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japanese.md (13238B)

  1. ---
  2. layout: page
  3. title: Drew DeVault's Japanese Learning Resources
  4. ---
  5. **Note**: this is a work in progress. I last updated this page on 2019-11-12. If
  6. that was a while ago, feel free to ping me and ask me to write some more.
  7. ## Table of Contents
  8. 1. [Introduction](#introduction)
  9. 1. [Bootstrapping](#bootstrapping)
  10. 1. [Anki deck generators](#anki-deck-generators)
  11. 1. [Kanji study](#kanji-study)
  12. 1. [Vocabulary study](#vocabulary-study)
  13. 1. [Grammar study](#grammar-study)
  14. 1. [Reading practice](#reading-practice)
  15. 1. [Writing practice](#writing-practice)
  16. 1. [Listening practice](#listening-practice)
  17. 1. [Speaking practice](#speaking-practice)
  18. 1. [Conversation skills](#conversations-skills)
  19. 1. [List of resources](#list-of-resources)
  20. ## Introduction
  21. I've been studying Japanese for a few years now, and while I still have a lot to
  22. learn I feel comfortable having conversations in Japanese, without feeling like
  23. the other participant is having to be concious of the complexity of their
  24. language use. Accomplishing that had been my goal from the start; yours may be
  25. different. What follows is what I believe is a reasonably good approach to
  26. self-directed Japanese language study.
  27. The most important thing to understand is that there is no magic bullet.
  28. Duolingo, Rosetta stone, even attending a Japanese course at a local college -
  29. none of these approaches alone is sufficient to master the language. Instead,
  30. you need to identify the core skills a language learner needs to develop, and
  31. focus on improving them individually. These focus areas are listed in the table
  32. of contents:
  33. - Kanji
  34. - Vocabulary
  35. - Grammar
  36. - Reading
  37. - Writing
  38. - Speaking
  39. - Listening
  40. - Conversation
  41. - Translation
  42. You will visit and revisit these thousands of times over the course of your
  43. studies, but they are listed roughly in the order in which you will first
  44. encounter them, or at least in the order I approached them. And though they are
  45. all interconnected, they each are completely discrete skills and must be given
  46. your attention directly, lest the sum of your mastery suffer for your
  47. inattention.
  48. It sounds like a lot of work, but if you internalize these facts then you'll
  49. find it much easier to approach the language than you otherwise might. Let's
  50. say, for example, that you're finding your grammar skills falling behind, and
  51. your listening skills are suffering because you haven't internalized the new
  52. grammatical concepts, but you're fine when reading because you can take your
  53. time. In a traditional classroom setting, you're going to be left behind as the
  54. textbook and your peers plow forward with pre-defined allotments of time to each
  55. of these focus areas.
  56. However, if you study alone and you're cognisant of these independent areas of
  57. study and the approaches to each that work best for you, you can identify the
  58. areas in which you're weak, how they're affecting your growth in other areas,
  59. and the right strategies for improvement. Boldly try new study strategies for
  60. each of these areas, and boldly drop the approaches which aren't working for
  61. you. By making it a personal journey rather than a cookie-cutter journey, you'll
  62. learn the language much more easily.
  63. Remember to keep your goals in mind, and set them in the first place. "I want to
  64. learn Japanese" is too broad of a goal. "I want to have conversations with
  65. Japanese friends", "I want to watch anime without subtitles", "I want to read
  66. untranslated light novels" - these are much better goals. Adjust your learning
  67. strategy towards your particular goals.
  68. ## Bootstrapping
  69. There is a certain level of minimum competence you need to have in order to
  70. utilize language learning tools effectively. You need to do these things first:
  71. 1. Learn how to read and pronounce [Hiragana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiragana)
  72. and [Katakana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana)
  73. 2. Learn the 100 most common [kanji](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji)
  74. TODO: Generate anki decks for these. If you're reading this TODO and feeling put
  75. out, just search AnkiWeb for these and pick them out, it's not a big deal.
  76. Learning the Japanese writing system, despite being the worst writing system
  77. I've ever encountered, cannot be avoided. But, do not despair, you can learn the
  78. basics in a few weeks of memorization, and that's enough to move on to bigger
  79. things. Don't worry about being perfect at hiragana and katakana at first - if
  80. you're feeling comfortable with most of them and unsure about just a few, you're
  81. ready to move on and pick up the remainder on the fly.
  82. Do not use romaji.
  83. **Do not use romaji.**
  84. You *must* learn the writing system.
  85. In more general terms, it's important to devote similar amounts of time to each
  86. area of study while you're early in your learning. Each of these focus areas
  87. reinforces the other, and this is critical for fostering a cohesive
  88. understanding of the fundamentals of the language early on.
  89. Memorization is going to take up most of your time spent studying Japanese.
  90. Thankfully, there's a great tool for helping you do this: Anki!
  91. ## Anki deck generators
  92. [Anki](https://apps.ankiweb.net/) is an open source memorization tool which uses
  93. spaced repetition to help you review things you aren't comfortable with, and
  94. avoid wasting your time reviewing things you are comfortable with. There is a
  95. free desktop application, a free Android app, and a paid iOS app which is worth
  96. the price and then some[^1]. There's also a version that runs in your web
  97. browser, and you can sync between all of them.
  98. [^1]: I don't mean that the iOS one is better than any other. They're all worth the price and then some, but the non-iOS ones are free.
  99. The Android app is the best one in my experience, because there's no better
  100. time to memorize Japanese words than when you're sitting on the toilet. With
  101. Anki, you can stop covering the Facebook app in fecal matter and learn Kanji
  102. instead.[^2]
  103. [^2]: I also find Anki useful on trains and cars, on my couch, in waiting rooms, and so on, but like, seriously, toilet time is a gravely unexploited resource for self-improvement. Everyone already uses their phones there anyway, don't pretend you don't.
  104. Because both I'm a nerd and well enough into my Japanese studies to have a
  105. pretty good idea of how all of this works, I've written some tools for
  106. *generating* Anki decks. [You can get the source
  107. here](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/ddevlang) and use it to generate custom Anki
  108. decks catered to the specific thing you want to study, or you can download one
  109. of the ones I've generated for you.
  110. ### Pre-fab decks
  111. **Note**: these are experimental. YMMV.
  112. I've prepared a number of decks using my tools that you can download and get
  113. started with right away. Each deck was generated with linguistic terminology in
  114. Japanese (e.g. "名詞" instead of "noun"), is limited to #common words, and is
  115. ordered by word usage frequency. These are configurable options you can change
  116. if you generate them yourself.
  117. **General vocabulary**
  118. - [All common vocabulary words](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/common-vocab.apkg)
  119. - Counters[^3]: [basic](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/counter-vocab.apkg) (101 words), [comprehensive](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/counter-vocab-full.apkg) (232 words)
  120. - Linguistic vocab[^4]: [basic](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/linguistic-vocab.apkg) (58 words), [comprehensive](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/linguistic-vocab-full.apkg) (697 words)
  121. [^3]: Japanese has lots of specific words and kanji for counting things. It's similar to English words like "three heads of lettuce", "two loaves of bread", "ten grains of rice". (thanks /u/martindholmes for the analogy)
  122. [^4]: This is useful for being able to ask questions about the language, in the language. If you were worried about the pre-generated decks using Japanese linguistic terminology, this is the deck for you.
  123. **Specialized vocabulary**
  124. I generate these on an as-needed basis, as I personally want to study specific
  125. kinds of vocabulary.
  126. - [Astronomy vocabulary](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/astronomy.apkg)
  127. - [Computer vocabulary](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/comp.apkg)
  128. - [Music vocabulary](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/music.apkg)
  129. **JLPT vocabulary**
  130. [JLPT](https://www.jlpt.jp/e/) is the standard Japanese language proficiency
  131. test, often included in immigration and job requirements in Japan.
  132. Each JLPT category in separate decks:
  133. [JLPT N5 (easiest)](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N5.apkg) —
  134. [JLPT N4](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N4.apkg) —
  135. [JLPT N3](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N3.apkg) —
  136. [JLPT N2](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N2.apkg) —
  137. [JLPT N1 (hardest)](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N1.apkg)
  138. Cumulative decks, including vocab from each prior level:
  139. [JLPT N4-N5](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N4-5.apkg) —
  140. [JLPT N3-N5](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N3-5.apkg) —
  141. [JLPT N2-N5](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N2-5.apkg) —
  142. [JLPT N1-N5](https://yukari.sr.ht/anki/JLPT-N1-5.apkg)
  143. **Note**: these are generated by searching '#common' on jisho.org and filtering
  144. to the JLPT categories you asked for. Don't blame me if you fail JLPT because
  145. you used these. Caveat emptor.
  146. ## Kanji study
  147. Kanji is a bitch. If it makes you feel better, though, it's difficult for native
  148. Japanese speakers, too. In short, you have to learn thousands of discrete
  149. characters, and multiple pronunciations of each, through rote memorization
  150. alone, and alone your skills with kanji will only ever be tangentially
  151. applicable to practical skills like reading or writing. With repeated study and
  152. the application of a suitable amount of time, kanji can be conquered fairly
  153. easily. The application of time is the hard part.
  154. Personally, I found diminishing returns with studying kanji specifically after I
  155. learned 300-400 of them. After that, I switched to studying vocabulary and
  156. learning the kanji on the way. I suggest you take a similar approach if you want
  157. to reach functional fluency faster, and study kanji in particular only if it
  158. interests you. If you want to write Japanese by hand, you will have to study
  159. kanji directly, but it's much easier to use an IME to type in Japanese on your
  160. computer or phone if that's acceptable to you.
  161. I suggest studying kanji in [RTK
  162. order](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/ddevlang/tree/master/rtk.py), which organizes
  163. them by complexity, teaching you the building blocks of more complex kanji
  164. early on. On the subject of stroke order: learn it for your first 100
  165. characters, to get a feel for the general logic behind it. Then stop, unless you
  166. want to learn to write by hand. There are two useful Anki decks for Kanji study:
  167. - [All Kanji in RTK order](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1862058740)
  168. - [Writing practice deck](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1741808368)
  169. ## Vocabulary study
  170. If you can read, write, and pronounce hiragana and katakana, and have learned to
  171. recognize at least enough kanji to understand the basics of radicals and
  172. pronunciation (that is, you know what 音読み, 訓読み, and 熟語 are), you should
  173. start studying vocabulary. Pick up my [common vocab deck](#anki-deck-generators)
  174. and get started. I also recommend the
  175. [linguistic vocabulary](#anki-deck-generators) decks as well, so that you can
  176. learn the vocab necessary to ask questions about the language, using the
  177. language. Another good vocabulary deck is [this one for complementing the Tae
  178. Kim vocab guide](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/424465799), which I'll discuss
  179. more in the next section.
  180. It's important to integrate your vocabulary learning. Practice by talking to
  181. yourself (or your cat) in Japanese, and reading Japanese materials, even if you
  182. can't understand them - just look for words you recognize and see if you can
  183. remember the pronunciation and meaning. Each of the skills I've separated here
  184. are studied separately, but reinforce each other. Vocabulary boils down to rote
  185. memorization, which is the most difficult kind of study, so it's especially
  186. important to reinforce it with your other skills.
  187. ## Grammar study
  188. [Tae Kim's grammar guide](http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/) is the single
  189. best resource for studying Japanese grammar.
  190. I highly recommend studying the [Tae Kim vocabulary flash
  191. cards](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/424465799) while you're working through
  192. the guide. It's helpful to be able to read the example texts without having to
  193. scroll back and forth between them and the cheat sheets in every article.
  194. TODO: Expand on this section
  195. ## Reading practice
  196. TODO
  197. ## Writing practice
  198. TODO
  199. ## Listening practice
  200. TODO
  201. ## Speaking practice
  202. TODO
  203. ## Conversation skills
  204. TODO
  205. ## List of resources
  206. - [Jisho.org](https://jisho.org): best Japanese/English dictionary
  207. - [Anki](https://apps.ankiweb.net/): open source memorization app
  208. - [Tae Kim's free grammar guide](http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar)
  209. - [Italki](https://www.italki.com/): reasonably priced 1-on-1 video tutors
  210. - [Japanese language learning games](https://crossword-solver.io/japanese-language-practice-games/), thanks Hailey!
  211. - The "Read Real Japanese" books (thanks Dara!)
  212. - There's others, probably
  213. **TODO**
  214. - Similar page on American Sign Language?
  215. - Get better at Japanese Sign Language
  216. - Get better at Mandarin
  217. - Get better at Korean
  218. - Get better at Spanish
  219. - Make a conlang