

STAtic GIT web view generator (in C) git clone https://anongit.hacktivis.me/git/stagit.git/

config.h (561B)

  1. /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
  2. static const unsigned summarylen = 70; /* summary length in the log */
  3. static const int showlinecount = 1; /* display line count or file size in file tree index */
  4. static const char *assetpath = "/git/"; /* Where are the assets (example: assetpath/style.css ) */
  5. static const char *faviconurl = "/git/logo.png"; /* Where is the favicon (example: /favicon.png ) */
  6. static const char *repo_name = "/git/";
  7. static const char *repo_description = "Lanodan’s git repositories";