react_button.vue (2375B)
- <template>
- <span class="ReactButton">
- <EmojiPicker
- ref="picker"
- :enable-sticker-picker="false"
- :hide-custom-emoji="hideCustomEmoji"
- class="emoji-picker-panel"
- @emoji="addReaction"
- @show="onShow"
- @close="onClose"
- />
- <span
- class="button-unstyled popover-trigger"
- role="button"
- :tabindex="0"
- :title="$t('tool_tip.add_reaction')"
- @click.stop.prevent="show"
- >
- <FALayers>
- <FAIcon
- class="fa-scale-110 fa-old-padding"
- :icon="['far', 'smile-beam']"
- />
- <FAIcon
- v-show="!expanded"
- class="focus-marker"
- transform="shrink-6 up-9 right-17"
- icon="plus"
- />
- <FAIcon
- v-show="expanded"
- class="focus-marker"
- transform="shrink-6 up-9 right-17"
- icon="times"
- />
- </FALayers>
- </span>
- </span>
- </template>
- <script src="./react_button.js"></script>
- <style lang="scss">
- @import "../../mixins";
- .ReactButton {
- .reaction-picker-filter {
- padding: 0.5em;
- display: flex;
- input {
- flex: 1;
- }
- }
- .reaction-picker-divider {
- height: 1px;
- width: 100%;
- margin: 0.5em;
- background-color: var(--border);
- }
- .reaction-picker {
- width: 10em;
- height: 9em;
- font-size: 1.5em;
- overflow-y: scroll;
- display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- padding: 0.5em;
- text-align: center;
- align-content: flex-start;
- user-select: none;
- mask:
- linear-gradient(to top, white 0, transparent 100%) bottom no-repeat,
- linear-gradient(to bottom, white 0, transparent 100%) top no-repeat,
- linear-gradient(to top, white, white);
- transition: mask-size 150ms;
- mask-size: 100% 20px, 100% 20px, auto;
- /* Autoprefixed seem to ignore this one, and also syntax is different */
- mask-composite: xor;
- mask-composite: exclude;
- .emoji-button {
- cursor: pointer;
- flex-basis: 20%;
- line-height: 1.5;
- align-content: center;
- &:hover {
- transform: scale(1.25);
- }
- }
- }
- .popover-trigger {
- padding: 10px;
- margin: -10px;
- @include unfocused-style {
- .focus-marker {
- visibility: hidden;
- }
- }
- @include focused-style {
- .focus-marker {
- visibility: visible;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- </style>