conneciton_pool_test.exs (2702B)
- # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
- # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
- defmodule Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPoolTest do
- use Pleroma.DataCase
- import Mox
- import ExUnit.CaptureLog
- alias Pleroma.Config
- alias Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool
- defp gun_mock(_) do
- Pleroma.GunMock
- |> stub(:open, fn _, _, _ -> Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(100) end) end)
- |> stub(:await_up, fn _, _ -> {:ok, :http} end)
- |> stub(:set_owner, fn _, _ -> :ok end)
- :ok
- end
- setup :set_mox_from_context
- setup :gun_mock
- test "gives the same connection to 2 concurrent requests" do
- [
- "",
- ""
- ],
- fn uri ->
- uri = URI.parse(uri)
- task_parent = self()
- Task.start_link(fn ->
- {:ok, conn} = ConnectionPool.get_conn(uri, [])
- ConnectionPool.release_conn(conn)
- send(task_parent, conn)
- end)
- end
- )
- [pid, pid] =
- for _ <- 1..2 do
- receive do
- pid -> pid
- end
- end
- end
- test "connection limit is respected with concurrent requests" do
- clear_config([:connections_pool, :max_connections]) do
- Config.put([:connections_pool, :max_connections], 1)
- # The supervisor needs a reboot to apply the new config setting
- Process.exit(Process.whereis(Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool.WorkerSupervisor), :kill)
- on_exit(fn ->
- Process.exit(Process.whereis(Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool.WorkerSupervisor), :kill)
- end)
- end
- capture_log(fn ->
- [
- "",
- ""
- ],
- fn uri ->
- uri = URI.parse(uri)
- task_parent = self()
- Task.start_link(fn ->
- result = ConnectionPool.get_conn(uri, [])
- # Sleep so that we don't end up with a situation,
- # where request from the second process gets processed
- # only after the first process already released the connection
- Process.sleep(50)
- case result do
- {:ok, pid} ->
- ConnectionPool.release_conn(pid)
- _ ->
- nil
- end
- send(task_parent, result)
- end)
- end
- )
- [{:error, :pool_full}, {:ok, _pid}] =
- for _ <- 1..2 do
- receive do
- result -> result
- end
- end
- |> Enum.sort()
- end)
- end
- end