releases.exs (841B)
- import Config
- config :pleroma, :instance, static_dir: "/var/lib/pleroma/static"
- config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Local, uploads: "/var/lib/pleroma/uploads"
- config :pleroma, :modules, runtime_dir: "/var/lib/pleroma/modules"
- config_path = System.get_env("PLEROMA_CONFIG_PATH") || "/etc/pleroma/config.exs"
- config :pleroma, release: true, config_path: config_path
- if File.exists?(config_path) do
- import_config config_path
- else
- warning = [
- IO.ANSI.bright(),
- "!!! #{config_path} not found! Please ensure it exists and that PLEROMA_CONFIG_PATH is unset or points to an existing file",
- IO.ANSI.reset()
- ]
- IO.puts(warning)
- end
- exported_config =
- config_path
- |> Path.dirname()
- |> Path.join("prod.exported_from_db.secret.exs")
- if File.exists?(exported_config) do
- import_config exported_config
- end