emoji_tab.js (7929B)
- import { clone, assign } from 'lodash'
- import TabSwitcher from 'src/components/tab_switcher/tab_switcher.jsx'
- import StringSetting from '../helpers/string_setting.vue'
- import Checkbox from 'components/checkbox/checkbox.vue'
- import StillImage from 'components/still-image/still-image.vue'
- import Select from 'components/select/select.vue'
- import Popover from 'components/popover/popover.vue'
- import ConfirmModal from 'components/confirm_modal/confirm_modal.vue'
- import ModifiedIndicator from '../helpers/modified_indicator.vue'
- import EmojiEditingPopover from '../helpers/emoji_editing_popover.vue'
- const EmojiTab = {
- components: {
- TabSwitcher,
- StringSetting,
- Checkbox,
- StillImage,
- Select,
- Popover,
- ConfirmModal,
- ModifiedIndicator,
- EmojiEditingPopover
- },
- data () {
- return {
- knownLocalPacks: { },
- knownRemotePacks: { },
- editedMetadata: { },
- packName: '',
- newPackName: '',
- deleteModalVisible: false,
- remotePackInstance: '',
- remotePackDownloadAs: ''
- }
- },
- provide () {
- return { emojiAddr: this.emojiAddr }
- },
- computed: {
- pack () {
- return this.packName !== '' ? this.knownPacks[this.packName] : undefined
- },
- packMeta () {
- if (this.editedMetadata[this.packName] === undefined) {
- this.editedMetadata[this.packName] = clone(this.pack.pack)
- }
- return this.editedMetadata[this.packName]
- },
- knownPacks () {
- // Copy the object itself but not the children, so they are still passed by reference and modified
- const result = clone(this.knownLocalPacks)
- for (const instName in this.knownRemotePacks) {
- for (const instPack in this.knownRemotePacks[instName]) {
- result[`${instPack}@${instName}`] = this.knownRemotePacks[instName][instPack]
- }
- }
- return result
- },
- downloadWillReplaceLocal () {
- return (this.remotePackDownloadAs.trim() === '' && this.pack.remote && this.pack.remote.baseName in this.knownLocalPacks) ||
- (this.remotePackDownloadAs in this.knownLocalPacks)
- }
- },
- methods: {
- reloadEmoji () {
- this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.reloadEmoji()
- },
- importFromFS () {
- this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.importEmojiFromFS()
- },
- emojiAddr (name) {
- if (this.pack.remote !== undefined) {
- // Remote pack
- return `${this.pack.remote.instance}/emoji/${encodeURIComponent(this.pack.remote.baseName)}/${name}`
- } else {
- return `${this.$store.state.instance.server}/emoji/${encodeURIComponent(this.packName)}/${name}`
- }
- },
- createEmojiPack () {
- this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.createEmojiPack(
- { name: this.newPackName }
- ).then(resp => resp.json()).then(resp => {
- if (resp === 'ok') {
- return this.refreshPackList()
- } else {
- this.displayError(resp.error)
- return Promise.reject(resp)
- }
- }).then(() => {
- this.$refs.createPackPopover.hidePopover()
- this.packName = this.newPackName
- this.newPackName = ''
- })
- },
- deleteEmojiPack () {
- this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.deleteEmojiPack(
- { name: this.packName }
- ).then(resp => resp.json()).then(resp => {
- if (resp === 'ok') {
- return this.refreshPackList()
- } else {
- this.displayError(resp.error)
- return Promise.reject(resp)
- }
- }).then(() => {
- delete this.editedMetadata[this.packName]
- this.deleteModalVisible = false
- this.packName = ''
- })
- },
- metaEdited (prop) {
- if (!this.pack) return
- const def = this.pack.pack[prop] || ''
- const edited = this.packMeta[prop] || ''
- return edited !== def
- },
- savePackMetadata () {
- this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.saveEmojiPackMetadata({ name: this.packName, newData: this.packMeta }).then(
- resp => resp.json()
- ).then(resp => {
- if (resp.error !== undefined) {
- this.displayError(resp.error)
- return
- }
- // Update actual pack data
- this.pack.pack = resp
- // Delete edited pack data, should auto-update itself
- delete this.editedMetadata[this.packName]
- })
- },
- updatePackFiles (newFiles) {
- this.pack.files = newFiles
- this.sortPackFiles(this.packName)
- },
- loadPacksPaginated (listFunction) {
- const pageSize = 25
- const allPacks = {}
- return listFunction({ instance: this.remotePackInstance, page: 1, pageSize: 0 })
- .then(data => data.json())
- .then(data => {
- if (data.error !== undefined) { return Promise.reject(data.error) }
- let resultingPromise = Promise.resolve({})
- for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(data.count / pageSize); i++) {
- resultingPromise = resultingPromise.then(() => listFunction({ instance: this.remotePackInstance, page: i, pageSize })
- ).then(data => data.json()).then(pageData => {
- if (pageData.error !== undefined) { return Promise.reject(pageData.error) }
- assign(allPacks, pageData.packs)
- })
- }
- return resultingPromise
- })
- .then(() => allPacks)
- .catch(data => {
- this.displayError(data)
- })
- },
- refreshPackList () {
- this.loadPacksPaginated(this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.listEmojiPacks)
- .then(allPacks => {
- this.knownLocalPacks = allPacks
- for (const name of Object.keys(this.knownLocalPacks)) {
- this.sortPackFiles(name)
- }
- })
- },
- listRemotePacks () {
- this.loadPacksPaginated(this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.listRemoteEmojiPacks)
- .then(allPacks => {
- let inst = this.remotePackInstance
- if (!inst.startsWith('http')) { inst = 'https://' + inst }
- const instUrl = new URL(inst)
- inst = instUrl.host
- for (const packName in allPacks) {
- allPacks[packName].remote = {
- baseName: packName,
- instance: instUrl.origin
- }
- }
- this.knownRemotePacks[inst] = allPacks
- for (const pack in this.knownRemotePacks[inst]) {
- this.sortPackFiles(`${pack}@${inst}`)
- }
- this.$refs.remotePackPopover.hidePopover()
- })
- .catch(data => {
- this.displayError(data)
- })
- },
- downloadRemotePack () {
- if (this.remotePackDownloadAs.trim() === '') {
- this.remotePackDownloadAs = this.pack.remote.baseName
- }
- this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.downloadRemoteEmojiPack({
- instance: this.pack.remote.instance, packName: this.pack.remote.baseName, as: this.remotePackDownloadAs
- })
- .then(data => data.json())
- .then(resp => {
- if (resp === 'ok') {
- this.$refs.dlPackPopover.hidePopover()
- return this.refreshPackList()
- } else {
- this.displayError(resp.error)
- return Promise.reject(resp)
- }
- }).then(() => {
- this.packName = this.remotePackDownloadAs
- this.remotePackDownloadAs = ''
- })
- },
- displayError (msg) {
- this.$store.useInterfaceStore().pushGlobalNotice({
- messageKey: 'admin_dash.emoji.error',
- messageArgs: [msg],
- level: 'error'
- })
- },
- sortPackFiles (nameOfPack) {
- // Sort by key
- const sorted = Object.keys(this.knownPacks[nameOfPack].files).sort().reduce((acc, key) => {
- if (key.length === 0) return acc
- acc[key] = this.knownPacks[nameOfPack].files[key]
- return acc
- }, {})
- this.knownPacks[nameOfPack].files = sorted
- }
- },
- mounted () {
- this.refreshPackList()
- }
- }
- export default EmojiTab