset, suspend
  42. - defined in c_ksh.c: alias, cd, command, echo, export, fc, getopts, jobs, kill, let, print, pwd, readonly, type, typeset, unalias, whence, bg, fg (and bind when emacs-mode is enabled)
  43. Meanwhile:
  44. - loksh: similar port but header names overrides the libc ones
  45. - mrsh: Too incomplete for actual use, but trivial to build with only a C Compiler
  46. - heirloom-sh: Also buildable with only a C Compiler but fails to allocate memory at launch
  47. - bash, yash: autoconf, so needs an existing shell
  48. - dash: autoconf and generator scripts, so needs an existing shell
  49. - mksh: ./Build.sh, so needs an existing shell
  50. - AT&T ksh: Way too big to even try, might as well try Perl
  51. ### OpenBSD yacc
  52. Portable version done by Dr. Brian Robert Callahan aka ibara@, of OpenBSD.
  53. Uses a BSD-style configure script, trivial to diff between versions and adjust hardcoded compiler flags (no utilities to run said script yet).
  54. Meanwhile:
  55. - bison: autoconf, way too early
  56. - byacc: autoconf
  57. - [yacc from compilertools.net](https://web.archive.org/web/20220511161030/http://dinosaur.compilertools.net/): Domain expired years ago and turns out Gentoo was the only distro still providing it
  58. ### utils-std
  59. My own software, which explicitly allows to bootstrap with an incomplete POSIX environment such as this one.
  60. Meanwhile:
  61. - GNU coreutils: Autoconf, therefore needs the utilities it's building plus some extras to already be available
  62. - Busybox and Toybox: Heavy dependency on GNU Make, bash, …, which can only come much later on in the bootstrapping process
  63. ## sbase
  64. Simple `ed` and `sed` implementations which uses `regex.h` instead of some broken regex engine.
  65. Lack of support of `-i` option on sed(1) is a bit annoying, might patch this.
  66. Meanwhile:
  67. - minised: Broken regex engine which is too limited to pass `./configure` checks like the one in GNU make
  68. - GNU sed: `./configure` script requires an existing sed (*why*), doesn't seems like there's a workaround.
  69. ### (One True) awk
  70. Reference implementation and AFAIK the one used in BSDs, can be built with only a Yacc implementation and a C Compiler.
  71. ### pdpmake
  72. Public Domain POSIX make, trivial to compile without an existing make, features future POSIX additions and common extensions.
  73. Meanwhile:
  74. - bmake (NetBSD make port): autotools configure script, simpler than the one in GNU make but still unreviewable
  75. - OpenBSD make, port at <https://github.com/ibara/make> is incomplete and likely outdated
  76. - (OpenOffice) dmake: Horribly massive
  77. ### bzip2
  78. Builds with C Compiler + POSIX make.
  79. Meanwhile:
  80. - pbzip2: Requires C++ compiler
  81. ### zlib
  82. Simple albeit slightly broken `./configure` script (see patches).
  83. ### pigz
  84. Simple, needs make + c compiler + zlib.
  85. Note: Vendored zopfli got removed, so no compression beyond -9
  86. Meanwhile:
  87. - GNU gzip: Autotools
  88. ### Heirloom-devtools lex
  89. Slightly messy Makefiles but only has few dependencies.
  90. Meanwhile:
  91. - flex: Autotools
  92. ### Heirloom-devtools m4
  93. Slightly messy Makefiles but only has few dependencies.
  94. Meanwhile:
  95. - GNU m4: Not even close
  96. - OpenBSD m4 aka om4: Requires a more modern lex than heirloom-devtools provides
  97. ### Heirloom (toolchest) diff, sort
  98. Slightly messy Makefiles but only has few dependencies.
  99. ### Heirloom (toolchest) tar
  100. Slightly messy Makefiles but only has few dependencies.
  101. Meanwhile:
  102. - libarchive aka bsdtar: Autotools
  103. - GNU tar: [No.](https://www.roguelazer.com/blog/surprising-behavior-in-gnu-tar/)
  104. ### extras as packed tarballs
  105. - GNU make: Required by the other extras
  106. - muxzcat: To decompress qbe tarball
  107. - lua: For oasis
  108. - muon: For pkgconf and git without autotools
  109. - pkgconf: For iproute2
  110. - iproute2: Basic networking configuration
  111. - bearssl: small TLS library
  112. - tiny-curl: Still pretty big but hopefully close enough to the usual one
  113. - cacert (from curl.haxx.se): Maybe could be reduced to a handful of CAs (like maybe even just Let's Encrypt)
  114. - git: For oasis
  115. - e2fsprogs: In case you need to format some extra storage
  116. You can automatically build all of the above with `/extras-build-all.sh` but be warned that those aren't as curated and due to lack of deblob, they might contain binaries and some use autotools which harms reviewability.
  117. You can also exclude those tarballs from the initrd with setting the `EXCLUDE_EXTRAS` environment variable to any value.
  118. ## Launching in QEMU
  119. * You need a Linux kernel, so far no known version limitations
  120. * Combination of `panic=1` and `-no-reboot` allows to exit+relaunch
  121. ```
  122. $ ./make-initrd.sh && qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 512 -kernel /boot/vmlinuz-6.6.21-gentoo -initrd bootstrap-initrd/x86_64.cpio.gz -append 'init=/init console=ttyS0 panic=1' -nographic -no-reboot
  123. ```
  124. ## Dev setup via bubblewrap
  125. ```
  126. $ ./make-root.sh && bwrap --clearenv --unshare-all --bind bootstrap-initrd/x86_64/ / --proc /proc --dev /dev --uid 0 /init
  127. ```
  128. Useful as it allows to manipulate the environment externally, for example to edit files in an editor more comfortable than `ed(1)`.