

Mirror of <https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap>

pass1.sh (863B)

  1. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-22 fosslinux <fosslinux@aussies.space>
  2. #
  3. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
  4. # XXX: If you change the version of this, you must update the corresponding
  5. # tarball in Python 3.11.
  6. src_prepare() {
  7. default
  8. # Remove a bunch of pregenerated files
  9. # thanks for making these easy to find :)
  10. find . -name build.info -exec grep 'GENERATE\[' {} \; | sed 's/.*\[//' | sed 's/\].*$//' | xargs -I{} find . -name {} -delete
  11. }
  12. src_configure() {
  13. ./config --prefix="${PREFIX}" \
  14. --libdir="${LIBDIR}" \
  15. no-shared linux-generic32
  16. }
  17. src_compile() {
  18. declare -x SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1638831119
  19. default
  20. }
  21. src_install() {
  22. default
  23. rm -r "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/openssl/html/man"{1,3,5,7}
  24. rm -r "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/man/man"{1,3,5,7}
  25. rm -r "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/ssl/misc"
  26. }