apache-cache-purge.sh.example (926B)
- #!/bin/sh
- # A simple shell script to delete a media from Apache's mod_disk_cache.
- # You will likely need to setup a sudo rule like the following:
- #
- # Cmnd_Alias HTCACHECLEAN = /usr/local/sbin/htcacheclean
- #
- # Please also ensure you have enabled:
- #
- # config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script, url_format: :htcacheclean
- #
- # which will correctly format the URLs passed to this script for the htcacheclean utility.
- #
- SCRIPTNAME=${0##*/}
- # mod_disk_cache directory
- CACHE_DIRECTORY="/tmp/pleroma-media-cache"
- ## Removes an item via the htcacheclean utility
- ## $1 - the filename, can be a pattern .
- ## $2 - the cache directory.
- purge_item() {
- sudo htcacheclean -v -p "${2}" "${1}"
- } # purge_item
- purge() {
- for url in $@
- do
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME delete \`$url\` from cache ($CACHE_DIRECTORY)"
- purge_item "$url" $CACHE_DIRECTORY
- done
- }
- purge $@