mobile_nav.js (4354B)
- import SideDrawer from '../side_drawer/side_drawer.vue'
- import Notifications from '../notifications/notifications.vue'
- import ConfirmModal from '../confirm_modal/confirm_modal.vue'
- import {
- unseenNotificationsFromStore,
- countExtraNotifications
- } from '../../services/notification_utils/notification_utils'
- import GestureService from '../../services/gesture_service/gesture_service'
- import NavigationPins from 'src/components/navigation/navigation_pins.vue'
- import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
- import { mapState } from 'pinia'
- import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
- import {
- faTimes,
- faBell,
- faBars,
- faArrowUp,
- faMinus,
- faCheckDouble
- } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
- import { useAnnouncementsStore } from 'src/stores/announcements'
- library.add(
- faTimes,
- faBell,
- faBars,
- faArrowUp,
- faMinus,
- faCheckDouble
- )
- const MobileNav = {
- components: {
- SideDrawer,
- Notifications,
- NavigationPins,
- ConfirmModal
- },
- data: () => ({
- notificationsCloseGesture: undefined,
- notificationsOpen: false,
- notificationsAtTop: true,
- showingConfirmLogout: false
- }),
- created () {
- this.notificationsCloseGesture = GestureService.swipeGesture(
- GestureService.DIRECTION_RIGHT,
- () => this.closeMobileNotifications(true),
- 50
- )
- },
- computed: {
- currentUser () {
- return this.$store.state.users.currentUser
- },
- unseenNotifications () {
- return unseenNotificationsFromStore(this.$store)
- },
- unseenNotificationsCount () {
- return this.unseenNotifications.length + countExtraNotifications(this.$store)
- },
- unseenCount () {
- return this.unseenNotifications.length
- },
- unseenCountBadgeText () {
- return `${this.unseenCount ? this.unseenCount : ''}`
- },
- hideSitename () { return this.$store.state.instance.hideSitename },
- sitename () { return this.$ },
- isChat () {
- return this.$ === 'chat'
- },
- ...mapState(useAnnouncementsStore, ['unreadAnnouncementCount']),
- ...mapGetters(['unreadChatCount']),
- chatsPinned () {
- return new Set(this.$store.state.serverSideStorage.prefsStorage.collections.pinnedNavItems).has('chats')
- },
- shouldConfirmLogout () {
- return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.modalOnLogout
- },
- closingDrawerMarksAsSeen () {
- return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.closingDrawerMarksAsSeen
- },
- ...mapGetters(['unreadChatCount'])
- },
- methods: {
- toggleMobileSidebar () {
- this.$refs.sideDrawer.toggleDrawer()
- },
- openMobileNotifications () {
- this.notificationsOpen = true
- },
- closeMobileNotifications (markRead) {
- if (this.notificationsOpen) {
- // make sure to mark notifs seen only when the notifs were open and not
- // from close-calls.
- this.notificationsOpen = false
- if (markRead && this.closingDrawerMarksAsSeen) {
- this.markNotificationsAsSeen()
- }
- }
- },
- notificationsTouchStart (e) {
- GestureService.beginSwipe(e, this.notificationsCloseGesture)
- },
- notificationsTouchMove (e) {
- GestureService.updateSwipe(e, this.notificationsCloseGesture)
- },
- scrollToTop () {
- window.scrollTo(0, 0)
- },
- scrollMobileNotificationsToTop () {
- this.$refs.mobileNotifications.scrollTo(0, 0)
- },
- showConfirmLogout () {
- this.showingConfirmLogout = true
- },
- hideConfirmLogout () {
- this.showingConfirmLogout = false
- },
- logout () {
- if (!this.shouldConfirmLogout) {
- this.doLogout()
- } else {
- this.showConfirmLogout()
- }
- },
- doLogout () {
- this.$router.replace('/main/public')
- this.$store.dispatch('logout')
- this.hideConfirmLogout()
- },
- markNotificationsAsSeen () {
- this.$store.dispatch('markNotificationsAsSeen')
- },
- onScroll ({ target: { scrollTop, clientHeight, scrollHeight } }) {
- this.notificationsAtTop = scrollTop > 0
- if (scrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight) {
- this.$refs.notifications.fetchOlderNotifications()
- }
- }
- },
- watch: {
- $route () {
- // handles closing notificaitons when you press any router-link on the
- // notifications.
- this.closeMobileNotifications()
- }
- }
- }
- export default MobileNav