

[mirror] blog and personal website of Drew DeVault git clone https://hacktivis.me/git/mirror/drewdevault.com.git

foss-and-money.md (782B)

  1. ---
  2. layout: page
  3. title: Can free software be made sustainable?
  4. ---
  5. **Abstract**
  6. > Money is a tool, and it can be used to make free software work better. It can
  7. > also be used to make free software worse. In this talk, we’ll discuss
  8. > strategies for managing the economic incentives of free software such that you
  9. > can put food on your table without compromising on your values.
  10. **Resources**
  11. - [Download slides](https://mirror.drewdevault.com/foss-and-money.pdf)
  12. **Events**
  13. [Hackmeeting 0x19](https://hackmeeting.org/hackit22/schedule.html#talk-a2eb7aa1-90ac-48b9-8ac9-b16235eb2daf)
  14. CSOA Gabrio, Via Millio 42, Torino, Italia
  15. 2022-09-10 @ 19:00 local time
  16. <audio controls src="https://mirror.drewdevault.com/hackmeeting-turin-free-software-sustainability.ogg"></audio>