script-generator.c (14803B)
- /*
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 fosslinux <>
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- */
- #define MAX_TOKEN 64
- #define MAX_STRING 2048
- #include <bootstrappable.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- struct Token {
- char *val;
- struct Token *next;
- };
- typedef struct Token Token;
- #define TYPE_BUILD 1
- #define TYPE_IMPROVE 2
- #define TYPE_DEFINE 3
- #define TYPE_JUMP 4
- #define TYPE_UNINSTALL 5
- struct Directive {
- Token *tok;
- struct Directive *next;
- int type;
- char *arg; /* The primary argument */
- };
- typedef struct Directive Directive;
- /* Tokenizer. */
- /* Skip over a comment. */
- char consume_comment(FILE *in) {
- /* Discard the rest of the line. */
- char c = fgetc(in);
- while (c != -1 && c != '\n')
- c = fgetc(in);
- return c;
- }
- char consume_line(FILE *in, Directive *directive) {
- char c = fgetc(in);
- /* Short-circuit if whole line is comment or blank line. */
- if (c == '#') {
- c = consume_comment(in);
- return c;
- } else if (c == '\n' || c == -1) {
- return c;
- }
- /* Ok, we will have something to put here. */
- directive->next = calloc(1, sizeof(Directive));
- directive = directive->next;
- Token *head = calloc(1, sizeof(Token));
- Token *cur = head;
- char *out;
- int i = 0;
- while (c != -1 && c != '\n') {
- /* Initialize next token. */
- cur->next = calloc(1, sizeof(Token));
- cur = cur->next;
- cur->val = calloc(MAX_TOKEN, sizeof(char));
- out = cur->val;
- /* Copy line to token until a space (or EOL/EOF) or comment is found. */
- while (c != -1 && c != '\n' && c != ' ' && c != '#') {
- out[0] = c;
- out += 1;
- c = fgetc(in);
- }
- /* Go to start of next token. */
- if (c == ' ') {
- c = fgetc(in);
- }
- /* Handle comment. */
- if (c == '#') {
- c = consume_comment(in);
- }
- }
- /* Add information to directive. */
- directive->tok = head->next;
- return c;
- }
- Directive *tokenizer(FILE *in) {
- Directive *head = calloc(1, sizeof(Directive));
- Directive *cur = head;
- char c;
- while (c != -1) {
- /*
- * Note that consume_line fills cur->next, not cur.
- * This avoids having an empty last Directive.
- */
- c = consume_line(in, cur);
- if (cur->next != NULL) {
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- }
- return head->next;
- }
- /* Config variables. */
- struct Variable {
- char *name;
- char *val;
- struct Variable *next;
- };
- typedef struct Variable Variable;
- Variable *variables;
- Variable *load_config() {
- FILE *config = fopen("/steps/bootstrap.cfg", "r");
- /* File does not exist check. */
- if (config == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- char *line = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char));
- Variable *head = calloc(1, sizeof(Variable));
- Variable *cur = head;
- /* For each line... */
- char *equals;
- while (fgets(line, MAX_STRING, config) != 0) {
- /* Weird M2-Planet behaviour. */
- if (*line == 0) {
- break;
- }
- cur->next = calloc(1, sizeof(Variable));
- cur = cur->next;
- /* Split on the equals. First half is name, second half is value. */
- equals = strchr(line, '=');
- if (equals == 0) {
- fputs("bootstrap.cfg should have the format var=val on each line.", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- cur->name = calloc(equals - line + 1, sizeof(char));
- strncpy(cur->name, line, equals - line);
- equals += 1;
- cur->val = calloc(strlen(equals), sizeof(char));
- strncpy(cur->val, equals, strlen(equals) - 1);
- line = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char));
- }
- variables = head->next;
- fclose(config);
- }
- void output_config(FILE *out) {
- Variable *variable;
- for (variable = variables; variable != NULL; variable = variable->next) {
- fputs(variable->name, out);
- fputs("=", out);
- fputs(variable->val, out);
- fputs("\n", out);
- }
- }
- char *get_var(char *name) {
- /* Search through existing variables. */
- Variable *var;
- Variable *last = NULL;
- for (var = variables; var != NULL; var = var->next) {
- if (strcmp(name, var->name) == 0) {
- return var->val;
- }
- last = var;
- }
- /* If the variable is unset, take it to be the empty string. */
- return "";
- }
- /* Recursive descent interpreter. */
- Token *fill(Token *tok, Directive *directive, int type) {
- directive->type = type;
- directive->arg = tok->val;
- return tok->next;
- }
- Token *logic(Token *tok, char **val) {
- /* logic = "("
- * (name |
- * (name "==" value) |
- * (name "!=" value) |
- * (logic "||" logic) |
- * (logic "&&" logic))
- * ")"
- */
- char *lhs = tok->val;
- char *rhs;
- tok = tok->next;
- if (strcmp(tok->val, ")") == 0) {
- /* Case where it's just a constant. */
- *val = lhs;
- return tok;
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "==") == 0) {
- /* Case for equality. */
- rhs = tok->next->val;
- tok = tok->next->next;
- if (strcmp(get_var(lhs), rhs) == 0) {
- lhs = "True";
- } else {
- lhs = "False";
- }
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "!=") == 0) {
- /* Case for inequality. */
- rhs = tok->next->val;
- tok = tok->next->next;
- if (strcmp(get_var(lhs), rhs) == 0) {
- lhs = "False";
- } else {
- lhs = "True";
- }
- } else {
- fputs("Expected == or != after ", stderr);
- fputs(lhs, stderr);
- fputs(" in logic\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (strcmp(tok->val, ")") == 0) {
- *val = lhs;
- return tok;
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "||") == 0) {
- /* OR */
- tok = logic(tok->next, &rhs);
- if (strcmp(lhs, "True") == 0 || strcmp(rhs, "True") == 0) {
- lhs = "True";
- } else {
- lhs = "False";
- }
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "&&") == 0) {
- /* AND */
- tok = logic(tok->next, &rhs);
- if (strcmp(lhs, "True") == 0 && strcmp(rhs, "True") == 0) {
- lhs = "True";
- } else {
- lhs = "False";
- }
- } else {
- fputs("Expected || or && in logic\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- *val = lhs;
- return tok;
- }
- Token *primary_logic(Token *tok, char **val) {
- /* Starting ( */
- if (strcmp(tok->val, "(") != 0) {
- fputs("Expected logic to begin with (\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- tok = tok->next;
- tok = logic(tok, val);
- if (strcmp(tok->val, ")") != 0) {
- fputs("Expected logic to end with )\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- return tok;
- }
- int eval_predicate(Token *tok) {
- char *result;
- tok = primary_logic(tok, &result);
- return strcmp(result, "True") == 0;
- }
- Token *define(Token *tok, Directive *directive) {
- /* define = name "=" (logic | constant) */
- char *name = tok->val;
- tok = tok->next;
- if (strcmp(tok->val, "=") != 0) {
- fputs("define of ", stderr);
- fputs(name, stderr);
- fputs(" has a missing equals\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- tok = tok->next;
- char *val = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char));
- if (strcmp(tok->val, "(") == 0) {
- /* It is a logic. */
- tok = primary_logic(tok, &val);
- } else {
- /* It is a constant. */
- strcpy(val, tok->val);
- }
- /* Check for predicate. */
- tok = tok->next;
- if (tok != NULL) {
- if (!eval_predicate(tok)) {
- /* Nothing more to do. */
- return tok;
- }
- }
- /* Update existing variable, or else, add to the end of variables. */
- /* Special case: empty variables. */
- if (variables == NULL) {
- variables = calloc(1, sizeof(Variable));
- variables->name = name;
- variables->val = val;
- }
- Variable *var;
- for (var = variables; var->next != NULL; var = var->next) {
- if (strcmp(var->next->name, name) == 0) {
- var->next->val = val;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (var->next == NULL) {
- /* We did not update an existing variable. */
- var->next = calloc(1, sizeof(Variable));
- var->next->name = name;
- var->next->val = val;
- }
- return tok;
- }
- int interpret(Directive *directive) {
- /* directive = (build | improve | define | jump | uninstall) predicate? */
- Token *tok = directive->tok;
- if (strcmp(tok->val, "build:") == 0) {
- tok = fill(tok->next, directive, TYPE_BUILD);
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "improve:") == 0) {
- tok = fill(tok->next, directive, TYPE_IMPROVE);
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "jump:") == 0) {
- tok = fill(tok->next, directive, TYPE_JUMP);
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "define:") == 0) {
- tok = define(tok->next, directive);
- return 1; /* There is no codegen for a define. */
- } else if (strcmp(tok->val, "uninstall:") == 0) {
- tok = fill(tok->next, directive, TYPE_UNINSTALL);
- while (tok != NULL) {
- if (strcmp(tok->val, "(") == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (strlen(directive->arg) + strlen(tok->val) + 1 > MAX_STRING) {
- fputs("somehow you have managed to have too many uninstall arguments.\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- directive->arg = strcat(directive->arg, " ");
- directive->arg = strcat(directive->arg, tok->val);
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- }
- if (tok != NULL) {
- return !eval_predicate(tok);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Directive *interpreter(Directive *directives) {
- Directive *directive;
- Directive *last = NULL;
- for (directive = directives; directive != NULL; directive = directive->next) {
- if (interpret(directive)) {
- /* This means this directive needs to be removed from the linked list. */
- if (last == NULL) {
- /* First directive. */
- directives = directive->next;
- } else {
- last->next = directive->next;
- }
- } else {
- last = directive;
- }
- }
- return directives;
- }
- /* Script generator. */
- FILE *start_script(int id, int bash_build) {
- /* Create the file /steps/$ */
- char *filename = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char));
- strcpy(filename, "/steps/");
- strcat(filename, int2str(id, 10, 0));
- strcat(filename, ".sh");
- FILE *out = fopen(filename, "w");
- if (out == NULL) {
- fputs("Error opening output file ", stderr);
- fputs(filename, stderr);
- fputs("\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (bash_build) {
- fputs("#!/bin/bash\n", out);
- if (strcmp(get_var("INTERACTIVE"), "True") == 0) {
- if (bash_build != 1) {
- fputs("set -E\ntrap 'env PS1=\"[TRAP] \\w # \" bash -i' ERR\n", out);
- } else {
- /* FIXME early bash has buggy ERR trap handling */
- fputs("set -e\ntrap 'bash -c '\"'\"'while true; do printf \""
- "[TRAP - use Ctrl+D] $(pwd) # \"; eval \"$(cat)\"; done'\"'\"'' EXIT\n",
- out);
- }
- } else {
- fputs("set -e\n", out);
- }
- fputs("cd /steps\n", out);
- fputs(". ./bootstrap.cfg\n", out);
- fputs(". ./env\n", out);
- fputs(". ./\n", out);
- } else {
- fputs("set -ex\n", out);
- fputs("cd /steps\n", out);
- output_config(out);
- FILE *env = fopen("/steps/env", "r");
- char *line = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char));
- while (fgets(line, MAX_STRING, env) != 0) {
- /* Weird M2-Planet behaviour. */
- if (*line == 0) {
- break;
- }
- fputs(line, out);
- line = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char));
- }
- fclose(env);
- }
- return out;
- }
- void output_call_script(FILE *out, char *type, char *name, int bash_build, int source) {
- if (bash_build) {
- if (source) {
- fputs(". ", out);
- } else {
- fputs("bash ", out);
- }
- } else {
- fputs("kaem --file ", out);
- }
- fputs("/steps/", out);
- if (strlen(type) != 0) {
- fputs(type, out);
- fputs("/", out);
- }
- fputs(name, out);
- fputs(".sh\n", out);
- }
- void output_build(FILE *out, Directive *directive, int pass_no, int bash_build) {
- if (bash_build) {
- fputs("build ", out);
- fputs(directive->arg, out);
- fputs(" pass", out);
- fputs(int2str(pass_no, 10, 0), out);
- fputs(".sh\n", out);
- } else {
- fputs("pkg=", out);
- fputs(directive->arg, out);
- fputs("\n", out);
- fputs("cd ${pkg}\n", out);
- fputs("kaem --file pass", out);
- fputs(int2str(pass_no, 10, 0), out);
- fputs(".kaem\n", out);
- fputs("cd ..\n", out);
- }
- }
- void generate_preseed_jump(int id) {
- FILE *out = fopen("/preseed-jump.kaem", "w");
- fputs("set -ex\n", out);
- fputs("PATH=/usr/bin\n", out);
- fputs("bash /steps/", out);
- fputs(int2str(id, 10, 0), out);
- fputs(".sh\n", out);
- fclose(out);
- }
- void generate(Directive *directives) {
- /*
- * We are separating the stages given in the mainfest into a bunch of
- * smaller scripts. The following conditions call for the creation of
- * a new script:
- * - a jump
- * - build of bash
- */
- int counter = 0;
- /* Initially, we use kaem, not bash. */
- int bash_build = 0;
- FILE *out = start_script(counter, bash_build);
- counter += 1;
- Directive *directive;
- Directive *past;
- char *filename;
- int pass_no;
- for (directive = directives; directive != NULL; directive = directive->next) {
- if (directive->type == TYPE_BUILD) {
- /* Get what pass number this is. */
- pass_no = 1;
- for (past = directives; past != directive; past = past->next) {
- if (strcmp(past->arg, directive->arg) == 0) {
- pass_no += 1;
- }
- }
- output_build(out, directive, pass_no, bash_build);
- if (strncmp(directive->arg, "bash-", 5) == 0) {
- if (!bash_build) {
- /*
- * We are transitioning from bash to kaem, the point at which "early
- * preseed" occurs. So generate the preseed jump script at this point.
- */
- generate_preseed_jump(counter);
- }
- bash_build += 1;
- /* Create call to new script. */
- output_call_script(out, "", int2str(counter, 10, 0), bash_build, 0);
- fclose(out);
- out = start_script(counter, bash_build);
- counter += 1;
- }
- } else if (directive->type == TYPE_IMPROVE) {
- output_call_script(out, "improve", directive->arg, bash_build, 1);
- } else if (directive->type == TYPE_JUMP) {
- /*
- * Create /init to call new script.
- * We actually do this by creating /init.X for some number X, and then
- * moving that to /init at the appropriate time.
- */
- filename = calloc(MAX_STRING, sizeof(char));
- if (bash_build) {
- fputs("mv /init /init.bak\n", out);
- /* Move new init to /init. */
- strcpy(filename, "/init.");
- strcat(filename, int2str(counter, 10, 0));
- fputs("cp ", out);
- fputs(filename, out);
- fputs(" /init\n", out);
- fputs("chmod 755 /init\n", out);
- } else {
- strcpy(filename, "/");
- strcat(filename, int2str(counter, 10, 0));
- fputs("cp ", out);
- fputs(filename, out);
- fputs(" /\n", out);
- fputs("cp /usr/bin/kaem /init\n", out);
- fputs("chmod 755 /init\n", out);
- }
- output_call_script(out, "jump", directive->arg, bash_build, 1);
- fclose(out);
- if (bash_build) {
- out = fopen(filename, "w");
- if (out == NULL) {
- fputs("Error opening /init\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- fputs("#!/bin/bash\n", out);
- } else {
- out = fopen(filename, "w");
- if (out == NULL) {
- fputs("Error opening /\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- fputs("set -ex\n", out);
- }
- output_call_script(out, "", int2str(counter, 10, 0), bash_build, 0);
- fclose(out);
- out = start_script(counter, bash_build);
- counter += 1;
- } else if (directive->type == TYPE_UNINSTALL) {
- fputs("uninstall ", out);
- fputs(directive->arg, out);
- fputs("\n", out);
- }
- }
- fclose(out);
- }
- void main(int argc, char **argv) {
- if (argc != 2) {
- fputs("Usage: script-generator <script>\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- FILE *in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
- if (in == NULL) {
- fputs("Error opening input file\n", stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- Directive *directives = tokenizer(in);
- fclose(in);
- load_config();
- directives = interpreter(directives);
- generate(directives);
- FILE *config = fopen("/steps/bootstrap.cfg", "w");
- output_config(config);
- fclose(config);
- }