

My custom branche(s) on git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma

deprecation_warnings_test.exs (4515B)

  1. defmodule Pleroma.Config.DeprecationWarningsTest do
  2. use ExUnit.Case
  3. use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
  4. import ExUnit.CaptureLog
  5. alias Pleroma.Config
  6. alias Pleroma.Config.DeprecationWarnings
  7. test "check_old_mrf_config/0" do
  8. clear_config([:instance, :rewrite_policy], Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NoOpPolicy)
  9. clear_config([:instance, :mrf_transparency], true)
  10. clear_config([:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions], [])
  11. assert capture_log(fn -> DeprecationWarnings.check_old_mrf_config() end) =~
  12. """
  14. Your config is using old namespaces for MRF configuration. They should work for now, but you are advised to change to new namespaces to prevent possible issues later:
  15. * `config :pleroma, :instance, rewrite_policy` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, policies`
  16. * `config :pleroma, :instance, mrf_transparency` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency`
  17. * `config :pleroma, :instance, mrf_transparency_exclusions` is now `config :pleroma, :mrf, transparency_exclusions`
  18. """
  19. end
  20. test "move_namespace_and_warn/2" do
  21. old_group1 = [:group, :key]
  22. old_group2 = [:group, :key2]
  23. old_group3 = [:group, :key3]
  24. new_group1 = [:another_group, :key4]
  25. new_group2 = [:another_group, :key5]
  26. new_group3 = [:another_group, :key6]
  27. clear_config(old_group1, 1)
  28. clear_config(old_group2, 2)
  29. clear_config(old_group3, 3)
  30. clear_config(new_group1)
  31. clear_config(new_group2)
  32. clear_config(new_group3)
  33. config_map = [
  34. {old_group1, new_group1, "\n error :key"},
  35. {old_group2, new_group2, "\n error :key2"},
  36. {old_group3, new_group3, "\n error :key3"}
  37. ]
  38. assert capture_log(fn ->
  39. DeprecationWarnings.move_namespace_and_warn(
  40. config_map,
  41. "Warning preface"
  42. )
  43. end) =~ "Warning preface\n error :key\n error :key2\n error :key3"
  44. assert Config.get(new_group1) == 1
  45. assert Config.get(new_group2) == 2
  46. assert Config.get(new_group3) == 3
  47. end
  48. test "check_media_proxy_whitelist_config/0" do
  49. clear_config([:media_proxy, :whitelist], ["https://example.com", "example2.com"])
  50. assert capture_log(fn ->
  51. DeprecationWarnings.check_media_proxy_whitelist_config()
  52. end) =~ "Your config is using old format (only domain) for MediaProxy whitelist option"
  53. end
  54. test "check_welcome_message_config/0" do
  55. clear_config([:instance, :welcome_user_nickname], "LainChan")
  56. assert capture_log(fn ->
  57. DeprecationWarnings.check_welcome_message_config()
  58. end) =~ "Your config is using the old namespace for Welcome messages configuration."
  59. end
  60. test "check_hellthread_threshold/0" do
  61. clear_config([:mrf_hellthread, :threshold], 16)
  62. assert capture_log(fn ->
  63. DeprecationWarnings.check_hellthread_threshold()
  64. end) =~ "You are using the old configuration mechanism for the hellthread filter."
  65. end
  66. test "check_activity_expiration_config/0" do
  67. clear_config([Pleroma.ActivityExpiration, :enabled], true)
  68. assert capture_log(fn ->
  69. DeprecationWarnings.check_activity_expiration_config()
  70. end) =~ "Your config is using old namespace for activity expiration configuration."
  71. end
  72. describe "check_gun_pool_options/0" do
  73. test "await_up_timeout" do
  74. config = Config.get(:connections_pool)
  75. clear_config(:connections_pool, Keyword.put(config, :await_up_timeout, 5_000))
  76. assert capture_log(fn ->
  77. DeprecationWarnings.check_gun_pool_options()
  78. end) =~
  79. "Your config is using old setting `config :pleroma, :connections_pool, await_up_timeout`."
  80. end
  81. test "pool timeout" do
  82. old_config = [
  83. federation: [
  84. size: 50,
  85. max_waiting: 10,
  86. timeout: 10_000
  87. ],
  88. media: [
  89. size: 50,
  90. max_waiting: 10,
  91. timeout: 10_000
  92. ],
  93. upload: [
  94. size: 25,
  95. max_waiting: 5,
  96. timeout: 15_000
  97. ],
  98. default: [
  99. size: 10,
  100. max_waiting: 2,
  101. timeout: 5_000
  102. ]
  103. ]
  104. clear_config(:pools, old_config)
  105. assert capture_log(fn ->
  106. DeprecationWarnings.check_gun_pool_options()
  107. end) =~
  108. "Your config is using old setting name `timeout` instead of `recv_timeout` in pool settings"
  109. end
  110. end
  111. end