

[mirror] Download/Watch videos from video hostersgit clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/youtube-dl.git


  1. ## Please follow the guide below
  2. - You will be asked some questions, please read them **carefully** and answer honestly
  3. - Put an `x` into all the boxes [ ] relevant to your *pull request* (like that [x])
  4. - Use *Preview* tab to see how your *pull request* will actually look like
  5. ---
  6. ### Before submitting a *pull request* make sure you have:
  7. - [ ] [Searched](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/search?q=is%3Apr&type=Issues) the bugtracker for similar pull requests
  8. - [ ] Read [adding new extractor tutorial](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl#adding-support-for-a-new-site)
  9. - [ ] Read [youtube-dl coding conventions](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl#youtube-dl-coding-conventions) and adjusted the code to meet them
  10. - [ ] Covered the code with tests (note that PRs without tests will be REJECTED)
  11. - [ ] Checked the code with [flake8](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8)
  12. ### In order to be accepted and merged into youtube-dl each piece of code must be in public domain or released under [Unlicense](http://unlicense.org/). Check one of the following options:
  13. - [ ] I am the original author of this code and I am willing to release it under [Unlicense](http://unlicense.org/)
  14. - [ ] I am not the original author of this code but it is in public domain or released under [Unlicense](http://unlicense.org/) (provide reliable evidence)
  15. ### What is the purpose of your *pull request*?
  16. - [ ] Bug fix
  17. - [ ] Improvement
  18. - [ ] New extractor
  19. - [ ] New feature
  20. ---
  21. ### Description of your *pull request* and other information
  22. Explanation of your *pull request* in arbitrary form goes here. Please make sure the description explains the purpose and effect of your *pull request* and is worded well enough to be understood. Provide as much context and examples as possible.