cluster.ex (7568B)
- # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
- # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors <>
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
- defmodule Pleroma.Cluster do
- @moduledoc """
- Facilities for managing a cluster of slave VM's for federated testing.
- ## Spawning the federated cluster
- `spawn_cluster/1` spawns a map of slave nodes that are started
- within the running VM. During startup, the slave node is sent all configuration
- from the parent node, as well as all code. After receiving configuration and
- code, the slave then starts all applications currently running on the parent.
- The configuration passed to `spawn_cluster/1` overrides any parent application
- configuration for the provided OTP app and key. This is useful for customizing
- the Ecto database, Phoenix webserver ports, etc.
- For example, to start a single federated VM named ":federated1", with the
- Pleroma Endpoint running on port 4123, and with a database named
- "pleroma_test1", you would run:
- endpoint_conf = Application.fetch_env!(:pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint)
- repo_conf = Application.fetch_env!(:pleroma, Pleroma.Repo)
- Pleroma.Cluster.spawn_cluster(%{
- :"federated1@" => [
- {:pleroma, Pleroma.Repo, Keyword.merge(repo_conf, database: "pleroma_test1")},
- {:pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- Keyword.merge(endpoint_conf, http: [port: 4011], url: [port: 4011], server: true)}
- ]
- })
- *Note*: application configuration for a given key is not merged,
- so any customization requires first fetching the existing values
- and merging yourself by providing the merged configuration,
- such as above with the endpoint config and repo config.
- ## Executing code within a remote node
- Use the `within/2` macro to execute code within the context of a remote
- federated node. The code block captures all local variable bindings from
- the parent's context and returns the result of the expression after executing
- it on the remote node. For example:
- import Pleroma.Cluster
- parent_value = 123
- result =
- within :"federated1@" do
- {node(), parent_value}
- end
- assert result == {:"federated1@, 123}
- *Note*: while local bindings are captured and available within the block,
- other parent contexts like required, aliased, or imported modules are not
- in scope. Those will need to be reimported/aliases/required within the block
- as `within/2` is a remote procedure call.
- """
- @extra_apps Pleroma.Mixfile.application()[:extra_applications]
- @doc """
- Spawns the default Pleroma federated cluster.
- Values before may be customized as needed for the test suite.
- """
- def spawn_default_cluster do
- endpoint_conf = Application.fetch_env!(:pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint)
- repo_conf = Application.fetch_env!(:pleroma, Pleroma.Repo)
- spawn_cluster(%{
- :"federated1@" => [
- {:pleroma, Pleroma.Repo, Keyword.merge(repo_conf, database: "pleroma_test_federated1")},
- {:pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- Keyword.merge(endpoint_conf, http: [port: 4011], url: [port: 4011], server: true)}
- ],
- :"federated2@" => [
- {:pleroma, Pleroma.Repo, Keyword.merge(repo_conf, database: "pleroma_test_federated2")},
- {:pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
- Keyword.merge(endpoint_conf, http: [port: 4012], url: [port: 4012], server: true)}
- ]
- })
- end
- @doc """
- Spawns a configured map of federated nodes.
- See `Pleroma.Cluster` module documentation for details.
- """
- def spawn_cluster(node_configs) do
- # Turn node into a distributed node with the given long name
- :net_kernel.start([:"primary@"])
- # Allow spawned nodes to fetch all code from this node
- {:ok, _} = :erl_boot_server.start([])
- allow_boot("")
- silence_logger_warnings(fn ->
- node_configs
- |> -> start_slave(&1) end))
- |>, 90_000))
- end)
- end
- @doc """
- Executes block of code again remote node.
- See `Pleroma.Cluster` module documentation for details.
- """
- defmacro within(node, do: block) do
- quote do
- rpc(unquote(node), unquote(__MODULE__), :eval_quoted, [
- unquote(Macro.escape(block)),
- binding()
- ])
- end
- end
- @doc false
- def eval_quoted(block, binding) do
- {result, _binding} = Code.eval_quoted(block, binding, __ENV__)
- result
- end
- defp start_slave({node_host, override_configs}) do
- log(node_host, "booting federated VM")
- {:ok, node} =
- do_start_slave(%{host: "", name: node_name(node_host), args: vm_args()})
- add_code_paths(node)
- load_apps_and_transfer_configuration(node, override_configs)
- ensure_apps_started(node)
- {:ok, node}
- end
- def rpc(node, module, function, args) do
- :rpc.block_call(node, module, function, args)
- end
- defp vm_args do
- ~c"-loader inet -hosts -setcookie #{:erlang.get_cookie()}"
- end
- defp allow_boot(host) do
- {:ok, ipv4} = :inet.parse_ipv4_address(~c"#{host}")
- :ok = :erl_boot_server.add_slave(ipv4)
- end
- defp add_code_paths(node) do
- rpc(node, :code, :add_paths, [:code.get_path()])
- end
- defp load_apps_and_transfer_configuration(node, override_configs) do
- Enum.each(Application.loaded_applications(), fn {app_name, _, _} ->
- app_name
- |> Application.get_all_env()
- |> Enum.each(fn {key, primary_config} ->
- rpc(node, Application, :put_env, [app_name, key, primary_config, [persistent: true]])
- end)
- end)
- Enum.each(override_configs, fn {app_name, key, val} ->
- rpc(node, Application, :put_env, [app_name, key, val, [persistent: true]])
- end)
- end
- defp log(node, msg), do: IO.puts("[#{node}] #{msg}")
- defp ensure_apps_started(node) do
- loaded_names =, fn {name, _, _} -> name end)
- app_names = @extra_apps ++ (loaded_names -- @extra_apps)
- rpc(node, Application, :ensure_all_started, [:mix])
- rpc(node, Mix, :env, [Mix.env()])
- rpc(node, __MODULE__, :prepare_database, [])
- log(node, "starting application")
- Enum.reduce(app_names,, fn app, loaded ->
- if Enum.member?(loaded, app) do
- loaded
- else
- {:ok, started} = rpc(node, Application, :ensure_all_started, [app])
- MapSet.union(loaded,
- end
- end)
- end
- @doc false
- def prepare_database do
- log(node(), "preparing database")
- repo_config = Application.get_env(:pleroma, Pleroma.Repo)
- repo_config[:adapter].storage_down(repo_config)
- repo_config[:adapter].storage_up(repo_config)
- {:ok, _, _} =
- Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(Pleroma.Repo, fn repo ->
-, :up, log: false, all: true)
- end)
- Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(Pleroma.Repo, :manual)
- {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:ex_machina)
- end
- defp silence_logger_warnings(func) do
- prev_level = Logger.level()
- Logger.configure(level: :error)
- res = func.()
- Logger.configure(level: prev_level)
- res
- end
- defp node_name(node_host) do
- node_host
- |> to_string()
- |> String.split("@")
- |>
- |> String.to_atom()
- end
- defp do_start_slave(%{host: host, name: name, args: args} = opts) do
- peer_module = Application.get_env(__MODULE__, :peer_module)
- if peer_module == :peer do
- peer_module.start(opts)
- else
- peer_module.start(host, name, args)
- end
- end
- end