timeline_menu.js (3763B)
- import Popover from '../popover/popover.vue'
- import NavigationEntry from 'src/components/navigation/navigation_entry.vue'
- import { mapState } from 'vuex'
- import { ListsMenuContent } from '../lists_menu/lists_menu_content.vue'
- import { BookmarkFoldersMenuContent } from '../bookmark_folders_menu/bookmark_folders_menu_content.vue'
- import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
- import { TIMELINES } from 'src/components/navigation/navigation.js'
- import { filterNavigation } from 'src/components/navigation/filter.js'
- import {
- faChevronDown
- } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
- import { useInterfaceStore } from 'src/stores/interface'
- import { useListsStore } from 'src/stores/lists'
- import { useBookmarkFoldersStore } from 'src/stores/bookmark_folders'
- library.add(faChevronDown)
- // Route -> i18n key mapping, exported and not in the computed
- // because nav panel benefits from the same information.
- export const timelineNames = (supportsBookmarkFolders) => {
- return {
- friends: 'nav.home_timeline',
- bookmarks: supportsBookmarkFolders ? 'nav.all_bookmarks' : 'nav.bookmarks',
- dms: 'nav.dms',
- 'public-timeline': 'nav.public_tl',
- 'public-external-timeline': 'nav.twkn',
- quotes: 'nav.quotes'
- }
- }
- const TimelineMenu = {
- components: {
- Popover,
- NavigationEntry,
- ListsMenuContent,
- BookmarkFoldersMenuContent
- },
- data () {
- return {
- isOpen: false
- }
- },
- created () {
- if (timelineNames(this.bookmarkFolders)[this.$route.name]) {
- useInterfaceStore().setLastTimeline(this.$route.name)
- }
- },
- computed: {
- useListsMenu () {
- const route = this.$route.name
- return route === 'lists-timeline'
- },
- useBookmarkFoldersMenu () {
- const route = this.$route.name
- return this.bookmarkFolders && (route === 'bookmark-folder' || route === 'bookmarks')
- },
- ...mapState({
- currentUser: state => state.users.currentUser,
- privateMode: state => state.instance.private,
- federating: state => state.instance.federating,
- bookmarkFolders: state => state.instance.pleromaBookmarkFoldersAvailable
- }),
- timelinesList () {
- return filterNavigation(
- Object.entries(TIMELINES).map(([k, v]) => ({ ...v, name: k })),
- {
- hasChats: this.pleromaChatMessagesAvailable,
- isFederating: this.federating,
- isPrivate: this.privateMode,
- currentUser: this.currentUser,
- supportsBookmarkFolders: this.bookmarkFolders
- }
- )
- }
- },
- methods: {
- openMenu () {
- // $nextTick is too fast, animation won't play back but
- // instead starts in fully open position. Low values
- // like 1-5 work on fast machines but not on mobile, 25
- // seems like a good compromise that plays without significant
- // added lag.
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.isOpen = true
- }, 25)
- },
- blockOpen (event) {
- // For the blank area inside the button element.
- // Just setting @click.stop="" makes unintuitive behavior when
- // menu is open and clicking on the blank area doesn't close it.
- if (!this.isOpen) {
- event.stopPropagation()
- }
- },
- timelineName () {
- const route = this.$route.name
- if (route === 'tag-timeline') {
- return '#' + this.$route.params.tag
- }
- if (route === 'lists-timeline') {
- return useListsStore().findListTitle(this.$route.params.id)
- }
- if (route === 'bookmark-folder') {
- return useBookmarkFoldersStore().findBookmarkFolderName(this.$route.params.id)
- }
- const i18nkey = timelineNames(this.bookmarkFolders)[this.$route.name]
- return i18nkey ? this.$t(i18nkey) : route
- }
- }
- }
- export default TimelineMenu