statuses.spec.js (13624B)
- import { defaultState, mutations, prepareStatus } from '../../../../src/modules/statuses.js'
- const makeMockStatus = ({ id, text, type = 'status' }) => {
- return {
- id,
- user: { id: '0' },
- name: 'status',
- text: text || `Text number ${id}`,
- fave_num: 0,
- uri: '',
- type,
- attentions: []
- }
- }
- describe('Statuses module', () => {
- describe('prepareStatus', () => {
- it('sets deleted flag to false', () => {
- const aStatus = makeMockStatus({ id: '1', text: 'Hello oniichan' })
- expect(prepareStatus(aStatus).deleted).to.eq(false)
- })
- })
- describe('addNewStatuses', () => {
- it('adds the status to allStatuses and to the given timeline', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.eql([])
- expect(state.timelines.public.newStatusCount).to.equal(1)
- })
- it('counts the status as new if it has not been seen on this timeline', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], timeline: 'friends' })
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.eql([])
- expect(state.timelines.public.newStatusCount).to.equal(1)
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.friends.statuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.friends.visibleStatuses).to.eql([])
- expect(state.timelines.friends.newStatusCount).to.equal(1)
- })
- it('add the statuses to allStatuses if no timeline is given', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status] })
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.eql([])
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.eql([])
- expect(state.timelines.public.newStatusCount).to.equal(0)
- })
- it('adds the status to allStatuses and to the given timeline, directly visible', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.eql([status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.newStatusCount).to.equal(0)
- })
- it('does not update the maxId when the noIdUpdate flag is set', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- const secondStatus = makeMockStatus({ id: '2' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.maxId).to.eql('1')
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [secondStatus], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public', noIdUpdate: true })
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.eql([secondStatus, status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.eql([secondStatus, status])
- expect(state.timelines.public.maxId).to.eql('1')
- })
- it('keeps a descending by id order in timeline.visibleStatuses and timeline.statuses', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const nonVisibleStatus = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '3' })
- const statusTwo = makeMockStatus({ id: '2' })
- const statusThree = makeMockStatus({ id: '4' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [nonVisibleStatus], showImmediately: false, timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [statusTwo], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.minVisibleId).to.equal('2')
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [statusThree], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.eql([statusThree, status, statusTwo, nonVisibleStatus])
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.eql([statusThree, status, statusTwo])
- })
- it('splits retweets from their status and links them', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- const retweet = makeMockStatus({ id: '2', type: 'retweet' })
- const modStatus = makeMockStatus({ id: '1', text: 'something else' })
- retweet.retweeted_status = status
- // It adds both statuses, but only the retweet to visible.
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [retweet], timeline: 'public', showImmediately: true })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.have.length(1)
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.have.length(2)
- expect(state.allStatuses[0].id).to.equal('1')
- expect(state.allStatuses[1].id).to.equal('2')
- // It refers to the modified status.
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [modStatus], timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.have.length(2)
- expect(state.allStatuses[0].id).to.equal('1')
- expect(state.allStatuses[0].text).to.equal(modStatus.text)
- expect(state.allStatuses[1].id).to.equal('2')
- expect(retweet.retweeted_status.text).to.eql(modStatus.text)
- })
- it('replaces existing statuses with the same id', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- const modStatus = makeMockStatus({ id: '1', text: 'something else' })
- // Add original status
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- // Add new version of status
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [modStatus], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- expect(state.allStatuses[0].text).to.eql(modStatus.text)
- })
- it('replaces existing statuses with the same id, coming from a retweet', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- const modStatus = makeMockStatus({ id: '1', text: 'something else' })
- const retweet = makeMockStatus({ id: '2', type: 'retweet' })
- retweet.retweeted_status = modStatus
- // Add original status
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- // Add new version of status
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [retweet], showImmediately: false, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses).to.have.length(1)
- // Don't add the retweet itself if the tweet is visible
- expect(state.timelines.public.statuses).to.have.length(1)
- expect(state.allStatuses).to.have.length(2)
- expect(state.allStatuses[0].text).to.eql(modStatus.text)
- })
- it('handles favorite actions', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- const favorite = {
- id: '2',
- type: 'favorite',
- in_reply_to_status_id: '1', // The API uses strings here...
- uri: ',2016-08-21:fave:3895:note:773501:2016-08-21T16:52:15+00:00',
- text: 'a favorited something by b',
- user: { id: '99' }
- }
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [favorite], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses.length).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses[0].fave_num).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.timelines.public.maxId).to.eq(
- // Adding it again does nothing
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [favorite], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses.length).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses[0].fave_num).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.timelines.public.maxId).to.eq(
- // If something is favorited by the current user, it also sets the 'favorited' property but does not increment counter to avoid over-counting. Counter is incremented (updated, really) via response to the favorite request.
- const user = {
- id: '1'
- }
- const ownFavorite = {
- id: '3',
- type: 'favorite',
- in_reply_to_status_id: '1', // The API uses strings here...
- uri: ',2016-08-21:fave:3895:note:773501:2016-08-21T16:52:15+00:00',
- text: 'a favorited something by b',
- user
- }
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [ownFavorite], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public', user })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses.length).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses[0].fave_num).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses[0].favorited).to.eql(true)
- })
- })
- describe('emojiReactions', () => {
- it('increments count in existing reaction', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- status.emoji_reactions = [{ name: '😂', count: 1, accounts: [] }]
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.addOwnReaction(state, { id: '1', emoji: '😂', currentUser: { id: 'me' } })
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].count).to.eql(2)
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].me).to.eql(true)
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].accounts[0].id).to.eql('me')
- })
- it('adds a new reaction', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- status.emoji_reactions = []
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.addOwnReaction(state, { id: '1', emoji: '😂', currentUser: { id: 'me' } })
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].count).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].me).to.eql(true)
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].accounts[0].id).to.eql('me')
- })
- it('decreases count in existing reaction', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- status.emoji_reactions = [{ name: '😂', count: 2, accounts: [{ id: 'me' }] }]
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.removeOwnReaction(state, { id: '1', emoji: '😂', currentUser: { id: 'me' } })
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].count).to.eql(1)
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].me).to.eql(false)
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions[0].accounts).to.eql([])
- })
- it('removes a reaction', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '1' })
- status.emoji_reactions = [{ name: '😂', count: 1, accounts: [{ id: 'me' }] }]
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- mutations.removeOwnReaction(state, { id: '1', emoji: '😂', currentUser: { id: 'me' } })
- expect(state.allStatusesObject['1'].emoji_reactions.length).to.eql(0)
- })
- })
- describe('showNewStatuses', () => {
- it('resets the minId to the min of the visible statuses when adding new to visible statuses', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- const status = makeMockStatus({ id: '10' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [status], showImmediately: true, timeline: 'public' })
- const newStatus = makeMockStatus({ id: '20' })
- mutations.addNewStatuses(state, { statuses: [newStatus], showImmediately: false, timeline: 'public' })
- state.timelines.public.minId = '5'
- mutations.showNewStatuses(state, { timeline: 'public' })
- expect(state.timelines.public.visibleStatuses.length).to.eql(2)
- expect(state.timelines.public.minVisibleId).to.eql('10')
- expect(state.timelines.public.minId).to.eql('10')
- })
- })
- describe('clearTimeline', () => {
- it('keeps userId when clearing user timeline when excludeUserId param is true', () => {
- const state = defaultState()
- state.timelines.user.userId = 123
- mutations.clearTimeline(state, { timeline: 'user', excludeUserId: true })
- expect(state.timelines.user.userId).to.eql(123)
- })
- })
- })