emoji_picker.js (11471B)
- import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
- import Checkbox from '../checkbox/checkbox.vue'
- import Popover from 'src/components/popover/popover.vue'
- import StillImage from '../still-image/still-image.vue'
- import { ensureFinalFallback } from '../../i18n/languages.js'
- import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
- import {
- faBoxOpen,
- faStickyNote,
- faSmileBeam,
- faSmile,
- faUser,
- faPaw,
- faIceCream,
- faBus,
- faBasketballBall,
- faLightbulb,
- faCode,
- faFlag
- } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
- import { debounce, trim, chunk } from 'lodash'
- library.add(
- faBoxOpen,
- faStickyNote,
- faSmileBeam,
- faSmile,
- faUser,
- faPaw,
- faIceCream,
- faBus,
- faBasketballBall,
- faLightbulb,
- faCode,
- faFlag
- )
- 'smileys-and-emotion': 'smile',
- 'people-and-body': 'user',
- 'animals-and-nature': 'paw',
- 'food-and-drink': 'ice-cream',
- 'travel-and-places': 'bus',
- activities: 'basketball-ball',
- objects: 'lightbulb',
- symbols: 'code',
- flags: 'flag'
- }
- const maybeLocalizedKeywords = (emoji, languages, nameLocalizer) => {
- const res = [emoji.displayText, nameLocalizer(emoji)]
- if (emoji.annotations) {
- languages.forEach(lang => {
- const keywords = emoji.annotations[lang]?.keywords || []
- const name = emoji.annotations[lang]?.name
- res.push(...(keywords.concat([name]).filter(k => k)))
- })
- }
- return res
- }
- const filterByKeyword = (list, keyword = '', languages, nameLocalizer) => {
- if (keyword === '') return list
- const keywordLowercase = keyword.toLowerCase()
- const orderedEmojiList = []
- for (const emoji of list) {
- const indices = maybeLocalizedKeywords(emoji, languages, nameLocalizer)
- .map(k => k.toLowerCase().indexOf(keywordLowercase))
- .filter(k => k > -1)
- const indexOfKeyword = indices.length ? Math.min(...indices) : -1
- if (indexOfKeyword > -1) {
- if (!Array.isArray(orderedEmojiList[indexOfKeyword])) {
- orderedEmojiList[indexOfKeyword] = []
- }
- orderedEmojiList[indexOfKeyword].push(emoji)
- }
- }
- return orderedEmojiList.flat()
- }
- const getOffset = (elem) => {
- const style = elem.style.transform
- const res = /translateY\((\d+)px\)/.exec(style)
- if (!res) { return 0 }
- return res[1]
- }
- const toHeaderId = id => {
- return id.replace(/^row-\d+-/, '')
- }
- const EmojiPicker = {
- props: {
- enableStickerPicker: {
- required: false,
- type: Boolean,
- default: true
- },
- hideCustomEmoji: {
- required: false,
- type: Boolean,
- default: false
- }
- },
- inject: {
- popoversZLayer: {
- default: ''
- }
- },
- data () {
- return {
- keyword: '',
- activeGroup: 'custom',
- showingStickers: false,
- groupsScrolledClass: 'scrolled-top',
- keepOpen: false,
- customEmojiTimeout: null,
- hideCustomEmojiInPicker: false,
- // Lazy-load only after the first time `showing` becomes true.
- contentLoaded: false,
- groupRefs: {},
- emojiRefs: {},
- filteredEmojiGroups: [],
- emojiSize: 0,
- width: 0
- }
- },
- components: {
- StickerPicker: defineAsyncComponent(() => import('../sticker_picker/sticker_picker.vue')),
- Checkbox,
- StillImage,
- Popover
- },
- methods: {
- groupScroll (e) {
- e.currentTarget.scrollLeft += e.deltaY + e.deltaX
- },
- updateEmojiSize () {
- const css = window.getComputedStyle(this.$refs.popover.$el)
- const fontSize = css.getPropertyValue('font-size') || '14px'
- const emojiSize = css.getPropertyValue('--emojiSize') || '2.2rem'
- const fontSizeUnit = fontSize.replace(/[0-9,.]+/, '')
- const fontSizeValue = Number(fontSize.replace(/[^0-9,.]+/, ''))
- const emojiSizeUnit = emojiSize.replace(/[0-9,.]+/, '')
- const emojiSizeValue = Number(emojiSize.replace(/[^0-9,.]+/, ''))
- let fontSizeMultiplier
- if (fontSizeUnit.endsWith('em')) {
- fontSizeMultiplier = fontSizeValue
- } else {
- fontSizeMultiplier = fontSizeValue / 14
- }
- let emojiSizeReal
- if (emojiSizeUnit.endsWith('em')) {
- emojiSizeReal = emojiSizeValue * fontSizeMultiplier * 14
- } else {
- emojiSizeReal = emojiSizeValue
- }
- const fullEmojiSize = emojiSizeReal + (2 * 0.2 * fontSizeMultiplier * 14)
- this.emojiSize = fullEmojiSize
- },
- showPicker () {
- this.$refs.popover.showPopover()
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- this.onShowing()
- })
- },
- hidePicker () {
- this.$refs.popover.hidePopover()
- },
- setAnchorEl (el) {
- this.$refs.popover.setAnchorEl(el)
- },
- setGroupRef (name) {
- return el => { this.groupRefs[name] = el }
- },
- onPopoverShown () {
- this.$emit('show')
- },
- onPopoverClosed () {
- this.$emit('close')
- },
- onStickerUploaded (e) {
- this.$emit('sticker-uploaded', e)
- },
- onStickerUploadFailed (e) {
- this.$emit('sticker-upload-failed', e)
- },
- onEmoji (emoji) {
- const value = emoji.imageUrl ? `:${emoji.displayText}:` : emoji.replacement
- if (!this.keepOpen) {
- this.$refs.popover.hidePopover()
- }
- this.$emit('emoji', { insertion: value, insertionUrl: emoji.imageUrl, keepOpen: this.keepOpen })
- },
- onScroll (startIndex, endIndex, visibleStartIndex, visibleEndIndex) {
- const target = this.$refs['emoji-groups'].$el
- this.scrolledGroup(target, visibleStartIndex, visibleEndIndex)
- },
- scrolledGroup (target, start, end) {
- const top = target.scrollTop + 5
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- this.emojiItems.slice(start, end + 1).forEach(group => {
- const headerId = toHeaderId(group.id)
- const ref = this.groupRefs['group-' + group.id]
- if (!ref) { return }
- const elem = ref.$el.parentElement
- if (!elem) { return }
- if (elem && getOffset(elem) <= top) {
- this.activeGroup = headerId
- }
- })
- this.scrollHeader()
- })
- },
- scrollHeader () {
- // Scroll the active tab's header into view
- const headerRef = this.groupRefs['group-header-' + this.activeGroup]
- const left = headerRef.offsetLeft
- const right = left + headerRef.offsetWidth
- const headerCont = this.$refs.header
- const currentScroll = headerCont.scrollLeft
- const currentScrollRight = currentScroll + headerCont.clientWidth
- const setScroll = s => { headerCont.scrollLeft = s }
- const margin = 7 // .emoji-tabs-item: padding
- if (left - margin < currentScroll) {
- setScroll(left - margin)
- } else if (right + margin > currentScrollRight) {
- setScroll(right + margin - headerCont.clientWidth)
- }
- },
- highlight (groupId) {
- this.setShowStickers(false)
- const indexInList = this.emojiItems.findIndex(k => k.id === groupId)
- this.$refs['emoji-groups'].scrollToItem(indexInList)
- },
- updateScrolledClass (target) {
- if (target.scrollTop <= 5) {
- this.groupsScrolledClass = 'scrolled-top'
- } else if (target.scrollTop >= target.scrollTopMax - 5) {
- this.groupsScrolledClass = 'scrolled-bottom'
- } else {
- this.groupsScrolledClass = 'scrolled-middle'
- }
- },
- toggleStickers () {
- this.showingStickers = !this.showingStickers
- },
- setShowStickers (value) {
- this.showingStickers = value
- },
- filterByKeyword (list, keyword) {
- return filterByKeyword(list, keyword, this.languages, this.maybeLocalizedEmojiName)
- },
- onShowing () {
- const oldContentLoaded = this.contentLoaded
- this.updateEmojiSize()
- this.recalculateItemPerRow()
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- this.$refs.search.focus()
- })
- this.contentLoaded = true
- this.filteredEmojiGroups = this.getFilteredEmojiGroups()
- if (!oldContentLoaded) {
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- if (this.defaultGroup) {
- this.highlight(this.defaultGroup)
- }
- })
- }
- },
- getFilteredEmojiGroups () {
- return this.allEmojiGroups
- .map(group => ({
- ...group,
- emojis: this.filterByKeyword(group.emojis, trim(this.keyword))
- }))
- .filter(group => group.emojis.length > 0)
- },
- recalculateItemPerRow () {
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- if (!this.$refs['emoji-groups']) {
- return
- }
- this.width = this.$refs['emoji-groups'].$el.clientWidth
- })
- }
- },
- watch: {
- keyword () {
- this.onScroll()
- this.debouncedHandleKeywordChange()
- },
- allCustomGroups () {
- this.filteredEmojiGroups = this.getFilteredEmojiGroups()
- }
- },
- computed: {
- minItemSize () {
- return this.emojiSize
- },
- // used to watch it
- fontSize () {
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- this.updateEmojiSize()
- })
- return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.fontSize
- },
- emojiHeight () {
- return this.emojiSize
- },
- itemPerRow () {
- return this.width ? Math.floor(this.width / this.emojiSize) : 6
- },
- activeGroupView () {
- return this.showingStickers ? '' : this.activeGroup
- },
- stickersAvailable () {
- if (this.$store.state.instance.stickers) {
- return this.$store.state.instance.stickers.length > 0
- }
- return 0
- },
- allCustomGroups () {
- if (this.hideCustomEmoji || this.hideCustomEmojiInPicker) {
- return {}
- }
- const emojis = this.$store.getters.groupedCustomEmojis
- if (emojis.unpacked) {
- emojis.unpacked.text = this.$t('emoji.unpacked')
- }
- return emojis
- },
- defaultGroup () {
- return Object.keys(this.allCustomGroups)[0]
- },
- unicodeEmojiGroups () {
- return this.$store.getters.standardEmojiGroupList.map(group => ({
- id: `standard-${group.id}`,
- text: this.$t(`emoji.unicode_groups.${group.id}`),
- icon: UNICODE_EMOJI_GROUP_ICON[group.id],
- emojis: group.emojis
- }))
- },
- allEmojiGroups () {
- return Object.entries(this.allCustomGroups)
- .map(([, v]) => v)
- .concat(this.unicodeEmojiGroups)
- },
- stickerPickerEnabled () {
- return (this.$store.state.instance.stickers || []).length !== 0
- },
- debouncedHandleKeywordChange () {
- return debounce(() => {
- this.filteredEmojiGroups = this.getFilteredEmojiGroups()
- }, 500)
- },
- emojiItems () {
- return this.filteredEmojiGroups.map(group =>
- chunk(group.emojis, this.itemPerRow)
- .map((items, index) => ({
- ...group,
- id: index === 0 ? group.id : `row-${index}-${group.id}`,
- emojis: items,
- isFirstRow: index === 0
- })))
- .reduce((a, c) => a.concat(c), [])
- },
- languages () {
- return ensureFinalFallback(this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.interfaceLanguage)
- },
- maybeLocalizedEmojiName () {
- return emoji => {
- if (!emoji.annotations) {
- return emoji.displayText
- }
- if (emoji.displayTextI18n) {
- return this.$t(emoji.displayTextI18n.key, emoji.displayTextI18n.args)
- }
- for (const lang of this.languages) {
- if (emoji.annotations[lang]?.name) {
- return emoji.annotations[lang].name
- }
- }
- return emoji.displayText
- }
- },
- isInModal () {
- return this.popoversZLayer === 'modals'
- }
- }
- }
- export default EmojiPicker