promise_interval.js (1006B)
- // promiseInterval - replacement for setInterval for promises, starts counting
- // the interval only after a promise is done instead of immediately.
- // - promiseCall is a function that returns a promise, it's called the first
- // time after the first interval.
- // - interval is the interval delay in ms.
- export const promiseInterval = (promiseCall, interval) => {
- let stopped = false
- let timeout = null
- const func = () => {
- const promise = promiseCall()
- // something unexpected happened and promiseCall did not
- // return a promise, abort the loop.
- if (!(promise && promise.finally)) {
- console.warn('promiseInterval: promise call did not return a promise, stopping interval.')
- return
- }
- promise.finally(() => {
- if (stopped) return
- timeout = window.setTimeout(func, interval)
- })
- }
- const stopFetcher = () => {
- stopped = true
- window.clearTimeout(timeout)
- }
- timeout = window.setTimeout(func, interval)
- return { stop: stopFetcher }
- }