activities.ex (16996B)
- defmodule Pleroma.LoadTesting.Activities do
- @moduledoc """
- Module for generating different activities.
- """
- import Ecto.Query
- import Pleroma.LoadTesting.Helper, only: [to_sec: 1]
- alias Ecto.UUID
- alias Pleroma.Constants
- alias Pleroma.LoadTesting.Users
- alias Pleroma.Repo
- alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
- require Constants
- @defaults [
- iterations: 170,
- friends_used: 20,
- non_friends_used: 20
- ]
- @max_concurrency 10
- @visibility ~w(public private direct unlisted)
- @types [
- :simple,
- :simple_filtered,
- :emoji,
- :mentions,
- :hell_thread,
- :attachment,
- :tag,
- :like,
- :reblog,
- :simple_thread
- ]
- @groups [:friends_local, :friends_remote, :non_friends_local, :non_friends_local]
- @remote_groups [:friends_remote, :non_friends_remote]
- @friends_groups [:friends_local, :friends_remote]
- @non_friends_groups [:non_friends_local, :non_friends_remote]
- @spec generate(User.t(), keyword()) :: :ok
- def generate(user, opts \\ []) do
- {:ok, _} =
- Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end,
- name: :benchmark_state
- )
- opts = Keyword.merge(@defaults, opts)
- users = Users.prepare_users(user, opts)
- {:ok, _} = Agent.start_link(fn -> users[:non_friends_remote] end, name: :non_friends_remote)
- task_data =
- for visibility <- @visibility,
- type <- @types,
- group <- [:user | @groups],
- do: {visibility, type, group}
- IO.puts("Starting generating #{opts[:iterations]} iterations of activities...")
- public_long_thread = fn ->
- generate_long_thread("public", users, opts)
- end
- private_long_thread = fn ->
- generate_long_thread("private", users, opts)
- end
- iterations = opts[:iterations]
- {time, _} =
- ->
- Enum.each(
- 1..iterations,
- fn
- i when i == iterations - 2 ->
- spawn(public_long_thread)
- spawn(private_long_thread)
- generate_activities(users, Enum.shuffle(task_data), opts)
- _ ->
- generate_activities(users, Enum.shuffle(task_data), opts)
- end
- )
- end)
- IO.puts("Generating iterations of activities took #{to_sec(time)} sec.\n")
- :ok
- end
- def generate_power_intervals(opts \\ []) do
- count = Keyword.get(opts, :count, 20)
- power = Keyword.get(opts, :power, 2)
- IO.puts("Generating #{count} intervals for a power #{power} series...")
- counts =, fn n -> :math.pow(n, power) end)
- sum = Enum.sum(counts)
- densities =
-, fn c ->
- c / sum
- end)
- densities
- |> Enum.reduce(0, fn density, acc ->
- if acc == 0 do
- [{0, density}]
- else
- [{_, lower} | _] = acc
- [{lower, lower + density} | acc]
- end
- end)
- |> Enum.reverse()
- end
- def generate_tagged_activities(opts \\ []) do
- tag_count = Keyword.get(opts, :tag_count, 20)
- users = Keyword.get(opts, :users, Repo.all(Pleroma.User))
- activity_count = Keyword.get(opts, :count, 200_000)
- intervals = generate_power_intervals(count: tag_count)
- IO.puts(
- "Generating #{activity_count} activities using #{tag_count} different tags of format `tag_n`, starting at tag_0"
- )
- Enum.each(1..activity_count, fn _ ->
- random = :rand.uniform()
- i = Enum.find_index(intervals, fn {lower, upper} -> lower <= random && upper > random end)
-, %{status: "a post with the tag #tag_#{i}"})
- end)
- end
- defp generate_long_thread(visibility, users, _opts) do
- group =
- if visibility == "public",
- do: :friends_local,
- else: :user
- tasks = get_reply_tasks(visibility, group) |> Stream.cycle() |> Enum.take(50)
- {:ok, activity} =
-[:user], %{
- status: "Start of #{visibility} long thread",
- visibility: visibility
- })
- Agent.update(:benchmark_state, fn state ->
- key =
- if visibility == "public",
- do: :public_thread,
- else: :private_thread
- Map.put(state, key, activity)
- end)
- acc = {, ["@" <> users[:user].nickname, "reply to long thread"]}
- insert_replies_for_long_thread(tasks, visibility, users, acc)
- IO.puts("Generating #{visibility} long thread ended\n")
- end
- defp insert_replies_for_long_thread(tasks, visibility, users, acc) do
- Enum.reduce(tasks, acc, fn
- :user, {id, data} ->
- user = users[:user]
- insert_reply(user, List.delete(data, "@" <> user.nickname), id, visibility)
- group, {id, data} ->
- replier = Enum.random(users[group])
- insert_reply(replier, List.delete(data, "@" <> replier.nickname), id, visibility)
- end)
- end
- defp generate_activities(users, task_data, opts) do
- Task.async_stream(
- task_data,
- fn {visibility, type, group} ->
- insert_activity(type, visibility, group, users, opts)
- end,
- max_concurrency: @max_concurrency,
- timeout: 30_000
- )
- |>
- end
- defp insert_local_activity(visibility, group, users, status) do
- {:ok, _} =
- group
- |> get_actor(users)
- |>{status: status, visibility: visibility})
- end
- defp insert_remote_activity(visibility, group, users, status) do
- actor = get_actor(group, users)
- {act_data, obj_data} = prepare_activity_data(actor, visibility, users[:user])
- {activity_data, object_data} = other_data(actor, status)
- activity_data
- |> Map.merge(act_data)
- |> Map.put("object", Map.merge(object_data, obj_data))
- |> Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.insert(false)
- end
- defp user_mentions(users) do
- user_mentions =
- Enum.reduce(
- @groups,
- [],
- fn group, acc ->
- acc ++ get_random_mentions(users[group], Enum.random(0..2))
- end
- )
- if Enum.random([true, false]),
- do: ["@" <> users[:user].nickname | user_mentions],
- else: user_mentions
- end
- defp hell_thread_mentions(users) do
- with {:ok, nil} <- Cachex.get(:user_cache, "hell_thread_mentions") do
- cached =
- @groups
- |> Enum.reduce([users[:user]], fn group, acc ->
- acc ++ Enum.take(users[group], 5)
- end)
- |>"@#{&1.nickname}")
- |> Enum.join(", ")
- Cachex.put(:user_cache, "hell_thread_mentions", cached)
- cached
- else
- {:ok, cached} -> cached
- end
- end
- defp insert_activity(:simple, visibility, group, users, _opts)
- when group in @remote_groups do
- insert_remote_activity(visibility, group, users, "Remote status")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:simple, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- insert_local_activity(visibility, group, users, "Simple status")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:simple_filtered, visibility, group, users, _opts)
- when group in @remote_groups do
- insert_remote_activity(visibility, group, users, "Remote status which must be filtered")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:simple_filtered, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- insert_local_activity(visibility, group, users, "Simple status which must be filtered")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:emoji, visibility, group, users, _opts)
- when group in @remote_groups do
- insert_remote_activity(visibility, group, users, "Remote status with emoji :firefox:")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:emoji, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- insert_local_activity(visibility, group, users, "Simple status with emoji :firefox:")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:mentions, visibility, group, users, _opts)
- when group in @remote_groups do
- mentions = user_mentions(users)
- status = Enum.join(mentions, ", ") <> " remote status with mentions"
- insert_remote_activity(visibility, group, users, status)
- end
- defp insert_activity(:mentions, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- mentions = user_mentions(users)
- status = Enum.join(mentions, ", ") <> " simple status with mentions"
- insert_remote_activity(visibility, group, users, status)
- end
- defp insert_activity(:hell_thread, visibility, group, users, _)
- when group in @remote_groups do
- mentions = hell_thread_mentions(users)
- insert_remote_activity(visibility, group, users, mentions <> " remote hell thread status")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:hell_thread, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- mentions = hell_thread_mentions(users)
- insert_local_activity(visibility, group, users, mentions <> " hell thread status")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:attachment, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- actor = get_actor(group, users)
- obj_data = %{
- "actor" => actor.ap_id,
- "name" => "4467-11.jpg",
- "type" => "Document",
- "url" => [
- %{
- "href" =>
- "#{Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.url()}/media/b1b873552422a07bf53af01f3c231c841db4dfc42c35efde681abaf0f2a4eab7.jpg",
- "mediaType" => "image/jpeg",
- "type" => "Link"
- }
- ]
- }
- object = Repo.insert!(%Pleroma.Object{data: obj_data})
- {:ok, _activity} =
-, %{
- status: "Post with attachment",
- visibility: visibility,
- media_ids: []
- })
- end
- defp insert_activity(:tag, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- insert_local_activity(visibility, group, users, "Status with #tag")
- end
- defp insert_activity(:like, visibility, group, users, opts) do
- actor = get_actor(group, users)
- with activity_id when not is_nil(activity_id) <- get_random_create_activity_id(),
- {:ok, _activity} <- CommonAPI.favorite(actor, activity_id) do
- :ok
- else
- {:error, _} ->
- insert_activity(:like, visibility, group, users, opts)
- nil ->
- Process.sleep(15)
- insert_activity(:like, visibility, group, users, opts)
- end
- end
- defp insert_activity(:reblog, visibility, group, users, opts) do
- actor = get_actor(group, users)
- with activity_id when not is_nil(activity_id) <- get_random_create_activity_id(),
- {:ok, _activity} <- CommonAPI.repeat(activity_id, actor) do
- :ok
- else
- {:error, _} ->
- insert_activity(:reblog, visibility, group, users, opts)
- nil ->
- Process.sleep(15)
- insert_activity(:reblog, visibility, group, users, opts)
- end
- end
- defp insert_activity(:simple_thread, "direct", group, users, _opts) do
- actor = get_actor(group, users)
- tasks = get_reply_tasks("direct", group)
- list =
- case group do
- :user ->
- group = Enum.random(@friends_groups)
- Enum.take(users[group], 3)
- _ ->
- Enum.take(users[group], 3)
- end
- data =, &("@" <> &1.nickname))
- {:ok, activity} =
-, %{
- status: Enum.join(data, ", ") <> "simple status",
- visibility: "direct"
- })
- acc = {, ["@" <> users[:user].nickname | data] ++ ["reply to status"]}
- insert_direct_replies(tasks, users[:user], list, acc)
- end
- defp insert_activity(:simple_thread, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
- actor = get_actor(group, users)
- tasks = get_reply_tasks(visibility, group)
- {:ok, activity} =
-[:user], %{status: "Simple status", visibility: visibility})
- acc = {, ["@" <> actor.nickname, "reply to status"]}
- insert_replies(tasks, visibility, users, acc)
- end
- defp get_actor(:user, %{user: user}), do: user
- defp get_actor(group, users), do: Enum.random(users[group])
- defp other_data(actor, content) do
- %{host: host} = URI.parse(actor.ap_id)
- datetime = DateTime.utc_now() |> to_string()
- context_id = "https://#{host}/contexts/#{UUID.generate()}"
- activity_id = "https://#{host}/activities/#{UUID.generate()}"
- object_id = "https://#{host}/objects/#{UUID.generate()}"
- activity_data = %{
- "actor" => actor.ap_id,
- "context" => context_id,
- "id" => activity_id,
- "published" => datetime,
- "type" => "Create",
- "directMessage" => false
- }
- object_data = %{
- "actor" => actor.ap_id,
- "attachment" => [],
- "attributedTo" => actor.ap_id,
- "bcc" => [],
- "bto" => [],
- "content" => content,
- "context" => context_id,
- "conversation" => context_id,
- "emoji" => %{},
- "id" => object_id,
- "published" => datetime,
- "sensitive" => false,
- "summary" => "",
- "tag" => [],
- "to" => [""],
- "type" => "Note"
- }
- {activity_data, object_data}
- end
- defp prepare_activity_data(actor, "public", _mention) do
- obj_data = %{
- "cc" => [actor.follower_address],
- "to" => [Constants.as_public()]
- }
- act_data = %{
- "cc" => [actor.follower_address],
- "to" => [Constants.as_public()]
- }
- {act_data, obj_data}
- end
- defp prepare_activity_data(actor, "private", _mention) do
- obj_data = %{
- "cc" => [],
- "to" => [actor.follower_address]
- }
- act_data = %{
- "cc" => [],
- "to" => [actor.follower_address]
- }
- {act_data, obj_data}
- end
- defp prepare_activity_data(actor, "unlisted", _mention) do
- obj_data = %{
- "cc" => [Constants.as_public()],
- "to" => [actor.follower_address]
- }
- act_data = %{
- "cc" => [Constants.as_public()],
- "to" => [actor.follower_address]
- }
- {act_data, obj_data}
- end
- defp prepare_activity_data(_actor, "direct", mention) do
- %{host: mentioned_host} = URI.parse(mention.ap_id)
- obj_data = %{
- "cc" => [],
- "content" =>
- "<span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url mention\" href=\"#{mention.ap_id}\" rel=\"ugc\">@<span>#{
- mention.nickname
- }</span></a></span> direct message",
- "tag" => [
- %{
- "href" => mention.ap_id,
- "name" => "@#{mention.nickname}@#{mentioned_host}",
- "type" => "Mention"
- }
- ],
- "to" => [mention.ap_id]
- }
- act_data = %{
- "cc" => [],
- "directMessage" => true,
- "to" => [mention.ap_id]
- }
- {act_data, obj_data}
- end
- defp get_reply_tasks("public", :user) do
- [:friends_local, :friends_remote, :non_friends_local, :non_friends_remote, :user]
- end
- defp get_reply_tasks("public", group) when group in @friends_groups do
- [:non_friends_local, :non_friends_remote, :user, :friends_local, :friends_remote]
- end
- defp get_reply_tasks("public", group) when group in @non_friends_groups do
- [:user, :friends_local, :friends_remote, :non_friends_local, :non_friends_remote]
- end
- defp get_reply_tasks(visibility, :user) when visibility in ["unlisted", "private"] do
- [:friends_local, :friends_remote, :user, :friends_local, :friends_remote]
- end
- defp get_reply_tasks(visibility, group)
- when visibility in ["unlisted", "private"] and group in @friends_groups do
- [:user, :friends_remote, :friends_local, :user]
- end
- defp get_reply_tasks(visibility, group)
- when visibility in ["unlisted", "private"] and
- group in @non_friends_groups,
- do: []
- defp get_reply_tasks("direct", :user), do: [:friends_local, :user, :friends_remote]
- defp get_reply_tasks("direct", group) when group in @friends_groups,
- do: [:user, group, :user]
- defp get_reply_tasks("direct", group) when group in @non_friends_groups do
- [:user, :non_friends_remote, :user, :non_friends_local]
- end
- defp insert_replies(tasks, visibility, users, acc) do
- Enum.reduce(tasks, acc, fn
- :user, {id, data} ->
- insert_reply(users[:user], data, id, visibility)
- group, {id, data} ->
- replier = Enum.random(users[group])
- insert_reply(replier, data, id, visibility)
- end)
- end
- defp insert_direct_replies(tasks, user, list, acc) do
- Enum.reduce(tasks, acc, fn
- :user, {id, data} ->
- {reply_id, _} = insert_reply(user, List.delete(data, "@" <> user.nickname), id, "direct")
- {reply_id, data}
- _, {id, data} ->
- actor = Enum.random(list)
- {reply_id, _} =
- insert_reply(actor, List.delete(data, "@" <> actor.nickname), id, "direct")
- {reply_id, data}
- end)
- end
- defp insert_reply(actor, data, activity_id, visibility) do
- {:ok, reply} =
-, %{
- status: Enum.join(data, ", "),
- visibility: visibility,
- in_reply_to_status_id: activity_id
- })
- {, ["@" <> actor.nickname | data]}
- end
- defp get_random_mentions(_users, count) when count == 0, do: []
- defp get_random_mentions(users, count) do
- users
- |> Enum.shuffle()
- |> Enum.take(count)
- |>"@#{&1.nickname}")
- end
- defp get_random_create_activity_id do
- from(a in Pleroma.Activity,
- where: fragment("(?)->>'type' = ?",, ^"Create"),
- order_by: fragment("RANDOM()"),
- limit: 1,
- select:
- )
- )
- end
- end