static_fe_controller_test.exs (5961B)
- defmodule Pleroma.Web.StaticFE.StaticFEControllerTest do
- use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
- alias Pleroma.Activity
- alias Pleroma.Config
- alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier
- alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils
- alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
- import Pleroma.Factory
- setup_all do: clear_config([:static_fe, :enabled], true)
- setup do: clear_config([:instance, :federating], true)
- setup %{conn: conn} do
- conn = put_req_header(conn, "accept", "text/html")
- user = insert(:user)
- %{conn: conn, user: user}
- end
- describe "user profile html" do
- test "just the profile as HTML", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- conn = get(conn, "/users/#{user.nickname}")
- assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ user.nickname
- end
- test "404 when user not found", %{conn: conn} do
- conn = get(conn, "/users/limpopo")
- assert html_response(conn, 404) =~ "not found"
- end
- test "profile does not include private messages", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
-, %{status: "public"})
-, %{status: "private", visibility: "private"})
- conn = get(conn, "/users/#{user.nickname}")
- html = html_response(conn, 200)
- assert html =~ ">public<"
- refute html =~ ">private<"
- end
- test "pagination", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
-, fn i ->, %{status: "test#{i}"}) end)
- conn = get(conn, "/users/#{user.nickname}")
- html = html_response(conn, 200)
- assert html =~ ">test30<"
- assert html =~ ">test11<"
- refute html =~ ">test10<"
- refute html =~ ">test1<"
- end
- test "pagination, page 2", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- activities =, fn i ->, %{status: "test#{i}"}) end)
- {:ok, a11} =, 11)
- conn = get(conn, "/users/#{user.nickname}?max_id=#{}")
- html = html_response(conn, 200)
- assert html =~ ">test1<"
- assert html =~ ">test10<"
- refute html =~ ">test20<"
- refute html =~ ">test29<"
- end
- test "it requires authentication if instance is NOT federating", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- ensure_federating_or_authenticated(conn, "/users/#{user.nickname}", user)
- end
- end
- describe "notice html" do
- test "single notice page", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- {:ok, activity} =, %{status: "testing a thing!"})
- conn = get(conn, "/notice/#{}")
- html = html_response(conn, 200)
- assert html =~ "<header>"
- assert html =~ user.nickname
- assert html =~ "testing a thing!"
- end
- test "redirects to json if requested", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- {:ok, activity} =, %{status: "testing a thing!"})
- conn =
- conn
- |> put_req_header(
- "accept",
- "Accept: application/activity+json, application/ld+json; profile=\"\", text/html"
- )
- |> get("/notice/#{}")
- assert redirected_to(conn, 302) =~["object"]
- end
- test "filters HTML tags", %{conn: conn} do
- user = insert(:user)
- {:ok, activity} =, %{status: "<script>alert('xss')</script>"})
- conn =
- conn
- |> put_req_header("accept", "text/html")
- |> get("/notice/#{}")
- html = html_response(conn, 200)
- assert html =~ ~s[<script>alert('xss')</script>]
- end
- test "shows the whole thread", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- {:ok, activity} =, %{status: "space: the final frontier"})
-, %{
- status: "these are the voyages or something",
- in_reply_to_status_id:
- })
- conn = get(conn, "/notice/#{}")
- html = html_response(conn, 200)
- assert html =~ "the final frontier"
- assert html =~ "voyages"
- end
- test "redirect by AP object ID", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- {:ok, %Activity{data: %{"object" => object_url}}} =
-, %{status: "beam me up"})
- conn = get(conn, URI.parse(object_url).path)
- assert html_response(conn, 302) =~ "redirected"
- end
- test "redirect by activity ID", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- {:ok, %Activity{data: %{"id" => id}}} =
-, %{status: "I'm a doctor, not a devops!"})
- conn = get(conn, URI.parse(id).path)
- assert html_response(conn, 302) =~ "redirected"
- end
- test "404 when notice not found", %{conn: conn} do
- conn = get(conn, "/notice/88c9c317")
- assert html_response(conn, 404) =~ "not found"
- end
- test "404 for private status", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- {:ok, activity} =, %{status: "don't show me!", visibility: "private"})
- conn = get(conn, "/notice/#{}")
- assert html_response(conn, 404) =~ "not found"
- end
- test "302 for remote cached status", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- message = %{
- "@context" => "",
- "type" => "Create",
- "actor" => user.ap_id,
- "object" => %{
- "to" => user.follower_address,
- "cc" => "",
- "id" => Utils.generate_object_id(),
- "content" => "blah blah blah",
- "type" => "Note",
- "attributedTo" => user.ap_id
- }
- }
- assert {:ok, activity} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(message)
- conn = get(conn, "/notice/#{}")
- assert html_response(conn, 302) =~ "redirected"
- end
- test "it requires authentication if instance is NOT federating", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
- {:ok, activity} =, %{status: "testing a thing!"})
- ensure_federating_or_authenticated(conn, "/notice/#{}", user)
- end
- end
- end