timeline.js (9981B)
- import Status from '../status/status.vue'
- import { mapState } from 'pinia'
- import timelineFetcher from '../../services/timeline_fetcher/timeline_fetcher.service.js'
- import Conversation from '../conversation/conversation.vue'
- import TimelineMenu from '../timeline_menu/timeline_menu.vue'
- import QuickFilterSettings from '../quick_filter_settings/quick_filter_settings.vue'
- import QuickViewSettings from '../quick_view_settings/quick_view_settings.vue'
- import { debounce, throttle, keyBy } from 'lodash'
- import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
- import { faCircleNotch, faCirclePlus, faCog, faMinus, faArrowUp, faCheck } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
- import { useInterfaceStore } from 'src/stores/interface'
- library.add(
- faCircleNotch,
- faCog,
- faMinus,
- faArrowUp,
- faCirclePlus,
- faCheck
- )
- const Timeline = {
- props: [
- 'timeline',
- 'timelineName',
- 'title',
- 'userId',
- 'listId',
- 'statusId',
- 'bookmarkFolderId',
- 'tag',
- 'embedded',
- 'count',
- 'pinnedStatusIds',
- 'inProfile',
- 'footerSlipgate' // reference to an element where we should put our footer
- ],
- data () {
- return {
- showScrollTop: false,
- paused: false,
- unfocused: false,
- bottomedOut: false,
- virtualScrollIndex: 0,
- blockingClicks: false
- }
- },
- components: {
- Status,
- Conversation,
- TimelineMenu,
- QuickFilterSettings,
- QuickViewSettings
- },
- computed: {
- filteredVisibleStatuses () {
- return this.timeline.visibleStatuses.filter(status => this.timelineName !== 'user' || (status.id >= this.timeline.minId && status.id <= this.timeline.maxId))
- },
- filteredPinnedStatusIds () {
- return (this.pinnedStatusIds || []).filter(statusId => this.timeline.statusesObject[statusId])
- },
- newStatusCount () {
- return this.timeline.newStatusCount
- },
- showLoadButton () {
- return this.timeline.newStatusCount > 0 || this.timeline.flushMarker !== 0
- },
- loadButtonString () {
- if (this.timeline.flushMarker !== 0) {
- return this.$t('timeline.reload')
- } else {
- return `${this.$t('timeline.show_new')} (${this.newStatusCount})`
- }
- },
- mobileLoadButtonString () {
- if (this.timeline.flushMarker !== 0) {
- return '+'
- } else {
- return this.newStatusCount > 99 ? '∞' : this.newStatusCount
- }
- },
- classes () {
- let rootClasses = !this.embedded ? ['panel', 'panel-default'] : ['-embedded']
- if (this.blockingClicks) rootClasses = rootClasses.concat(['-blocked', '_misclick-prevention'])
- return {
- root: rootClasses,
- header: ['timeline-heading'].concat(!this.embedded ? ['panel-heading', '-sticky'] : ['panel-body']),
- body: ['timeline-body'].concat(!this.embedded ? ['panel-body'] : ['panel-body']),
- footer: ['timeline-footer'].concat(!this.embedded ? ['panel-footer'] : ['panel-body'])
- }
- },
- // id map of statuses which need to be hidden in the main list due to pinning logic
- pinnedStatusIdsObject () {
- return keyBy(this.pinnedStatusIds)
- },
- statusesToDisplay () {
- const amount = this.timeline.visibleStatuses.length
- const statusesPerSide = Math.ceil(Math.max(3, window.innerHeight / 80))
- const nonPinnedIndex = this.virtualScrollIndex - this.filteredPinnedStatusIds.length
- const min = Math.max(0, nonPinnedIndex - statusesPerSide)
- const max = Math.min(amount, nonPinnedIndex + statusesPerSide)
- return this.timeline.visibleStatuses.slice(min, max).map(_ => _.id)
- },
- virtualScrollingEnabled () {
- return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.virtualScrolling
- },
- ...mapState(useInterfaceStore, {
- mobileLayout: store => store.layoutType === 'mobile'
- })
- },
- created () {
- const store = this.$store
- const credentials = store.state.users.currentUser.credentials
- const showImmediately = this.timeline.visibleStatuses.length === 0
- window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll)
- if (store.state.api.fetchers[this.timelineName]) { return false }
- timelineFetcher.fetchAndUpdate({
- store,
- credentials,
- timeline: this.timelineName,
- showImmediately,
- userId: this.userId,
- listId: this.listId,
- statusId: this.statusId,
- bookmarkFolderId: this.bookmarkFolderId,
- tag: this.tag
- })
- },
- mounted () {
- if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') {
- document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.handleVisibilityChange, false)
- this.unfocused = document.hidden
- }
- window.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleShortKey)
- setTimeout(this.determineVisibleStatuses, 250)
- },
- unmounted () {
- window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll)
- window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleShortKey)
- if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.handleVisibilityChange, false)
- this.$store.commit('setLoading', { timeline: this.timelineName, value: false })
- },
- methods: {
- scrollToTop () {
- window.scrollTo({ top: this.$el.offsetTop })
- },
- stopBlockingClicks: debounce(function () {
- this.blockingClicks = false
- }, 1000),
- blockClicksTemporarily () {
- if (!this.blockingClicks) {
- this.blockingClicks = true
- }
- this.stopBlockingClicks()
- },
- handleShortKey (e) {
- // Ignore when input fields are focused
- if (['textarea', 'input'].includes(e.target.tagName.toLowerCase())) return
- if (e.key === '.') this.showNewStatuses()
- },
- showNewStatuses () {
- if (this.timeline.flushMarker !== 0) {
- this.$store.commit('clearTimeline', { timeline: this.timelineName, excludeUserId: true })
- this.$store.commit('queueFlush', { timeline: this.timelineName, id: 0 })
- if (this.timelineName === 'user') {
- this.$store.dispatch('fetchPinnedStatuses', this.userId)
- }
- this.fetchOlderStatuses()
- } else {
- this.blockClicksTemporarily()
- this.$store.commit('showNewStatuses', { timeline: this.timelineName })
- this.paused = false
- }
- window.scrollTo({ top: 0 })
- },
- fetchOlderStatuses: throttle(function () {
- const store = this.$store
- const credentials = store.state.users.currentUser.credentials
- store.commit('setLoading', { timeline: this.timelineName, value: true })
- timelineFetcher.fetchAndUpdate({
- store,
- credentials,
- timeline: this.timelineName,
- older: true,
- showImmediately: true,
- userId: this.userId,
- listId: this.listId,
- statusId: this.statusId,
- bookmarkFolderId: this.bookmarkFolderId,
- tag: this.tag
- }).then(({ statuses }) => {
- if (statuses && statuses.length === 0) {
- this.bottomedOut = true
- }
- }).finally(() =>
- store.commit('setLoading', { timeline: this.timelineName, value: false })
- )
- }, 1000, this),
- determineVisibleStatuses () {
- if (!this.$refs.timeline) return
- if (!this.virtualScrollingEnabled) return
- const statuses = this.$refs.timeline.children
- const cappedScrollIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.virtualScrollIndex, statuses.length - 1))
- if (statuses.length === 0) return
- const height = Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight, window.pageYOffset)
- const centerOfScreen = window.pageYOffset + (window.innerHeight * 0.5)
- // Start from approximating the index of some visible status by using the
- // the center of the screen on the timeline.
- let approxIndex = Math.floor(statuses.length * (centerOfScreen / height))
- let err = statuses[approxIndex].getBoundingClientRect().y
- // if we have a previous scroll index that can be used, test if it's
- // closer than the previous approximation, use it if so
- const virtualScrollIndexY = statuses[cappedScrollIndex].getBoundingClientRect().y
- if (Math.abs(err) > virtualScrollIndexY) {
- approxIndex = cappedScrollIndex
- err = virtualScrollIndexY
- }
- // if the status is too far from viewport, check the next/previous ones if
- // they happen to be better
- while (err < -20 && approxIndex < statuses.length - 1) {
- err += statuses[approxIndex].offsetHeight
- approxIndex++
- }
- while (err > window.innerHeight + 100 && approxIndex > 0) {
- approxIndex--
- err -= statuses[approxIndex].offsetHeight
- }
- // this status is now the center point for virtual scrolling and visible
- // statuses will be nearby statuses before and after it
- this.virtualScrollIndex = approxIndex
- },
- scrollLoad () {
- const bodyBRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect()
- const height = Math.max(bodyBRect.height, -(bodyBRect.y))
- if (this.timeline.loading === false &&
- this.$el.offsetHeight > 0 &&
- (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset) >= (height - 750)) {
- this.fetchOlderStatuses()
- }
- },
- handleScroll: throttle(function (e) {
- this.showScrollTop = this.$el.offsetTop < window.scrollY
- this.determineVisibleStatuses()
- this.scrollLoad(e)
- }, 200),
- handleVisibilityChange () {
- this.unfocused = document.hidden
- }
- },
- watch: {
- newStatusCount (count) {
- if (!this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.streaming) {
- return
- }
- if (count > 0) {
- // only 'stream' them when you're scrolled to the top
- const doc = document.documentElement
- const top = (window.pageYOffset || doc.scrollTop) - (doc.clientTop || 0)
- if (top < 15 &&
- !this.paused &&
- !(this.unfocused && this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.pauseOnUnfocused)
- ) {
- this.showNewStatuses()
- } else {
- this.paused = true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- export default Timeline