style_setter.js (8494B)
- import { hex2rgb } from '../color_convert/color_convert.js'
- import { init, getEngineChecksum } from '../theme_data/theme_data_3.service.js'
- import { getCssRules } from '../theme_data/css_utils.js'
- import { defaultState } from '../../modules/config.js'
- import { chunk } from 'lodash'
- // On platforms where this is not supported, it will return undefined
- // Otherwise it will return an array
- const supportsAdoptedStyleSheets = !!document.adoptedStyleSheets
- const createStyleSheet = (id) => {
- if (supportsAdoptedStyleSheets) {
- return {
- el: null,
- sheet: new CSSStyleSheet(),
- rules: []
- }
- }
- const el = document.getElementById(id)
- // Clear all rules in it
- for (let i = el.sheet.cssRules.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- el.sheet.deleteRule(i)
- }
- return {
- el,
- sheet: el.sheet,
- rules: []
- }
- }
- const EAGER_STYLE_ID = 'pleroma-eager-styles'
- const LAZY_STYLE_ID = 'pleroma-lazy-styles'
- const adoptStyleSheets = (styles) => {
- if (supportsAdoptedStyleSheets) {
- document.adoptedStyleSheets = => s.sheet)
- }
- // Some older browsers do not support document.adoptedStyleSheets.
- // In this case, we use the <style> elements.
- // Since the <style> elements we need are already in the DOM, there
- // is nothing to do here.
- }
- export const generateTheme = async (inputRuleset, callbacks, debug) => {
- const {
- onNewRule = (rule, isLazy) => {},
- onLazyFinished = () => {},
- onEagerFinished = () => {}
- } = callbacks
- // Assuming that "worst case scenario background" is panel background since it's the most likely one
- const themes3 = init({
- inputRuleset,
- ultimateBackgroundColor: inputRuleset[0].directives['--bg'].split('|')[1].trim(),
- debug
- })
- getCssRules(themes3.eager, debug).forEach(rule => {
- // Hacks to support multiple selectors on same component
- if (rule.match(/::-webkit-scrollbar-button/)) {
- const parts = rule.split(/[{}]/g)
- const newRule = [
- parts[0],
- ', ',
- parts[0].replace(/button/, 'thumb'),
- ', ',
- parts[0].replace(/scrollbar-button/, 'resizer'),
- ' {',
- parts[1],
- '}'
- ].join('')
- onNewRule(newRule, false)
- } else {
- onNewRule(rule, false)
- }
- })
- onEagerFinished()
- // Optimization - instead of processing all lazy rules in one go, process them in small chunks
- // so that UI can do other things and be somewhat responsive while less important rules are being
- // processed
- let counter = 0
- const chunks = chunk(themes3.lazy, 200)
- // let t0 =
- const processChunk = () => {
- const chunk = chunks[counter]
- Promise.all( => x())).then(result => {
- getCssRules(result.filter(x => x), debug).forEach(rule => {
- if (rule.match(/\.modal-view/)) {
- const parts = rule.split(/[{}]/g)
- const newRule = [
- parts[0],
- ', ',
- parts[0].replace(/\.modal-view/, '#modal'),
- ', ',
- parts[0].replace(/\.modal-view/, '.shout-panel'),
- ' {',
- parts[1],
- '}'
- ].join('')
- onNewRule(newRule, true)
- } else {
- onNewRule(rule, true)
- }
- })
- // const t1 =
- // console.debug('Chunk ' + counter + ' took ' + (t1 - t0) + 'ms')
- // t0 = t1
- counter += 1
- if (counter < chunks.length) {
- setTimeout(processChunk, 0)
- } else {
- onLazyFinished()
- }
- })
- }
- return { lazyProcessFunc: processChunk }
- }
- export const tryLoadCache = () => {
- const json = localStorage.getItem('pleroma-fe-theme-cache')
- if (!json) return null
- let cache
- try {
- cache = JSON.parse(json)
- } catch (e) {
- console.error('Failed to decode theme cache:', e)
- return false
- }
- if (cache.engineChecksum === getEngineChecksum()) {
- const eagerStyles = createStyleSheet(EAGER_STYLE_ID)
- const lazyStyles = createStyleSheet(LAZY_STYLE_ID)
-[0].forEach(rule => eagerStyles.sheet.insertRule(rule, 'index-max'))
-[1].forEach(rule => lazyStyles.sheet.insertRule(rule, 'index-max'))
- adoptStyleSheets([eagerStyles, lazyStyles])
- return true
- } else {
- console.warn('Engine checksum doesn\'t match, cache not usable, clearing')
- localStorage.removeItem('pleroma-fe-theme-cache')
- }
- }
- export const applyTheme = async (input, onFinish = (data) => {}, debug) => {
- const eagerStyles = createStyleSheet(EAGER_STYLE_ID)
- const lazyStyles = createStyleSheet(LAZY_STYLE_ID)
- const { lazyProcessFunc } = await generateTheme(
- input,
- {
- onNewRule (rule, isLazy) {
- if (isLazy) {
- lazyStyles.sheet.insertRule(rule, 'index-max')
- lazyStyles.rules.push(rule)
- } else {
- eagerStyles.sheet.insertRule(rule, 'index-max')
- eagerStyles.rules.push(rule)
- }
- },
- onEagerFinished () {
- adoptStyleSheets([eagerStyles])
- },
- onLazyFinished () {
- adoptStyleSheets([eagerStyles, lazyStyles])
- const cache = { engineChecksum: getEngineChecksum(), data: [eagerStyles.rules, lazyStyles.rules] }
- onFinish(cache)
- localStorage.setItem('pleroma-fe-theme-cache', JSON.stringify(cache))
- }
- },
- debug
- )
- setTimeout(lazyProcessFunc, 0)
- return Promise.resolve()
- }
- const extractStyleConfig = ({
- sidebarColumnWidth,
- contentColumnWidth,
- notifsColumnWidth,
- emojiReactionsScale,
- emojiSize,
- navbarSize,
- panelHeaderSize,
- textSize,
- forcedRoundness
- }) => {
- const result = {
- sidebarColumnWidth,
- contentColumnWidth,
- notifsColumnWidth,
- emojiReactionsScale,
- emojiSize,
- navbarSize,
- panelHeaderSize,
- textSize
- }
- switch (forcedRoundness) {
- case 'disable':
- break
- case '0':
- result.forcedRoundness = '0'
- break
- case '1':
- result.forcedRoundness = '1px'
- break
- case '2':
- result.forcedRoundness = '0.4rem'
- break
- default:
- }
- return result
- }
- const defaultStyleConfig = extractStyleConfig(defaultState)
- export const applyConfig = (input) => {
- const config = extractStyleConfig(input)
- if (config === defaultStyleConfig) {
- return
- }
- const head = document.head
- const body = document.body
- body.classList.add('hidden')
- const rules = Object
- .entries(config)
- .filter(([k, v]) => v)
- .map(([k, v]) => `--${k}: ${v}`).join(';')
- document.getElementById('style-config')?.remove()
- const styleEl = document.createElement('style')
- = 'style-config'
- head.appendChild(styleEl)
- const styleSheet = styleEl.sheet
- styleSheet.toString()
- styleSheet.insertRule(`:root { ${rules} }`, 'index-max')
- if (, 'forcedRoundness')) {
- styleSheet.insertRule(` * {
- --roundness: var(--forcedRoundness) !important;
- }`, 'index-max')
- }
- body.classList.remove('hidden')
- }
- export const getThemes = () => {
- const cache = 'no-store'
- return window.fetch('/static/styles.json', { cache })
- .then((data) => data.json())
- .then((themes) => {
- return Object.entries(themes).map(([k, v]) => {
- let promise = null
- if (typeof v === 'object') {
- promise = Promise.resolve(v)
- } else if (typeof v === 'string') {
- promise = window.fetch(v, { cache })
- .then((data) => data.json())
- .catch((e) => {
- console.error(e)
- return null
- })
- }
- return [k, promise]
- })
- })
- .then((promises) => {
- return promises
- .reduce((acc, [k, v]) => {
- acc[k] = v
- return acc
- }, {})
- })
- }
- export const getPreset = (val) => {
- return getThemes()
- .then((themes) => themes[val] ? themes[val] : themes['pleroma-dark'])
- .then((theme) => {
- const isV1 = Array.isArray(theme)
- const data = isV1 ? {} : theme.theme
- if (isV1) {
- const bg = hex2rgb(theme[1])
- const fg = hex2rgb(theme[2])
- const text = hex2rgb(theme[3])
- const link = hex2rgb(theme[4])
- const cRed = hex2rgb(theme[5] || '#FF0000')
- const cGreen = hex2rgb(theme[6] || '#00FF00')
- const cBlue = hex2rgb(theme[7] || '#0000FF')
- const cOrange = hex2rgb(theme[8] || '#E3FF00')
- data.colors = { bg, fg, text, link, cRed, cBlue, cGreen, cOrange }
- }
- return { theme: data, source: theme.source }
- })
- }