status.js (18841B)
- import PostStatusForm from '../post_status_form/post_status_form.vue'
- import UserAvatar from '../user_avatar/user_avatar.vue'
- import AvatarList from '../avatar_list/avatar_list.vue'
- import Timeago from '../timeago/timeago.vue'
- import StatusContent from '../status_content/status_content.vue'
- import RichContent from 'src/components/rich_content/rich_content.jsx'
- import StatusPopover from '../status_popover/status_popover.vue'
- import UserPopover from '../user_popover/user_popover.vue'
- import UserListPopover from '../user_list_popover/user_list_popover.vue'
- import EmojiReactions from '../emoji_reactions/emoji_reactions.vue'
- import UserLink from '../user_link/user_link.vue'
- import MentionsLine from 'src/components/mentions_line/mentions_line.vue'
- import MentionLink from 'src/components/mention_link/mention_link.vue'
- import StatusActionButtons from 'src/components/status_action_buttons/status_action_buttons.vue'
- import generateProfileLink from 'src/services/user_profile_link_generator/user_profile_link_generator'
- import { highlightClass, highlightStyle } from '../../services/user_highlighter/user_highlighter.js'
- import { muteWordHits } from '../../services/status_parser/status_parser.js'
- import { unescape, uniqBy } from 'lodash'
- import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
- import {
- faEnvelope,
- faLock,
- faLockOpen,
- faGlobe,
- faTimes,
- faRetweet,
- faReply,
- faPlusSquare,
- faSmileBeam,
- faEllipsisH,
- faStar,
- faEyeSlash,
- faEye,
- faThumbtack,
- faChevronUp,
- faChevronDown,
- faAngleDoubleRight,
- faPlay
- } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
- library.add(
- faEnvelope,
- faGlobe,
- faLock,
- faLockOpen,
- faTimes,
- faRetweet,
- faReply,
- faPlusSquare,
- faStar,
- faSmileBeam,
- faEllipsisH,
- faEyeSlash,
- faEye,
- faThumbtack,
- faChevronUp,
- faChevronDown,
- faAngleDoubleRight,
- faPlay
- )
- const camelCase = name => name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)
- const controlledOrUncontrolledGetters = list => list.reduce((res, name) => {
- const camelized = camelCase(name)
- const toggle = `controlledToggle${camelized}`
- const controlledName = `controlled${camelized}`
- const uncontrolledName = `uncontrolled${camelized}`
- res[name] = function () {
- return ((this.$data[toggle] !== undefined || this.$props[toggle] !== undefined) && this[toggle]) ? this[controlledName] : this[uncontrolledName]
- }
- return res
- }, {})
- const controlledOrUncontrolledToggle = (obj, name) => {
- const camelized = camelCase(name)
- const toggle = `controlledToggle${camelized}`
- const uncontrolledName = `uncontrolled${camelized}`
- if (obj[toggle]) {
- obj[toggle]()
- } else {
- obj[uncontrolledName] = !obj[uncontrolledName]
- }
- }
- const controlledOrUncontrolledSet = (obj, name, val) => {
- const camelized = camelCase(name)
- const set = `controlledSet${camelized}`
- const uncontrolledName = `uncontrolled${camelized}`
- if (obj[set]) {
- obj[set](val)
- } else {
- obj[uncontrolledName] = val
- }
- }
- const Status = {
- name: 'Status',
- components: {
- PostStatusForm,
- UserAvatar,
- AvatarList,
- Timeago,
- StatusPopover,
- UserListPopover,
- EmojiReactions,
- StatusContent,
- RichContent,
- MentionLink,
- MentionsLine,
- UserPopover,
- UserLink,
- StatusActionButtons
- },
- props: [
- 'statusoid',
- 'expandable',
- 'inConversation',
- 'focused',
- 'highlight',
- 'compact',
- 'replies',
- 'isPreview',
- 'noHeading',
- 'inlineExpanded',
- 'showPinned',
- 'inProfile',
- 'profileUserId',
- 'inQuote',
- 'simpleTree',
- 'controlledThreadDisplayStatus',
- 'controlledToggleThreadDisplay',
- 'showOtherRepliesAsButton',
- 'controlledShowingTall',
- 'controlledToggleShowingTall',
- 'controlledExpandingSubject',
- 'controlledToggleExpandingSubject',
- 'controlledShowingLongSubject',
- 'controlledToggleShowingLongSubject',
- 'controlledReplying',
- 'controlledToggleReplying',
- 'controlledMediaPlaying',
- 'controlledSetMediaPlaying',
- 'dive'
- ],
- emits: ['interacted'],
- data () {
- return {
- uncontrolledReplying: false,
- unmuted: false,
- userExpanded: false,
- uncontrolledMediaPlaying: [],
- suspendable: true,
- error: null,
- headTailLinks: null,
- displayQuote: !this.inQuote
- }
- },
- computed: {
- ...controlledOrUncontrolledGetters(['replying', 'mediaPlaying']),
- muteWords () {
- return this.mergedConfig.muteWords
- },
- showReasonMutedThread () {
- return (
- this.status.thread_muted ||
- (this.status.reblog && this.status.reblog.thread_muted)
- ) && !this.inConversation
- },
- repeaterClass () {
- const user = this.statusoid.user
- return highlightClass(user)
- },
- userClass () {
- const user = this.retweet ? (this.statusoid.retweeted_status.user) : this.statusoid.user
- return highlightClass(user)
- },
- deleted () {
- return this.statusoid.deleted
- },
- repeaterStyle () {
- const user = this.statusoid.user
- const highlight = this.mergedConfig.highlight
- return highlightStyle(highlight[user.screen_name])
- },
- userStyle () {
- if (this.noHeading) return
- const user = this.retweet ? (this.statusoid.retweeted_status.user) : this.statusoid.user
- const highlight = this.mergedConfig.highlight
- return highlightStyle(highlight[user.screen_name])
- },
- userProfileLink () {
- return this.generateUserProfileLink(, this.status.user.screen_name)
- },
- replyProfileLink () {
- if (this.isReply) {
- const user = this.$store.getters.findUser(this.status.in_reply_to_user_id)
- // FIXME Why user not found sometimes???
- return user ? user.statusnet_profile_url : 'NOT_FOUND'
- }
- },
- retweet () { return !!this.statusoid.retweeted_status },
- retweeterUser () { return this.statusoid.user },
- retweeter () { return || this.statusoid.user.screen_name_ui },
- retweeterHtml () { return },
- retweeterProfileLink () { return this.generateUserProfileLink(, this.statusoid.user.screen_name) },
- status () {
- if (this.retweet) {
- return this.statusoid.retweeted_status
- } else {
- return this.statusoid
- }
- },
- statusFromGlobalRepository () {
- // NOTE: Consider to replace status with statusFromGlobalRepository
- return this.$store.state.statuses.allStatusesObject[]
- },
- loggedIn () {
- return !!this.currentUser
- },
- muteWordHits () {
- return muteWordHits(this.status, this.muteWords)
- },
- botStatus () {
- return this.status.user.actor_type === 'Service'
- },
- showActorTypeIndicator () {
- return !this.hideBotIndication
- },
- sensitiveStatus () {
- return this.status.nsfw
- },
- mentionsLine () {
- if (!this.headTailLinks) return []
- const writtenSet = new Set( => _.url))
- return this.status.attentions.filter(attn => {
- // no reply user
- return !== this.status.in_reply_to_user_id &&
- // no self-replies
- attn.statusnet_profile_url !== this.status.user.statusnet_profile_url &&
- // don't include if mentions is written
- !writtenSet.has(attn.statusnet_profile_url)
- }).map(attn => ({
- url: attn.statusnet_profile_url,
- content: attn.screen_name,
- userId:
- }))
- },
- hasMentionsLine () {
- return this.mentionsLine.length > 0
- },
- muteReasons () {
- return [
- this.userIsMuted ? 'user' : null,
- this.status.thread_muted ? 'thread' : null,
- (this.muteWordHits.length > 0) ? 'wordfilter' : null,
- (this.muteBotStatuses && this.botStatus) ? 'bot' : null,
- (this.muteSensitiveStatuses && this.sensitiveStatus) ? 'nsfw' : null
- ].filter(_ => _)
- },
- muteLocalized () {
- if (this.muteReasons.length === 0) return null
- const mainReason = () => {
- switch (this.muteReasons[0]) {
- case 'user': return this.$t('status.muted_user')
- case 'thread': return this.$t('status.thread_muted')
- case 'wordfilter':
- return this.$t(
- 'status.muted_words',
- {
- word: this.muteWordHits[0],
- numWordsMore: this.muteWordHits.length - 1
- },
- this.muteWordHits.length
- )
- case 'bot': return this.$t('status.bot_muted')
- case 'nsfw': return this.$t('status.sensitive_muted')
- }
- }
- if (this.muteReasons.length > 1) {
- return this.$t(
- 'status.multi_reason_mute',
- {
- main: mainReason(),
- numReasonsMore: this.muteReasons.length - 1
- },
- this.muteReasons.length - 1
- )
- } else {
- return mainReason()
- }
- },
- muted () {
- if ( === return false
- return !this.unmuted && !this.shouldNotMute && this.muteReasons.length > 0
- },
- userIsMuted () {
- if ( === return false
- const { status } = this
- const { reblog } = status
- const relationship = this.$store.getters.relationship(
- const relationshipReblog = reblog && this.$store.getters.relationship(
- return (status.muted && !status.thread_muted) ||
- // Reprööt of a muted post according to BE
- (reblog && reblog.muted && !reblog.thread_muted) ||
- // Muted user
- relationship.muting ||
- // Muted user of a reprööt
- (relationshipReblog && relationshipReblog.muting)
- },
- shouldNotMute () {
- const { status } = this
- const { reblog } = status
- return (
- (
- this.inProfile && (
- // Don't mute user's posts on user timeline (except reblogs)
- (!reblog && === this.profileUserId) ||
- // Same as above but also allow self-reblogs
- (reblog && === this.profileUserId)
- )
- ) ||
- // Don't mute statuses in muted conversation when said conversation is opened
- (this.inConversation && status.thread_muted)
- // No excuses if post has muted words
- ) && !this.muteWordHits.length > 0
- },
- hideMutedUsers () {
- return this.mergedConfig.hideMutedPosts
- },
- hideMutedThreads () {
- return this.mergedConfig.hideMutedThreads
- },
- hideFilteredStatuses () {
- return this.mergedConfig.hideFilteredStatuses
- },
- hideWordFilteredPosts () {
- return this.mergedConfig.hideWordFilteredPosts
- },
- hideStatus () {
- return (!this.shouldNotMute) && (
- (this.muted && this.hideFilteredStatuses) ||
- (this.userIsMuted && this.hideMutedUsers) ||
- (this.status.thread_muted && this.hideMutedThreads) ||
- (this.muteWordHits.length > 0 && this.hideWordFilteredPosts)
- )
- },
- isFocused () {
- // retweet or root of an expanded conversation
- if (this.focused) {
- return true
- } else if (!this.inConversation) {
- return false
- }
- // use conversation highlight only when in conversation
- return === this.highlight
- },
- isReply () {
- return !!(this.status.in_reply_to_status_id && this.status.in_reply_to_user_id)
- },
- replyToName () {
- if (this.status.in_reply_to_screen_name) {
- return this.status.in_reply_to_screen_name
- } else {
- const user = this.$store.getters.findUser(this.status.in_reply_to_user_id)
- return user && user.screen_name_ui
- }
- },
- replySubject () {
- if (!this.status.summary) return ''
- const decodedSummary = unescape(this.status.summary)
- const behavior = this.mergedConfig.subjectLineBehavior
- const startsWithRe = decodedSummary.match(/^re[: ]/i)
- if ((behavior !== 'noop' && startsWithRe) || behavior === 'masto') {
- return decodedSummary
- } else if (behavior === 'email') {
- return 're: '.concat(decodedSummary)
- } else if (behavior === 'noop') {
- return ''
- }
- },
- combinedFavsAndRepeatsUsers () {
- // Use the status from the global status repository since favs and repeats are saved in it
- const combinedUsers = [].concat(
- this.statusFromGlobalRepository.favoritedBy,
- this.statusFromGlobalRepository.rebloggedBy
- )
- return uniqBy(combinedUsers, 'id')
- },
- tags () {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
- return this.status.tags.filter(tagObj => tagObj.hasOwnProperty('name')).map(tagObj =>' ')
- },
- hidePostStats () {
- return this.mergedConfig.hidePostStats
- },
- shouldDisplayFavsAndRepeats () {
- return !this.hidePostStats && this.isFocused && (this.combinedFavsAndRepeatsUsers.length > 0 || this.statusFromGlobalRepository.quotes_count)
- },
- muteBotStatuses () {
- return this.mergedConfig.muteBotStatuses
- },
- muteSensitiveStatuses () {
- return this.mergedConfig.muteSensitiveStatuses
- },
- hideBotIndication () {
- return this.mergedConfig.hideBotIndication
- },
- currentUser () {
- return this.$store.state.users.currentUser
- },
- mergedConfig () {
- return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig
- },
- isSuspendable () {
- return !this.replying && this.mediaPlaying.length === 0
- },
- inThreadForest () {
- return !!this.controlledThreadDisplayStatus
- },
- threadShowing () {
- return this.controlledThreadDisplayStatus === 'showing'
- },
- visibilityLocalized () {
- return this.$i18n.t('general.scope_in_timeline.' + this.status.visibility)
- },
- isEdited () {
- return this.status.edited_at !== null
- },
- editingAvailable () {
- return this.$store.state.instance.editingAvailable
- },
- hasVisibleQuote () {
- return this.status.quote_url && this.status.quote_visible
- },
- hasInvisibleQuote () {
- return this.status.quote_url && !this.status.quote_visible
- },
- quotedStatus () {
- return this.status.quote_id ? this.$store.state.statuses.allStatusesObject[this.status.quote_id] : undefined
- },
- shouldDisplayQuote () {
- return this.quotedStatus && this.displayQuote
- },
- scrobblePresent () {
- if (this.mergedConfig.hideScrobbles) return false
- if (!this.status.user.latestScrobble) return false
- const value = this.mergedConfig.hideScrobblesAfter.match(/\d+/gs)[0]
- const unit = this.mergedConfig.hideScrobblesAfter.match(/\D+/gs)[0]
- let multiplier = 60 * 1000 // minutes is smallest unit
- switch (unit) {
- case 'm':
- break
- case 'h':
- multiplier *= 60 // hour
- break
- case 'd':
- multiplier *= 60 // hour
- multiplier *= 24 // day
- break
- }
- const maxAge = Number(value) * multiplier
- const createdAt = Date.parse(this.status.user.latestScrobble.created_at)
- const age = - createdAt
- if (age > maxAge) return false
- return this.status.user.latestScrobble.artist
- },
- scrobble () {
- return this.status.user.latestScrobble
- }
- },
- methods: {
- visibilityIcon (visibility) {
- switch (visibility) {
- case 'private':
- return 'lock'
- case 'unlisted':
- return 'lock-open'
- case 'direct':
- return 'envelope'
- default:
- return 'globe'
- }
- },
- showError (error) {
- this.error = error
- },
- clearError () {
- this.$emit('interacted')
- this.error = undefined
- },
- toggleReplying () {
- this.$emit('interacted')
- if (this.replying) {
- this.$refs.postStatusForm.requestClose()
- } else {
- this.doToggleReplying()
- }
- },
- doToggleReplying () {
- controlledOrUncontrolledToggle(this, 'replying')
- },
- gotoOriginal (id) {
- if (this.inConversation) {
- this.$emit('goto', id)
- }
- },
- toggleExpanded () {
- this.$emit('toggleExpanded')
- },
- toggleMute () {
- this.unmuted = !this.unmuted
- },
- toggleUserExpanded () {
- this.userExpanded = !this.userExpanded
- },
- generateUserProfileLink (id, name) {
- return generateProfileLink(id, name, this.$store.state.instance.restrictedNicknames)
- },
- addMediaPlaying (id) {
- controlledOrUncontrolledSet(this, 'mediaPlaying', this.mediaPlaying.concat(id))
- },
- removeMediaPlaying (id) {
- controlledOrUncontrolledSet(this, 'mediaPlaying', this.mediaPlaying.filter(mediaId => mediaId !== id))
- },
- setHeadTailLinks (headTailLinks) {
- this.headTailLinks = headTailLinks
- },
- toggleThreadDisplay () {
- this.controlledToggleThreadDisplay()
- },
- scrollIfHighlighted (highlightId) {
- const id = highlightId
- if ( === id) {
- const rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect()
- if ( < 100) {
- // Post is above screen, match its top to screen top
- window.scrollBy(0, - 100)
- } else if (rect.height >= (window.innerHeight - 50)) {
- // Post we want to see is taller than screen so match its top to screen top
- window.scrollBy(0, - 100)
- } else if (rect.bottom > window.innerHeight - 50) {
- // Post is below screen, match its bottom to screen bottom
- window.scrollBy(0, rect.bottom - window.innerHeight + 50)
- }
- }
- },
- toggleDisplayQuote () {
- if (this.shouldDisplayQuote) {
- this.displayQuote = false
- } else if (!this.quotedStatus) {
- this.$store.dispatch('fetchStatus', this.status.quote_id)
- .then(() => {
- this.displayQuote = true
- })
- } else {
- this.displayQuote = true
- }
- }
- },
- watch: {
- highlight: function (id) {
- this.scrollIfHighlighted(id)
- },
- 'status.repeat_num': function (num) {
- // refetch repeats when repeat_num is changed in any way
- if (this.isFocused && this.statusFromGlobalRepository.rebloggedBy && this.statusFromGlobalRepository.rebloggedBy.length !== num) {
- this.$store.dispatch('fetchRepeats',
- }
- },
- 'status.fave_num': function (num) {
- // refetch favs when fave_num is changed in any way
- if (this.isFocused && this.statusFromGlobalRepository.favoritedBy && this.statusFromGlobalRepository.favoritedBy.length !== num) {
- this.$store.dispatch('fetchFavs',
- }
- },
- isSuspendable: function (val) {
- this.suspendable = val
- }
- }
- }
- export default Status