post_status_form.js (27443B)
- import statusPoster from '../../services/status_poster/status_poster.service.js'
- import genRandomSeed from '../../services/random_seed/random_seed.service.js'
- import MediaUpload from '../media_upload/media_upload.vue'
- import ScopeSelector from '../scope_selector/scope_selector.vue'
- import EmojiInput from '../emoji_input/emoji_input.vue'
- import PollForm from '../poll/poll_form.vue'
- import Attachment from '../attachment/attachment.vue'
- import Gallery from 'src/components/gallery/gallery.vue'
- import StatusContent from '../status_content/status_content.vue'
- import Popover from 'src/components/popover/popover.vue'
- import fileTypeService from '../../services/file_type/file_type.service.js'
- import { findOffset } from '../../services/offset_finder/offset_finder.service.js'
- import { propsToNative } from '../../services/attributes_helper/attributes_helper.service.js'
- import { pollFormToMasto } from 'src/services/poll/poll.service.js'
- import { reject, map, uniqBy, debounce } from 'lodash'
- import suggestor from '../emoji_input/suggestor.js'
- import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
- import { mapState, mapActions } from 'pinia'
- import Checkbox from '../checkbox/checkbox.vue'
- import Select from '../select/select.vue'
- import DraftCloser from 'src/components/draft_closer/draft_closer.vue'
- import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
- import {
- faSmileBeam,
- faPollH,
- faUpload,
- faBan,
- faTimes,
- faCircleNotch,
- faChevronDown,
- faChevronLeft,
- faChevronRight
- } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
- import { useInterfaceStore } from 'src/stores/interface.js'
- import { useMediaViewerStore } from 'src/stores/media_viewer.js'
- library.add(
- faSmileBeam,
- faPollH,
- faUpload,
- faBan,
- faTimes,
- faCircleNotch,
- faChevronDown,
- faChevronLeft,
- faChevronRight
- )
- const buildMentionsString = ({ user, attentions = [] }, currentUser) => {
- let allAttentions = [...attentions]
- allAttentions.unshift(user)
- allAttentions = uniqBy(allAttentions, 'id')
- allAttentions = reject(allAttentions, { id: })
- const mentions = map(allAttentions, (attention) => {
- return `@${attention.screen_name}`
- })
- return mentions.length > 0 ? mentions.join(' ') + ' ' : ''
- }
- // Converts a string with px to a number like '2px' -> 2
- const pxStringToNumber = (str) => {
- return Number(str.substring(0, str.length - 2))
- }
- const typeAndRefId = ({ replyTo, profileMention, statusId }) => {
- if (replyTo) {
- return ['reply', replyTo]
- } else if (profileMention) {
- return ['mention', profileMention]
- } else if (statusId) {
- return ['edit', statusId]
- } else {
- return ['new', '']
- }
- }
- const PostStatusForm = {
- props: [
- 'statusId',
- 'statusText',
- 'statusIsSensitive',
- 'statusPoll',
- 'statusFiles',
- 'statusMediaDescriptions',
- 'statusScope',
- 'statusContentType',
- 'replyTo',
- 'repliedUser',
- 'attentions',
- 'copyMessageScope',
- 'subject',
- 'disableSubject',
- 'disableScopeSelector',
- 'disableVisibilitySelector',
- 'disableNotice',
- 'disableLockWarning',
- 'disablePolls',
- 'disableSensitivityCheckbox',
- 'disableSubmit',
- 'disablePreview',
- 'disableDraft',
- 'hideDraft',
- 'closeable',
- 'placeholder',
- 'maxHeight',
- 'postHandler',
- 'preserveFocus',
- 'autoFocus',
- 'fileLimit',
- 'submitOnEnter',
- 'emojiPickerPlacement',
- 'optimisticPosting',
- 'profileMention',
- 'draftId'
- ],
- emits: [
- 'posted',
- 'draft-done',
- 'resize',
- 'mediaplay',
- 'mediapause',
- 'can-close',
- 'update'
- ],
- components: {
- MediaUpload,
- EmojiInput,
- PollForm,
- ScopeSelector,
- Checkbox,
- Select,
- Attachment,
- StatusContent,
- Gallery,
- DraftCloser,
- Popover
- },
- mounted () {
- this.updateIdempotencyKey()
- this.resize(this.$refs.textarea)
- if (this.replyTo) {
- const textLength = this.$refs.textarea.value.length
- this.$refs.textarea.setSelectionRange(textLength, textLength)
- }
- if (this.replyTo || this.autoFocus) {
- this.$refs.textarea.focus()
- }
- },
- data () {
- const preset = this.$route.query.message
- let statusText = preset || ''
- const { scopeCopy } = this.$store.getters.mergedConfig
- const [statusType, refId] = typeAndRefId({ replyTo: this.replyTo, profileMention: this.profileMention && this.repliedUser?.id, statusId: this.statusId })
- // If we are starting a new post, do not associate it with old drafts
- let statusParams = !this.disableDraft && (this.draftId || statusType !== 'new') ? this.getDraft(statusType, refId) : null
- if (!statusParams) {
- if (statusType === 'reply' || statusType === 'mention') {
- const currentUser = this.$store.state.users.currentUser
- statusText = buildMentionsString({ user: this.repliedUser, attentions: this.attentions }, currentUser)
- }
- const scope = ((this.copyMessageScope && scopeCopy) || this.copyMessageScope === 'direct')
- ? this.copyMessageScope
- : this.$store.state.users.currentUser.default_scope
- const { postContentType: contentType, sensitiveByDefault } = this.$store.getters.mergedConfig
- statusParams = {
- type: statusType,
- refId,
- spoilerText: this.subject || '',
- status: statusText,
- nsfw: !!sensitiveByDefault,
- files: [],
- poll: {},
- hasPoll: false,
- mediaDescriptions: {},
- visibility: scope,
- contentType,
- quoting: false
- }
- if (statusType === 'edit') {
- const statusContentType = this.statusContentType || contentType
- statusParams = {
- type: statusType,
- refId,
- spoilerText: this.subject || '',
- status: this.statusText || '',
- nsfw: this.statusIsSensitive || !!sensitiveByDefault,
- files: this.statusFiles || [],
- poll: this.statusPoll || {},
- hasPoll: false,
- mediaDescriptions: this.statusMediaDescriptions || {},
- visibility: this.statusScope || scope,
- contentType: statusContentType
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- randomSeed: genRandomSeed(),
- dropFiles: [],
- uploadingFiles: false,
- error: null,
- posting: false,
- highlighted: 0,
- newStatus: statusParams,
- caret: 0,
- showDropIcon: 'hide',
- dropStopTimeout: null,
- preview: null,
- previewLoading: false,
- emojiInputShown: false,
- idempotencyKey: '',
- saveInhibited: true,
- saveable: false
- }
- },
- computed: {
- users () {
- return this.$store.state.users.users
- },
- userDefaultScope () {
- return this.$store.state.users.currentUser.default_scope
- },
- showAllScopes () {
- return !this.mergedConfig.minimalScopesMode
- },
- hideExtraActions () {
- return this.disableDraft || this.hideDraft
- },
- emojiUserSuggestor () {
- return suggestor({
- emoji: [
- ...this.$store.getters.standardEmojiList,
- ...this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji
- ],
- store: this.$store
- })
- },
- emojiSuggestor () {
- return suggestor({
- emoji: [
- ...this.$store.getters.standardEmojiList,
- ...this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji
- ]
- })
- },
- emoji () {
- return this.$store.getters.standardEmojiList || []
- },
- customEmoji () {
- return this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji || []
- },
- statusLength () {
- return this.newStatus.status.length
- },
- spoilerTextLength () {
- return this.newStatus.spoilerText.length
- },
- statusLengthLimit () {
- return this.$store.state.instance.textlimit
- },
- hasStatusLengthLimit () {
- return this.statusLengthLimit > 0
- },
- charactersLeft () {
- return this.statusLengthLimit - (this.statusLength + this.spoilerTextLength)
- },
- isOverLengthLimit () {
- return this.hasStatusLengthLimit && (this.charactersLeft < 0)
- },
- minimalScopesMode () {
- return this.$store.state.instance.minimalScopesMode
- },
- alwaysShowSubject () {
- return this.mergedConfig.alwaysShowSubjectInput
- },
- postFormats () {
- return this.$store.state.instance.postFormats || []
- },
- safeDMEnabled () {
- return this.$store.state.instance.safeDM
- },
- pollsAvailable () {
- return this.$store.state.instance.pollsAvailable &&
- this.$store.state.instance.pollLimits.max_options >= 2 &&
- this.disablePolls !== true
- },
- hideScopeNotice () {
- return this.disableNotice || this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.hideScopeNotice
- },
- pollContentError () {
- return this.pollFormVisible &&
- this.newStatus.poll &&
- this.newStatus.poll.error
- },
- showPreview () {
- return !this.disablePreview && (!!this.preview || this.previewLoading)
- },
- emptyStatus () {
- return this.newStatus.status.trim() === '' && this.newStatus.files.length === 0
- },
- uploadFileLimitReached () {
- return this.newStatus.files.length >= this.fileLimit
- },
- isEdit () {
- return typeof this.statusId !== 'undefined' && this.statusId.trim() !== ''
- },
- quotable () {
- if (!this.$store.state.instance.quotingAvailable) {
- return false
- }
- if (!this.replyTo) {
- return false
- }
- const repliedStatus = this.$store.state.statuses.allStatusesObject[this.replyTo]
- if (!repliedStatus) {
- return false
- }
- if (repliedStatus.visibility === 'public' ||
- repliedStatus.visibility === 'unlisted' ||
- repliedStatus.visibility === 'local') {
- return true
- } else if (repliedStatus.visibility === 'private') {
- return === this.$
- }
- return false
- },
- debouncedMaybeAutoSaveDraft () {
- return debounce(this.maybeAutoSaveDraft, 3000)
- },
- pollFormVisible () {
- return this.newStatus.hasPoll
- },
- shouldAutoSaveDraft () {
- return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.autoSaveDraft
- },
- autoSaveState () {
- if (this.saveable) {
- return this.$t('post_status.auto_save_saving')
- } else if ( {
- return this.$t('post_status.auto_save_saved')
- } else {
- return this.$t('post_status.auto_save_nothing_new')
- }
- },
- safeToSaveDraft () {
- console.log('safe', (
- this.newStatus.status ||
- this.newStatus.spoilerText ||
- this.newStatus.files?.length ||
- this.newStatus.hasPoll
- ) && this.saveable)
- return (
- this.newStatus.status ||
- this.newStatus.spoilerText ||
- this.newStatus.files?.length ||
- this.newStatus.hasPoll
- ) && this.saveable
- },
- hasEmptyDraft () {
- return && !(
- this.newStatus.status ||
- this.newStatus.spoilerText ||
- this.newStatus.files?.length ||
- this.newStatus.hasPoll
- )
- },
- ...mapGetters(['mergedConfig']),
- ...mapState(useInterfaceStore, {
- mobileLayout: store => store.mobileLayout
- })
- },
- watch: {
- newStatus: {
- deep: true,
- handler () {
- this.statusChanged()
- }
- },
- saveable (val) {
- //
- // MDN says we'd better add the beforeunload event listener only when needed, and remove it when it's no longer needed
- if (val) {
- this.addBeforeUnloadListener()
- } else {
- this.removeBeforeUnloadListener()
- }
- }
- },
- beforeUnmount () {
- this.maybeAutoSaveDraft()
- this.removeBeforeUnloadListener()
- },
- methods: {
- ...mapActions(useMediaViewerStore, ['increment']),
- statusChanged () {
- this.autoPreview()
- this.updateIdempotencyKey()
- this.debouncedMaybeAutoSaveDraft()
- this.saveable = true
- this.saveInhibited = false
- },
- clearStatus () {
- const newStatus = this.newStatus
- this.saveInhibited = true
- this.newStatus = {
- status: '',
- spoilerText: '',
- files: [],
- visibility: newStatus.visibility,
- contentType: newStatus.contentType,
- poll: {},
- hasPoll: false,
- mediaDescriptions: {},
- quoting: false
- }
- this.$refs.mediaUpload && this.$refs.mediaUpload.clearFile()
- this.clearPollForm()
- if (this.preserveFocus) {
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- this.$refs.textarea.focus()
- })
- }
- const el = this.$el.querySelector('textarea')
- = 'auto'
- = undefined
- this.error = null
- if (this.preview) this.previewStatus()
- this.saveable = false
- },
- async postStatus (event, newStatus) {
- if (this.posting && !this.optimisticPosting) { return }
- if (this.disableSubmit) { return }
- if (this.emojiInputShown) { return }
- if (this.submitOnEnter) {
- event.stopPropagation()
- event.preventDefault()
- }
- if (this.optimisticPosting && (this.emptyStatus || this.isOverLengthLimit)) { return }
- if (this.emptyStatus) {
- this.error = this.$t('post_status.empty_status_error')
- return
- }
- const poll = this.newStatus.hasPoll ? pollFormToMasto(this.newStatus.poll) : {}
- if (this.pollContentError) {
- this.error = this.pollContentError
- return
- }
- this.posting = true
- try {
- await this.setAllMediaDescriptions()
- } catch {
- this.error = this.$t('post_status.media_description_error')
- this.posting = false
- return
- }
- const replyOrQuoteAttr = newStatus.quoting ? 'quoteId' : 'inReplyToStatusId'
- const postingOptions = {
- status: newStatus.status,
- spoilerText: newStatus.spoilerText || null,
- visibility: newStatus.visibility,
- sensitive: newStatus.nsfw,
- media: newStatus.files,
- store: this.$store,
- [replyOrQuoteAttr]: this.replyTo,
- contentType: newStatus.contentType,
- poll,
- idempotencyKey: this.idempotencyKey
- }
- const postHandler = this.postHandler ? this.postHandler : statusPoster.postStatus
- postHandler(postingOptions).then((data) => {
- if (!data.error) {
- this.abandonDraft()
- this.clearStatus()
- this.$emit('posted', data)
- } else {
- this.error = data.error
- }
- this.posting = false
- })
- },
- previewStatus () {
- if (this.emptyStatus && this.newStatus.spoilerText.trim() === '') {
- this.preview = { error: this.$t('post_status.preview_empty') }
- this.previewLoading = false
- return
- }
- const newStatus = this.newStatus
- this.previewLoading = true
- const replyOrQuoteAttr = newStatus.quoting ? 'quoteId' : 'inReplyToStatusId'
- statusPoster.postStatus({
- status: newStatus.status,
- spoilerText: newStatus.spoilerText || null,
- visibility: newStatus.visibility,
- sensitive: newStatus.nsfw,
- media: [],
- store: this.$store,
- [replyOrQuoteAttr]: this.replyTo,
- contentType: newStatus.contentType,
- poll: {},
- preview: true
- }).then((data) => {
- // Don't apply preview if not loading, because it means
- // user has closed the preview manually.
- if (!this.previewLoading) return
- if (!data.error) {
- this.preview = data
- } else {
- this.preview = { error: data.error }
- }
- }).catch((error) => {
- this.preview = { error }
- }).finally(() => {
- this.previewLoading = false
- })
- },
- debouncePreviewStatus: debounce(function () { this.previewStatus() }, 500),
- autoPreview () {
- if (!this.preview) return
- this.previewLoading = true
- this.debouncePreviewStatus()
- },
- closePreview () {
- this.preview = null
- this.previewLoading = false
- },
- togglePreview () {
- if (this.showPreview) {
- this.closePreview()
- } else {
- this.previewStatus()
- }
- },
- addMediaFile (fileInfo) {
- this.newStatus.files.push(fileInfo)
- this.$emit('resize', { delayed: true })
- },
- removeMediaFile (fileInfo) {
- const index = this.newStatus.files.indexOf(fileInfo)
- this.newStatus.files.splice(index, 1)
- this.$emit('resize')
- },
- editAttachment (fileInfo, newText) {
- this.newStatus.mediaDescriptions[] = newText
- },
- shiftUpMediaFile (fileInfo) {
- const { files } = this.newStatus
- const index = this.newStatus.files.indexOf(fileInfo)
- files.splice(index, 1)
- files.splice(index - 1, 0, fileInfo)
- },
- shiftDnMediaFile (fileInfo) {
- const { files } = this.newStatus
- const index = this.newStatus.files.indexOf(fileInfo)
- files.splice(index, 1)
- files.splice(index + 1, 0, fileInfo)
- },
- uploadFailed (errString, templateArgs) {
- templateArgs = templateArgs || {}
- this.error = this.$t('upload.error.base') + ' ' + this.$t('upload.error.' + errString, templateArgs)
- },
- startedUploadingFiles () {
- this.uploadingFiles = true
- },
- finishedUploadingFiles () {
- this.$emit('resize')
- this.uploadingFiles = false
- },
- type (fileInfo) {
- return fileTypeService.fileType(fileInfo.mimetype)
- },
- paste (e) {
- this.autoPreview()
- this.resize(e)
- if (e.clipboardData.files.length > 0) {
- // prevent pasting of file as text
- e.preventDefault()
- // Strangely, files property gets emptied after event propagation
- // Trying to wrap it in array doesn't work. Plus I doubt it's possible
- // to hold more than one file in clipboard.
- this.dropFiles = [e.clipboardData.files[0]]
- }
- },
- fileDrop (e) {
- if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files')) {
- e.preventDefault() // allow dropping text like before
- this.dropFiles = e.dataTransfer.files
- clearTimeout(this.dropStopTimeout)
- this.showDropIcon = 'hide'
- }
- },
- fileDragStop () {
- // The false-setting is done with delay because just using leave-events
- // directly caused unwanted flickering, this is not perfect either but
- // much less noticable.
- clearTimeout(this.dropStopTimeout)
- this.showDropIcon = 'fade'
- this.dropStopTimeout = setTimeout(() => (this.showDropIcon = 'hide'), 500)
- },
- fileDrag (e) {
- e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = this.uploadFileLimitReached ? 'none' : 'copy'
- if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files')) {
- clearTimeout(this.dropStopTimeout)
- this.showDropIcon = 'show'
- }
- },
- onEmojiInputInput () {
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- this.resize(this.$refs.textarea)
- })
- },
- resize (e) {
- const target = || e
- if (!(target instanceof window.Element)) { return }
- // Reset to default height for empty form, nothing else to do here.
- if (target.value === '') {
- = null
- this.$emit('resize')
- return
- }
- const formRef = this.$refs.form
- const bottomRef = this.$refs.bottom
- /* Scroller is either `window` (replies in TL), sidebar (main post form,
- * replies in notifs) or mobile post form. Note that getting and setting
- * scroll is different for `Window` and `Element`s
- */
- const bottomBottomPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(bottomRef)['padding-bottom']
- const bottomBottomPadding = pxStringToNumber(bottomBottomPaddingStr)
- const scrollerRef = this.$el.closest('.column.-scrollable') ||
- this.$el.closest('.post-form-modal-view') ||
- window
- // Getting info about padding we have to account for, removing 'px' part
- const topPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(target)['padding-top']
- const bottomPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(target)['padding-bottom']
- const topPadding = pxStringToNumber(topPaddingStr)
- const bottomPadding = pxStringToNumber(bottomPaddingStr)
- const vertPadding = topPadding + bottomPadding
- const oldHeight = pxStringToNumber(
- /* Explanation:
- *
- *
- * scrollHeight returns element's scrollable content height, i.e. visible
- * element + overscrolled parts of it. We use it to determine when text
- * inside the textarea exceeded its height, so we can set height to prevent
- * overscroll, i.e. make textarea grow with the text. HOWEVER, since we
- * explicitly set new height, scrollHeight won't go below that, so we can't
- * SHRINK the textarea when there's extra space. To workaround that we set
- * height to 'auto' which makes textarea tiny again, so that scrollHeight
- * will match text height again. HOWEVER, shrinking textarea can screw with
- * the scroll since there might be not enough padding around form-bottom to even
- * warrant a scroll, so it will jump to 0 and refuse to move anywhere,
- * so we check current scroll position before shrinking and then restore it
- * with needed delta.
- */
- // this part has to be BEFORE the content size update
- const currentScroll = scrollerRef === window
- ? scrollerRef.scrollY
- : scrollerRef.scrollTop
- const scrollerHeight = scrollerRef === window
- ? scrollerRef.innerHeight
- : scrollerRef.offsetHeight
- const scrollerBottomBorder = currentScroll + scrollerHeight
- // BEGIN content size update
- = 'auto'
- const heightWithoutPadding = Math.floor(target.scrollHeight - vertPadding)
- let newHeight = this.maxHeight ? Math.min(heightWithoutPadding, this.maxHeight) : heightWithoutPadding
- // This is a bit of a hack to combat target.scrollHeight being different on every other input
- // on some browsers for whatever reason. Don't change the height if difference is 1px or less.
- if (Math.abs(newHeight - oldHeight) <= 1) {
- newHeight = oldHeight
- }
- = `${newHeight}px`
- this.$emit('resize', newHeight)
- // END content size update
- // We check where the bottom border of form-bottom element is, this uses findOffset
- // to find offset relative to scrollable container (scroller)
- const bottomBottomBorder = bottomRef.offsetHeight + findOffset(bottomRef, scrollerRef).top + bottomBottomPadding
- const isBottomObstructed = scrollerBottomBorder < bottomBottomBorder
- const isFormBiggerThanScroller = scrollerHeight < formRef.offsetHeight
- const bottomChangeDelta = bottomBottomBorder - scrollerBottomBorder
- // The intention is basically this;
- // Keep form-bottom always visible so that submit button is in view EXCEPT
- // if form element bigger than scroller and caret isn't at the end, so that
- // if you scroll up and edit middle of text you won't get scrolled back to bottom
- const shouldScrollToBottom = isBottomObstructed &&
- !(isFormBiggerThanScroller &&
- this.$refs.textarea.selectionStart !== this.$refs.textarea.value.length)
- const totalDelta = shouldScrollToBottom ? bottomChangeDelta : 0
- const targetScroll = Math.round(currentScroll + totalDelta)
- if (scrollerRef === window) {
- scrollerRef.scroll(0, targetScroll)
- } else {
- scrollerRef.scrollTop = targetScroll
- }
- },
- showEmojiPicker () {
- this.$refs.textarea.focus()
- this.$refs['emoji-input'].triggerShowPicker()
- },
- clearError () {
- this.error = null
- },
- changeVis (visibility) {
- this.newStatus.visibility = visibility
- },
- togglePollForm () {
- this.newStatus.hasPoll = !this.newStatus.hasPoll
- },
- setPoll (poll) {
- this.newStatus.poll = poll
- },
- clearPollForm () {
- if (this.$refs.pollForm) {
- this.$refs.pollForm.clear()
- }
- },
- dismissScopeNotice () {
- this.$store.dispatch('setOption', { name: 'hideScopeNotice', value: true })
- },
- setMediaDescription (id) {
- const description = this.newStatus.mediaDescriptions[id]
- if (!description || description.trim() === '') return
- return statusPoster.setMediaDescription({ store: this.$store, id, description })
- },
- setAllMediaDescriptions () {
- const ids = =>
- return Promise.all( => this.setMediaDescription(id)))
- },
- handleEmojiInputShow (value) {
- this.emojiInputShown = value
- },
- updateIdempotencyKey () {
- this.idempotencyKey =
- },
- openProfileTab () {
- useInterfaceStore().openSettingsModalTab('profile')
- },
- propsToNative (props) {
- return propsToNative(props)
- },
- saveDraft () {
- if (!this.disableDraft &&
- !this.saveInhibited) {
- if (this.safeToSaveDraft) {
- return this.$store.dispatch('addOrSaveDraft', { draft: this.newStatus })
- .then(id => {
- if ( !== id) {
- = id
- }
- this.saveable = false
- if (!this.shouldAutoSaveDraft) {
- this.clearStatus()
- this.$emit('draft-done')
- }
- })
- } else if (this.hasEmptyDraft) {
- // There is a draft, but there is nothing in it, clear it
- return this.abandonDraft()
- .then(() => {
- this.saveable = false
- if (!this.shouldAutoSaveDraft) {
- this.clearStatus()
- this.$emit('draft-done')
- }
- })
- }
- }
- return Promise.resolve()
- },
- maybeAutoSaveDraft () {
- if (this.shouldAutoSaveDraft) {
- this.saveDraft(false)
- }
- },
- abandonDraft () {
- return this.$store.dispatch('abandonDraft', { id: })
- },
- getDraft (statusType, refId) {
- const maybeDraft = this.$store.state.drafts.drafts[this.draftId]
- if (this.draftId && maybeDraft) {
- return maybeDraft
- } else {
- const existingDrafts = this.$store.getters.draftsByTypeAndRefId(statusType, refId)
- if (existingDrafts.length) {
- return existingDrafts[0]
- }
- }
- // No draft available, fall back
- },
- requestClose () {
- if (!this.saveable) {
- this.$emit('can-close')
- } else {
- this.$refs.draftCloser.requestClose()
- }
- },
- saveAndCloseDraft () {
- this.saveDraft().then(() => {
- this.$emit('can-close')
- })
- },
- discardAndCloseDraft () {
- this.abandonDraft().then(() => {
- this.$emit('can-close')
- })
- },
- addBeforeUnloadListener () {
- this._beforeUnloadListener ||= () => {
- this.saveDraft()
- }
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeUnloadListener)
- },
- removeBeforeUnloadListener () {
- if (this._beforeUnloadListener) {
- window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeUnloadListener)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- export default PostStatusForm