- #!/bin/bash -e
- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Andrius Štikonas <>
- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-22 fosslinux <>
- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Paul Dersey <>
- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Melg Eight <>
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- # Set constant umask
- umask 022
- # Get a list of files
- get_files() {
- echo "."
- _get_files "${1}"
- }
- _get_files() {
- local prefix
- prefix="${1}"
- fs=
- if [ -n "$(ls 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- # This can be removed once Debian 12 is stable
- # shellcheck disable=SC2035
- fs=$(echo *)
- fi
- if [ -n "$(ls .[0-z]* 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- fs="${fs} $(echo .[0-z]*)"
- fi
- for f in ${fs}; do
- # Archive symlinks to directories as symlinks
- echo "${prefix}/${f}"
- if [ -d "./${f}" ] && ! [ -h "./${f}" ]; then
- cd "./${f}"
- _get_files "${prefix}/${f}"
- cd ..
- fi
- done
- }
- # Reset all timestamps to unix time 0
- reset_timestamp() {
- if command -v find >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # find does not error out on exec error
- find . -print0 | xargs -0 touch -h -t 197001010000.00
- else
- # A rudimentary find implementation that does the trick
- fs=
- if [ -n "$(ls 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- fs=$(echo ./*)
- fi
- if [ -n "$(ls .[0-z]* 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
- fs="${fs} $(echo .[0-z]*)"
- fi
- for f in ${fs}; do
- touch -h -t 197001010000.00 "./${f}"
- if [ -d "./${f}" ]; then
- cd "./${f}"
- reset_timestamp
- cd ..
- fi
- done
- fi
- }
- # Fake grep
- _grep() {
- local text="${1}"
- local fname="${2}"
- if command -v grep >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- grep "${text}" "${fname}"
- else
- # shellcheck disable=SC2162
- while read line; do
- case "${line}" in *"${text}"*)
- echo "${line}" ;;
- esac
- done < "${fname}"
- fi
- }
- get_revision() {
- local pkg=$1
- local oldpwd="${PWD}"
- cd "/external/repo"
- # Get revision (n time this package has been built)
- revision=$( (ls -1 "${pkg}"* 2>/dev/null || true) | wc -l | sed 's/ *//g')
- cd "${oldpwd}"
- }
- # Installs binary packages from an earlier run
- # This is useful to speed up development cycle
- bin_preseed() {
- if [ -d "/external/repo-preseeded" ]; then
- get_revision "${pkg}"
- cd "/external/repo-preseeded"
- test -e "${pkg}_${revision}.tar.bz2" || return 1
- if [ "${UPDATE_CHECKSUMS}" = "True" ] || src_checksum "${pkg}" $((revision)); then
- echo "${pkg}: installing prebuilt package."
- mv "${pkg}_${revision}"* /external/repo || return 1
- cd "/external/repo"
- rm -f /tmp/filelist.txt
- src_apply "${pkg}" $((revision))
- cd "${SRCDIR}"
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- return 1
- }
- # Removes either an existing package or file
- uninstall() {
- local in_fs in_pkg symlinks
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- removing="$1"
- case "${removing}" in
- /*)
- # Removing a file
- echo "removing file: ${removing}."
- rm -f "${removing}"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "${removing}: uninstalling."
- local oldpwd="${PWD}"
- mkdir -p "/tmp/removing"
- cd "/tmp/removing"
- get_revision "${removing}"
- local filename="/external/repo/${removing}_$((revision-1)).tar.bz2"
- # Initial bzip2 built against meslibc has broken pipes
- bzip2 -dc "${filename}" | tar -xf -
- # reverse to have files before directories
- if command -v find >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- find . | sort -r > ../filelist
- else
- get_files . | tac > ../filelist
- fi
- # shellcheck disable=SC2162
- while read file; do
- if [ -d "${file}" ]; then
- if [ -z "$(ls -A "/${file}")" ]; then
- rmdir "/${file}"
- fi
- else
- # in some cases we might be uninstalling a file that has already been overwritten
- # in this case we don't want to remove it
- in_fs="$(sha256sum "${file}" 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1)"
- in_pkg="$(sha256sum "/${file}" 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1)"
- if [ "${in_fs}" = "${in_pkg}" ]; then
- rm -f "/${file}"
- fi
- if [ -h "${file}" ]; then
- symlinks="${symlinks} ${file}"
- fi
- fi
- done < ../filelist
- rm -f ../filelist
- for link in ${symlinks}; do
- if [ ! -e "/${link}" ]; then
- rm -f "/${link}"
- fi
- done
- cd "${oldpwd}"
- rm -rf "/tmp/removing"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- }
- # Common build steps
- # Build function provides a few common stages with default implementation
- # that can be overridden on per package basis in the build script.
- # build takes two arguments:
- # 1) name-version of the package
- # 2) optionally specify build script. Default is pass$((revision+1)).sh
- # 3) optionally specify directory to cd into
- build() {
- pkg=$1
- get_revision "${pkg}"
- script_name=${2:-pass$((revision+1)).sh}
- dirname=${3:-${pkg}}
- # shellcheck disable=SC2015
- bin_preseed && return || true # Normal build if preseed fails
- cd "${SRCDIR}/${pkg}" || (echo "Cannot cd into ${pkg}!"; kill $$)
- echo "${pkg}: beginning build using script ${script_name}"
- base_dir="${PWD}"
- if [ -e "${base_dir}/patches-$(basename "${script_name}" .sh)" ]; then
- patch_dir="${base_dir}/patches-$(basename "${script_name}" .sh)"
- else
- patch_dir="${base_dir}/patches"
- fi
- mk_dir="${base_dir}/mk"
- files_dir="${base_dir}/files"
- rm -rf "build"
- mkdir "build"
- cd "build"
- build_script="${base_dir}/${script_name}"
- if test -e "${build_script}"; then
- # shellcheck source=/dev/null
- . "${build_script}"
- fi
- echo "${pkg}: getting sources."
- build_stage=src_get
- call $build_stage
- echo "${pkg}: unpacking source."
- build_stage=src_unpack
- call $build_stage
- cd "${dirname}" || (echo "Cannot cd into build/${dirname}!"; kill $$)
- echo "${pkg}: preparing source."
- build_stage=src_prepare
- call $build_stage
- echo "${pkg}: configuring source."
- build_stage=src_configure
- call $build_stage
- echo "${pkg}: compiling source."
- build_stage=src_compile
- call $build_stage
- echo "${pkg}: install to fakeroot."
- mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}"
- build_stage=src_install
- call $build_stage
- echo "${pkg}: postprocess binaries."
- build_stage=src_postprocess
- call $build_stage
- echo "${pkg}: creating package."
- cd "${DESTDIR}"
- src_pkg
- src_checksum "${pkg}" "${revision}"
- echo "${pkg}: cleaning up."
- rm -rf "${SRCDIR}/${pkg}/build"
- rm -rf "${DESTDIR}"
- echo "${pkg}: installing package."
- src_apply "${pkg}" "${revision}"
- echo "${pkg}: build successful"
- cd "${SRCDIR}"
- unset -f src_get src_unpack src_prepare src_configure src_compile src_install src_postprocess
- unset extract
- }
- download_source_line() {
- url="${1}"
- checksum="${2}"
- fname="${3}"
- # Default to basename of url if not given
- fname="${fname:-$(basename "${url}")}"
- if ! [ -e "${fname}" ]; then
- curl --fail --retry 5 --location "${url}" --output "${fname}" || true
- fi
- }
- check_source_line() {
- url="${1}"
- checksum="${2}"
- fname="${3}"
- # Default to basename of url if not given
- fname="${fname:-$(basename "${url}")}"
- if ! [ -e "${fname}" ]; then
- false
- fi
- echo "${checksum} ${fname}" > "${fname}.sum"
- sha256sum -c "${fname}.sum"
- rm "${fname}.sum"
- }
- # Default get function that downloads source tarballs.
- default_src_get() {
- # shellcheck disable=SC2153
- cd "${DISTFILES}"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2162
- while read line; do
- # This is intentional - we want to split out ${line} into separate arguments.
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- download_source_line ${line}
- done < "${base_dir}/sources"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2162
- while read line; do
- # This is intentional - we want to split out ${line} into separate arguments.
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- check_source_line ${line}
- done < "${base_dir}/sources"
- cd -
- }
- # Intelligently extracts a file based upon its filetype.
- extract_file() {
- f="${3:-$(basename "${1}")}"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2154
- case "${noextract}" in
- *${f}*)
- cp "${DISTFILES}/${f}" .
- ;;
- *)
- case "${f}" in
- *.tar* | *.tgz)
- # shellcheck disable=SC2153
- if test -e "${PREFIX}/libexec/rmt"; then
- # Again, we want to split out into words.
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- tar --no-same-owner -xf "${DISTFILES}/${f}" ${extract}
- else
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- case "${f}" in
- *.tar.gz) tar -xzf "${DISTFILES}/${f}" ${extract} ;;
- *.tar.bz2)
- # Initial bzip2 built against meslibc has broken pipes
- bzip2 -dc "${DISTFILES}/${f}" | tar -xf - ${extract} ;;
- *.tar.xz | *.tar.lzma)
- if test -e "${PREFIX}/bin/xz"; then
- tar -xf "${DISTFILES}/${f}" --use-compress-program=xz ${extract}
- else
- unxz --file "${DISTFILES}/${f}" | tar -xf - ${extract}
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- cp "${DISTFILES}/${f}" .
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- }
- # Default unpacking function that unpacks all sources.
- default_src_unpack() {
- # Handle the first one differently
- first_line=$(head -n 1 ../sources)
- # Again, we want to split out into words.
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- extract_file ${first_line}
- # This assumes there is only one directory in the tarball
- # Get the dirname "smartly"
- if ! [ -e "${dirname}" ]; then
- for i in *; do
- if [ -d "${i}" ]; then
- dirname="${i}"
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # shellcheck disable=SC2162
- tail -n +2 ../sources | while read line; do
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- extract_file ${line}
- done
- }
- # Default function to prepare source code.
- # It applies all patches from patch_dir (at the moment only -p0 patches are supported).
- # Patches are applied from the parent directory.
- # Then it copies our custom makefile and any other custom files from files directory.
- default_src_prepare() {
- if test -d "${patch_dir}"; then
- if ls "${patch_dir}"/*.patch >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- for p in "${patch_dir}"/*.patch; do
- echo "Applying patch: ${p}"
- patch -d.. -Np0 < "${p}"
- done
- fi
- fi
- makefile="${mk_dir}/"
- if test -e "${makefile}"; then
- cp "${makefile}" Makefile
- fi
- if test -d "${files_dir}"; then
- cp --no-preserve=mode "${files_dir}"/* "${PWD}/"
- fi
- }
- # Default function for configuring source.
- default_src_configure() {
- :
- }
- # Default function for compiling source. It simply runs make without any parameters.
- default_src_compile() {
- make "${MAKEJOBS}" -f Makefile PREFIX="${PREFIX}"
- }
- # Default installing function. PREFIX should be set by script.
- # Note that upstream makefiles might ignore PREFIX and have to be configured in configure stage.
- default_src_install() {
- make -f Makefile install PREFIX="${PREFIX}" DESTDIR="${DESTDIR}"
- }
- # Default function for postprocessing binaries.
- default_src_postprocess() {
- if (command -v find && command -v file && command -v strip) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # Logic largely taken from void linux
- # shellcheck disable=SC2162
- find "${DESTDIR}" -type f | while read f; do
- case "$(file -bi "${f}")" in
- application/x-executable*) strip "${f}" ;;
- application/x-sharedlib*|application/x-pie-executable*)
- machine_set="$(file -b "${f}")"
- case "${machine_set}" in
- *no\ machine*) ;; # don't strip ELF container-only
- *) strip --strip-unneeded "${f}" ;;
- esac
- ;;
- application/x-archive*) strip --strip-debug "${f}" ;;
- esac
- done
- fi
- }
- src_pkg() {
- touch -t 197001010000.00 .
- reset_timestamp
- local tar_basename="${pkg}_${revision}.tar"
- local dest_tar="/external/repo/${tar_basename}"
- local filelist=/tmp/filelist.txt
- cd /external/repo
- # If grep is unavailable, then tar --sort is unavailable.
- # So this does not need a command -v grep.
- if tar --help | grep ' \-\-sort' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- tar -C "${DESTDIR}" --sort=name --hard-dereference \
- --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=go=rX,u+rw -cf "${dest_tar}" .
- else
- local olddir
- olddir=$PWD
- cd "${DESTDIR}"
- local null
- if command -v find >/dev/null 2>&1 && command -v sort >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- find . -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z > "${filelist}"
- null="--null"
- elif command -v sort >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- get_files . | LC_ALL=C sort > "${filelist}"
- else
- get_files . > ${filelist}
- fi
- tar --no-recursion ${null} --files-from "${filelist}" \
- --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=go=rX,u+rw -cf "${dest_tar}"
- rm -f "$filelist"
- cd "$olddir"
- fi
- touch -t 197001010000.00 "${tar_basename}"
- bzip2 --best "${tar_basename}"
- }
- src_checksum() {
- local pkg=$1 revision=$2
- local rval=0
- if ! [ "$UPDATE_CHECKSUMS" = True ] ; then
- # We avoid using pipes as that is not supported by initial sha256sum from mescc-tools-extra
- local checksum_file=/tmp/checksum
- _grep "${pkg}_${revision}" "${SRCDIR}/SHA256SUMS.pkgs" > "${checksum_file}" || true
- # Check there is something in checksum_file
- if ! [ -s "${checksum_file}" ]; then
- echo "${pkg}: no checksum stored!"
- false
- fi
- echo "${pkg}: checksumming created package."
- sha256sum -c "${checksum_file}" || rval=$?
- rm "${checksum_file}"
- fi
- return "${rval}"
- }
- src_apply() {
- local pkg="${1}" revision="${2}"
- # Make sure we have at least one copy of tar
- if [[ "${pkg}" == tar-* ]]; then
- mkdir -p /tmp
- cp "${PREFIX}/bin/tar" "/tmp/tar"
- TAR_PREFIX="/tmp/"
- fi
- # Bash does not like to be overwritten
- if [[ "${pkg}" == bash-* ]]; then
- rm "${PREFIX}/bin/bash"
- fi
- # Overwriting files is mega busted, so do it manually
- # shellcheck disable=SC2162
- if [ -e /tmp/filelist.txt ]; then
- while IFS= read -d $'\0' file; do
- rm -f "/${file}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- done < /tmp/filelist.txt
- fi
- # Bzip2 does not like to be overwritten
- if [[ "${pkg}" == bzip2-* ]]; then
- mkdir -p /tmp
- mv "${PREFIX}/bin/bzip2" "/tmp/bzip2"
- BZIP2_PREFIX="/tmp/"
- fi
- "${BZIP2_PREFIX}bzip2" -dc "/external/repo/${pkg}_${revision}.tar.bz2" | \
- "${TAR_PREFIX}tar" -C / -xpf -
- rm -f "/tmp/bzip2" "/tmp/tar"
- }
- # Check if bash function exists
- fn_exists() {
- test "$(type -t "$1")" == 'function'
- }
- # Call package specific function or default implementation.
- call() {
- if fn_exists "$1"; then
- $1
- else
- default_"${1}"
- fi
- }
- # Call default build stage function
- default() {
- "default_${build_stage}"
- }