

My website can't be that messy, right? git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/blog.git
commit: d5da76ff92930f243ddb0eb39ede80559571e27a
parent 6bcbcf5e5f56ac23bf00c0a39763225dafc10461
Author: Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier <contact@hacktivis.me>
Date:   Sat, 16 May 2020 11:14:05 +0200

standards: Add it back!


2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/standards.shtml b/standards.shtml @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html> +<html lang="en"> + <head> +<!--#include file="/templates/head.shtml" --> + <title>Standards — Cyber-home of lanodan</title> + </head> + <body> +<!--#include file="/templates/en/nav.shtml" --> + <main> + <h1>Standards and/or Implementations</h1> + <p>This is a very opiniated list about standards and/or implementations, feel free to ask some questions if you're curious but of course no flaming/evangelism.</p> + <h2>The good ones</h2> + <p>The ones that are well made and either have been battle-tested or will surely pass it.</p> + <dl> + <dt>DateTime</dt><dd>ISO 8601, consider RFC 3339 if you need a subset of it.</dd> + <dt>Text Encoding</dt><dd>UTF-8</dd> + <dt>Transport</dt><dd>SSH, HTTP/0.9 &amp; HTTP/1.0, TCP/IPv6, BitTorrent</dd> + <dt>Texts documents</dt><dd>plain text in UTF-8, <a href="https://mandoc.bsd.lv/">mdoc</a>, XHTML5 (with ignoring the living standard and mostly sticking to <a href="http://w3.org/tr/html4/">HTML4</a>), EPUB</dd> + <dt>Images</dt><dd>PNG (logo, cartoons, …), JPEG (scans, photos, …), T(ar)GA</dd> + <dt>Audio format</dt><dd>Opus, Vorbis, <abbr title="Free Lossless Audio COding">FLAC</abbr>, wav/au</dd> + <dt>Audio API</dt><dd>SunAudio, <a href="http://www.sndio.org/">sndio</a>, OSSv4</dd> + <dt>Video formats</dt><dd>VP9, Theora</dd> + <dt>Multimedia containers</dt><dd>Matroska(mkv)</dd> + <dt>Subtitles</dt><dd>SRT, ASS</dd> + <dt>Playlists</dt><dd>M3U(8)</dd> + <dt>Compression</dt><dd>lzma, gzip, bzip2</dd> + <dt>Archive</dt><dd>tar (warning: <a href="https://dev.gentoo.org/~mgorny/articles/portability-of-tar-features.html">portability</a>), squashfs</dd> + <dt>Filesystems</dt><dd>ZFS, squashfs</dd> + <dt>Version Control</dt><dd>git, mercurial, CVS</dd> + <dt>Programming languages</dt><dd>ISO C, POSIX Shell, Elixir, Perl5, Go</dd> + <dt>Data serialisation</dt><dd>JSON, XML</dd> + <dt>Instant Messaging</dt><dd>IRC</dd> + </dl> + <h2>The growing ones</h2> + <p>The ones that are well made so far but can't be sure about how they'll do in production or how they'll age.</p> + <dl> + <dt>Programming languages</dt><dd>Zig, Crystal</dd> + <dt>Video formats</dt><dd>AV1</dd> + <dt>Instant Messaging</dt><dd>ChatMessage through ActivityPub</dd> + <dt>Transport</dt><dd>Datashards</dd> + </dl> + <h2>The okay ones</h2> + <p>The ones that I'd rather have them abandonned but if it needs a replacement it would have to be careful to not make it worse.</p> + <dl> + <dt>Compression</dt><dd><a href="https://www.nongnu.org/lzip/xz_inadequate.html">XZ</a></dd> + <dt>Transport</dt><dd>NFS, HTTP/2.0</dd> + <dt>Audio formats</dt><dd>AAC</dd> + <dt>Video formats</dt><dd>H.264, H.265</dd> + <dt>Audio API</dt><dd>ALSA, JACK, OSSv3</dd> + <dt>Data serialisation</dt><dd>INI, YAML</dd> + <dt>Filesystems</dt><dd>FAT, EXT4, NTFS</dd> + <dt>Instant Messaging</dt><dd>XMPP</dd> + </dl> + <h2>The monsters</h2> + <p>The ones that I'd rather have them go away right now, they can't really be made worse, some shouldn't even be replaced.</p> + <dl> + <dt>DateTime</dt><dd>US date format</dd> + <dt>Texts documents</dt><dd>PDF outside of PDF/A, PostScript</dd> + <dt>Programming languages</dt><dd><a href="/articles/Rust%20sucks%20as%20a%20system%20language">Rust</a>, JavaScript, Flash</dd> + <dt>Offline encryption</dt><dd>OpenPGP</dd> + <dt>Audio API</dt><dd>PulseAudio</dd> + <dt>Data serialisation</dt><dd>JSON-LD, XML/RPC</dd> + <dt>Instant Messaging</dt><dd>Matrix</dd> + <dt>Transport</dt><dd>WebRTC (and so WebTorrent), <a href="/articles/HTTP3">HTTP/3</a> and QUIC, HSTS, HPKP</dd> + </dl> + </main> +<!--#include file="/templates/en/footer.html" --> + </body> +</html> diff --git a/templates/en/nav.shtml b/templates/en/nav.shtml @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ <li><a href="/decreases%20of%20usability">Decreases of usability</a></li> <li><a href="/kopimi/">/kopimi/ (libre data)</a></li> <li><a href="/notes/">/notes/</a></li> + <li><a href="/standards">standards</a> (opinions)</li> </ul></li> <li><a href="/projects/badwolf">Badwolf</a></li> </ul><ul class="right">